To the Editor,
Because of the people who work for the National Weather Service, I can check the weather forecast ahead of a planned outing and make an informed decision if it is safe for me to travel to the outing or not.
Because of the people who work for the USDA, I can feel confident that the meat I am buying at the grocery store has been inspected and is safe for me and my family to eat.
Because of the people who work for the IRS, my tax return can be processed in a timely manner, and if I have any questions or concerns I can call them and they will help me work through my question or concern.
Because of the people who work for the Federal Aviation Administration, I can fly with confidence knowing that the air traffic controllers, engineers, and safety inspectors have gone through extensive training and work hard to keep me safe when I travel.
Because of the people who work for FEMA, I will have help if I have a natural disaster happen where I live.
Because of the people who work for the U.S. Postal Service, I can handle personal business affairs but also stay connected with my family and friends and exercise my first amendment right to free speech.
Because of the people who work for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, I have a watchdog looking out to make sure I won’t get cheated when I take out a mortgage, that I won’t get tricked on the fine print when I get a car loan, that my credit card doesn’t have a bunch of hidden fees in it, and that my child’s student loan issuer won’t scam him and put him in the wrong program.
These services make life better for us.
Michelle Folken
Chatfield, Minn.
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