Kingsland School Board held a regular session meeting on October 18. Members participating included Jackie Horsman, Natasha Howard, Gwen Howard, Maranda Emig, Kyle Rader, Pamela Freet, as well as Superintendent James Hecimovich. Business Manager Amber Herbrand participated via remote technology, as did interim Activities Director Laurie Hendrickson.
The board discussed a recommendation to increase the pay for at-will staff (non-union staff, including SACC staff and preschool paraprofessionals). Hecimovich explained the proposal, and summarized, “So we just want to move them up two pay scales, because they are doing the work of what many of our paraprofessionals and others do in the Gen Ed setting. So, this is really getting them to where they need to be.” The board voted to approve the Community Education pay increase as proposed, effective November 1, and with no retroactive increase.
Laurie Hendrickson, who has been appointed as interim Activities Director (due to the resignation of Mark Fitzpatrick), spoke to the board regarding her new position. She stated, “Right now, I’m just treading water, trying to learn everything that’s new.” She said she’s working on the winter sports, adding, “The basketball schedules are all set, I believe… we have all their games in. I just need to now start working on workers.” She also noted that coaches are still needed for junior high basketball (boys and girls).
Hendrickson shared that, “Ineligibility reporting has been done, and I think that’s gone well.” She added that she and Hecimovich are currently collecting more data regarding the idea of possibly having sixth grade basketball girls join the junior high team. She then thanked all the staff who have helped her transition into her new role, and she gave a public thanks to Mark Fitzpatrick, saying, “I know Mark worked hard at it during his time.”
Amber Herbrand gave a Business Manager’s report, and the board discussed Kingsland’s enrollment numbers and trends. Hecimovich stated, “We’re at about 528, where Amber budgeted. Kyle Rader asked about the multi-year enrollment trend. Jackie Horsman said Kingsland’s enrollment had slowly dropped over the course of many years, but that in the past few years, enrollment has rebounded from a low point of under 500. She noted that Kingsland’s enrollment trend now tends to see yearly fluctuations, but is generally steady. Hecimovich agreed, saying, “In the end, we’re pretty flat.”
Regarding the upcoming election (Tuesday, November 2), Hecimovich shared, “We had a snafu with our combined polling place. It will not be at the Spring Valley Community Center; it will be moved to the Wykoff Community Center. Outside of that, you see that we approved two election judges. We’re still trying to find a third. I may have to go and take the five-hour training and be the third one, because we just can’t find people.”
Herbrand gave a report on Kingsland’s financial situation, year-to-date. She summarized, “No issues with any of the Revenues, year-to-date… And on the Expense side,… Overall, year-to-date, Expenditures are down.” She explained some of that difference is due to COVID-related funds that had to be spent promptly a year ago.
The board heard a report from two FFA students. They summarized the recent and upcoming FFA events, including the upcoming annual fruit sales. The board formally approved the request for a Spanish Trip, to be taken in the summer of 2023. The Kingsland board’s next meeting will be on Monday, November 1, at 6pm, in the KES Conference Room. The board will also hold a brief “election canvassing meeting” at 7am on November 5. Kingsland continues to offer the option for anyone to “attend” via Zoom technology.
SV Resident says
Thank you for the much needed raise raise for workers !!! The staff really supports all the great things the board has been doing for the past 4 or 5 years. Change was needed and change came thank God! Keep up the good work!