By Flip Huggenvik
Big Spring (Harmony), MN
Jason Dahl was the Captain on United Flight 93 that crashed on September 11. Jason was my friend. I was also a Captain for United Airlines. Jason and I worked together as instructor pilots for United at the training center in Denver, Co. The Muslim terrorists that took out the four flights that day were considered “radical” Islamic. Fifteen of the 19 were Saudi.
Recently a Saudi pilot-in-training at the Naval Air Station Pensacola killed three Americans. Why did he kill? The same reason the terrorists did on 9/11. The Islamic Quran commands it.
How can the majority of Muslims claim it is a peaceful religion? Because… most have not read the Quran, or the “Hadiths” that expound on the verses in the Quran and the life of the prophet Mohammed. The culture of Eastern Muslims is to rely on and believe what those in authority say. And most of the leaders, or Imams, proclaim an innocent and tolerant version of the Quran and Mohammed. Obedience is a sacred trait of the Muslim faith. The word Islam means “to surrender.”
There are peaceful chapters or “Surahs” in the Quran. They were “revealed” to Mohammed in a cave called Hira near Mecca in 610 A.D. Mohammed’s god, Allah, wanted to correct the Jewish Old Testament and the Christian’s New Testament (with Jesus as part of a Triune God.) His gentle and tolerant Meccan revelations were intended to bridge the gap between Jews and Christians, winning both over to Allah’s “correction.” It didn’t work.
Mohammed was run out of town. He went to Medina. It was in Medina where the rest of the Quran was revealed to him by Allah. And there was a marked change. The Surahs became violent. And Mohammed became violent. He beheaded Jews. He fought wars. He raided and killed. He took “booty” in his victories. And the booty included human captives. Women. Unspeakable acts were allowed that I will not include here. You can read them for yourself… Surah 4:24, 23:5, 70:29.
This sexual injustice is reprehensible, but Allah wills it.
All of this was commanded by his Allah in the Medina Surahs. And those chapters in the Quran still apply today. It is not “radical” Islam. It is just Islam.
The hostile Medina Quran calls for Muslims to kill anyone who leaves the Islamic faith. Also, Medina Surah 9:5 command Muslims to “kill the infidels (non-Muslims) wherever you find them and take them as captives and besiege them and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush so if they repent (and become Muslim) and perform prayer, leave their way free.” Convert or die, and many other violent commands.
Allah also revealed to Mohammed…. If one is quoting from an early Meccan Surah and there is a contradicting Surah given later in Medina, the Meccan quote is no longer valid. It is called the Doctrine of Abrogation. This abrogation applies to 60% of the Quran. The early peaceful Surahs of Mecca no longer apply, but they are still in the Quran! And the Quran is not written in chronological order, so the reader can’t say which Surah is applicable. So peace-loving Muslims can claim Islam to be peaceful! And Medina Muslim followers can justify violence and killing! All in the name of Allah.
The unpleasant truth is that the Quran teaches faithful Muslims to be at war with non-Muslims until they are all subdued. That is one wacky religion.
Glenville Gerun says
Who is GOD?
600AD allah 98:6 hate, 7:4 destroy, 33:26 kill, 65:4 pedophilia, 4:34 beat women to death, 78:33 sex delusions, 37:48 delusions, 38:52 delusions, 56:36 virgin delusions
GOD IS JESUS LOVE IN THE FLESH, NOT allah 98::6 hate, 7:4 destroy, 33:26 kill, 65:4 pedo, 4:34 beat women, 78:33 voluptuous women delusions, 38:52 delusions, 37:48 delusions, 56:36 virgin delusions, is written proof no allah is obviously mohamad’s hoax god, has no right to exist; WORLD REFERENDUMS ABOLISH GODLESS “670 million massacred” genocide islam completely saves the world, including baptized born again Muslims.
Glenville Gerun says
ALL muslims WILL MEET ANGEL GABRIEL “The angels sever the wicked from among the just. And cast them into the furnace of fire.” SAINT MATTHEW 13:49-50.
Anonymous says
Funny how you didnt show the verse that came right after that.
[9:6] If one amongst the Pagans ask thee for asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear the word of Allah; and then escort him to where he can be secure. That is because they are men without knowledge.
But I guess if people are taking their information from a site like this, they arent really all that interested in the truth.
Anonymous says
There is good and bad in people of all races, religions, etc and this applies to Muslims too. However, there are terrorists like hamas, who believe that all Jews should be killed (along with other insane beliefs about how to treat women, etc), and have demonstrated this attitude with their insane acts like the current murdering of innocent civilians. They walked into their homes and killed young mothers, just because they are Jewish, and killed scores of concert-goers, just because the concert was in Israel. The whole reason why Israel treats the Gaza strip like they do is because they have to, for self preservation.
For the “humanitarian” groups who voice concern for the welfare of these people, they must simply be told “tough shit”; hamas has made this a war. and now that Israel must counter-attack to protect themselves from future terrorism in that region, there will be collateral damage (Israel does NOT target civilians) that war always brings and the time for whining about human rights comes after the war is over, (just like when Britain, Canada, USA et al had to counter attack the nazi scum in WWII and caused enormous collateral damage in Germany).
Anonymous says
You’re brainwashed. Hamas are freedom fighters fighting against Nazism. zionists aren’t Jews because what they’re doing contradict Judaism. You wouldn’t know since you’re too brainwashed to think simple.
Jaap Bossinade says
Most people know Hamas are criminals and Israelish are good, normal people!
Anonymous says
Ur. Stupid, ! People r dying more in Gaza because of Israel, they are killing them for no reason
cathy says
Muslim islam is man made evil belief made up book it is nothing more than a book for terrorists Qur’an . Arab muslims are demon possessed people full of pure evil and haters of jews and hate americans . Iran backs all these terrorists attacks
Glenville Gern says
mohamad fooled himself, used his tribes star/moon/meteorite idolatry to get away with murder & pedo Aisha & deny his ETERNAL GOD THE FATHER & SON JESUS LOVE WAS CRUCIFIED TO SAVE MANKIND FROM SIN, RESURRECTION-ASCENT INTO HEAVEN SAINT LUKE 24:51-53, EYE WITNESSED IS THE SAME FOR BAPTIZED CATHOLICS.
Anonymous says
1. Pagan is by definition worshipping gods, many different gods like in ancient Greek.
If that so, why muslims want to kills Jews & Christians? Jews & Christians doesn’t worship gods like paganism.
2. Even if a paganism after your preaching does not willing to listen to you, and doesn’t do anything harm to you & others is that justify you to kill a human? What kind of teaching is that?
I’m not saying there are no good Muslims that understood context and balance their understanding with moral part of the Muslim teaching.
What every ones need to understand and acknowledge is that the teaching inside Muslim book are prone to be used by evil preachers to indoctrinate their followers with hatreds and even to rage for angers to kill others who have different view to them.
Those evil preachers with hatreds & politically motivated, along with the unruly & full of hatreds angry protesters have put negative perceptions of the peoples around the world.
Anonymous says
Death to Islam, and all the horrible, war torn places that Muslims have ruined on this earth.
Nawal Shahid says
Islam continues to grow, both by birth rate and by the number of people converting. So keep seething. And you want to talk about war torn places? it was america that waged brutal, illegal wars in the middle east murdering millions. if you weren’t a brainwashed fool, maybe you’d know that.
Glenville Gerun says
narwal muslims “670 million massacred” innocent martyrs for 65:4 pedophile sex, 4:3 polygamy sex, 4:34 beat women to death, 78:33 sex delusions, 37:48 delusions, 38:52 delusions, 56:36 virgin sex delusions is written proof allah is a delusion, is mohamad’s koran hoax god in islam, world referendums abolish completely saves the world & wise musiims leave islam, born again to God & Jesus love thy neighbor as it is in heaven Saint Luke 24:51-53 eye witnessed
Jaap Bossinade says
Nawal let people to their own believes,
the world would be better and without war.
Glenville Gerun says
78:33, 37:48, 38:52, 56:36 VIRGIN SEX DELUSIONS IS koran proof allah HAS NEVER EXISTED EVER.,
ALL muslims WILL MEET ANGEL GABRIEL “The angels sever the wicked from among the just. And cast them into the furnace of fire.” SAINT MATTHEW 13:49-50.
Richard Patton rich says
There’s only one God and he sent his only begotten son to die for all people
Anonymous says
Nony Mouse says
Yes, it does say that in [9:6}, but when the person seeking refuge rejects the word of Allah… then what?
glenville gerun says
baptize born again to everyone’s creator/saviour TIMELESS ULTIMATE HOLY GOD & JESUS & HEAVEN
glenville gerun says
Wise baptize born again to everyone’s creator/saviour TIMELESS ULTIMATE HOLY GOD & JESUS & HEAVEN
glenville gerun says
Glenville Gerun says
Who is God?
allah 7:4 destroy, 98:6 hate, 65:4 pedo, 4:34 beat women, 78:33 voluptuous women delusions, 37:48, 38:52, 56:36 virgin delusions, is written proof NO allah/god in islam ever
Glenville Gerun says
trouble is, there is NO allah
Glenville Gerun says
LOL, that’s you.
JESUS PREDICTED islam/koran/allah 600 years before it was invented “They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think he doeth God service.” Saint John 16:2, clear proof NO allah EVER.
Michelle says
You’re confirming what he said that the Quran basically says persecute them till they’re willing to believe.
The overall tone of the Quran is that those who reject their Messenger are worse than nothing.
Glenville Gerun says
56:36 vigins is written proof zero allah ever.
Glenville Gerun says
the truth is JESUS came from heaven to save doubters & infidels of ETERNAL GOD “before the world was” St John 17/3-5, clear proof by HIS RESURRECTION FROM THE DEAD, St Matthew 28:1-20, ASCENT INTO HEAVEN, St Luke 24:51, EYE WITNESSED, 1 Corinthians 15:6
Anonymous says
Glenville Gerun says
dispute spelling above
Glenn Gerun says
“.They shall put you out of the synagues, yea, the time cometh that whosoever killet you will think he doeth god service.” St John 16:2, is clear proof THE SON OF GOD, ALL KNOWING CHRIST JESUS predicted islam/koran/allah 600 years before it was invented by mo.
All else is godless obviously & inevitable hell.
“shall sever the wicked from among the just” Saint Matthew 13:49-50.
Expert in Religions says
Your God is either Jesus or Satan.
God the Father is inside Jesus. John 14:8-12. Then Jesus is God. John 1:1. I and my Father are one. John 10:30. Jesus said worship God the Father in Spirit and in truth. John 4:23-24. God in the Bible never say worship me.
But Satan said bow down and worship me. Matthew 4:8,9. Anyone bow their head to ground is worshipping Satan.
Allah is moon God idol name. Allah name is the Lah. Lah is moon God idol name. Al is the. You can check Google who is lah. It is Egyptian moon God 🌙 idol. Pagan Arabs copied lah to be their god and add in Al to become Allah. But Muhammad had destroyed Allah, today Allah is just a non existing imagination idol of Muslims.
Hubal is baal idol, idol of fertility. It is still at the kaaba even today worshipping by Muslims.
Gavin Beard says
You’re missing the whole point. Satan was telling Jesus to bow down. Basically mocking him. The whole if you bow you’re worshiping satan is nonsense
Glenville Gerun says
koran 98:6 hate, 7:4 destroy, 78:33,
56:35 virgin delusions is written proof non allah ever
G Gerun says
Where are you going?
Khadijah Sulemana says
Please do some research on what muslims believe or even read the Qur’an before making an article like this and inviting people to talk badly about a religion most non muslims are not familiar with. If you believe something so strongly, find the reason behind it and even ask someone that is qualified before you make such steps to post an article like this.
Lynette says
The direct quotes and accurate history is not enough proof for you?
mona says
If you click on the links to to Quran you see context for each, please do research. You would be preaching the same for your own beliefs
Anonymous says
The things he is saying are basically false and I guess he doesn’t even know that most of the muslims acutally memorise and read whats in the Quran for context my moyher, my dad ,basically my whole family have read and learned its meaning and yte same goes for the people in my country Pakistan. Though, some people don’t do it
Glenville Gerun says
you are brainwashed backwards godless idolatry contrary to ETERNAL GOD & JESUS CATHOLIC LOVE THY NEIGHBOR GUARANTEES HEAVEN SEEN SAINT LUKE 24:51,
Glenville Gerun says
you are brainwashed backwards godless idolatry contrary to ETERNAL GOD & JESUS CATHOLIC LOVE THY NEIGHBOR GUARANTEES HEAVEN SEEN SAINT LUKE 24:51,
Anonymous says
lynette would you like to hear some direct quotes from the bible or talmud? let’s start off with one: Deuteronomy 25:11-12
When two men are in a fight and the wife of the one man, trying to rescue her husband, grabs the genitals of the man hitting him, you are to cut off her hand. Show no pity.
JOHN Q. says
The author of this article gave a very thoughtful and deep answer that places this passage within the context of the book as a whole. To sum up what he said, he argues that this woman’s action was not just intended to harm the man and prevent him from procreating, but also to ban him from worshipping with the rest of God’s people (see Deuteronomy 23:1, “No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the LORD.”). The author makes a further argument that in light of the preceding verses (Deuteronomy 25:5–10), the woman of verses 11–12 didn’t want to see herself become a widow and thus have to rely on God and His law. In this situation, she trusts herself more than she trusts God and His provision for her through the law. In simpler terms, the woman was trying to separate the man from God. Intentionally. Just as the modern right would believe a transgender ‘woman’ has turned himself into an abomination. Maybe someone should have cut off the Doctor’s hands before he performed that act on the man. 😉 So, with everything out of context (including the QURAN) Anything can be altered in meaning and misunderstood.
Arzika hannatu says
No, that’s not true,muslims are never terrorist. You know, the americans really got some nerves,calling muslims all sort of name,when they’re the real defination of terrorists. They’re always urging for wars,destroying countries,killing women,children for no legit reason and yet they still have no shame calling islam and muslim names. The truths is,you’re are the terrorist in disguise,yes you are. You Americans and jews are greedy and also the real defination of terrorists,you do alot of shit and you just masked it up. Isreal and all other countries that stands with you are terrorists!terrorists!!terrorist.!!! So look through yourself,know what you’re before barking those words on islam and muslim..
Anonymous says
Muslims are never terrorists? LOL. Muslims don’t contribute anything to society except terrorism. And the whole world has to conform to Muslims, like the bloody halal requirements, which no other religion imposes their will on others. Fucking dumb useless fuck Muslims use monetary aid on rockets and bombs instead of development of their countries. Fucking entitled worthless Muslims only complain as being victims when the whole world bends over backwards for them, terrorism everywhere, but are too stupid to contribute anything meaningful to the world and its progress. Get your head out of your ass. If 6 Million useless Muslims were swapped for the actually intelligent Jews, who contribute the most proportionally to society, science and technology could‘ve potentially been so much more advanced than it currently is. So please do the future of mankind a favour, stop playing with your carpets and goats, strap your suicide vest and go detonate yourselves in an isolated corner and stop wasting earth’s precious resources
Anonymous says
who was it that murdered millions of arabs by waging brutal wars in the middle east? oh that’s right, america. Development of our countries? ya that may have something to do with the west always interfering in the middle east to IMPOSE THEIR SECULAR LIBERAL VALUES on the muslim world. muslims don’t contribute anything? if that’s the game you want to play, can we ask some questions about the collective behavior of jewish people, or would that be antisemetic? your a brainwashed, hateful moron.
Anonymous says
” And the whole world has to conform to Muslims, like the bloody halal requirements, which no other religion imposes their will on others.”
Im here to be polite. By any chance have you heard of the Judaism kosher laws?
Not trying to start a fight and not trying to be angry.
Correct me if im wrong tho.
Anonymous says
Muslims are never terrorists? LOL. You’re the epitome of terrorism. The most self-entitled group of worthless fucks, doing nothing but complain, play victim, and bomb anything and everything, even when the rest of the world is required to bend over backwards to accommodate to bloody halal laws everywhere they look. All you Muslims do is take monetary aid provided, undeservingly, to make explosives instead of using it to develop infrastructure for the betterment of the citizens and country. If the 6 million mostly Jewish Holocaust victims were swapped for an equal amount of useless deadweight Muslims, science and technology could’ve been realistically much more advanced than it currently is, because the Jewish are actually intelligent, probably even the most, and contribute disproportionately to society. So please take your head out of your ass, stop playing with your carpets and goats, strap on your suicide vest, go to an isolated corner and detonate yourselves; stop wasting earth’s precious resources
Babi says
Muslims are never terrorists? LOL. You’re the epitome of terrorism. The most self-entitled group of worthless fucks, doing nothing but complain, play victim, and bomb anything and everything, even when the rest of the world is required to bend over backwards to accommodate to bloody halal laws everywhere they look. All you Muslims do is take monetary aid provided, undeservingly, to make explosives instead of using it to develop infrastructure for the betterment of the citizens and country. If the 6 million mostly Jewish Holocaust victims were swapped for an equal amount of useless deadweight Muslims, science and technology could’ve been realistically much more advanced than it currently is, because the Jewish are actually intelligent, probably even the most, and contribute disproportionately to society. So please take your head out of your ass, stop playing with your carpets and goats, strap on your suicide vest, go to an isolated corner and detonate yourselves; stop wasting earth’s precious resources
Nawal Shahid says
who was it that waged brutal and illegal wars in the middle east? that’s right, america. development of our countries? maybe that has something to do with the west’s constant interference in the middle east in order to IMPOSE THEIR SECULAR LIBERAL VALUES on the muslim world. goats? beastiality is completely forbidden in islam. western civilization however loves it so much, they’re able to commercialize it. doing nothing but complain, play victim, and bomb anything and everything? sounds like your describing israel, the terrorist state that’s currently slaughtering and starving children and babies. your the worthless pice of trash babi. your a hateful, pathetic brainwashed moron.
glenn gerun says
koran 78:33, 37:48, 38:52, 56:36
virgins is written proof no allah ever
Anonymous says
Have you ever heard of Ex-Muslims? If Islam is such a wonderful religion why are people leaving the faith? I have done extensive research and found the real truth. Islam, like other organized religions, is a political system that uses terror, hate and vengence to force people to submit to a set of supposed “facts” that are neither provable nor make any sense whatsoever! Muhammad was a warlord, albeit a kind and humane one, who took over a vast portion of the earth simply because Islam is a supremisist religion.
glenville gerun says
Glenn Gerun says
LOL koran 78:33 delusions, 56:36 virgin joker delusions prove NO allah
Glenn Gerun says
GOD IS ✝️JESUS CHRIST IN THE FLESH., “healed them all” St.Luke 6:19, seen & felt by millions of people like you & me,,died for the sins of the world, ROSE FROM THE DEAD-ASCENT INTO HEAVEN, St.Luke 24:51-53x eye witnessed, is guaranteed heaven for Christians.
ALL muslims 78:33 full breasted women delusions, 56:36 virgin joke delusions is a straight path to hell. “The angels shall come forth & sever the wicked from among the just. And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing & gnashing of teeth.”
SAINT MATTHEW 13::49-50.
Anonymous says
Insane Blasphemer says
LORD SATAN has divided you and you XTIANS kill each other in a big way and you hate each other, if I’m lying I can find millions of facts HAHA.
Glenville Gerun says
Each breath you take is GOD’S LOVE.
“healed them all” St Luke 6:19, seen & felt by millions is GOD’S SON THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD.
THE HOLY BIBLE IS GOD, Not allah 98:6 hate, 7:4 destroy, 65:4 pedo, 78:33 delusions, 56:36 virgin delusions
Date Palm says
Prior to Islam, the Arabs worshipped a pagan deity named Hu-baal who was one of several Baals (plural Balim), and the centre of worship of Hubaal was in what is now named Petra in the valley of Baca which is in present day Jordan (Psalm 84:6). That is where Muhammad grew up! He was never in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦!!!
When Muhammad came on the political scene in Baca (now identified as Petra in Jordan), he introduced monotheism (imitated the God of the Bible), and renamed Hubaal as al-Lah.
The ‘al’ prefix in Arabic is equivalent to ‘the’ in the English language.
The ‘Lah’ was the name of the Egyptian female moon goddess who had three (3) daughters: Al-Lat, al-Uzza, and Manat. They are named in the Qur’an!
Over time, the term ‘al-Lah’ (i.e. the Lah) was transformed to ‘Allah’ which was derived from the Egyptian moon goddess named Lah.
The prefix ‘al’ was added to the name Lah as a means to conceal the worship of objects including celestial bodies such as the moon and stars, because that would be perceived as idolatry.
Well after the death of Muhammad in the city of Petra, due to a combination of a major earthquake or two which destroyed the natural aquafers that were a source of water for the people in the city of Petra in the valley of Baca, which deprived them from their only source of water, and also made Petra unsafe for human habitation, as well as Arabic wars between two ruling dynasties, the Arabs (Nabotians) migrated from Petra to what is now Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 and established a town that was originally named Baca, but over time became identified as Mecca in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦.
When the Nabotians departed from Baca (now known as Petra in Jordan), they took with them the black stone that was in the Kaaba 🕋 in Petra, and they constructed a new Kaaba 🕋 in the newly-founded town that was originally identified as Baca, which is now identified as Mecca in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦.
The ommission (probably inadvertent) of a tiny tiddle in the Arabic spelling of Baca, changes the term Baca to Maca, which was then anglicized to Mecca.
The above amazing findings were discovered by a historian Dan Gibson, and are published in his book and the movie/documentary named ‘The Sacred City’ which can be viewed for free on YouTube.
The implications of the above findings by Dan Gibson is that the historical record of the origin of the false prophet Muhammed, the Kaaba 🕋, and other Islamic objects of worship in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦, are complete fabrications; i.e. fake! Muhammad never set foot in Mecca in what is now Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦!!!
I encourage you to watch ‘The Sacred City’ on YouTube.
Anonymous says
Saif says
The entire Quran is never judged by reading one verse. When you read verse 9;5, you should read verses 9:1-4 and Read also 9: 7-14 so that the reason for the revelation of that verse becomes clear to you. Because each verse has its own reason for its revelation, which is mentioned in the preceding and following verses. Damn those who judge people in their absence..
Expert in Religions says
All Muslims don’t know how to read the Quran. If they know , they will leave Islam long ago.
Muslims insulting Allah and his angels bow down and worship Adam. Quran 15:28,30. The whole Quran condemned Allah is a very evils person and Satan is holy, no sin at all.
Anonymous says
I believe it is all true about Muhammad being a self-centered glorified violent person, why else would he kill people who does not join him and his beliefs?
mona says
If you click on the links to to Quran you see context for each, please do research. You would be preaching the same for your own beliefs
glenville gerun says
glenville gerun says
PROVERBS 8:22-36
Jabr, Judah says
😅🤣😂 Beside “Hubaal”, none of what you claim can be referenced OR supported in ANY university, college, trusted doctorate publishing library, or even the Library of Congress. Maybe you found your stories in a newsletter (or a racist hatred publication that MOCKS historical publications based on the truth. ☝️😀and if you are a self proclaimed a graduate with PhD, historians need to re-evaluate all your papers you may have published. ✌️😂
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
Praise the true and living GOD, LORD Jesus the Christ.
Date Palm says
Prior to Islam, the Arabs worshipped a pagan deity named Hu-baal who was one of several Baals (plural Balim), and the centre of worship of Hubaal was in what is now named Petra in the valley of Baca which is in present day Jordan (Psalm 84:6). That is where Muhammad grew up! He was never in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦!!!
When Muhammad came on the political scene in Baca (now identified as Petra in Jordan), he introduced monotheism (imitated the God of the Bible), and renamed Hubaal as al-Lah.
The ‘al’ prefix in Arabic is equivalent to ‘the’ in the English language.
The ‘Lah’ was the name of the Egyptian female moon goddess who had three (3) daughters: Al-Lat, al-Uzza, and Manat. They are named in the Qur’an!
Over time, the term ‘al-Lah’ (i.e. the Lah) was transformed to ‘Allah’ which was derived from the Egyptian moon goddess named Lat.
The prefix ‘al’ was added to the name Lat as a means to conceal the worship of objects including celestial bodies such as the moon and stars, because that would be perceived as idolatry.
Well after the death of Muhammad in the city of Petra, due to a combination of a major earthquake or two which destroyed the natural aquafers that were a source of water for the people in the city of Petra in the valley of Baca, which deprived them from their only source of water, and also made Petra unsafe for human habitation, as well as Arabic wars between two ruling dynasties, the Arabs (Nabotians) migrated from Petra to what is now Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 and established a town that was originally named Baca, but over time became identified as Mecca in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦.
When the Nabotians departed from Baca (now known as Petra in Jordan), they took with them the black stone that was in the Kaaba 🕋 in Petra, and they constructed a new Kaaba 🕋 in the newly-founded town that was originally identified as Baca, which is now identified as Mecca in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦.
The ommission (probably inadvertent) of a tiny tiddle in the Arabic spelling of Baca, changes the term Baca to Maca, which was then anglicized to Mecca.
The above amazing findings were discovered by a historian Dan Gibson, and are published in his book and the movie/documentary named ‘The Sacred City’ which can be viewed for free on YouTube.
The implications of the above findings by Dan Gibson is that the historical record of the origin of the false prophet Muhammed, the Kaaba 🕋, and other Islamic objects of worship in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦, are complete fabrications; i.e. fake! Muhammad never set foot in Mecca in what is now Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦!!!
I encourage you to watch ‘The Sacred City’ on YouTube.
Muslimah says
I really encourage you to do some proper research about the Holy Prophet Muhammad SAW before posting a comment. Watching one youtube video and reading a couple articles made by people that hate muslims won’t get you anywhere. You are wronging yourself of a proper history lesson that could get you to places you would never have dreamed of.
Expert in Religions says
Satan has blind you. 2Corinthians 4:4. Hubal is baal idol is still at the kaaba worshipping by Muslims even today.
Glenville Gerun says
600AD mohamad used his tribes star/moon idolatry to deny his well known creator/saviour HOLY GOD & JESUS CHRIST EVIDENT NT PROOF GUARANTEES HEAVEN FOREVERMORE
Glenville Gerun says
56:36 virgins is koran proof zero allah ever says
The secret in life,
is ask,
“JESUS HELP ME” & He will.
Anonymous says
yeah, okay man. believe that
Expert in Religions says
God the Father had said He will send his begotten Son to save us, we have to believe his begotten Son. John 3:16,17. Jesus said He is resurrection of life and believe him you shall be saved. John 11:25. After that Jesus raised up dead, to prove what He said is true.
Glenn Gerun says
EVERLIVING ALMIGHTY ORIGIN OF ALL LIFE, HOLY SPIRIT GOD THE FATHER, MADE US WITH LOVE & SAVE US THROUGH HIS BEGOTTEN SON CHRIST JESUS LOVE & MERCY, “healed them all” St.Luke 6:19, seen & felt by millions like you & me, ✝️-resurrected-ascent into heaven, St.Luke 24:51-53 IN THE KJ HOLY BIBLE “before the world was” St.John 17:3:-24, IS & FOREVERMORE “
Glenn Gerun says
Referendums abolish 56:17 boy delusions, 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 65:4 pedo idolatry islam against HOLY ORIGIN GOD THE FATHER GENESIS & HIS DIVINE SON CHRIST JESUS IN HEAVEN FOREVERMORE
Anon says
O Disbelievers, I do not worship what you worship, Nor are you worshippers of what I worship, Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship. Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship. For you is your religion and for me is my religion.
Anonymous says
That’s Surah kahf, right?
AndyB says
This is called the science of repeatology. What’s the purpose of all of this repeatitions? And you claim the quran is a book of eloquence and there is nothing like it. Wouldn’t it make more logical sense if the quran had said “O Disbelievers, I don not worship what you worship” That would have made more sense and a lot clearer than all of these unnecessary repeatitions.
Anonymous says
nonsense anon
Amin110 says
If understanding the Qur’an and the truth of Islam were so easy, there would be no need for Muslim scholars to spend thirty years of their lives studying religion and understanding the Qur’an. The verses of the Qur’an must be interpreted by religious scholars so that they can be understood… Of course, there are those who introduce themselves as Muslims and are violent. In Judaism and Christianity, there are people who abuse religion. But my question is why? Militants and terrorists who lie and identify themselves as Muslims, such as ISIS and the Al Saud government, are always supported by America and the West?! Why does America support the worst government in the world? It means Al Saud government… Why did America create ISIS and even admit to it?
Glenn Gerun says
1972, Muslims found the original koran, the Sanaa Manuscripts, invited scholar Gerd Puin revealed the koran was altered, washed revisions, indisputable proof no allah, zero god in islam ever,
A thunderstorm damaged the Sanaa mosque dome, an act of GOD, repair construction workers found 40,000 parchment fragment sheets & pieces, shoveled into sacks, goats ate some & asked German archeologist Gerd Puin to check it out; carbon date tests revealed the washed layered revisions is clear proof allah has never existed ever, derived from pagan star/moon god pre-isllam is obviously the same idolatry today & forevermore.
But Muslims do have 1TrueGod, THE ORIGIN OF ALL THINGS THAT EXIST, GOD THE FATHER GENESIS, MADE THE HEAVENS AND EARTH AND US: COMPLETED BY HIS DIVINE SON CHRIST JESUS THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD, eye witnessed NT by millions of people like you & me means all Muslims are Christians “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-24., Proverbs 8:22-36. Furthermore think, realize, & it’s easy to see, GOD IS JESUS CHRIST IN THE FLESH AND THE WORD “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, seen & felt by millions of citizens like you & me, ✝️, resurrected-ascent into heaven, actually happened, alive forevermore, is the same result for baptized “born again” believers of reality, Christians, Ssint John 3:3-7.
Your *JESUS* was our prophet Isa who was sent to spread Islam but it didn’t work because you Christians thought that it was *JESUS* but actually he wasn’t. He was sent on the sky to see the world and then come in this world back again when the world is going to be full of disbelievers. From 0 till the time that our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was born, Allah (SAW) was watching if this worked but it didn’t and it was a shame that instead of understanding, you were creating a new religion so he sent our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to spread Islam and to bring us to the right path. He didn’t use any violence to the disbelievers but instead he was kind but when he was going to be killed by the people of Mecca he had to escape and he formed a Muslim group inviting people to join our religion which was a peaceful one. Then he had to go war and he and his companions left their family, their wealth and also they sacrificed to spread this rightful religion for us and you lot are calling us haters?
You are the ones who hate us because we didn’t want any war or any violence but you lot forced us to do it. We would love to make peace but this world is destroyed because of some people who didn’t understand the right message Allah (SAW) wanted to send.
In the Qur’an there might be some verses which talks about violence and it can be used if you are being attacked and not only this it also talks about the world getting destroyed by Allah at the end and our lives on Earth is like a test to see who passed it and who failed it.
Glenn Gerun says
Referendums abolish fraud 4:34, 56:36, 78:33, 56:17, 65:4 pedo idolatey islam against HOLY ORIGIN GOD GENESIS & HIS DIVINE SON CHRIST JESUS LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF FROM HEAVEN.
Glenn Gerun says
i see islam peace:
koran 98:6 hate, 5:51 hate,
koran 7:4 destroy 5 X a day.
65:4 pedo child sex islam idolatry,
& 20 more destroy verses,
33:26 terror-murder, invade land- 5000 ladies honor killed annually,
“670 million massacred” online,
Turk muslims genocided 1.5 million,
2 mil Darfur Sudan poor slaughtered,
muslim hating & murdering in Israel,
rain 20,000 missle on Jewish civiliian
9/11, 3/11, 7/7,
taliban atrocities,
iran drone, missle/nuclear evildoers,
muslims chant death to Israel & USA.
just a wanderer says
you act as if Christianity is a peaceful religion when it literally colonized most of the world. also you dumbasses are literally taking lines out of context to promote your stupid deconstructive criticism on something you barely understand just to uphold your ” HOLY ORIGIN GOD GENESIS & HIS DIVINE SON CHRIST JESUS LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF FROM HEAVEN” how the fuck does god have a SON and is still considered to be “holy” yall are still the same even after 1000s of years, and none of you haters have come to sense. Dont mistake me for a person who right out hates Christianity, I don’t like religions, or being told what to do, im just a curious traveller and i like to study things your criticism is the most STUPIDEST form of communication I have come across.
You are just a hater with 0 understanding of ANY religion at all, and you cant understand because your heart is blind, and your eyes dont want to see the truth staring right at your face cos you refuse to accept anything else apart from what you have been taught. All those surahs you have taken out of context from? please let the people who read your article know that they are not the complete sentences, you have butchered everything from its place and made it seem like islam was truly one of the most violent religion. You know, right after the verse of”Also, Medina Surah 9:5 command Muslims to “kill the infidels (non-Muslims) wherever you find them and take them as captives and besiege them and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush so if they repent (and become Muslim) and perform prayer, leave their way free”, this surah was literally talking about a scene from THE BATTLEFIELD but you make it sound as if ITS THE EVERYDAY LIFE OF MUSLIMS. AMERICANS MADE THE ISIS, AMERICANS INITIATED THE WAR BETWEEN ISRAEL AND PALESTINE, and they have so meekly dusted off their hands of any responsibility bcos they want to uphold the image of being oh so pious and pure just like your stupid imagery of a GOD WHO HAS BEGOTTEN A SON. im sorry to call it out that way, but your noodle brain intellect of a slug is triggering the shit out of me cos it goes against everything an informational site like yours should stand for. Going back to the medina surah, it does say to kill all the mushreqeens, IT WAS A BATTLEFIELD BUT PRIOR To the events they have done some very heinous treacherous crimes. RIGHT BEFORE this said “violent” verse there is this It says: Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress limits for Allah loves not the transgressors. (Quran 2:190)
In the earlier verse it is very clearly stated to fight only those who attack first..
isnt giving out false information and manipulating a crime in your so called pure religion, are you doing this out of your personal belief?
Islam is a very complicated religion one at that which originated from a language that is even more complicated, interpreting a verse in a single hand shot with 0 intellect will not be easy for people like you, which is why some muslim scholars literally take 30 years of their life dedicated to studying the quran and hadith. Bible’s authenticity is questionable since it was written and rewritten by the ostensible population of patriarchy to fit their beliefs and teach people bullshit. Quran has never once even changed a little bit in the past 1400 years or so (it does have its adverse shitty effects because of that) and everything can be matched from exactly the same thing written and revealed by God. Christianity at this point changes with generations and people and doesn’t have an exact stand and its so patriarchal and dismissive of women in so many ways. I like Christianity in a way that doesn’t harm or inferior a category of people based on their gender, sex, and orientation. Thank you for going through this painful essay.
Glenn Gerun says
ALL else is godless deniers straight path to hell.
SAINT MATTHEW 13:49-50 funnace of fire .
Anonymous says
good job completely ignoring everything the other guy said and spewing nonsense 🤓
Me says
You vomit nonsense.
Anonymous says
Don’t disrespect Christian’s if you want use to be respected, speak to them in a respected manner but not gentle
eternalGodproof says
Your belief & purpose & meaning of life must be precisely CHRIST JESUS “love thy neighbor as thyself, the 10 Agape Commandments, “Moses wrote of me” St.John 5:46 & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, “healed them all” St.Luke 6:19, seen & felt by millions, ✝️, resurrected-ascent into heaven is 1TRUEGOD.
All else is godless & self inflict hell.
Me says
What if I hate myself, then what?
Glenn Gerun says
amin gets 100% for backwardness.
THERE IS NO JUSTICE LAW & ORDER OR FREEDOM OR PEACE OR a god IN islam. To beat the heat, Arabian desert dwellers traveled at night, became keen astrologers, stars, moon fables, is where “the god-al-ilah” came from, shortened to allah, is the same pagan star/moon idolatry today, proof by written koran allah 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 78:33 women delusions, 56:17 boy delusions, 76:19 boy delusions, 52:24 boy delusions, 37:48 delusions, 38:52 delusions, 65:4 pedo islam is all mohamed”s delusions to get away with murder & 65:4 pedophile Ayesha, doesn’t fool anyone anymore, “born again” to CHRIST JESUS LIFE & IMMORTALITY., Saint John 3:3-7
Glenn Gerun says
amin is 100% backward nonsense.
CHRIST IS LIFE & IMMORTALITY, CLEAR PROOF IN THE NT, seen & felt by millions of people like you & me.
Glenn Gerun says
amin is 100% backward nonsense.
SON CHRIST FROM GOD & HEAVEN IS LIFE & IMMORTALITY, CLEAR PROOF IN THE NT, ✝️, seen & felt by millions of people like you & me.
Anonymous says
Islam is the religion of banging and killing and Mohamed was the best playboy of his time …. Banging all females…… From small girls to old grannies 😂😂😂😂
Anonymous says
People judge and say from what they know ( from their limited knowledge). They don’t even care if their view or information they get from is correct or fake . I would tell you not say something without having proper knowledge. Broaden your knowledge or remain in darkness forever . Putting “faith” into something not having appropriate knowledge is very dangerous. I felt it. Hope you’ll take it seriously àñd will study on it more . May Almighty Allah help you to get proper knowledge.
Glenn Gerun says
there is no allah EVER.
LOL 78:33 delusion,
LOL 56:36 virgin joke’
LOL 37:48 delusions,
LOL 38:52 delusions,
LOL 56:17 boy delusions,
LOL 76:19 boy delusions,
LOL 52:24 boy delusions, is clear proof zero god in islam EVER.
Pervy2k16 says
The scholars themselves give different interpretations. Even fight among themselves. How can anyone say it’s perfect, best religion no flaws. Hilarious
The Al Saud’s are the legitimate guardians of islam as per your muslim world.
Islamic religious scholars interpret to suit their own liking.
Glenville Gerun says
THE WORLD IS CATHOLIC “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, clear proof by GOD’S SON CHRIST JESUS RESURRECTION-ASCENSION INTO HEAVEN SAINT LUKE 24:51, eye witnessed, is the same for baptized born again Christians.
Anonymous says
JC was a prophet and Muslim …., you turn to become a true Muslim.. you are following a corrupted religion not the true religion as JC preached .!!!!
Glenn Gerun says
The secret to life: Ask “Jesus help me” & He will. says
Referendums abolish 56:17, 78:33, 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children idolatry islam against HOLY GOD GENESIS & HIS SON CHRIST THE ONLY WAY TO EVERLASTING LIFE IN HEAVEN
Glenn Gerun says
“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath commited all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
“Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7.
And if you don’t believe it’s true, check out Christ’s prediction, “the time cometh”, St.John 16:2, 600 years before pagan al-ilah was carried over from mohamed’s tribes star/moon god-al-ilah shortened to the same pagan idolatry koran allah to get away with murder & 65:4 pedophile 6 year old Ayesha., doesn’t fool anyone anymore, “born again” to ORIGIN HOLY GOD & HIS DIVINE SON RESURRECTED-ASCENT INTO HEAVEN St..Luke 24::51-53, eye witnessed only way to everlasting life in heaven.
Glenn Gerun says
on the contrary sir, the koran 78:33 sex delusion, 56:36 virgin delusions, is clear proof no allah, zero god in islam EVER.
JUDAISM HAS ORIGIN HOLY GOD; & CHRISTIANITY completed Judaism in the HOLY NEW & EVERLASTING COVENANT TESTAMENT, EYE WITNESSE✝️, & inevititably in your last day you will meet your judgment by ROSE FROM THE DEAD-ASCENT INTO HEAVEN JESUS CHRIST; “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.”
Saint John 5:22,
“Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7.,
“Ye must be born again” to see GOD & HEAVEN. Saint John 3:7 King James Holy Bible of Life. GOD BLESS.
Anon says
Jeremiah 8:8
“How can you claim, ‘We are wise; the law of the Lord is with us’? In fact, the lying pen of scribes has produced falsehood.
Quran 2:79
So woe to those who write the “scripture” with their own hands, then say, “This is from Allāh,” in order to exchange it for a small price. Woe to them for what their hands have written and woe to them for what they earn.
If the prophet Muhammad (saw) was such a hedonist, where was his palace?
Lastly, the Torah was sent and pieces of it were lost (Dead Sea scrolls for example)
Then the Bible was sent, but it was changed by the hands of men (scribes) at the council of Nicea.
So, the Quran was sent and has been preserved (any abrogations happened before it was finished being revealed, not made as changes later as per the Bible) henceforth. If it copied the Bible, it would have the same contradictions (which happened because scribes tried to perfect the word of God, which is impossible to do). If it copied the Torah, it would have missing pieces. If parts were added or modified, it would have contradictions (again, for trying to perfect the word of God, which is impossible). It doesn’t have contradictions, and it doesn’t have missing pieces. People take things out of context or try to twist meanings, but it is the truth.
Quran 61:8
They want to extinguish the light of Allāh with their mouths, but Allāh will perfect His light, although the disbelievers dislike it.
If you want to take things out of context or otherwise attack Islam, you can do that, but that’s your choice.
Quran 35:15
O mankind, you are those in need of Allāh, while Allāh is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy.
It will not harm Allah if you choose not to believe.
Quran 4:170
O humanity! The Messenger has certainly come to you with the truth from your Lord, so believe for your own good. But if you disbelieve, then ˹know that˺ to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
It is your choice, but if you choose not to, then that’s your decision.
Quran 4:171
O People of the Scripture, do not commit excess in your religion or say about Allāh except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allāh and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul [created at a command] from Him. So believe in Allāh and His messengers. And do not say, “Three”; desist – it is better for you. Indeed, Allāh is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is Allāh as Disposer of affairs.
Quran 7:146
I shall turn away from My signs those who, without any right, behaved haughtily in the earth,1 even if they may, witness each and every, sign, they shall not believe therein. And even if they see the right path, they shall still not follow it; but if they see the path of error. they shall choose it for their path. This is because they rejected Our signs as false and were heedless to them.
Expert in Religions says
The Quran has been changed many times with different meaning. Quran 2:106.
Expert in Religions says
Your Isa was born during Moses time. Mary was sister of Aaron. Quran 19:28. Mary father is Imran, also father of Moses and Aaron. Quran 66:12. False Jesus in the Quran.
The real Jesus is in the Bible, born during Romans expire time and new testament period.
Jesus said He is God. Matthew 4:7.
Jesus said He is Lord. Matthew 22:42-45. Lord Jesus Christ. Revelation 22:25.
Jesus had never said He is a prophet, muslim and Allah is God. Jesus never worship God, He is God. God the Father is inside Jesus. God is inside Christians. John 14:16,17.
Me says
Wow! Jesus was a Muslim?
He was a Jew, 100%!
Get your facts right please.
MNM says
JC was a prophet and Muslim …., you turn to become a true Muslim.. you are following a corrupted religion not the true religion as Jc preached .!!!!
Glenn Gerun says
“Love thy neighbor as thyself is GOD. Peace.
Lord’s Prayer, “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. is GOD.
JESUS CHRIST IS GOD IN THE FLESH, healed them all, resurrected-ascent into heaven,
alive forevermore, is the same for Christians, obviously..
korsn 7:4 destroy, 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 4:34 beat women to death, 76:19 boy delusions, 65:4 not menstruated pedo kids, 78:33 full breasted companions, is obviously made by men, clear proof beyond dispute allah has never existed ever, zero god in islam ever.
Michael Brown says
Allah IS the same Imaginary sky fairy you worship you clown. It’s almost as if Conservative Right Wingers are the vile, hatefuly, dumb, morons that they keep telling the world they are every time they open their mouths.
Anonymous says
It is perplexing to me how people lie and misrepresent the beautiful Deen of Islam yet have absolutely no knowledge of Islam . On the contrary if any religion can be seen as violence , barbaric , colonizers , and evil based on history it is Christianity . Christianity was spread strictly by the sword during hundreds of years of crusades and two different inquisitions . Not to mention the vast number of nations colonized and slaughtered in the name of Christianity . But still Christians have the audacity to speak about Islam which is the truth by the way .
Trust Ward says
What is Islamic Tawhid? Is it means one and only true GOD? Is it a unique GOD? If so Who is that GOD?
Everyone know for sure that Muslims call their god – “ALLAH”. No doubt.
But who is that GOD? Is that god the same god that Jews and Christians worship?
To learn about that we should check how Muhammad bring up his god ALLAH.
Before the birth of Muhammad the word “ALLAH” was not mentioned in any Holy books of Jews or Christians. Jews and Christians worship ‘YHWH” as GOD.
Muhammad born in 570 CE, belonged to the ‘Banu Hashim’ clan of the Makkan Qureshi tribe. Who was “Allah” for Muhammad, before he got revelation? “Allah” was only an idol – a black stone deity – for the Makkan tribal pagan people. Allah was only one of the 360 idols, whom they worshiped in Kaaba as the father of the lesser gods – Al Lat, Al Uzza and Manat (Quran 37:149, 53:19-24).
After learning about Judaism and Christianity, Muhammad want to bring the same monotheism to Arabic pagans with the help of Khadija. In the guise of revelation, Muhammad asked the Makkans to worship only Allah – the black stone (Hajarul Aswad) and he told that Allah is the one and only most powerful God Almighty. Quran 23:14 & 37:125 clearly says Allah is the best of the creators(who are the other creators with him?). Why he selected Allah only? Because Allah is the deity of ‘Banu Hashim’ clan, to which Muhammad belonged to. So we can see that Muhammad actually stole the deity “Allah ” and lifted him to “God Almighty” and he made himself the last and final prophet of that “Allah”. Did you understand his game here?
In Quran you can see the funny verse of Allah reciting “Shahada”(Quran 3:18). This clearly shows that Allah reverted to Islam from paganism. This is the beginning of Islam. For 13 years he preached his new idea peacefully, but only got less than 90 followers. People were not ready to believe in his idea, due to the holes in the narrative. So he migrated to Medina, where he setup his own army, and forced his religion on the people. Later on the day of Fatah-e-Makkah, with a bigger army he conquered Makkah and destroyed all the 359 idols except “Hajarul Aswad”, the black stone deity. Actually speaking Muslims are worshipping this makkan tribal pagan deity as “ALLAH”. Islam is only a leftover of the Arabic tribal pagan polytheism ruled by Sharia – the 6th century pagan barbaric laws. Islam is nothing but a single idol worshipping cult.
When Hindus worship stones – that is idol worship, but when Muslims do the same – that is Holy. Poor Muslims are a bunch of hypocrites.
Sabur says
That’s funny . Jesus spoke Aramaic so he said Allah. Jews who speak Hebrew say Allaha . Hmmm
Expert in Religions says
Jesus spoke Hebrew not Aramaic. Jesus called gentiles, dog and He cannot speak gentiles languages or be hypocrite.
Hebrew is Abraham spoke language and currency is shekel. The true children of Abraham spoke Hebrew and using shekel as currency.
Anonymous says
“Kill every man woman and child
Leave the little girls that didnt know men in by lying with them for yourself”
Expert in Religions says
Women lay with men are prostitutes. Men sex with animals. You are blaming God had wanted to kill them.
eternalGodproof says
Everlasting life was born on Christmas Day,, Jesus Christ, miracles, “healed them all”, Saint Luke 6:19, millions seen and felt, ✝️, resurrected-ascent into heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53, alive forevermore, is the same for “born again” Christians.
eternalGodproof says
Everlasting life was born on Christmas Day, in the flesh, Jesus Christ, miracles, “healed them all”, Saint Luke 6:19, millions seen and felt, ✝️, resurrected-ascent into heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53, alive forevermore, is the same for “born again” Christians.
eternalGodproof says
“healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19,
✝️,resurrected from the dead,
ascent into heaven Saint Luke 24:51-53,
Fact: the Creator & Saviour are one.
eye witnessed by millions in Holy Bible
resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed
Michael says
“This man is God” sounds like a Babylonian, Egyptian, Roman (or any other Pagan civilization) construction.
Millenia of twisting Truth for worldly gain.
Glenn Gerun says
Everyone believing the HOLY BIBLE NT, seen & felt by millions of people like you & me, are guaranteed everlastimg life in heaven.
Glenn Gerun says
God is Jesus Christ in the flesh. “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, millions seen & felt, was crucified-resurrected-ascent into heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53, eye witnessed, is the same for Christians, & forever will be.
There are no other gods.
Glenn Gerun says
“healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, million seen & felt, crucified for the sin of the world,,resurrected-ascent in heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53, eye witnessed, 1 Corinthians 15:6, is the same for “born again” Christians.
No chance koran 7:4 destroy, 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 4:34 beat women, 33:36 terror-kill, 76::19 boy delusions, 78:33 voluptuous companion delusions, 5:51 hate, 56:17 boy delusions, 52:24 boy delusions, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children is obvious indisputable proof allah has never existed ever, zero god in islam.
Islamnotpeace says
I like to respect all beliefs, even though I prefer to investigate the truth.
What Koran are we talking about? The Koran of the illiterate Muhammad? The Koran of the Sahabas? The one of the Rashidun Caliphs? The one of the Umayyad Caliphs? The one of the Sunnis? the Shiites? The Kharidjites? The Koran and the hadiths were forged by the caliphs for the Conquest of the Islamic Empire. The scientific method applied to historical analysis begins to open ears and eyes to the lies that hide behind divine revelations.
Lia says
Looks like they did. Don’t be childish see this is the problem we Muslims are intolerant. I’m glad I’m seeing the truth. I believe in God not muhammedism.
Michael Brown says
Tell us without telling us you are an ignorant, shit for brains, Right Wing “Chirstian” who is doesn’t even know their own religion. How many verses are there in the Bible where God endorses, genocide, the kidnaping and rape of children, brutally butchering animals so your “peaceful” god will absolve you of your “sins”. Needless genital mutilation, murdering people for going to Red Lobster or picking up sticks on the wrong day. US military commanders invoking “god” before they go off to murder people who can’t fight back for their resources.
….and you idiots wonder why the rest of the world views you as the mouth breathing, vile, hateful meat bags that you are. says
Christ firmly stated
“Ye must be born again” Saint John 16:2 Christian to see the kingdom of God’s everlasting life
Lia says
And I’m sorry to wake you up but quran is full of violence and sexual offence. Islam isn’t peace as a Muslim I realise Islam is a form of terrorism. We are forced to fear Allah instead of being allowed to grow to love God. If there wasn’t violence there would be Islam and Muslims. God is good but Islam is based on hate and mohammed was a regular man.
Ton says
Almardai9667 says
how is Islam not the most peaceful religion what about the 1 billion people that converted to Islam what made Islam the 2nd most converted religion because of peace u can admit that ur fighting Islam and trying to change the thoughts of people about Islam, not anyone who is Muslim means that he is a real Muslim in Saudi Arabia you can see people celebrating Halloween and in Saudi Arabia there is Makkah and Madinah and where the prophet was born
and all you were talking about was the bad things Muslims do all you talked about was terrorist
you did not talk about Muslims sacrificing themselves in war
Glenn Gerun says
i see muslims murdering daily. i remember muslim janjaweed, devils on horseback, slaughter 2 million Sudan POOR for decades, burned meagre crops, huts, villages, horrid displacements, muslims said to Nadifa, you can be killed or raped, tied her up spread eagled all day repeatedly raped her, & 20 years later today same vile evil raping & violence & murder, or 1915 muslim turks promised equality & freedom, genocided 1.5 millon Christian Armenisns, or 9/11, 3/11, 7/7, or Israel gave the gaza strip to muslim palestinians backstabbed 10s of thousands of missiles on civilians, violence & murdering every day, European muslims backstab murder the very refuge given to the them. i see evil 5:51 against Christians & Jews love thy neighbor as thyself 1TrueGod everyday.. Truth is mohamed inflicts endless hell on all Muslims 5 X a day, in every mosque, every school of god deception., Saint Matthew 13:49-50 says
i see muslim peace.
Glenn Gerun says
islam is not only bad, it’s godless, clear proof by koran 7:4 destroy, 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 5:51 hate,, 76:19 boy delusions, 4:34 beat women to desth control of women is definitely no god, murder daily research:”670 million massacred” history proof, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children is definite proof zero allah ever, 78:33 delusions, 37;48 delusions, 38:52 delusion, 56:17 boy delusions, 52:34 boy delusion is obvious indisputable proof zero allah, zero god fabricated by 81:22-25 mad mohamed’s 25:4-5 falsehood islam/koran, has no right to exist in GOD & CHRIST”S world “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-24, Proverbs 8:22-36, referendums abolish so civilized people can live & work.
islammeanspeace says
ok, tell me how Islam is not the most peace full religion how and there are 1 billoin+ Muslims in this world right now Islam is 2nd most converted to religion because of peace what made Islam known for peace I know and you know and everyone knows that all that’s written about Islam is bad all they talking about is terrorists and then go ask a true Muslims Islam the most peaceful religion not everyone that says he is Muslim means he is a true religious Muslim in Saudi Arabia celebrating Helloween and in Saudi Arabia, there is Makkah and Madinah in Qatar holding the LGBTQ flag in the world cup 2022 and the reason why its only talks about what bad things Muslims do to make change your thoughts on Islam and Islam mean peace and now these days you will barely meet a real Muslim or Christian face to face and even a demonic magicians says it’s hard to cast a spell on a true Muslim when she tries to cast a spell on someone she feels is in a different world but when it’s a true Muslim she says that the person is protected and she gets pushed why becuase islam is the real reliegon but you can convert to any religon you want but be careful becuase we will see who was right in the day of judgement
Joy says
Islam is a false religion period I encourage Muslims to turn to JESUS before it’s to late!!!!
Anonymous says
Prove that it is false.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 56:36 virgin joke delusion is obvious indisputable proof allah has never existed ever, zero god in islam, all obviously made by men
Anonymous says
Go and know what islam is
GettingCentered says
All religions are false. All religious books are altered to fit a narrative. They are meant to separate not unite. Which is y EACH AND EVERY RELIGION HAD TAKEN THE NAME OF HIM WHO CREATED US out of every religious book we’ve read and replaced it wit different descriptive WORDS. says
i see muslim peace daily palestine 5:51 hate & murdering, muslim wagner genocidevil, africa kidnap 50 women raped, sickening 65:4 not menstruated pedophile Aisha child sex, 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 78:33 full breasted women delusions,,37:48 glances delusions, 38:52 glances delusions, 76:19 boy paradise delusions, 52:24 boy delusions, 56:17 boy delusions obviously indisputable proof allah is a delusion made by mohamed’s 25:4-5 delusions & falsehood, doesn’t fool muslims anymore, “born again” to the kingdom of Almighty All Loving God & Son resurrected from the dead- ascent into heaven Jesus Christ Saint Luke 24:51-53, alive forevermore, actual events on earth is the same for believers, 1 God forever & ever in unity with the Holy Spirit, the world’s 1Holy Creator & Saviour JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY.,
All else is godless & endless hell.
Glenn Gerun says
Anonymous says
JC was a prophet and Muslim …., you turn to become a true Muslim.. you are following a corrupted religion not the true religion as Jc preached .!!!!
Glenn Gerun says
God & Son Divine Jesus Christ is your Creator & Saviour, eye witnessed true KJ Holy Bible NT.
We all shall find out imminently, heaven or hell. That’s why Christ Jesus came from heaven to save us from our sin., died on the ✝️, for us, resurrected from the dead & 40 days later ascent into heaven is the same for Christian believers of reality.. We all shall see when we die,
Glenn Gerun says
God & Son Divine Jesus Christ is your Creator & Saviour, eye witnessed true KJ Holy Bible NT.
