Superintendent Matt Schultz proclaimed the teacher conference held by the school over the MEA break a success as he reported to the Lanesboro School Board at their regular meeting November 9. A total of 80 teachers (38 of which were Lanesboro teachers) attended the conference which consisted of a keynote speaker at both the beginning and end of the day, as well as two break out sessions and a session of grade level meetings.
Thirty very positive surveys have been returned by participants. At the grade level session, teachers were asked to bring along lesson plans which they then shared at their grade level. Schultz noted that high school teachers would benefit from having more teachers that teach the same subject attend.
Next year, Schultz hopes to have a couple of other districts work with Lanesboro to create another conference. Each of the districts would bring their entire teaching staff; this would make the conference more robust.
When board member Dave Lawstuen asked if the date had proved to be good timing, Schultz replied that it seemed to be. If another date were to be chosen, the participating districts would need to coordinate their calendars to find a suitable one.
SMS contract approved
Lanesboro will be moving to a new employee from SMS for its business management services. The district locked in a contract with SMS for the next three years. The new employee will cost the district around $70,000 a year with a 3% increase the second and third year.
A benefit of using SMS is that the new employee will have access to the experience of all the SMS employees. Schultz noted that the plan is to expand secretarial services at the school by hiring an additional person who would work during the middle of the school days during the school year. The school has grown by a third and needs the additional services. Schultz hopes to have one of the current secretaries train on payroll. This service could then be dropped from the services provided by SMS.
Solar panels status
Solar panels which have been on order for the past 3½ years might be getting closer to installation. Schultz informed the board that the engineer had visited the past week to inspect the site and plan for the installation. The engineer estimated it would take a day or two to move equipment to the lower parking lot and another four hours to move supplies and equipment in.
The good news is that the panels are still at a “really good price.” The cost will be what the price was 3½ years ago!
New van acquired
Apparently Lanesboro Schools has acquired the last 10-passenger van in the United States, according to Superintendent Schultz. The van, which was scheduled to be delivered the day after the meeting, is two years old. The cost of the van was less than it would have been new in 2020. Ten passenger vans are now longer being manufactured. Only 12 and 15 passenger vans are available new; the state of Minnesota does not allow schools to use the larger vans in the same way the 10-passenger van can be used. The new van will replace the aging minivan next year.
Other business
In other business, the board:
• Accepted the resignation from van driver Rae Rowell; a potential replacement has been found;
• Approved a FMLA leave for daycare director Lindsay Hanson beginning around February 1;
• Accepted donations of $150 from an anonymous donor, $1,007 for scholarships, and $350 for the track program;
• Approved a grant application to MSHSL which comes from sales tax related to state ticket sales;
• Were reminded the public forum on strategic planning will be held November 28;
• Set Friday, November 18, at 8 a.m. for the special meeting to canvass the school board election results.
The next Lanesboro School Board meeting will be held December 14, at 7 p.m. in the forum room. The public is welcome to attend the meeting; a public comment period is available for people wanting to address the board.
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