At the July 19 meeting of Lanesboro School Board, it was shared that the facilities committee has narrowed down the scope of the upcoming project to update, add to, and renovate Lanesboro public school and are ready for a second community meeting to discuss the plans with the public. Community members will also get the chance to see how their feedback at the first meeting had helped to mold the plans for the project. The meeting will be held on August 13 at 7 p.m. in the elementary library.
Superintendent Matt Schultz informed the board that applications are once again being accepted for the daycare position.
The board approved the hiring of Bret Klaehn as the new athletic director. A resignation from assistant volleyball coach Krissy Overland was also approved. Superintendent Schultz noted that there are eight openings for assistant coaches for the upcoming school year.
A resolution relating to determining the necessity of issuing general obligation bonds and calling for a special election was approved.
On August 29, a lottery system will open for extra grant money for schools from the state. Superintendent Schultz plans to submit the district’s budget and a project list of safety and security improvements early that morning in the hopes that Lanesboro will receive some of the funding. The projects that are on the list include a communication system, card readers for a number of the school’s exterior doors, a camera surveillance system, and interior door hardware upgrades to allow doors to be locked from both the inside and the outside.
The Long-Term Facilities Maintenance plan was reviewed and approved by the board contingent on whether or not the school receives any of the grant money that will be applied for on August 29.
The milk bid from Polka Dot Dairy was approved for the upcoming school year. The board also approved the meal rates with no changes from last year. Breakfast for K-12 will be $1.60, and lunch will be $2.35 for grades K-6 and $2.65 for 7-12. Adult meals will be $1.85 for breakfast and $4.00 for lunch. Assistance is available for families that qualify for the free and reduced lunch program. The meal prices do not apply to the snack and milk break costs, but assistance is available for those programs as well.
The Lanesboro school’s memberships in the Minnesota School Board Association and Minnesota Rural Education Association were renewed.
An auditing firm contract with Smith Schafer & Associates was approved. “They do a wonderful job from everything I can tell,” Superintendent Schultz noted. The school will pay $13,200 a year for the services.
Applications for the board seats to be filled during the next election will be accepted until August 14 and there is a $2 filing fee.
The next Lanesboro School Board meeting will be held on August 16 at 7 p.m.
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