We all shall find out imminently, heaven or hell. That’s why Christ Jesus came from heaven to save us from our sin., died on the ✝️, for us, resurrected from the dead, ascent into heaven is the same for Christian believers of reality.. We all shall see when we die, says
Christ Jesus is everyone’s judge to heaven or hell. “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
Expert in Religions says
Jesus has never said He is prophet, Muslim , Allah is God in the Bible. Jesus never worship God in the Bible. Jesus is God and Lord. Matthew 4:7, 22:42-45. God the Father is LORD. Psalms 110:1.
Glenn Gerun says
Research muslim history evidence, “670 million massacred”, muslim: 9/11, 3/11, 7/7, muslim Crusade conqering was defeated by Charles Martel France, muslim palestine hating & murdering, turk muslims genocided 1.5 million Armenian Christians, 2 milliin Sudan poor slaughtered by muslims for decades, burned meague crops huts, villages, vilevil raping & murdering today, terrorist wicked muslim murder around the world daily, totally godless & evil muslims self inflict endless endless hell.
“The angels shall come forth & sever the wicked from among the just. And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing & gnashing of teeth.” Saint Matthew 13:49-50. says
i see muslim peace daily palestine 5:51 hate & murdering, muslim wagner genocidevil, africa kidnap 50 women raped, sickening 65:4 not menstruated pedophile Aisha child sex, 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 78:33 full breasted women delusions,,37:48 glances delusions, 38:52 glances delusions, 76:19 boy paradise delusions, 52:24 boy delusions, 56:17 boy delusions obviously indisputable proof allah is a delusion made by mohamed’s 25:4-5 delusions & falsehood, doesn’t fool muslims anymore, “born again” to the kingdom of Almighty All Loving God & Son resurrected from the dead- ascent into heaven Jesus Christ Saint Luke 24:51-53, alive forevermore, actual events on earth is the same for believers, 1 God forever & ever in unity with the Holy Spirit, the world’s 1Holy Creator & Saviour JUDEO-CHRISTIANITY.,
All else is godless & endless hell.
Rose falover says
OMG…..OMG……Is that your investigation?seriously!!??
I found “only one Quran” in my whole life….because The BIGGEST
TRUTH is that East to West ….it’s only one Quran”….
word to word,verse to verse.It’s ONLY ONE.
“The Quran” of illiterate but not ignorant Muhammad…
same Quran of Sahabas,Caliphs and Muslim(shia+sunni=Quran)
So what are you talking about????
Anonymous says
Yes, there’s only one Quran. And it teaches violence, rape and slavery.
Glenn Gerun says
Respect isn’t enough,
Christ Jesus knows:
“Ye must be born again” to see the kingdom of God.” Saint John 3:3-7.
Karima says
there is only one Quran in the Religion of Islam. Without contradictions. One of the oldest Quran was found in birmingham,
Sorry, but it seems, that you have false Information in the basics of the islamic religion.
Perhaps you have got a mosque near where you comes from.
There you can ask all the questions you have.
May god (the one and only) bless us all and gide us the right way, amin 🙂
Peace be upon you/Salam alaikum/Shalom/Friede mit Dir
Thinker says
Religion is division. Love your brother and treat him as you would like him to treat you.
Observe yourself, know thyself.
Overcome your weaknesses, overcome your passions.
Make your higher self be the one controlling the animal part.
Make the lower self be subjugated to the higher self.
There needs not to be division with religions.
The laws are simple. Love.
Shocked by all the comments except this one says
I cant believe I spent so much time reading all these biased comments by both muslims, christians & non believers. I now understand totally The Athiest or The Agnostic. Maybe we need to get rid of all the religions because they are Man made & was the only way the ancient world could control people from commiting atrocities. But when The Words are written down & passed from century to century how can all these believe they have not been misinterpreted. Even the English language has undergone many changes. Try reading something from the 11th century. Even the writing has changed.Letter F written like S for example. Live simple lives, Be kind to the people who surround you, your neighbours, your friends & especially your families. Dont worship money or anyone like they are a God or Godess. Do not put anyone up on a pedestal. We are all equal. The 10 Commandments may be worth a read & maybe updated for modernity. Simple values to live by & not to be misused & manipulated by ALL HUMAN BEINGS. Maybe its time to move away from organised religion because all I see is killing in the name of religion. The Crusaders did it with ‘Noble Knights’ Now the radicalised Muslims like Isis etc are doing it to Christians. The Hindus, the Buddhists, the Bahais the Zoroastrians they seem to have conflict with the Muslims in those countries Koptic Christians & Orthodox Christians in Europe. So if there was no religion would they fight different ethnic groups? What is the root of all this enmity between mankind? Is it the ownership of land or the invasion of countries. Cos they raped the women & forced their religions on the subdued. The Vikings The Mongols, The Greeks The Romans were even in Britain for 100sof years. So dear friends we are all mixed & blended. & may carry genes from those races & religions we dislike. And we are looking to life on ither planets. What a joke when we cant even get along with someone in our neighbourhood maybe!!!
Glenn Gerun says
There is only 1 religion ever, ORIGIN HOLY GOD GENESIS
Expert in Religions says
One True religion, Christianity. One True God, God had done circumcision in flesh. God the Holy Spirit is inside Christians who have received them sent by Jesus. John 14:16,17, 14:26. God the Holy Spirit inside Christians guide Christians to all truth. John 16:13. says
i’ll tell you everything you need to know for eternity. Jesus Christ said “O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self, with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” Saint John 17:3-5, clear proof by his Nativity birth to the Virgin Mary, did millions of miracles of love, compassion, raised the dead, healed them all, ✝️ for our sake, resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, is overwhelming proof of the Origin of all ife, God the Father of us all, & overehelming proof by His Divine Son Jesus Christ is the saviour of the world & us all, in unity with the Holy Spirit., 1 heart & mind gave us instruction NT proof how to get into their everlasting life in heaven: is precisely “Love thy neighbor aa thyself”, proves your Love of God’ & all humsnity.. 1 truth forever & ever.
Fiaz says
Jesus never claimed to be son of God. You should read the Old Testament, which is in Hebrew. In that Bible, he mentions himself as a prophet not the son of God
Glenn Gerun says
6 X God said “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him.”
Saint Matthew 3:17, 17:5,
Saint Mark 1:11, 9:7,
Saint Luke 3:32, 9:35,
2 Peter 1:17
seen & heard by thousands, clear proof the only way to God & heaven.
“Ye must be born again” Saint John 3:7 KJ Holy Bible.
Unbelief/denial of God’s Catholic Christianity, is a mortal sin & self inflict endless fiery hell.
hater_of_the_islamophobes says
the Bible was edited COUNTLESS times whereas the Quran has not been edited once. there’s something called research. try doing it.
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims found the original koran, invited expert Gerd Puin, carbon date tests, revealed koran alterations, washed layered revisions, is clear proof allah is not real, has never existed ever. Furthermore, koran 56:36 virgin joke, 76:19 boy delusions, 56:17 boy delusions, 52:24 boy delusions, 78:33 full breasted women delusions, 37:48 delusions, 38:52 delusions, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children filth is clear proof allah was a man made delusion to get away with murder & pedophilia with an obvious non existent allah derived from star-moon idolatry “the god-al-ilah” worship is the same paganism today. Now 2 billion Muslims are “born again” to Christianity love thy neighbor as thyself everlasting life as it is in heaven. God bless you in the name of The Father, The Son, & The Holy Spirit, 1 God forever & ever..
Glenn Gerun says
1972, Muslims found the original koran, invited Gerd Puin revealed koran alterations, washed layed revisions, absolute proof there’s no allah, zero allah in islam.
Timothy Benton says
The Hebrew part has not been; if you look at the Dead Sea Scrolls and the modern version, there are a few spelling differences, but nothing. more.
And calling out Islam where it says there are flying monkeys, and you should drink camel piss, that is not phobic; only questioning how accurate this could be.
Michael says
Start with Isaiah 7:14. Then keep researching my friend.
Glenn Gerun says
That’s why Jesus came from heaven to save the unknowers, & the sinners & the unbelievers whom look for excuses not to believe in 1TrueGod & the Messiah “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5
“And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven. And they worshipped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple praising and blessing God.” Saint Luke 24:51-53; eye witnessed by 500, 1 Corinthians 15:6.
And Christ Jesus said, 600 years before islam/koran was invented “They shall put you out of the synagogues; yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think he doeth God service” Saint John 16:2, is clear proof no allah; AND overwhelming proof of the Almighty All Knowing GOD the Holy Author of all life & everyone’s salvation today & forevermore is His Divine Son Jesus Christ, AND no mystery.
Glenn Gerun says
“And it came to pass. while he blessed them, he was parted from them, & carried up into heaven. And they worshipped Him, & returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple praising & blessing God.” Saint Luke 24:51-53
Christ Jesus said, 600 years before islam was invented, “They shall put you out of the synagogues,; yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth, you will think he doeth God service.” Saint John 16:2, is clear proof there’s no allah, zero god in islam; And clear proof of the infinite Almighty ALL KNOWING GOD THE HOLY AUTHOR OF ALL THE HEAVENS & EARTH & EVERYONE’S SALVATION TODAY & FOREVERMORE IS GOD’S DIVINE SON JESUS CHRIST. Thank you oh so much for eternity my Lord
aljksda says
“thank you oh so much” u sound like a millennial live laugh love white soccer mom. I highly advise you to SHUT THE ACTUAL FUCK UP says
“And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven. And they worshipped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple praising & blessing God.” Saint Luke 24:51-53.
Unbelievers & deniers look for an excuse not to believe in TRUE GOD indisputable proof the only way to everlasting life by His Divine Son Christ Jesus.. “Ye must be born again.” Saint John 3:3-7
eternalGodproof says
Please read Proverbs 8:22-32 OT & Saint John 3:16, 17:3-5 “before the world was.” NT eye witnessed proof by Christ Jesus “healed them all”, Saint Luke 6:19, was crucified takes away the sins of the world, resurrected from the dead, is seated at the right hand of God, “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son” Saint John 5:22, ascent into heaven, positively seen, Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1 Corinthians 15:6, is the same for “born again” Christians
Now i baptize 2 billion Mustims to Catholic, in the name of the Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit, 1 God forever & ever. Amen.
Anonymous says
“What if a man you knew began telling people that God was routinely speaking to him and only him – and that the “revelations” he claimed to be receiving were mostly about him and his relative importance to all other people? Say, for example, that this self-proclaimed prophet insisted that God had declared him to be the ‘excellent pattern of conduct’ for mankind (Quran 33:21) and that others were therefore to accord him with special privilege, unwavering obedience (Quran 4:80) , wealth and earthly desires, including all of the slaves and women that his lust could handle. ….In 610, an Arab salesman with a charismatic personality attracted a small cult of credulous fanatics by claiming to be a prophet. Though his “revelations” were self-referential and occasionally contradicting, he was successful in manipulating his followers with promises of heavenly reward and threat of divine wrath. The god heard only by him told them to lie and steal for him, to give their children to him for sexual pleasure and, eventually, to gruesomely murder his detractors…”
Glenn Gerun says
yep, I know all about it, mohamed illiusioned jibril, illusionef 5:36 virgin joke, illusionef 78:33 full breasred companios,
illusionef 37:48 limiting glances, illusioned, 38:52 illusioned limiting glances, 76:19 boy illusions, 56:29 boy illudions, 52:24 boy illusions, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile Aisha child sex illusioned, is clear proof nohamed illusioned allah.
Glenn Gerun says
56:17 boy illusions , 56:36 virgin joke is absolute proof allah has never existed ever.
Glenn Gerun says
hello Fiaz, please read Proverbs 8:22-32 OT & Saint John 3:16, 17:3-5, 6:27, 5:22,
& Saint Mark 14:62, 15:39,
& Saint Luke 24:51-53.
& Saint Matthew 16:19.
Now Fiaz, I baptized you Catholic, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, 1 GOD forever & ever. Amen.
eternalGodproof says
Hello Fiaz, read Proverbs 8:22:32 OT & read Saint John 3:16, 17:3-5, 6:27, 5:22, Saint Mark 14:62, 15:39, Saint Luke 24:51-53′ Saint Matthew 16:19.
Now Fiaz, I baptize you Catholic, in the name of the Father, the Son & the Holy Spirit, 1 God forever & ever. Amen.
John Clery says
You people are mentally ill all religion is REAL DUMB, you’re all so terrified of death so much, you believe immature man made fairy stories, that have been proved to be scientifically WRONG, and proved many men over ages wrote that superstitious idiocy. A wise 11th century blind Arab philosopher quoted, ” There are two classes of men in the world, intelligent men with no religion, and religious men with no intelligence.” How right was he, every religion is made up and very childish, all due to the fear of death, your paradise does NOT exist, you fools!!!!!!
Glenn Gerun says
Jesus the Messiah born of the Virgin Mary, 3 Arabs followed real God’s star to Bethlehem, proved the way to the kingdom of God, by clear proofs, raised the dead, healed the blind-the sick & lepers, “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, fame was throughout all countries, people came to touch Christ, were all healed, died for our sake, ✝️ to take our sins away, resurrected-ascent into heaven Saint Luke 24:51-53, all eye witnessed, is 1TrueGod,
has nothing to do with the man made 600 AD man made allah 7:4 destroy, 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin joke, 78:33 full breasted women fantasy,, 9:5 kill-ambush, 65:4 pedophile child sex islam
Glenn Gerun says
Can you not see Jesus Christ deliberate Nativity, miracles, the excellent word how to get into heaven, “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, millions of people like you & me eye witnessed & felt, for our sake was ✝️to take away the sins of the world the OT diid not do, resurrected-ascent into heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53,, positively seen, is 1TrueGod.
No chance koran 7:4 destroy, 4:34 beat women, 78:33 voluptuous women, 56:36 virgin joke, 9:5 kill-ambush, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred, 65:4 pedophile children is a god.
Glenn Gerun says
Belief in Resurrected-Ascent Jesus Christ Catholic “Love thy neighbour as thyself, eye witnessed NT truth, are rewarded eternal heaven.
Anonymous says
Before Paul Christians didn’t believe Jesus was god or son of god. Paul persecuted the Christians and killed them but he couldn’t stop them so he joined them to change their religion from within. Christianity today is exactly the same as the Greek gods of that time. Paul changed the names from Zeus to God and from Hercules to Jesus and so on. Wake up and smell the perverted Bible. Look up the Songs of Solomon in Hebrew where the song mentions prophet Muhammad by name “Muhammadim” in Hebrew. They’ll lie and say it means lovely one, but in Hebrew “‘im” at the end of a name is for glorifying and for proper names like “Elohim” meaning God. Why does it translate to lovely one is because a translation to translation many meaning were translated wrong.
Glenn Gerun says
1 obvious truth.
JESUS CHRIST miracles, raised the dead, healed the blind-the lepers, “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, fed 5000, catch of fish astonished Peter, fell down on Jesus knees saying, “Depart from me: for I am a sinful man O Lord” and they all forsook all & followed him to heaven St. Luke 5. Saint Matthew, Saint Mark & Saint John: also recorded the Messiah ✝️, resurrection-ascension into heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53 KJ Holy Bible NT, all eye witnessed, is clear proof of the infinite True God the Father & the Holy Spirit Trinity, 1 heart & mind, Creator/Saviour power & goodness & complete joy to the world
Former Catholic says
You are so desperate, just proving that some Christians are as intolerant as hell. I have lovely Christian friends and it is a shame your behavior can make them look bad. I am a Muslim but something I can tolerate is the intolerance that some people from both religions spread. Christians say “-Muslims are intolerant they wanna turn everyone into their religion”, also the same Christians: “I proclaim Jesus god will send you to hell if you don’t come to Christianity… ” How hypocritical is that? – People take fragments of the Quran, go to google and do ctrl = f and focus on the words Jews, Christians, kill, and murder without diving into the full context of the Quran and the Sunnah. There are a lot of wronged Quran translations, and a lot of them in purpose, just using Google Translate made huge mistakes that lead to miss interpretation. If you really wanna know what Islam means study the Quran, a legit translation, and study the Sunnah, there are IVY league universities like U of Michigan that offers religious programs. But don’t come to spread hate and nonsense about Islam being violent when you are the one attacking without real knowledge, just I read it on google, or a friend told me, or Fox news says… FYI I was strictly catholic, I quit my religion and spend 5 years of my life searching for a new faith and Islam was the answer TO ME, as for you is Christianity can be. I converted to Islam with a lot of Christian friends and we never ever had a religious encounter because we know what the word RESPECT means. We COHEXIST but extremist people for all religions always want to mess up, ALWAYS, having that desire of fighting to war. That only show how stupid humans can be.
Glenn Gerun says
it’s utter crazy denial & say Catholic NT was corrupted.. So beautiful frue only way to the kingdom of God eye witnessed millions of miracles “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, millions like you & me seen & felt, ✝️-resurrected-ascent into heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53, alive forevermore, actually happened, 1 Corinthians 15:6, is the same for believers “born again” Saint John 3:3-7, to avoid endless hell. Saint Paul knew everything, a warm strong voice of God & Jesus “And be ye kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ sake, hath forgiven you.” Ephesians 4:32.
This is God the Creator & His Divine Son Christ is the Saviiour of the world.
6 times God said, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye him.”
Expert in Religions says
Not Paul. Christians received God the Holy Spirit then they believed Jesus is God and the Son of God. John 10:36. God the Father is inside Jesus, Christians must worship Jesus in spirit. John 14:8-12. Jesus is inside Christians through the Holy Spirit. John 14:20.
Glenn Gerun says
Judeo-Christianity Ever Living God the Father & Jesus Christ “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 is everyone’s Creator & Saviour.
There are no other gods but men made other religions to deny God’s “Love thy neighbor as thyself 10 Commandments (Laws) “Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46 is the positively eye witnessed way & the truth to everlasting life in heaven. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” St. John 3:16.
Anonymous says
the word begotten is thrown out of the bible and all references to trinity as well
by highest eminence of Christian scholars as a fabrication a miss interpretation and the NIV says there may well be other “grave errors” there so before you twist the quran confirm if jesus was god
Glenn Gerun says
GOD IS JESUS CHRIST IN THE FLESH; & the word, clear proof by his Nativity, 3 Arabian astrologers followed “Real God’s star to Bethlehem, & they worshipped baby Jesus begat to Virgin Mary, the mother of God on earth. did miracles of love, raised the dead, healed the blind-the lepers, “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, was crucified for the sins of the world the OT did not do, resurrected-ascent into heaven: ,”… carried up into heaven. And they worshipped Him & returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple praising & blessing God.” Saint Luke 24:51-53, eye witnessed, is the same ascent into heaven for “born again” Christians, overwhelming proof of the Holy Origin of life & everyone’s salvation today & forevermore is Jesus Christ, no separation & no mystery,
“He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father.” Saint John 14:9
“I and my Father are one.” Saint John 10:30
“Before Abraham was I am”
Saint John 8:58
“Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46
“Go ye baptizing in the name of the Father, Son & the Holy Spirit is the only way to everlasting life in heaven, That’s why Jesus Christ came from heaven to save sinners like me.
Glenn Gerun says
Jesus Christ is God from God,
light from light, true God from true God facts of infinte love, power, raised the dead,
“healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, ✝️, resurrected from the dead, ascent into heaven Saint Luke 24:51-53 truths, witnessed by 500, 1 Corinthians 15:6, is the same for discerning “born again” Christians.
Glenn Gerun says
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Saint John 3:16.
For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Ssint John 5:23.
Anonymous says
sad part you hear what john says not jesus where does he say pray me and if you want to talk about islamic “terrorism” then why dont you ask the jews how many times throughout history they were butchered by Christians what about timothy 2 :11-12 in bible, you cherry pick what you have and twist what others believe some fair play, muslims were the first to give women “rights” check it if you want
Glenn Gerun says
No chance your comments are correct, I see the gross injustice against defenceless women everywhere, no equality, no rights, no freedom sharia evil, koran 4:34 beat women is clear proof no allah, zero god in islam. Christians are respectable Love thy neighbor as thyself civil life & values good for everyone & sincerely pray the Lord’s Prayer, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, perfect logic from infinite GOD.
Beware “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
“Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7.
Unbelief in Catholic Christianity, self inflict hell. Saint Matthew 13:49.
Glenn Gerun says
i see koran 4:34 beat women, & brutal retrogression against defenceless Muslim ladies since the 1960-70s islamic revolution iran, Afghanistan taliban merciless dress code from power & control freaks, or ridiculous 56:36 virgin joke, or filthy sick 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children is overwhelming proof beyond dispute no allah, zero god in islam. Check out koran 5:33 hands/feet cut off from opposite sides is all obviously man made cruelty, proof no god, or 5:38 amputate hands is more evil, cripple a thief for life is clear proof allah has never existed ever, all man made BS
Glenn Gerun says
koran 4:34 beat women is indisputable proof beyond a shadow ot doubt that mohamed & companions fabricated non existent allah for power & control freaks over women
Junaid says
Good job.
May Allah bless you – Amen
Glenn Gerun says
koran 56:36 virgin joke is proof beyond dispute there’s no allah, zero god in islam.
Glenn Gerun says
It’s clear written facts in the koran 2:65 apes hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs hate, 98:6 hate, 7:166 be apes hate, 4:34 beat women, 7:4 we destroyed, 17:7-17 destruction, 56:36 virgin joke, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre, 9:5 kill-ambush, 65:4 pedophile children is proof beyond dispute there’s no allah, zero god in the temple mount nor in any mosque in the world.
Waseem says
Read those verses you cited starting 3 verses before up to 3 verses after before you hastily take them out of context.
You’ll find that you’re egregiously assuming wrong.
I made a post right under here to demonstrate that there’s nothing morally deficient as you’re being led to believe.
Unless you want me to do the work for you and show you here.
Glenn Gerun says
False arguement sir., There’s hundreds of proofs allah is the same pagan idolatry today. Read history facts :,To beat the heat, Arabian desert dwellers traveled at night, became keen astrologers to guide their journeys, stars, moon, fable is where “the god-al-ilah” came from, shortened to allah is the same pagan idolatry today, proof by real GOD & HIS SON, “They shall put you out of the synagogues, yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think he doeth God service.” Saint John 16:2; proof no allah, zero god in islam, 600 years before the koran was conspired by mohamed & 4 companions. but that statement is overwhelming proof of the Holy Almighty All Knowing Origin of all life & His Divine Son Jesus the Christ Saviour of God’s world “before the world was.” Saint John 17:3-5., Check out this glorious verse of the future for Christians. You’re invited & you are all naturally Christians anyhow because that’s your Maker & Saviour. You will find out eventually.
Glenn Gerun says
The terminology apes, pigs, worst of creatures is obvious indisputable made by 81:22-25 mad mohamed to hate & murder with his tribes pagan star & moon god/al-ilah/allah approval. Merciful & forgiving is a great catch phrase trick on muslims.
GOD THE FATHER IS LOVE, The Creator of everything that exists & His Divine Son is Saviour of the world, seen & felt by millions of people like you & I. You & me & everyone is a child of GOD’S LOVE. For your eternal life, before it’s too late, read Proverbs 8:22-36, and Saint John 17:3-24.
Please heed Jesus Christ firm statement, “Ye must be born again.” Saint John 3:3-7.
EternalGodproof says
koran 2:65 apes hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs hate, 7:166 apes hate, 98:6 hate, 4:34 beat women, 7:4 destroy, 17:7-17 destruction, 56:36 virgin joke, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 slaughter, 9:5 kill-ambush, 65:4 pedophile children, is clear proof beyond dispute no allah, zero god in islam.
EternalGodproof says
All people & all things in the world are created by GOD, & saved by His Divine Son Jesus Christianity Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Commandments, & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, perfect sense “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5.
“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
“Even the very hairs of you head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7.
Where are you going?
“Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” Saint John 3:3-7.
Waseem says
starting with the “apes quote”… I don’t know what point you’re making about these verses. they were referring to those certain Jews that believed in scripture and violated the sabbath and disobeyed Thier book/message.
God saide to as apes, .. didn’t literally turn or punish them by turning those specific group as apes.
the passage starts off With God giving Christians.. Jews and other groups respect as believers promising those among them that do righteous works will have no rewards of God..
if you were not in a rush to judge or hate and actually read the passages.. you would realize you made a mistake.. im going to address the rest of the verses you threw in separate replies.
Quran 2:62-68
Surely they that believe, and those of Jewry, and the Christians, and those Sabaeans, whoso believes in God and the Last Day, and works righteousness — their wage awaits them with their Lord, and no fear shall be on them; neither shall they sorrow.
And when We took compact with you, and raised above you the Mount: ‘Take forcefully what We have given you, and remember what is in it; haply you shall be godfearing.’
Then you turned away thereafter, and but for the bounty and mercy of God towards you, you had been of the losers.
And well you know there were those among you that transgressed the Sabbath, and We said to them, ‘Be you apes, miserably slinking!’
And We made it a punishment exemplary for all the former times and for the latter, and an admonition to such as are godfearing.
And when Moses said to his people, ‘God commands you to sacrifice a cow.’ They said, ‘Dost thou take us in mockery?’ He said, ‘I take refuge with God, lest I should be one of the ignorant.’
They said, ‘Pray to thy Lord for us, that He may make clear to us what she may be.’ He said, ‘He says she is a cow neither old, nor virgin, middling between the two; so do that you are bidden.’
Glenn Gerun says
Turk muslims promised equality & freedom to Armenian Christians, backstabbed genocided 1.5 million Christians, evilest cruel murder & forced marched, robbed, raped on the way to Syria, is directly from 5 X a day brainwashed koran 2:65 apes hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs hate, 7:166 apes hate, 98:6 hate crimes against humanity with the 600AD man made pagan star/moon god excuse, depicted on the Turkish flag, desecrate stole Sophia Hagia, confiscated GOD”S Catholic churches, shall pay judgment on all infidels by CHRIST who sits at the right hand of GOD judging the living & the dead, is the same today & forevermore. No one gets away from godless wrongdoing & anti-semite evil ever.
Don’t waste your whole life not “born again” Saint John 3:3-7 to GOD’S Love & salvation clear proof through His Divine Son Jesus the Messiah prophesied in the OT.
Realize all Muslims are actually Christians from eternal NT proof “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 & eternal proof by His miracles, healed them all, ✝️,resurrected-ascent into heaven, positively eye witnessed, & documented is the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation forevermore.
Glenn Gerun says
Wassem, 6 billion people are wise unbelievers of ridiculous fake allah 56:36 virgin joke, 2:65 apes hate, 78:33 voluptuos women, 37:48, 4:34 beat women, 38:52 limiting glances, 65:4 pedophile children is absolute proof beyond dispute allah has never existed ever, all man made lies,
Glenn Gerun says
Waseem, you are a typical Muslim self deceiver try to justify blatant hate, name calling, putting non muslims down with a bunch of context is more proof beyond a shadow of doubt that allah is man made & has actually never existed ever.
Glenn Gerun says
any ape or pig term or ape/pig verse in the 600AD koran is clear proof made by men & clear proof allah is not a real thing, a non existent allah used to call down GOD’S Judeo-Christians, doesn’t fool anyone anymore, Waseem
Glenn Gerun says
Nonsense mister, Use you intelligence & believe your very sees, the HOLY BIBLE SEEN & FELT BY MILLIONS:: GREATEST DOCUMENTAION OF ALL TIME, ONLY WAY TO GOD & Everlasting life in heaven clear proof by resurreced-ascent in heaven Christ Jesus, alive forevermore & forever will be, hears your prayer, your request for salvation & save you from lies, evil, wrongdoing & hell.
Waseem says
you referring to 5:60… again with the apes example… this is describing when a group of from people of scripture (Jews.. Christians) and idol worshippers.. were mocking and ridiculing muslims when they prayed… Muhammad was commanded by narrator to respond with a story about when God has punished his beleivers (those who received Jewish and Christian scriptures) by turning them to swines and apes ..
for the reason of disobeying their own books and laws (not the Quran) . The narrator tells Muhammad why haven’t the priests and rabbis spoke against the sins flagrantly being committed by some Christians and Jews in Mecca/Medina in Arabia of the time.
again… if you we’re sincerely reading a book than just takin out of context transactions youd see there’s nothing inherently hateful in these verses.
onto the next ones…
O believers, take not as your protectors those of them, who were given the Book before you, and the Deniers of truth, who take your religion in mockery and as a sport — and fear God, if you are believers
and when you call to prayer, take it in mockery and as a sport; that is because they are a people who have no understanding.
Say: ‘People of the Book, do you blame us for any other cause than that we believe in God, and what has been sent down to us, and what was sent down before, and that most of you are disobedient?
Say: ‘Shall I tell you of a recompense with God, worse than that? Whomsoever God has cursed, and with whom He is wroth, and made some of them apes and swine, and worshippers of idols — they are worse situated, and have gone further astray from the right way.
When they come to you, they say, ‘We believe’; but they have entered in unbelief, and so they have departed in it; God knows very well what they were hiding.
Thou seest many of them vying in sin and enmity, and how they consume the unlawful; evil is the thing they have been doing.
Why do the masters and the rabbis not forbid them to utter sin, and consume the unlawful? Evil is the thing they have been working.
Glenn Gerun says
muslims try to weasel into Abraham, but GOD said, “Isaac, I will establish my covenant.” Genesis 17:19, discounts muslim claims of a god.
Muslims are brainwashed victims surrender to fake allah 5:33, 5:38 evil:
Surrender to man made ridiiculous allah 56:36 virgin jokes, 38:52, 37:48 limited glances, 78:33 full breasted companions, 4:34 beat women, 65:4 pedophile children, 7:4 we destroyed, 9:5 ambush-murder logical unbelievers.
8:12 terror-behead walking Muslims, unless the wise are “born again” to Holy ascent Jesus Christianity God proof “Love thy neighbor as thyself” that’s in heaven, eye witnessed..
ur mom says
let me get this straight- you are saying that muslims are “brainwashed” and “terror behead” but then your saying love thy neighbor?????? this is a new level oof stupid for u bro. and don’t fucking forget that we disgusting Arabs and middle easterns made your beloved Christanity. Jesus was a Palestinian. so do your god damn research and actually READ THE QURAN THAT HAS NOT BEEN ALTERED ONCE FROM ITS BEGINING and then come back and prove me wrong.
Glenn Gerun says
Do not surrender to obvious mohamed’s fake god ridiculous allah 56:36 virgin joke, 37:48 limited glances, 38:52 limited glances, 78:33 full breasted companions, 4:34 beat women, 9:5 kill-ambush, 17:7-17, 7:4 we destroyed, 2:65 apes-hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs hate, 7:166 apes-hate, 98:6 racism, prejudice, apartheid, bigotry, sickening 65:4 pedophile children is all written facts that islam/koran/allah is all man made crimes against humanity & GOD THE FATHER, & SON JESUS CHRIST & THE HOLY SPIRIT; has no right to exist, referendums abolish so civilized truthful free citizens of the world can live & work.
Glenn Gerun says
Get real Waseem. You have lots of rederence to koran stuff, but the whole concept of islam is to murder unbelievers of mohamed’s tribes pagan tales & recitations transferred to his koran ridiculous allah 78:33 full breasted companions, crazy 98:6 hate, 4:34 beat women, 7:4 we destroyed, 2:65 apes, 37:48 limiting glances, 5:60 made them apes & pigs dehumaning nonsense, 56:36 virgin joke proof man made sex fantasies, 7:166 repeated apes hate nonsense, 38:52 limiting glances proof made by men, 65:4 pedophile children is perverted & sick proof beyond dispute mohamed made up his fake allah, 9:5 kill-beseige-ambush,, 17:7-17 destruction, proof allah has never existed ever., is all obviously man made evil, contrary to your real Creator & Saviour Waseem, TRUE GOD & SON JESUS CHRIST LOVE & SALVATION EYE WITNESSED IN THE HOLY NEW TESTAMENT.
sj405 says
I don’t see any “pedophilic” elements in 65:4?
It’s like a pasue moment for divorced women before they can be married again?
What’s pedophilic about that?
Glenn Gerun says
Waseem, hate & murder & evil & lies is what you are defending quite obvious by the man made 56:36 virgin joke proof no sllah, 37:48 limiting glances is definitely man made fantasy, not god, 38:52 same nonsense, 4:34 beat women is from men, proof zero god, 78:33 voluptuous women is obvious man made lust & fantasy definite proof no allah ever, vile 65:4 pedophile children is absolute filthiest evil & shame all muslims, apostate in mass; “born again” to JESUS THE CHRIST Catholic Love & everlasting life TRUE GOD
Glenn Gerun says
Waseem, koran 65:4 not menstruated is obvious clear proof mohamed made up his own god hoax allah to lawfully pedophile 6 year old Aisha, overwhelming proof no allah, zero god in islam. says
sj405, koran 65:4 not menstruated means pedophile sex, proof both “the god-al-ilah shortened to allah has never existed ever, says
koran 5:60 made them apes & pigs is proof ridiculous allah is all made by mohamed says
Blatant hate 5:60
koran no matter all the context & argument Muslims self deceivers try to justify,,clear proof no allah, zero god in islam
Glenn Gerun says
you are brainwashed blind to admit the NT truth ot God the Father & the thorougly detailed clear proof onto everlasting life by Jesus Christ the Saviour of the world & forever will be. God Bless you in the name of the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit, Amen.
waseem says
you mentioned 7:166..
you had again.. only to look 3 verses before to see the context
even the prior verse gives all you need to know.
So, when they forgot that they were reminded of; We delivered those who were forbidding wickedness, and We seized the evildoers with evil chastisement for their ungodliness.
And when they turned in disdain from that forbidding We said to them, ‘Be you apes, miserably slinking!’
Is it really a surprise? a group from the community were spared those who were forbidding wickedness… and the group that didn’t forbid it.. responded upset at God telling them what they were doing was wrong..and pissed god off…and we’re rendered as apes.
man sounds like good people who don’t do wicked deeds have much to worry about.
doesn’t seem that godless or awful to me.
Glenn Gerun says
No chance koran 2:65 apes hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs hate, 98:6 dehumsnizing hate, 7:166 apes hate is a god.
GOD IS CHRISTIANITY, “Love thy neighbor as thyself 10 Commandments & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Glenn Gerun says
Waseem, please don’t wasre your whole life.. God & Christ in heaven are watching us always, “Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7. You & me & everyone are very valuble to God. Waseem, you lose nothing & gain life everlasting in heaven, through the beautiful Lamb of God, ✝️ & died for us all, positively eye witnessed, came from heaven to save us all. Hope to see you in heaven. “Ye must be born again” Saint John 3:3-7. KJ Holy Bible.
Waseem says
here I may understand your reaction from the translations put together for this verse. unfortunately Arabic to english isn’t an exactly 100% accurate because many arabic scholars do not have a mastery of english.
The Kafir of the People of the Book and the idolaters shall be in the Fire of Gehenna, therein dwelling forever; those are the worst of creatures
Kafir in Arabic means those who reject something they know to be true. not disbeliever. or unbeliever or infidel. It doesn’t mean someone who doesn’t accept İslam.
the verse prior:
They were commanded only to serve God, making the religion His sincerely, men of pure faith, and to perform the prayer, and pay the alms — that is the religion of the True.
the religion of true is… prayer.. faith… giving to the poor.
no matter Jewish Christian Muslim hindu, this is the true religion.
The verse also says the Kafir OF the people of the book. meaning these are a Group of people among Christians Jews (even muslims).. not ALL of them.
who know the truth about God and being good to the poor and etc….. that then reject it. anyone in general who knows something to be true but rejects it blindly and acts as if it wasn’t true, the Quran narrator relegates these kinds of people as the worst of the worst.
Hopefully… after rectifying and clarifying… its much clearer its meaning for 98:6 and that its not intending to be hateful. not at least towards innoce and people.
Glenn Gerun says
Waseem, do not defend blatant evil & wrogdoing. GOD is pure love & salvation through his Divine Son “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5,
600AD denier islam/koran of hate/murder/beat women/pedophilia is self explanatory evil & wrongdoing. Leave evil islam, “born again” to the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is heaven as Christ proved the only way to God & heaven,
sj405 says
So, what Mr. Waseem said, that the verse clearly directed to hypocrites (The religious who knows the good deeds but neglected and rejects them) means that, even when someone know what they’re doing is wrong, we should support them and not to fight or correct their actions?
We should just let corruptions, oppressions and stuff were committed even when they knew they shouldn’t be doing it?
Additionally, I don’t see any relevance in 4:34 regarding “beat women is allowed”. It says in a family institute, the husband and wife both have responsibilities, respect each other and etc etc. And the Husband is the leader of the institute and the wife have to respect the husband (as long as he did not being abusive). The aspects of the respect is generally not to cheat on him, and to maintain her dignity from other men. And the wife may not fight back the husband (when there is literally no abuse or corruption done by the husband), and for that action the husband may punish the wife by not sleeping together with the wife. And IF the relationship tension escalated, i.e the wife is being more rude to the husband, the husband have a right to give a (light, very light) beating to her as a lesson. Note this, a light beat, consider the momentum of a slap at the back by your bestie, and that momentum of beat is only allowed to beat women, any stronger than that is literally abuse.
Glenn Gerun says
All non Christians self inflict hell.
Everyone’s CREATOR IS TRUE GOD & everyone’s salvation to TRUE GOD & HEAVEN IS JESUS CHRIST.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 4:34 beat women is clear proof mohamed made up his own god hoax allah to get away with his abuse against women & children, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex islam is evilest of evil mentally sick mohamed, such a self decever, nothing better than a non existent god excuse, but doesn’t deceive logical you “born again” to Christ GOD proof, raised the dead, healed the blind & the lepers, “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, ✝️, resurrected from the dead to sit at the right hand of God the Father judging the living & the dead today & forevermore, Christ’s ascent into heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53, eye witnessed, is the same for Christians, whom believe in reality, history events & facts documented in the Holy Binle that actually happened so Divine & Holiest of Holy proof beyond dispute.the only way to God & everlasting life in heaven
Glenn Gerun says
i see how muslims treat the poor, 2 million Sudan poor slaughtered for decades, burned meagre crops, huts, villages, horrid displacements, raping & murdering today, muslim janjaweed said to Nadifa, “you can be killed or raped”, tied her up spread eagled all day, repeatedly raped is moon god islam straight path to hell for all 78:33, 56:36 virgin joke delusional mohamedans 65:4 pedo islam idolatry
Glenn Gerun says
The ridiculous terminology, apes & pigs written many times, 98:6 worst of creatures is overwhelming proof there’s no allah, zero god in islam, proof beyond a shadow of doubt islam/koran/allah was made by men. No chance 56:36 virgin joke is a god, or 78:33 voluptuous women proof man made, not a god & the list goes on & on, 7:4 we destroyed, 37:48 limiting glances fantasy, 38:52 ridiculous fantasy, 76:19 boys perverted fantasy, 56:17 same perversion, 52:24 is clear proof man made a god deception on all Muslims. But you reading this have a chance of life given to you by your Holy Creator “God in Christ forgave you” Ephesians 4:32, baptizing “born again” to everlasting life. Saint John 3:3-7. God Bless.
EternalGodproof says
Confirms there’s no allah, zero god in islam.
Infinite God is Judeo-Christianity Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46
Waseem says
I think you’ve taken many verses out of context here… and in addition you are reading a very limited translation without doing due diligence to read verses before and after.. Unfortunately many Arabic translators have great command of arabic but not English and mistranslate into English very poorly. But to your point the religion has been hijacked by Hadith/Hadeeth and other bastardized concepts that shouldn’t be put into religious law/government.
I’m not a muslim who follows orthodox beliefs but attempts to only use the Quran as basis of beliefs… I’d like to demonstrate to you where I think you’re getting tripped up.
First and foremost there is no abrogation in the Quran contrary to popular opinion.
And for whatever Miracle/Sign/Verse We abrogate or cast into oblivion, We bring a better or the like of it; knowest thou not that God is powerful over everything?
The above translation is a POOR translation. The arabic word for Abrogate is Fusikh, the arabic word being used in the above verse is Nunsihaa, which means “caused to be forgotten” this is SIGNIFICANTLY different in meaning. Abrogation literally means repeal what was a law/written. While Nunsihaa is saying miracles/signs/verses caused to be forgotten.
Something that is forgotten doesn’t mean it’s repealed, it means people have forgotten and need to be reminded.
Support for this argument is in this verse;
He has laid down for you as religion that He charged Noah with, and that We have revealed to thee, and that We charged Abraham with, Moses and Jesus: ‘Perform the religion, and scatter not regarding it. Very hateful is that for the idolaters, that thou callest them to. God chooses unto Himself whomsoever He will, and He guides to Himself whosoever turns, penitent.
Per the above, the religion never changed, the message was the same to prophets that came before Muhammad. The concept of Abrogation cannot be possible despite what muslim scholars believe. While they study the religion they use fabricated accounts and a faulty logic to use reported narratives/stories about Muhammad (which were put together hundreds of years after his death) to use in religious rulings/laws which the Quran directly forbids. Which to your point, is what happened. Most of Islam being taught today is not representative of what is in the Quran but garbage stories which contradict the Book.
Sadly this lead to so called muslims in history, to commit evils, belittling of women, invading other countries forcefully coercing to islam, These things happened and are real. They’re shameful should be condemned and have no real basis in Quranic Islam.
Many muslims today because of the indoctrination of this current system of Hadith, are conflicted and don’t know it, they have not reconciled their upbringing/indoctrination with their modern/sense of demeanor.
People don’t really read their books or even hadith and just follow their religion blindly than really try to read and understand their book with logic.
My second point about the concept of abrogation: In the verse about abrogation, it says “And for whatever Miracle/Sign/Verse..”
The arabic word ‘ayaah has a few meanings, throughout the Quran, it’s taken to mean miracles/signs, not just quranic verses. Even if we assumed that “Abrogation” was a translation of Nunsihaa, it could be referring to miracles, which is the likely the intended meaning, because stories of Prophets like Moses, Noah, where they showed miracles to the Pharaoh and kept showing miracles better than the one prior and then later people FORGOT about these stories.
SECOND Islam does not bid to attack or kill anyone especially without instigation. Chapter , 9:5, is referring to a grace period of fighting specific to the Meccan/Medinan muslims who were at war with their brethren (polytheists, pagans, etc.)
This is not a command to all muslims everywhere to kill ANYONE not muslim, you’re taking it extremely out of context.
No muslim is allowed to fight or be an aggressor .
And fight in the way of God with those; who fight with you, but aggress not: God loves not the aggressors.
It’s straightforward, those who God in Quran are being told to “fight and kill wherever you find them” is referring to those who FIRST attacked them, which historically, is what happened, muslims were driven out of their homes and persecuted…
Mohsin Khan: Permission to fight is given to those, who are fighting them, (and) because they (believers) have been wronged, and surely, Allah is Able to give them (believers) victory
Arberry: Leave is given to those who fight because they were wronged — surely God is able to help them
The quran ALSO COMMANDS not to inherit women by force:
O believers, it is not lawful for you to inherit women against their will; neither debar them, that you may go off with part of what you have given them, except when they commit a flagrant indecency Consort with them honourably; or if you are averse to them, it is possible you may be averse to a thing, and God set in it much good.
Concerning slaves/servants
And let those who find not the means to marry be abstinent till God enriches them of His bounty. Those your right hands own who seek emancipation, contract with them accordingly, if you know some good in them; and give them of the wealth of God that He has given you. And constrain not your slave-girls to prostitution, if they desire to live in chastity, that you may seek the chance goods of the present life. Whosoever constrains them, surely God, after their being constrained, is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.
The above is direct and clear, And many things are happening in this verse.
First.. If servant women or women in general wish to be chaste, no one is allowed to violate it period. And if someone wants emancipation, then they’re by Quran law owed the obligation to earn it. Also anyone who was a “slave/Servant” is now being granted means of PAY/Wages in this verse.
Then of course it belabors a point that you cannot constrain servants to earn their money through prostitution, if they want to be chaste.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 56:36 virgin joke is clear proof no allah, zero god in islam.
God is Christianity Love thy neighbor as thyself, the overwhelming Love of God Son Christ came from heaven, for our sake, healed them all, ✝️, died, resurrected-ascent into heaven, positively eye witnessed true is the only true infinite God “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5.
Glenn Gerun says
CHRIST JESUS, the saviour of the world said “Moses wrote of me” is clear proof Jesus was “before the world was … for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world.” Saint John 27:3-24, & Proverbs 8:22-36 is clear proof of GENESIS creation of the heavens & earth & us.
Muzammil Jamil says
The Last Testament is the Noble Quran. For all the true Christ loving Christians out there – Islam is your religion. Jesus son of Mary is revered in the Quran and in the religion of Islam – as is Mary the noble mother of Jesus – there is actually a chapter of the Quran named after her. Islam and the Holy Quran do not allow murder, terrorism, pedophilia, forcing people to convert, and all the other disgusting things you can imagine. If you pray to your God – the God of Jesus – God the Father – to guide you to the Truth – and study Islam with an honest and sincere mind – then you will know all there is to know and you will see all that there is to see – and you will recognize the fulfillment of all of Jesus Christ’s words in the Holy Quran, in Islam and in the Prophet Muhammad. Peace and Blessings of God be upon all the Prophets and upon all the righteous servants of the Almighty God and peace be unto you.
Glenn Gerun says
You are brainwashed delusional. koran 2:65 apes hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs hate, 7:166 apes hate, 98:6 hate, 9:5 kill-ambush, 7:4 we destroyed, 4:34 beat women, 21:95 we see everyday, is proof beyond dispute allah is not real, all man made evil carried over from mohamed’s tribes star/moon idolatry paganism is the same today, self evident
Glenn Gerun says
A lot of the 600AD koran is copied & twisted Holy Bible people & events & 4000 years of history.. All scholars in the world come to the conclusion islam/koran/the god-al-ilah shortened to allah is all false, made by a delusionsl mohamed to get away with his murders & 65:4 pedophile Aisha, doesn’t fool anyone anymore. Your only hope is baptize “born again” to Catholic Saint John 3:7 everlasting truth & the way to heaven.
Glenn Gerun says
kotan 56:36 virgin joke is proof allah has never existed ever.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 56:36 virgin joke is proof allah has never existed ever.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 65:4 pedophile children & 56:36 virgin joke is proof allah has never existed ever.
Glenn Gerun says
The wicked koran fake allah commands hate-murder all unbelievers of ridiculous 4:34 beat women-56:36 virgin joke, 65:4 pedophile children is clear proof no allah, zero god in islam, says
the koran is malicious & wicked 5:51 hate & murder daily, malicious 4:34 beat defenseless women to death, evilest of evil 65:4 not menstruated pedophile Aisha child sex is mohamed’s sex filth, 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 78:33 delusions, 76:19 boy delusions, 56:17 boy delusions, 52:24 boy delusions, 37:48-38:52 delusions is obvious indisputable proof allah is mohamed’s delusion,?has never existed ever but carried over his tribes pagan star & moon god al-ilah , shortened to allah is obvious same star/moon god idolatry islam/koran today, try to get away with hate, murder, beat women & 65:4 pedo islam with an obvious star/moon idolatry allah excuse doesn’t fool muslims anymore, has no right to exist, referendums abolish islam completely so civilized people can live & work.
The world has one hope, “born again” to infinite Almighty, All Knowing All loving Holy Origin of all life Genesis God the Father & His Divine Son from heaven Christ Jesus love thy neighbor as thyself 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me” & the Lord’s Prayer perfect sense, lived, proves your love of God & His everlasting life reward & forever will be.
All else is apartheid godless & ENDLESS ENDLESS hell.
GOD AND JESUS SEES us always & knows everything, just like the 600 year prediction “the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think he doeth god service” Saint John 16:2,, came true, 600 years before islam/koran/allah was invented.”
“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
Furthermore, “The angels shall come forth & sever the wicked from among the just. And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing & gnashing of teeth.” Saint Matthew 13:49-50.
5:51 is wicked
4:34 is wicked
65:4 is wicked
Where are you going?
Glenn Gerun says
koran 4:34 beat women to death, 56:36 virgin joke delusions,
78:3:3 women delusions,
56:17 boy paradise delusions,
76:19 boy delusions,
52:24 boy delusions,
37:48 glances delusions,
38:52 glances delusions,
65:4 not menstruated pedophile childre, IS OBVIOUS INDISPUTABLE PROOF allah HAS NEVER EXISTED EVER,
ZERO god in all mosques EVER.
DIVINE SON CHRIST “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19,, seen & felt by millions, ✝️, resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, 1 Corinthians 15:6, is 1TRUEGOD: guarantees heaven for Christians forevermore.
Waseem says
I think you’ve taken many verses out of context here… and in addition you are reading a very limited translation without doing due diligence to read verses before and after.. Unfortunately many Arabic translators have great command of arabic but not English and mistranslate into English very poorly. But to your point the religion has been hijacked by Hadith/Hadeeth and other bastardized concepts that shouldn’t be put into religious law/government.
I’m not a muslim who follows orthodox beliefs but attempts to only use the Quran as basis of beliefs… I’d like to demonstrate to you where I think you’re getting tripped up.
First and foremost there is no abrogation in the Quran contrary to popular opinion.
And for whatever Miracle/Sign/Verse We abrogate or cast into oblivion, We bring a better or the like of it; knowest thou not that God is powerful over everything?
The above translation is a POOR translation. The arabic word for Abrogate is Fusikh, the arabic word being used in the above verse is Nunsihaa, which means “caused to be forgotten” this is SIGNIFICANTLY different in meaning. Abrogation literally means repeal what was a law/written. While Nunsihaa is saying miracles/signs/verses caused to be forgotten.
Something that is forgotten doesn’t mean it’s repealed, it means people have forgotten and need to be reminded.
Support for this argument is in this verse;
He has laid down for you as religion that He charged Noah with, and that We have revealed to thee, and that We charged Abraham with, Moses and Jesus: ‘Perform the religion, and scatter not regarding it. Very hateful is that for the idolaters, that thou callest them to. God chooses unto Himself whomsoever He will, and He guides to Himself whosoever turns, penitent.
Per the above, the religion never changed, the message was the same to prophets that came before Muhammad. The concept of Abrogation cannot be possible despite what muslim scholars believe. While they study the religion they use fabricated accounts and a faulty logic to use reported narratives/stories about Muhammad (which were put together hundreds of years after his death) to use in religious rulings/laws which the Quran directly forbids. Which to your point, is what happened. Most of Islam being taught today is not representative of what is in the Quran but garbage stories which contradict the Book.
Sadly this lead to so called muslims in history, to commit evils, belittling of women, invading other countries forcefully coercing to islam, These things happened and are real. They’re shameful should be condemned and have no real basis in Quranic Islam.
Many muslims today because of the indoctrination of this current system of Hadith, are conflicted and don’t know it, they have not reconciled their upbringing/indoctrination with their modern/sense of demeanor.
People don’t really read their books or even hadith and just follow their religion blindly than really try to read and understand their book with logic.
My second point about the concept of abrogation: In the verse about abrogation, it says “And for whatever Miracle/Sign/Verse..”
The arabic word ‘ayaah has a few meanings, throughout the Quran, it’s taken to mean miracles/signs, not just quranic verses. Even if we assumed that “Abrogation” was a translation of Nunsihaa, it could be referring to miracles, which is the likely the intended meaning, because stories of Prophets like Moses, Noah, where they showed miracles to the Pharaoh and kept showing miracles better than the one prior and then later people FORGOT about these stories.
SECOND Islam does not bid to attack or kill anyone especially without instigation. Chapter , 9:5, is referring to a grace period of fighting specific to the Meccan/Medinan muslims who were at war with their brethren (polytheists, pagans, etc.)
This is not a command to all muslims everywhere, you’re taking it extremely out of context.
No muslim is allowed to fight or be an aggressor .
And fight in the way of God with those; who fight with you, but aggress not: God loves not the aggressors.
It’s straightforward, those who God in Quran are being told to “fight and kill wherever you find them” is referring to those who FIRST attacked them, which historically, is what happened, muslims were driven out of their homes and persecuted…
Mohsin Khan: Permission to fight is given to those (i.e. believers against disbelievers), who are fighting them, (and) because they (believers) have been wronged, and surely, Allah is Able to give them (believers) victory
Arberry: Leave is given to those who fight because they were wronged — surely God is able to help them
The quran ALSO COMMANDS not to inherit women by force:
O believers, it is not lawful for you to inherit women against their will; neither debar them, that you may go off with part of what you have given them, except when they commit a flagrant indecency Consort with them honourably; or if you are averse to them, it is possible you may be averse to a thing, and God set in it much good.
Concerning slaves/servants
And let those who find not the means to marry be abstinent till God enriches them of His bounty. Those your right hands own who seek emancipation, contract with them accordingly, if you know some good in them; and give them of the wealth of God that He has given you. And constrain not your slave-girls to prostitution, if they desire to live in chastity, that you may seek the chance goods of the present life. Whosoever constrains them, surely God, after their being constrained, is All-forgiving, All-compassionate.
The above is direct and clear, And many things are happening in this verse.
First.. If servant women or women in general wish to be chaste, no one is allowed to violate it period. And if someone wants emancipation, then they’re by Quran law owed the obligation to earn it. Also anyone who was a “slave/Servant” is now being granted means of PAY/Wages in this verse.
Then of course it belabors a point that you cannot constrain servants to earn their money through prostitution, if they want to be chaste.
Glenn Gerun says
I see the Muslim hate & murder everyday. says
Referendums abolish fraud 4:34, 56:36 virgin delusions, 78:33 delusions, 52:24-56:17-76:19 boy delusions, 38:52-37:48 delusions, 65:4 pedo islam idolatry against EVERLIVING GOD & CHRIST LOVE.. says
Referendums abolish fraud 4:34, 56:36 virgin delusions, 78:33 delusions, 52:24-56:17-76:19 boy delusions, 38:52-37:48 delusions, 65:4 pedo islam idolatry against EVER GOD & CHRIST LOVE..
Glenn Gerun says
Waseem, 56:36 virgin joke delusions,
78:34, 56:17-52:24-76:19 boy delusions, 37:48-38:52 glances delusions, 4:34 beat women to death, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children is obvious indisputable proof allah has never existed ever, zero god in islam ever, made up by mohsmed’s delusions to get away with murder & 65:4 pedophile Aysha sex crimes doesn’t fool muslims anymore forevermore.
The Creator/Saviour OF ALL THE WORLD is 1GODCHRISTEVER & forever will be, obviously
EternalGodProof says
Who is God?
Love thy neighbor as thyself Christianity
Hate/murder the neighbor islam/koran.
Glenn Gerun says
Who is GOD?
Love thy neighbour as thyself Christianity
Hate-murder the neighbour islam/koran.
“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.”
Saint John 5:22.
“Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7
“I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” Saint John 11:35, Saves the “born again” Saint John 3:3-7.
“”I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven” Saint Matthew 16:19.
“He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father” Saint John 14:9
“I and my Father are one” Saint John 10:30.
Glenn Gerun says
Jews & Christians occupied Israel 600 years before islam/koran/allah was invented by mohamad & companions to get away with murder & 65:4 pedophile Aisha child sex.
Messiah Jesus Christ “. . . carried up into heaven. And they worshipped him & returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple praising & blessing God.” Saint Luke 24:51-53, eye witnessed..
Glenn Gerun says
All non Judeo-Christians are the pagans of the world, backward & infidels of 1TrueGod.
