On January 22, all Kingsland School Board members (Board Chair Jackie Horsman, Maranda Emig, Natasha Howard, Tiffany Mundfrom, Noella Lund, and Kyle Rader) were present for a regular meeting of the board. Superintendent James Hecimovich was absent. No citizens attended to address the board. Also, due to school being canceled for the day, student representatives were not in attendance to represent the FFA, Student Council, nor Key Club.
The board approved the consent agenda items, including several staffing updates. Matthew Peterson is being hired as evening custodian. Jade Smith (part-time SACC assistant) and Lisa Vorwerk (SPED paraprofessional) are resigning. A lane change was approved for Baily Zanish (increasing to MA level).
Jackie Horsman gave an overview of information submitted in a number of written reports from Kingsland staff. She pointed out that Principal Scott Klavetter’s report mentioned that, “Victim Services from Fillmore County will be at Kingsland on February 13 for an annual program to educate students, to attempt to help prevent sexual child abuse. It will be for grades five, seven and eight.” She pointed out that Minnesota law now requires public schools to provide some type of education/training on this topic, but she added that “Parents do have the option to opt out” of having their child participate. She also mentioned that, “Scott (Klavetter) and Jim (Hecimovich) are working on a draft of the calendar for the 2020/2021 school year, with feedback from the Pre-K through 12 leadership team.” She added that the calendar draft will be designed to mesh with the consortium calendar, as much as possible.
In summarizing the report from Becky Bicknese (Community Education), Horsman stated, “The Washington DC trip is a go… and they’re working on the company to schedule a packing meeting for the students and parents attending.” Horsman also pointed out highlights from Business Manager Amber Uhlenhake’s report and said Amber will give the board an in-depth budgetary report at one of the board’s meetings in February. Horsman also shared that Activities Director Reid Olson is working on creating an updated schedule rotation for replacement of uniforms for Kingsland’s athletic teams.
The board offered public thanks to several donors, including Lyle Kruegel ($2,000 to Band Boosters), Kingsland Athletic Booster Club ($3,000 to the courtyard project), Spring Valley Area Sportsmen’s Club ($1,460 to the trap team), Steve and Alyssa Himle ($40 to the trap team), Rick and Janelle Rowe ($10 to the trap team), and Valley Lanes ($1,175 to the KES Action 100 program).
The board selected Kyle Rader to serve as board clerk, and Maranda Emig to serve as board treasurer. The proposed 2020 senior class trip (to South Dakota) was formally and unanimously approved by the board, as previously presented to the board for consideration.
The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. The board’s next meeting will be a “work session” on Monday, February 3 at 6 p.m. in the elementary conference room. Due to schedule conflicts of several board members, the next regular meeting will be held on Thursday, February 20, at 6:30 p.m. in the choir room. As always, the public is welcome at all open meetings.
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