Photo by Wanda Hanson
Mike and Pauline Wangen appeared before the regular Lanesboro School Board meeting May 11 to ask for a conditional use permit of a 16’x48’ section of school property along the river above the dam. The Wangens are interested in starting a small business renting out waterbikes, which need to be in six inches or more of water for the propellers. According to Pauline Wangen, the Root River depth for the two-mile stretch above the dam is six to 10 feet with very little current — a perfect location for the pedal-powered waterbikes. The Wangens shared that only the waterbikes and a cage bike storage unit would be on school property; the customers would stay on the campground property — city parks and rec have okayed access there.
The board decided to refer the topic to the Facilities Committee. They will meet early in the week to look into insurance and liability.
Stephanie Ferschweiler addressed the board during the public comment section of the meeting. Ferschweiler has been working on a website, PowerPoint, and brochures; because of technological issues she was unable to share any of those items. She is urging more transparency for parents on academics, asking for the formation of a PTO, requesting informative meetings for SPED parents at the start of the year, and hoping the school’s website will be updated.
Ferschweiler said she was “sick of the chaos” and tired of “jumping through hoops.” A former graduate of Lanesboro School, she claimed she was just a parent struggling to communicate with the school. As the time ran out for public comment, Board Chairman Christine Troendle urged Ferschweiler to send the handouts to the board members once she has solved her technology issues.
Elementary reading curriculum
Elementary principal James Semmen reported that the elementary has chosen to focus on k-2 for a new reading curriculum. The staff has chosen Ascend; licenses will be purchased for each teacher to use to access online resources. Semmen estimates about a $15,000 cost. He stressed that he wants the curriculum in the teachers’ hands this summer so they can “hit the road running” in the fall.
Superintendent report
Superintendent Matt Schultz congratulated the track teams; the boys team took first in the recent true team while the girls team took second.
Schultz shared that on June 2 the school will be hosting training on SPED law for general educators. He also added more information on the planned Fall Small Schools Teaching Conference. HSR will be supplying tote bags, printing, and marketing for the conference, which will focus on student engagement and adult and student mental health. The speaker on adult mental health has been lined up.
The final events of the school year are keeping staff and students busy. The elementary students are taking their field trips — some to La Crosse, others to the cities. Prom is May 14 and graduation will be June 5.
Other business
The school board also:
•Hired Jake Ihrke as high school social studies and PE teacher;
•Accepted the resignation of retiring Traci Pederson;
•Approved cooperative sports agreements with Fillmore Central for wrestling, softball, cross country, track, baseball, and dance, and with Mabel-Canton for track and boys golf;
•Accepted $1,050 in scholarship donations;
•Learned that visitor sign-in sheets have been placed in the office and are in use;
•Received superintendent evaluations to be completed by board members and returned by May 20; results will be shared at the next board meeting;
•Began looking at the handbooks for both elementary and high school; the handbooks will be approved at the next meeting.
The next Lanesboro School Board meeting will be June 8, at 7 p.m. in the forum room. The public is welcome to attend.
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