Glenn Gerun says
All non Judeo-Christians are pagans & corrupted backwards & infidels of 1TrueGod Love thyneighbor as thyself 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me.” Saint John 5:46. Now you see. God Bless you in the name of the Father, Son & the Holy Spirit Trinity, eye witnessed in the Holiest of Holy, Holy Bible New Testament of God’s Love, clear proof by His Divine Son Jesus Christ ascent into heaven.
Glenn Gerun says
All non Judeo-Christians are pagan & backward & infidels of 1TrueGod “Love thy neighbor as thyself 10 Commandments thou shalt honor Sunday mass & give thanks, glory & praise the Lord. Amen.
Glenn Gerun says
All non Judeo-Christians are pagan & backward & infidels of 1TrueGod “Love thy neighbor as thyself 10 Commandments thou shalt NOT: have other gods; murder; steal, adultery, lie but honor Sunday mass & give thanks, glory & praise the Lord. Amen.
Glenn Gerun says
GOD IS CHRISTIANITY, “Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Commandments, & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, eye witnessed JESUS CHRIST ascent into heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53, is the same for “born again” Christians.
All else is godless & endless fiery hell.
Glenn Gerun says
islam/koran/allah was made by men to get away with murder, 65:4 pedophile children & 4:34 beat women with impunity.
#SLAY says
That was one muslim. Tht was one victim. So because of that, all muslims every were, elderey, children,babies, are evil? Is that what your religion says? And lets say one hindu came and killed my friend, would you be chill with me wanting to rage war on ALL of you?
“Do not marry your women to polytheist men unless they believe in Islam; a Muslim slave is better than a polytheist even though he may attract you. – Holy Quran, 2:221” Does this verse say anything about killing hindus? Does it? It says not to MARRY polyethists, not to GO AND MURDER them! Tell me one place in the Quran were it says to kill innocent people tell me one place ONE. And I’ll believe you. ONE PLACE
This comment was written by two twelve year olds. Sad fact, but true. WE ARE NOT OPPRESED. WE LOVE OUR HIJAB AND WEAR IT WITH PRIDE WE ARE NOT BRAIN WASHED. Actually, your parents brainwashed you to hate us
Glenn Gerun says
GOD IS JESUS CHRIST IN THE FLESH; the NT word, miracles, healed them all, raised the dead, was crucified for the sins of the world, ressurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, “… carried up into heaven. And they worshipped him & returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple praising and blessing God.” Saint Luke 24:51-53, is therefore true, & the same for Christians.
Anonymous says
yeah and what he says?
verser from john 5:
my father is greater than I
of my ownself I do nothing
i seek but not my will but the will of my father who sent me (thats what a muslim is seeking god=allah’s will)
Glenn Gerun says
allah has never existed ever, not a real thing, but Arabian primitive superstitions from folklore, moon god fables, stars & kabaa idolatry, used by delusional mohamed to get away with his murders & pedophile his favorite 6 year old wife.
Dumbledores army says
Hi…I’m a random muslim girl.
No offense, but you can’t really say that about Islam. I really appreciate the fact you took time to research Islam, but may I remind you the people who were ‘bribing’ Prophet Muhammad were non-muslims
The quran is not a guide to war. It is a guide to our religion, as is a bible, or any other holy book to yours. Our religion is not, and I quote, ‘wacky’ obviously, you were upset by the incident, and decided to attack the whole muslim community for it.
In every group, there are some bad people, and some good people. To judge the whole group based on those some bad people is wrong.
Please next time post some more considerate material, and fell ashamed muslim children have to read this.
Also, FYI, I’m a girl, and I’m muslim. My religion is not sexist, and neither is yours.
Fey says
If you find the truth offensive. You have the right to ignore it.
Dumbledores army says
Excuse me?
Nawal Shahid says
news flash Fey… random propaganda you find on the internet isn’t truth. brainwashed moron.
Glenn Gerun says
islam-koran-allah was made by men to get away with murder with impunity.
sj405 says
Expert in Religions says
Allah is a Liar, murderer, worship Adam in the Quran. Satan is holy in the Quran. Allah is a name. Quran 1:1. Allah is the Lah. Lah is moon god idol name. Check Google who is Lah. Allah is Muslims non existing imagination god. The real Allah is moon god idol was destroyed by Muhammad at the kaaba after Muhammed learned from Jews , God is invisible.
Elizabeth Allen says
I live in Tucson, Arizona, and we have an extraordinary number of people who have crossed the border into the USA illegally and without any identification who still refuse to give their identification and birthplaces, Family names, birth certificates, etc, and have people helping them get into university studies but hack my Facebook posts to supply papers for classes and requested me to write papers for them, which of course I refused as this is my private personal 1st-&-4th-Amendment-Right written materials which I’m using to develop a new careeer as a writer-journalist-&-author, and they are attempting to put my university future at risk for annihilation with their vain attempts to continue to secure university grants-&-loans, so there are at least several issues here, but the most important is the refusal to give their home-country-identifications as either they are evading justice for criminal charges, or are mentally unsound and are not allowed into this country without a permanent guardian-escort to be legally-responsible for them, or they are not present to work-or-Study, but are here to conduct other revolutionary activities such as overthrowing the government and there are many proposing just that, but I have yet to find any means to gain my government’s interests because of the nature of this President’s and their party’s mindset to overthrow the government for a socialist mockery of the only system which works continually which is capitalism because it allows people to receive income-merit-recognition-&-Rights to the ingenuties of their own thoughts-&-efforts, so where do we go to intercede for our nation before the university grants-&-loans system is defrauded completely, and our rental properties are destroyed by destructive tenement activities, and we may already have a standing army of undeclared insurgents wandering this nation and still organizing without any intelligence or loyal-American investigative services tracking this potential disaster, but we’re being ignored by local police for bigger-problems Which they do not attend to, in my opnion, and our homes are broken into as harassment and income for thieves, so “What do we do?!?” ALL-ALLEGEDLY!!!
Anonymous says
You act like your ancestors didn’t come and steal this land from peaceful people don’t remember them having legal visas and being documented so just shut up
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims deliberately invaded 50 peaceful countries, murdered or forced conversions ruined all of the citizens against their real one & only Creator Almighty God the Father & the Saviour Ascent Son Jesus Christianity “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, is the same evil today, godless Pakistan 1000 honor killings a year with no punishment, 3/4 rapes per day with impunity, Afghanistan cruel godless muslim taliban, muslims murder Nigeria, Mozambique, muslims slaughtered Sudan POOR, burned meagre crops, homes, villages for decades, raping, violence, murder today, attack all Africa, Aug. 24/17 Rohingya muslims premeditated murdered 9 policemen in Mynamar justified military backlash, Middle East war mongering peaceful Israel defend itself from numerous wars, violence & murder today, justifies self defence from muslims, 9:5 ambush civilians around the world whom tried to help Muslims, backstab the very refuge given to them by GOD’S Christian countries, just don’t get it, still pray to non existent allah 65:4 pedophile child sex, 2:65 apes hate, 5:60 apes & pigs hate, 7:166 spes hate, 98:6 hate, 7:4 destroy, 17:7-17 destruction murder on a lesser scale in civilized strong countries since 9/11, 3/11, 7/7 security nowadays, Don’t take my word, but research the koran or “670 million massacred” is the same foul evil & lies since godless islam was invented by men, overwhelming evident. And Muslims say peace to your face & defend their evil & wrongdoing 5:51 prejudice & murder, reverse blame everything, doesn’t fool anyone anymore, justifies civilized people & justifies civilized countries & justifies the U.N. & justifies the ICC & justified referendums can abolish islam is the right thing to do for the right reasons, no one will miss nor mourn, even “born again”. Muslims & “born again” people to MOST HIGH GOD’S HOLY CHRISTIANITY NT Love thy neighbor as thyself as it is in heaven positively seen, eye witnessed facts by millions of fortunate people like you & me.
Glenn Gerun says
gay is bad example to children & self inflict endless hell.
islam/koran/muslims 7:4 destroy, 17:7-17 destroy, 10:13 destroy, 25:39 destroy, 9:5 kill-beseige-ambush, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 beseiged-massacred, 2:66 be apes hatred, 5:51 prejudice, 5:60 made them apes & pigs hate, 98:6 worst of creatures dehumanize, 7:166 be apes hatred, 4:34 beat women, 65:4 pedophile child sec are ICC crimes against humanity with mohamed’s tribes star-moon-kaaba idolatry excuse, doesn’t fool anyone anymore, referendums abolish completely, has no right to exist.
1 True Holy GOD is Christianity, proof by Jesus from heaven “healed them all” St.Luke 6:19, ✝️, resurrected-ascent into heaven. Saint Luke 24:51-53, POSITIVELY SEEN, EYE WITNESSED, ACTUALLY HAPPENED, THEREFORE TRUE, is the same for Christian believers. 1 Corinthians 15:6, Saint John 17:3-5 “before the world was”, is the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation forevermore. Amen. GOD BLESS.
#stopbeingsoannoyingGlenn says
Ms. Gerun.
Glenn Gerun says
allah has never existed ever, not a real thing, but Arabian primitive superstitions from folklore, moon god fables, stars & kabaa idolatry, used by delusional mohamed to get away with his murders & pedophile his favorite 6 year old wife.
Notamuslim says
no you did not just-
Petri says
When do we see christian extremists and terrorist in modern time? NEVER!
Anonymous says
You do, the media doesn’t cover it, The KKK is a Christian group do they share your beliefs, if not then why relate extremist to regular Muslims. Look at the mass shooters that happen constantly what religion are they?
Anonymous says
There are plenty, difference is Muslims aren’t double standed if they do it u will know on the other hand extreme Christians are cowards by causing corruption and blaming it on others.
Nawal Shahid says
who was it that waged brutal wars in the middle east and murdered millions of arabs?
Paul Fishman says
I will touch on this to compare the resurrection and transformation of those in Christ vs those in Islam. For the Believer in Christ this is this: 49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
50 Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.
51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
This is the first Great promise
Matthew 22:30-32
English Standard Version
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. 31 And as for the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was said to you by God: 32 ‘I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? He is not God of the dead, but of the living.”
This is the second great promise of a resurrection with a new body and desires that are not carnal. Our resurrection and transformation in Christ will be as bright pure gold with a holy joy and pleasure beyond what we have.
In the Quran Surah Al Tur 52, It is NOT glorious or the same with the power of God but by human effort to fulfill the lustful desire of the flesh to escape hell and NOT to glorify God in Christ.
Indeed, the righteous will be in Gardens and bliss, Indeed, the righteous will be in gardens and pleasure, enjoying whatever their Lord will have granted them. And their Lord will have protected them from the torment of the Hellfire. Enjoying what their Lord has given them, and their Lord protected them from the punishment of Hellfire. [They will be told], “Eat and drink in satisfaction for what you used to do.” They will be reclining on thrones, ˹neatly˺ lined up ˹facing each other˺. And We will pair them to maidens with gorgeous eyes. As for those who believe and whose descendants follow them in faith, We will elevate their descendants to their rank, never discounting anything ˹of the reward˺ of their deeds. Every person will reap only what they sowed.1 And We will provide them with fruit and meat from whatever they desire. They will pass around to each other a drink ˹of pure wine,˺ which leads to no idle talk or sinfulness. There will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected. And they will approach one another, inquiring of each other. They will say, “Indeed, we were previously among our people fearful [of displeasing Allah]. So Allah has graced us and protected us from the torment of ˹Hell’s˺ scorching heat.
This describes a carnal desire for paradise of what the Muslim has to look forward to. It appears much like a brothel of indulgence instead of holy worship. Philippians 3:17-21 delivers a rebuke to this type of paradise:
17 Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us. 18 For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19 Their end is destruction, their god is their belly, and they glory in their shame, with minds set on earthly things. 20 But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21 who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body, by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself.
This is an exhortation to choose Christ and choose eternal life and paradise with a holy resurrection.
Saravanan says
Im from South india. Muslims killed one of my friends. my friend used to love a muslim girl. one day bunch of muslim youth surrounded him in public and lynched him brutaly. No.. islam is not peaceful religion.
BCS quran says this..
Do not marry your women to polytheist men unless they believe in Islam; a Muslim slave is better than a polytheist even though he may attract you. – Holy Koran, 2:221
this above verse makes muslims to kill hindus as hindus are polythiests.
Francois says
Correct! Muslim hateful ideology supported by so called democrats (Islamo-leftists) are responsible for violence against majority Hindus! They are behind most rapes & violence while the sold out media blames the Hindus for trying to protect themselves!
I have seen the same scenario play out in France, Germany.. & Europe!
Random says
your sources of info that muslims are after most rapes and violence?
As someone from neither of the religious groups and an indian citizen hindutva is much more radical and aggressive in nature here 2nd comes muslim extremists but quite far behind (probably because of low population in comparison).
Oh and a google search “hindutvawatch” and most dangerous countries for christians will clear few of tour opinions.
ISLAM says
Why do you guys pick and choose so much? Why are you so spiteful and hateful? Why do you oppress children so much?
Our quran is not like this. Get better resources
Glenn Gerun says
Who is God? Love thy neighbor as thyself Christianity
Hate/murder the neighbor islam
Glenn Gerun says
islam, check out your koran 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children is evilest immoral is obviously made by men & clear proof there’s no allah, zero god in islam.
Check out a few more koran verses 5:33 hands & feet cut off from opposite sides, is proof cruelty man made, no chance a god,
or 5::38 amputate their hands, both mean & nasty crazy proof allah is not real, has never existed ever. Oh here’s another one, 56:36 virgin joke proof no allah, all man made, 78:33, 37:48, 38:52,
Real God & the saviour of the world Son Christ Jesus is waiting for you to become “born again” to Real God & everlasting life in heaven, eye witnessed “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, ✝️resurrected-ascent into heaven Saint Luke 24:51-53 is the same for Christians.
Unbelievers & deniers of Christianity self inflict endless fiery hell.
Logical you choose eternal heaven or eternal hell.
Nawal Shahid says
do you christians even read your own bible? here’s just one example: Deuteronomy 25:11-12 The Message (MSG)
When two men are in a fight and the wife of the one man, trying to rescue her husband, grabs the genitals of the man hitting him, you are to cut off her hand. Show no pity.
you people are pathetic.
#yesim12yesimsmarterthanu says
France and Germany are IN europe. Get your facts straight before coming and insulting something you know nothing about, Francois!
Glenn Gerun says
Can you see koran 7:4 destroy is not a god.
Can you see 56:36 virgin joke is obviously man made, not from a god.
Can you see 2:65 apes HATE PROOF NO allah.
Can you see 9:5 kill-ambush, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred is man made evil proof allah has has never existed ever.
Can you see koran 65:4 pedophile child sex islam is man made filth proof no allah, zero god in islam.
Can you see NT Jesus Christ begotten birth, eye witnessed by 3 Arabian astrologers followed God’s Divine star to Bethlehem did miracles, raised the dead, “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, ✝️ for us, resurrected-ascent into heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53, all eye witnessed is 1TrueGod.
Nawal Shahid says
a girl is raped every 20 minutes in india, you absolute moron. here’s an actual source for this claim, unlike you pulling stuff out of your twisted mind.
Islam totally prohibits rape. hinduism on the other hand… hindus believe in millions of gods, and a significant number of them are depicted in hindu myths of having engaged in rape. your a brainwashed, pathetic moron.
Random says
It does say not to marry a polytheistic person but it doesn’t say you can kill if someone goes against it. The killers did it out of hate not because of quranic teaching.
2nd absolutely not defending the act above by muslims but tensions is from both the sides.
I am not a muslim.
hasaan says
my questian was that jew while praying at wailing wall chaunt muhammad because they think David who was revealed zaboor (psalm) and quran says in verse 104 of chapter 21 describes that the righteous people will establish kingdom of God on earth and this is also written in psalm revealed to David so jews are waiting for David to come and establish the kingdom of God .more over the other name of David is mahmad .therefore they chaunt his name at wailing wall.
Timur says
Was he in love with her, or did he rape her, got away with it and taunted her family? Because we know each other very well 🙂
#SLAY says
That was one muslim. Tht was one victim. So because of that, all muslims everywere, eldery, children,babies, are evil? Is that what your religion says? And lets say one hindu came and killed my friend, would you be chill with me wanting to rage war on ALL of you?
“Do not marry your women to polytheist men unless they believe in Islam; a Muslim slave is better than a polytheist even though he may attract you. – Holy Koran, 2:221” Does this verse say anything about killing hindus? Does it? Tell me one place in the Quran were it says to kill innocent people tell me one place ONE. And I’ll believe you. ONE PLACE
Quran Online Academy says
Great share! This post is very useful.
us Sunnah Foundation says
Brothers and sisters…
Let’s help orphans and needy people in Indonesia with us
Please support us at
Glenn Gerun says
I see how you help the poor in Sudan, 2 million slaughtered for centuries, burned meagre crops & homes, raped & force converted into islam evil against 1TrueGodChristever “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5
#tiredofyourlies says
Actually stop Gwen, why do you think your so slick when your not
Dumbledore’s Army says
Please fix your grammar before insulting muslims.
Food For Thought says
You’re the most active member on here, and we don’t got the time to read your bad grammar and lies.
Glenn Gerun says
Beware, endless fiery hell is forever not “born again” to infinite GOD LOVE EYE WITNESSED DIVINE SON JESUS CHRIST healed them all seen & felt by millions, ✝️for our sake, resurrected from the dead, ascent into heaven, positively seen, Saint Luke 24:51-53, is the same for baptized Christians.
Glenn Gerun says
Better take the time to heed me because hell is forever.
Dumbledores army says
Thats what she said
Anonymous says
haha another ignorant islamophobe who heard about Islam from priests, let me uncover your ignorance then I will destroy your claims….. you said that Makkah surah contradicts with Madni surah in Quran? Alright, give me one verse, ONE…… second, Islam is the only religion and Quran is the only book that said “killing one person means killing humanity” Surah 5:32….. then you said Islam is war religion, then I think you forgot that your so called peacfill jesus literally ordered to kill women, men and children to Moses but take young girls as sex slaves
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy[a] all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” 1 Samuel 15:3
and on another point jesus said that kill everyone that doesn’t believe in him…
But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.’” Luke 19:27 thank God I’m with Islam
last but not least your cruel god the father is so cruel that he killed an innocent man to save the humanity, this concept alone is pagan belief of salvation not Abrahamic…
Anonymous says
Says the pedophile terrorist. Go ahead and keep lying the the world about the quran after all, it says its OK to do so. Stop quoting from the Bible you have NO idea what you are talking about!
Man says
You need to appreciate everyone’s religions. If its not your religion, do not make it your problem,
Francois says
EVERY belief system including religion need strict scrutiny & a TRUE historical perspective! Evil Ideologies have been called religions!! They have been killing people and diverse cultures around the world since centuries!! This must stop! Pagans in Europe, Asia/India & around the world have been killed by religions which are in practice hateful, exclusive & totalitarian ideologies!!
Glenn Gerun says
There is only one religion of the world, & the whole world is Christian, proof by Jesus “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, proof from heaven, “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, ✝️,resurrected -ascent into heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1 Corinthians 15:6, EYE WITNESSED, POSITIVELY SEEN, THEREFORE TRUE, is the same for Christian believers, clear proof of the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation forevermore.
#tiredofGWEN says
No ones listening to you Gwen Stop talking already just reading your posts give me a headache. Stop posting snorefest material. It is so IRRITATING AND ALSO EDUCATE YOURSELF
Glenn Gerun says
Good people stop evil.
Eviliest of evil is islam/koran 7:4 destroy, 17:7-17 destruction, 98:6 hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 2:65 be apes, 7:166 be apes, 5:51 prejudice, 9:5 kill-ambush, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacred, 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin joke, 65:4 pedophile child sex filth proof zero god in islam.
God is Jesus Christ in the flesh, & the word, raised the dead, miracles “healed them all”, died on the cross to take away sins of the world, resurrected from the dead, ascent into heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53, EYE WITNESSED, therefore is GOD SEEN & FELT & REAL., is the same today & forevermore.
There are no other gods but lots of deniers of THE CREATOR GOD & JESUS CHRISTIANITY SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD, the only way to HOLY GOD & HOLY HEAVEN. St.John 14:6-9.
Glenn Gerun says
Since Jesus Christ came from heaven & clearly proved 1TrueGod is the 1 Holy Creator there is only one religion of the world: Catholic;belief guarantees everlasting life since 5 BC.
Glenn Gerun says
Jesus Christ came from heaven & clearly proved 1TrueGod is the 1 Holy Creator clearly proved there is only one religion of the world: Catholic; & believers are guaranteed everlasting life since 5 BC.
Glenn Gerun says
Catholic is the original & only religion in the world since 5 BC, which completed beautiful Judaism 1TrueGod & the OT history facts.
All else is godless & infidels of NT infinite 1GodChristever “Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Commandments (Laws), & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, perfect sense & proven by Jesus Christ’s ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, therefore true, is the same for “born again” Christians, Saint John 3:3-7.
God sees you right now, “Even the hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7.
“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
Glenn Gerun says
It’s a crime against humanity not abolishing hate/murder/4:34 beat women/65:4 pedophile child sex islam with the obvious man made fake allah borrowed from 600AD star/moon pagan idols is the same idolatry today, doesn’t fool Muslims anymore.
Where are all non Judeo-Christians going?
Christ stated “Ye must be born again”. Saint John 3:7 to see God & heaven.
7 billion are blind & short sighted to deny their real FATHER GOD & HIS SON JESUS PROOF as the 10 Commandments, “Moses wrote of me.” Saint John 5:46, self evident EVER LIVING GOD “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, proof by His Ascension into heaven: “And it came to pass while he blessed them, he was parted from them and carried up into heaven. And they worshipped him & returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple praising & blessing God.” Saint Luke 24:51-53, positively seen by 500, 1 Corinthians 15:6. That’s why JESUS CHRIST CAME FROM HEAVEN to save the sinners & unbelievers.
“I and my Father are one..” Saint John 10:30
& “He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father.” Saint John 14:9.
With the deliberate greatest saviour in world history, FROM CREATOR GOD LOVE & CHRIST LOVE ✝️,died for us all, Christian believers of NT wonderful detailed indisputable truths are rewarded eternal life & joy forever & ever. Amen
Anonymous says
The Islamaphobe Mindset in a nutshell,
-Make claims about Islam (Don’t use any verses)
-Have you claims get debunked
-Cry (Sprinkle in hypocrisy and acting like a victim for a better effect)
-Repeat (make sure to use verses translated by a Christian priest)
Doug Georget says
Watch the news and the facts come to your home . The cult of death know as islam makes a daily appearance in the news for horrific assaults they do on others if available or fellow Muslims if no other religious group is handy . Facts also prove only islam is based on the teachings of a man who loved to kill bound prisoners who loved to sleep with children and who actually questioned his own sanity . . These are undeniable truths of the cancer to humanity that is islam .
anonymus says
Uhhhhexcuse me Doug bitch! I don’t know where you getting all this info from but its all lies, and in fact, you are all wrong. Rot in hell and kuss imak. You have much time in your life sir by bashing a religion, go focus on yourself, you probz a fat couch potatoe. Wait, nvm gyms are closed due to covid. Guess you have to stay obese all your life. Sorry about that. xoxo -Anonymus terrorist that will bomb u
Francois says
Absolutely true! Terrorism is there in every cell of Islam!! Jihad in the name of Allah is an integral part of a Muslim’s life!! Violence against the non-Muslims is not a twisting of Islam, but it is repeatedly affirmed in the Qur’an, the Hadith, the examples of Muhammad and the rulings of every school of Islamic jurisprudence!!
The Muslim terrorists are not “hijacking” Islam; they are, in fact, restoring it!!
Reality says
Basically most Muslims are coward, thankless & brainwashed zombies! They also don’t really believe in Islam!
Their cowardice & shallow belief in Islam is demonstrated By Muslims including Islamic terrorists/Taliban by not just their silence but also collaboration with Han Communist Chinese; despite the genocide of Uighur Muslims in Xinjiang!
They are also thankless zombies as demonstrated by Muslim refugees in Europe, India, America.. where they are biting the hands of Christians & Hindus who feed them & their Allah!
Joe says
As a Ships officer every think I deal with a Muslim and they had to work,out came the prayer rug !
Glenn Gerun says
Read history please: There is no such thing as allah, just an evil pagan myth that was written in the fiction book koran to get away with murder & sex crimes with a god deception.
MidwestMorals says
The term ‘Islamophobia’ was invented by the Muslim Brotherhood as an ideological weapon to silence critics.
Just stop!
Dumbledore's Army says
u king or queen!
Eternal God proof says
It’s a humanitarian duty to save non believers from the endless fiery hell by truth, facts, reality & proof that the only God of the world is Judeo-Christianity eye witnessed in the NT love & salvation “before the world was.” Saint John 17:3-5.. God Bless you all, in the name of the Father, Son & the Holy Spirit for ever & ever.
Glenn Gerun says
do the research: koran 56:36 virgin joke is clear proof mohamed was very delusional fooling himself made up his own fake god from his tribes primitive idolatry tries to fool you but you too intelligent to fall for such obvious nonsense. GOD & JESUS CHRIST “before the world was” is beautiful respectable civilized highest thinking & values “Love thy neighbor as thyself” that’s in heaven forever & ever, no mystery
#postsmarterslaybetter says
Huh, sounds familiar doesn’t it? The ‘no idea what you are talking about part’ Wow you ate your words
#eaturwords says
Huh, “you have NO idea what you are talking about!” sounds familiar doesn’t it? Cuz no offense, but when it comes to the QURAN, you “you have NO idea what you are talking about!” So yea,
Anonymous says
And it’s okay for you guys to quoting from Koran and let them have y’all perspective???
Glenn Gerun says
ridiculous koran 56:36 virgin delusuon is obvious indisputable proof allah has never existed ever, zero god in islam ever. Check out 78:33, 37:48, 38:52, 52:24 boys, 76:19 boys, 56:17 boys, is clear proof allah is mohamed’s delusions, fooling himself to get away with murder & 65:4 pedophile Aisha, doesn’t fool muslims anymore. There is one hope for muslims;
CHRIST JESUS CAME FROM HEAVEN TO SAVE sinners & unbelievers, “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, seen & felt by millions of people like you & me, died on a cross, takes away our sin, & Roman sepulchure guards were like dead men; Christ Jesus resurrected from the dead, teaching his disciples for 40 days & while he blessed them, he was parted from them, & was carried up into heaven; & they worshipped him & returned to Jerusalem with great joy, continually praising & blessing God, Saint Luke 24:51-53, eye witnessed, 1 Corinthians 15:6, is the same for baptized “born again” believer Christians.
Dear Muslims, you are guaranteed everlasting life “born again” Catholic. That’s why Christ Jesus came from heaven to save us from our sin. Amen. Moreso, Halelujah,, Halelujah for “born again” Muslims going to heaven.
TJ says
and on another point Jesus said that kill everyone that doesn’t believe in him…
But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.’” Luke 19:27 thank God I’m with Islam —- Was taken out of context my friend, it was a parable about a king not a true story
Tj you are so correct in your astute observation of the passage of scripture reading in luke 19 and that BEGINNING of the chapter is titled the parable of the minas and Jesus Christ always SPOKE in PARABLES and explain why to his true disciples ( WHO ARE not just BLIND followers, BUT students who according to Paul’s epistle 2TIMOTHY 2:15; WHICH IN ESSENCE RELATES to study the word of God to show yourself approved a workman who is not ashamed but discern and handles the word of God, rightly dividing in understanding, IS how it reads in the original Aramaic before it was translated into GREEK and ultimately English language and other languages
Glenn Gerun says
during Christ’s time, it was an understood fact if you were enemies with the king you were killed forthwith. The Saiint Luke 19::27 verse relates to that .
FIRST & FOREMOST, CHRIST PRECISELY SAID TO LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF IS PROOF OF LOVE TO THE CREATOR OF EVERYONE & EVERYTHING Saint Matthew 22:36-40,?IS PRECISELY WHAT CHRISTIANS DO IN GOD’S civilized societies, give Muslims refuge & then ungrateful backstabbing 5:51 hateful muslims murder the very Christian & Jewish people giving them refuge, jobs, & a lfe.
In other words, in reality Judeo-Christianity ” Saves”.
In reality Muslims 5:51 hate & murder wise unbelievers of koran fraud 4:34 beat women,
56:36 virgin joke delusions,
78:33 delusions,
76:19 boy delusions,
52:24 boy delusions,
56:17 boy delusions,
37:48 delusions,
38:52 delusions,
65:4 pedo islam idolatry, obvious zero allah ever,
obvious zero god in islam ever,
made by delusional mohamed to get away with his 33:26 terror-kill, 65;4 pedophile 6 year old Aisha, doesn’t fool Muslims anymore, therefore baptize “born again” to everlasting life precisely poven by Christ’s eye witnessed resurrection-ascension into heaven is the same for believers, is the reason why he came from heaven to save unbelievers of Creator Holy God he knew very well in heaven; & proved it during his NT MILLIONS OF PROOFS on earth; 600 years before pagan star/moon god idolatry 56:36, 65:4 pedo islam/koran/allah was carried over into a fraud koran, doesn’t fool Muslims anymore..
Muslims denial of all these understandable indisputable facts above self inflict endless hell, Check out St. John 16:2 please that the REAL MESSIAH KNEW EVERYTHING 600 YEARS before 25:4-5 falsehood islam/koran/allah was made up by delusional 81:22-25 mad mohamed to get away with murder & 65:4 pedo Aisha with his hoax allah excuse., doesn’t fool anyone anymore.,
Tj says
Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy[a] all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.’” 1 Samuel 15:3 —— Does not say to take sex slaves, and they had just attacked the Israelites viciously. God is about justice and the Israelites were promised that land by God and one thing most people don’t realize is all those killed in old Testament were redeemed by God in heaven
k says
you must not even read the newpaper or watch the news , we all know Honor killings in the Muslim religion ARE REAL
Glenn Gerun says
SICK Muslims are doing trillions of crimes against humanity daily & trillions of crimes against women daily & teaching innocent children to hate-murder-destroy-beat women & pedophile child sex 5 X a day with an astrological star/moon god idolatry hoax allah excuse.
eternalGodproof,com says
5000 Muslim women honor killed annually,,14 per day.
Research “670 million massacred”
Chalo says
Sura 5:32 was not meant for the Muslims: 5:32. Because of that We ordained for the Children of Israel: that whoever kills a person—unless it is for murder or corruption on earth—it is as if he killed the whole of mankind; and whoever saves it, it is as if he saved the whole of mankind. Our messengers came to them with clarifications, but even after that, many of them continue to commit excesses in the land.
33. The punishment for those who fight God and His Messenger, and strive to spread corruption on earth, is that they be killed, or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, or be banished from the land. That is to disgrace them in this life; and in the Hereafter they will have a terrible punishment.. sounds very peacful.
Reality says
Correct! Create politics of hate & supremacy and name it religion!! Convenient indeed!! Any belief system which harms other human beings or the diversity/culture and brainwashes people has to be challenged! It doesn’t matter if it’s Islam, Christianity or Communism!!
When in doubt, use brains, NOT a book!!
Glenn Gerun says
Exactly.. Gotta stop evil & wrongdoers & unbelievers. That’s why Jesus Christ came from heaven to save us sinners. All glory & honor to our 1 & only HolyTrueGodChrist Trinity, obviously, the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation for ever & ever:
Despite the clamour of denial:
Scott Van Tine says
Luke 19:27 is a parable; not a doctrine. You can’t take a single verse and make a rule out of it. What’s “pretty clear” is the questioner hasn’t bothered to read this text in context. This is something said by a character in a parable Jesus tells, not some kind of injunction by Jesus. Do your homework before posting misinformation you found on the Internet without checking it. Please learn to read context by reading the whole parable and the lesson or point it makes.
Truth! says
What about the repeated calls for jihad , incitement to attack and kill kaffur, statements like “strike terror into the hearts of the kaffur” or “kill them wherever you find them”, as many as 109 of them in the Qurán not to mention the example of Mahommad in the Sunnah.
So called moderate Muslims don’t seem to have much of a theological or legal leg to stand on against such an avalanche of texts promoting jihad in the canonical texts.
After all, Mahommad was basically a failure as a preacher of a new religion in Mecca and only found success thanks to jihad, by means of banditry, massacres etc.
If the Quran is considered the very literal word of Allah revealed to Mahommad, and he is the “perfect model of human conduct”, and the only way in which he had success in propagating Islam was by means of jihad, what argument can the moderates have against this and the host of quranic texts and hadiths which promote or incite jihad?
sj405 says
Because Islam itself is moderate, duhh. While there YOU non-muslims see these verses as “promoting chaos and terror” (and not even trying to relate it with logical context), there are lots of quotations in the Quran about “limits”, like “Allah despises those who transgress”.
Lemme tell you in a simple way: Anyone can be misunderstood with any religion and that’s why every religion have their scholars. And with the quote, I believe it’s enough to prove that Quran does not, in any way, promoting terror and sex abuse. And it’s a shame to say this but even most Muslims these days forgotten that “limits”, or “being moderate” is ajother basic fundamental of Islam. The context of Jihad is actually “to strive”, that is, (more understandably) be diligent wand consistent with your practices. And this doesn’t mean I as a Muslim have to kill nonnmuslims daily, but rather, do that 5 prayers, be good when socialising, listen to my parents, obey the government and the constitutions and etc. Etc.
Jihad doesn’t have to be “physical fighting”, it can be your daily routine as a normal person.
And that messed up meaning of Jihad is mainly because of the Arab influence, where they have a sense of supremacy or something, and non-muslims misunderstood it easily.
Another contaextbof Jihad is maintain the religion identity, which also misunderstood by the likes like you. Maintaining does not necessarily mean “occupy” or “conquest”, it’s just do the practices without missing or skipping a day (which is impossible, and Islam is flexible, when a Muslim left a day unintentionally or because of other external factors, it’s not a sin. And a muslim even got merit for regretting his unintentional mistake, and yet this is unjust?), Be kind to other races and not to humiliate the religion itself in any form (misinformation, the impulsive act of terrorism or discrimination because of racial/beliefs difference).
And while I’m explaining this, it’s also considered as Jihad, because I’m clearing up misunderstanding ahout Islam that you guys thought of.
And the last thing, which is important, a Hadith by your so-hated Mohammedb(Pbuh), said: “Teach your children as the time changes”.
This means that even Mohammed knew that his Islam teachings at his time isn’t suitable for the future generations. This clearly shows that Islam itself is flexible and somehow modern, which means that ayah 109 regarding “kill them” that y’all loved to use against us Muslims, is no longer applicable to this day. That’s because the verse is specifically for that time during war between the Meccan kuffars and the pioneers of the Mohammed’s Islamic state. And the verse SPECIFICALLY instructs Muslims when at war, kill every ENEMY COMBATANTS by all means. There’s no rational regarding “kill everyone”, that’s just your sick speculation (because nobody who is an anti-muslim even bothers to read the verse before and after the verse 109, to them it’s”irrelevant”). That’s exactly the misunderstanding I’m talking about, taking out a piece of quotation without further research and understanding and immediately used the as “evidence” to support your hate speech. The act of killing is only allowed when at war. And waging war is never allowed in Islam, except as AN ACT OF DEFENCE, i.e, US army and Soviet militants in Afghanistan (The Westerners put thier overwhelming military strength in some unrelated Muskim country, and sieged it, where the people retaliated so their country doesn’t fall to a Western power, and yet was critiqued as terrorists because defending thier home from “invaders”, smart move to play victim).
And where have you heard Mohammed commits massacre and banditry in his campaigns? He treated all his prisoners kindly and interrogated them without any aggressive approach.
And the other verses regarding”fight the non-believers” or such, it never meant to”kill” or “annihilate” or “wage a war”, but simply resisting them and their concepts so the Muslims won’t converted to any other religions. If this is also not a “human right” or whatsover, Idk what else you guys expect.
And my last words, please stop spreading your hate just because of misinformation. No religion teaches their practitioners to kill or promote terror, that’s just absurd to think of one. If other religions can be sceptical and judgemental over Islam because of a piece of what they heard, then I can say the same, where Christianity is about priests molesting children and Hindu is about worshipping cows. Now nobody likes that, yeah? Not even me, I don’t mean it because I know how it feels like to be criticised like that, especially when people are defaming, degrading and discriminating tour beliefs. Initially, I, as a Muslim, respected your beliefs, but as time goes by, idk where or what went wrong it’s just sad that Muslims got labelled and accused because of some minority with barely any knowledge of Islam committed some stupid terrorism that makes y’all hated us for no absolute reason. Just stop being judgemental, I don’t even have the guts to even say bad things or to falsely think of other beliefs, because I respected them, like how the Modern Sharia Law told us to, and that’s the way of Islam, be moderate, and changing as the time changes. If this isn’t enough as your “required argument”, the. I have nothing else to say, either you blocked yourself from understanding (which violates human rights, discrimination/hate speech, doesn’t respect others’ beliefs) or you should start looking into the secrets of Islam through the trusted sources (not the Western governments, but from thw view of the Islamic scholars and organisations themselves)
All in all, sorry if I offended anyone in my argument, and may ya’ll live a healthy life.
Marie Kowalchik says
Thank you for speaking the truth says
GOD LOVES THE WORLD, SENT HIS DIVINE SON to save people from their sin, & HIS SON BOTH DIVINE & became human for our sake & proved it “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, seen & felt by millions like you & me, ✝️-resurrected-ascent into heaven Saint Luke 24:51-53, eye witnessed, 1 Corinthians 15:6, is the same for the baptized “born again” mankind & the heavens & the earth from GENESIS EVERLIVING HOLIEST OF HOLY GOD THE FATHER CREATOR & SAVIOUR CHRIST ARE ONE ALMIGHTY POWER FOREVER AND EVER, EYE WITNESSED NT. Saint John 4:23-24.
“I and my Father are one” John 10:30.
Research Proverbs 8:22-36 & the wise shall baptize “born again” to the kingdom of God’s everlasting life, all because of the Son of God, Christ Jesus.,
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learnquran131 says
I think this post proved that your are my best friend
Anonymous says
Shut up 😀
Fisherman says
There is no “good” side to Islam, they are either terrorists (the Taliban) or Sonies (non strict muslims, similar to a free will baptist). Hardly any muslims read the quran, they all read other books obviously. When you read the quran it sounds as if the author (mohamad) was drunk and hallucinating.
Abdur Rafi says
No it is very bad Islam is a great religion there no religion like Islam a very peaceful religion and there is alot of relaxation in the quran who’s hearts are filled with greatness and who are chosen by Allah almighty to lesson and understand it .there is no book like Quran any where in the world. The greatest book in the world that has all the solutions of life ..Allah almighty is the one and only and also our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad peace be upon him is an ideal model for every one in this world ….the greatest book Quran.❤❤💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯
Vj says
Beheading, raping/enslaving women, forcibly converting, kill those who believe in other religions- if you call these peaceful acts, then I too agree with buy but we have to change the definition of peace! Not sure why people even call it a religion
Muslim says
Wow, I am Muslim and the Quran never says to do such things, Muslims are quite peaceful, I’ve meet a lot, they were very kind to me. The Taliban are just evil people that call themselves Muslim, you really believe some terriosts over simple logic?
Glenn Gerun says
koran 2:65 apes greatest HATE, 5:60 made them apes & pigs is the greayest HATE, & the greatest HOAX is the mohamedan FAKE allah, 7:166 greatest HATE, 98:6 worst HATE, 7:4 we destroyed is greatest HATE/MURDER, 56:36 GREAT VIRGIN JOKE, 8:67 massacre greatest HATE MURDER, 33:61 massacred greatest HATE MURDER, 65:4 pedophile children is greatest EVIL, immoral, sick, clear proof no allah, zero god in islam.
Anonymous says
I think u are too wrong because u have never sat down n make your own research about islam and u leave alone what is being said by any one on social mediu n such people who dont think be4 they speak. I have seen alot of apostles who are behaving rubishly and they are great pastors in the world but when u get to know about what they hide frim their followers u will never like it.
So please i advise to leave the propaganda and make your own research. If islam is like that as u say with ur hate about islam , why is it growing so fast in Eaurope and America?
Always the truth has its enemy who dont want it to come to people but they forget to know that they are weak in minds n soul.
Ibrahim says
‘The Quran commanded them to’ obviously no research was done
S says
Muhammad was not the author of the Quran. You are speaking without knowledge.
Glenn Gerun says
can you not see koran 4:34 beat women, 56:17, 78:33, 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 65:4 pedo islam idolatry came from pagan star/moon god “the god-al-ilah shortened to koran allah is not a real thing, but the same hoax allah today carried over by mohamed was fooling himself to get away with 33:26 murder & 65:4 pedo Aisha, doesn’t fool anyone anymore nor HOLY ORIGIN GOD & HIS MESSIAH SON CHRIST JESUS, predicted islam/koran/allah 600 years before it was invented. Saint John 16:2. You best realize obvious facts to save your soul “born again” to GOD & HEAVEN THROUGH GOD’S SON ONLY.
Beware hell is forever not “born again’ St.John 3:3-7
Now pass the word amongst 2 billion Muslims.
Sherrie says
These acts are not permissible in Islam. Just because people who are Muslim do them, doesn’t mean it is from Islam. I wish people would actually take the time to learn about things instead of taking what they hear in the media. Just because people who are Muslim may do these things, doesn’t mean it’s from Islam
Anonymous says
the first thing is Idk why there is a new testament that was written by humans, not gods or even prophets. Does that mean the people who wrote it are prophets or gods? And why is there 50,000 mistakes in the bible? And why are you guys saying that Muslims are terrorists even though we don’t call Christians terrorists in the name of Christianity? If you are blinded by these things it’s because you were to hate us since we did things you probably have done too. And most Christians actually have not even read a single word of the Quran a few have but not all and most are protesting saying that we are bad people.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 8:12 terror-behead, 47:4 behead slaughter incite Muslims to HATE, MURDER, 4:34 beat women, 65:4 pedophile children with the man made moon god hoax allah excuse, self inflict endless fiery hell
The Quran is full of lies says
Bs Muhammad was nothing but a
Old evil rapist who is smoking way too much weed that lied all throughout his whole lifetime. And your Allah is not even God in any form. Your Allah is nothing but Satan. And you’re Quran Is it extremely dangerous book. So to sit there and talked way you just did and posting it. Just prove that you’ve been brainwashed. Any book they told you to kill non-believers. Was written by Satan.
Yyy says
you should fully research before you comment if it was a “fake” religion then why is it the most rapidly growing one. And also it is also said that “”Whoever killed a Mu’ahid (a person who is granted the pledge of protection by the Muslims) shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise though its fragrance can be smelt at a distance of forty years (of traveling).”
Michael Gregory says
You Salauddins breed like Jack rabbits, that’s why,Abu Mohammed, the rapist of Arabia is not just a pedophile, not just a criminal, but a curse to mankind.
Unknown says
I can tell that you don’t know anything about islam and its people.
The Knower says
koran 9:5 kill-ambush, 5:60 apes-pigs, 56:36 virgin joke, 4:34 beat women, 8:67 massacre, 76:19, 56:17, 52:24, 65:4 pedophile children, 7:4 destroy, 17:16, 2:65, 98:6, 7:166, 33:61 is clear proof Muslims have no god, zero allah in islam, proof man made evil crimes against humanity & HOLY GOD the Creator & Resurrected-Ascent Jesus Christ, Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1 Corinthians 15:6, eye witnessed the only saviour of the world “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5.
Ibrahim says
The Bible actually has more verses about violence stupid…
Glenn Gerun says
The koran is a book of lies; mohamed borrowed his tribes stars-moon idolatry allah to get away with his 33:26 murders & 65:4 pedophilia of Aisha & denied well known perfect Jesus Christ True God proof. Saint John 17:3-5 proof by His resurrection from the dead & ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, therefore true, is the same for Christian believers. “Ye must be born again” Saint John 3-3-9.
Arabs were jealous for a Holy Book, but 7:4 destroy, 98:6 hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 2:65 be apes hate, 7:166 be apes hate, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre, 4:34 beat women, 38:52, 78:33, 56:36 virgin jokes, 65:4 pedophile child sex is clear proof islam/koran is godless & evil
Glenn Gerun says
koran 2:65 apes greatest HATE, 5:60 made them apes & pigs is the greayest HATE, & the greatest HOAX is the mohamedan FAKE allah, 7:166 greatest HATE, 98:6 worst HATE, 7:4 we destroyed is greatest HATE/MURDER, 56:36 GREAT VIRGIN JOKE, 8:67 massacre greatest HATE MURDER, 33:61 massacred greatest HATE MURDER, 65:4 pedophile children is greatest EVIL, immoral, sick, clear proof no allah, zero god in islam.
Glenn Gerun says
the greatest lie in world history is clear written facts in the koran: 7:4 we destroyed proof no allah, 4:34 beat women proof no god in islam, 2:65 apes hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs hate, 7:166 apes hate, 98:6 hate, proof made by mohamed’s hate, 8:67 massscre proof man made not a god, 33:61 massacred proof allah is a fake god, 56:36 virgin joke proof zero god in islam, 9:5 kill-ambush normal people minding their own business, mohamed’s 65:4 pedophile Aisha child sex filth clear proof not from Angel Gabriel but he borrowed his tribes star/moon pagan idol worship is the same non existent paganism to get away with murder & sex crimes with his god deception, doesn’t fool anyone anyone, is not a religion, but crimes against humanity, has no right to exist, no one will miss nor mourn, referendums abolish so civilized great people can live & work. says
like palestine malicious 5:51 hate & murdering we see everyday, or 9/11, 3/11, 7/7,, or “670 million unarmed non Muslims massacred since 622AD” with the fraud 4:34, 56:35, 78:33, 65:4 pedo islam idolatry, doesn’t fool wise Muslims apostate the delusioned star & moon god al-ilah/allah mohamed made up in a koran/islam
Anonymous says
There is no good side to Christianity. They are either part of the terrorists (KKK) or a strict and heartless person (someone who just judges people) Hardly any Christians study the Bible snd just focus on the good things. My last point is actually true. The first part is far from the truth.
TherealGODSchild says
Well I am a Christian and I have studied the book the Bible inside out back-and-forth and left to right. And I am a good Christian. So how do you say something about christians like that. I know a lot of people in my church that are good and no more about the Bible than you’ll ever know. I have turned X Muslims in to Christians because they found out. That the Quran is full of lies. So if you want to talk nonsense you keep on doing that. And one of these days somebody’s gonna straighten you out with the facts
Anonymous says
I need your help please let me know who you are
Anonymous says
I agree brother
Glenn Gerun says
Christianity is the only way to the infinite Creator, clear proof by God’s Holy New Testament eye witnessed Son Jesus the Christ ✝️, saviour of the world, resurrected from the dead, ascent into heaven, is the same for everyone “born again” Saint John 3:3-7.
Sadly, their are deniers of their own Creator & Saviour God & Jesus in heaven. May God Bless you in the name of the Father, & the Son in unity with the Holy Spirit Trinity, one God for ever & ever positively seen in the New Testament truth & love & salvation indisputable. That’s why Christ came from heaven to save sinners like me & you. We all shall find Heaven or hell emminently. Christ Jesus guarantees heaven. And positively seen. Non else.
Glenn Gerun says
what’s wrong with heaven’s GOD & Jesus love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Commsndments & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Anonymous says
Have you ever read Quran that you are saying this is true
First read Quran and then say
This is all wrong , first you are supposed to read the Quran learn about Islam and then judge
This person is misguiding people
Anonymous says
Truth! says
Can most Muslims read the Quran?? It’s funny that Muslims ask others to know Arabic to know Islam/Quran when most Muslims can’t do so!!
This also means that Islam with most of it’s clerics/elites are nothing but big propagandist terror machines!!
Glenn Gerun says
I have 2 korans & it’s easy to see it’s all wrong: 7:4 destroy, 9:5 kill-ambush, 4:34 beat women, 2:65 apes, 5:60 apes & pigs, 7:166 apes, 98:6 hate, 65:4 pedophile child sex, 38:3 we destroyed, 43:8 destroyed, 46:27 destroyed, 8:12 terror-behead, 3:151 terror, 33:26 terror-kill-capture women & children, 17:7-17 destruction, 8:67 slaughter,?33:61 massacre, 56:36 virgin joke, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 19:98 we destroyed, 65:4 pedophile child sex is clear proof there’s no allah, zero god in islam, has no right in Creator-Saviour God the Father & Son Jesus Christ’s world Catholic church “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5.
Glenn Gerun says
I have got & read 2 korans clear proof Muslims are corrupted misguided taught fake allah 5:51, 2:65, 5:60, 98:6, 7:166 HATE & incite 7:4 destroy, 9:5 ambush-murder the most civilized CHRISTIAN & JEWISH TRUE GOD People in the world we see daily,. The wise are “born again”to the respectable Love & salvation Christianity eye witnessed KJ New Testament only way to heaven.
Glenn Gerun says
i read the malicious wicked 5:51 hate & murder koran
Anonymous says
look fisherman how dare you condracit our holy book written by god! you stupid christians have about 1000 bibles wriiten by an old pervert who was considered a priest but a extremists and creep just like you. Your a disgusting dog go do some proper reserach. Dont ready a bloody article written by some white old trash and create stupid and absurd assumptions about peoples religions! OKAY MATE. Muslims are forbidden to harm a single soul, IN OUR HOLY BOOK IT STATES, “if you harm a single innocent soul it is as though you have killed all of humanity”. Maybe read this quote and you will finallly learn something. These so called talliban and terrorist are NOT muslim. They may claim to be but all this nonsense and outrage and extremists behavior they cause and do such as 9/11 has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with muslims!!! educate yourself you mindless retard than talk smack…
Glenn Gerun says
koran 9:5 kill-ambush, 65:4 pedophile child sex, 7:4 destroy, 5:60 apes-pigs, 98:6, 2:65 be apes-despised, 7:166 repeated hatred, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacre is written proof not from Holy God, Jesus Christ, Angel Gabriel, Moses & Abraham.
The koran hate-kill book proves there’s no allah, zero god in islam.
Anonymous says
There is no basis for these words.It is a scientific Qur,an. You can not point out a
Scientific error from the Qur,an.
So don’t prove yourself stupid and crazy by saying these irrational things.
Francois says
Ha! Ha!! Islam is as far from the truth & reality as humans from animals! If Islam was scientific or if there was Allah, the Arabs would have not begged the British & Americans to explore oil! If Islam was scientific or human, Muslims wouldn’t have stolen science, robbed & raped India & the splendid Hindu/Indic civilization! They would have earned wealth, honor & science!
Jo says
“You can not point out a Scientific error from the Qur,an.”
It is comments like this that make me laugh. There are so many that I would not know where to begin. It is because of the errors that one realises that Muhammad was inventing much on the basis of half heard and poorly understood recollection.
I found it very funny that he ‘flew’ on the back of a winged donkey. This is explained by Muslim apologists as being too difficult for people at that time to understand what really happened so this is just an image to cover his inexplicable absence. Plagiarised from Greek mythology no doubt.
The list of such errors/fantasies is large and the apologetics that cover all these is both fascinating and embarrassing.
Glenn Gerun says
Research history please:
mohamed borrowed his uncle abdullah tribes non existent Arabian flavored pagan stone/star/moon idols to get away with his murders, 11 wives & 65:4 pedophile Aisha child sex is why islam & the korsn was made, doesn’t fool anyone anymore.
abdullah means “slave of allah” “the god-al-ilah” shortened to “allah” is the same idol worship today, that commands Muslims to hate & murder unbelievers of the man made evil & wrongdoings with the phony moon god hoax allah excuse doesn’t fool Muslims anymore as well.
Glenn Gerun says
Thousands of scholars have found gross scientific errors & blunders is self evident the koran itself is clear proof allah has never existed ever .
Rick says
I’m a Muslim and everything you are saying is false. There is no Medina Quran. There is one cut on and it’s never been touched or changed. Islamist peace and Unity. A way to live properly is the definition of is the definition of Islam. So you can take all the things you’re saying And stick it where the sun don’t shine. You Are obviously a sad individual who wants to divide people
Ins Yirah says
Salam. Let me add on from your sayings.Salam. The first 3 verses that was quoted had nothing to do with beheading. The Prophet S.A.W did kill the Jews but it was because they were the masterminds of the plan to destroy Islam. You missed a huge part there. Next verse which was 9:5, it actually had a link but again the major information was missing. It was in war about religion and destroying Islam. If they truly were sorry, it would mean that they understood their mistake. When They said non-believers, it meant the ones who didn’t pay charity, the one who steals money from charity and attack Muslims and not random non-Muslims. Islam was spreading rapidly back then as well so they knew it was the true religion but their ego got them. The ego stopped them from becoming Muslims so that’s why Allah included the establishment of prayer. He is willing to forgive so long you are sincere with it. Remember, always check you rresources. Now, about the Quran issue, it is false. There is only 1 Quran but certain words has been changed depending on your country but let me explain. Some people can’t pronounce certain Arabic letters. Even 1 mistake could make a whole new word which would mean that the Quran would change therefore Utsman R.A changed certain words and asked scholars to check if the words and sentence still had the same meaning which it did so there are 11 different methods of recitation. He did however burn a Quran as that Quran had a mistake in it. The word did not have the same meaning and it was therefore burnt in a fire. Please check your resources. Salam
Jo says
“When They said non-believers, it meant the ones who didn’t pay charity, the one who steals money from charity and attack Muslims and not random non-Muslims. Islam was spreading rapidly back then as well so they knew it was the true religion, but their ego got them.”
“it meant…” Really? How do you know it meant…? The truth is that you do not. It is simply apologetics. Islamic scholars are quite skilled at this. Explaining away the contradictions and, of course, most Muslims as with other religions are more interested in their day to day lives than think about what “it meant”
The spread of Islam across N. Africa was through armies and war. When someone turns up at you village with armed men and basically says “Convert, tithe or die” what do you do? You convert and when you backslide because violence is the last refuge of a scoundrel, so your commitment is not real then you get killed.. says
INFINITE ALL KNOWING ALL POWERFUL HOLY SPIRIT ORIGIN OF ALL LIFE THAT EXISTS BY ALMIGHTY GOD THE FATHER GENESIS & NT SON CHRIST predicted malicious 98:6, 5:51 hate, 33:26 murdering, 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 78:33 delusions, 37:48-38:52 delusions, 76:19 boy paradise delusions, 52:24 boy delusions, 56:17 boy delusions, 4:34 beat women to death, pervert 65:4 not menstruated pedophile Aisha child sex idolatry islam/koran/allah 600 YEARS BEFORE IT WAS INVENTED: “They shall put you out of the synagogues; yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think he doeth God service.” Saint John 16:2 is clear proof zero allah, zero god in islam ever. ”
Ye must be born again” to see the kingdom of God.” Saint John 3:3-7. GOD & SON CHRIST JESUS IS PRECISELY love thy neighbor as thyself IS the whole universe whether you like it ir not & forever will be. CHRISTIANITY COMPLETED JUDEO GOD BLESSES THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD.
All else is apartheid of HOLY GOD & SON CHRIST JESUS. You shall find heaven or hell eventually, judged by Jesus Christ sitting on the right hand of power. Saint Mark 14:62.
Glenn Gerun says
God is exactly “love thy neighbor as thyself, the 10 Commandments, thou shalt not: have others gods, kill, adultery, steal, but honor Sunday Mass Grace & Truth through The Divine Son & Saviour of the world Jesus Christ “Moses wrote of me.” Saint John 5:46
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims & all people of the world are CHRISTIAN clear proof by JESUS CHRIST ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, said “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5. Is the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation forevermore,.
