The Kingsland School Board met on June 20 for a regular meeting. Members present included Pam Freet, Cindy Seabright, Maranda Emig, and Jackie Horsman. Also participating were interim Superintendent Gary Kuphal, Principal Scott Klavetter, Laurie Hendrickson, and Business Manager Amber Herbrand (Herbrand participated via remote technology).
The board returned to a discussion of offering a community open house event, as a means of educating the public about what a school board does, and also to inform anyone interested in possibly becoming a candidate for openings on the board. Although the board had indicated wanting to hold such an event, the details had not yet been worked out.
Kuphal reported to the board on an option he found. He shared that Bruce Klaehn, retired superintendent from Dover-Eyota, has made presentations to other school boards/communities, and would charge $250 for one such session. Kuphal said Klaehn would also help promote the event, if scheduled. Kuphal shared a few of Klaehn’s questions to the board, if the board chooses to schedule him for a presentation.
Board members expressed their preference that the event be held off campus, and there was discussion about whether or not to pay some outside person to lead the event. Pam Freet shared her opinion, stating, “If we want to get the word out there, I think we need to spend the money.”
Regarding the timing of the event, Kuphal suggested that it’s wise to schedule shortly before the upcoming filing dates for school board openings. Anyone wanting to run for school board must file between August 2 and 16. Although a site and date have not yet been finalized, the board chose to move forward with three proposed options for such an event. The preferred dates are, ranked in order of preference, July 20, July 28, and July 27. Kuphal will coordinate with Klaehn on his availability, and a suitable venue will be sought.
The board resumed a previous discussion about the process of rehiring former full-time employees into part-time roles. It was discussed that often, a retiring employee may be interested in serving in a very part-time role for the school district, such as working in a ticket booth at sports games. As previously reported by Amber Herbrand, this can create a potential financial problem for the district, since insurance must be offered to any such employees who return to work within certain specific timelines.
Kuphal recommended the board rescind Policy 430, which explains Kingsland’s current process for rehiring former full-time employees back at a part-time level. Horsman stated, “The board and the district have to follow policy. There isn’t gray area. The rules don’t change for anybody. So myself, I like the idea of rescinding the policy but making sure that administration is directed to keep track of that so we don’t get in the situation” (of having to offer insurance). The board voted to rescind the policy, which means former full-time eployees will not be rehired at any level until the appropriate timespan has elapsed (in many cases, that’s 26 weeks).
The board again discussed making sure that the various Kingsland handbooks match up with Kingsland policy. Kuphal pointed out, “Our policy says specifically, a student may not participate in any activity or program if he or she has an unexcused absence from any class during the day. It’s in our policy. I would recommend that we have it in our activities handbook so it spells that out.” The board consensus was to continue making such corrections, so that policies and handbooks will agree.
Regarding meal prices, the board voted to increase all student meal pricing by 10 cents. Milk and juice prices will also increase by 10 cents. Adult breakfast will increase to $2.65 and adult lunch to $4.60.
Amber Herbrand gave a summary of the proposed Preliminary Budget for the upcoming school year. She said that it’s based on “a lot of unknowns” and is “a best guess” at this time, since some enrollment and revenue numbers are not finalized. The board approved the budget as submitted.
Due to the Independence Day holiday, Kingsland’s next school board meetings will be a monthly “work session” on Wednesday, July 6 at 6 p.m.
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