Lanesboro, Minn., resident Tom Pursell addressed the city council about the issue of flavored tobacco at their September 5 meeting. Pursell asked them to consider the results of a survey taken of Fillmore County teenagers by the health department along with other studies and statistics before the council makes any decisions about an ordinance regarding flavored tobacco. “There’s plenty of reason not to allow the sale of flavored tobacco products, but there’s no reason to allow it,” Pursell stated.
The consent agenda was approved and included the accounts payable, a temporary liquor license for Lanesboro Arts, and the renewal of the brush dump lease.
City Engineer Brian Malm updated the council on the street and utility project. The major construction has been completed, and the project is now in the punchlist stage. The final layer of asphalt on Kirkwood Street will be laid next spring and striping will be done after that. Some of the sod that was laid is not doing well due to the dry weather, but Malm noted that he is working with the contractor to address that. Pay request #10 in the amount of $466,288.17 was approved.
Council member Chase Bakke gave the fire department report. The new pumper has been put into service and the old one has been picked up. The Buffalo Bill Days dance had a good turnout with 700 people in attendance. The department is looking into options to place flashing lights just outside of town to alert drivers to when the fire department is going out on a call.
The EDA is moving forward with its Chill Inn Lanesboro initiative. They are still waiting for the winter tourism report from the U of M.
David Haugen informed the council that he had recently moved some old salt in the salt and sand shed and noticed that the shed is rusting all the way through the tin in places. He requested approval to fix the north and west sides of the building at a cost of $4,228 to keep the incoming delivery of salt dry. The council approved the request.
Owner of Sylvan Brewing, Karen Heimdahl, asked the council for permission to close the street in front of her business during the Filthy Fifty bike race on October 14. Riders who finish are given a token for a free beer or free root beer with the beer being able to be redeemed at Sylvan Brewing. Live music will be available throughout the day at the brewery as well. She had spoken to the surrounding business owners, and they were all amenable to the idea of a street closure. The council approved the request.
Coffee Street Inn owner Rich Harrell asked the council for approval for a Fall Car Show to be held on September 21, 2024, at the Bass Pond parking area. The event would be held in conjunction with the women’s boutique day. The council thought that sounded like a good idea. “A car show would be wonderful,” Mayor Jason Resseman said. He suggested that Harrell and the other event organizers put together a checklist of everything that would be required for the event and then submit that to the city administrator.
Rick Lamon was present at the meeting to discuss his request for a preliminary plat. Some tweaks had been made to the plat, but none were very big. The preliminary plat was approved on the recommendation of Planning and Zoning.
The 2024 preliminary budget was reviewed. The proposed levy was amended to the amount of $943,125, which would be an 18% increase from last year. It was emphasized that the amount was preliminary only and a decision on the final amount will be made later. Resolution 2023-26 was approved with the amended levy.
The annual Truth in Taxation meeting will take place on December 4 at 6 p.m. The next Lanesboro city council meeting will be held on October 2 at 6 p.m.
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