Glenn Gerun says
Nope, but save all to heaven with knowledge & love to Muslims, “heals them all” onto unity & humanitarian duty for 1TrueGod’s Christianity the saviour of the world through His Divine Son “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5.
Denial of Catholic Christianity is a self inflicted straight path to endless fiery hell.
Glenn Gerun says
Here’s beyond sad but vile evil of 5000 honor killings in Muslim countries per year.
Research: “670 million massacred” or 9/11, or 3/11, or 7/7, or violence & mudering we see daily with the fake allah encitement doesn’t fool Muslims anymore, “born again” to TRUEGOD CHRISTIANITY LOVE & EVERLASTING LIFE,
Glenn Gerun says
Here’s beyond sad but vile evil 5000 honor killings in Muslim countries per year.
Research: “670 million massacred” or 9/11, or 3/11, or 7/7, or violence & mudering we see daily with the fake allah encitement doesn’t fool Muslims anymore, “born again” to TRUEGOD CHRISTIANITY LOVE & EVERLASTING LIFE,
Glenn Gerun says
No chance islam 65:4 pedophilia, 9:5 kill-ambush, 5:60 apes-pigs, 7:4 destroy, 98:6, 2:65, 7:166 is from Holy God, Jesus Christ, Angel Gabriel, Abraham, or Moses.
Major says
Man y’all are brainwashed live your life people worry not of the lives of other men or women that live or have lived , have faith in yourself for you and only you achieve the unachievable goals you accomplish , not a God not a prophet and sure as hell not a religion give y’all self some credit you walk this earth alone there only 1 set of footprints in the sand no he is not carrying you , it is you and only you live a positive life and your forever sleep will be sweet live a negative life and you will sleep through strife..
Innocuousprofit says
Jesus died on the cross and was the sacrifice for our sins
Dewan says
All human being are born with sins as their DNA. So if Jesus Christ died on the cross to carry away our sins. Then why human beings have not become sinless.
M says
Because we have a really hard time confessing our sins and thinking we do wrong. We point the fingers at others wrong but we can’t see our own wrong when we sin against others and G-d. The ones who see their own wrongs and repent of their sins, humble themselves and follow Yeshua (Jesus) will see heaven and a new earth some day. They will live in a sinless world and be sinless. This world will remain sinful until Yeshua returns and cleanses it. He gives us many chances and choices to come to Him. Read Revelations, it talks all about what is to come. Whether you die before Yeshua comes or are present for the Messiah’s return -be ready! We will all have to die and be judged on this earth to either go into Heaven and live Eternally with Him on the New Earth or suffer in Hell. This life time is a test to become less sinful and be more like Him.
eternalGodproof says
Amen to excellent MMMMMMMMM.
Sam10 says
Hmmm? Are u human or an alien 😂😂😂
Glenn Gerun says
“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22
Anonymous says
He wasnt born through sperm and egg, conceived by the holy spirit is what is written inthe bible
Glenn Gerun says
Amen, Jesus Christ came from heaven eye witnessed by 3 Arabs, begotten to Virgin Mary, did miracles, raised the dead, “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, ✝️ for our sins, resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed Saint Luke 24:51-53,, is therefore true, is proof of the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation forevermore..
There are no other gods anyhow. God Bless you in the name of the Father, Son & the Holy Spirit.
ISLA M the religion of peace says
Question for you, IS Jesus( peace be upon him ) body( let me clear one thing up, we are talking about your idea if jesus.) is your Jesus body( Human body ) part of god? can a human body subjected to death be part of god? if not, now tell me who died on the cross for you? was it god? Nope god didnt die, because he cant! Yall believe god dwelt within the human body of jesus, and it was jesus whom had died for yall not god! it was the human body which isnt part of god, therefore to say a human body took your sins for you is blasphmy, god could have easily forgave adam and eve, or he could have created a sinless human to sacrifice for everyone instead of coming down, and out of the VAGINA of a women, dwelt within a human, and not die at the end of all that, that seems pointless. and i dont believe god does pointless things, do you? so why wouldnt your idea of god not forgive adam and eve if he loved them and created them for love.?
Glenn Gerun says
I see the peace: koran 7:4 we destroyed, 9:5 kill-beseige-ambush, 8:67 massacre HATE, 33:61 massacred HATE MURDER, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 2:65 apes HATE, 5:60 made them apes & pigs HATE, 7:166 apes HATE, 98:6 worst HATE, 56:36 vitgin joke, 65:4 pedophile children EVIL FILTH, clear proof no allah, zero god in islam.
Anonymous says
This is why we start wars? No problem solved.Look for a reason not to start a war.Just be a good person help each other.Instead of labeling each other.ofcause we all know what is bad and what is good.cant put out a fire with fire.Anyway any facts you got wont matter if the heart is hard like rock.
Innocuousprofit says
I think you should be saying this phrase to yourself in the mirror, your heart is hard like rock because you ignore that that book should be banned because it says to kill the majority of the world
Anonymous says
The quran says nowhere that you should kill the majority of the world.
tell me where it says that?
any violence that is allowed in the quran was allowed in the time of mohammed pbuh when the disbelievers were waging war on islam.
muslims never started that war, they just defended themselves.
islam teaches to live peacefully with everyone around you. ‘let there be no compulsion in religion’ ‘everyone is equal in the eyes of allah’
if there are terrorists nowadays, they are using islam to defend they’re violent cultural tendencies.
islam teaches you to live a quiet, honest life with your family. give to the poor. help your neighbours, pray 5 times a day, do that and that’s enough.
Anonymous says
Then there will be war everywhere, because it is easy to make ourself a victim. It is easy to accuse others they treat muslim poorly. Even difference in interpretation can become a threat and lead to war. War between muslims seems normal now.
Truth! says
@Anonymous: Lies & more Lies by Muslims & Islam If Muslims live honest lives, how is that lands where NO ONE wanted or had ISLAM have them now?
Almost all of Asia was Hindu/Buddhist! Europe, South & North America were polytheistic/Pagan with ZERO Christianity! All these monotheistic religions used the sword & did genocide of natives!
Many of the crimes against humanity including slavery & colonization were motivated by monotheistic religions!!
Anonymous says
Fart says
What r u even on ab
Glenn Gerun says
crazy malicious koran wicked 98:6 & 5:51
Glenn Gerun says
That’s correct sir. This is how to stop wars by belief in GOD’S SON JESUS CHRIST Love thy neighbor as thyself that’s exactly in heaven since 5 BC truth was begotten & born & in heaven as we speak, watching & judging the living & the dead.
“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
“Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12::7.
Daughter says
I’ll be honest. I found this thread from a google search. I was trying to find out if Muslims are really “instructed” or “encouraged” by either their God or their leaders to kill others who don’t believe and confess that Allah is the one true God.
We all know every religion has evil “or very warped” groups within it. I’’m not talking about those. I’m taking about the majority of Muslims.
I believe that Christ came so we would no longer have a need for religion. He is the game changer.
I believe he is Love and is God in man form and the Holy Spirit is Gods spirit here around us and in us if we believe. I also believe he Loves everyone and is very saddened when anyone, particularly his own followers hurt anyone else or specifically murder them. After all, how or why would a loving God condone that? Simple. He doesn’t.
He knows true Love requires free will so he doesn’t push himself upon people.
I will say the reason I Love him and have chosen him to be my God is because:
He is the only God who still lives
He is the only God who does not require me to earn salvation with works, but instead freely offers it to me and all I have to do is believe he was born of the virgin Mary, died on cross for my sins, and rose up on the third day and ascended into heaven after 40 days and is making a room for me in his fathers house. And he will be back for me. Meanwhile, I follow his Guidebook (Bible) as best I can until then and when I mess up sometimes, (which hopefully isn’t too badly) I can ask forgiveness and know will forgive me because he still Loves me, like a Dad (ABBA).
Lastly, He is the only God who seeks after me. He Loves ALL of us. Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindu, Atheists, even Satanists. It is his desire that not even one be lost. He instructs Christians to share this to everyone about how he loves them. And we are to be love to the world by loving them in practical ways like he did when he was here. He says the same power that brought the dead to life is now living inside each believer. I have seen this power in action and it is undeniable.
The only time a Christian can kill is in defense of themselves or innocent ones and only if there is no other choice, Otherwise it is murder and against the 10 commandments. We aren’t to seek out people who believe differently and kill them if we cannot convert them. That is not free will and therefore is not love, and therefore NOT GODLY.
Sadly, in history many so called “Christians” have committed atrocities in the name of God, not unlike other “religions”. But that is NOT a reflection of the heart of GOD at all. We must not blame him for mans sins and stinkin thinkin.
Whenever possible we should choose love and peace. That is his way. If we truly believe in him we will have his spirit in our heart and we will bear the fruit of the spirit in our life.:
Goodness, Kindness, Forgiveness, Patience, Faithfulness, Mercy, Grace, Self Control.
He is clear that the only way to the father is through the son and I know not all will accept that. I pray they will but either way I will still be kind to them. But I will never deny my beautiful Christ who has always been there for me whispering in my ear reminding me of who I am and how much he Loves me. His Spirit comforts me so much and I have been healed of many things because of his Radical, Extreme, Supernatural, Perfect Love for me
geo says
so you automatically believe that islam is not a religion of peace based on this reading? Wow. please follow jesus christ teaching he who sees see.. etc.
Wyloh says
anonymous says
one day you’ll realise that islam isn’t a violent nor hateful religion. one day.
Glenn Gerun says
islam/koran/allah was made by mohomed to get away with murder & 65:4 pedophile Aisha child sex filth with no punishment, proof no allah, zero god in islam.
A pagan says
Pretty Rich coming from Christianity/Catholic which also did the same until they lost power in countries to government. The Abrahamic religions are not peaceful, they all did nothing but caused issues and killed innocent pagans too.
Glenn Gerun says
CHRIST SAVES billions by eye witnessed CREATOR GOD’S NT truth, facts, proof, & reality eye witnessed, & is a right beside you & me, deserving just judgment into eternal Heaven or hell we shall see eventually.
Glenn Gerun says
Jesus Christianity saves by Love thy neighbor as thyself justice law & order good civilized people always have had a chore to stop evil & wrongdoers & women abusers & murderers & anti-semites. That’s why Jesus the Christ came from heaven to save the sinners & unbelievers of God’s 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me.” Saint John 5:46.
Al Yared Nesher says
Like the Holy Bible, the Koran had also undergone severe tampering. Discoveries of ancient Koran manuscripts reveal the fact the modern Koran is far different from the ancient Koran.
Latifah says
I totally agree with your statement I have personally question various translations pertaining to quran as well as hadith
Anonymous says
you spelled quran wrong
Glenn Gerun says
The koran was made by mohamed to get away with his murders & 65:4 pedophile Aisha sex crimes with his local Arabian primitive astrology idols,
Glenn Gerun says
No Al, the Holy Bible is God made.
The 600AD koran is hate, murder, beat women, & pedophilia made by men to get away with evil & wrongdoing with impunity, self explanatory no allah, zero god in islam.
Home Page says
Thanks for sharing this. Another great and useful article that I thought I already knew about.
molly says
this is all absolute bs . Islam strictly doesnt allow the killing of innocent people. And touching women or anyone in bad ways is STRICTLY not allowed in Islam. Our Prophet was NEVER a violent person. the people of Makkah used to throw stones at him , once to the point his shoes were filled with blood. He even forgave the woman who had his uncle killed and , and then chewed the prophets uncles flesh. Islam is a peacful religion. But unfortunately because of some of the people who happened to be Muslims , my religions name has been badly stained . Islam also commands us to respect other peoples religions . Yes we have been told to preach if we can but even if we dont its not a sin as long as our own faith is strong . and Allah never asked Muhammad to continue violent acts . perhaps if you do your research correctly you will understand why he was in the wars he was in. Allah commands peace and hates violence . sexual acts with people other than your patner without a wedlock is also strictly forbidden . and Islam commands us to respect women. i dont know what type of person writes an article about someones religion without the correct information. and i have also been hearing that Islam supresses women. A HIJAAB IS COMPLETELY OPTIONAL AND IT IS NOT FORCED. the people who do bad things or unjust things are to be blamed . NOT THE RELIGION! . Kindly put some correct research into things before you publish an article that the whole world can read . you might regret it someday.
Anonymous says
Molly if that’s your name, I’m only here for a conversation. If what you speak is true why are women forced to cover their faces once the Taliban has taken over? All the pictures of women on walls taken down.? I have personally watched a women be STONED to DEATH by Little Rock’s for having sex with her “”fiancé” the person she was going to be married to but because she was not those men decide that for her death it is time. I understand that everybody is different has different belifs even in the same religion it’s just not looking very good and I truelly dont understand why all the middle eastern countries can’t come together as one and peacefully just chill… you don’t see me flying planes over their crashing them into building because they don’t believe in Christianity that’s just insanity
Eeman says
Why do you call us terrorists I believe that is more racist term ,we respect all religions sadly don’t get the same respect back
Anonymous says
do u know what kafir means?
it means “disbeliever in Islam.’
u don’t believe in Islam u are a disbeliever
there is simply no racism behind it, u either believe or u don’t
black or white
Person says
do u know what kafir means?
it means “disbeliever in Islam.’
u don’t believe in Islam u are a disbeliever
there is simply no racism behind it, u either believe or u don’t
black or white
Nothing says
It just means that you are not Muslim it has nothing to do with race
Anonymous says
So you’re not a disbeliever?
Latifah says
Actually although it does happen … In reality I have often inform other human that isn’t permitted islamically kafir definition is one who has no belief in the creator. People of the book are not kaffirs apparently some individuals are unaware
F. V. says
I don’t know who called u a “kaffir”, but that’s not racism, racism is discrimination on the basis of race or color FYI. Kaffir is a term used for those who do not believe in one true God, Allah. If someone called that to your face, well curse them, that’s absolutely wrong and bs.
But why do you call Muslims terrorists? you see a group shoot and they have muslim names, maybe pray, and oh yeah the whole muslim community is terrorist, huh?
I’ve seen many Christians who have shot others and groups, but we don’t go saying, hey, Christians are terrorists, do we?
Eeman says
Just so you know ,the main belief of Christianity the main basic thing is ‘love’ while in Islam it’s ‘justice’ ,in the event of Al -taif the holy prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was pelted by stones so badly that he had his shoes covered in blood he was offered to have the town destroyed but holy prophet denied and said ,”quote : Why should I pray for the destruction of these people when their prosperity will be among the followers of Allah (god) .” He prayed for their guidance ,he also said ” I have been sent as a mercy for the entire mankind .” Such a kind hearted and soft spoken person could’ve never done any atrocious act .Please I recommend read the book ‘sealed nectar’ it has the authentic story of holy prophet (pbuh)may Allah guide you to the fitrah
Glenn Gerun says
islam/koran/allah was made by men to get away with 9:5 murder & 65:4 pedophile children & 4:34 beat women with no punishment.
Glenn Gerun says
mohamed murdered 900 Jews, pedophiled Aisha is why islam/koran/allah was made, fooling himself with his pagan star/moon god ai-ilah, shortened to hoax allah in the god deception koran doesn’t fool anyone anymore.
Holy Creator God & His ALL KNOWING Divine Son Messiah Christ Jesus predicted islam 600 YEARS BEFORE IT WAS INVENTED; Saint John 16:2; clear proof beyond dispute zero god, zero allah ever in islam, doesn’t fool anyone anymore.
Furthermore, Muslims are actually Christians proof by ALMIGHTY POWERFUL GOD GENESIS CREATION & Jeremiah 1:5
Aisha says
The taliban is wrong even us muslims know that. Women being forced to cover their faces is wrong. We don’t support them either. You are being very selfish “why cant all the middle Eastern countries just chill” why can America stop attacking them? And ots much deeper than that, do your researcher
Al Yared Nesher says
Like the Holy Bible, the Koran had also undergone severe tampering. Discoveries of ancient Koran manuscripts reveal the fact the modern Koran is far different from the ancient Koran.
Anonymous says
Molly is prob a u.s. white girl turned muslim so she prob has no damn idea
Cheese says
juss btw im a christian and know that there are muslims and then there are radical muslims…two different things lmao
Glenn Gerun says
no, all muslims have zero god, zero allah 4:34,,56:36, 78:33, 56:17, 65:4 pedo islam idolatry crimes against HOLY GOD GENESIS, everyone’s Creator, & everyones Saviour is resurrected-ascent CHRIST JESUS THE SON OF GOD.
geo says
the bible also says women must be covered.
F. V. says
Replying to Anonymous’s question on molly’s comment. You asked regarding Taliban forcing women to cover their faces and all that. First off, the Taliban are super conservative and have strict rules, BUT that’s not how Islam teaches us to be. Look, there could be a tradition a country follows and a particular society could follow it with strict rules and conservativeness. They say Muslim women’s faces shouldn’t be seen, should be hidden, music is forbidden and what not. They follow a conservative and strict way of Islam and I and many others strictly oppose to what they’re doing. Just don’t link the Taliban and the Muslims’ followings, it’s different. Islam considers women just as equal as men, and they too have the right to speech, freedom and equality.
x says
Islam strictly not allow any innocent muslim to be killed ye…. But if someone is a nonbeliver, he can be killes, since he is not innocent, because he does not belive in god. Ffs read the Koran, and not the wikipedia version and dont talk about bs… Why do you think the terrorist shout out allah name before killing a bunch of civillian ? They do it, to get in their heaven for fighting against the pagan.
Anonymous says
I think u r the writer of this disgusting book , bcz ur mentality is like this bok which say that every person in world are born to convert to islam religion ( like Jihadi) in ur mf religion…… A book which u read don’t even say any thing in sequence like ur mf religion……..
x says
Islam strictly not allow any innocent muslim to be killed ye…. But if someone is a nonbeliver, he can be killes, since he is not innocent, because he does not belive in god. Ffs read the Koran, and not the wikipedia version and dont talk about bs… Why do you think the terrorist shout out allah name before killing a bunch of civillian ? They do it, to get in their heaven for fighting against the pagan.
Anonymous says
You obviously haven’t read the Medina part of the Quran the latter part of the Quran cuz damn sure does say to kill infidels to give them a choice convert or die convert to Islam or die
James says
Prophet Mohammed has really cheated all the Muslims in the world. Killers are been trained everyday and every parts of the world. Muslims are just too wicked to cohabit with human .
Eeman says
Excuse me ,do research first before calling the kindest of all men prophet Muhammad peace be upon him anything negative atleast respect him as Muslims it is offensive when you call someone who we love more than anything ‘wicked’
Anonymous says
At least James is not a fool – ‘loving a devil thinking he is angel’ like you are Eeman.
Please read history. How much atrocities and bloodshed that prophet did. Open up your eyes!
Anonymous says
first of all “james” you whitewashed extremists dont u dare speak about a religious prophet contradicting our religion and our beleifs. The prophet is the most humble and noble of people and the fact that your white ashy ass has the audacity to say such things proves how uneducated and mindless some white trash is. None of us are violent or extremists and clearly your to blind to see. The religion of islam is a religion of peace, the propher never laid a hand or harmed any women or child his life thats why he is a prophet. Your religion ‘christianity’, ‘orthodox’ basically lets you have intercourse, party, drink and do disgusting acts and not get punished bc some dude hung himself on a cross!! the only person that ‘cheated on their religion is you and the rest of the mindess people like you. Your relgion doesnt practice peace but rather violence if only you truly knew the beauty of our religion and understood that the torture happening in middle eastern countries is CULTURE not religion! you mindless racist piece of white trash!!!!!!
Conor Corderoy says
Define ‘innocent people’. The Koran states categorically that ‘none are so repugnant to God as the infidel’. So a Christian or a Jew is not an ‘innocent person’. They are fair game.
A says
Focus on your own religion. I’m christian and I thought Islam was a terrorist group too. I read the Quran and without bias judgement. I believe Islam doesn’t instruct Muslims to kill.those are false teachings by taliban’s and false extremist groups. Don’t say what youre not sure about others religion. Look for other things to do. There’s more to life than attacking the religion of others
Glenn Gerun says
koran 7:4 destroy, 9:5 murder-ambush, 56:36 virgin joke, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children is proof beyond dispute man made & proof beyond dispute there’s no such thing as an allah, zero god in wicked genocidal islam. Google: “670 million massacred”
you choose:
eternal heaven
eternal hell
Andy says
If it os so peaceful than why you have those passages about KILLING non believers ???
Anonymous says
please show me any one passage in the Quran that commands muslims to kill non beleivers. Just one, and I will refute it
Anonymous says
What about those passages in which people are encouraged to KILL nonbelievers ??
Al Yared Nesher says
If Islam is peaceful, then, why are those Islam members exploding themselves in the hope that for each one Muslim who dies in the suicide bombning, there are more number of “non-Muslims” dead?
Is it true that there are two incentives there: a large amount left to the family and the promise of heaven?
Al Yared Nesher says
Is it true that the crusades were mainly MUSLIMS killing as many as 270 million true Christians (not Catholics) and true Jews secretly supported by the Vatican.
Al Yared Nesher says
That is, that Islam was secretly supported by the Vatican
Jojie says
MissLoffy says
It matters not, whether it promotes violence or not, you have already paved your own dark road to hell unless you decide to step off it by making the decision to going the right way, time will come, when man will shout and say, lord Jesus, have I not performed in your name?, Ect and Jesus Will say, “i have never known you” and that’s because you rejected in the 1st place, take head now and stop being ignorant and disrespectful for you may be on the list of the condemned, if u truly want to see the true light, ask Jesus “if his works is truly a maracle and can redeem you of your sins and of he’s truly the only way out and you’ll get your answer, he will surely answer u and then youl know which path to walk but be ignorant and you’ll never see where to walk…
Amazed bystander says
Molly how can you say this… ” Our Prophet was NEVER a violent person” Are you aware how Islam spread? By war! WAR IS VIOLENT. WTF!?
Your religion’s name is tainted because mohammed was a piece of shit. He fucked little girls and was a power hungry warmonger. He started trying to convert ppl with sweet talks and by taking over aspects of their religions. When this did not work he started killing them!
” Allah commands peace and hates violence .”
” sexual acts with people other than your patner without a wedlock is also strictly forbidden”
And so muslims get married to prostitutes before fucking them to then get divorced. This is the reality you live in.
” Islam commands us to respect women” AS PROPERTY.
You are lying to yourself
Anonymous says
Whatever you said I don’t know, what else I know is that what your religion has did in our country India. We have a very painful history of Islamic conquest in our country. Ironically we could stop that if we had not forgave Muhammad ghori, but alas, we are hindus, we pardoned him when he apologied on name of peace, but what he did then?? Attacked our country unethically at night next time and established Islamic rule in our country. From then a painful story of forced conversations, lynching, rape was started in our country and is still continuing. For the first time RAPE was introduced by Islamic rulers on non-believers. And yes all that happed on the name of Allah!!… And yes, don’t say this that Muhammad ghori was an exception, almost all the Islamic rulers or raiders did this to us. There were forced conversations, lynching of non-believers, rape, injustice on its peak. Our temples,scriptures,ancient monuments, architecture all are demolished and destroyed. Our monuments were forcefully converted to Islamic monuments. Your ruler had burned Nalanda University which was a great treasure of books and knowledge just because he was jealous of the knowledge Nalanda possessed. Your religion not even spared children!!! Your rulers butchered them and make garlands of their body parts and used to give them to their mothers whose children were slaughtered. Is it peace and justice in your language?? Why Allah the Almighty didn’t see this???… Your rulers used to say that all this had been done on his command only, that’s why he didn’t help I think. After having such a horrific history how we can think Islam to be peaceful?? And today also all this terrorrism is happening because your people want complete conversation of the world to Islam. And for this they chose the path of violence and named it jihad. They are doing this just to bring Islamic dominance. I believe in actions not in words and this is what your religion did. Please consider this facts too, only giving references from Quran is not enough and also please don’t drag other religion in between to defend the matter. And yes if you think that it is usual that one community may not tolerate other community, then remember there were times we also became rulers but never did this sins against muslims. We pardoned ghori for attacking us(which was our greatest blunder) just because he apologied. After independence our country splits into two different countries, one is of hindus and other is for Muslims. We hindus declared ours to be secular state and gave every right, facility, privilege to muslims too, but what did the Muslim country did?? See there the condition. And after all this we are made to believe that Islam is peaceful. How can we did this.
Renup says
Molly i dont think you have researched your religion well enough. These are verses from quran :
chapter 5 the Qur’an has Jesus declare, “Indeed whoever ascribes partners to Allah, Allah shall forbid him [entry into] paradise, and his refuge shall be the Fire, and the wrongdoers will not have any helpers” (Q 5:72).
In the second chapter God himself declares, “But those who are faithless and deny Our signs, they shall be the inmates of the Fire and they shall remain in it forever” (Q 2:39). Dozens of such statements could easily be culled from the Qur’an.
And then you say ISLAM respects all religion??? How so when it clearly says those who dont practice Islam will burn in hell.
This is why nobody sympathizes with yall, Cuz you all are blindly supporting the cause which you yourself don’t agree with.
Kevin says
molly…. have you read it? seriously….. have you? I have a copy. he’s not lying. exactly what the texts say.
Glenn Gerun says
the koran is written proof allah has never existed ever. 7:4 we destroyed HATE, 17:7-17 destruction HATE, 9:5 kill-ambush proof no god in islam, 56:36 VIRGIN JOKE, 65:4 pedophile children, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre proof all man made, 98:6 worst HATE definitely is not a god, but ICC crimes against humanity with a fake god excise, doesn’t fool anyone anymore, has no right to exist in Holy Creator God & Jesus Christ’s world “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 proof by Christ the saviour of the world “healed them all”✝️ takes away the sin of the world, resurrected from the dead, ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, Saint Luke 25:51-53 therefore true, is the same for “born again” Christians., clear proof there are definitely are no other gods.
Muslims found the original koran, the Sanaa maniscripts, invited expert Gerd Puin carbon fate test revealed the koran was altered, washed layered revisions, proof no allah, zero god in islam..
Glenn Gerun says
All non-Judeo-Christians are pagans & backward & infidels of 1TrueGod.
Glenn Gerun says
Get real, pre-meditated murder 9/11, 3/11, 7/7 caused justified Allied peacemakers military Desert Storm engagement, honor killing 100os of women per year, Turk muslims lied, promised equality & freedom, genocided 1:5 million innocent Armenian Christians, Rohingya muslims pre-meditated murder 9 policemen justified backlash by Mynamar, taliban murdered 132 children, vicious godless abuse of women & children, palestine muslims violence murder innocent Israelis after Gaza was ceded for peace, rained missles for decades, Europe gave muslims refuge backstab murder by muslims we see daily, muslim janjaweed “devils on horse back” slaughter 2 miilion Sudan POOR, burned meagre crops & huts & villages, forced conversions, raping & murdering today, Mosambique murder & displacements caused by muslims, muslims murder Nigeria, crazy muslims murder in Africa, muslim expansion by population & murderous treachery conquered 50 countries since islam was invented with mohamed’s koran fake god hoax allah caused “670 million massacred”. Research these facts & proofs to abolish the godless allah islam cult before our children are lied to, muslim peace is the BIG god LIE for 14 centuries, violence with impunity, murdered with the non existent allah excuse or 65:4 pedophiled with impunity with the fake allah excuse & beheaded like the walking Muslims whom daily self inflict their own endless 2 hells, unless the wise are “born again” to the kingdom of GOD & HEAVEN THROUGH JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD. Saint John 3:3-7.
Glenn Gerun says
islam i2:65 hate, 9:5 murder-ambush, 7:4 destroy, 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin joke, 65:4 pedophile children shameful crimes against humanity with the pagan astrological star/moon god superstitions/ myth idolatry today, has no right to exist in the Holy Creator-Saviour God the Father & Jesus Christ’s world “before the world was.” Saint John 27:3-5. SAVED BY THE TRUTH.
“Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, lo I am with you always.” Saint Matthew 28:18.
“because I live, ye shall live also.” Saint John 14:19, KJ Holy Bible
Baz Rah says
All religion’s are stone age nonsense. If you believe in them, you are basically a retard.
Adam says
lmao you’re saying not to believe in religion but you believe in a random article which quotes absolutely no references and is absolutely false.
Eeman says
Precisely !
Renup says
Here’s a reference for you
chapter 5 the Qur’an has Jesus declare, “Indeed whoever ascribes partners to Allah, Allah shall forbid him [entry into] paradise, and his refuge shall be the Fire, and the wrongdoers will not have any helpers” (Q 5:72). In the second chapter God himself declares, “But those who are faithless and deny Our signs, they shall be the inmates of the Fire and they shall remain in it forever” (Q 2:39).
And this aint false you can verify it anywhere
But wait you’ll turn a blind eye to this and still say ISLAM is a VERYYY peaceful religion when all it says is any non muslim will definitely burn in hell.
Really surprised on how even in 21st century there’s a mass population supporting such backward ideologies
Glenn Gerun says
Renup is brainwashed backwards, Renups real Creator God is Judeo-Christianity & his only saviour is Jesus Christianity given to Muslims real refuge in Christianity.
Read history facts Renup.
To beat the heat, Arabian desert dwellers traveled at night, became keen astrologers to guide their journeys, stars, moon, fables is where “the god-al-ilah” came from, shortened to allah is the same pagan idolatry today, proof by the moon depictions on mosques & flags & koran 7:4 destroy, 2:65 apes, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 7:166, 98:6 hate, 4:34 beat women, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred, 5:33, 56:36 virgin joke, 9:5 kill-ambush, 65:4 pedophile child sex islam.
Anonymous says
To the point!
Glenn Gerun says
God is Christianity “Love thy neighbor as thyself”, which is exactly what’s in heaven, which ascent Jesus & all the Apostles & Saints proved & detailed thoroughly in the Holy New Testament.
All else is godless & endless hell.
You are now saved by the truth.
The one who will tell everyone to stop and speak with sense says
mhmm, I just read every comment, and I must say that it is really embarrassing to see people speak badly to each other because of religion. If you are a Muslim, then you must know that you preach to disbelievers (kafir), and present them with facts about Islam for the purpose of spreading Islam and hopefully converting someone to Islam. if they don’t convert, that is not your problem anymore, and you should treat every creation of God with respect and that is a core belief of Islam. Right now, everyone is creating more sins for themselves, as they are using foul language to communicate with each other, and are throwing nasty comments about each other’s religion. There is one true religion and it is Islam, no one created Islam. Islam has always been there.
Let us talk about Christianity now.
What I find quite amusing about Christianity is that Christians believe that God is Jesus, or Jesus is the son of God? Jesus isn’t a real name. His name was given to him by Mariam (his mother), and that name was Isa. Isa had a mother and the mother was Mariam. How did he magically be the son of God, and be the GOD at the same time. God is Allah, not Isa. There is only one god and Isa is his prophet.
If Isa’s mother is Mariam, and he is the son of God, then that means you are saying that “God” and Mariam had Isa together, and that has to be the most stupid thing anyone has ever heard.
God does not have a parent, because that means that the parent made him and then that means he is not a god. God cannot have siblings because that means he is not the creator. Isa, Mariam and all the other prophets including the first human ever on this Earth Prophet Adam were all created by God (Allah). If Isa was born in the year 0CE, then who made all the creations of Allah before Isa was born. Prophet Muhamad did not make Islam or be the first prophet to reveal it. Isa was a prophet as well, and all prophets were given revelations by Allah through angels. Abrahamic religions are basically Islam, but the preachings were given by the prophets before Prophet Muhamad. From what I said about Christianity, we can see clearly through celebrations that Islam is the truthful religion.
Christmas is a celebration that promotes Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Christmas trees that magically have presents under them in the morning, which are really just parents putting them there. Nowhere in the Bible does it mention a “Santa Clause”, it is a made-up part of the celebration, and it is parents lying to their children for years before telling them that Santa Clause is fake. In Eid, there are no non-sensical parts of the celebration.
To add to Islam, Islam says to not kill innocent people. Islam says to be peaceful when it comes to religion. Islam says to respect everyone.
Islam also says to not judge anyone.
Islam also says to follow what the book says, not the authorities for example your fellow pope. Islam says to not judge someone for their religion.
That means don’t call the whole religion terrorists, call the one person who committed the crime a terrorist.
Islam also says do not let the actions of one person let you judge their family and anyone else.
In saying of that, I hope that you will research Islam and see the reality and hopefully convert to Islam Insha Allah.
anonymous says
exactly! and see how no one replied to your comment? they can’t handle the truth. they wanna see what they wanna see.
they say islam supports rape, pedophilia, abuse of your spouse, terrorism and god knows what else, but where’s the evidence? how can you conclusively say that islam allows that?
it’s pitiful that they won’t open their eyes. but then and again there are so many people who are reverting to islam because alhumdulillah they have opened their eyes and see the truth.
thankyou for your comment! assalamualaikum
Fisherman says
God structured the family to make it some what comprehensible to what God is. Your statement basically writes “what is God” which you, being a muslim cant even answer to the god you believe in.
Glenn Gerun says
I have researched islam & it was made to get away with murder with no punishment, 65:4 pedophile children with no punishment, prolific in Arabia & Afghanistan. Man made islam/koran is very perverted, immoral sick,, 4:34 beat defenceless women, & muslims teach their children blatant lies & crimes, hate, murder 9:5 kill-ambush, 2:65 apes, 7:166 apes HATE repeated, made them apes & pigs. proof beyond dispute there’s no god in islam. However you still have an opportunity to HOLY GOD & heaven “born again” to Christianity.. Saint John 3:3-7. That’s why Jesus Christ came from heaven to save sinners & unbelievers & is in heaven watching you & me. “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
“Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7
Glenn Gerun says
I see the respect & murder realities around the world by Muslims everyday with mohamed’s tribes star/moon idolatry allah excuse 21:95, 7:4 we destroyed, 2:65 apes hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, hate, 7:166 apes hate, 98:6 worst of creatures hate, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred, 9:5 murder-ambush, 17:7-17 destruction, 78:33 full breasted companions, 56:36 virgin joke,, 38:52 limiting glances, 65:4 pedophile child sex koran is clear proof allah has never existed ever, ia 1400 year god deception obviously made by mohamed. His companions; knew he was an imposter but stayed to save their own skin, is the same today by surrendered Muslims to Muslim murderer extremists; & defend obvious islam/koran lies & evil & wrongdoing, doesn’t fool
anyone anymore., “born again”
Glenn Gerun says
I see the brainwashed koran 7:4 destroy violence & 9:5 smbush murdering 9/11, 3/11, 7/7,, al shabad Somalia, boko kidnapping & murder, palestine muslims violence & murdering peaceful Israel, 2 million Sudan POOR slaughtered for decades, burned meagre crops & villages & huts, muslims raping & murdering today, & i see muslim murdering everyday clear proof mohamed made evil godless islam crimes against GOD & JESUS CHRIST “Love thy neighbor as thyself” – “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 KJ HOLY BIBLE.
Anonymous says
He is lying on face or he just doesn’t know
Allah, be sure of who you fight. And do not
say to those who offer you ‘greetings of peace, “You are no believer!”-seeking a
fleeting worldly gain.1 Instead, Allah has
infinite bounties ‘in store! You were initially like them then Allah blessed you with
Islam”. So be sure! Indeed, Allah is All-Aware
of what you do.
Don’t lie (Q22:30)
Don’t spy (Q49:12) Don’t insult (Q49:11)
Don’t waste (Q17:26) Feed the poor (Q22:36) Don’t backbite (Q49:12)
Keep your oaths (Q5:89) Don’t take bribes (Q27:36)
Honour your treaties (Q9:4) Restrain your anger (Q3:134)
Don’t spread gossip (Q24:15) Think good of others (Q24:12)
Be good to guests (Q51:24-27) Don’t harm believers (Q33:58) Don’t be
rude to parents (Q17:23) Turn away from ill speech (Q23:3) Don’t make fun of others (Q49:11) Walk in a humble manner (Q25:63) Respond to evil with good (Q41:34) Don’t say what you won’t do (Q62:2) Keep your trusts & promises (Q23:8) Don’t insult others’ false gods (Q6:108) Don’t deceive people in trade (Q6:152) Don’t take items without right (Q3:162) Don’t ask unnecessary questions (Q5:101) Don’t be miserly nor extravagant (Q25:67) Don’t call others with bad names (Q49:11) Don’t claim
yourselves to be pure (Q53:32) Speak nicely, even to the ignorant (Q25:63) Don’t ask for repayment for favours (Q76:9) Make room for others at gatherings (Q58:11) If enemy wants peace, then accept it (Q8:61) Return a greeting in a better manner (Q4:86) Don’t remind others of the favours you done to them(Q2:264) Make peace between fighting groups (Q49:9)
Allah does not forbid you from dealing with kindness and justice with those who did not make war against you on account of religion and did not expel you from your homes. Indeed Allah loves the just.” [60:8]
Beware! Whoever is cruel and hard on a non-Muslim minority, or curtails their rights, or takes anything from them against their free will; I (Prophet Muhammad) will complain against the person on the Day of Judgment.” (Abu Dawud)
Being war at disbelivers but which disbelievers? It was referring to that time disbelievers
anonymous says
it’s funny how no one replied to your comment, because you are speaking facts and actually have valid references.
it’s sad. people will attack islam without knowing anything about it properly.
seeing your comment made me happy.
thankyou and assalamualaikum.
Glenn Gerun says
God & Son Jesus Christ “Love thy neighbor as thyself” is the greatest Godly humanitarian truth & activity mankind can do, on this earth as it is in heaven.
God’s Love thy neighbor as thyself is not only spiritual but practical logical excellent justice law & order, equal rights & freedoms for everyone to live & work; with a very important necessary chore to stop wrongdoers & evil & criminals & hateful anti-semites
Date Palm says
Anonymous, all of the Qur’anic verses which you have referenced apply only to the treatment of Muslims by Muslims, and none apply to the treatment of ‘infidels’ by Muslims. However, plenty of Qur’anic verses condone the mistreatment, including humiliation, of non-Muslims by Muslims. For example, striking the neck of the infidel to cause him to fall to the ground at the time he brings the jizya to his Muslim master.
Anonymous says
literelaly just recite the quaran in front of your 3rd grade class and then drive a hot a railroad spike through your skill
Trying not to bang my head against the wall. Repeatedly. says
If someone is insane, then religion has nothing to do with it. If Islam is evil, then so is Christianity, If Islam is evil, then so are all the other religions. WE ARE IN THIS TOGETHER!!! WHY DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THAT? Islam is a peaceful religion just like all the other religions. ALL RELIGIONS ARE GREAT! THAT INCLUDES ISLAM!
Also, it’s “Qur’an” not “Koran.” If other religion’s books can be spelled right, why can’t the muslim’s? If you’re not going to stop insulting Islam, at least spell stuff correctly. We aren’t two years old… we can be mature and respect even the religions we might hate.
Not your typical Historically inaccurate liberal says
Your response was an emotional one. It was also one entirely ignorant of historical fact and understand while managing to also be devoid of any real evidence or logic. The “Qur’an” itself espouses rape and ownership of women, subjugation of other races and promotes slavery. NONE of those can be found in the New Testament. Even from a pre-King James edition. Since its inception nearly 1400 years ago Islam has done nothing but wage war. From the Rape of the Baltic after the 3rd Crusades to the Sacking of Rome, or the slaughter of the Petra. The Child day care shootings from Israel in the 50’s. From the Muslim Turks genocide of nearly the ENTIRE Armenian peoples, to the Khomeni taking over Iran at the cost of tens of thousands of non muslims. And of course lets not forgot the three planes and two buildings here in recent history.
Other than the Crusades(which were a defensive liberation not a conquest), which is what I assume is ALL you know of Christian “Atrocities”, are you able list or discuss?
Anonymous says
“If Islam is evil, then so is Christianity, If Islam is evil, then so are all the other religions.”
Al Yared Nesher says
So the article above is right.
Glenn Gerun says
GOD IS LOVE, Creates & Saves through His Divine Son JESUS CHRIST “before the world was”
Saint John 17:3-5, proof by His ascent into heaven Saint Luke 24:51-53 proof of the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation forevermore HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH 600AD man made islam/ koran/allah 2:65 apes hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 7:166 apes hate, 98:6 hate, 4:34 beat women, 7:4 destroy, 17:7-17 destruction, 9:5 kill-ambush, 56:36 virgin joke, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred, 65:4 pedophile child sex islam.
The list of Christian atrocities is just as long. The Crusades; the Inquisition; wars between Catholics and Protestants; pogroms against Jews over centuries ending in the Holocaust; the Catholic Church and Nazism the invasion of the Americas, both North and South, the slave trade, the invasion of Australia, the sexual deviancies of Catholic clergy in every western state since WWII, the enforced servitude of children by Catholic nuns.
That’s just off the top of my head…
Al Yared Nesher says
Use the word “Catholic” to give us the idea that they are true Christians out there whom the Lord call His “little flock” and to clarify that it was the Vatican Catholicism who did all those cruelties.
Al Yared Nesher says
correction: there are true Christians out there
Glenn Gerun says
Catholic is definitely GOD THE CREATOR & CHRIST THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD. Saint John 3:16
Read online facts:
Glenn Gerun says
GOD’S Christianity makes integrity & principled people on earth & the only way to heaven, “I am the way, the truth & the life; no man coneth unto the Father but by me” does zillion times more good than a few abusers.
Glenn Gerun says
Catholic is precisely God & Christ’s salvation on earth that does trillions of good for mankind since 5 BC, far more than the harms by bad people.
Billions of deniers of Judeo-Christianity do unspeakable wrongs & evil , google “670 million massacred” or specifically surrender to ridiculous allah 2:65 apes hate, 5:60 apes/pigs hate, 98:6 hate, 7:4 we destroyed, 9:5 ambush millions of civil people for 1400 years with a fake god excuse, or ridiculous :36 virgin joke, ridiculous 37:48, 38:52, 78:33 full breasted companions, ridiculous 4:34 beat women, or perverted 65:4 pedophile children is all obvious man made crimes against humanity & GOD with mohamed’s ridiculous 600AD fake allah excuse, has no right to exist, referendums abolish so intelligent you & all civil people can live & work.
chris winkley says
I am a Christian and it occurs to me to add a lot of Christians don’t read their Bible either.. Re slavery. The “Other” did not fair very well in the Old Testament .. just read the end of Judges to see how women were treated.. In the New Testament I believe Paul was preaching for moderation at least and equality at best.. but lets face it .. it took another couple of thousand years to make slavery illegal even in countries that thought themselves Christian…
*Ephesians 6:5-8 Paul states, “Slaves, be obedient to your human masters with fear and trembling, in sincerity of heart, as to Christ” which is Paul instructing slaves to obey their master.
*Philemon 1:16, NIV: “no longer as a slave, but better than a slave, as a dear brother. He is very dear to me but even dearer to you, both as a fellow man and as a brother in the Lord.”
EDUCATION is the key I suspect
aklimandus says
I can see that many has lacked the truth which is visibly seen in all religion,we all know what peace means,we all know what justice is and we also know what terrorist is,to mention just a few,who is Osama bin laden,sadam Hussein,Abubakar shekau,Yusuf Mohammed,they are all devoted Muslim with the aim of terrrosing the world until they kill non Muslim,go and read sura Medina 9:5 please for more confirmation and understading.
Areeb says
U never read history or tafsir to understand these verse or even the context have u
Conor Corderoy says
It is important to understand that Islam and Old Testament ‘Christianity’ are essentially the same religion and draw on the same root texts. A radical change happens when Jesus appears on the scene. His teachings are a radical departure from the Old Testament. They are properly named ‘Christian’.
It is a fact, well supported by history, that Islam, and the Old testament from which it is drawn, are cruel, bloodthirsty doctrines which aim to subjugate humanity. Islam means subjugation.
Yianna says
The best reply so far. Thank you. Old Testament has NOTHING to do with Christianity. When Jesus Christ came into the picture, we are told to be good servants, NOT to kill and that God will fight all of our battles for the ones who repent for being the ungrateful sinful humans we are. I don’t know the Muslim text like I do the Holy Bible, but it seems DISGUSTING from what I hear. Basically their God can’t even the score for them, he tells his human followers to do it for him. Some nice God ya have. No thank you, I’ll keep my hands clean and see heaven. I am sorry. I was interested in learning of quaran (funny quarantine fit perfectly there and I don’t care how you spell it) purely for knowledge and I maybe one day I will read it maybe someday I won’t. I’m not concerned either way. The New Testament is our saving grace and every knee will bow down to our God and EVERY tongue will proclaim Jesus Christ as LORD, because he doesn’t promote violence and came to save us from the ugly Old Testament lifestyles we had. Thank you and God bless you. 🙏🏼☦️
Glenn Gerun says
That’s why Jesus Christ came from heaven, eye witnessed ✝️, resurrection-ascension into heaven, is the only way for sinners & unbelievers salvation to everlasting life
Areeb says
✺ Women in Islam are thought to be subjected, degraded, oppressed – but are they really? Are millions of Muslims simply oppressive or are these misconceptions fabricated by a biased media?
✺ “And for women are rights over men, similar to those of men over women.” (Qur’an 2: 228)
✺ Over fourteen hundred years ago, Islam gave women rights that women in the West have only recently began to enjoy. In the 1930’s, Annie Besant observed, “It is only in the Last twenty years that Christian England has recognised the right of woman to property, while Islam has allowed this right from all times. It is a slander to say that Islam preaches that woman have no souls.” (The Life and Teachings of Mohammed, 1932).
✺ Men and woman all descended from a single person – the Prophet Adam (peace be upon him). Islam does not accept for either of them anything but justice and kind treatment.
Equal Reward & Equal Accountability
✺ Men and women worship Allah in the same way, meaning they worship, the same God (Allah), perform the same acts of worship, follow the same scripture, and hold the same beliefs. Allah (the Arabic word for the One true God of all creation), judges all human beings fairly and equitably. Allah emphasises the just treatment and reward due to both men and women in many verses of the Qur’an:
✺ “Allah has promised to the believers, men and women, gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein, and beautiful mansions in gardens of everlasting bliss.” (Qur’an 9: 72)
✺ “Never will I allow the loss of the work of any worker amongst you, male or female; you are of one another.” (Qur’an 3: 195)
✺ These verses show that reward is dependent upon one’s actions and not one’s gender. Gender does not play any part in how a person is rewarded and judged.If we compare Islam to other religions, we see that it offers justice between the sexes. For example, Islam dismisses the idea that Eve is more to blame than Adam for eating from the forbidden tree. According to Islam, Adam and Eve both sinned, they both repented and God forgave them both.
Equal Right to Knowledge
✺ Both men and women are equally encouraged to seek knowledge. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim (male and female).” Also, great female Muslim Scholars existed at and around the time of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Some were from his family and others were his companions or their daughters. Prominent amongst them was ‘Aisha (Radiyallahu ‘anha), the wife of the Prophet (peace be upon him) through whom a quarter of the Islamic law has been transmitted.
✺ Other females were great scholars of jurisprudence and had famous male scholars as their students.
Equal Right to Choose a Spouse
✺ Islam has honoured women by giving them the right to choose a spouse and keep their original family name once married. Additionally, many have the impression that parents force their daughters into marriage. This is a cultural practise, and has no basis in Islam. In fact, it is prohibited.
✺ At the time of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), a woman came to him and said, “My father has married me to my cousin to raise his social standing and I was forced into it.” The Prophet sent for the girl’s father and then in his presence gave the girl the option of remaining married or nullifying the marriage. She responded, “O Messenger of Allah, I have accepted what my father did, but I wanted to show other women (that they could not be forced into a marriage.)”
Equal yet Different
✺ While men and women have equal rights as a general principle, the specific rights and responsibilities granted to them are not identical. Men and women have complementary rights and responsibilities.
✺ Aside from external and internal anatomical differences, scientists know there are many other subtle differences in the way the brains of men and women process language, information and emotion, just to mention a few.
✺ A socio-biology expert, Edward O. Wilson of Harvard University. Said that females tend to be higher than males in verbal skills, empathy and social skills, among other things while men tend to be higher in independence, dominance, spatial and mathematical skills, rank-related aggression, and other characteristics.
✺ It would be foolish to treat both genders the same and to ignore their differences. Islam teaches that men and women have complementary, yet different, roles because it is best suited to their nature. God says:
✺ “And the male is not like the female.” (Qur’an 3: 36)
✺ “Does not the One who created, know? And He is the Most Kind, the All Aware.” (Qur’an 67: 14)
The Family Unit
✺ God created men and women to be different, with unique roles, skills and responsibilities. These differences are not viewed as evidences of superiority or inferiority, but of specialisation. In Islam, the family is of central importance. The man is responsible for the financial well being of the family while the woman contributes to the family’s physical, educational and emotional well being. This encourages cooperation rather than competition. By fulfilling their mutual responsibilities, strong families are created and hence strong societies.
✺ Also, emotionally, neither men nor women live a happy without one another. ALLĀH describes this beautifully by saying:
✺ “They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them.” (Qur’an 2: 187)
✺ Clothing provides comfort, warmth and security as well as making one look good – this is how the relationship between the husband and wife is defined in Islam.
Love & Mercy in Spousal Relations
✺ “And among His signs is that He created for you wives amongst yourselves that you may dwell in tranquillity with them; and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts). Surely in this are Signs for people who reflect.” (Qur’an 30:21)
✺ The Prophet (peace be upon him) also encouraged men to treat their spouses in the best way, “The best of you are those who are best (in treatment) to their wives.”
✺ Aisha (the Prophet’s Wife) was once asked how the Prophet’s conduct was in his home. She said, “He was like one of you at home, yet he was most lenient and most generous… He was ready to give a helping hand to his wives in the ordinary work of the house, [he] sewed his own clothes and mended his own shoes.” In general, he helped in whatever work his wives did.
Loftly Positions of Mothers & Daughters
✺ A mother has the greatest influence on a child especially in the earlier years through her affection, care and love. Undoubtedly, the success of a society is due to mothers. Therefore, it is only right for Islam to honour and raise their status.
✺ ALLĀH Says in the Qur’an: And we have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his Parents, His mother bears him with hardship and she brings him forth with hardship. (Qur’an 46:15)
✺ The Prophet (Pbuh) was once asked, “O Messenger of ALLĀH, who among people is most deserving of my good treatment?” He said, “Your mother.” The man asked twice more, “Then who?” and was given the same response. Only till the fourth time did the Prophet respond, “Then your father.”
✺ Reward is not only given to the good and kind treatment towards mothers. In fact, Islam has designated a special reward for raising daughters that is not granted for raising sons.
✺ The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, “Whoever ALLĀH has given two daughters and is kind towards them, they will be a reason for him entering Paradise.”
✺ Before Islam, women were considered shamefull, female children were buried alive, prostituion was rampant, divorce was only in the hands of the husband, inheritance was only for the strong, and oppression was widespread. Islam came and abolished these practises. Even now, in “developed countries”, women are not granted respect, dignity and honour, let alone equal pay for equal work. Islam, however, regards women as precious and valuable, not to be disrespected or disgraced. The mistreatment of women in some Middle-Eastern countries or Muslim families is due to cultural factors that some Muslims wrongly follow, not because of Islam. Why would many women around the world willingly enter Islam if it is an oppressive religion?
✺ We end with the words of our Lord and your Lord, The Creator and Sustsainer of all men and Women:
✺ “Surely the men who submit and the women who submit, and the believing men and the believing women, and the obedient men and the obedient women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women, and the humble men and the humble women…ALLĀH has prepared for them forgiveness and a great reward.” (Qur’an 33:35)
F V. says
Exactly! Alhamdulillah thanks for posting this! I was going to! If these Islamophobes look into what’s ACTUALLY written in the Quran rather than their twisted, fabricated version, they’d see this! Here’s the thing- there are some muslims out there, they have a muslim name but they act juvenile, criminal, and examples a very bad representation for the whole muslim community. Then everyone goes saying, Islam considers women unequal, oppressed and are terrorists. I mean, you cannot expect all the apples in a garden to be ripe and fresh, there’s always going to be some rotten apples in between.
If you look into the other comments, there are Islamphobists opposing to everything muslims say and fighting with them, but this comment? no one has tried opposing to what you’ve said here. why? it’s the words of truth and no one can oppose to it
Anonymous says
In Islam, a husband can beat his wife if she doesn’t do as he asks. according to Hadith.
A husband can also beat his wife if she doesn’t submit to his sexual desires. A woman came to Muhammad and begged him to stop her husband from beating her. Her skin was bruised so badly that she it is described as being “greener” than the green veil she was wearing. Muhammad did not admonish her husband, but instead ordered her to return to him and submit to his sexual desires. Bukhari (72:715)
Wife-Beating in The Qur’an:
Qur’an (4:34) – “Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.”
Glenn Gerun says
I see muslims slaughter Sudan poor for decades, burned crops, homes, villages, raping today. I see muslims violence & murdering in Israel today. I remember the 1967 Israel war attack by muslim Syria, muslim Egypt, muslim Jordan hate-war monger muslims. I remember 1995 Great Israel ceded the Gaza strip for peace, backstabbed by muslims 1000s of missles rained on Jews minding their own business & True God.
Glenn Gerun says
mohamed’s 4:34 beat women is proof no allah.
koran incite 9:5 murder- ambush is proof no god.
koran 7:4 we destroyed is proof a fake allah.
No chance riidiculous allah 56:36 virgin joke is a god, obviously all man made.
No chance koran 37:48, 38:52 limiting glances is from allah but proof all man made sex fantasies
koran 65:4 pedophilia is proof no allah, zero god.
Do not surrender to non existent “merciful allah”.
mohamed’s koran/allah deception, doesn’t fool Muslims anymore, “born again” St.John 3:3-7 to go to the kingdom of God & ascent Christ in heaven, positively eye witnessed, St.Luke 24:51-53 is Most High Holy True God’s New Testament salvation.
All else is godless & hell.
Glenn Gerun says
No chance islam 7:4 we destroyed, 2:65 apes, 98:6 hate, 5:60 made them apes & swine, 7:166 apes, 56:36 virgin joke, 78:33, 37:48, 4:34 beat women, 33:61 massacred, 9:5 kill-ambush, 8:67 slaughter, 65:4 pedophile children is a god, all obviously made by men to get away with murder & sex crimes with impunity, doesn’t fool Muslims anymore rather self inflict 2 hells, unless “born again” to GOD & SON CHRIST LOVE & SALVATION POSITIVELY EYE WITNESSED IN THE HOLY NT FROM HEAVEN
Terry McMaster says
Which Islamic State would you most prefer to live in? Nigeria? Somalia? The Sudan? Aceh Province in Indonesia? Saudia Arabia? Palestine? Lebanon? Iraq? Iran? Afghanistan? Maybe Pakistan?
Which Islamic State is peaceful? Name one.
Which Islamic State would you most like to live in if you are female?
Which Islamic State treats non-Muslims fairly?
Sia says
The fact that you stated the country of Lebanon to be an ‘Islamic State’ while is has a 45% christian population and the Prime Minister himself is a Christian, just goes to show how much of an ignorant joke you are.
SAL says
Why does it seem like the terrorists are Muslims they treat their women like dogs and they kill each other without any feeling of all the good Muslims probably put a lot of them are evil evil and that’s happening today 2021
Glenn Gerun says
Turk muslims promised equality & freedom, backstabbed genocided one & a half million Armenian Christians, now a muslim state contrary to 1TrueGodChrist love & salvation positively eye witnessed by people like you & me in the NT. We & all people are in the Holy Bible as we speak, going to eternal heaven or hell.
