The Lanesboro School Board met via phone conference on April 16.
The agenda was approved along with the minutes of the February 20 regular board meeting. The board reviewed and approved the monthly revenues and expenditures for both February and March as they did not meet in March. The construction project bills from February and March were also approved.
Board member Steve Snyder reported that the facilities project is approximately two to three weeks ahead of schedule, most likely due to the weather and the fact that there are no students in the school to work around. Overall, the project is going smoothly.
Superintendent Matt Schultz updated the board on how distance learning is going. “We took an entire system and made it remote in 10 days,” he said. Most of the students now have internet access and school devices, but there are a few who are still waiting. Schultz ordered 30 Chromebooks two weeks ago and they haven’t arrived yet, but he believes they will be delivered this week. “As soon as they arrive, we will get them out to students who need them,” he said. The school passed out over 1,900 meals this week for students and Superintendent Schultz anticipates that that number will increase each week. “I’m really thankful we can keep providing that service,” he said. The childcare center at the school is continuing care for 8-14 children of essential workers each day.
A new school bus has been ordered and put on a two-year payment plan.
A furniture order from Duet Resource Group in the amount of $149,955.53 was approved. The order included tables, desks, chairs, cabinets, and more to outfit classrooms. The board also approved quotes for five items that were not in the facilities project contract. The quote for the gymnasium floor refinish came to a total of $16,711.50, the quote for the LED retrofit in the current building to a total of $26,960.00, the quote for new LED lamps and fixtures in the upper and lower 1959 buildings to a total of $28,150.00, and the quote for roof asbestos abatement to a total of $9,500.00.
Several of the board members brought up concerns about how to protect the new gym floor. Snyder suggested that students have a pair of shoes designated for gym use. Schultz agreed that extra care should be taken and had already planned to discuss it further with staff. Board member Sarah Peterson asked about ADA accessibility in the gym and was assured that it will be compliant.
The Fillmore County Journal was approved as the official district newspaper. Donations in the amount of $8,449.25 for the senior class and $69.00 for the lunch and milk fund were approved.
Snyder asked what would happen to the funds that students have raised for various events that have been or may be canceled. Schultz said that the school has been working with each of the families to manage the situation. He also noted that he was expecting to hear some guidance for graduation plans soon. “Until we get some strong indication of what the state’s plan is, admin is working on multiple options,” he said.
The next Lanesboro School Board meeting will be held on May 21 at 7 p.m.
Lanesboro school facility project underway

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