Photo by Wanda Hanson
At their March 9 regular meeting, the Lanesboro School Board approved a contract with SMS (School Management Services) to provide business services to the district. All the services that resigning business office manager Julie Schreiber has been providing will be covered by SMS with the exception of daycare director and COVID coordinator. An employee will be guaranteed to be on site one day a week; currently Schreiber is in the office full time. The remainder of the work will be completed offsite.
Superintendent Matt Schultz commented, “I feel like it’s a pretty good deal.” He went on to explain that SMS has a team of specialists which provides efficiency in handling the work. The contract allows cancellation with a 60 day notice if Lanesboro is not happy with the arrangement. The $70,000 contract will provide a savings over the current expense of a full time employee with benefits.
Board chairwoman Christine Troendle noted that she has had a good experience with SMS employees at HVED. Continuing education is important to SMS; the company provides extensive training for their employees. Schultz told the board that they had actually contracted with SMS to train Schreiber when she first was hired at the school.
Lanesboro School is currently searching for an industrial tech instructor as well as a lower elementary teacher to staff an added classroom.
The board approved the resignations of Jim McKay, social studies/physical education teacher, and Kim Charlebois, daycare worker, as well.
Elementary Principal James Semmen presented the academic calendar for the 2022-2023 school year. The year will have 175 student contact days with school starting on September 6 and ending May 31; graduation will be June 4.
With a goal of “growing professional development,” the school will host a teacher workshop day on October 20, the Thursday of MEA break. Teachers from other small area schools will be invited to join the Lanesboro teachers in a professional development day. Schultz has reached out to some of the school’s vendors to support the day. The plan has been well received by the Lanesboro teachers.
Principal Semmen shared that the elementary staff is looking at replacing the aging reading curriculum. A committee has been formed, each person contacted a textbook company, and requested samples. The offerings will be pared down by the committee to two companies which will be asked to present their offerings to the staff. Semmen commented, “We want a seamless process K-8.”
Superintendent Schultz informed the board that the new science standards will be moving physical science to eighth grade. With that move, students will need to be prepped for the additional math needed in physical science for MCAs. Ninth graders will focus on earth and environmental science.
Schultz shared that the city met with the school last week to discuss traffic flow and parking at the school. The contracts for upcoming city roads will be discussed at the next city council meeting. The city is making it a priority to cause the least disruption possible for the school.
The board accepted donations to the school; a scholarship donation of $3,900 and an anonymous $5,100 donation toward the senior class trip. As they gratefully accepted the donations, Troendle expressed her appreciation of the trip donation. Because of COVID the last two years, the class has had few opportunities to do the usual fundraising.
The Lanesboro School Board will meet next on April 13 at 7 p.m. The public is welcome to attend.
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