The Kingsland School Board met in regular session on October 17. Members present included Cindy Seabright, Maranda Emig, and Kyle Rader. Superintendent Scott Klavetter also participated. Natasha Howard was absent.
“We are going to be starting after school programs, much like we did last year, starting here after MEA. So Dusty’s been working on, and is pretty much ready to roll on transportation for that… Another thing… is they are working together with the Spring Valley Library. The library was wanting to get some programming” (to run throughout the school year). Klavetter said library programming is well attended by students during the summer, and there’s a wish to offer programming to continue bringing kids to the library after school.
Klavetter continued, “Wednesdays are always kind of tricky for us because the students are dismissed at 2.” He said that as colder weather arrives, an indoor option for kids would be very beneficial. So, there is discussion about offering transportation both directions for middle school students to attend after school programming on Wednesdays at the public library.
Klavetter updated the board on progress on the gym roof. He explained that the “temporary fix” has been done. Pavers have been placed on the roof, to prevent any further wind damage over the winter, and the permanent fix will be done in 2023.
In describing recent donations, Superintendent Klavetter explained, “Kevin Hendrickson donated $100 to the Halloween party and meal fundraiser for the Washington, D.C. trip. That one is kind of a seed money; it’s a fundraiser that is going to be done over Halloween… in order to do a meal, you have to start with the food, and he donated the start-up cost for the treats and stuff, and the earnings will go to the Washington DC trip.” The board gratefully acknowledged this and all recent donations.
The board discussed how to “advertise” for applicants for the currently vacant seat on the school board. The board agreed that a combination of free options (such as the school’s website, and possibly postings on community bulletin boards) and paid advertising (in local newspapers) is the best approach. The board expects to make a final decision on appointing someone to the board during the regular meeting on November 21.
The board approved the Riverland PSEO (Post Secondary Educational Opportunity) Agreement for 2023. Rader stated, “I read it earlier today. It seems pretty reasonable, and in line with what everybody else is doing near us.”
In a minor correction, the board formally approved the hiring of Katie Hershberger as ECFE Student Assistant. This had previously been incorrectly posted.
Kingsland’s next school board meeting will be a work session meeting on Monday, November 7 at 6 p.m. at the Kingsland Elementary conference room. The board will hold a special meeting to canvass the election results on November 14 at noon, and a regular meeting on November 21. The public is welcome at all meetings other than special closed meetings.
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