Photo by Wanda Hanson
At their regular meeting on June 8, 2022, the Lanesboro School Board examined the actual 2021-2022 budget and approved the proposed 2022-2023 budget. Superintendent Matt Schultz informed the board that $25,000 remains to be spent on the recent construction project.
The 2022-2023 budget general fund shows projected revenues of $5,458,183 and expenditures of $5,391,502 with a net increase of $124,851. As in the past, there will be a transfer of $130,000 from the general fund to community services to support daycare, preschool, and summer rec.
The unassigned fund balance represents 54% of general fund balance. The goal is to have at least 25% in unassigned balance. There is a cushion of $99,851 in the total of all funds. According to Supt. Matt Schultz, this is included to help with the possibility of increased fuel and food costs.
Items that Schultz mentioned for future needs included replacing the roof over the ag shop area ($80,000) and cooling student areas of the building.
Superintendent evaluation
A summary of the superintendent evaluation was presented by board member Steve Snyder. Previously, each board member had completed a survey; results were shared with Supt. Schultz after they were compiled.
Everyone on the board was very satisfied with Schultz and his performance. Schultz had handled the two large challenges of COVID and the construction project well. The committee meeting with Schultz suggested that Schultz work on more long-term facilities planning, a goal made necessary by the recent rapid increase in student enrollment.
Snyder pointed out that Schultz was just finishing his first year of his three-year contract.The board intends to repeat the evaluation process this year with the other administrators as well.
Other business
The facilities committee reported that they had met in May and decided not to give permission for a private business to use school property near the dam for a waterbike rental business. While the committee liked the business idea and felt it would be a good addition to Lanesboro, they didn’t think it fit with the mission statement of the school.
Supt. Schultz shared that there would be some classroom changes next year to accommodate the two new elementary classes. The 5-6th and 6th grade rooms will move and fourth grade will move into the former sixth grade room, and third grade will move into the fourth grade room. A second grade room will be in the former computer lab.
New lockers have arrived and will be installed; a curb has been installed on the street behind the school to control runoff. SPED rooms will be carpeted. The solar panels still have not been installed; Schultz was uncertain why there has been a delay.
All doors at the school are locked during the school day; key fobs will be issued to daycare families so they can pick up their children.
Schultz shared that the school is attempting to purchase a new 10 passenger van, the largest size van a school is allowed to use by the state. Apparently, no company plans on continuing to produce that size van in the future. The school cannot just remove two seats from a 12 passenger van and use that. Vans may not be kept more than 12 years by a school according to the state. The search is on for a school van!
In personnel items, the board hired Courtney Graves as a second grade teacher and Mary Bronk as a third grade teacher. Resignations of Kate Hansen and Kirsten Gjere were approved, as was the retirement of bus driver John Overland.
The resignation of Mike Willford from the school board was accepted; at their next meeting the board will discuss whether they will need to fill the position before the next election.
Schultz presented the health and safety COVID policy; there were no changes from the previous six months. (This policy must be updated every six months.)
The next meeting of the Lanesboro School Board will be July 13, at 7 p.m. in the forum room. The public is welcome to attend.
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