On March 16, the Kingsland School Board met in regular session at 6:30 p.m., after a short emergency session to discuss changes due to the coronavirus. Members present included Board Chair Jackie Horsman, Maranda Emig, Natasha Howard, Noella Lund, and Kyle Rader. Superintendent James Hecimovich and Principal Scott Klavetter were also in attendance. Tiffany Mundfrom was absent.
During the special meeting, there was discussion about the School Age Child Care program (SACC), and Principal Klavetter explained that, to comply with guidelines about keeping groups smaller, “We actually have three classrooms where you’re able to get from one room to the next, so our plan is to use all three of these spaces.” He also added that some additional staff who do not normally work in SACC may be brought in, as another way to keep groups as small as possible, to help prevent the spread of illness. He said the plan currently is to only use high school SACC staff during their traditional 3-6 p.m. timeslot.
Eva Barr addressed the board, saying, “I’m coming on behalf of Wykoff Commons LLC, which is a new organization that has organized around repurposing the old school building.” She explained that the group recognizes that Kingsland is in need of additional gym space, and she suggested that perhaps Kingsland could use Wykoff’s newer gym, adding, “So we would like to open a conversation about what might be the school’s needs, and if there’s any room for even this type of conversation.” She further stated that Wykoff Commons “needs to have some income stream coming in,” and that other options will be considered if Kingsland isn’t interested.
Jackie Horsman replied to Barr, stating in part, “We recognize that we have gym space needs, but we also recognize that we don’t have funds to get gym space elsewhere… we’re not in the business of paying for space.” Horsman said that as always, Kingsland will have to plan and save to build additional gym space, as necessary, to meet the district’s needs.
The board approved several staffing updates, including hiring Sue Wilson as grade seven softball coach, resignations of Michelle Reichstadt (administrative assistant to the superintendent), Alex Michenfelder (K-12 Music), Vicky Quimby (DCD SMEC paraprofessional), and Angela Evers (paraprofessional); and a 10-day paternity leave for Brent Stinson.
Public thanks was given for recent donations, including everyone who gave treats/cards/signs for School Bus Drivers Appreciation Day, Knights of Columbus Council 13609 ($300 for English class to attend a play, although the trip had to be canceled due to coronavirus restrictions), Midway USA Foundation ($1,048 for trap team), Ody’s Meats (food donation for Father/Daughter Dance), and Girl Scout Troop 44574 (volunteer help at Father/Daughter Dance).
Business Manager Amber Uhlenhake submitted a written report, which included that year-to-date revenues total roughly $3,260,000 (about $107,000 behind last year), while expenses are at roughly $3,385,000 (about $267,000 less than at this point last year). Regarding the upcoming fiscal year, she said she’s awaiting legislative updates from the state.
Principal Klavetter reported to the board that, “I was recently notified by a representative from Casey’s General Stores that Kingsland Elementary School has been selected to receive a $2,500 donation as part of the company’s efforts to promote the new Casey’s Rewards program.” He said that although the promotional photo opportunity has been postponed, Casey’s is sending the check to Kingsland now, so that the funds can be put to use as soon as needed.
Superintendent Hecimovich stated that one possible “silver lining” to the current school closure is that some upgrades to Kingsland’s heating and ventilation (HVAC) system may be completed sooner than expected, since the work crew will not have to schedule around times the school would be occupied by students. The next regular meeting of the board will be a work session on Monday, April 6 at 6 p.m. in the elementary conference room. As always, the public is welcome at all meetings, other than special closed meetings.
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