To the Editor,
Now that one of our political parties has become a personality cult of shameful values, it seems likely to disappear. In response, it is probable that the two factions of the surviving party will split, with the centrists (composed of those who prefer the stability of measured change) in one camp and the progressives (young people, and those who want to pursue rapid change) in the other, with all of us seeing value in many of each groups’ positions.
But what about the future of conservative Christianity in this country? How can it survive? It is as if the Disciples had committed their allegiance to Pontius Pilate. Like our political order, it will endure, with the spiteful devolving into a true cult while Jesus’ “pure in heart” — the merciful, the peacemakers, the poor in spirit — show the way to renewed understanding and purpose together.
Joel Lidstrom
Caledonia, Minn.
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