Where are you going? Only CHRIST IS HEAVEN. Non else. “Ye must be “born again” St.John 3:3-7.
Actuallyintellegent says
The United Arab Emirates.
urmom says
name on state in the US that hasnt had school shootings or islamaphobia
Glenn Gerun says
Americans are the greatest, bravest Christian soldiers that do the right things for the right reasons. stop wrongdoers & evil & women abusers & 65:4 pedophile child sex islam.
SHUSH says
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims self inflict their own 2 hells.
An eternal fact. God is Catholic Christianity “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 clear proof by resurrected-ascent into heaven Jesus Christ the saviour of the world. Saint Luke 24:51-53, eye witnessed by 500, 1 Corinthians 15:6
Glenn Gerun says
50 normal countries were invaded massacred by muslims , ruined into godless failed inhuman states against 1True GODCHRIST the Creator & Saviour of the world “before the world was.” Saint John 17:3-5.
Anonymous says
> “Also, it’s “Qur’an” not “Koran.” ”
Just as the word “Bible” is used for Christian and Jewish holy books but Bible just means Book, and is a different spelling of Biblia. Get better material.
geturfaxright says
Yeah! Stop bashing our religion, and get better fax #imaginenotresearchingbeforepostingpropaganda
Glenn Gerun says
Google: “670 million massacred” is the same today
Glenn Gerun says
Google: “670 million massacred” is the same godless genocide with a non existent allah excuse today
Adrian says
The Bible (New testament) does not instruct it’s followers to kill people, but Christians sometimes do bad things, these are bad Christians, it is not the christian philosophy that is bad. The “Qur’an” instructs Muslims to kill for a variety of reasons including leaving the religion. See the difference?
Yianna says
🙏🏼 This whole thread every Muslim has failed to comment on that part. Seems they know they are wrong but are so brainwashed from birth that it’s a useless debate. I get they may want to be good but their God clearly tells them it is ok to be vile. And they clearly refuse to acknowledge it by this whole thread. Thank you for putting it so plainly. Yet, they will still ignore it.
The one who will tell everyone to stop and speak with sense says
mhmm, I just read every comment, and I must say that it is really embarrassing to see people speak badly to each other because of religion. If you are a Muslim, then you must know that you preach to disbelievers (kafir), and present them with facts about Islam for the purpose of spreading Islam and hopefully converting someone to Islam. if they don’t convert, that is not your problem anymore, and you should treat every creation of God with respect and that is a core belief of Islam. Right now, everyone is creating more sins for themselves, as they are using foul language to communicate with each other, and are throwing nasty comments about each other’s religion. There is one true religion and it is Islam, no one created Islam. Islam has always been there.
Let us talk about Christianity now.
What I find quite amusing about Christianity is that Christians believe that God is Jesus, or Jesus is the son of God? Jesus isn’t a real name. His name was given to him by Mariam (his mother), and that name was Isa. Isa had a mother and the mother was Mariam. How did he magically be the son of God, and be the GOD at the same time. God is Allah, not Isa. There is only one god and Isa is his prophet.
If Isa’s mother is Mariam, and he is the son of God, then that means you are saying that “God” and Mariam had Isa together, and that has to be the most stupid thing anyone has ever heard.
God does not have a parent, because that means that the parent made him and then that means he is not a god. God cannot have siblings because that means he is not the creator. Isa, Mariam and all the other prophets including the first human ever on this Earth Prophet Adam were all created by God (Allah). If Isa was born in the year 0CE, then who made all the creations of Allah before Isa was born. Prophet Muhamad did not make Islam or be the first prophet to reveal it. Isa was a prophet as well, and all prophets were given revelations by Allah through angels. Abrahamic religions are basically Islam, but the preachings were given by the prophets before Prophet Muhamad. From what I said about Christianity, we can see clearly through celebrations that Islam is the truthful religion.
Christmas is a celebration that promotes Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Christmas trees that magically have presents under them in the morning, which are really just parents putting them there. Nowhere in the Bible does it mention a “Santa Clause”, it is a made-up part of the celebration, and it is parents lying to their children for years before telling them that Santa Clause is fake. In Eid, there are no non-sensical parts of the celebration.
To add to Islam, Islam says to not kill innocent people. Islam says to be peaceful when it comes to religion. Islam says to respect everyone.
Islam also says to not judge anyone.
Islam also says to follow what the book says, not the authorities for example your fellow pope. Islam says to not judge someone for their religion.
That means don’t call the whole religion terrorists, call the one person who committed the crime a terrorist.
Islam also says do not let the actions of one person let you judge their family and anyone else.
In saying of that, I hope that you will research Islam and see the reality and hopefully convert to Islam Insha Allah.
Glenn Gerun says
It’s easy to see koran 2:65 apes, 5:60 apes & pigs, 7:166 apes, 98:6 hate, 7:4, 17:7-17 destroy,, 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin joke, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred, 65:4 pedophile children is proof beyond dispute there’s no allah, zero god in islam.
GOD IS CHRISTIANITY “Love thy neighbor as thyself, the 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46, & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” perfect sense.
Anonymous says
U capital on spellings instead of the truth!!!!!!!
Anonymous says
Glenn Gerun says
Typical Mulim rhetoric reverse blame, reverse name calling, It is Muslims who are the infidels of God & Son Jesus Christ Love & salvation eye witnessed proof the only way & the truth to heaven.
PEACE says
My dearest Glenn, you are mistaken.
You are also annoying. I’m not a muslim, but your comments make me want to convert, bc it shows how hateful christans can be towards Islam. If there ever came a day where i have to choose sides, I will side with the truthful, and not the hateful as you.
It is so sad to see such a devote chirstan be so hateful. Does the bible not say to love one another?
Anonymous says
All of us will find out at the end.
Yianna says
Yes we will
Conor Corderoy says
Religions are constituted by their doctrines, and it is the doctrine which makes them evil or otherwise. A religion that imposes an automatic death sentence on anyone who leaves it is evil. The Old Testament religions are evil because they advocate violence in the name of God. There is no comparison, in terms of doctrine, with New testament Christianity which advocates love and forgiveness for all, regardless of faith, or with Taoism or Buddhism which are founded on the concepts of compassion and love.
There is absolutely no logic to the line of reasoning that says, ‘If Islam is evil then so are Buddhism and Taoism,’ because the doctrines are entirely different.
Green Shadow says
that is true
MissLoffy says
Saying the holy bible is of evil is like saying Jesus himself is evil and therefore you will be punished for you had know wrong and still abide with wrong, how dare you? U will soon find out, but that time it will be too late and when u call until Jesus in end times he will reply “i have never known you” he said he’ll deny those who deny him, he had spoken, and it will definitely come to past in deed,be reckless if u want, curse me if you want, judge me if you want, say all sorts of this if u want for the devil is within u that is the reason u speak of such I’ll will, but seek light and light shall seek u, u are being deceived and u know it but prefer to go your own path, just know this, WHEN THE TRUMPET SOUNDS, THERS NO GOING BACK! Man has no excuse if he had already known the light, therefore only he who knows and yet rejected shall be punished, “seek and he shall find” but seek not and you shall never Inherit the kingdom of god, may peace be unto u brethren and may god have mercy upon u even if u decide to hate me like poison…
Biggest person says
YES, Christianity IS EVIL! ALL religions are shite!
Islam is NOT peaceful, murdering apostates is NOT peaceful, oppressing women is NOT peaceful, killing kafir is NOT peaceful, making an us vs them dichotomy is NOT peaceful, spreading by WAR is NOT PEACEFUL!!
Like the great Hitchens used to say: religion POISONS EVERY-THING.
Also koran is how qu’ran is written in ENGLISH. Don’t expect ppl to speak your language.
Respect is EARNED and sorry but Islam has only earned my ire and scorn. Same for christianity btw!
Be the bigger person and leave these religious delusions behind
A HUMAN says
chapter 5 the Qur’an has Jesus declare, “Indeed whoever ascribes partners to Allah, Allah shall forbid him [entry into] paradise, and his refuge shall be the Fire, and the wrongdoers will not have any helpers” (Q 5:72). In the second chapter God himself declares, “But those who are faithless and deny Our signs, they shall be the inmates of the Fire and they shall remain in it forever” (Q 2:39). Dozens of such statements could easily be culled from the Qur’an.
And no other religion burns its followers for missing prayers
Islam thrives on people’s fear of going to hell on DAY OF JUDGEMENT, I mean people literally fear this day so much that they create hell for people living in the real world by taking away all sorts of freedom from humans just in the hope that if they miserably follow all the instructions they’ll end up in heaven. FOR HUMANITY”S SAKE AND FOR WOMEN’S SAKE PLEASE WAKE UP YOU ALLL PLEASEE. If there aint no heaven and hell after death all that will be left is the pure regret of losing your free will in real life.
If allah was really a god then these laws and the religion should have applied to animals as well and trees and all of creation instead its all HUMAN CENTRIC DONT YALL SEE All of this is MAN MADE
Just A Kid says
I’m Muslim and I’m a kid. Is 9/11 my fault? Are the Taliban and other muslim extremist groups my fault? It’s not fair to me that you are saying all the horrible untrue things about my religion. Some Muslims are terrible, but saying all Muslims are evil is one step too far. It really hurts me that strangers like you hate me even though I’ve done nothing to you. These may just be words to you, but to me they are like spears, piercing my heart (not even exaggerating), making me sad and angry and hurt. Most of all, though, I pity people like you who are so clouded by their anger they cannot see the truth in front of their face. I may be a kid, but that doesn’t make me any dumber than you. I may not know everything but I do know this much, you can genuinely hurt people with your words. I can’t change your mind, only you can do that, but please don’t say hurtful things.
You want to know the truth about extremist groups? Here it is. Extremists are people who lose their humanity, their brains, and all senses of right or wrong and then they blame it on their religion. You can call extremists evil for all I care, but please don’t say that Islam is evil. It’s just a really misunderstood religion. I could say lots more things, but I’m not going to because it’s like one in the morning and I need to sleep. This may sound super cliché but sometimes cliché is right, If you have nothing nice to say don’t say anything at all.
If the words you spoke (or typed) appeared on your skin, would you still be beautiful?
Atheist says
He didn’t say Muslims are evil, he said Islam is.
H says
The problem with Islam is that the deity Allah says it’s OK to convert by force or kill is that fails. And the Prophet Muhammed actually did that and instructed his followers to do the same. So whereas the Bible says to try persuasion to make convers, the Quran says to try persuasion first, then trickery, then enslavement and if all else fails, kill.
Anonymous says
“There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong.”
Glenn Gerun says
the koran incites HATE, MURDER, DESTROY, MASSACRE, AMBUSH, 9:5, 7:4, 2:65, 5:60, 5:51, 7:166, 98:6, 17:7-17, 33:61, 8:67 clear proof no allah, zero god in islam.
GOD IS CHRISTIANITY “Love thy neighbour as thyself, the 10 Commandments, & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, perfect sense.
yio says
There is not a single verse in the Qur’an which says to harm another person because of their not being a Muslim. On the contrary, there are several verses which talk about respecting non-Muslims.
To further clarify the matter about forced conversion to Islam, let’s look at these verses:
“ There is no compulsion in religion…” (Qur’an, 2:256)
“Had your Lord wanted, all the people on earth would have believed. So will you force people to believe?” (Qur’an, 10:99)
“So warn them: your only task is to warn, you’re not supposed to force them.” (Qur’an, 88:21-22)
“He does not forbid you to deal kindly and justly with anyone who has not fought you for your faith and driven you out of your homes, God loves the just.” (Qur’an, 60:8)
Could the Qur’an be any clearer on this issue?
Glenn Gerun says
Yeo, I see the warning in Sudan, 2 million poor slaughtered for decades, burned meagre crops, huts, villages; raping & murdering today, & now the all the people are ruined against 1 True God Christianity Love thy neighbor as thyself
Furthermore Yeo, Not 1 Muslim in the whole wide world believes koran 56:36 virgin joke, 78:33 voluptuous women, 37:48 limiting glances fantasy, 38:52 same nonsense fantasy, 76:19, 52:24, 56:17, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children, therefore Not 1 Muslim believes in the obvious man made 600AD pagan idolatry star/moon god allah
Victor says
It may really hurt,but it is the truth…or haven’t cross check your quoran lately?
Still, Jesus loves you and can save you cos he is still Saving people today.
Keb says
Nobody named jesus has done one thing on this earth..thats a fact.
a real person who actually reads the quran and the bible (muslim) says
why dont u read the Quran (also spell it right its either Quran or Koran)??? its obvious from ur comment u didnt. stop lying and focus ur racist christan butt on more important matters. Jesus was not white btw. he was arab. he never called himself the son of god he called himself the son of men. fact check pls.
Adrian says
Surah 9:29. And Jesus was Jewish, you can’t even get that simple fact correct.
Glenn Gerun says
Got 2 korans. I don’t say anything that’s not true & just. Murderous godless mohamedan islam is an atrocious god deception contrary to God’s Judeo-Christianity from heaven.
Ken says
Any religion is just a bad cult.. I know all gods are fake. I lead a great life without them. And i don’t expect presents when i die. You die your dead! Religions are just causing hate. They let tv preachers legally steal money by scareing old people on tv. It gets handed down generation to generation.. Your a kid, so mommy and daddy put that in your mind ..and you will infect your kids minds with it. We have science now that debunks bible crap. Why can’t you wake up the rest of your life and just be yourself? Dont steal dont kill dont assault women. You will turn out perfectly fine.. And have more space in the brain to use for stuff that matters. All religions create stuff to scare people since day 1.. 3000 gods people invented in history…all turned out fake. You wanna kniw how people got on earth? Science can explain that with proof! With evidence too!! Yet nobody got evidence for 1 god lol…
Ambassador says
Dont make me laugh.The best science has got is the big bang which without God doesnt even make sense.You say that the world just appeared from a single point.You claim matter was created from nothing.Your theory is based on a start of nothing,you somehow got 1 from 0.Cant you see how illogical that is.If life was made without God why cant scientists create life.Why cant they bring life to the dead.Obviously there is a divine entity.The miracles such as Earth,the body,cells,stars,the perfect balance the universe is in,YOU THINK IT CAME ABOUT THROUGH CHANCE.Dont make me laugh.People like you are stubborn and ignorant and lead purposeless lives,why do you think atheists have the highest rate of suicide.Islam has explained this in many verses but i doubt youd open your mind if you cant even accept the fact that this world must have been created by a divine entity.
John says
Yeah,and santa claus is real too
Just a Kid says
Don’t talk about my parents like that! They are kind, and have given me everything I need plus some. What would you know anyway? ISLAM DOESN’T DISRESPECT WOMEN! I can tell you myself because I know first hand. People like you blabber on, saying that Islam disrespects women without actually asking Muslim women if the feel disrespected and oppressed. Islam actually gives women more. In the quran it states that “Heaven is under the feet of your mothers”. Mothers as in **Muslim women.** Islam favors equity over equality. Equity means people get what they need, An example is a family of five getting 2 bags of oranges and a family of ten getting 4 (why someone would need that many oranges, I do not know, but I suppose we can pretend that they’re super hungry). The family of ten will naturally need more food than that of the family of five. Equality means everyone gets the same. A family of five will gets 3 bags of orange and the family of ten gets 3 bags as well. That’s not just because that family of ten needs one more bag to have enough food and the family of five has one bag too many. Women need more modesty, so they wear hijabs and scarves. Hijabs and scarves are stylish and comfy anyway so it’s win-win. I’m not going to go into detail because I have better things to do with my time than argue with someone who isn’t going to listen to me anyway.
Also have you never heard of grammar? Does it not exist anymore? It’s not “Your a kid,” it is supposed to be “You’re a kid.” AS IN WITH AN APOSTROPHE. “I” is always capitalized. Grammar exists for a reason. Call me weird, but at this point your grammar makes me more mad than your words (notice how I used the right “your”).
Go ahead and say what you want, Ken. You’re expressing your opinion and that takes guts, so good job (I guess). Haters gonna hate, what can I say? And before you say anything, “gonna” is not breaking grammar rules. It’s called slang (and being too lazy to type it formally).
For the record, I WANT to be Muslim. You really think that my brain didn’t question god at some point? It did. I’m not going to tell you why I chose Islam because it wouldn’t change your mind, I’m tired of typing, and I still have homework (I mean, who gives homework on weekends?). I’ll tell you this much, I didn’t choose Islam because “mommy and daddy” told me to. I’m not 4 years old anymore, so you don’t need to say, “mommy and daddy” like that lol 🙂
Anonymous says
In Islam, a husband can beat his wife if she doesn’t do as he asks. according to Hadith.
A husband can also beat his wife if she doesn’t submit to his sexual desires. A woman came to Muhammad and begged him to stop her husband from beating her. Her skin was bruised so badly that she it is described as being “greener” than the green veil she was wearing. Muhammad did not admonish her husband, but instead ordered her to return to him and submit to his sexual desires. Bukhari (72:715)
Wife-Beating in The Qur’an:
Qur’an (4:34) – “Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those on whose part you fear desertion, admonish them, and leave them alone in the sleeping-places and beat them; then if they obey you, do not seek a way against them; surely Allah is High, Great.”
PS yes ISlam is extremely disrespectful to women- first hand experience.
Anonymous says
okay ken so like the ocean the sky your body parts your fuctioning lungs and heart, what, they were all made from cells magically? honestly quit being delusional your not comfortable your burdening yourself your life has no purpose but from the people around you seek comfort and appreiciate that you are alive and that SOMETHING did create you.
Adrian says
Agree that Islam is a really misunderstood religion by both Muslims and non Muslims. Now read chapter 9 of the Qur’an.
OMG Glenn Gerun...Find something better to do with your time than insult people who don't deserve it says
The Quran was written *HUNDREDS* of years ago. What applied then does not apply now. You have to read the ENTIRE surah to understand what it means., You can’t pick pieces out. If a baby is born Muslim and then grows to be an honest person, is it fair to blame everything in that person? NO! IT IS NOT! Non-Muslims don’t know the first thing about Islam, so they have no right to just say what they want. Besides, back then Islam wasn’t really liked in some places. Did you just expect Muslims to sit and wait to be killed by other nations?
By the way, Flip Huggenvik, you know nothing about Islam. You have no right to just say things like this. Get educated and then come back and decide on a verdict with a cool head. Hate for all muslims is irrational when you only have a right to hate those who hurt others. It is mandatory for Muslims to read the quran so BTW all of the Muslims have read it. Extremists are those who lose their humanity and blame it on Islam.
Have you ever watched Avatar: The Last Airbender? One of the lessons in ATLA was that even a if group has done bad things, others of the same group are capable of turning out good. It may be a children’s show but it is deep.
muslim who is not loving this says
and yes all ppl are capable of good if they chose to do so… so all the other racists on here pls choose good
OMG Glenn Gerun...Find something better to do with your time than insult people who don't deserve it says
Sokka is literally THE BEST CHARACTER EVER! I have theory that he is actually Korra’s grandfather. I was so disappointed when it didn’t show what happened to him in LOK!
Anonymous says
Anonymus says
Can you explain why 90% of the terrorists in the world are Muslims?
Clement says
Nice question my brother please increase the volume
stfu says
can u explain how if a group or 2 terrorist turned out to be Muslims , that makes it 90 percent? work on ur math , and get educated . Islam DOES NOT ask people to kill non muslims
#FrogBackwardsPomegranate says
You are wrong. It is Mandatory for Muslims to read the Quran. All Muslims have read it. Extremists are those who forget moral values and blame it on Islam.
=) says
that is really true. id like to thank this dude or chick for standing up for what is right, and speaking the truth.
Adrian says
Agree that Islam is a really misunderstood religion by both Muslims and non Muslims. Now read chapter 9 of the Qur’an.
Glenn Gerun says
The lesson learned is 600AD koran 7:4, 9:5, 56:36 virgin joke, 33:61, 8:67 massacre is proof all obviously made by men, proof beyond dispute zero allah & clear proof all islam is false.
a real muslim says
LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣…
i’m sorry the fact that u take time out of ur day to write this utter crap is so funny to me! idk who glenn is but he needs to calm his racist butt down
gramani guna1953 says
if you are a real muslim ,
pl read your quran in a sincere and honest way
and accept the true meanings of the verses..Then you will find how worst is your quran in every way.
Anonymous says
did you read the rest
ofcorse nit you people like to nitpick specefic verses and call it then
i did read the quran, DID U?! says
hun, read ur bible and find the worst in it
go bother someone else
. says
read ur bible and a sincere and honest way. if there is nothing wrong there, theres nothing wrong with the quran. there is a section in the quran that says that we have our religion and you have urs. but we still love and respect each other. HELL U JUST BROKE THAT RULE WITH THAT COMMENT. have a horrible day =)
Glenn Gerun says
There is only one religion in the wotld God’s Christianity love thy neighbor as thyself juslice law & order. as it is in heaven. However Christianity completed Judaism. is the same Creator Holy God, but His Divine Son is the Saviour of the world.. All else is pagan.
a human being says
LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣…
i’m sorry the fact that u take time out of ur day to write this utter crap is so funny to me! idk who glenn is but he needs to calm his racist butt down… also we don’t sexually assault anyone (unless ur a real pervert). i love how u find it an “Unspeakable Act 😩” when ur beloved Donald Trump screwed a ton of women and disrespects us more than any religion ever did. DO SOMETHING BETTER WITH YOUR LIFE.
noobgetrekted says
ah yes my favorite religion donlad trump says
islam is 5:51 hate, 4:34 beat women to death, 56:36 virgin delusions, 65:4 pedo idolatry star/moon god used to deny CHRIST JESUS 1TRUEGOD HOLY FATHER IN UNITY WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT eye witnessed NT only way to everlasting life in heaven
Ibrahim says
I’m an ex Muslim so I know about Islam so well, I think as human we are free to choose any religion we want regardless the historical background , Im aware of the strict rules in Islam and I wouldn’t be and ex Muslim living freely in the down where all this rules apply .In my own opinion ,I think Islam is designed for the old days and trying to force it on the morden wold without dropping some rules will be catastrophic . I have many Muslim friends and believe me ,we all live together as one , there are good Muslims that already realise that all Islam laws can’t just flourish days , they so not see you as treat anymore or hate you for living Islam . Muslims here are more tolerant and it shames them to hear news of terrorist in name of Islam .
If you dig into the history of Islam and how it turns Violent then you will question if it really Gods will because is is after Jesus Christ and all those blood shed is suppose to be abdoned right after Jesus Gospels .
But take a more good look;if Muslims forsake many of the laws ,they will be living more as Christian .I believe God use whom he will for his work and you cannot lead the kind of muhamed (pbh) in the era .it what brews terrorism .
: we are human first before religion and we should loose our humanity for the sake of a good that not even interested in bloodshed .live your life , be good chriatain or Muslim , no matter what religion you fix yourself , if you do bad you will surely be purnish in heaven . .
p00pandsh@rts says
even tho i’m still a muslim, i strongly believe in what you are saying. islam is not bad. some ppl are bad. christianity isn’t bad. some ppl are. especially those white folks who think it’s a good idea to bomb hospitals cus they can’t deal with the fact that abortion is something they have no control over, and they are slowly dying because they know deep down that if muslims are terrorist, hell they are too.
-an actual muslim who actually read the quran and actually is not a racist unlike some of u weirdos in this comment section says
Incorrect, “Ye must be born agsin” Saint John 3:3-7.
Nikhil says
Well said and well written
As an Indian Hindu turned Atheist Agnostic, I totally agree to this. Indian non-muslims have always been Islam’s target either by terror, by force, or by political means
brother of all says
i find it hilarious you claim to be targeted by muslims when in reality india is the most islamophobic country of them all, watch the cow worshipping vigilante gangs beat muslims to death over a rumor that “they had eaten beef” please fact check yourself before making an embarrasment of an arguement and shaming your nation. uyghurs are still being genocided in china in “re education camps” where they are tormented and assaulted for believing in islam. truth is there are bad guys everywhere. islamic terrorists blow up western civillians. american soldiers commit war crimes against iraqi civillians, except this time the bomb is projectile and dropped by a plane. i for one was raised in a muslim family and still am muslim, but i do not believe in the killing of anyone, even killers, at least publicly or in a grotesque manner. i also dont believe in the sharia law. it is outdated by modernization, one which includes liberation and freedom of religion, so there is no need to force islam upon others, i also disregard every violent verse, the mainstream population of muslims are not only peaceful they are pacifist. the big problem is they are accepting sympathizing and apologetic to islamic war mongers. they do not represent us. islam is not a religion for me, it is a way of life. i will do what i deem right morally and always keep safety of major population my highest priority. the real jihad is stopping fake jihad. deradicalisation groups are the real jihadists.
Indian says
You claimed “i find it hilarious you claim to be targeted by muslims” and “cow worshipping vigilante gangs beat muslims to death”. I am an Indian first and a Hindu next, and I just happened to see your comment and found some portions of it to be quite biased.
While it cannot be denied that there have been some incidents related to cow vigilantes, the problem of islamic radicalisation in India is based on an “ideology” that has serious backing from our “friendly” neighbours and patrons from many parts of the world. That is the reason Indians (including muslims) feel threatened by it. You may have heard about “Ghazwa e hind”, if not kindly check it out. I am not sure if you know about the 26/11 Mumbai attacks where 9 islamic terrorists wreaked havoc on hapless unarmed people in Mumbai. Over 170 people died and the terrorists also killed a few Jews including children, in the name of Islam. The issue is that it is very easy to use Islamic ideology for indoctrination. The Islamic terrorists get military training and even the police can’t stop them. Commandos are generally needed to neutralize these terrorists. Unfortunately, many of the Islamic terrorists have support from local muslims who have been indoctrinated in “Madrassas” to establish the “Islamic Caliphate” and Hindus are their favourite targets. Chistians are next on their list. A few years back, in the state of Kerala, a Chistian teacher’s hands were chopped off by muslims (
If you read the true history of the Islamic invasions in India, it is replete with destruction of Hindu temples and genocide of Hindus. The British sucked out a lot of our wealth and encouraged christian missionaries to convert Hindus to Christianity. The Portugese came to the indian state of Goa and established the Court of Inquisition which was used to convert several Hindus to Christianity. Those who didn’t want to convert were mercilessly killed.
I do not understand the obsession of the Abrahamic religions to convert everybody to their own religion using either force or via allurements.
There have been so many acts of violence and organized crimes by Islamic radicals and invaders that this problem pales in comparison with cow vigilantism. Further cow vigilantism does not have “scriptural sanction” from Hindu scriptures and we Hindus strongly condemn all acts of violence because our scriptures are “Human-centric” and not “God-centric” and therefore places all humans on equal footing including atheists, agnostics and people who do not subscribe to our philosophy. That is the reason the muslim population in India has grown from 2% in 1947 to 15% in the recent census and the Christian population has risen as well. However, in Islamic countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh, the Hindu population has come down drastically in the last few decades. How these Islamic countries have committed genocide on Hindus is all too well known; Hindu girls are forcibly abducted and married off to muslims in Pakistan; Hindus are targetted using anti-blasphemy laws and the list goes on.
Unfortunately, many of the stories that appear in the media vilify Hindus probably because those who back the Abrahamic ideologies control most of the media.
Ex muslim says
What a answer
Anonymous says
Is this a real religion. sounds more like SatAN
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims try to weasel into Abraham but GOD said, “Isaac, I will establish my covenant.” Gensis 17:29
Michael Mouse says
Islam is a totalitarian fascist dictatorship masquerading as a religion – made up by an illiterate paedo in competition with the Old Testament – promising men sex with under age girls if they followed a non existent deity. The fake religion controls muslim followers, bans homosexuality and treats women as worth only half a man who can enter into forced marriages, incest, forced divorces, many times over in order to breed for a non existent allah. Revenge and violence is common in the koran. Islam is the biggest threat to the world.
Saudi Arabia funds mosques and spreads their version of the koran that censors and murders all critics.
Islam is intolerant of all non muslims and fully intends to dominate and install islamic sharia law.
Why else are there 2500 mosques in France, 2000 mosques in Germany 2000 in UK 350 mosques in Belgium 2500 in USA and even 1 mosque in Iceland. Why are there Somalis in Minnesota?
Mariama Diallo says
okay since u can say all of this lemme tell u something
first of all wat do u mean by that we muslim woman have half of the men? in fact we muslim woman were given our righs way before youse and there is no such thing as forced marriages in Islam wat u see on the media bout Islam is not Islam that is ppls culture. Did you know that if my parents forced me to get married everything that goes wrong in that marriage is there sin and for the fact that the quran is manmade are you dumb?? if your so high and mighty why dont u try and make a verse like that hmm and bro no other religious books have stayed unchanged yet the quran does spell it right and for that under age thing it was because back then ppl matured wayyy faster then we do now instead of listening to yt videos and relying on the media for ur information mybe u should read the quran or listen to it before u try and criticise it and those ppl youse see committing violent acts are not apart of Islam even if they say they are and that last thing wat has that got to do with anything is it not our right to be able to go to a mosque and pray?? And if u claim that Allah is ‘fake’ wallahi ur funnyyy why dont u and some other ppl come together and try to make a fly hmm exactly so learn ur damm facts before u say smth.
May Allah guide u and other ppl like u frs man and not even that when ‘muslims’ do smth its wowww a huge issue right but when other ppl do the same thing its all good how that make sense. says
4:34 beat women, 598:6 worst anti-human, 51 is anti-God, 33:26 is terrorist mohamed, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile Aisha is mohamed’s pervert life & used his tribes not existent star/moon god idatrry to get away with his murser & pedophilia, was fooling himself & all muslims, unless the wise baptize “born again” to the kingdom of God’s love thy neighor as thyself as it is in heaven.
someone who did their research 💅🏽 says
lol first things first is ur name really micheal mouse? sorry that’s just really funny 😆
next…. it’s not a fake religion ur just stupid
Tho we don’t tolerate homosexuality we believe that they need and should have the same rights as everybody else. no human should be denied their rights or their safety. ur just stupid.
islam is not the biggest threat to the world u and ur racist family and friends are. pls go do something else then attempt to hurt the SECOND LARGEST RELIGION IN THE WORLD. can u guess what’s next?
bye boo 😒
Glenn Gerun says
GOD IS JESUS CHRIST IN THE FLESH: And the word, resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:52-53, 1 Cor. 15:6:
Clear proof of the Holy source of all life & everyone’s salvation forevermore is Saint John 17:3-5 “before the world was”.
600 years earlier Jesus predicted islam.
Saint John 16:2 is clear proof of Almighty & All knowing 1 True God & Jesus Christ “before the world was”: …
also proves all Muslims are Christian before they were contaminated & corrupted into 600AD mohamed’s tribes star-moon idolatry.
1972 Muslims invited Gerd Puin revealed koran words altered, proved no allah in islam.
koran 65:4 pedophilia proves no allah, 7:4 destroy proves no allah, 2:65 ape proves no allah, 5:51 discrimination, 60 made them apes & pigs, 98:6 & 7:166 repeated hatred proves no allah, 17:7-17 proves no allah, 9:5 kill-ambush proves no allah, 33:61 massacre proves no allah, 8:67 massacre proves no allah, 37:48, 38:52, 78:33, 56:36 virgin joke proves no allah,
Anonymous says
Jesus was a Buddhist
yo mama says
boi….. this is so wrong to the point where i laughed, and had to take a break to catch my breath because i almost passed away from how hard i was laughing. the fact that you took factual evidence and mixed it with it with your own fantasy about what islam truly is, is so pathetic and just outright ignorant.
seriously?? the chapters that you referenced that “degrade women” are actually chapters that describe women’s rights, long before christianity ever even thought about women’s rights. i am truly disgusted by you, i do not hate anyone more than those who choose to spread lies and disrespect others because of their ignorance and blatant islamophobia. just admit that youre racist and move on with your sad and miserable life, thanks – a person who actually read the quran 🙂
Anonymous says
I wasn’t even going to waste my time to explain but you are right
mariama says
I know right frss I am a proud muslim woman
Md.Mahir Labib says
lol the author is stupid,the extremists just lost humane qualities,that’s why they are like this,and islam is teaching us to be at war?don,t make me laugh.only some middle east countries are forced to war bcuz of ur soilders.not us.We muslims are more human than u guys are. says
the non baptized “born again” self inflict their own hell. Saint John 3:3-7
Holly Polly says
I’m an atheist-raised Christian and yet it’s the Christians who I am seeing in this comment section that are the rudest and intolerant towards Muslims, why is that? At least be respectful towards other people if you want them to listen to you.
Anonymous says
That’s really nice of you to stand up for us Muslims but you must know this WHOLE ARTICLE IS WRONG!
we are not allowed to use violence on anybody.
we are supposed love our enemies
forcing anything on anybody is UNACCEPTABLE
Anonymous says
Getting nice big fat royal prince money?
What shit ur talking?
The religion is founded by a thief, a barbaric robber who loots caravans n traders passing thru his area.
And god was busy telling who he is n what he wants on earth thru the chief of thieves? Lol fact tht islam flourished n is growing say either how bad some humans on earth are or. How dumb n foolish they are.
God only save mother earth n the creatures, bfr they face JiHAD
An actual muslim says
Ummmmm what shit are u talkin? I think u mixed up the story of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves with the religion of Islam and it’s founding. God have u even read the Quran or did u just solely rely on google and the most islamophobic person u could find? grow up and chill the hell out then come apologize to the Muslim community. We are waiting hun❤️✌🏽
Anonymous says
With all due respect to you, you are completely missing the point. The Christians in the comment section are not attacking Muslims, they are attacking Islam. Nothing wrong with attacking Islam.
kenzey meiz says
what the hell you are completely and utterly wrong people like to talk about critical Islam but never the just Islam the Islam that helps people the one that says love your email now the surahs were made in time that was at war with everyone so yes 100% I get your confusion but trust Muslims say pray and give back to poor we are peaceful I allow you to practice peacefully now let me
thank you
Research says
To be honest, I think there is something wrong with “attacking” a religion. I tried to see what you mean in every possible angle, but I don’t see why “attacking” a religion soely of what you have heard from others and the news. It’s not that hard to research or learn something about Islamophobia and what actually is going on. Before anyone attacks anything whether it be on coloured people or disabled people or people with different cultures and beliefs or different religions, It shouldn’t be right at all. says
No sane person respects 5:51 hate, 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin joke, 78:33 delusions, pervert 76:19 boy delusions, 56:17 boy delusions, 37:48-38:52 delusions, 52:24 boy delidions, 33:26 terror-kill, sickening 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex islam idolatry
Furthermore, Christ Jesus predicted islam/koran/allah 600 yers before it was invented. by mohamed. Saint John 16:2
Glenn Gerun says
Non Christians are deniers of reality and facts.
Jesus Christ “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19-✝️-resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1 Corinthians 15:6, is clear proof of Almighty Holy God. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Amen.
abe parker says
this writer is a liar… in fact the references he cites… together with other verses prove that captives et al are to be treated well and respected and preferably married instead of treating them like slaves…
Craig Shew says
No he is not a liar. I have a quran. Jihad is in there, for the ones who do not turn to this wicked religion. Gives permission to marry 4 wives Surah 4:3. Man has permission to beat his wife, Surah 4:34. Doesn’t sound peaceful to me! Surah 9:5 said slay the Pagans (all non-Muslims ) wherever you find them. Surah 47:4 smite the unbelievers. Smite at their necks.
This is a death blow.
Anonymous says
Have you actually read your precious bible??? Talk about some messed up, vile, evil deeds! Stoning people to death? Having slaves? Murdering countless men, women, and children in a big ol flood? And don’t even get me started on what delightful things Christians have done to folks in the past in the name of their god!
kenzey meiz says
WRONG once again read it in English it never ever says beat your wife you numbskull it says and I quote ” and if you fear rebellion from your women then darb them”” now as we can see it doesn’t hey hey there beat your wife now many Muslims that are not peaceful say yes this is permission to beat your wife this means to express your anger buy words and for the 4 wives we were living in a time where everyone was against each other some people were not be claimed if they were dying so Allah said it was allowed so every man had someone to claim him no one digs deeper and tried to understand Islam and it hurts because I should be able to practice peacefully
may Allah show you the way and love you
Adrian says
Depends if you are reading the sugar coated English translation or an actual proper translation.
even steven says
you took every verse you just quoted out of context 🤣🤣 keep em coming i can’t stop laughing
Anonymous says
And when they should be respected.???When they accept Allah and Mohammad and if they again turn back what Allah says slay them
John Harvey says
My God!! arsehole you have been reading too much “Whinny the Poo”!!!!
HI says
Date Palm says
If they are captives, they are slaves!
cell info says
My organisation will be happy to provide a detailed article about Islam to the paper. I hope the editorial staff
Islam Believer says
Islam is the religion of peace and mercy for all creatures. But, now a day, some extremist has spread misconception about the Islam, that as, it is the religion of sword for terror. But, the actual fact is that, Islam is the religion of peace and it condemns extremism and violence. Islam promotes the peace, calm, harmony, any tranquility in society. Islam is a peaceful religion, it’s best examples, we can see, in the practical life of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him, PBUH). He was the messenger of Allah (SWT) to convey the message of honesty, piousness, peace, mercy, integrity, and love. He had never done any activity which indicate act of terrorizing, misconduct, racism and violation against humanity. Even though, he showed the mercy on animals, insects and plants. The world knows him, as a ‘Rehmatul-Lil-Aalamin’ or Mercy into the world. From the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH), it is concluded that Islam is the religion of peace and humanity. It did not spread by the forced of sword, rather, it spread by its golden quality. Islam basically educates the ways of pleasant and peaceful manners to regulate the society and as well as the world. Through this article, this message has been conveyed, that Islam is a peaceful religion for all creatures and have been given examples from the life of Hadrat Muhammad (PBUH).
Alicia Hand says
Holy Prophet? The “god” Allah? There is only one true God and that’s is my God. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The God of love peace and Mercy. There have been countless brilliant atheists who have sought out to prove the existence of God wrong and everyone of them become Christians. Because you can’t deny facts. Any other religion was born out of Hell and concocted by Satan as a rebellion against God, and to keep people from seeing the truth. I hope one day everyone will finally realize how much God loves them and that He is the only one worthy of our worship.
BasedMan says
Besides the whole father son and Holy Spirit part, you’re literally describing Islam.
mariama says
how can some1 be a god when they are human?
why would u believe in a god who was born from a woman?
Is he not exactly like u and wat is a god when they can be killed???
A random person says
‘He is the only one worthy of worship’ Now where have all Muslims heard this from? Sounds very familiar to me.
And if you believe that as well then do not associate partners with him. (I.e the trinity)
Anonymous says
Jesus was a Buddhist
Lol the drama says
You do know that Allah means God in Arabic right? Please backup your opinions with research and truth instead coming for people
Learn facts: says
To beat the heat, Arabian desert dwellers traveled at night, became keen astrologers, stars, moon, fables, is where “the god-al-ilah” came from, shortened to allah, is the same phony god today, clear proof by koran 7:4 destroy, 17:7-17 destroy, 21:95, 25:39 destroy, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre,9:5 kill-ambush, 2:65 be apes hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 5:51 prejudice, 98:6 worst of creatures dehumanizie, 7:166 be apes despised repeated hatred, 38:52 ridiculous fantasy, 56:36 virgin joke, 76:19, 65:4 pedophile child sex filth, 1972, muslims found the original koran, invited Gerd Puin revealed the koran was altered, washed layed revisions, proof no allah, zero god in islam.
Date Palm says
If they are captives, they are slaves!
Date Palm says
Prior to Islam, the Arabs worshipped a pagan deity named Hu-baal who was one of several Baals (plural Balim), and the centre of worship of Hubaal was in what is now named Petra in the valley of Baca which is in present day Jordan (Psalm 84:6). That is where Muhammad grew up! He was never in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦!!!
When Muhammad came on the political scene in Baca (now identified as Petra in Jordan), he introduced monotheism (imitated the God of the Bible), and renamed Hubaal as al-Lah.
The ‘al’ prefix in Arabic is equivalent to ‘the’ in the English language.
The ‘Lah’ was the name of the Egyptian female moon goddess who had three (3) daughters: Al-Lat, al-Uzza, and Manat. They are named in the Qur’an!
Over time, the term ‘al-Lah’ (i.e. the Lah) was transformed to ‘Allah’ which was derived from the Egyptian moon goddess named Lat.
The prefix ‘al’ was added to the name Lat as a means to conceal the worship of objects including celestial bodies such as the moon and stars, because that would be perceived as idolatry.
Well after the death of Muhammad in the city of Petra, due to a combination of a major earthquake or two which destroyed the natural aquafers that were a source of water for the people in the city of Petra in the valley of Baca, which deprived them from their only source of water, and also made Petra unsafe for human habitation, as well as Arabic wars between two ruling dynasties, the Arabs (Nabotians) migrated from Petra to what is now Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦 and established a town that was originally named Baca, but over time became identified as Mecca in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦.
When the Nabotians departed from Baca (now known as Petra in Jordan), they took with them the black stone that was in the Kaaba 🕋 in Petra, and they constructed a new Kaaba 🕋 in the newly-founded town that was originally identified as Baca, which is now identified as Mecca in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦.
The ommission (probably inadvertent) of a tiny tiddle in the Arabic spelling of Baca, changes the term Baca to Maca, which was then anglicized to Mecca.
The above amazing findings were discovered by a historian Dan Gibson, and are published in his book and the movie/documentary named ‘The Sacred City’ which can be viewed for free on YouTube.
The implications of the above findings by Dan Gibson is that the historical record of the origin of the false prophet Muhammed, the Kaaba 🕋, and other Islamic objects of worship in the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦, are complete fabrications; i.e. fake! Muhammad never set foot in Mecca in what is now Saudi Arabia 🇸🇦!!!
I encourage you to watch ‘The Sacred City’ on YouTube.
Glenn Gerun says
Give me break, do the research please, you are living proof most Muslims are consumed by flagrant lies, heinous hypocrisy, terrorize murder the world everyone sees daily, a predator deceitful cult, made by the pedophile murdering mohamed who united the fighting Arabian culture into crimes against humanity with a fake allah excuse, doesn’t fool Muslims anymore..
No chance koran 2:65 apes hate, 5:60 apes pigs, 98:6 hate, 7:166 spes hate, 7:4 destroy, 9:5 kill-ambush, 4:34 beat women, 78:33, 56:36 virgin joke, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children is a god
Islam Believer says
Let me correct you here.
Islam means peace and submission, and if Islam is fAkE, I don’t mean to be rude here but.
I feel disappointed and upset in myself when I do this, but if this is what you’ve asked for, I must…
How did Jesus make the world before his own birth?
If Jesus is lamb of God, and according to you idiots, and ‘bIg BrAiNs’, how is he his own lamb?
Muslims aren’t terrorists.
Stop this please.
Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] has not abused anyone, or hurt anyone, or isn’t anything bad. We have our own beliefs.
If you think Islam is fake, this story is made up, and anything like that…
When I was a child my parents taught me about something, ‘Laylut – Al Qadr’ or something like that. On the next Ramadan at the same year, one day I stayed up at night playing games, and just like my father had described happened.
The sky turned into an amazing green color with light. I was amazed and surprised.
Then my eyes closed shut and I woke up to be in the same room with my old tablet.
Don’t believe me? See for yourself.
You all are calling us fake, are calling us terrorists, trying to change our beliefs, saying we are disbelievers, saying Jesus is real God and Allah isn’t, giving people the wrong meaning of Islam, and then saying WE are the bad people.
Who caused all this? YOU.
Would your God which you believe in be happy you all are spreading rumors of us?
God is the only one who knows what’s going on.
Allah has 99 names and each of them are accurate to who he is.
Forgiving, and other 98 meanings which mean something good.
I thought of Christianity, Hinduism, etc. in a good way, but you treat us like worthless slaves. You’re saying Muslim is terrorist and Christian is pure? You’re wrong. Well, not all of Christianity is like dirty mud, just you people attacking us are. I know Jesus was a loving person who would never say bad things about Islam. Please let’s end this here and make a truce, very sorry if my words offended even a quarter one of you. 😔
Anonymous says
Jesus is the human form through G od, you do not understand sonship, so pls do not speak about it.
Anonymous says
Jesus was a Buddhist
Expert in Religions says
Where did Jesus say He is Buddhist in the Bible. Buddha is a Liar, he said no one save you, you walk your own path.
God said He sent his begotten Son to save you. John 3:16,17. God the Holy Spirit guide Christians to all truth. John 16:13.
Muslim says
Why would God sacrifice himself and claim to have a mother(ie Mary),If your God was as powerful as you claim then how did he die and why does he ‘save everyone’ so late in time.What about everyone before that.Also Jesus himself in the Bible claims to be only a man not a God.How can God be killed.Christianity doesnt make sense but we muslims believe it was changed by Christians.We love Jesus(isa) as a prophet and his mother as a pious woman.
Expert in Religions says
God must sacrifice his begotten Son to remove human beings sins, Redeem human beings. The true God had done circumcision. God in flesh can die but his Spirit is still alive.
Atheist to the core says
What do ya mean by your god and our god. If you don’t accept the fact that all gods are the same then you don’t have any right to criticize other religions.
Glenn Gerun says
it’s self explanatory 1 True God’s Christianity Love thy neighbor as thyself is not hate/ murder/4:34 beat women/ 56:36 virgin joke/65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex islam
Anonymous says
Exactly and everything you said is true
. says
Another thing regarding Laylat al qadr, it’s on one of the odd days of the last 10 days. During these last 10 days there was a heat wave, and there was only 1 day that was forecasted to have a regular temperature (one or the signs). And no, it wasn’t toward the end of the heat wave, it was smack dab in the middle.
A random person says
Has anyone else realized normally Christians argue on religion by defaming other religions to ‘win souls’??? Muslim reverts from Christianity to Islam are Muslims because they learnt and understood Islam. But Christian converts from Islam and any other religion to Christianity, were made to see a defamed religion by these ‘soul winners’ . And then they add a line of ‘God came as Jesus to die for your sins.’ ….but that’s a story for another day.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 56:36 virgin joke, 4:34 beat women, 98:6 worst of creatures hate,,2:65 apes, hate, 7:4 destroy, 17:7-17 destruction, 78:33 full breasted women, 38:52 limiting glances fantasy, 37:48 same nonsense, 5:33 evil cruelty, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children, 9:5 kill-ambush, is proof no allah, zero god in islam.
GOD IS CHRISTIANITY, Love thy neighbor as thyself 10 Commandments & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, perfect sense
Glenn Gerun says
JESUS CHRIST predicted 600AD islam.
“They will put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service” Saint John 16:2,
Research: “Over 670 million non Muslims massacred since the birth of islam”
Glenn Gerun says
JESUS CHRIST predicted islam.
“They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.”
Saint John 16:2.
Glenn Gerun says
Do all people want eternal happiness & heaven?
Jesus Christ in the flesh, resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:51, is the same for believers.
The Saviour of the world predicted islam.
“They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think he doeth a God service.”
Saint John 16:2.
This is clear proof Jesus Christ is word of 1 True Almighty & All knowing Creator God the Father of you, me, everyone & all Muslims as well, the clear proof of the Holy Spirit source of life & everyone’s salvation or not forevermore.
“Ye must be born again” Saint John 3:3-9.
Sam says
Teach the same to your fellow brothers who think their religion is superior and they must free the earth from Kafirs (non-muslims). Love for muslims is only meant for themselves and not for others. I am sure if you will teach them this they will kill you too. Love and peace has no place in islam. its just bloodshed.
Turkish Muslim says
It is just bloodshed?
Same is Christianity then… Slavery in the 1500s was all defended with the Bible in the hand. The crusades, also a lot of bloodshed, the aftermath of the siege of Antioch “all the streets of the city on every side were full of corpses, so that
no one could endure to be there because of the stench, nor could anyone walk along the narrow
paths of the city except over the corpses of the dead” , these corpses were killed Seljuks, an army which fought against the bloodshedding crusaders.
Big Joe says
But that’s not Christianity. Those crusades were not spoken of or commanded by God, they were man’s idea for whatever they wanted to accomplish. The issue is that Muslims can claim to be peaceful, but they must ignore the many hadiths and Quranic verses that prove otherwise.
Suhani says
Quran doesn’t tell people to fight any more than Bhagwat Gita, Bible, or Torah. Why pick on Muslims? Do you just need a reason to hate like all the others? Coronavirus is said to be produced from China, but is it right for people to discriminate against all Asians – even the Chinese for something they didn’t do? Is it right for you to judge the whole group based on certain individuals? If you have judged these certain individuals separately, why are you being unfair to the other individuals and grouping them? Why don’t you judge them separately?
Theodore says
God was busy revelation to the leader of a bloody barbaric theif who looted caravans n traders.
Its a beautiful religion of peace misunderstood by people.
It only says gobble up land, resources of everyone, if they give, they r good, if they dont , they are Islamophobic, fight them, debate them, behead them
FO religion my foot.
Maamoun says
There is a difference between a non-muslim and a mushrik, mushrik is the person who believes that Allah is god, and there is another god with him, and that’s why Allah said “if they repent”, because a non-muslim can’t repent to Allah because he doesn’t even believe that he’s god, many stupid scientists and Sheikhs says that a mushrik a person who left Islam, So use your mind before listening to what they say, a mushrik is the only muslim that will never see or go to heaven, because it’s the most hated sin by god, that’s why he made a name (mushrik) for those who commit this sin, it’s unforgivable. We kill mushriks if they do not repent, otherwise they must die so they don’t have children who are also going to be like him. go take a look at your deep web stuff, and each day an American dies in the us, are the killers muslims?
Luke 19:27 : “But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them–bring them here and kill them in front of me.”,
Hosea 13:16 : “The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open.”
Exodus 32:27 : “Then he said to them, “This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: ‘Each man strap a sword to his side. Go back and forth through the camp from one end to the other, each killing his brother and friend and neighbor.”
Judges 21:23 : “So that is what the Benjamites did. While the young women were dancing, each man caught one and carried her off to be his wife. Then they returned to their inheritance and rebuilt the towns and settled in them.”
1 Samuel 15:3 : “Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy[a] all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.”
Numbers 31:18 : “Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.”
Read your own book and know your religion before judging other religions.
Theodore says
Prophet Muhammad — the chief of all robbers in the deserts.
God was busy to tell who is he n howbhe shud lead the world to the chief of barbaric robber/theif/murderous gobbler of other resources.
Anonymous says
The Luke verse was a parable
All the other ones are Old Testament laws Jesus hasn’t come to free us of those laws so they don’t apply today
On the other hand the violent laws in the Quran still apply today so make sure you understand the Bible next time you read it
Sofia says
He hasn’t come because he didn’t exist lmao
Glenn Gerun says
God is Jesus Christ in the flesh, resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed. Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1 Corinthians 15:6.
Nijma says
This is a false biography
Jesus says
Simply Quran is the Foolish way of Life
Anonymous says
do you wanna know something “Jesus never said he was a god he indeed worshipped a god and believed in one god” now tells a god who worships and believe in another god really known to be a god of all humanity. Search where Jesus said he was god and if you say in the bible, the bible got changed or updated by human written and how did these humans see jesus. bible got changed many time BY A HUMAN so ARE YOU GONNA LISTEN OR WORKSHOP A GOD OR HUMAN WHO CHANGED GOD’S WORDS. in that case QURAN NEVER WAS UPDATED OR CHANGED AND IT TRUE WORDS FROM I KNOW YOU ARE NOT GONNA LISTEN BUT A LEAST QURAN IS NOT CHANGED OR CORRUPTED BY HUMANS LIKE BIBLE
Bilyameen Aliyu othman says
Of course says
1972. Muslims found the original koran, invited Gerd Puin revealed koran words altered, washed layered revisions, proof no allah, zero god in islam. says
“I and my Father are one”
Saint John 10:30.
“He that hath seen me hath seen the Father”
Saint John 14:9
“Moses wrote of me.”
Saint John 5:46.
“before Abraham was, I am”
Saint John 8:58.
Aboki says
So is Christianity, have you read Deuteronomy very well?
Albert says
I could not understand why intelligent Muslim scholars or Muslim intellectuals , who supposedly had read all the verses in the Qur’an continue to hold on to their faith , which in my opinion could not be from God?
Anonymous says
Exactly your opinion. That is your belief you are misguided and whoever is misguided can not be guided to the right path except his lord.
Muhammad shaheryar says
If quran is a foolish way of life then western countries follow the rules of our beloved prophet Muhammad (S.A.A.W) and khaliph Umer (R.A) because you don’t have your own rules and you follow the teaching of islam and quran and you say that it is a foolish way of of life
supreme king says
bro we all have our own religion. so stop fighting over religion if you know that your the best. i am a muslim and i think muslims are peace ful and loving. you guys are chistians hindus or bhuddists. you probably think the same about yours. so we all know that religion show s path of life. so donbt fight over such things bros. we are humans we are suppose to be friends not enemies. there are political reasons for the non muslim and muslim . also christian terrorists also exists. so stop.
Anonymous says
Muslim are trainee terrorists .
Read the Qur’an learn to hate all other people that are non Muslim.( It is in the Qur’an)
Muslim women are baby making machines without voice or face or opinion in the whole shabbang
Anonymous says
have you read quran? no right then how do you know that it is training us to be terrorists?
and if terrorists were muslims then why the HELL are they not stopping there”terrorists attacks “muslim countries such as Yemen.Afghanistan,Syria,Iran??
why are they letting muslim countries collapse?
if terrorists were muslims then why the HELL did they throw bomb at saudi arabia few years ago
rhoswen says
Yup, another Karen who has no idea about Islam.
1- Even the first verse of Noble Quran is ” In the name of God, the most merciful, the most compassionate” People who call themselves “Muslim” and do terror activities are not real muslims, we are ashamed of them and multiple times it was revealed that they got help from America- like food, guns etc. Our religion teaches us to be kind to everybody.
2-Quran doesn’t hate non Muslims. And Quran doesn’t hold accountable the people who never had access to learn the religion- like, can you hold tribes accountable? No, they have no idea what Islam is!
3-Muslim women? Baby machine? Women have their own rights on their body so no, you don’t have to make babies, it is not required. Islam cares about women so much. Our beloved Prohet Muhammad pbuh said “Paradise lies at the feet of your mother”
Go learn properly, then take time to spread hate. May Allah ahow you the right path. I will pray for you today
Expert in Religions says
Allah is moon god idol name, not exists today. Satan said bow down and worship to me. Matthew 4:9.
Anonymous says
yeah, it’s facts, as a Christian, I remembered the crusades as a goose chase for the west to claim the middle east, it’s all politics, but outside of politics, we all know we can get along!
ish says
so being straight forward, Islam means peace not surrender as written at bottom and Islam says that killing is prohibited. so all ‘Muslims’ that do this are not Muslim and will be thrown to the bottom of hell
Anonymous says
Well said, religion divides humans and causes wars and terrorism. If we could all agree to respect each other’s chosen faith, or no faith. The difficulty is the interpretation of religion in the times we live in as opposed to ancient times when these religions developed.
Louige says
My sincere apologies my friend, I’m a Roman Catholic and I totally agree with you.
Jesus is real says
Surah 2:191: “And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims).
Okay maybe I misread this…..
