The Kingsland School Board met in regular session on the evening of February 13. The meeting began with a roll call. Carmen Anderson, Gary Broadwater, Pam Freet, Kyler Rader, Cindy Seabright and Steve Tammel were all present, as well as Superintendent Scott Klavetter.
Board members had no additions to the meeting’s agenda. The board started with giving thanks for recent donations to the school. Scott Mullholland and Stephanie Derby gave a $35 donation to the library in memory of Diane Swenson. Valley Lanes bowling alley gave $500 to the school’s robotics team. An AED device, with a value of $1,370, was graciously donated by Dan and Karen Miller, in memory of their son, Aiden Miller. Goodies and Gas of Wykoff donated $100 to the Washington, D.C. trip for the bingo supper. The money will be used for food and prizes. The board voted and approved of the donations.
Staff updates
There have been no new hires recently. High school art teacher, Skylin Vaith, and activities director Laurie Hendrickson are scheduled to resign at the end of the school year. Laura Lanning, currently on a leave of absence, is scheduled to return at the end of February. The probationary period for a paraprofessional at the school will be ending on February 8, effectively opening up a new position for a paraprofessional.
Business manager updates
Klavetter shared that, being halfway through the school year, they are remaining on track with the budget. The report was optimistic; current revenue is higher than expected, and expenses are tracking to be a fair bit less. An amended budget for the next fiscal year is being drafted and is expected to be reviewed and voted on in next month’s meeting. The board is required to have an adopted budget prepared by the end of June. Work began on the amended budget last week.
New Business
The board approved a fee increase for preschool and SACC. Historically, the preschool rates have been raised every other year. The preschool prices will increase by $10 across the board when compared to last year’s rates. The SACC fees, which have been unchanged for a decade, will increase from $2.75 per hour to $2.85 per hour.
The board voted and approved to open a new position for a special education paraprofessional. The job would be through the end of the current school year. The board also approved a position for a general education paraprofessional. This job would also run through the end of the current school year.
The calendar for the 2023/2024 school year was presented. School will begin the day after Labor Day, and the last day will be May 30. Graduation will be the following day, May 31. Superintendent Klavetter took time to note that with it being a leap year, there will be a day off on the Friday before Presidents Day. The calendar was approved as presented.
Kingsland’s Health and Wellness Policy was presented for approval. Board member Pam Freet inquired as to the purpose of this report. Superintendent Klavetter explained that they are required to have policies in place to promote healthy living in both staff and students. There is also a policy that the board reviews and approves the wellness policy annually. The school’s board approved the Health and Wellness Policy with no further discussion.
Next meetings
The next regular board meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 20 at 6 p.m. in the school’s elementary conference room. A work session meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 6 at 6 p.m., which will also be in the elementary conference room.
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