At the September 20 Lanesboro School Board meeting, Superintendent Matt Schultz reported that the Lanesboro school district had been recognized for two of its ESSA numbers this year. Every Student Succeeds Act, or ESSA, replaced No Child Left Behind this year to ensure success for all students and schools. Lanesboro was recognized for excellence in overall high school graduation rates and a consistency in elementary school attendance.
A facility project community Q & A took place on September 19 to answer questions from the community about the upcoming renovations and construction that are expected to begin in May 2019. Board member Steve Snyder noted that this is the third meeting that has been held to discuss the facility project with the public, and that some of the people in attendance hadn’t made it to either of the prior meetings so this was their first one. Comments, questions, and ideas at those meetings have helped the board fine-tune the project plans. “I think it’s (the project) coming together very well,” Snyder remarked.
Superintendent Schultz noted in his report that there are approximately 15 school board policies that do not have model policies available with the Minnesota School Board Association. He will be reviewing each one and will recommend possible amendments to the board if necessary.
The Lanesboro school is still accepting applications for substitute van and bus drivers and also has a part-time van position available.
Tom Blahnik was approved as the new band teacher. “He’s doing a great job so far,” Board member Dave Ruen remarked. In light of Blahnik’s hiring, the board approved the resignation of former band teacher Katrina Chuneman. The hiring of Nicole Kirchner as the new daycare director was also approved.
The agreement to purchase education services from Hiawatha Valley Education District was reviewed and approved.
The board certified the maximum levy amount. “We can always go lower, we just can’t go above that max,” Superintendent Schultz noted.
The school received their annual request from the Chamber of Commerce for $400 to go towards the printing of the Lanesboro Visitor’s Guide Book. The board approved the request.
A school board resolution supporting the Form A application to the Minnesota State High School League foundation or MSHSL, was passed.
Last year, the board approved a cooperative agreement with Fillmore Central for a dance team. At that time, they did not approve transportation for the program as they were unsure of how many Lanesboro students would participate. Nine students ended up joining the dance team last year and nine are already signed up for this year as well. Due to the number of students participating with dance team, Superintendent Schultz spoke with the transportation director. It turns out that the times for dance rehearsal and wrestling, which is also a co-op with Fillmore Central, are similar and so the dancers will be able to ride the bus after school to Preston with the wrestlers at no additional cost to the district.
The next Lanesboro School Board meeting will take place on October 18. The Truth in Taxation meeting will be held during the December 13 regular board meeting at 7 p.m.
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