He's Right says
Surah 9:5: “Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …”
Glenn Gerun says
koran 7:4 destroy, 17:7-17 destruction, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred, 56:36 virgin joke, 2:65 apes hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 7:166 apes HATE, 98:6 HATE, 65:4 pedophile children clear proof no allah, zero god in islam. Imminently all people will believe in JESUS CHRIST’S GOD PROOF, FACTS, REALITY, & TRUTH, EYE WITNESSED NT TO HEAVEN OR HELL. “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
“Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7. God Bless you all, in the name of the Father, the Son & The Holy Spirit.
lel says
the whole article is WRONG and our surahs are not marked like this!
Anonymous says
Read the verse before it and read the entire verse that you quoted you lying dishonest hypocrite
rhoswen says
You hypocrite, why don’t you write the following verse? This is what you do to spread Islamophobia.
Surah 2:191: And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from whence they drove you out, and persecution is severer than slaughter, and do not fight with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it, but if they do fight you, then slay them; such is the recompense of the unbelievers.
now lets take a look…
Surah 2:192: But if they desist (from aggression) then, behold, Allâh is indeed Great Protector, Ever Merciful.
yes says
I really agree. Being Muslim doesn’t make us terrorists. We never did anything wrong. We never just randomly said, ‘JESUS GUIDES CHRISTIANITY TO KILL PEOPLE AND BE VIOLENT IT MISGUIDES PEOPLE’ did we? Exactly, we didn’t. There’s people spreading fake rumors and calling US the bad people. We never did anything wrong, stop trying to change our beliefs, and let’s just live in peace instead of causing war again!
Anonymous says
Where does Jesus say to kill in the Bible. All he said was Muhammad says to kill
Anonymous says
All religions are evil and bad
Bryce says
Nah they rape women and stone them to death just because they want to marry some one and they are force to marry someone and and terrorism exist so dont ever say ur religion is peaceful none is not even urs
Muslim says
Wow!! Brother/Sister you don’t even know Islam. I mean I can’t judge you that you know Islam or not but the statement you made is totally wrong. I think instead of reading hadith and Qur’an for studying Islam you Studied about Islam from ignorant people. Let me tell you brother/Sister “It is haram (prohibited) to force your daughter to marry someone” in islam first we need to have girl’s consent weather she wants to marry x guy or not. Yeah it’s true that people force their daughters to marry x guy but it’s not at all what Islam teaches.
And you said it’s about terrorism
Not it’s not Allahﷻ says that “Whosoever kills a human being without (any reason like) man slaughter, or corruption on earth, it is as though he had killed all mankind … (5:32)”
So yeah it’s not at all about terrorism.
And just don’t believe someone when they show you one verse from the Qur’an.
For understanding that properly we need to know the context.
You can’t just show a incomplete verse and question the whole religion.
Sorry about my English.
Ed says
Just today I had a muslim man attack my believe and storm my day with defiance,and hate, at the end he shook my hand saying he is my friend. In the past I gave him advise to grow his business, and hand him marketing material, out of human love. ~ Now: We have all seen the beheadings committed in the name of your god , and no muslim voiced a word of regret, much less rejection ever. Now Is all these what you call peaceful, are you really concious of your religious teachings. Sounds like hypocrisy don’t you think.
My heart is very sad to have find out personally.
Glenn Gerun says
God is Jesus Christ in the flesh, resurrected-ascent into heaven, positively seen. Saint Luke 24:51, 1 Corinthians 15:6.
Glenn Gerun says
God is Jesus Christ in the flesh, resurrected-ascent into heaven. St.Luke 24:51, 1Cor.15:6.
Anonymous says
i replied to a comment just now saying why we shouldn’t make fun of someones religion everyone reading this please dont harass Muslims read about them you will see how peace full they are just because their are terrorists who are wearing a hijab does not make them Muslims in the quran a surah says ¨ and does not urge the feeding of the poor¨ which means they are rich wearing Muslim clothing people respect them and they are to proud to help anyone so if you are being rude think about what you are saying
Yes says
Islam is the religion of hate. They are destroying Western values while using their storybook to condone the massacre of millions of innocent women and gay individuals in their third world shithole countries.
Mercy says
It is hard for a regular muslim to completely comprehend the words of Allah and takes many years of studying the quran so what credentials do you have that makes you an expert? You are taking these versus out of context and you certainly do not know or understand the persecution the muslims faced during the time Allah revealed those versus to our beloved prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Either way, one day you shall find out the truth, hopefully it’s not too late.
Anonymous says
Wasn’t the Quran revealed to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel ? Also are you reading what is before the verses in Surah 9 which is about war.
Glenn Gerun says
no chance koran 9:5 ambush, 7:4 destroy, 33:61, 8:67, 5:33, 33:26, 47:4, 76:19, 52:24, 37:48, 38:52, 78:33, 56:36 virgin joke, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex is from HOLY GOD, JESUS CHRIST, Angel Gabriel, Abraham or Moses.
Abdullah says
Yeah… I got to agree with this one…
Misconception and misunderstanding is a big issue… Instead of interpreting those phrases on your own, seek Islamic scholars who learn about it for years
Anonymous says
I don’t know a lot about Muslims, but I’m currently taking a year in bible school (Christian school) and we had a visitor (a son of a VERY respected imam in the capital of Irak/Iran) who converted from Islam to Christianity (almost got murdered by his OWN family) and was led by christ to Norway where he told his story to us. He said very much interesting, and he also said that Muslim leaders or imams are told by the Quran to lie where it is beneficial. so how can i “seek Islamic scholars who learn about it” and trust them when you guys are supposed to lie to us who ask just so your religion “looks better” from the outside?
Am no part of the world, hate what is bad says
Then mister of miss know it all, why Don’t you explaine to me why it is only Muslims who are terrorist and not Christians?
Violence is often refer to as evil not goodness, you Dont help a person by killing them, it will only make them hate you and not listen to anything you say because in their eyes your a killer and nothing good comesout from killers 😕. As for me, Islam is not a religion, it’s a terrorist group, at least they’ve made it clear to the world. Everyone knows nothing good comesout of it. I just wish the lot of you can stop the violence because it’s just fulfilling what the Bible says about the last days that they will be killing and war and you people are kind of the ones fullfilling it which is bad. Just imagine killing your fellow humans all in the name of what? Why would the heavenly father who doesn’t wants us to eat blood then wants us to kill, isn’t blood prescious to him?
Killing innocent people and defending it as good is worse than bad, it’s evill.
Don’t talk about the persecution of Muslims to me because I haven’t seen any Muslims being persecuted,
I have a lot of Muslim friends and some seem nice especially the ones who listens to reason, but some are just born wicked especially those who call or defend killing and violence as right and just. I pray setting religious group Don’t attack you Muslims and call it just, because if that happens humans may just go extisnt.
When a good man undergos persecution he doesn’t fight back because persecution is a test. And when you endure, a person who endures, endures to the end. Not one day wakes up and start killing people like animals, that’s not a good thing, or dont you have conscience?
Since Adam sinned in the grounding of Eden, a thousand years ago or even further, our creator has given humans the chance to repent and change, they by sending in his son Jesus to be killed in other to pay the dept that Adam toke by sinnig, meaning a perfect man for a perfect man. When Jesus was on end, he was persacuted but he didn’t fight back even if he had the power to. He could have made or pray for a big fire to full down from heaven and kill his presecutor but he didn’t, instead he waited and dead on behalf us.
That’s the story I taught when I was little, and when I grow up I also read it and I believe everyword because it teaches me to be mind tempered and milk, even though this wicked world themes to promote violence, the creator is a violence promoter because if he was we would all be dead by now in a blink of an eye, and because of that, that is the reason why I try my best to avoid anything that may lead to violence.
If I was taught that the creator told his servant to kill his creations because they are going astray instead of telling his servant to find his creations who are going straying and bring them back to him, I would leave Islam and forget religion, referlibery believe in evolution then because that will make more sense that humans will borns stupid from the beginning for them to be killing themselves for no reasons, because they is no one to unite them. But since that’s not the case because they really is a creator, I think and know that he would want his creations to get along together no kill themselves.
If me the creator is the most powerful being in the mutiverse or if anyone should fight against him or his people he would answer them by showing them he is the one and only true God, by one tip on his fingers his people oppression are done for, he Don’t need people to fight his war for him, because he is the judge and the only one who can fight bettle for his people, trust me as powerful and mighty as the creator is, he is also a loving father.
Anonymous says
For the love of god you people need help. Like actual help. Mf really out here writing paragraphs
Anonymous says
Islam, to be clear, is not a terrorist group. There is a difference between Islam and Muslims. Islam, in the eyes of us Muslims, is a perfect religion. Muslims, however, are humans, and even God (according to our religion) recognizes this. Islam teaches us to be peaceful, to be kind, to worship God alone, and to do good things. Sadly, there are people in the world who claim to be Muslim and follow Islamic Law, when they are really just using Islam as a fake shield to hide behind while they cause terrorism. If you want real, solid information from people with true faith, look for the Muslim scholars who lecture about how our Prophet Muhammad lived and how we should do good deeds. Omar Suleiman, Mufti Menk, and Yasir Qadi are some good people to listen to. I’m not saying that you have to convert, I just want you to know that it is hypocrites who show everyone that Islam is fraud, but it is the true Muslims in every city who will go to heaven.
rhoswen says
then who did the salem trials? last time i checked, it was Christians. Can I hold you accountable what those people did?No, its not fair. And you cant hold us accountable what these creatures are doing in the name of ıslam, they are not real muslims, they dont belong to Ummah, they will go straight to hell.
Faithfulfollower says
1, “And Mohammed became violent. He beheaded Jews. He fought wars. He raided and killed. He took “booty” in his victories.”
I’m sorry, did you manage to forget about all that time he was persecuted and waited patiently?
First, the Prophet Muhammad and his companions patiently bore vehement persecution in Mecca for nearly 13 years. This included a three-year starvation boycott from which his wife Khadija later died. Muslims didn’t fight back.
Next, Muhammad sent some companions to seek refuge in Abyssinia under a Christian King, and Muslims still didn’t fight back. Third, when the Prophet’s companions even asked to fight back, Muhammad responded clearly, “I have not been given permission to fight.” And, finally, when the persecution became unbearable, Muhammad and the Muslims simply left Mecca – still refusing to fight back.
These refugees trekked 240 miles through the desert to escape terrorism, finally arriving in the predominantly Jewish city of Medina. If Islam taught terrorism and enforced Sharia, this was the time to demonstrate this. Instead, Prophet Muhammad formed the Constitution of Medina with the Jews, establishing a unified secular state.
Yet the extremists trying to kill Muslims in Mecca pursued the Muslims to kill them in Medina. And now – finally – the Quran addressed fighting for the first time, permitting Muslims to fight in self-defence. The permission given in Quran 22:40-41 to fight was only given to “those against whom war is waged.” And fighting wasn’t just to defend Muslims from persecution – but to defend Christians, Jews, and people of all faiths. All subsequent verses addressing fighting are pre-conditioned on these clearly outlined rules of self-defense.
2,How a madman interprets the Quran does not make either the Muslim community as a whole or the religion we follow responsible for the act. If an obsessive lover kills for the “sake of love”, you don’t brand love to be in “crisis”, even though people have been killing in the name of love for centuries.
3,“And kill them wherever you encounter them and expel them from where they expelled you. Oppression is indeed worse than murder. Do not fight them at the Masjid Al-Haram (Ka’aba) unless they fight you therein. If they fight you, then kill them; such is the penalty of the disbelievers.”
But no one bothers to understand, even when told, that this verse was revealed when Muslims on the Hajj pilgrimage were attacked and killed by the Quraysh tribe who had signed a treaty with the Prophet to not attack the pilgrims.
Ra says
No Muslim seem to bother reading it as well as attacks in the present only increase .
pogger says
Yes, that’s true. First people are calling us violet, and saying we have no peace, calling us sinners, calling our religion fake, sending hate, hurting us, and then saying WE are the bad ones? They never fought back. We never hurt ANYONE no matter what we went through, and WE are the bad ones? I’ve seen so many people being attacked for being Islamic. The Indian Prime-minister attacked Muslims, Donald J Trump hates Muslims, and WE are the bad ones? They say all Muslims are terrorists and Christians aren’t. WE are the bad ones? Think again, smart asses.
Anonymous says
Great point, but I want to add on something. Have you (Flip Huggenvik) studied the character of our prophet Muhammad? Have you ever taken the care to study even the basics of the religion before publishing about the “Muslim” terrorists today? If you have ever studied our prophet, you would have noticed that he never lied in his life, he never broke any of the treaties with the Jews and Meccans, and he never, EVER encouraged violence. This is the closest to perfect a man can be, always God-conscious. Those around him stopped their violence too, and began worshipping God like good people. After the Prophet died, there were 4 righteous Khalifs, or leaders, who lead the Islamic State. The 3rd one, Uthman, underwent lots of turmoil. He spent nearly the whole night in prayer sometimes. When false rumors accused him, he justly disproved them without causing harm to anyone. When his people were out of hand and laid siege on his household, he refused to allow any of his close companions to kill even in self-defense. He died reciting the holy Quran, and his blood fell upon the verse, 8:64: “Allah will suffice you (against them)”. These people were not terrorist at all, it is only the people in recent years who have become hypocrites.
Anonymous says
Alright first things first, Plrease read the whole context before providing them, I do see that you like to mislead people, so here’s me, leading them back to the right path *cracks knickles*
One has to read all the adjoining verses in conjunction. Verses 4:23 to 4:25 are about women that a man is forbidden to MARRY. Verse 4:24 is about married slave women who had been captured at the battlefield itself and whose previous marriages were made null and void because they were unable to go back or had converted to Islam in captivity and didn’t want to go back to their non-Muslim husbands. Muslim women suffered the same fate when they were captured by the enemies. That is why Quran hints at this and says that Muslim should not grieve over what they have lost. If there was a treaty, the prisoners of war were always exchanged. It is only when there was none, that prisoners of war were taken as slaves. Even so, one month had to pass before a slave woman could marry another man, allowing sufficient time for her family to seek her freedom, if they wanted to. These women were either freed, released on payment of ransom, or exchanged with other Muslim prisoners held by the enemy. Here, Quran is allowing a Muslim man to MARRY from among these women. Verse 4:25 clearly explains this and creates an additional condition that besides the consent of the woman, the consent of her master/guardian should also be obtained. The master/guardian was not always the person who slept with her. This is clearly exemplified in this Hadith: “There are three people for whom there is a double reward; a person belonging to the Ahl al-Kitab who believes in his own prophet and believes in Muhammad, and the slave owned by another when he performs his obligations towards Allah and his obligations towards his master, and the man who has a slave girl with him, that he teaches her good manners and instructs her well in polite accomplishment, and he educates her and gives her a good education, then he sets her free and marries her off.” This tradition is repeated in Bukhari at least six times.
Muhammed says
Assalamualaikum (Peace be upon You)
This is an entirely fake report. First of all, islam is the religion of peace and it does not mean to surrender. Notice what Assalamualaikum means. It is not a religion which demands its people to kill. In the quran it tells me to fight those who disbelieve. But fight does not mean kill them, it does not mean obliterate their societies. In fact I am fighting you right now, whoever who disagrees with me, I am fighting you through this comment. The wars and terrorism, have you not thought about it being linked to politics. Even worse, dnt you know the ruling on whom is a proven murderer, it is Death according to Sharia, unless the families of the victims say otherwise. O people, what makes you hate us, do we blame the Christians when Britain took over 1/4th of the world as its colony. Nay, we say it was their leaders. O people, Islam teaches us to spread peace and love. It is said in the Bible that you must love your neighbours and your enemies and that is what we are instructed to do. The reason islam conquered the lands was because it allowed religious diversity. It allowed jews to pray in Jerusalem, where the Christians banned them from entering and the the Christians were allowed to pray in their churches. Dear people, I pray for you and for myself, may Allah, or God if it makes you comfortable, protect and guide us towards his mercy and his rewards. I hope I will see you in paradise. May Allah protect us from the fire.
I don’t know if this will change the minds of any but as a Muslim, it is my duty to atleast notify a mistake.
Assalamualaikum. May peace be upon you all.
Anonymous says
Islam is not at all religion of peace
coolio aaaaa123e4 says
I speak Arabic. Meaning of Islam LITERALLY means Peace and Submission. Use google translate or just search it up. It’s like saying Ugly means Adorable.
Anonymous says
u r just one arrogant piece of crap brought up by ill parents
Anonymous says
yeah bro. i am a mslim my self. and i think islam is a beautiful religion. i mean bro. we muslims read the holy quran which guided our life. muhammad (sa) was a rightious man. he never in his life told a lie. islam mean obidience and allegiance to allah. for which we shall follow his path to go to paradise. also prophet muhammad didnt fight. he never killed. he always followed the right path. he always forgives his enemy and he is really kind.
Anonymous says
Masha Allah
Bhatt says
Islam is peaceful religion thats why islam teach Muslims to kills jews and non Muslims (kafir ) if islam is peaceful than why allah mohommad kills many innocent people ?? ISIS, Al Qaeda , Taliban , Boko Haram, hamas,Tlb, Lashker e taiaba these are peacekeepers of islam
Anonymous says
If you believe Islam teach violence, I wanna ask you a question, Do you know there are about 1.8 billion muslims why do you think every single one of the 1.8 billion are not strapped with bombs to themselves and not killing everyone? The funny thing is you guys are just not well educated enough to think rational. You say Muslims are muderers right, Let take the nazis party who mudered millions of jews during world war 2 due to there superiority believe. Why are you not saying Germany is a evil country because of some radical ill minded people.
Glenn Gerun says
The whole world is Christian, proof by Jesus said “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, proof by His resurrection-ascension into heaven, eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:52-53, proof of the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation.
Anonymous says
Proof that bible was changed continuously is we got more than 5000 bibles in these days one got 66 another 74, 76, 77 books in it and its already a contradiction so I don’t think according to the false testament making this childish claim is idiotness
Islam Hater says
Islam is not a religion. It is a cult. Full of evil and idolatry. muhammad was a witch and he beheaded Jews and Christians. The terrorists are true muslims because they practice islam.
Anonymous says
Z-S says
The fact that you guys don’t have respect for other religions is really disturbing. If there was a group of ‘Muslim’s’ that bombed a place, in our religion Islam, we don’t accept them as muslims. Those that harm others intentionally have no place in our religion. We are built on peace and respect. We respect you so why can’t you respect us. As for the guy who wrote this report do you understand that your prof has no meaning. Chapter or Surah 4 talks about women in Islam. It tells the males that they must give us dowry and treat us with respect. And that is they want a second marriage they must ask for permission, without permission from the first wife the marriage is inapplicable. This is what the Syrah talks about.
Kill all Muslims says
Yes I agree with you
Anirudh says
I don’t believe it. It is much newer to Hinduism. The point is Christianity/Islam/Jewish got birth dates of their religion but Hinduism did not. And the one who takes birth has to die.
Muslim. says
The whole world is Muslim. Everything is a Muslim, you cannot change that fact dear, pathetic story maker. The words, their changed by those ugly insects who really wanted to go to that burning hell. Who says meaning of “Christian” Is “peaceful, kind and forgiveness” Huh? tell me, well people might say it but, the actual meaning is “rage, revenge, poop eater (Actually, you eat pig and they eat poop, so in other way you basically eat “Poop” (:)”
You used to be a Muslim, when you were a child. And yeah, the christians are constantly, trying to name Muslim bad? huh, well good luck. You’ve already succeed but in your countries, your people think that we’re terrorists but nah not our Muslims. By the way, can’t you try listening to Quran for once, I bet you’ll cry. Okay, you don’t wanna, sure! Go see “Americas got talent” a Muslim person went there, and starting reading a naat then those Judges they were crying, why? TELL ME WHY! THEIR NOT STILL MUSLIMS, THEY ARE THE JUDGES, CHRISTIAN JUDGES!!! WHY DID THEY CRY, HUH?!?!!??!?! WHY? THEY DON’T CRY, USUALLY. RIGHT? IN OTHER SONGS, UNTIL THATS AN EMOTIONAL SONG SINGING ABOUT THEIR “Ex” WELL, THAT GUY WASNT SINGING ABOUT HIS “Ex” OR ANYTHING- HE WAS JUST SINGING A NAAT, THEY DIDN’T EVEN KNEW THE MEANING AND THEY WERE STILL CRYING!!!! YOU, GUYS ARE SHAMELESS. CONSTANTLY, GETTING ALOT OF PROOF AND STILL NOT BECOMING A MUSLIM, LOOK AT THE SKY! LOOK AT IT WHO MADE IT? Jesus? Woah, Why would the one who created us and everything the owner of this whole universe, become a human, huh? You even know, how the one who created us and everything the owner of this whole universe looks like? LOL- SERIOUSLY, WHY’RE YOUR HEARTS frightened huh? why, JUST LOOK AT THE SKY FOR ONCE! I BET YOU GET SCARED, THERE’S SOMEONE BEHIND HIDDEN, PLEASE, I WANNA SHOW YOU GUYS THE RIGHT! WAY, BECOME A MUSLIM! Every human, deserves to go in heaven, not in hell. If you still don’t become a Muslim, thats pathetic ALOT PATHETIC! seriously, having anxiety, depression, been heart broken, or anything, can recover, but only if you become a real Muslim and pray, read Quran and be a nice guy/girl, everyone of us is a good human, I swear. Humans are not made to have fun, we’re here for our test, we have the best thing “Heaven, paradise” Its beautiful, please. The one who created us and everything the owner of this whole universe, doesn’t needs us to worship him, we need to worship The one who created us and everything the owner of this whole universe for Heaven, but no don’t be greedy don’t become a gold digger, we worship The one who created us and everything the owner of this whole universe for ourselves for our good, please guys. Look, the world its becoming a scary place to live, we’re here for a bit of time, not for ALOT of time, we got our Paradise! Please..
Anonymous says
Sounds like a crying HYPOCRITE muslim who dragged other religions so many times, everyone was never muslim don’t push your beliefs that everything is muslim, not everyone believes in your sky daddy- from an atheist
Rose says
First thing first, you as a “Muslim” shouldn’t disrespect the people of the book. Second (and without any bias), I don’t think an atheist has any place in this conversation for one who doesn’t believe, won’t understand what it means to be a believer (just a simple justified opinion).. Both of you are putting oil to the fire, which is indirectly not allowed. I may be a hypocrite to say this because I’m not as forgiving, but Allah commands you to treat people with kindness and forgive those who offend you – everyone holds a grudge, it’s human nature. Do not forget how our prophet was shunned so often by society, but he still forgave and treated them with kindness.
And as far as the essay above is concerned, I may be in the wrong to even give it my attention and giving you your “views,” but to shun a whole religion, and to hurt a whole group of people, how does that make you any better? Hazrat Ali RaziAllah Anhu said that a person whose heart is broken can neither live nor die. Therefore, the punishment for murder is the same as breaking the heart. He said that only his body dies when a person is killed, but when one’s heartbreaks, his soul also dies with his body. That shows me the characteristics of a hypocrite. Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said: – “There are four characteristics, whoever has all of them is a true hypocrite, and whoever has one of them has one of the qualities of a hypocrite until he gives it up: when he is trusted, he betrays; when he speaks, he lies; when he makes a promise, he breaks it; and when he disputes, he resorts to slander.” ( Narrated by Bukhari ) You’re lying by giving bias information and directly quoting the Qur’an when all us know that it is supposed to be interpreted – not much difference between you and the misled “Muslim” who take solace in terrorism. And you’re also slandering, which isn’t allowed in any of the Abrahamic religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
I understand you are hurt because of the loss of your friend, but that doesn’t justify you hurting the rest of the Ummah, based on those who excuse their violence and power in the name of religion. Remind some of the Encomienda system, where Christian Europeans justified their torture on Native Americans as a cause for the religion. They even sought revenge – which is a sin in Islam – against Jews, based on an interpretation that the Jews were responsible for Jesus’ death. As stated in the Boston College Guide to Passion Plays, “Over the course of time, Christians began to accept … that the Jewish people as a whole were responsible for killing Jesus. According to this interpretation, both the Jews present at Jesus Christ’s death and the Jewish people collectively and for all time, have committed the sin of deicide, or ‘god-killing’. For 1900 years of Christian-Jewish history, the charge of deicide has led to hatred, violence against and murder of Jews in Europe and America.” As the Black Death epidemics devastated Europe in the mid-14th century, annihilating more than a half of the population, Jews were taken as scapegoats. Rumors spread that they caused the disease by deliberately poisoning wells. Hundreds of Jewish communities were destroyed by violence in the Black Death persecutions. Although Pope Clement VI tried to protect them by papal bull on July 6, 1348 – with another following later in 1348 – several months afterwards, 900 Jews were burnt alive in Strasbourg, where the plague hadn’t yet affected the city.
When Jews and Muslims first met, they met with friendship because Jews provided a refuge for Mohammad Sallalahu Wa’Alayhi Salam. Later Mohammad (Peace be Upon Him) expelled them because of their assistance to Meccan Pagans – people who believed in multiple gods and idolatry, which is a grave sin in all three religions one way or another. The Jews that were living in Islamic states weren’t forcefully converted, but instead were required to pay tax – which is most preferable to being killed or worshipping something you don’t believe in. The Qur’an also did not force them to wear certain clothing, it’s the Caliph who did. If there were murders in Christianity, there were also murders in Islam. In Persia, a group of Muslims even burst into a Jewish community and burnt a synagogue, along with the Torah scrolls, which should be a sin for us because it is after a revelation from God. All the wars that occurred within Islam weren’t acceptable. There were still Muslims who could not flee from Mecca and were still oppressed because of their faith. The Meccans also refused to let the Muslims enter Mecca and by that denied them access to the Ka’aba. Major battles in the history of Islam arose between the Meccans and the Muslims; one of the most important to the latter was the Battle of Badr in 624 AD. If the Qur’an stated to fight the Christian and the Jews, Allah also commanded that wars were only justified based on self-defense “Fighting is justified for legitimate self-defense, to aid other Muslims, and after a violation in the terms of a treaty; but should be stopped if these circumstances cease to exist.The principle of forgiveness is reiterated in between the assertions of the right to self-defense” Are we not to fight and sit back while others kill us? And are we to be blamed for those who excused their actions for a religious purpose?
You keep quoting the Qur’an, but how do you claim to know it, when we Muslims have a hard time interpreting it? Do you just take the direct words as it is and judge it based off the cover? Does that also give others the right to take the words of the other holy scriptures and use them for our own good? Each religion has a dark past because they all were once shunned by society. Muslims were once Christians as well, just as Christians were once Jews. We may be divided, but we’re connected. Muslims do not consider their faith to be complete without believing in ALL scriptures revealed by God- including the Torah (given to Moses Alayhi Salam), the Gospel (given to Jesus Alayhi Salam), the Psalms (given to David Alayhi Salam), the Scrolls (given to Abraham Alayhi Salam), and finally the Qur’an (given to Mohammad Sallalahu Wa’Alayhi Salam). There may be differences, but we have shared beliefs as well.
“The Law mentioned in Quran (5:45)
And We ordained for them therein a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and for wounds is legal retribution. But whoever gives [up his right as] charity, it is an expiation for him. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed – then it is those who are the wrongdoers.
— Quran, sura 5 (Al-Ma’ida), ayat 45
Similarly, it is mentioned in the Exodus
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
— Bible, Book of Exodus, chapter 21, verses 24-25
According to 7:157, Muhammad is written about in both the Injil (Gospel), revelations to Jesus (Isa), and the Tawrat (Torah),
Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel, who enjoins upon them what is right and forbids them what is wrong and makes lawful for them the good things and prohibits for them the evil and relieves them of their burden and the shackles which were upon them. So they who have believed in him, honored him, supported him and followed the light which was sent down with him – it is those who will be the successful.
— Quran, sura 7 (Al-A’raf), ayah 157
The Tawrat is mentioned as being known by Isa in 5:110.
[The Day] when Allah will say, “O Jesus, Son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit and you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and [remember] when I taught you writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you designed from clay [what was] like the form of a bird with My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission; and you healed the blind and the leper with My permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from [killing] you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who disbelieved among them said, “This is not but obvious magic.”
— Quran, sura 5 (Al-Ma’ida), ayah 110
Some quotations are repeated from other books of the Hebrew Bible. An example of this is 48:29,
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah ; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves. You see them bowing and prostrating [in prayer], seeking bounty from Allah and [His] pleasure. Their mark is on their faces from the trace of prostration. That is their description in the Torah. And their description in the Gospel is as a plant which produces its offshoots and strengthens them so they grow firm and stand upon their stalks, delighting the sowers – so that Allah may enrage by them the disbelievers. Allah has promised those who believe and do righteous deeds among them forgiveness and a great reward.
— Quran, sura 48 (Al-Fath), ayah 29
This could be repeated from Psalms:
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.
— Bible, Psalms, chapter 1, verse 3
There shall be an handful of corn in the earth upon the top of the mountains; the fruit thereof shall shake like Lebanon: and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the earth.
— Bible, Psalms, chapter 72, verse 16
They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing;
— Bible, Psalms, chapter 92, verse 14″
The Torah is also described as a work that supported the Qur’an, and a guide from Allah.
But when the truth came to them from Us, they said, “If only he was given the like of what Moses had been given.” Did they not deny what had been given to Moses earlier? They claimed, “Both ˹Scriptures˺ are works of magic, supporting each other!” Adding, “We truly deny both.” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Bring then a scripture from Allah which is a better guide than these two so I may follow it, if your claim is true.”
— Qur’an, 28:48-49
Did Prophet Muhammad ask the 18-year-old Chechen-origin Abdoullakh Anzorov to behead 47-year-old Samuel Paty, a teacher? No. Did he form Al-Qaeda? No. Was he flying the 9/11 planes? No. Did he hijack IC 814? No. Then why insult the Prophet? It is completely unnecessary and unprovoked. Did the Qur’an ask the formation of Al Qaeda? I didn’t even realize there was to be another religion.
I’m not convincing you to change your opinion on Islam because you have the right to an opinion, just as I do. I just want you to respect all religions – and you don’t have to like something to respect it. History may have had a lot of wars, but it was because it was called for. Why are you – and all the other Islamaphobics – calling for war again in the era of peace? Is it just you that can hate a religion?
The Truth and Open for Discussion says
Dawg you’re talking about things Christians did back in the 1700’s 1600’s that has been condemned (obvisouly evil) ever since… people were still not capable of being to smart back then but it’s 2021 and now you have people stoning women to death for adultery with her fiancé that’s just insane to me and this isn’t me saying “Islam” is bad or the religion everybody believes what they believe and can do whatever they want but whenever it includes violence or another MAN OR WOMEN just like you and me gets to stand their and be like ya it’s your time to die even though your 19 and didn’t do anything wrong in the modern world just because you don’t believe what I believe or won’t cover your face…. That’s crazy man sad world we live in cant all chill and get along like who cares what another believes just live your one life you have and be blessed you made it to earth.
Anonymous says
Islam is a terorrist religion. First hand and present century experience.
They are murdering anyone who leaves Islam still in middle east and pakistan. No one does that n west.
Show me one verse that says let you have freedom to choose?
BS Islam – peace; so quirky he chose this name to cover all
Prophet mohommad says
You must be zakir naik followers you stupid, islam come from Christains and jews .. islam is the part of Christainity becoz prophet mohommad was child of Christains family, but later his family kicked out him because he was porn addicted, then prophet created a group of people to enjoy his life in his own ways , they start hating jews and Christains and they used to kill them and stole their things , and they used to rape small children and womens , later so many bad people join them and he gave his group name islam , and later he said islam would be thier religion and all bad people and criminals join them , later he write a book by himself and throw somewhere,and some stupid people found that book and they see thier is lot of benift to join islam ,becoz islam is made for mens only , mens can full fill thier sex life and do whatever they want with womens ,, they can even sex with thier daughter and mother ( as i told you prophet was porn addicted) so this is the story how islam grow in the world and how one porn addicted guy made a religion called islam for harassed and abuse womens .
Bryce says
Yeah such a great religion who allows rape and some sexist verse
Ed says
Just today I had a muslim man attack my believe and storm my day with defiance,and hate, at the end he shook my hand saying he is my friend. In the past I gave him advise to grow his business, and hand him marketing material, out of human love. ~ Now: We have all seen the beheadings committed in the name of your god , and no muslim voiced a word of regret, much less rejection ever. Now Is all these what you call peaceful, are you really concious of your religious teachings. Sounds like hypocrisy don’t you think.
My heart is very sad to have find out personally
Glenn Gerun says
koran 56:36 virgin paradise is a ridiculous sex joke on Muslims, clear proof mohamed & companions are delusional
spaghetti eater ahahahh says
Okay, I don’t mean to cause religion war here, but…
God made the World.
According to Mr. Glenn Gerun here, entire world is Christian. (Which is wrong, obviously). Thing is, he can’t make peace here, so let me feed him the same medicine.
How did Jesus make the world before even his family was made? If the Angel told to Mary his son is the lamb of GOD, how can Jesus be his own lamb?
Glenn Gerun says
Everyone & the universe is Christian, proof by Jesus said “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, proof by His resurrection-ascension into heaven, eye witnessed. Saint Luke 24:51-53.
Daniel says
Really. Can you tell us about the incest in your Bible. There are lots of stories. Just one would be enough. And then also teach that to your kids and see that how disgusting is your brainwashed religion.
Glenn Gerun says
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, so they might not perish, but have everlasting life.”
Saint Matthew 3:16.
Ascent Christ Jesus warn you: “For the Father judgeth no man, but committed all judgment unto the Son.”
Saint John 5:22.
“I am the way, the truth & the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me.”
Saint John 14:6
“Ye must be born again”
Saint John 3:3-9.
“Go ye baptizing in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit”: is why we all were born.,
Glenn Gerun says
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Saint Matthew 3:16.
Ascent Christ Jesus warn you: “For the Father judgeth no man, but committed all judgment unto the Son.”
Saint John 5:22.
“I am the way, the truth & the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me.”
Saint John 14:6
“Ye must be born again”
Saint John 3:3-9.
“Go ye baptizing in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit”: is why we all were born.,
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims are brainwashed pray 65:4 pedophile children, 5:60 apes, 2:65 apes, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166 repeated hatred, 9:5 kill-ambush, 17:16 destroy, 7:4, 10:13, 17:7, 17:17, 18:59, 19:98, 21:95, 23:48, 43:8, 25:39, 25:52, 27:51, 26:139 destroy, 33:61 massacre, 36:31, 37:136, 38:3, 46:27, 54:51, 47:13, 8:67 massacre, 2:191 kill-expel, 5:38 amputate hands, 5:33 kill-crucified-hands & feet cut off from opposite sides-exiled is obviously man made, proof no allah, zero god in islam but fools Muslims, whom self inflict hell.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 56:36 virgin joke proves zero allah, no god in islam.
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims are brainwashed pray 65:4 pedophilia, 56:36 virgin joke, clear proof there’s no such thing as allah, made by mohamed fools Muslims.
Anonymous says
you are a bad person calling us terrorists you are all terrible people killing hurting you know Islam is the worlds most peaceful religion we are not allowed to kill unless it is self defense we cover ourselves so we are not exposed to other people you all call that being bad and you also say we are fooled by prophet Muhammad what are we fooled by his kindness or his kindness, compassion, mercy, gratitude, thankfulness, abundance, courage, fearlessness, self-reflection, and an unwavering belief in his mission. He protected his people would you have done that or what any of our prophets did would you have protected your people no so if you want to make fun of something make fun of yourself and dont go talking crap about someone elses religion go read online see all the things he has done all the miricels allah has done to protect him from his enimies and peopele like you mabey then you will know what islam is really like and who the real fool is
Glenn Gerun says
All non Christians are deniers of reality. GOD THE CREATOR IS JESUS CHRIST IN THE FLESH, and the word, resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, the only way to EVERLASTING LIFE. Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1 Corinthians 15:6, “Ye must be born again” Saint John 3:3-9
Glenn Gerun says
koran 65:4 pedophile children, 9:5 kill-ambush, 5:60 ape, 2:65 ape, 98:6 hate, 7:166 repeated hatred, 7:4 destroy, 5:33, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 33:26 is obviously all disgusting racism hogwash made by men & clear proof no allah, zero god in islam.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 65:4 pedophile children is written proof no allah, zero god in islam.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 4:34 beat women proves beyond dispute there’s no allah in islam.
Glenn Gerun says
Eternal God’s Love & salvation Christianity completed Judaism, Saint Luke 24:51-53.
600AD denier mohamed fooled himself & Muslims of islam fake allah 33:26, 65:4 pedophilia, self inflicts hell.
Glenn Gerun says
“Woe unto those who call evil good & good evil” Isaiah 5:20.
“For the Father judgeth no man, but committed all judgment unto the Son” Saint John 5:22. And Christ predicted islam Saint John 16:2.
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims say belligerent lies & untruths against their own creator God the Father & Son Christ resurrection-ascent into heaven clear evidence of the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation, clarified by Jesus “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” Saint John 17:3-5, has nothing to do with 600AD fake allah 65:4, 7:4 etc.
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims say belligerent lies & untruths against their own creator God the Father & Son Christ resurrection-ascent into heaven clear evidence of the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation, stated by Jesus “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” Saint John 17:3-5, has nothing to do with 600AD fake allah 65:4, 7:4 etc.
Glenn Gerun says
It’s a sad eternal hell result for non Christians whom believe in lies & untruths against their own Holy Creator & Saviour God the Father, Son Jesus in unity with the Holy Spirit; eye witnessed in the New Testament grace & truth.
DaughterofChrist says
isn’t it disgusting how you are encouraging your kids to burn eternally and denying the of the free gift of salvation?
Glenn Gerun says
only thing everyone will realize imminently is Holy Creator God & everlasting life in heaven is through Jesus Christianity “born again” Saint John 3:3-9, Hallelujah,
Sadly all else is hell.
Faithfulfollower says
No of course, he doesn’t reply to that
Christian John Jarvis says
how about you cite some evidence to that nonsensical claim before you call us all brainwashed.
jun jun says
Remember, it is the commandment that made a person follows an order…
not a stor]y in the story…
Glenn Gerun says
God is Jesus Christ in the flesh, resurrected-ascent into heaven .
Jr says
You know what all of you mfs can suck it nonsense
Anonymous says
No it’s not
Anonymous says
Quran (9:29): “Fight against Christians and Jews until they pay the tribute readily, being brought low.”
Quran (5:51): “Don’t take Jews or Christians for friends. If you do, then Allah will consider you to be one of them.”
Quran (2:65-66): “Christians and Jews must believe what Allah has revealed to Muhammad or Allah will disfigure their faces or turn them into apes, as he did the Sabbath-breakers.”
Quran (5:51): “O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.”
Quran (9:30): “And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!”
Surah 3:151: “We shall cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve (all non-Muslims) …”
Surah 2:191: “And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims).”
Surah 9:5: “Then kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush …”
Mike says
No wonder you’re Anonymous when you wrote on:
March 11, 2021 at 9:34 am
You have taken these quotes out of context and you don’t really understand them. Have you taken any religious classes, studied the Quran with any Imams, have any relationships with any Muslim friends? I doubt so.
Anonymous says
1. That’s a mistranslation it talks about when a Muslim army, un-like ISIS and their likes is in Jihad there are only three choices, Islam, Jizyah, or Fighting. And as you can see when the Muslims did it after the prophet and during the prophet they only fought with a provocation. 9:29
2. Yes, we shouldn’t take Jews and Christians as someone we trust and someone as close to us. The word Awliyaa, also means protector, providers, or helpers etc. not just friends
3. It never says that anyone would be turned into monkeys, but just tells us the story then tells us to be careful
4. Already explained the word Awliyaa and how we shouldn’t have that level of trust for Non-Muslims
5. And… Isn’t that what you guys say
6. Talking about the Day of Judgment
7. Qatal could mean fight it could mean kill here it means fight and even where it means fight there are rules when doing that.
The funny thing is I had to reference back to the Quran because these translations were really non-scense and didn’t make sense.
Ofosua says
What I would like to understand is this… Why does Allah say don’t have a certain level of trust for Christians and Muslims, yet he encourages you to marry our women? I would really like to know because if you’ve got to marry, it must be someone you trust, right?
Shouldn’t Allah be protecting you from we the untrustworthy ones in the first place?
Anonymous says
Christian and Jews…
Anonymous says
Lol I didn’t think the Christians go so far about “violence” in Quran whereas it was revealed in the context of war ( Jihad ) but anyways 😂, of course islam commends us to fight against them who fight us, but the rest of the verse that you made was against your claim and that’s why you didn’t mention it, and it said : But if they surrender or come up with peace don’t fight them 😂🤣you have to study PhD again from Good Reading Skills
Anonymous says
U dog thats fake we dont have surah 9,10,11 they have names. Ur brainwashed by the midea
Abdisalam says
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
However, what you don’t realize is that Islam and the Quran only promote peace.
[2:190] “You may fight in the cause of GOD against those who attack you but do not aggress. GOD does not love the aggressors.”
[2:192] “If they refrain, then GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.”
[2:193] “You may also fight them to eliminate oppression, and to worship GOD freely. If they refrain, you shall not aggress; aggression is permitted only against the aggressors.”
[76:8-9]”And feed with food the needy wretch, the orphan and the prisoner, for love of Him (saying) : We feed you, for the sake of Allah only. We wish for no reward nor thanks from you..”
[2/ 256] “There is no compulsion where the religion is concerned.”
[2:195] “And spend of your substance in the cause of Allah, and make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction; but do good; for Allah loveth those who do good.”
[Surat al-Ma’ida, 48] “We have appointed a law and a practice for every one of you. Had God willed, He would have made you a single community, but He wanted to test you regarding what has come to you. So compete with each other in doing good. Every one of you will return to God and He will inform you regarding the things about which you differed.”
Dear brother, thanks for your question and we really appreciate the great confidence you repose in us. We implore Allah, the Almighty to make our efforts come up to your expectations.
Allah Almighty commanded the Muslims to be kind and just with non-Muslims: “Allah forbids you not, With regard to those who Fight you not for (your) Faith Nor drive you out Of your homes, From dealing kindly and justly With them: For Allah loveth Those who are just. (The Noble Quran, 60:8)”
Just because a person might be a non-Muslim it doesn’t automatically make him an enemy to the Muslims. Peace-loving and innocent non-Muslims are to be treated with justice and kindness, otherwise the Muslims would be committing a sin and violating Allah Almighty’s Holy Commands, “For Allah loveth Those who are just”.
“This day are (all) things good and pure made lawful unto you. The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them. (Lawful unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book, revealed before your time,- when ye give them their due dowers, and desire chastity, not lewdness, nor secret intrigues if any one rejects faith, fruitless is his work, and in the Hereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritual good). (The Noble Quran, 5:5)”
Allah Almighty made lawful for Muslim men to marry Jewish and Christian women. How is this supposed to agree with the theory that Islam prohibits Muslims from making Jewish and Christian personal friends?
Does Islam really order Muslims to not take Jews, Christians and other non-Muslims as friends?
The sections of this article are:
– Does Islam really order Muslims to not take Jews and Christians
as friends?
– Muslim men are allowed to marry Jewish and Christian women.
– Allah Almighty loves some of the Jews and Christians and will
grant them Paradise.
– Why did Allah Almighty prohibit making alliance with the Jews and Christians?
– Conclusion.
Let us look at the Noble Verses that address this issue:
“O ye who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors; they are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust. (The Noble Quran, 5:51)”
“O ye who believe! Take not for friends and protectors those who take your religion for a mockery or sport – whether among those who received the Scripture (i.e., the Bible) before you, or among those who reject Faith; but fear ye Allah, if ye have Faith (indeed). (The Noble Quran, 5:57)”
Ofosua says
Hello dear,I suppose you are a Muslim. I’m a Christian and nice to meet you.
You began an interesting review of a question I asked but have not seen a reply.
I can’t grasp why Allah would ask his sons to marry daughters of a family whom he does not want his sons to befriend or take as allies.
I’ve heard a lot of conspiracy theories , have imagined a few but would like to hear a genuine explanation from a Muslim
Anonymous says
I’m a Muslim…Alhamdulillah… finally i have a Christian friend whom willing ro atleast listen and build bridges….thank you so much…
Glenn Gerun says
All Muslims are Christian, proof when Jesus said “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, is clear proof of the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation forevermore, proof by Jesus “healed them all” resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:51-53, 6:19, 1 Corinthians 15:6.
Anonymous says
Islam is a religion of peace, love and it teaches about peace, good deeds and fight against corruption.
The Muslims are seen as stubborn because we refuse to accept corruption or change anything from the Holy Quran, trust me if Islam teaches about killing all Muslims will be killing non Muslims by now.
Also the Holy Quran talks about Jesus and other prophets but it didn’t condemn them so why should you condemn Islam because of some people’s brutality.
Truth be told am not here to force you to like Islam because it has been said from time that unbelievers rejoice in their ignorance and they will never believe no matter how you convince them it happened even during the time of isrealites. But instead am here to tell you what Islam is about.
Glenn Gerun says
I see the peace, koran 2:65 apes HATE, 7:4 destroy, 4:34 beat women, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacre, 9:5 kill-ambush 9/11, 3/11, 7/7, 2 million Sudan POOR slaughtered, by muslims, burned meagre crops, huts, villages, raping & murdering today, Turk muslims promised equality & freedom, backstabbed genocided 1.5 million Christian Armenians, 1995 Israel gave up the Gaza Strip for peace, backstabbed Jews with 10s of 1000s of missiles for decades & violence & murdering today, taliban muslim’s inhuman murder & oppression on women & children in Afghanistan, muslims murder North Africa, Somalia, Mozambuque & around the world we see everyday,
sam says
You are cherry-picking and giving verses without context. 9:5, for example, is about the time when Muhammad was betrayed by the pagans and they violated a peace treaty. 9:6 right after then teaches mercy. The use of the word terror in 3:151 does not mean terrorism, it talks about striking fear into the heart of the opponent on the battlefield of Uhud when the Muslims were being massacred by the pagans. i would go on, but you have seen my point now.
Glenn Gerun says
my my what godless rubbish in islam, Anonymous.
May 1GodChristeverLove come into your heart, waiting for you in heaven.
I says
I am not surprised at all to see people qoute verse with no knowledge what so ever taking things out context and trying to use this verse to support their claim.did you made indept research or are you a recognized and certified Arabic do your research well
Anonymous says
I read Quran bt I never read some of these ..stop spreading false information
Zainab says
You are spreading the wrong words and taking the wrong interpretations of these ayahs. Let me tell you their correct translations and their backgrounds. Note that they were revealed at different times which of course means different scenario each time.
Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not acknowledge the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture, until they give the tribute willingly while they are humbled. 9:29
The verse 9:29 is a command to fight the Byzantine Romans and other hostile powers who were planning an invasion against the Muslims in Arabia. In context, it is a distinct response to aggression, in particular the assassination of one of the Prophet’s ambassadors.
O believers! Take neither Jews nor Christians as guardians—they are guardians of each other.1 Whoever does so will be counted as one of them. Surely Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people.
After the Prophet sallAllahu aalyhi wa sallam had settled in Madina, he had entered into a treaty with Jews and Christians living nearby which required that they would neither fight against Muslims nor help any other tribe at war with them, rather, they would join Muslims to fight against them.
Similarly, Muslims will not fight them nor help anyone against them, rather, would defend them against the aggressors. For some time, both parties kept adhering to the treaty. But, the Jews could not observe the terms of the treaty any longer because of their conspiratorial nature and anti-Islam temperament. They made a secret deal with the pagans of Makkah against Muslims and wrote them a letter inviting them to their fortress.
When the Prophet sallAllahu aalyhi wa sallam came to know about this conspiracy, he dispatched a posse of Mujahideen to confront them. These Jews from Banu Qurazyzah were, on the one hand, conspiring with the disbelievers of Makkah, while on the other, having infiltrated among Muslims, they had succeeded in making pacts of friendship with many of them. This was their front of spying for the disbelievers of Makkah against Muslims.
Revealed thereupon was this ayah which stopped Muslims from indulging in deep friendship with Jews and Christians, so that they could be deprived of having access to sensitive information about Muslims.
At that time some companions including Ubadah ibn Samit, openly announced the cancellation of their treaty obligations as well as their support for abandonment of any close friendship in the future. As for the hypocrites who had their pragmatic relationship with Muslims, or people whose hearts had yet to taste the sweetness of genuine faith, they apprehended dangers in breaking relationships with Jews and Christians lest the conspiracy hatched by the disbelievers and the Jews succeeded and Muslims were overpowered in which case it would be necessary that they keep their relationships balanced both ways to avoid any problems for them later on. It was on this basis that Abdullah ibn Ubaiyy ibn Salul had said that he saw danger in cutting off relationship with these people and, therefore, he cannot do that. Revealed thereupon was the ayah 52.
The Jews say, “Ezra is the son of Allah “; and the Christians say, “The Messiah is the son of Allah.” That is their statement from their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved [before them]. May Allah destroy them; how are they deluded? 9:30
This is a common expression in Arabic to show extreme disagreement. The meaning of the Ayah/verse 9:30 simply means that Allah extremely disagrees with those claims.
Verse 9:6 is rather clear evidence that it is not allowed to hurt non-Muslims who don’t attack Muslims.
Verse 9:5 is not obvious without knowing some history about when and why it was revealed. And what was Prophet Muhammad’s practical interpretation through his actions at that time period. This verse and the rest of the al-Tawbah Sourah or chapter of Quran was revealed as a response to the brutal crimes committed by the rulers of Mecca and their alliance. Prophet Muhammad’s interpretation of this Sourah was to gather all Muslims and head towards Mecca. When he approached Mecca , some Muslims started shouting that now it is our time to take revenge. Therefore, Prophet Muhammad sent Imam Ali to shout that “Today is the day of Mercy” and guaranteed everybody who doesn’t participate in any violent action to be safe. Therefore, no kind of violence occurred.
When Prophet Muhammad entered Mecca , the Meccians gathered as a crowd in front of him. He said: What do you think I am going to do to you? they said: You are the most generous and the son of the most generous. He said: Go you are free.
Therefore, if the interpretation of these verses was different or the opposite, as the terrorists claim today, then why didn’t the master of Quran and Islam do that? Prophet Muhammad was as strongest at that time, and his enemy who gathered army after army and attacked him to eliminate him was a weakest at that time. And it is well known that Prophet Muhammad escaped from Mecca and left to Madina because the Meccians wanted to kill him.
And the most interesting and important point is that he didn’t force them to become Muslims or even to sign an agreement guaranteeing that they will not try to kill him again.
Quran (3:151) – “Soon shall We cast terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers, for that they joined companions with Allah, for which He had sent no authority”.
The promise of casting awe and fear into the hearts of the disbelievers in this verse was made in the background of the battle of Uhud when the disbelievers of Arabia marched back to Makkah without any obvious reason and inspite of defeat overtaking Muslims (Baydawi).
And fight in the Way of Allâh those who fight you, but transgress not the limits. Truly, Allâh likes not the transgressors. [This Verse is the first one that was revealed in connection with Jihâd, but it was supplemented by another (V.9:36)]. (Al-Baqarah 2:190)
And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah is worse than killing. And fight not with them at Al-Masjid-al-Harâm (the sanctuary at Makkah), unless they (first) fight you there. But if they attack you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers. (Al-Baqarah 2:191)
But if they cease, then Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (Al-Baqarah 2:192)
So if you look at the context – it is very clear that it is not against any religion – it is mentioning fighting those who fight you.
The fifth verse of the Surah rendered below, taken in isolation amounts to an open ended command to kill the pagans:
“But when the sacred months are past, kill the pagans wherever you find them,
and capture them, surround them, and watch for them in every lookout; but if
they repent and establish regular prayer and give charity, then let them go their
way, for God is Most Forgiving and Merciful.”
Surah: Al-Tawbah (Repentance) – Chapter: 9 – Verse: 5
However, the preceding and succeeding verses indicate that it was addressed to those pagan tribes who were repeatedly breaking the Hudaibiyyah Peace Treaty). This is, however, totally lost in their flat reading, whether in the original Arabic or translation. One must read the long opening passage (first fourteen verses) of this Surah in the thematic order as attempted below to comprehend its historical relevance and defensive character – none of which apply this day:
Whenever they (the hostile Arabs) came upon the Muslims, they defied the peace treaty (of Hudaibiyyah, 628 C.E.) and disregarded even blood ties [9:10]. They pleased the Muslims with their mouths, but there was hatred in their hearts [9:8]. The revelation authorizes the Muslims to kill such archetypes of defiance (kufr) who broke their oaths (treaty obligations) after pledging them, and defamed their religion [9:12] and who had done all they could to drive the Messenger away (from Mecca) and were the first to attack [9:13]. It assures them that God will help them against their enemies, bring disgrace upon them and soothe the bosoms of those who believe [9:14].
supreme king says
yeah bro. i am a mslim my self. and i think islam is a beautiful religion. i mean bro. we muslims read the holy quran which guided our life. muhammad (sa) was a rightious man. he never in his life told a lie. islam mean obidience and allegiance to allah. for which we shall follow his path to go to paradise. also prophet muhammad didnt fight. he never killed. he always followed the right path. he always forgives his enemy and he is really kind.
Glenn Gerun says
No chance islam 7:4 destroy, 17:7-17 destruction, 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin joke, 33:61 massacre, 8:67 massacre, 9:5 kill-ambush, 65:4 pedophile children is a god. says
Almighty & Holy God did not make death, only 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me”, Saint John 5:46, “Love thy neighbor as thyself & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” by Jesus Christ to live forever.
Glenn Gerun says
GOD IS CHRISTIANITY Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me” & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” perfect sense “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 WHICH COMPLETED JUDAISM.
All else self inflict hell. We shall find out eventually.
Anonymous says
Christianity is just a word, if jesus was alive and you asked him about christianity he will ask the same. what is christianity ?
Glenn Gerun says
You shall find out eventually: “For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
“Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7.
Glenn Gerun says
Jews rejected mohamed plagiarizing “ancient fictitious tales”, caught him lying, tried to make a god out of his tribes stone/stars/moon idolatry worship, proof “al-ilah-the god” shortened to allah is the same non existent allah today, clarified by koran 9:5 kill-ambush, 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 2:65 apes, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166 repeated hatred, 78:33, 56:36 virgin joke, 76:19, 65:4 pedophile children, 8:67, 33:61 massacre self explanatory zero god in islam made by power & control men to deny ascent into heaven Jesus Christ God proof & the Holy Spirit one heart & mind that Loves the world “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, proves the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation, is the same today & forevermore.
Glenn Gerun says
Love thy neighbor as thyself 10 Commandments & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven perfect sense is Creator God the Father, Son Christ Jesus & the Holy Spirit (one heart & mind) has nothing to do with 600AD islam/koran/allah 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 65:4 pedophile children, 56:36 virgin joke, 9:5 ambush, 7:4 we destroyed, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacre evil rhetoric by mohamed
Pauline says
As Christians we must not offend or insult others , but pray God He brought peace into this weird sinful world
Glenn Gerun says
“Love thy neighbor as thyself, the 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46, and the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” is exactly Creator God the Father, Divine Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit one heart and mind; has nothing to do with islam 65:4 pedophilia, 9:5, 5:60, 4:34, 7:4, 98:6, 56:36 virgin joke, 8:67, 33:61 massacre proves no allah.
