On January 20, the Kingsland School Board held a regular meeting, with all board members in attendance (Natasha Howard, Maranda Emig, Kyle Rader, Jackie Horsman, Gwen Howard, Pamela Freet). Also in attendance were Superintendent Jim Hecimovich, Principal Scott Klavetter, Athletic Director Mark Fitzpatrick, and Business Manager Amber Herbrand. No members of the general public addressed the board.
The board returned to a matter that has been discussed at several meetings over the past few months. Superintendent Hecimovich informed the board that the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) is still billing an additional “COVID fee” to all members schools, even though many schools have objected on principle.
Hecimovich said most, if not all, of the area schools have refused to pay the additional fee, since there hasn’t been an adequate explanation of the reason for the fee, nor any explanation of what services are being provided for the fee. He said his opinion is that Kingsland should not pay the fee, but he would act at the direction of the board. After discussion, the board voted to refuse to pay the additional $2,500 fee.
Athletic and Activities Director Mark Fitzpatrick shared that for basketball, “We are looking at how we can have spectators as the guidelines are different and we need a great distance from the court. Al the athletes must be wearing mask during the games and practices.” He said the mask requirement also applies to the dance team.
Superintendent Hecimovich submitted a written report that included, on the topic of the pandemic and the learning model, “The million dollar question will be when can we move to full in-person learning. My hope is February, but we will take it one step at a time.”
Hecimovich added, “On the learning (model) update, when it comes to the high school, a lot of people have questions… again we’re going to get elementary back in person. The high school is a different animal. I really have to go through the regional support team… they will dictate and let us know when we can return back to full in-person… I’m hoping February sometime.”
Hecimovich shared that Kingsland is being allowed to have three staff members vaccinated against COVID-19, and possibly up to 10 more staff, in the near future. Gwen Howard asked how Fillmore County is assuring that second doses will be available for persons who receive their first dose. Hecimovich said the county is prohibited from using second doses for any other purpose.
Building and Grounds Director Jason Thompson submitted a report that stated the furnace in the bus garage died on December 21, but a temporary heater was installed on December 24. Thompson is in the process of getting price quotes for a replacement furnace. Becky Bicknese (Community Education) submitted a report that stated preschool expects to be in hybrid model throughout January, and then expects to switch to fully in-person for February.
Business Manager Amber Herbrand gave a current year budgetary update. She stated that year-to-date revenues are around $1.9 million, and expenses are around $2.3 million. She explained that part of the gap is due to the State of Minnesota lagging behind in general education disbursements.
Medical leave (FMLA) was approved for Baily Zanish (fourth grade teacher), and resignations of Ron Neis (van driver) and Brent Kohn (head golf coach) were accepted. The board approved hiring Skyler Boley (full-time day custodian) and Cori Ronnenberg (second semester full-time sub).
The board accepted with gratitude donations from the Janet Kappers family and Midwest Dairy (meat and cheese trays for staff, and an assortment of gifts), Nathan Redman ($100 to girls basketball), Casey’s ($18 to high school student council, $101.20 to elementary student council), and Chuck and Maranda Emig ($500 to robotics).
The board’s next meeting will be February 16, at 6 p.m.
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