To the Editor,
Most of us growing up were taught to believe in the law and the constitution of the united States. We all have certain morals, with pride in truth and facts. We have respect for our elders and above all, women.
With all these thoughts in mind, there is a man named Trump who is running for president in November 2024. He has none of the beliefs that we do. He looks down on the middle class. He calls all military personnel and veterans who proudly defended our country, nothing but “suckers and losers.” He has no empathy and calls everyone but white people “animals.”
Trump hates all immigrants and remember that our ancestors all came here from around the world. We are a country of immigrants, so before casting our vote, maybe we should think about these shared values. Do we really want someone like him running our country?
Gary Conway
Caledonia, Minn.
Anonymous says
Well after the debate we can all see how pathetic and cruel the democrat party is. Biden has no business running for reelection. All you Trump bashers are despicable. Biden’s wife is a disgusting human being for allowing her husband to make a fool of himself. All that woman cares about is the title and the perks that go with it. I never thought biden was worthy of the title, but this was sad.
Gerald J. Boyum says
Maybe the Republicans should use the slogan “Elect an American President!”. And I’m not talking about where a person was born. An American President places his or her country above a political party and their own personal interests. We’ve been blessed with many individuals who qualified as “American” presidents and other elected or appointed individuals starting with the Founding Fathers who risked life and limb as well as their personal belongings when they wrote two of the greatest documents ever developed by humans, our Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
Other former presidents who come to mind as American Presidents are Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower, more for his actions as Supreme Allied Commander in WWII, John F. Kennedy, and Ronald Reagan.
I’ve already listed many of the accomplishments of an American President. Other than more of the same actions of reversing what Trump has accomplished to “Make America Great Again”, what can the incumbent claim as successes in carrying out the objectives as listed in the Preamble to our Constitution?
Kim Wentworth says
If I may:
Starting from the top, “law” is a matter of perspective to say the least that’s why we have a scale when it comes to the law. No argument with the constitution in your opening paragraph. Your mention of pride in truth and facts is getting you a lil on the weeds. Respect is earned at every age and either sex. It’s not given out like a covid check.
Paragraph 2 is where you openly fall on your face. The first Trump term it was obvious that the middle class benefited from the administration’s monetary policies. Looking back to Trump’s first term it is also abundantly clear he was pro military both for the people serving and for the vast improvements made with the VA. I suspect your lil dig was a paraphrase where he hit John McCain with. As history shows serving in the military doesn’t automatically make you an honorable person. But that is fodder for a different topic. Over the yrs Trump has demonstrated enormous generosity and empathy. He doesn’t call attention to himself as many others have done.
I’m not sure on your immigrant comment in the last paragraph. An immigrant is someone who crosses our border at a legal entry point and goes through the long process of getting approved to be in our country. The amount of people allowed is largely determined by the current administration in question. An illegal alien has entered illegally, for whatever reason it’s still illegal. If you are trying to say both are the same only proves the foolishness of your argument. No human being has a right to enter this country illegally. Fools policies allow for that to get eroded.
Cody says
Where are our so called religious leaders to chime in on the gay agenda? Does it say anything in the Bible about this or are you to worried about your collection plates?
Cody says
Gerald, you are wasting your time providing facts to democrats. They are immune to common sense and truths. They care more about abortions, tranny and queer agendas. I consider these people antithetical to decent God fearing individuals. I will pray for these people to change their ways as God instructs but it isn’t easy.
Gerald J. Boyum says
I would agree with the first paragraph comments; however, I would like to see your citations to back up your comments in the next two paragraphs.
We will be electing a Chief Executive Officer of the United States and other officials in the upcoming elections. However, in all the years that we have held those elections, no organization such as the mainstream media or education system has published any criteria for evaluating candidates. Just exactly is a President of the United States supposed to do; i.e., job standards?
Here we can look at the Preamble to our Constitution. The President and all public officials, especially at the national and state levels, are responsible for carrying out what the Constitution requires as indicated in the Preamble:
1. Provide for the common dense. This is the #1 priority- failure here and nothing else would matter. Border security is a key part of National Security.
2. Insure domestic tranquility. How “free are we if we cannot safely walk or travel on our streets, sidewalks, or use public transportation?
3. Establish justice. Without objective moral truths, there cannot be true justice. We have seen “justice” that was more common in the former Soviet Union: “You find the person, and we’ll find the crime.”, “guilty until proven innocent”, etc.
4. Promote the general welfare. This means roads, airports, harbors, parks, etc.
5. Form a more perfect union. This includes all people in all states.
6. Secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. Without the “right to life”, all other rights and posterity would be meaningless.
Now let’s see who should be running the country and leading the Western world. From “Trump Administration Accomplishments, As of Jan 2021:
1. Unprecedent Economic Boom: gained 7 million jobs, unemployment reached 3.5%.; middle class family up nearly $6,000.
2.Brought jobs, factories, and industries back to the US.
3. Rebuilt and Invested in rural America.
4. Achieved record-setting economic comeback by rejecting blanket lock downs.
5. Tax relief for Middle Class.
6. Ended regulatory assault on American Businesses and Workers.
7. Secured historic trade deals to defend American workers.
8. Took strong actions to confront unfair trade practices and put America First.
9. Historic support for American farmers.
10. Achieved Energy Independence.
11. .Appointed historic number of Federal judges who will “read from the Constitution, not read into it.
12. Fully enforced immigration laws.
13. Ended asylum fraud, shut down human and drug smuggling.
14. Secured the Southern Border.
15. Restored American Leadership Abroad.
16. Rebuilt the Military and created the US Space Force.
17. Reformed Department of Veterans Affairs to improve care, choice, and employee accountability.
The Democratic Socialist Party, for its primary achievements have acted to cancel or reduce the above achievements and put their Party and personal interests above our country’s interests, especially in National/Border Security. Now who should be running our country??? Those who put their own interests and political party to the detriment of America and it citizens??