Glenn Gerun says
GOD BLESS YOU. There is joy amongst the angels of GOD in heaven if we save just one.
Youaresuchanidiot says
No trust me, there is sadness among the angels of God everytime you open your stupid mouth
Muslim says
As Muslims, believe in God and live according to what God says
(Those who do only good without making mistakes)
No one becomes a Muslim by name or dress
Prophet Muhammad (S W) was born into a family of polytheists
At the age of 40, Prophet Muhammad (SW) received the message of God and became a Muslim
Prophet Muhammad (S W) did not change his name or disguise
You have mistakenly claimed to be a Muslim in the guise or name of a terrorist
Understand that you are a Muslim. No Muslim hurts anyone’s mind or body.
Defend evil with the best good but God has taught mankind that even your worst enemy will become your best friend
The nations of the world are saying that terrorists (aggressors) should be killed
That is what God said in the Qur’an 1400 years ago that the wrongdoers should be killed
To understand this, one must have faith in God, the Lord of the worlds
Glenn Gerun says
there is no god in islam clear proof by koran 9:5 kill-ambush, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre, 17:16 destroy, 7:4 destroy, 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 2:65 be apes, 7:166 be apes, 98:6 worst of creatures hatred, 56:36 virgin sex joke, 76:19, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children is all obviously man made ICC crimes against humanity, 1400 years of proof no allah as well. Beware non Christians, hell is forever.
name says
so you christian think that the bible is any better? I want to see you comment on “numbers 31” where moses orders the killing of tens of thousands of women and children, and every man and orders his men to take the virgin woman and virgin children as sex slaves after burning there towns and killing there families. I tell you nothing in the Quran comes close to what your god tells people to do in your bible. why is it that you accept moses as a prophet but deny Prophet Muhammad after the things moses have done?
Anonymous says
Brother the Quran claims that to be true as well. So you must choose your battles wisely. The Quran states:
And mention in the Book, Moses. Indeed, he was chosen, and he was a messenger and a prophet. And We called him from the side of the mount at [his] right and brought him near, confiding [to him]. And We gave him out of Our mercy his brother Aaron as a prophet.
— Quran 19:51–53[4]
Glenn Gerun says
Jesus Christ stated “Moses wrote of me.”
Saint John 5:46.
Now you know Christianity is GOD. And proof there are no other gods.
jay lau says
muhammad is a false prophet, pedophile and murderer he belong to hell
Glenn Gerun says
1972 Muslims found the original koran, invited Gerd Puin revealed koran words altered, clear proof no god in islam. Do the research to save yourself & everyone you can to Christ Jesus God proof & salvation positively seen. Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1 Corinthians 15:6.
Robert Galligan says
you are a absolute clown religion of all sources. Muslims, Jewish, christians, catholics, have had extremist that take the words from whatever bible and flipped it to fit there personal agenda you don’t condemn a whole religion because of some bad apples
Glenn Gerun says
can you not see 5:60 made them apes & pigs proves no allah.
can you not see 56:36 virgin sex joke on Muslims is pure ridiculous man made fantasy.
can you not see koran 98:6 worst of creatures proves no god in islam.
can you not see 76:19 is perverted nonsense.
can you not see 2:65, 7:166 be apes, despised is man made hatred.
can you not see 9:5 kill-ambush proves man made godless islam.
can you not see “merciful allah” has never existed, a sly god deception is islam.
Anonymous says
hey you do know that Allah is just the arabic word for God right? not everything is English. so basically when yall Islamaphobes say Allah isn’t real your basically saying God isn’t real and that just cancels out everything in your “argument”. i don’t get why yall are so obsessed with us. and why are you acting like Christians have never done anything wrong. no one is perfect. stay in your lane and we’ll stay in ours.
Youaresuchanidiot says
Can you not see the fact that you would rather follow a manmade book that a book revealed by God is utterly stupid?
Glenn Gerun says
islam is not a religion clear proof by koran 65:4 pedophilia, 4:34 beat women, 9:5 kill-ambush, 5:60, 2:65, 98:6, 7:166 crazy hatred, 8:67, 33:61 massacre, is crimes against humanity with the obvious fake allah mohamed copied from his tribes paganism, doesn’t fool anyone anymore.
Yehia Ahmed says
Mate, did you even READ the full chapters to understand the context? You know that just give me the verses, and I will correct your foolishness.
Mike says
Yehia 👍
Anonymous says
U clearly don’t know anything about Islam and certainly not even about your religion.
U just hear from the media like a dump idiots.
Cuz if u really studied your religion u would have found verses worst than any other religion.
anonymous says
“A bondwoman is a female slave that a man owned either through purchase or taking her captive in war—a common ancient practice in many parts of the world. Islam opened the door for ending slavery by making it an act of charity to free slaves. Many sins (such as breaking one’s oath, unintentional killing, and intercourse with one’s wife during the day of fasting in Ramaḍân) can be atoned by freeing a slave. According to Islamic teachings, no free person can be enslaved. Islam also improved the condition of slaves. It was unlawful to separate a mother from her child. Children born to a slave-master were deemed free, and their mother would gain her freedom upon the death of her master. With regards to slaves, Prophet Muḥammad (ﷺ) says, “Feed them from what you eat, clothe them from what you wear, and do not overwhelm them with work unless you assist them.” He (ﷺ) also says, “Whoever kills his slave will be killed and whoever injures his slave will be injured.” In recent times, slavery has been outlawed in all countries—including the Muslim world.”, footnote 2 on “Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran” translation
Now for a little computer science. If you’ve heard of the telephone game, you know that one person tells someone a message and it’s passed along until the last person says what they heard and very often it’s completely different from the original message. If Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had copied the message from another religion, it would have all the qualities of that message and more of the inconsistencies that people point to regarding those messages. If you read the Quran in earnest, you will find that it does not have these inconsistencies. Note that I said [In Earnest]. If you read it without being fair, you will find what you are looking for.
Furthermore, as noted in the first paragraph, footnotes can explain the context of the verses. People all too often take one verse and don’t look at both the surrounding verses and the context of the verse. In much the same way that comma’s can save lives…
Let’s eat grandpa.
Let’s eat, grandpa.
… it’s important to know the context.
jun jun says
but Slavery (sex slaves) do exist until today in moslim countries…
Muhammad says
Christians changed thier own bible for thier own use.why we will follow the people who changed their book
Joshua says
Ok, Tell us What in the bible you know before
Glen says
You u can’t say that its offensive to muslims how would u like that if someone else said that to ur religion and Islam mean peace
Glenn Gerun says
i see islamic peace in Africa & Syria & Sudan & Afghanistan taliban & al-queda & boko & al shabab, & Nigeria & Mozambique, etc etc all comes from the root source eviliest of evil koran 9:5, 8:67, 33:61, 33:26, 5:33, 25:39, 8:12, 7:4, 10:13, 21:95, 54:51, etc 47:4 behead-slaughter, 78:33, 38:52, 56:36 virgin joke, 52:24, 56:17, 76:19, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children filth proof men made godless islam
Glenn Gerun says
better to know GOD New Testament overwhelming proof by Christ and saved, rather than the eternal fiery hell for doubters & deniers.
“Ye must be born again”
Saint John 3:3-9.
Glenn Gerun says
i see islam 9:5 peace in Africa & around the world from a man made allah.
muslim girl in america says
god, how frickin dumb can u be? YOU HAVE DONE NO RESEARCH AND YET THIS RACIST A-HOLE CLAIMS ISLAM IS EVIL. we believe in love, treating ppl with kindness. those other ppl were extremists. don’t lie to me and tell me Christians have not done extremist things too. and hun, at least I don’t believe in:
black lives DONT matter (I’m literally Egyptian and brown so I really hate when ppl say that)
abortion is not ok. (WHAT IF A WOMAN GOT RAPED? OR SHES GONNA DIE?!)
MUSLIMS. ARE. TERRORISTS. (or anyone who thinks that clearly has not done their research. go to a mosque for once. learn what we are about)
THERE IS A GOD IN ISLAM. I am getting so mad because I have been oppressed for YEARS. I’m sick of it!
“Beware non-Christans, hell is forever”? WOWWWW. second hand embarrassment. yea hell is forever. but I think Jesus would be pretty pissed if he found out u are islamophobic (Jesus is originally Muslim!)
just saying luv!
-muslim girl in america
abdul dyakul says
jesus is not a muslim.. never ahhahahah
Glenn Gerun says
Your history is off: islam/koran/allah wasn’t invented until 600AD. And Jesus Christ predicted godless islam. Saint John 16:2.
And everyone & the universe is Christian, proof by Jesus stated “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 clear proof by resurrected-ascent Jesus “carried up into heaven” eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:51-53, is clear proof of the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation forevermore.,
GOD & CHRIST sees us all right now, earning justice & judgment to come to all.
A says
Nooo Jesus was not muslim. Thats why many Christians and jews dont buy your religion. Islam is not a peaceful religion, use veil or you are prostitued in Allahs eyes. Dont forget who killed Christians in 1915. Its was because of your lovely religion.
Anonymous says
Jesus was not Muslim, but he wasn’t Christian or a Jew either. One does not realize that these are just names of religions ad names change. It is the belief in God that unites us. And please do not separate Allah and God or Yahweh. They are the same word except in different languages.
Glenn Gerin says
you shall be much more angry with yourself in eternal hell for not heeding Jesus Christ, everyone’s saviour of the world. Here’s everyone’s salvation forevermore, GOD’S CHRISTIANITY.
Glenn Gerun says
Your history is off. Christ was 600 years before godless islam was invented.
Realize, everyone & Muslims & the world is Christian, proof by the resurrected-ascent into heaven Jesus, whom said “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, proves the Holy source of all life, & everyone’s salvation.
Glenn Gerun says
Your history is off.
Christ God Love & salvation proof was 600 years before slam was invented.
Glenn Gerun says
i see written koran 2:65 be apes, despised,
5:60 made them apes & pigs,
98:6 worst of creatures,
7:166 repeated racist hogwash proof no allah.
Glenn Gerun says
as long as you are saved to God’s Catholic-Orthodox proof by the saviour of the world the Divine Son of God, Jesus Christ. Saint Luke 24:51-
Glenn Gerun says
we all shall find our eternal result imminently
Glenn Gerun says
your history is twisted. Resurrected-ascent Christ in heaven was 600 years before fake allah was copied from mohamed’s tribes stars/moon idol worship is the same fake god 65:4 pedophilia, 4:34 beat women, 78:33, 56:36 virgin joke, 98:6, 5:60, 5:51, 2:65, 7:166 hate-war mongering today in Africa & around the world. Now you understand.
Glenn Gerun says
4:34 beat women, 98:6, 7:4 destroy, 5:51, 2:65, 7:166, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 2:191, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 9:5 kill-ambush, 26:139, 8:67, 5:33 crucified, cut off hands & feet from opposite sides, 33:26 terror-kill-enslave women & children, 65:4 pedophile children is clear proof no allah, zero god in islam
Glenn Gerun says
islam 4:34 beat women is man made, nothing divine, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile is evilest of evil definitely made by men, proof no allah, 5:33 kill-crucified-hands & feet cut off from opposite sides is crazy cruelty, more proof zero god in islam, 2:65 ape, 5:51 racism, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 98:6 worst of creatures proof godless, 7:166 repeated hatred, zero morality, 9:5, 8:67, 33:61, 47:4 behead slaughter, 8:12, 7:4 destroy, clear proof beyond a shadow of doubt there’s no allah, zero god in islam.
Glenn Gerun says
Get real Meener. You are as delulusional as mohamed & his companions. The koran clearly incites 2:65 apes hate, 7:4 destroy, 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin joke, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred, 9:5 ambush-murder clear proof no allah, zero god in islam but made by evil evil men to murder normal safe civilians for 1400 years doesn’t fool anyone anymore concludes islam has no right to exist, referendums abolish so normal civilized people can live & work.
GOD IS CHRISTIANITY LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF 10 COMMANDMENTS “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 clear proof by Ascent Jesus Christ into heaven, eye witnessed, therefore true. Saint Luke 24:51-53.
Anonymous says
Trust me if Islam teaches about brutality and evil all Muslims will be killing all non Muslims by now, but Islam teaches us about corruption and good deed, we Muslims are said to be stubborn because we fail to accept corruption and lies, so we didn’t change anything in the Holy Quran and the Holy Quran talks about Jesus and other prophets as well and it never condemned them, while condemned the holy Quran because of some people’s brutal deed.
Mark says
I live in between two Muslim neighbors ,two families of 4, they are constantly terrorising me by talking loud and banging things outside it sounds like large drums or buckets, in south Africa most or all Muslims sell stuff or got tuck shops they don’t have talents or trades, but if they do know plumbing for example, they in fact copied someone else, they call it “steal with your eyes’, I call it “monkey see monkey do” ,now back to the next door irrits ,they are Indian Muslims and I’m Indian but Christian my parents converted to Christianity, I tell you these neighbors hate us like hell, one side fat Muslim lady stands in the door all day and looks at our house and talks loud all day and the son walks on the road looking at our house all the time and they bang crates, cars doors and other weird stuff all day like every hour, the other side Muslim family has CCTV cameras pointing at our toilet and bedrooms(is that legal) and I call camera gang bucket queen for banging buckets, really she kicks and buckets outside everytime we at home watching TV or having dinner, as soon as they see me walking outside they will come outside and throw rocks at our boundary wall or bang that bucket it’s like a large hard plastic garbage can, oh and her husband looks at our windows and talks loud , and both side neighbors don’t talk to me or my family the other side also burns large fires close to our wall and burnt our pear tree it was bearing pears at the time, when one of us go to the bath the camera side messages the tree killers and they stand outside and talk loud looking at the bathroom window, when we outside they also look at us and talk loud, their Muslim family men comes with vehicles every night and talk loud front of our yard, they grazed our car once parked in front of our house, the CCTV family son opens the front window and cuss and swear bad words loud, like screaming loud playing TV games they said one time I confronted them. they are noise terrorists, trust me this is goin on for years like ten or 11 years now
Anonymous says
As a Muslim, I’d advice you to tell your neighbors to act like real Muslims, and not ‘noise terrorists’ turn people away from Islam by their ill behaviors.
1) Prohibition of Harming Neighbour: The Prophet, (Peace and blessings be upon him) said: “By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer! By Allah, he is not a believer.’’ It was asked, “Who is that, O Messenger of Allah?’’ He said, “One whose neighbour does not feel safe from his evil” (Sahih Bukhari).
2) Recommendation to treat neighbour well: The Messenger of Allah, (Peace and blessings be upon him), said: “Jibril kept recommending me to treat my neighbour well until I thought that he would tell me to make him one of my heirs” (Bukhari: 6014).
3) Caring for your neighbours: Abu Dharr, May Allah be pleased with him, reported: The Messenger of Allah, (Peace and blessings be upon him), commanded me thus, “O Abu Dharr! Whenever you prepare a broth, put plenty of water in it, and give some of it to your neighbours” (Sahih Muslim).
4) Co-operation with your neighbours: Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, reported that the messenger of Allah, (Peace and blessings be upon him), said: “No-one should prevent his neighbour from fixing a wooden peg in his wall.” Abu Huraira said (to his companions), “Why do I find you averse to it? By Allah, I certainly will narrate it to you” (Sahih Bukhari),
5) Do not eat your full while your neighbour is hungry: The Messenger of Allah, (Peace and blessings be upon him) says:” He is not a believer who eats his fill whilst his neighbour beside him goes hungry” (Bukhari).
6) Never scorn your neighbour’s gift: Sahih Abu Hurayrah reported that the Prophet, (Peace and blessings be upon him), used to say: “O Muslim women! No one should scorn the gift of a neighbour, even if it is (only) a sheep’s foot” (Bukhari: 6017).
Glenn Gerun says
GOD said, “Isaac, I will establish my covenant.”
Genesis 17:19
Abdullah says
what does that have to do with quran? i had christian neighbours that threw eggs at our house and called my mum a terrorirst that should leave the country.
in reality, humans, despite their beliefs, can be good or bad. and in your case you were left with two horrible muslims and i am sorry for that experience.
as for your claims that muslims have no skills or trades and if they did then it is a “monkey see monkey do” is so extremely wrong and ignorant. history does not support your claim, and the most recent history doesnt support it either. I.E pfizer vaccine being developed by a muslim couple. be better, be good.
and to conclude, for the verses this man has in this article is so hilariously out of context it hurts. mohammed fights in a war that was initiated by the opposition isnt the same as telling muslims to kill.
naim says
just because 1 or 2 muslims do it doesnt mean the whole religion is a terrorist or “non peacefull” the only reason we are not peace full is because OTHER RELIGIONS ARE FLIPING US OVER yall make us look so bad we try to make yall feel good saying we support you but yall be like muhammads a peto DO WE CALL JESUS A PETO???
muslim girl in america says
preach hun! Luv it thx so much for sticking up for us without telling LIES *COUGH* *RACIST A** CHRISTIANS* *COUGH*
Glenn Gerun says
read koran 5:51 prejudice, or 2:65 apes, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 98:6 worst of creatures or 7:166 repeated dehumanizing hatred & tell me about racism and absolute proof there’s no god in islam.
Glenn Gerun says
Research: GOD’S beautiful New Testament Lord’s Prayer meaning of life & salvation is only Christ Jesus way & the truth eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:51-53 & Saint John 3:3-9
Ãbdür says
You are liar… because you said that you are Indian christian that means you are hindu and made a comment for defaming muslim ….what rubbish you wrote….. you are killing Muslim daily….in the name of religion….. before writing fake ….do research first….how many Muslim are getting killed by hindus in India research first…..i think your god didn’t said to speak truth…..
I challenge you that with the promise of your mother and father…. plz say again that you have written down….do you have courage to speak the truth with the promise of your parents….
Liar one…
What you wrote muslim are giving way of cctv to your bathroom 🤬😂😂….if the Muslim man does like that your RSS terrorist will eat his bones….. you are killing the muslim when they are walking on the road lonely…you are destroying their houses killing and raping them…. research at Google whether i am saying true or not….you people killed and raped thousands at Gujrat, Delhi, Khokrajar… you killed more than million at Jammu Kashmir…..why you are hiding your Hinduterrorism…. remember it will not hide forever….. first research your crime…ok
Terrorist activities
Srilanka-anti muslim riots 2018
Srilanka terrorism-2019
India-anti muslim riots 1989
Indian terrorism-2001
Why you are attacking first..
For what reason people of Syria Afghanistan libya Palestine Iraq Iran Lebanon Sudan Africa–was looted and killed and raped , bombed at their house…made them refugee ….first
……after not getting any justice from any sh** democracist…. they the country men build a group to take revenge at last they were marked as a Terrorist….
Myanmar…..why millions of Rohingya Muslim been killed..???why democratic country are not solving the problems….after that when Muslim will take revenge… you will say them terrorist… isn’t it… cause this is your job…bcz you are blind….
Stop attacking muslim first…and stop fake saying about Islam….ok
Glenn Gerun says
Rohingya Muslims premedited murdered 9 policemen first & started the reaction from Mynamar. And you might be concerned
about historical facts Muslims exterminated 670 million innocents since godless islam was invented. Turk Muslims promised freedom & equality, genocided 1.5 million Christians. Or 9/11-3/11-7/7 giving Muslims refuge & hate Christians & Jews True God civilized values & laws far above Muslims 600AD fake allah: 5:60, 98:6, 7:4, 25:39, 33:26 enslave women & children, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 65:4 pedophile cult, has no right to exist in GOD & CHRIST world “before the world was”.
Nigeria says
Hindu is not christianity, so if gods fight with another gods, means they’re fight because something else. You can for who took your property, wife, land, And everything you own. But you can’t fight for God.
God sent Moses to egypt to save Israel not to fight because Egyptians are disobeying him.
God have power to destroy everyone disobeying him, but if God did it what is meaning of judgement day.
Think Wise
A says
Who killed Christians 1915and wiped out the Christians from their own lands? Its was muslims. Your religion force people too cover themself because we are haram in your eyes if we dont cover us. Turkey invade syria, Lebanon, karabach, they deny what they did too Christians. Even today muslims kill and use violens against Christians. I have seen it. Sorry but your religion is not better.
Anonymous says
So who killed Jews and forced them out of their land? And who killed Muslims and forced them out of their land with the excuse of religion. It’s a cycle, and you’re an idiot for not realizing it.
Glenn Gerun says
it’s my responsibility to tell the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth, so help me GOD.
Anonymous says
Jazakallahu khairan… And God bless you Sir
Glenn Gerun says
All Muslim pray to a non existent allah, proof by Gerd Puin & the koran itself: 4:34 beat women is man made, 65:4 pedophilia is man made, 5:60, 2:65, 98:6, 98:6, 7:166 is man made hate, proof no allah, 56:36 virgin joke, 8:67, 47:4, 33:26, 33:61, 5:33 crazy godless proof …
Afroz says
WHAT is it with you and repeating the same lines over and over against?! I’m a Muslimah. Do you know the meaning of that word? It means a Muslim girl. Girls are treasured in our religion and those who don’t may be breaking a heart, which is the same sin as murdering someone with justification. I may feel pressed by the culture, but not the religion. And let me tell you the difference: The culture – sweetheart – is created by patriarchal men, while religion is the words of God. You can already see why most women feel oppressed in most Muslim states – as well as non – Muslim states (cuz I live in America and I still feel oppressed by the society – but if you don’t then you’re an idiot. Because I’m Muslimah, my words may seem bias to you, but it is wrong of you to just judge based on a couple of cut-out phrases. Why don’t you actually talk to Muslim people and see how they feel and know their thought process? What is this virgin joke you’re always mentioning? Why don’t you explain yourself because as far as I’m aware, Virgin Mary is held in high regards in Islam and the only woman specifically mentioned in the Qur’an. Zina (adultery) is indeed a sin, but it is also a sin in Christianity. And by the way, Allah is God, so you saying that Allah doesn’t exist, is also saying that God doesn’t exist.
And bhai, we all agree that every part of religion is interpreted differently, so where did you come from repeating the same things over an over again. Beating women? Are you speaking about Surah An – Nisa? Have you read the whole thing and it’s interpretations? Let me define it for you since you seem to be so naive.
“Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what Allah would have them guard. As to those women on whose part ye fear disloyalty and ill-conduct, admonish them (first), (Next), refuse to share their beds, (And last) beat them (lightly); but if they return to obedience, seek not against them Means (of annoyance): For Allah is Most High, great (above you all).”
You know I don’t see any difference between you and this patriarchal society who excuse their action by simply taking a quote from the religious text (referring to all religions here). Because the ones who knew the true meaning are no more, if you didn’t realize – because it doesn’t seem like you did – it’s recommended that we take the interpretation of something and apply it in a righteous way. Beating women for no reason is indeed unjustified and wrong, but An – Nisa did say for no reason. Where the Qur’an says to women to dress modestly, the very next ayat addresses the men to lower their gaze. Were you aware of that? It doesn’t seem like to men you are.
And since you know soooooo much about Islam, did you also know that pride, ignorance, and arrogance are a grave sin – including in Christianity as well? You think you’re better than the others is arrogance, honey. So instead of showing down Islam, why don’t you try to spread the love of Christianity and explain what it actually means, instead of repeatedly comparing and being arrogant?
And for the record, pedophilia is indeed man-made and it is not excused in Islam either. You’re mixing culture and religion once again. Though there are age gaps in marriages, the girl does not leave her parent’s house unless she feels ready, despite the nikha – marriage – already happening. Proof: Ayesha RadiAllahu Anhu id get married to Mohammad Sallalahu Wa’Alayhi Sallam at a young age, but she did not leave her parent’s house for a couple of years until she agreed. Because the world is so cruel and tempting – especially in pre – Arab – it was recommended to get children married off when they hit puberty – against, culture. And the age gaps are not only in men being the oldest, it could be women being the oldest like any other couple in this world. God I’m so tired by your broken explanations.
Have you ever tried to even understand Muslims or did you just read translations off of media? I’m not gonna force this on you to change your opinion, but at least have the decency to respect others and you don’t have to like something to respect it.
Kway says
I live in the uk and i have the same problem but with christian neighbours, one is outwardly racist and the other other one is obnoxiously loud (we have lived next to them for 8+ years) but if you choose to blaim the religion then you are ignorant because religion is a way for someone to live without making sins and if you intentionally or unintentionally do something wrong then religion is a way for you to not make those same mistakes again. I pity you for having bad neighbours but as i said before you cant blame the religion as their are nice muslim neighbours all around the world and just because you have met some ignorant ones, then your thoughts are extremely biased and need reformation.
Glenn Gerun says
islam-koran-allah was made by men to get away with murder with impunity.
Anonymous says
Why didn’t u call the police ?
What neighbors issue has to do with Islam or terrorism ?
Bro u r crazy
U need to go to a psychologist.
Daniel says
You are funny. You don’t have to exaggerate. It’s easy to say you are lying.
Glenn Gerun says
GOD & CHRIST “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 are eye witnessed throughout the New Testament deliberately “healed them all”-did miracles-died for all, resurrected-ascent into heaven, positively seen, Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1Corinthians 25:6 is clear proof of the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation; 600 years before fake allah 4:34 beat women, 2:65 apes, 5:51 prejudice, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166 repeated hatred, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 56:36 virgin joke, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children, 7:4 destroy, 33:26, 5:33, 47:4, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred was invented by men, doesn’t fool anyone anymore. Now you tell me who are the wrongdoers & the godless.
This is God’s final message to humanity. All of God’s prophets have come to this world, and all the scriptures have been delivered. The time has come to purify and consolidate all the messages delivered by God’s prophets into one message, and to proclaim that henceforth, there is only one religion acceptable to God, “Submission” (3:19, 85). “Submission” is the religion whereby we recognize God’s absolute authority, and reach an unshakeable conviction that God ALONE possesses all power; no other entity possesses any power that is independent of Him. The natural result of such a realization is to devote our lives and our worship absolutely to God ALONE. This is the First Commandment in all the scriptures, including the Old Testament, the New Testament, and this Final Testament.
Hear, O Israel! The Lord our God is One God!
Therefore you shall adore the Lord your God
with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength. [Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Mark 12:29-30, Quran 3:18]
Let us meditate on God, His glorious attributes,
who is the basis of everything in this universe as its Creator,
who is fit to be worshiped as Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient
and self existent conscious being,
who removes all ignorance and impurities from the mind
and purifies and sharpens our intellect. [Gayatri Mantra, Yajur Veda]
While every religion has been corrupted by innovations, traditions, and false, idolatrous doctrines, there may be “Submitters” within every religion. There may be Submitters who are Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or anything else. These Submitters, collectively, constitute the only religion acceptable to God. As emphasized by the theme on the front page of this book, all Submitters who are devoted to God ALONE, and do not set up any idols beside God, are redeemed into God’s eternal kingdom (2:62). A criterion of the true submitters is that they will find nothing objectionable in the Quran.
With the advent of this Testament, God’s message to the world is now complete. We have now received the long awaited answers to our most urgent questions—who we are, the purpose of our lives, how we came into this world, where do we go from here, which religion is the right one, was it evolution or creation, etc.
Some may wonder: “Why did God wait all this time to perfect and consolidate His message? What about all the people since Adam who did not receive the complete scripture?” Bearing in mind that the Quran answers this question in 20:52, it is a matter of simple statistics that the world’s population from the beginning until now did not exceed 7,000,000,000. From now to the end of the world, 2280 A.D. (Appendix 25), it is estimated that the total world population will exceed 75,000,000,000. Thus, the vast majority of people are destined to receive God’s purified and consolidated message (see diagram).
World population from now (1989) to the end of the world (2280).
[ The black section represents the world population since Adam ]
Before Genesis
It all began billions of years ago when one of God’s high-ranking creatures, Satan, developed a supercilious idea that he could run a dominion as an independent god besides God. This challenge to God’s absolute authority was not only blasphemous, it was also erroneous. Satan was ignorant of the fact that God alone possesses the ability to be a god, and that there is much more to godhood than he realized. It was the ego—arrogance augmented by ignorance— that led Satan to believe that he could take care of a dominion, as a god, and run it without disease, misery, war, accidents, and chaos. The vast majority of God’s creatures disagreed with Satan. Yet, the minute egoistic minority that agreed with him to various extents were in the billions. Thus, a profound dispute erupted within the Heavenly Community (38:69). The rebels’ unjustifiable challenge to God’s absolute authority was met and resolved in the most efficient manner. After giving the rebels sufficient chances to denounce their crime and submit to Him, God decided to exile the hard core rebels on a space ship called Earth, and give them yet another chance to redeem themselves.
If you claim that you can fly a plane, the best way to test your claim is to give you a plane and ask you to fly it. This is precisely what God decided to do in response to Satan’s claim that he could be a god; God appointed him a temporary god on the tiny speck Earth (2:30, 36:60). As for those who agreed with Satan, they were given a chance to kill their egos and submit to God’s absolute authority. While the vast majority of the guilty creatures took advantage of this opportunity, a miniscule minority consisting of about 150 billion creatures failed to take advantage of this offer (33:72).
The white area represents the vast majority that did not agree with Satan.
The grey area represents the vast majority that repented and submitted.
The dispute in the Heavenly Community led to the classification of God’s creatures into different categories:
(1) The Angels
Creatures who never questioned God’s absolute authority were classified as angels; they knew that God alone possesses the ability and qualifications to be a god. The vast majority of God’s creatures— countless numbers—belong in this category. The number of angels is so enormous, even the angels do not know how many of them there are; only God knows their number (74:31).
(2) The Animals
Although the angels suggested that the rebels and their leader should be exiled from God’s kingdom (2:30), the Most Merciful willed to give the rebels a chance to denounce their crime, repent, and submit to His absolute authority (33:72). As represented in the diagram above, the vast majority of the rebels took advantage of God’s gracious offer to re-enter His kingdom. They agreed to kill their egos, come to this world to perform a submissive role, as an expiation for their blasphemy. In return for their submissive role in this world, these creatures are redeemed back to God’s eternal kingdom (6:38). The horse, the dog, the tree, the sun, the moon, the stars, as well as deformed and retarded children are among the intelligent creatures who denounced their crime and repented:
Do you not realize that
to God prostrates everything
in the heavens and the earth;
the sun, the moon, the stars,
the mountains, the trees, the animals,
as well as many people?
Many people, however, are destined for retribution.(22:18)
The stars and the trees prostrate.(55:6)
The horse has no ego. The horse’s owner can be rich or poor, tall or short, fat or thin, young or old, and the horse will serve them all. The dog has no ego; it will wag its tail to its owner, no matter how rich or poor the owner might be. The sun rises and sets every day at precisely the times prescribed by God. The moon follows its synchronized orbit around the earth, without the slightest deviation. The human body—a temporary garment—belongs to the Earth; as such, it is a submitter. The heart, lungs, kidneys, and other organs, perform their functions without our control.
(3) The Humans
The hard-core rebels—humans and jinns—refused to denounce their crime, and opted for witnessing a demonstration of Satan’s claim. These egotistic creatures who failed to submit to God’s absolute authority, even when offered a chance to do so, were divided in half. The half that were less convinced of Satan’s point of view became classified as humans. Although they harbored doubts about Satan’s claim, they failed to make a firm stand regarding God’s absolute authority. It is the ego that prevented these creatures from appreciating God’s omnipotence, it is the ego that prevented them from submitting when such an opportunity was offered to them (33:72), and it is the ego that stands between most of us and redemption to God’s kingdom (25:43). This is why “Kill your ego” is one of the first commandments in the Quran (2:54).
(4) The Jinns
The other half of the guilty creatures, those who leaned closer to Satan’s point of view and exhibited the biggest egos, became classified as jinns. It was God’s plan to assign one jinn to every human being from birth to death. The jinn companion represents Satan and constantly promotes his point of view (50:23, 27). Both the jinns and the humans are given a precious chance in this world to re-educate themselves, denounce their egoism, and redeem themselves by submitting to God’s absolute authority. Whenever a human being is born, a jinn is born and is assigned to the new human. We learn from the Quran that the jinns are Satan’s descendants (7:27, 18:50). When a jinn being is born and assigned to a human being, the jinn remains a constant companion of the human until the human dies. The jinn is then freed, and lives on for a few centuries. Both humans and jinns are required to worship God alone (51:56).
God Does Not Want Robots
The dispute in the Heavenly Community as stated in 38:69 and described above proves that God’s creatures possess the freedom of choice; they have minds of their own. The rebellion of a miniscule minority among God’s creatures has served to emphasize the wonderful fact that God’s creatures serve Him because they appreciate His infinite magnificence. Without the rebellion, we would have never known that freedom is God’s gift to His creatures.
Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Even in our worldly dimension, any enterprise expects its employees to be loyal and devoted to the welfare of the enterprise. If an employee is not totally dedicated to the enterprise, or is shown to have divided loyalties, he is immediately dismissed. Since the humans and the jinns sided with Satan, then turned down God’s offer to reconsider their rebellious acts, the angels expected Satan and his allies to be banished from God’s kingdom (2:30). It was immense mercy from God that He granted us this additional chance to denounce our crime and redeem ourselves.
To carry out this exteremly merciful plan of redemption, God “created death” (67:1-2). The divine plan called for bringing the rebels into another existence, where they have no recollection of the heavenly feud. Under the circumstances of this life, the humans and the jinns receive both God’s messages and Satan’s messages, then freely choose either side. Based on their freewill decision, they are either redeemed into God’s kingdom, or become permanently exiled with Satan.
Satan’s Temporary Dominion
To emphasize the utter insignificance of Satan’s projected dominion, God created a billion galaxies, a billion trillion stars, within a vast universe that spans billions of light years. If we travel towards the Sun (93,000,000 miles) at the speed of light, we will reach it in eight minutes. If we keep going, we will reach the border of our Milky Way Galaxy after 50-70,000 years at the speed of light. To reach the nearest galaxy, it will take us 2,000,000 years at the speed of light, and there are at least 2,000,000,000 galaxies in “our universe.” With the most powerful telescopes, the earth is utterly invisible from the edge of our own galaxy, let alone from the edge of our universe. As if our universe were not vast enough, God created six more, even larger universes surrounding our universe (2:29, 67:3). God then informed Satan that a tiny mote within the smallest and innermost universe, the planet Earth, shall be his dominion. God’s plan called for placing the humans and jinns in a universe that cannot stand His physical presence (7:143). Thus, Satan rules his minute kingdom far from the physical presence of God, though with God’s full knowledge and control. It should also be noted that the number of rebels who repented was so vast, that the planet earth could not possibly accommodate all of them. As it is, the animals vastly outnumber the humans on this planet. It would take an unmanagable earth to accommodate all the repentant rebels. Hence the placement of uncountable decillions of creatures in outer space.
Adam and Eve
The body of the first human being was shaped on earth by God’s angels, in accordance with God’s instructions (7:11). God then assigned the first person, Adam, to that body. When God informed the angels that they will be serving the humans throughout the test period—guarding them, driving the winds, distributing the rain and provisions, etc.—Satan was the only one who refused to “fall prostrate” (2:34, 15:31, 38:74). Adam’s mate was cloned, with feminine features, from Adam, and God assigned the second human being to her body. While the empty (soulless) bodies of Adam and Eve remained here on earth, their souls, the real persons, resided in Heaven. Adam and Eve remained in Heaven for as long as they upheld God’s commandments. Once they listened to Satan instead, they reflected a flawed human nature in all of us, and they immediately belonged to Satan’s dominion down on Earth—”their bodies became visible to them” (7:20, 20:121). The rest is history.
Satan: Father of All the Jinns
Putting the jinns and the humans to the test stipulated that Satan shall reproduce whenever a human being is born. As mentioned above, every time a human being is born, a jinn being is born to serve as a constant companion of the human person. Every human being is subjected to the incessant persuasions of Satan’s representative who lives in the same body from birth to death. Satan’s representative tries to convince the human companion of Satan’s point of view: that God alone is not enough. On the Day of Judgment, the jinn companion serves as a witness against the human counterpart (43:38; 50:23, 27). Many jinn companions are converted to God’s point of view by the human companions.
God did not leave the human being without preparation. To help the humans in their final chance to reconsider their blasphemy, every person is born with instinctive knowledge that God ALONE, and no one else, is our Lord and Master (7:172-173). The jinns were not given this instinctive knowledge, but they are given a much longer life span and greater abilities to study God’s signs throughout the innermost universe. Since they represent Satan’s point of view, their instinctive nature leans strongly in favor of polytheism. In addition to our built-in instinct to worship God alone, God sent messengers to help us redeem ourselves. With all these elements in view, we can appreciate the fact that the only unforgivable offense (if maintained until death) is idol worship: believing that anyone besides God possesses any power.
Forty Years Grace Period
The human being is given forty years to study, look around, reflect, and examine all points of view before making this most important decision —to uphold Satan’s point of view, or God’s absolute authority. Anyone who dies before the age of forty is chosen by God for redemption due to circumstances known only to God. Anyone who dies before the age of 40 goes to Heaven (46:15, Appendix 32). God’s immense mercy is evident from the fact that even those who believe in the Quran find it difficult to accept such a compassionate divine law.
God’s messengers delivered the good news of our God-given chance to redeem ourselves, and they were supported by formidable signs. When Moses went to Pharaoh, he was supported by such miracles as the turning of his staff into a serpent. Jesus created live birds from clay by God’s leave, healed the leprous and the blind by God’s leave, and revived the dead by God’s leave. The prophet Muhammad, God’s messenger who delivered this Final Testament, did not exhibit such miracles (10:20). The Quran itself was the miracle supporting Muhammad’s mission (29:50-51). It was divine wisdom that separated the Miracle of the Quran from Muhammad by 14 centuries. Now that we understand the momentous dimensions of the Quran’s mathematical miracle (Appendix 1), we realize that millions of people would have worshiped Muhammad as God incarnate if this Miracle were revealed through him.
Proof of Authenticity:
Physical, Tangible, Irrefutable.
With the advent of the computer age, we discover that the Quran’s mathematical code is “One of the great miracles” as stated in 74:30-35. While the miracles given to previous messengers were limited in time and place, the Quran’s miracle is perpetual. Only a few people witnessed the miracles of Moses and Jesus, but the Quran’s miracle can be witnessed by anyone at any time. Furthermore, the Quran’s miracle documents and proves all the previous miracles (5:48).
As detailed in Appendix 1, the Quran’s mathematical miracle is based on the number “19.” To share this awesome miracle with the reader, the word “GOD” is printed throughout the English text in bold capital letters and the cumulative number of occurrences is shown at the lower left corner of every page. The total occurrence of this most important word is shown at the end of the Quran to be 2698. This total is a multiple of 19. Additionally, when we add the numbers assigned to every verse where the word “God” occurs, the total comes to 118123, also a multiple of 19 (19×6217). The cumulative sum of verse numbers where the word “God” occurs is shown on the lower right corner of every page. These simple physical facts are easily verifiable by the reader, and they suffice to prove the super-human nature of the Quran’s mathematical composition.
Proof of Authenticity to be Verified by the Reader
Total Count of the Word “God”
(Shown at the lower left corner of every page)
2698 (19×142)
Total Sum of Verse Numbers
(Shown at the lower right corner)
118123 (19×6217)
In addition to the Quran’s extraordinary mathematical composition, we find a large number of Quranic facts which are proven or theorized by modern science. Here are a few examples of such advance scientific information:
The earth is egg-shaped (10:24, 39:5, 79:30). earth egg shaped image
The earth is not standing still; it moves constantly (27:88).
The sun is a source of light, while the moon reflects it (10:5, 25:61, 71:16).
The proportion of oxygen diminishes as we climb towards the sky (6:125).
The “Big Bang Theory” is confirmed (21:30).
The “Expansion of the Universe Theory” is confirmed (51:47).
The universe started out as a gaseous mass (41:11).
Evolution is a fact; within a given species, evolution is a divinely guided process (21:30, 24:45, 32:7-9, 18:37, 15:28-29, 7:11, 71:13-14, Appendix 31).
The man’s seminal fluid decides the baby’s gender (53:45-46).
No Nonsense
Equally miraculous is the absence of any nonsense in the Quran. This is particularly significant in view of the dominance of ignorance and superstition at the time of revelation of the Quran. For example, the most respected exegesis among the traditional Muslims is that of Ibn Kathir. In this famous reference, written centuries after the Prophet, we read that the earth is carried on 40,000 horns of a giant bull, who stands on top of a giant whale (see Ibn Kathir’s interpretation of Verse 68:1).
As recently as 1975, and in the same location where the Quran was revealed, the president of the Islamic University of Medina, Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Ben Baz, declared that the earth is flat and standing still (see insert)!!
Arabic from Ben Baz’s Book
Translation from Ben Baz’ book, Page 23: “If the earth is rotating as they claim, the countries, the mountains, the trees, the rivers, and the oceans will have no bottom and the people will see the eastern countries move to the west and the western countries move to the east.”
Perfect Happiness: Now and Forever
One of the most elusive objectives of every human being is “Happiness.” The Quran reveals the secret of attaining perfect happiness in this life and forever. We learn from the Quran that happiness is an exclusive quality of the soul. Thus, a body that attains all the material successes it longs for—money, power, fame, etc.—often belongs to an unhappy person. Happiness depends totally on the degree of growth and development attained by the soul, the real person. The Quran provides a detailed map towards perfect happiness for both body and soul, both in this world and in the eternal Hereafter (Appendix 15).
In the numerous verses throughout this proven Testament, God personally guarantees the believers’ happiness, now and forever:
Absolutely, God’s allies will have nothing to fear,
nor will they grieve.
They are those who believe
and lead a righteous life.
For them happiness in this life, and in the Hereafter.
Such is God’s inviolable law.
This is the true triumph[10:62-64]
All Believers Constitute the One Acceptable Religion
As expected from the Creator’s final message, one of the prominent themes in the Quran is the call for unity among all believers, and the repeated prohibition of making any distinction among God’s messengers. If the object of worship is one and the same, there will be absolute unity among all believers. It is the human factor, i.e., devotion and prejudice to such powerless humans as Jesus, Muhammad, and the saints that causes division, hatred, and bitter wars among the misguided believers. A guided believer is devoted to God ALONE, and rejoices in seeing any other believer who is devoted to God ALONE, regardless of the name such a believer calls his or her religion.
Surely, those who believe,
those who are Jewish,
the Christians,
and the converts;
anyone who
(1) believes in God,
(2) believes in the Last Day, and
(3) leads a righteous life,
will receive their recompense from their Lord;
they have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve.[2:62, 5:69]
God’s Messenger of the Covenant
As detailed in Appendix 2, the publication of this book marks the advent of a new era—the era where God’s messages, delivered by all His prophets, are consolidated into one. God’s one and only religion, “Submission,” shall dominate all other religions (9:33, 48:28, and 61:9). Today’s corrupted religions, including Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam, will simply die out, and “Submission” will prevail. This is not the wishful thinking of a human being or a collection of humans; this is God’s inviolable law (3:19, 9:33, 41:53, 48:28, 61:9, 110:1).
Glenn Gerun says
No chance islam/koran 65:4 pedophilia, 9:5 kill-ambush, 5:60, 2:65, 7:166, 98:6 hatred, 7:4 destroy, 56:36 virgin joke, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre evil is from GOD, JESUS CHRIST, Angel Gabriel, Abraham or Moses. GOD IS CHRISTIANITY’S ascent JESUS.
Glenn Gerun says
How do we reduce political, social & economic problems in the world & go to heaven?
Teach GOD’S Catholic-Orthodox only religion of the world clear proof by Christ Jesus divine truth, 10 laws “Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46, & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” perfect sense & true by His ascension into heaven positively seen & felt Saint Luke 24:51-53 New Testament not only reduces evil but guarantees heaven for Christian believers.
Referendums worldwide shall abolish evil islam 65:4, 8:67, 7:4, 9:5, 5:60, 98:6, 5:51, 7:166 hatred prayed, all evil communisms & all dictators.
Glenn Gerun says
How do we reduce political, social & economic problems in the world & get to heaven?
Teach GOD’S Catholic-Orthodox 1 religion of the world proof by Jesus Christ ascent into heaaven not only reduces evil but guarantees heaven to believers. Referendums abolish evil islam, evil communisms and dictators & teach Christianity only is the solution for everyone in the world.
Glenn Gerun says
how do we reduce political, social & economic problem & go to heaven?
Teach GOD’S Catholic-Orthodox “Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46 & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” perfect sense, proven by Jesus “healed them all-ascent into heaven positively seen, is the same for believers. Saint Luke 24:51-53. Referendums abolish all evil islams, & all evil communisms crimes against humanity. Praise the Lord in the name of the Father, Son Jesus & the Holy Spirit “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5.
Glenn Gerun says
how do we reduce political, social & economic problem & go to heaven?
Teach GOD’S Catholic-Orthodox “Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46 & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” perfect sense, proven by Jesus “healed them all-ascent into heaven positively seen, is the same for believers. Saint Luke 24:51-53. Referendums abolish all evil islams, & all evil communisms crimes against humanity. Praise the Lord in the name of the Father, Son & the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Glenn Gerun says
“Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Laws “Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46, & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” is God the Father, Son Christ, & the Holy Spirit, one heart & mind, “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, has nothing to do with 600AD islam-koran-allah 9:5 kill-ambush, 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 2:65 apes, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166 repeated hatred, 7:4, 8:67, 10:13, 17:7, 17:16, 17:17, 18:59, 21:95, 19:98, 23:48, 25:39, 26:139, 27:51, 33:26, 33:61, 36:31, 37:136, 38:3, 43:8, 46:27, 47:4, 47:13, 54:51 destroy, 56:36 virgin joke, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children men made.
Glenn Gerun says
“Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me”, & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” perfect sense “before the world was” Saint John 27:3-5 was clearly proven by Christ Jesus “healed them all”-died on a cross for us, resurrected-ascension into heaven” guarantees heaven for “born again” Christians.
All else is hell.
Glenn Gerun says
i see koran 9:5 kill-ambush, 7:4 destroy proof no allah in islam
Deez Nutz says
Wow those are some insane words my eyes are opened now thank you
Who are Submitters and what is Submission?
Whether you have heard the usage of the words “Submitters” and “Submission” in religious context before, if you do not know exactly what they mean, you are not alone. But we hope that this is the right time for you to check out their true meaning. You may be surprised to find out that you have actually been a Submitter all your life but have not realized you were one, God willing, until you read this article.
Submitter and Submission
Although the word “Submitter” is the English equivalent of the Arabic word “Muslim,” and the word “Submission” is the English equivalent of the Arabic word “Islam,” the underlying implication of these words is very profound, and far from the superficial meanings that are traditionally understood or used.
A Submitter can be defined as a person who submits to the will of God. The state of Submission, which can only take place between the person and God Almighty, is considered to be the only acceptable form of worship by God. (3:19, 85). Therefore, Submission is not just a name of a religion; rather it describes one’s devotion to God alone.
Submission is a religion whereby one recognizes God’s absolute authority, and reaches a conviction that only God possesses all power; no other entity possesses any power that is independent of Him. The natural result of such a realization is to devote one’s life and one’s worship absolutely to God alone. This is the First Commandment in all the scriptures, including the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Final Testament (The Quran).
Hear, O Israel!
The Lord our God is One God!
Therefore you shall adore
the Lord your God
with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength.
[Deuteronomy 6:4-5, Mark 12:29-30, Quran 3:18]
The commandment to worship God alone is also found in the Hindu scriptures:
Let us meditate on God,
His glorious attributes,
who is the basis of everything in this universe as its Creator,
who is fit to be worshiped
as Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscient
and self existent conscious being,
who removes all ignorance
and impurities from the mind
and purifies and sharpens the intellect.
[Gayatri Mantra, Yajur Veda]
Submitters only in Islam?
While every religion has been corrupted by innovations, traditions, and false, idolatrous doctrines, there may be “Submitters” within every religion. There may be Submitters who call themselves Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or anything else. This is a concept some of the traditional Muslims will fiercely object to, even though it is in the Quran, and we experience it constantly.
They are not all the same; among the followers of the scripture, there are those who are righteous. They recite GOD’s revelations through the night, and they fall prostrate. [3:113]
One of the reasons for this objection could be due to the implication of the terminology used. For example, the phrase “Christian Submitter” may seem to introduce a conflict, since the traditional definition of a Christian is one who believes in the divinity of Christ. However, there are Christians who consider this idea to be blasphemous, and consequently they believe that Jesus was only a messenger of God. Similarly, there are people in other religions who believe in God Almighty, believe that they are accountable for their works, and they are righteous. A criterion of the true Submitters is that they will find nothing objectionable in the basic Quranic teachings when they encounter them.
All these people are Submitters, and they collectively constitute the only religion acceptable to God.
Say, “We believe in GOD, and in what was sent down to us, and in what was sent down to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs, and in what was given to Moses, Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction among any of them. To Him alone we are submitters.” [3:84]
Minimum Criteria
There are many more people out there who are Submitters in heart, but we may not be aware of them. Furthermore, they themselves may not know where to fit in. How can one know if he or she might qualify to be called a Submitter? The minimum criteria to be a Submitter are given in the following verses.
Surely, those who believe,
those who are Jewish,
the Christians,
and the converts;
anyone who
(1) believes in GOD, and
(2) believes in the Last Day, and
(3) leads a righteous life,
will receive their recompense from their Lord.
They have nothing to fear,
nor will they grieve.
[Quran 2:62, 5:69]
The Submitters have set up non-profit organizations over the years so that they can work in the cause of God more efficiently.
ICS, the International Community of Submitters, and USI, the United Submitters International, are non-profit organizations that were initiated for this purpose. Masjid Tucson is the masjid (or mosque) for the Community of the Submitters in Tucson.
The Submitters follow the religion of Abraham (16:123). It was the religion of Moses and Jesus and Muhammad. It was the religion of all of the prophets and messengers. All of them were Submitters to God, and God alone.
How to Become a Member?
We are not a professional religious group or organization. Our aim is to encourage people to worship God alone and guide them to the truth in His scripture. To be a Submitter, you do not need any membership, nor do you have to pay any dues. If you are a Submitter, then you are our brother or sister. There is also no formal process of becoming a Submitter. In God’s system of Submission (Islam), there is no clergy system so you don’t need to report to or take any formal `religious approval’ from anyone to be a Submitter. Once you decide to embrace Submission – worship God alone and follow His commands – you are already on your way. The criteria to be a Submitter are already defined in God’s scripture and He knows best who is a Submitter.
Submission to God alone is a personal relationship between you and God. You are answerable to Him directly and He alone will judge you. To be a Submitter, you do not need to change your name or learn another language, or abandon your cultural identity or anything like that. There is no such thing as a ‘Muslim or Submitter name’ because your name does not affect your relationship with God.
Submitters are members of one family. They are allies of one another. They help and support each other as God and His angels help and support them. They are also united in one column when striving in the cause of God.
One Unifying Religion
It is a known fact that all religions of the world—Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and others—have been corrupted one way or another through innovations, traditions, and the idolization of humans such as the prophets and the saints. Many people use religion to justify wars, terrorism, tyranny, and for economic and political gain.
The Submitters follow God’s revelations, and obey God’s commandments as well as they can. They follow the truth from their Lord, not corrupted religions and man-made doctrines.
As Submitters, we believe that Submission today is like a precious jewel that is buried under piles upon piles of man-made innovations. Our aim is to purge these innovations by upholding only God’s revelations, and present the jewel of true Submission to the world. It is time for Submitters from all religions to come out and support each other to preach the true message of God and join the fight against the corruptions of their religions.
Say, “O followers of the scripture, let us come to a logical agreement between us and you: that we shall not worship except GOD; that we never set up any idols besides Him, nor set up any human beings as lords beside GOD.” If they turn away, say, “Bear witness that we are submitters.” [3:64]
If you want to be part of history in the making, you can join us in our cause. Just drop us a note and ask to be on the mailing list for our newsletter. Also, if you know any other people whom you think may benefit from the web site, please pass the word to them. God bless.
No Compulsion in Religion
We are not trying to convert anyone, but only to present the true Islam (Submission) to the world. God specifically states in the Quran that: There shall be no compulsion in religion: the right way is now distinct from the wrong way. Anyone who denounces the devil and believes in GOD has grasped the strongest bond; one that never breaks. GOD is Hearer, Omniscient. [2:256]
If you would like to read more about Submission and God’s message in Quran, we recommend you start with an Introduction.
Glenn Gerun says
islam means mohamedanism surrender to lies, 2:65 apes-hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 98:6 hate, 7:166 apes, hate, 9:5 murder-ambush, 7:4 we destroyed hate, 17:7-17 destruction, 4:34 beat women, 8:12 terror-behead walking Muslims, 56:36 virgin joke, 78:33 full breasted women fantasy, 38:52 fantasy, 37:48 limiting glances fantasy, 8:67 slaughter, 47:4 behead slaughter, 33:61 massacred, 76:19 boys, 56:17 boys, 52:25 boys, 65:4 pedophile children, self explanatory no allah, zero god in islam., inflicts endless fiery hell on Muslims unless “born again” to Christianity “THE WAY” to GOD’S Love & salvation positively eye witnessed by HIS SON JESUS CHRIST “healed them all” ✝️, resurrected-ascent into heaven recorded in the NT proof, truth, facts of the Holy source of life & everyone’s salvation forevermore, “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5. It’s all about GOD’S LOVE & CREATION & SAVED BY CHRIST’S LOVE, THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD.
And 600 years before islam/koran/allah was invented Jesus Christ warned the world, “They shall put you out of the synagogues; yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think he doeth God service”; Saint John 16:2, proof no allah & overwhelming proof of ALMIGHTY ALL KNOWING GOD THE FATHER & HIS SON THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD IN UNITY WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT WHOM DESERVE PRAISE & GLORY for all life & our salvation.. Like Jesus said to the leper, “I do make thee clean”
That’s why Jesus Christ came from heaven to save sinners like me & unbelievers.
Anonymous says
“whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.”
5:32 quran
Me says
Ha got em
Glenn Gerun says
Research koran 4:34 beat women, or 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex or 7:4 destroy or 5:33 kill-crucified-hands & feet cut from opposite sides-exiled is clear proof all made by bitter crazy nasty men, & clear proof there’s no allah, zero god in islam, inflicts hell on Muslims, unless “born again” to Christ’s God Love & salvation eye witnessed clear proof in the New Testament. Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1 Corinthians 15:6.
Glenn Gerun says
Research history please:
“670 million massacred”,
2 million Sudan POOR slaughter for decades, by muslims, burned meagre crops, homes, villages, raping & murdering today by muslims
Turk muslims promised equality & freedom, genocided 1.5 million unarmed Armenian Christians, force marched to Syria, brutal raped & robbed along the way, forced conversions to godless evil islam or murdered
9/11, 3/11, 7/7
Muslim Violence & murder we see every day around the world
1995 Israel ceded the Gaza Strip for peace, backstabbed by muslim 10s of thousands missiles for decades, violence & murdering today
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims 5:51 hate & murder daily and are terrorists with a hoax moon god/al-ilah/allah 78:33 sex delusions, 37:48 delusions, 38:52 delusions, 52:24 boy paradise delusions, 56:17 boy delusions, 76:19 boy delusions, 4:34 beat women to death, sickening 65:4 not menstruated pedophile Aisha child sex, 56:36 virgin joke delusions, is proof beyond dispute allah is a delusion, made by mohamed’s delusions., doesn’t fool anyone anymore ever.
