Photo byWanda Hanson
Board Chair Christine Troendle, who is the board representative to HVED (Hiawatha Valley Education District), reported to the Lanesboro School Board at their regular meeting June 14 that HVED was moving forward to purchase the entire former Winona Mall in Winona.
Board members had received a draft joint powers agreement via email to review. All 12 HVED member districts will need to approve such a document for the HVED board to move forward on the purchase.
Troendle made it clear how long and hard HVED has been searching for a suitable location for a centralized building. She noted that the proposed site would be much closer to Lanesboro school. With a location in Winona, there will be a larger population to draw from for employees. A central location for the staff will help with cohesiveness for the staff. Troendle commented, “This is the best situation that has been found.”
Originally, HVED was only considering purchasing a portion of the building. If only a portion was bought, however, there would be requirements for expensive firewalls between the HVED portion and the rest of the mall. At this time, HVED doesn’t need the entire space; some existing lessees may be allowed to stay in the building until HVED needs the space.
HVED currently owns the HVED district offices in Winona and the SAIL building in Kellogg and leases other buildings in Caledonia and other towns. By purchasing the mall for $4½ million, HVED could sell the buildings it owns and save $57,000 a year on current leases.
For the Lanesboro District, the added taxes on a $150,000 house would amount to around $10 per year; 90 acres of homestead agriculture land would be about $8 a year, according to Superintendent Matt Schultz. Ag school credit still applies to this as well.
If the HVED member schools all agree to the final joint powers agreement in July, the HVED board would proceed with the purchase agreement at the end of July with the building ready to use in 2024.
Superintendent report
Superintendent Schultz shared that staff was busy readying a former drafting classroom to be used as a sixth grade classroom for half days. A former storage area is being converted to house the drafting class.
Schultz informed the board that the work on Kirkwood Street was progressing well and shared that he’d attended a meeting with the city regarding the upcoming Parkway project. Plans are to add a dedicated bike lane to Parkway. Schultz is hopeful that a crosswalk will be added for students to access school sports fields. The current diagonal crosswalk from the bridge will be straightened to provide a safer crosswalk. Schultz was concerned that buses would be able to make the necessary turns near the school and that access from highway 8 to the school would be maintained throughout the project.
Schultz told the board that the school had posted for an additional 1.0 PE teacher. This will free up staff to cover the sixth grade half-day position and allow the possibility of a psychology/sociology class next year.
The SPED department will be expanded to four teachers next year. Last year the SPED department had only two teachers with a third unfilled position.
Schultz detailed how recent legislative action will affect Lanesboro. General education funding from the state will increase by 4% this coming year. Mandates for training of all reading teachers (including all elementary teachers and language arts teachers at the mshs level) in the science of reading will bring a need for further professional development.
Hourly wage employees of the school will be able to apply for unemployment benefits in the summer which will likely increase expenses for the school even after a one time dedication of $135 million by the legislature for all MInnesota schools.
sWith teachers able to fully retire at age 65 and an increase in paid family medical leave, the school will incur more expenses.
The popular Farm to School grant will continue with expanded funding. With type 3 vehicles allowed to be used longer if they pass inspection, the school will be able to save on vehicles. Both of these items will save the school money.
Other business
In other business, the board:
Approved the proposed 2023-2024 budget with a revenue total of $7,524,880 and expenditure total of $7,431,042;
Approved the hiring of SPED teacher Michelle Leon and the resignations of elementary teacher Hayley Olerud and bus driver Tom Brudvig;
Accepted donations totalling $10,000 for scholarships, track, and FFA;
Approved the superintendent evaluation summary;
Heard public comment from Tamara DeGarmo as she requested more communication regarding sharing of board agendas, superintendent and principal reports; DeGarmo called it “critical to engaging our parents and the community.”
The regular Lanesboro school board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month; the next meeting will be July 12 at 7 p.m. in the forum room. The public is welcome to attend.
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