Having a few loose ends to tie up on their agenda, along with some new business, the Whalan City Council met on November 13, 2017, in the Whalan Town Hall for their regularly scheduled meeting.
With new LED bulbs recently installed throughout Whalan, the council discussed comments they had heard from residents. The overall feedback has been positive, with people saying how bright the lights are and how well they light up the roadways.
Council members present included Owen Lewis, Everett Johnson, Kim Berekvam, Mayor Marlys Tuftin, City Clerk Lolly Melander and City Maintenance personnel Lanny Landsverk. Council member Wyatt Berekvam was absent.
Melander read the minutes from the October 9, 2017, council meeting. With no additions or corrections requested a motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Kim Berekvam, to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried.
The Treasurer’s Report was read by Melander. With no additions or corrections a motion was made by Lewis, seconded by Johnson, to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read. Motion carried.
Visitor comments
Landsverk has shut the water off to the gazebo fountain for the winter. “It was leaking a little bit but I will take care of that in the spring,” stated Landsverk, as he explained that every spring he has to do some work on the lines.
Landsverk has also placed a cover on the outdoor faucet of the city hall, which is on the south side of the building, to prevent it from freezing over the winter months.
Old Business
Tuftin gave the council an update on the town hall door. The door installation is almost done but was slowed down as there has been an issue getting the hardware, stated Tuftin, but the hardware has now been delivered and the project will be completed very soon. Once installation is complete the door will be painted.
Two seats still remain open on the zoning board. A person does not have to live in Whalan to be on the zoning board but must own property in Whalan. Anyone interested in sitting on the zoning board can contact Mayor Tuftin or any council member.
The council discussed the possibility of getting an estimate to have the city’s light poles inspected on a set schedule to make sure they are stable and in good shape. “We may want to look at this for next year,” stated Tuftin, adding that it is a safety issue which should be addressed. Melander will research the options the city may have, as well as the estimated costs and the council will discuss the matter again at the January 2018 meeting.
The emergency siren was tested in November and it worked perfect. “It looks like that problem is resolved,” stated Tuftin.
The sander lift has been purchased and it works good, said Johnson, adding that it is real nice to have. “That was a good purchase,” commented Tuftin.
New Business
Melander and a Fillmore County deputy took a drive around town looking for any junk that has become a nuisance. There were only a couple small issues which will be addressed.
Motion by Johnson, second by Lewis, to have the city sign the FEMA All-Hazard Mitigation Plan (Fillmore County). Motion carried.
Christmas lights have been put on the gazebo by volunteers.
Snow removal individuals for the city are Everett Johnson (primary), Reid Mickelson and Robert Engen.
The next regularly scheduled Whalan council meeting will take place on December 11, 2017, at 5 p.m. in the Whalan Town Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
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