Human says
Let me make one thing clear, suppose you are sick and need treatment where will you go? Of course to the doctor. If you want to get well you’ll have to follow what the doctor says. It doesn’t matter what a plumber,driver,friend,farmer or other people suggest you to do .In this case, there suggestions don’t matter.
Similarly, if you want to understand the Quran you’ll have to know the proper Tafsir(explanation) of the Surahs or listen to a person who is an expert on Quran. You can’t just put the sura or verses on google translate or make up your own explanation.
It doesn’t matter what you say about the Quran. The truth will never change.
If anyone wants to know the real meaning he/she can search up on YouTube and many videos of muftis describing the Quran are available there.
I also convey my deepest sympathies to the people who died on 9/11. The attack was an act of extremism. We should blame the extremists for this act. Not the religion. If Islam is a wacky religion then why isn’t it banned in USA ,France, England and other non-Muslim countries. Because the government knows that the religion isn’t responsible for this. The people who misunderstand and use it for hatred are responsible
Spreading hate is and will never be good for the humanity. Whether it be the hatred of extremist Muslims or the extremist anti-Islamic rants. They both are same in their act which is hatred and terrorism.
If we want to make the world a better place we all have to work along side each other and fight against them who try to make our world a living hell and a place of hatred . There are 1.8 billions Muslims in the world making up almost 1/4 of the whole world’s population. We can’t keep them aside and only think about ourselves and call them terrorists. This is completely inhuman.
I hope we can change and spread love to everyone .
Glenn Gerun says
SICKENING 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children is self explanatory no allah, zero god in islam.
Glenn Gerun says
“He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father.”
Saint John 14:9
“”before Abraham was, I am.”
Saint John 8:58
“Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46.
“I and my Father are one.” Saint John 10:30.
“I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
Saint John 14:6
Anonymous says
Islam is the right religion. Even im muslim
known says
Glenn Gerun says
There are 2 billion Muslims thet zero allah 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex self evident proof zero god in islam ever. Here’s a few more proofs: 78:33, 37:48, 38:52, 76:19, 56:17, 52:24, 65:4 pedo, 4:34 beat women to death,
Glenn Gerun says
made a mistake: at the top: say that have zero allah
Glenn Gerun says
made a mistake: at the top: There are 2 billion Muslims that have zero allah 78;33
Anonymous says
The world is full of stupid sheep
Anybody says
Ur religion says kill those who don’t believe in allah
Jesus says to pray for them and teach them about him and u think your religion is the right one ?
Food For Thought says
OMG IT DOESNTTTTTT. Gosh why are these uneducated white supremacists think they know so much about our religion? Based off of what you all are writing, it’s clear none of you haven’t read the rebuttals that other Muslims have wrote at all, it’s almost as if you’ve ignored them and kept on yammering your stupid assumptions. Read them carefully, make your rebuttal, and stop spamming the comment section. It’s clear you can’t even use grammar properly, thus, it isn’t even worth our time.
Glenn Gerun says
Here’s some food for thought. Hell is forever not baptized “born again” to Catholic Love & salvation. Saint John 3:3-7.
Glenn Gerun says
Hell is forever.
Jesus Christ eye witnessed ascent into heaven is the same for Christians..
Intelligent you are not a denier of TRUE GOD NT salvation seen & clear proof by His DIVINE SON 600 years before islam/koran/allah was invented by men to get away with murder & sex crimes with no punishment. Saint John 16:2.
Dennen says
There are so many people that are not Muslim that do the same. There are loose screws of individuals every where. Your sweeping an entire religion with one paint brush. No one says all Catholics are pedophiles because of a few bad seeds of priest. Or that all Christians are klu klux clan members. Study Islam with intelligence and a sincere heart for wanting to know the truth about it. . During the time the Quran was being revealed the Muslims were being beaten and tortured, chase from their land and robbed. They fought in defense of their lives and property. Many Jews, Christians lived safely under Muslims unless they broke a peace oath.
Below Average says
Thanks, Man! you didn’t have to defend a religion you didn’t believe in but nice to know that you did.
Mike says
Dennen well said. 👍
Glenn Gerun says
65:4 pedophile children is clear proof allah has never existed ever, all obviously mohamed’s fiery hell curse on Muslims unless the wise ones “born again” to 1TrueGod Christianity Love thy neighbor as thyself.
Glenn Gerun says
1915 Turk muslims promised equality & freedom, backstabbed genocided 1.5 million Christian Armenians,
1995 Israel ceded the Gaza Strip to palestinians, backstabbed thousands of missles for decades, crazy violence & murder today
9/11, 3/11, 7/7,
I see muslims murdering daily around the world, even in beautiful civilized countries giving refuge are murdered
2 million Sudan poor were slaughtered for decades, burned meagre crops, huts, villages, raping & murdering today, invaded by devils on horseback janjaweed total destruction, forced conversions against their own REAL Creator/Saviour HOLY GOD & JESUS CHRIST IN HEAVEN
Research “670 million massacred”
koran 2:65, apes, 7:4 destroy, 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin joke, 9:6 kill-ambush, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children is proof no allah, zero god in islam.
Adam says
You are so wrong. Islam is the most peaceful religion. You Americans have it all wrong. Saying that all muslims are terrorists just because of 9/11 is like saying all Christians are Nazi’s because of the Holocaust. So get your racism out of here.
Buu says
Holocaust was not done in the Name of Jesus. What terrorist shout whenever they attack? Allah akbar 🙁
Kyle says
You’re 100% wrong. The Nazi army (Wehrmacht) had “Gutt unn Minns” on their belt buckles, which is German for “God is with us”. The phrase “Allah akbar” is Arabic for “God is great”.
Glenn Gerun says
i see the islam peace:
over 50 countries:
7:4 we destroyed,
10:13 destroyed,
17:7 destroy-total destruction,
17:16 complete destruction,
17:17 we destroyed,
18:59 we destroyed-destriction,
19:98 we destroyed,
21:95 destroyed-never return,
23:48 destroyed,
25:39 destroyed-destruction,
26:139 we destroyed them,
27:51 we destroyed,
36:31 we destroyed,
37:136 we destroyed,
38:3 destroyed,
43:8 destroyed,
46:27 destroyed,
47:13 we destroyed,
54:51 destroyed,
9:5 kill-beseige-ambush,
4:89 seize-kill,
2:191 kill-expel,
3:151 terror,
33:61 massacred,
56:36 virgin sex joke,
8:67 massacre,
9:111 fight-kill,
9:123 fight-harsh,
9:5 kill-beseige-ambush,
47:4 behead-slaughter,
5:33 kill-crucified-exiled,
5:38 amputate their hands,
5:60 made them apes-pigs,
2:65 be apes-despised,
7:166 be apes-despised,
98:6 worst of creatures hate-war mongering proves zero allah prayed by Muslims 5 X a day is not a religion, but crimes against humanity with a fake god excuse, has no right to exist, referendums abolish so logical people can live & work.
Non Christians do not believe in reality; Jesus ascent into heaven, New Testament Christianity facts eye witnessed & documented is exactly 1 TRUE GOD PROOF FOR ETERNITY. That’s why Jesus came from heaven with grace & truth & clear proof detailed. Believe JESUS CHRIST New Testament of Love from God or else you self inflict hell. And you know it.
Stupid idiots do PROPER RESEARCH. Muslims are required to read the Quran if they can afford . says
Context my good man. Use some context idiot
Glenn Gerun says
Wise Muslims do not surrender to the obvious man made ridiculous allah 56:36 virgin jokes, 37:48, 38:52 limited glances, 78:33 full breasted women, 4:34 beat women is all definitely man made lies, 5:60 apes hate, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 98:6 hate, 7:166 apes hate, 7:4 we destroyed, 9:5 ambush murder unbelievers, sickening 65:4 pedophile children is clear proof no allah, zero god in islam, has no right to exist in Eternal God & ascent Son Jesus Christ’ world “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 proof, the wise baptize “born again” St.John 3:3-7 to the kingdom of God & heaven
Yehia Ahmed says
You sound like a fool. Have you ever studied the Quran, or are you just nitpicking? How about you give me the EXACT verse translation, and I will correct your foolishness?
Glenn Gerun says
We all shall find out eminently.
“For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed sll judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
Beware, hell is forever not ‘born again” Saint John 3:7
Glenn Gerun says
how do we reduce political, social & economic problems & go to heaven.
Teach GOD’S Christianity “Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Laws “Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46, & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” perfect sense. Referendums abolish all 65:4 islam, all communisms crimes against humanity.
Glenn Gerun says
Referendums abolish all 65:4,islams, all communisms and all dictators crimes against humanity
Glenn Gerun says
koran 2:65 be apes,
98:6 worst of creatures,
5:51 prejudice,
7:166 be apes,
5:60 made them apes & pigs,
proof no allah, zero god in islam.
Ibraheem says
I am pleased as Allah being my lord
And Islam as my religion
And with Muhammad (pbuh) as a messenger.
Anyone who claims or argues for something (like Islam and everything about it is bad and Muslims are brainwashed or liars) and wishes to be sincere in seeking the truth will find that these are all lies (and can be proven so) you just need to sincerely look for truth with a open mind and heart.
When you have that, you will be willing to investigate the matter and not just hear what you want without look into the historical context, or exegesis.
If you want to crush us with these versus and hadith, then go study these versus and hadith. Study the Quran and the life of the prophet. No one is stopping you.
The rest is up too you, if you want evil, you will find it. If you want truth; you will find it. Regardless, the truth is with us and the matter is already clear. You just need to seek it. It’s sad you have to lie about the true religion in order to deter people from it. Yet we can speak the truth regarding your religion and it wouldn’t be lies (it’s just a broken and misguided creed).
You are lacking in honor, manners and respect.
We will all be in the grave, we will be responsible for ourselves. Let’s not be unjust to our creator and to people and to our environment.
Anonymous says
The irony in your post, my friend, is this…
There was absolutely zero fallacy in the aforementioned article, and not once did the author even ATTEMPT to paint all muslims with the same brush. In fact, he clearly pointed out that there are most certainly peaceful muslims whom do not adhere to the later revelations, preferring to stick with the earlier, more peaceful revelations.
Also worth note, he did not suggest that anyone take his word for anything, pointing out the truth, that anyone whom is a muslim ought to study the sources for themselves… and would extend this advice to anyone, that they fully investigate the source material for their own beliefs.
Glenn Gerun says
No one respects evil. No chance 65:4 not menstrated pedophile children, 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 2:65 ape, 7:166 ape, 5:51 prejudice, 98:6 worst of creatures dehumanize, 9:5 kill-ambush, 7:4 destroy, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacre; is from GOD, JESUS CHRIST, Angel Gabriel, Abraham or Moses. GOD is Christianity which completed Judaisn. All else is hell. There are no other gods, You shall find out eventually. Ascent Jesus said “Ye must be born again” to Christianity to see GOD & HEAVEN.
Glenn Gerun says
No one respects evil. Read koran 9:5 kill-ambush, 4:34 beat women, 7:4, 17:16 destroy, 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 2:65 be apes, 5:51 prejudice, 7:166 be apes, 98:6 dehumanize, 33:61 massacre, 8:67 massacre is pure evil, clear beyond dispute there’s no allah, no god in islam, Read koran 78:33, 56:36 virgin joke obviously made by men, proof all islam is false, proof mohamed used his tribes pagan slave of allah stars/moon/kaaba idolatry worship to deny Christianity, GOD’s Love & salvation “healed them all-ascent into heaven”, positively seen, Saint Luke 6:19, 24:51-53, guarantees heaven to “born again” Christian believers. Saint John 3:3-9.
Furthermore, 1972, Muslims invited Gerd Puin revealed koran words altered, another absolute proof zero allah in islam, all man made lies, self evident.
muslim girl in america says
damn ur stupid. do ur research. or do u want me to say bad stuff about Christianity?
cus i can and i will. just reply if u want me to!
Glenn Gerun says
Research koran 65:4, 56:36, 2:65, 5:51, 98:6, 5:60, 7:166, 9:5, 8:67, 33:61, 5:33, 47:4, 8:12, 7:4 destroy, 9:5 kill-ambush.
Now research your only way to gain HEAVEN, by GOD’S New Testament of His Son Jesus Christ grace & truth whom ascent into heaven is the same for Christians, eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:51.
Glenn Gerun says
Research koran 65:4, 56:36, 2:65, 5:51, 98:6, 5:60, 7:166, 9:5, 8:67, 33:61, 5:33, 47:4, 8:12, 47:4, 7:4 destroy, 9:5 kill-ambush.
Now research your only way to gain HEAVEN, by GOD’S New Testament of His Son Jesus Christ grace & truth whom ascent into heaven is the same for Christians, eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:51.
Glenn Gerun says
No one respects evil.. Read koran 9:5 kill-ambush, 4:34 beat women, 7:4, 17:16 destroy, 2:65 apes, 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 5:51 prejudice, 7:166 apes, 98:6 dehumanize, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex, 33:61 massacre, 8:67 massacre is all obvious man made evil, self explanatory there’s no allah, zero god in islam. Furthermore, 1972, Muslims invited Gerd Puin revealed the original koran words were altered, another absolute proof beyond dispute there’s no god in islam. Read history: mohamed used his tribes pagan non existent stars/moon/kaaba idolatry worship to deny Christianity, GOD’S Love & salvation “healed them all-ascent into heaven” positively eye witnessed Saint Luke 6:19, 24:51-53 is the same for “born again” Christian believers. Saint John 3:4-9.
All else is hell. Everyone shall find out eventually. May God bless you in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit (one heart & mind). Saint Matthew 28:19
Ãbdür says
Liar …9.5 says that at war time you have to protect yourself (bcz protecting is necessary if you are not protecting your self it is referred as sucide i.e haram)…so you can kill enemy… Whether enemy is following any religion…. ..if enemy is afraiding that is your responsibility to take care of him….only at war….ok
4,34….says if the wife is not following husband or doing wrong things…. the husband will not have permission to sleep with her …..the husband duty is to understand her if the wife is not following the husban…( At last you have to give one talak and wait for 1 month…and you observe whether she became good or what….if not… you have to give second talak and have to wait for again 1 month…. again if she is doing wrong …at last the husband will give last talak and have to wait for 1 month….for recovery their relationship…..if recovery didn’t take the husband can give divorce…..if recovery took place the husband can take all 3 talak….. Ok)
Talking lie, Raping, beating women, is biggest crime in Islam
Pork eating, Force conversion, killing others (except in war) is haram and sin that never can be forgiven by Allah…..And others bad habits like alcohol drinking, drugs, using bad words etc are the biggest sin….in Islam
And by telling fake you are defaming Islam …shame…shame….do you have courage to speak truth…
Glenn Gerun says
No one respects evil. Read koran 9:5 kill-ambush, 4:34 beat women, 2:65 apes, 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 5:51 prejudice, 7:166 apes, 98:6 dehumanize, 7:4, 17:16 destroy, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre is obvious man made evil, self explanatory no allah, zero god in islam. Furthermore, 1972 Muslims invited Gerd Puin revealed original koran words were altered, washed layered revidions, another absolute proof no god in islam. Read history: mohamed used his tribes pagan allah stars/moon/kaaba idolatry worship to deny Christianity, GOD’S Love & salvation “healed them all-ascent into heaven” eye witnessed, Saint Luke 6:19, 24:51-53, is the same for “born again” Christian believers. Saint John 3:3-9. All else is hell. Everyone shall find out eventually. May GOD bless you in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, (one heart & mind), Saint Matthew 28::19.
Glenn Gerun says
No one respects evil. islam 9:5 kill-ambush, 4:34 beat women, 2:65 apes, 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 5:51 prejudice, 7:166 apes, 98:6 dehumanize, 56:36 virgin joke, 7:4 destroy, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex is obviously man made evil, proof beyond dispute there’s no allah, zero god in islam.
Ãbdür says
Why are saying lie about Quarn….Hey Glen dumb don’t think people are dumb….ok….Bcz what you are saying is totally fake…..Plz dear my brothers and sisters….plz research the verses of Quarn 9.5, 4,34.5.60,5.51.etc
and other verses…..what he wrote in his comment…… plz research those verses…..which he provided and said blah blah that is totally fake…
Because Glen Gerun doesn’t have any courage to speak truth….i think his God also said to speak truth but he is saying lie about other religion….shame
Glenn Gerun says
1TrueGod is definitely Christianity which completed Judaism. There are no other gods & there are no other religions really. That’s why Jesus came from heaven to save us sinners & stop the confusion with clear proof, Saint Luke 24:51-53.
Glenn Gerun says
No one respects evil. The koran 9:5 kill-ambush, 4:34 beat women, 2:65 apes, 5:60 apes-pigs, 5:51 prejudice, 98:6 dehumanize, 7:166 apes, 7:4, 25:39 destroy, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 mnassacred is obvious man made evil, proof beyond dispute there’s no god, zero allah in islam.
1972, Muslims invited Gerd Puin revealed the original koran words were altered, clear proof there’s no such thing as allah.
islam doesn’t fool anyone anymore.
mohamed’s tribes pagan allah was kept for money, profitable Mecca pilgimage & to deny Christianity & Judaism, GOD’S Love & salvation “healed them all-ascent into heaven” eye witnessed Saint Luke 6:19, 24:51-53, (one heart & mind). May God be with you in the name of the Father, Son & the Holy Spirit.
B says
What do you think about Jews and Christians ? Does Allah being truthful and pure give a kind word for your Jew and Christian Brothers.?
EternalGodProof says
It’s self explanatory, 1TrueGod Christianity is NOT 7:4 destroy, 2:65 apes hate, 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin joke, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred, 9:5 kill-ambush, 65:4 pedophile child sex islam.
Doin your mom says
That is a legitimately retarded argument. Muhammad was evil, and did disgusting things. This combined with the fact that you did not disprove a single point made in the article with evidence, or logic tells me you have no real argument.
Glenn Gerun says
No one respects evil. The koran 9:5 kill-ambush, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children, 7:4, 25:39 destroy, 5:33 kill-crucified-hands-feet cut off-exiled, 2:65 apes, 7:166, 5:51, 98:6 worst of creatures,,5:60 made them apes-pigs hatred, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 is pure man made evil, clear proof beyond dispute there’s no allah, no god in islam.
All people, all the universe is Christian, stated by Jesus “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, clear proof by His miracles of Love “healed them all”-resurrection-ascension into heaven, positively seen, Saint Luke 24:51-53, clear proof the 1 & only source of life & everyone’s salvation for believers, & clear proof there are no other gods.
FaizA says
Mashallah my brother
Glenn Gerun says
no one respects evil. islam 9:5 kill-ambush, 5:60 ape, 2:65 ape, 7:166 ape, 5:51 prejudice, 98:6 worst of creatures, 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin paradise sex joke, 7:4 destroy, 25:39 we destroyed-destruction, 33:61 massacred, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 5:33, 8:67 massacre is man made evil, clear proof there’s never was such thing as allah in islam.
Islam is Evil says
I live in Nigeria and till this day Boko Haram are still killing people and it’s in the name of allah. They kill muslims who live peacefully and refuse to wage jihad. Clearly, those are the true muslims who follow the Koran and ways of the pedophile Mohammed.
Glenn Gerun says
no one respects evil. koran 9:5, 4:34, 5:60, 7:4, 8:67, 65:4 is man made evil.
Glenn Gerun says
Non Christians self inflict hell. We all shall find out imminently.
V says
I wish it were so. I truly wish Islam was a religion of peace, The world would be far better off if this was actually true. Unfortunately, the unmistakable facts cannot be denied. All Muslims are to follow the example of Mohammed’s life. You can NOT be a true Muslim and disavow the life of Mohammed. This is unmistakable in the Quran. The problem with this is the historical evidence from Mohammed’s life. The evidence is overwhelming. No reasonable and educated historian, whether atheist, Christian, Jewish, or otherwise denies this. Mohammed was a mass murderer, he was a serial rapist, he was a slave trader, he beat his wives, and he deceived everyone around him by teaching them that these heinous acts were “morally right and good” in the eyes of God. Thankfully- Millions and millions of Muslims ARE peaceful, loving, and good hearted wonderful people. They are this way in spite of the teachings of Islam, and certainly in spite of the example that Mohammed’s life gives us.
I pray for each and everyone of them.
I would encourage YOU to learn the truth for yourself, stop blindly believing what your Imam tells you and start read the Hadith, the Sunnah, and the Quran for yourself – so that you can actually KNOW the truth. Do your own homework and start studying this religion you think you should be proud of – Sadly, I know too well that if you actually read YOUR sources you will quickly learn how far from God you are, but if you seek him with an open heart you will find him.
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” Matthew 7:7.
Zia Islam says
“Mohammed was a mass murderer, he was a serial rapist, he was a slave trader, he beat his wives, and he deceived everyone around him by teaching them that these heinous acts were “morally right and good” in the eyes of God.”
WHERE IN THE WORLD did you read that?
Glenn Gerun says
Research: “The flaming caliph” or ” Ali Sina”
Who is 1 true GOD? ASCENT CHRIST JESUS “Love thy neighbor as thyself”,
hate the neighbor, 2:65, 5:51, 5:60, 98:6, 7:166 repeated hatred prayed.
km says
then y u hating on em muslims.
coolio aaaaa123e4 says
AGREED, WHERE THE ACTUAL- I don’t even KNOW what to say. Wasn’t it Mohammad who freed the slaves in the first place? He thought of others before himself! He GUIDED the world of Islam and taught them peace! Everyone has their own beliefs in who their God is, but to Christians. Would Jesus be happy knowing you treat Muslims because of a random idiot lying to get rid of us? No he wouldn’t. Please stop this, Mohammad wasn’t a mass-murderer, rapist, slave trader, abuser, or harasser or ANYTHING like that. You don’t even know the correct MEANING of Islam, and you lie about all this? How would you feel if I said that Jesus abused children, murdered poor people or anything like that?! EXACTLY, you’d feel sad and hurt that your own race is being hurt. That’s how we feel too! Why doesn’t everyone stop and relax, think of it like we’re a family, no beliefs to stop us from being peaceful? But no, these people HAVE to spread false rumors about us, because THEY CAN’T JUST SHUT UP. WE AREN’T TERRORISTS AND THIS IS HURTFUL.
Bruh says
Bruh all Muslims are required to read the Quran, no one uses context here, Muhammad was forced into war from others starting it. If it’s promotes war, the explain the Quran stating how if you kill a single person, unless it was punishment for evil, it is like slaughtering the whole of mankind
khaled says
I completely agree
Glenn Gerun says
No one respects evil. Great people stop evil 9:5 murdering & 56:36 virgin joke & 65:4 pedophile child sex islam
Shrek Jo says
Wakeup world, Millions of Terrorists, Mass Murders, Rapists, Paedophiles, Necrophiliacs, Deviants are on the loose.——— They Pray to a moon God, allah & allah’s Paedophile messenger, Muhammad. ——— They Scream allah-ho-akbar as they Cut—Off heads of Innocent People (Kafirs/Infidels).——— They live by an Evil-Book, Koran/Quran, which is all about Hating and Killing Kafirs/Infidels………
….No Prizes For Guessing The Breed Of Pigs Having All The Above Mentioned Traits……..
Who Else,….But…..”MUSLIMS aka ISLAMIC TERRORISTS”…..!!!!!!!!!!!
Muslims have and, are killing thousands of Innocent Children, Women, and Men around the world. Beware,…….they are hateful, murders, rapist,and liars, God Have Mercy,
As a group of people they are the most Evil the world has ever seen. Learn of them, fear them, OR pray to their Paedophile God, muhammad.
You can recognize Muslims by the rags on their heads and the hate in their eyes. They teach their young that only allah fearing muslims are worthy of life and after life. their aim is to DESTROY US,…….they respect no one;….not even the lives of children.
Every other day there are bombings, every day innocent people are targeted and murdered. Unthinkable atrocities take place on daily basis.
Remember,…..Terrorism is not an ideology, it is a tool; but the terrorists kill for an ideology. They call that ideology Islam.
The entire world, both Muslims and non-Muslims claim that the terrorists have hijacked “the religion of peace” and Islam does not condone violence.
……Who is right…??????
……Do the terrorists understand Islam better, or do those who decry them..?????
The answer to this question is the key to our victory, and failure to find that key will result in our loss and death will be upon us………..The key is in the Quran and the history of Islam………… Those of us, who know Islam, know that the understanding of the terrorists of Islam is correct. They are doing nothing that their Paedophile prophet muhammad didn’t do and didn’t encourage his followers to do.
…..Murder, rape, assassination, beheading, massacre and sacrilege of the dead “to delight the hearts of the believers” were all practiced by Muhammad & were taught by him and were observed by Muslims throughout their history.
If truth has ever mattered, it matters most now..!!!!
This is the time that we have to call a spade a spade..!!!!
This is the time that we have to find the root of the problem and eradicate it.——— The root of Islamic terrorism is Islam. The proof of that is the Quran.——— No matter how painful the truth may be, only truth can set us free.
Why this much denial…?????
Why so much obstinacy..????
How many more innocent lives should be lost before YOU open your eyes..?????
A nuclear disaster is upon us. This will happen. It is not a question of “if” but “when”. Oblivious of that, the world is digging its head deeper in the sand.
We urge the Muslims to leave Islam. Stop with excuses, justifications and rationalizations.
Stop dividing mankind into “us” vs. “them” and Muslims vs. Kafirs.
We are One people, One mankind! muhammad was not a messenger of God. It is time that we end this insanity and face the truth. The terrorists take their moral support and the validation for their actions from you. Your very adherence to their cult of death is a nod of approval for their crimes against humanity.
We also urge the non-Muslims to stop being politically correct lest they hurt the sensitivities of the Muslims. To Hell with their sensitivities! Let us save their lives, and the lives of millions of innocent people.
Millions, if not billions of lives will be lost if we do nothing. Time is running out! “All it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.” Do something! Send this message to everyone in your address book and ask them to do the same. Defeat Islam and stop terrorism one billion dead evil muslims is not to many.
Why it is impossible that I could become a Muslim: I am incabable of wiping my ass with my left hand.
Zainab says
i apologise for this, but the only person who should open their eyes is you an people like you.
you read a few words off the quran and make a judgment based off of that without doing your research into the religion as a whole.
just ask yourself, will it be fair for me to call all white people pedophiles simply because one white individual was a pedophile? of course it wouldn’t. that is what is Islam teaches.
it teaches us about love, humanity and provides us answers to questions we havent thought about yet. where? All in the Quran,
please, before you post false information about someone else’s religion, seek knowlegde from those who have expert information. the media is filled with alot of fake news, you need to take it upon yourself to do the right thing and ask for advice.
Glenn Gerun says
allah says it’s ok to 65:4 pedophile children is proof beyond dispute men made up the non existent god in islam. Check out 56:36 virgin paradise sex joke proves how easy it is mohamed fools Muslims. How about 37:48, 38:52, 78:33, 76:19,
Haidar says
I understand what you mean. Honestly I’m quite surprised by reading your comment. Please read my comment and everything will make sense.
About the beheading of Jews. They didn’t just go out and kidnap Jews then kill them. If you look into it, each religion had it’s own sort of land and kingdom sort of thing. What would quite often happen is as Muslims would leave the city they would be attacked, that’s why they would be in big groups and carry weapons and after a fight, if the Muslims won, they would take ANYONE back to pay for their crimes, even Muslims. And the part about fearing God. It’s not like people think. If your a bad person, bad things will happen to you is absolutely wrong. There were great kings with evil minds who had everything they could ever dream for. Then after death they were punished. But things we do now, are nothing compared to what used to happen.
About the hijabs.
Why do people molester, sexually assault and rape?
Because they find the body attractive. It’s no secret that men like to take good looks at women when they’re passing by. But if they can’t see anything they don’t like they won’t rape. like if your in a store and don’t see anything you like you won’t buy it would you.
About having women captives.
Women AND men were entitled to a few years slavery if they commited a crime.
And that’s if the women consents.
About the paodophailia.
The life expectancy back then has around 29-37. So people around 13 were nearly middle aged. And in Early America girls would get married at 12.
And it actually pisses me off when these assholes who kill,rape,destroy inocent people and things call themselves Muslims.
And personally, even I can say this, when Muslims use terms like “us” and “them”. I don’t do this. But I see everyone as equal. This isn’t something Islam promotes.
Fun Fact: ISIS, Al Qaeda, Taliban claim to be Muslims but use mosques to store weapons and don’t let anyone in. Then they call themselves Muslims when they don’t pray.
And about disrespecting lives. That’s not in Islam. That’s just the people. Even I can say this. Quite a lot of Pakistani people can be dickheads.
There you go if you want to know anything else just reply.
Thank you.
Glenn Gerun says
Slimkeith says
Wow, you REALLY need to get a clue, the ignorance is unreal. America just watched a group of terrorists on January 6th, 30,000 priviledged white supremists decided that the election was fraudulent cause their guy lost. They desecrated the capital and planned to kill Pence, Pelosi, Romney and anyone else who got in their way. They beat and murdered a police officer, two more committed suicide. These men & women will live with horrific injuries and PTSD for the rest of their lives and Republicans who spent FOUR years on arguing with Clinton of Bengazi REFUSED to admit what happened on January 6th. America is considered one of the biggest terrorists in the world, we have butted into the politics of other countries with DISASTEROUS complications. Hello Iran, Chili, El Salvador, Afghanistan-We trained the terrorists we are fighting!! America trains terrorists, pays for and gives them weapons and then they whine when they turn their backs on us. Terrorists come in every color, your racist freak flag is flying mate.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 2:65 be apes,despised,
5:60 made them apes & pigs,
98:6 worst of creatures,
7:166 be apes, despised,
5:51 prejudice,
& proof all islam is godless
Glenn Gerun says
“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent. I have glorified thee on earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.. And now O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.”‘ Saint John 17:3-5.
Anonymous says
How dare you? The prophet Muhammad peace be upon him is not a paedophile, in fact anything sexual with anyone other than your spouse is haraam (unlawful). Also, Muslims see Muhammad peace be upon him as the messenger of God, not God himself. Instead of hating on the world’s fastest growing religion just because media shows the negative sides of Islam does not mean that you can blame over 1.6 billion Muslims across the world. I’m not sure if you’re either brainwashed or just a liar, but you need to learn to respect. Even the word “salam” which many Muslims say mean “peace” so you really need to think about what you just said.
Glenn Gerun says
Read history facts about 81:22-25 mohamed, a murdering pedophile borrowed the pagan star/moon god idols doesn’t fool Muslims anymore.
Shhs says
You talk as if Muslims are the viruse but let’s be honest the only viruse are white people the people who enslaved raped killed and ridiculed black Africans the people who murdered the Jews you say that Muslims are the worst race but who tortured the redindians who drove them out of existence you have to be stupid to say any religion/race is evil as there are good people and bad people Muslims are good people the people who call themselves Muslims the ones who are tertiaries they are not Muslims just like I can say that the majority of raps it’s are white they either are atheists or Christians but it doesn’t give me the right to say all Christians and atheists are bad whiteout Muslims just like if you didn’t have any race the world will crumple as you haven’t seemed to take into consideration that the majority of oil comes from Muslim countries how will you drive and power your house so in conclusion to base an entire religion on a handful of individual s action is wrong because as I said before there are so many things you can say about white people
Karen says
Ok can you please give me any validation on what the right religion is?
And surprise not all of us are terrorist or extremist that’s just what the media portrays of us for more attention. Islam forbids killing the soul of an innocent except for he has taken a soul. And even if you are unsatisfied with our religion it doesn’t change the fact that it is one of the fastest growing faiths in the world. Another point i would like to mention is whenever you say or write the name of the beloved messenger Muhammad ( peace and blessings be upon him ) you should recite or write peace be upon him. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this
Glenn Gerun says
The right religion of the world is the New Testament GOD PROOF by His Divine Son Christ Jesus miracles of Love, “healed them all”-died on a cross for our sin, resurrected-ascent into heaven, positively seen, is the same for believers, Saint Luke 24:51-53, 6:19, Saint John 17:3-24 “proves the Eternal Holy Creator of the world & everyone’s salvation forevermore is Christianity: “Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46 & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” perfect sense. GOD bless you all in the name of the Father, Son & the Holy Spirit (one heart & mind) only way to heaven.
Sunita Sahni says
Dear Karen,
Your statement: “And even if you are unsatisfied with our religion it doesn’t change the fact that it is one of the fastest growing faiths in the world” is a biased statement. You are taking the things at face values.
Yes, it is the fastest growing religion but not because people accept it because they like it. So called terrorists or radical muslims have a strategic plan. They not only convert non-muslims by force but have bigger plans., They take command over a muslim country functioning well, start war against the ruling government, kill innocent people randomly and drive them out of country. These Muslims take shelter in another county, mostly an advanced European country to seek asylum. They settle down and increase muslim population at 3-4 times faster rate compared to others as men mostly take 2-3 wives in their life span…… muslim population spreads and yes, in this way it is the fastest growing population. Yemen, Syria, Burma, Afghanistan and many more.
KM Mubtasim says
Bruh I think you read a Quran of a scam website or if not you didn’t read anything at all.
you don’t know anything about us, you take ISIS as the modern picture of Islam and say that is all when ISIS is the literal puppet of the U.S and we respect all except those of whom that wrong.
all of the west say that Islam is beheading people and “bombing cities and when you look at better sources you will find that Obama dropped thousands of missiles and Syria, Yemen, etc, are not even surviving winters and they are helpless so how can you possibly use bias sources like this one to use.
and let me spit some truth, even if ISIS was a part of the Muslim society it would be less than 1%, and even so we Muslims think that ISIS is bad so stop spreading propaganda I could debate and defeat you in 1 minute.
and how dare you to talk about our prophet like that when he was generous and kind and is you say he fought in wars like OF COURSE, he did in DEFENCE in THE HOLY QURAN it is said if someone wrongs you, you may wrong them back but it is recommended to forgive and pass it off which is what we HAVE ALWAYS BEEN TAUGHT. coming back to the point prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) was wronged by many of his own family except Abdul Muttalib (his grandfather) and his father-in-law Abu Bakr (RA) (RA is said to show respect).
his uncle Abu Lahab used to worship idols and used to like prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) but after he was given knowledge by Allah (SWT). ( swt= respect)
since Abu Lahab didn’t like prophet Muhammad anymore he rebelled against him and since prophet Muhammad was an orphan he only had his father-in-law and grandfather for support.
since his evil uncle didn’t like him since he was preaching the true religion, Abu Lahab was killing and torturing other Muslims so Prophet Muhammad took all the Muslims he could find and flee to a righteous Christian leader who later let them stay.
after settling down and gathering an army and Prophet Muhhamad was welcomed to a different city and after settling in that city that had to do war in Defence against Abu Lahab’s army.
And I can assure you he did not rape, behead in the name of Allah because we have war ethics to only fight the people who want to fight and not the ones who are forced to fight or are women children, and elders but welcome them to their own tribe with open arms In the Name Of Allah the most gracious and merciful.
Now here is a link to show some beautiful Quran to show how harmless it really is translation in English and all.
Peace be with you, may you be guided to the straight path.
KM Mubtasim says
My comment got removed like c’mon. You guys saw I was respectful tbh you g. You are pro’s on spreading as much propaganda as you possibly can. I am just heartbroken. My comment was deleted; I put an hour of work into writing.
That shows how ignorant These people are.
And Shrek JO, if you truly have some hardcore proof, you have all the right to do so.
You can say all that you want, your submission to this worldly life thinking you are doing good when all you are doing is spreading lies you all have zero back-ups on any of your writing and you know what there are only a few parts about war and the ethics you need to follow in the Quran.
And what do you even mean about a “moon god” also I have so much evidence that Allah is a true divine un-comparable god we don’t go worshipping our media and phones and all in this worldly life, now to the point of Allah’s existence, Let me give 10 foretold prophecies that came true and your probably going to make up an excuse about it but let me tell you the first one
1. Finger Prints
“Their skins will bear witness against them as to what they have been doing” (41:21)
The fingerprints system at borders, criminal investigation cells, and immigration centers prove the fulfillment of this Quranic prophecy.
“Corruption has spread on land and sea because of what men’s hands have wrought” (30:42)
One of the interpretations of the above verse of the Holy Quran is the environmental pollution, caused by human beings. And that is spread both inland and sea due to our own inventions, i.e., fumes from chimneys of factories, chemical and nuclear waste, huge traffic in the cities, noise and creation of ozone hole are manifest testimonies of the fulfillment of this prophecy.
3.Establishment of Israel
And after him We said to the Children of Israel, ‘Dwell ye in the promised land; and when the time of the promise of the Latter Days come, We shall bring you together out of various people.” (17:105)
The creation of Israel and the gathering of Sephardic, Ashkenazi, and the Jews of many other different races in Israel proves the authenticity of this prophecy and hence the Quran.
4.Genetic Engineering
“They will alter Allah’s creation.” (4:120)
The holy Quran has prophesied plastic surgery, genetic engineering, and cloning in this short and concise sentence.
5.Roads in Mountains
“And when the mountains are made to move.” (81:4)
Centuries before the invention of dynamite, the holy Quran prophesied the blowing up and moving of the mountains.
6.New Transport Systems
“And when the she-camels, ten months pregnant are abandoned.” (81:5)“And He has created horses and mules and asses that you may ride them, and as a source of beauty. And He will create what you do not yet know.” (16:9)
As we know people, especially those living in deserts, have now abandoned camels and other animals for traveling. But this prophecy of invention and emergence of new transport systems is on-going as we witness new and faster modes of transportation emerging all the time.
“And when the wild beasts are gathered together.” (81:6)
Nobody could ever imagine that one day wild beasts shall be captured, tamed, and put together in closed and open parks. The establishment of the zoo has fulfilled this prophecy.
8.Oceans Linked
“And when the rivers are made to flow into each other.” (81:7)“He has made the two bodies of water flow. They will one day meet. Between them there is a barrier; they cannot encroach one upon the other.” (55:20-21)
“And He it is Who shall merge the two seas together. This palatable and sweet, that saltish and bitter. And between them He has (presently) placed a barrier and a massive partition.” (25:54)
9.Modern Communication Systems
“And when various people are brought together.” (81:8)
Fast transport systems, telephone, satellite systems, and the internet have brought so close to each other proving the truthfulness of the Holy Quran.
10.Women’s Rights
“And when the female infant buried alive is questioned about – For what crime was she killed.” (81:9-10)
Modern-day women’s rights and liberation associations may be the brain-child of freedom-loving and egalitarian humanist/feminist people but foretold by the Quran centuries ago.
also don’t use your left hand to wipe your bottom you eat with that.
Have a good day
Anonymous says
Go get brain!
Your hatred for Islam and Muslims will never ever and forever change our principles, we’ll continue to exist in this planet and you can’t do anything about it. Go and read the history of Pharoah, you son of a bitch. Condom will have prevented this senseless barking. The bitch wey born u ehh, all you spitted here belong to her.
Adam says
You are so wrong and racist. Not once has a Muslim ever raped, murdered, or killed, and Osama Bin Laden and his terrorists were not real Muslims. How would you like it if you were criticized for being Nazi’s? Are we forgetting the Holocaust? That would not be right of me to say, so I wouldn’t say it. Notice how it never once says in the Quran anything about rape, murder, or genocide. All of the things you said were made up. Mouhammed was not a pedophile, never once did it say he was. You are incorrect. You are suggesting genocide. You are just as bad as those Christian Nazis before you.
Glenn Gerun says
Read history please: Turk muslims promised equality & freedom, genocided 1.5 million Christian Armenians, inspired hitlers holocaust against Jews minding their own business & TRUE GOD.. Same thing today today only muslims use their pagan fake allah 5:51 excuse to 2:65 hate, 9:5 ambush-murder civilized people & civilized countries like Israel & around the world we see everyday. Muslims self inflict 2 hells not “born again” to 1TrueGod’s Christianity Love thy neighbor as thyself countries whom give muslims refuge & backstabbed by muslim 9/11, 3/11, 7/7, or muslims slaughter 2 million Sudan POOR, burn meagre crops, homes, villages, forced conversions or murdered, clear proof islam is godless & has no right to exist in GOD & CHRIST world “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 clear proof by Jesus ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:51-53, is the same for “born again” Christians. God Bless You in the name of the Father, Son & the Holy Spirit Trinity (one heart & mind for ever & ever); will never change ever.
Meeeeeeeeeeee says
Wtf r u ok? Did u lose ur brain cells or something like that?
None says
Simple explanation. EVERY Muslim/person who defends Islam as peaceful ALL quote the same passage “Whosoever killeth a human being, it shall be as if he killed all mankind”… that sounds so peaceful… except the problem is that isn’t what it says cause they leave out the part where it says “except for manslaughter or corruption in the earth”. So why is it, that is always the go to defense passage? Either one they don’t know what it actually says or two that’s all they got and they have to leave out the part where it gives open season on people who believe anything other than Islam because, yes that is what is meant by corruption in the earth. If you are a “Muslim” and your peaceful, good for you but that’s not what Islam teaches despite what you want to believe.
Glenn Gerun says
mohamed fools muslims to pray 98:6 worst of creatures dehumanize, 5:60 made them apes-pigs is ridiculous, 2:65 be apes, 7:166 be spes, 5:51 prejudice, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children, 2:191 kill-expel, 5:33 kill-crucified-hands/feet cut off-exiled, 8:12 terror-behead, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 33:61 massacre, 8:67 massacre, 33:26, 7:4 destroy, 10:13, 17:7, 17:16-17, 18:59, 21:95, 19:98, 23:48, 25:39, 26:139, 27:51 destroy, 36:31, 37:136, 38:3, 43:8, 46:27, 47:13, 54:51 destroy, 9:5 kill-ambush self explanatory beyond dispute there’s no allah, zero god in islam
Anonymous says
sorry but you understand every thing wrong and you just read a word and leav the whole sentence please please know how mohamed messenger story and how the poepl follow him and you will know how you grievously him and the relgion , i wish god guide you
km says
really you walk the walk but can you really talk the talk.
you should really get some manners, \__😕__/. I am sure the true bible tells you not to go smack talk to people who you don’t know you guys believe in a shampoo god a 4-in 1 Jesus, the father, the trinity, and the holy spirit so it’s a head n shoulders 4 in 1 shampoo.
so go learn some manners 3-year-old child.
goodbye \__😕__/
Anonymous says
Well christany also have slave and jesus nothing do with slave. says
Jesus Christ is God in the flesh “I and my Father are one” Saint John 10:30, The Great Commandment love the Lord thy God states second like unto is Love thy neighbor as thyself is exactly what’s in heaven, Catholic on earth to be precise. “I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” There are billions of deniers whom self inflict endless fiery hell with other beliefs.. God is Love, saves by His Divine Son ascent Jesus Christ in heaven, eye witnessed. Saint Luke 24:51-53 “carried up into heaven. And they worshipped him & returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple praising & blessing God.”
Red says
I mean nothing bad but what your saying is wrong I think you should check your facts.
blue says
but how do u teach a muslim about islam? this sentence itself doesn’t sound quite right
Jo says
Your logic is fallacious and your defensiveness speaks for itself.
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims hate the proof allah has never existed clear proof by (1) Gerd Puin proved koran words were altered, proof man made allah, is not a god in islam. (2) koran 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 5:51 prejudice, 2:65 be apes-despised, 7:166 repeated evil, 98:6 worst of creatures proves no god in islam, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex proof no allah, 7:4 destroy proves not a god, 4:34 beat women proves no allah, 37:48, 38:52, 52:24, 56:17, 56:36 virgin joke, 33:61 massacre evil, 8:67 massacre proves islam has never had a god, all primitive inferior lies made by men to get away with hate, murder & sex crimes with the fake allah excuse, doesn’t fool anyone anymore. 81:22-25 mohamed inflicts endless hell on Muslims. But wise Muslims leave non existent allah, baptize “born again” to Christianity, Jesus “healed them all”-ascent into heaven is positively eye witnessed ONE TRUE GOD LOVE & SALVATION PROOF OF ONE HEART AND MIND AND HOLY SPIRIT FOREVERMORE. “Suffer little children and forbid them not to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven-Rejoice ye in that day and leap for joy: for behold, your reward is great in heaven.” Saint Luke 6:23.
Glenn Gerun says
All people, all things, all the universe are Christian, stated by Jesus “before the world was”, clear proof by His “healed them all”-ascent into heaven” eye witnessed Saint Luke 6:19, 24:51-53, 1 Cor. 15:6, is clear proof of the Holy source of all life & everyone’s salvation as well. That’s why Jesus came from heaven to save mankind. 3 wise men followed the Nativity star & worshiped the saviour of the world.
Glenn Gerun says
Everyone & all the universe is Christian stated by Jesus “before the world was” clear proof by His ascension into heaven, positively eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:51-53, Saint John 17:3-5, is the same for Christians.
Anon says
Peace be upon you, hope you’re well. If firstly like to address Islam means “peace and submission”. It is not fair to pick out what fits people’s agendas. Furthermore, I’d urge you to do some real reading of the Hadiths and Qur’an yourself, read the verses you guys use against us but then read the whole page. For example, “slay them wherever you find them” it is talking about oppressors, which you would realise if you read the whole page. A very common mistake is for people to just read a few words and base their views off of that, a few words cannot show you the whole picture. Infact in the Qur’an it says, “fight those who fight you, but do do not transgress (be aggressors) for Allah does not love transgressors. It would be nice if you you guys didn’t fall for the same trap millions fall for where the same verses are thrown around with no context or knowledge, people won’t read the full page and base their opinions off of a few words taken out of context. I know actually reading the Qur’an and buying it, along with Sahih Al-Bukhari which contains Hadiths can be very time consuming and you may not be bothered but then you won’t ever get the full picture, you will keep listening to others who also have done no real research or reading. I’d also like to address terrorism, first not all terrorists are Muslims, the media just focuses on Muslim crimes and Americans always fall for it. Most fun crimes committed in the US are not by Muslims. Infact Christians, why is it when a white man shoots up a mosque he has “mental issues” when it’s a Muslim he’s a “terrorist”. You guys need to stop falling for your media’s tricks and being sheep. In addition, just because most gun crimes are comitted by white Christian men as well as most pedophelia cases, should I say Christianity isn’t peaceful? No, just because someone does something does not mean their religion allows it. If I shot someone I wouldn’t be following my religion, I’d be disobeying it. So I do not put the blame on religion but the own individual. This is a lot to take in for narrow minded people. Hope you understand, thank you for listening! Peace be upon you.
SlimKeith says
Spot on, brilliant comment on Islam. Thank you for taking the time to educate these ignorant , uneducated idiots, they haven’t read the Qur’an, They read bits and pieces out of contest on their biased Facebook sites or Reddit, Alex Jones and cherry pick the info their spread to fuel their narrative/agenda.
Fwiw, the Bible is incredibly violent.
V says
I appreciate what you’re trying to say but frankly you’re fooling yourself. If YOU actually took the time to study the Quran, the Hadith and the Sunnah YOU would realize unquestionably that the religion of Islam is NOT peaceful. You have failed to do what you’re asking of others – You blindly believe what your Imam has told you about Islam being peaceful but you have NOT personally studied the sources or you would KNOW the truth. The historical record of Mohammed is unmistakable. Mohammed was a mass murderer, he was a serial rapist, he was a slave trader, who beat his wives – AND worse yet he taught others around him to do all of these same things and justified them ALL by saying it was allowed, because he had been given a revelation from God. You cannot use the life of Mohammed as an example for how to live decently and still live a peaceful caring life, and you cannot be a Muslim and not follow the life of Mohammed. There are millions and millions of peaceful wonderful Muslims in this world, they are gracious and caring people in spite of the religion of Islam.
Do your own homework and start studying this religion you “think” you know.
– Sadly, I know too well that if you actually read YOUR sources you will quickly learn how far from God you are, but if you continue seek him with an open heart you will find him.
“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” Matthew 7:7.
Glenn Gerun says
I see the peace everyday in Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, most of Africa, taliban Afghanistan, American Muslims anti-semite hater politicians, Israel, including history facts “670 million massacred”, Syria, Jordan hezbollah, iran,, death to America, 9/11, 3/11, 7/7, Europe refugees murder civilians, death to Israel & peaceful Jewish people minding their own business & True God.
islam is surrender to mohamedanism lies & crimes against: humanity, & 1TrueGod & Christ’s universal Love thy neighbor as thyself justice law & order, equal human rights & freedoms for 1400 years, murder conquered 50 countries already, ruined against their Holy Creator/Saviour God & Jesus Christ.
Muzzammil Shabani says
galal hossam says
i am muslim and there is a “aya in quran ” “for you is your relegion and for me is my religion” our relegion didnt touch us to fre other to int our religion plus countries now a day doesnt follow islam rules so how as a people we use it tell me and all the people around us they all our brothers go please and know hy the people follow mohamed messenger befor you speak with our islam tongue ., shame on you brother youare shame on our religion
Glenn Gerun says
Please use your GOD given intelligence.
There is:
right or wrong,
good or evil,
1 True God proof by Jesus miracles-ascent into heaven
koran 65:4, 7:4, 5:60, 98:6, 2:65, 5:60, 7:166, 33:61, 8:67, 56:36 virgin joke proves the pagan stone & stars/moon god hoax allah from mohamed’s tribes fictitious tales
Glenn Gerun says
Shabani’s emphasized proof above is exactly in the koran as well; clear proof evil islam 47:4 behead-slaughter crimes against Christians whom give Muslims refuge. Pitiful, but now everyone understands
Glenn Gerun says
Clear proof muzza doesn’t have True God & Christ “Love thy nighbor as thyself”; therefore self inflicts his endless fiery hell unless “born again”. May Christ strike you all like Saint Paul into a great voice of truth to God in heaven through the saviour.
Expert in Religions says
Satan had said bow down and worship to me. Matthew 4:9. Satan is holy in the Quran. Allah is very sinful. Islam is a false religion.
Glenn Gerun says
mohamed used his tribes pagan non existent allah to deny Christianity: 1 TRUE GOD’S Love & salvation seen; : “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19 millions seen & felt. “carried up into heaven. And they worshiped Him & returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple praising and blessing God.” Saint Luke 24:51-53; has nothing to do with man made 600 AD allah:
2:65 be apes-despised,
2:191 kill-expel,
3:151 terror,
4:34 beat women,
4:89 seize-kill,
5:33 kill-crucify-hand cut off-exile,
5:38 amputate their hands,
5:51 prejudice,
5:60 made them apes and pigs,
7:4 we destroyed,
7:166 be apes-despised,
8:12 terror-behead,
8:67 massacre,
9:5 slay-capture-beseige-ambush,
9:111 fight-kill,
9:123 fight-harsh,
10:13 destroyed,
17:7 destroy-total destruction,
17:16 we destroy with complete destruction,
17:17 we destroyed,
18:59 we destroyed-destruction,
19:98 we destroyed,
21:95 destroy that they never return,
23:48 destroyed,
25:39 we destroyed-destruction,
26:52 jihad,
26:139 we destroyed them,
27:51 we destroyed,
33:26 terror-kill-enslave women-kids
33:61 seized-massacred,
36:31 we destroyed,
37:48, 38:52 limit glances men made
37:136 we destroyed,
38:3 we destroyed,
43:8 destroyed,
46:27 destroyed,
47:4 behead-slaughter,
47:13 we destroyed,
54:51 destroyed,
56:36 virgin paradise sex joke,
65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex,
78:33 full breasted made by men,
98:6 worst of creatures dehumanize; SELF EXPLANATORY all man made hate-violence-murder & sex crimes, proof beyond dispute there’s no allah, no god in islam., doesn’t fool anyone anymore.
1972, Muslims invited Gerd Puin revealed koran words altered, washed layered revisions, another absolute proof no allah, zero god in islam.
Arabian desert dwellers traveled at night, became keen atrologers to guide their journeys, stars-moon, folklore, tales, recitations, fables is where “the god-al-ilah” came from, shortened to allah, is the same non existent allah today, clear proof by the man made koran detailed above, used by Muslims, self inflict hell from rejecting Christianity.
GOD IS CHRISTIANITY: truth, Love, refuge, creates & saves by His Son Jesus “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father-Before Abraham was, I am-Moses wrote of me-I and my Father are one.” Saint John 14:9, 8:58, 5:46, 10:30.” Go ye baptizing in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit” (one heart and mind) Saint Matthew 28:19.
GOD did not make death, only “Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Commandments & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” to live forever, Jesus died on a cross for mankind, resurrected-ascent into heaven proves, “I am the way, the truth & the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” Saint John 14:6-9. “For the Father judgeth no man, but committed all judgment unto the Son” 5::22. Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7.
Beware, hell is forever.
Jesus ascent into heaven is the same for “born again” Christians, Saint John 3:3-9. eye witnessed 1 Corinthians 15:6.
There are no other gods.
Moses 10 Commandments says:
“Thou shalt not have other gods, thou shalt not murder, and lie, 2000 years before islam was invented. Jews caught mohamed plagiarizing “ancient fictitious tales” who caught him lying, tried to make a god out of his tribes pagan stone/stars/moon idolatry worship, proof islam’s god has never existed, turned into a terror group, crimes against humanity, is not a religion but a Muslim brotherhood terrorist group, crimes against humanity, has no right to exist, referendums abolish so civilized people can live & work.
Historical proof & facts: 670 million non Muslims massacred since genocidal islam/koran was invented by power & control freak men with a hoax allah excuse: India, Armenia, Balkans, Turkey, 2 million Sudan POOR slaughtered, burned meagre crops/homes, raping today, 9/11, 3/11, 7/7, Europe, Middle East, Syria, taliban, isis, boko, al-shabab, 1000 honor killings per year in Pakistan, Africa, Indonesia, land illegally occupied by Muslims for centuries into 50 godless slave holding death trap countries destroyed/converted against: GOD AND CHRISTIANITY (THE CREATOR AND SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD) & civil justice law & order, human rights & freedom.
The truth is Love::saves. Now the world is not confused, Muslims leave non existent allah, “born again” to Christianity truth & everlasting life positively seen. That’s why Jesus came from heaven. “Ye are from beneath, I am from above, ye are of this world, I am not of this world.” Saint John 8:23.-24.
km says
damn……. can you tell me which sect? did you get this from pulao or Nehari?
if you can answer I will convert to Christianity.
Glenn Gerun says
Christisnity is everyone’s saviour, forevermore.
km says
bruh we aren’t even pagans so go get some brain surgery please I might pay for it 50/50 chance tho.
oh and by the way we don’t even do pagan rituals if we did we would have been kafirs so yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
goodbye and don’t forget your brain surgery, my guy.
and don’t forget to dash your infant against a rock, your debating skills are worse than your own dashed infant lmao.
sincerely, km the guy that wasn’t stupid enough to dash an infant against a rock or Dwayne the rock johnson.
Expert in Religions says
Islam is a false religion. Satan is holy in the Quran, no sin at all. Allah never exist. No salvation in Islam. Satan said bow down and worship to me. Matthew 4:9. Jesus said worship God the Father in spirit and in truth. John 4:23,24.
Ramzi Haroun says
I felt sorry for the one who is publishing this article and more sorry for the ones who do not know their bible. Currently I am writing another book about Islam, Christianity and Judeism.
1 Samuel 15:3
“This is what the Lord Almighty says… ‘Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”
Psalm 137:9
“Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us – he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” –
Judges 19:25-28
“So, the man took his concubine and sent her outside to them, and they raped her and abused her throughout the night, and at dawn they let her go. At daybreak the woman went back to the house where her master was staying, fell down at the door and lay there until daylight. When her master got up in the morning and opened the door of the house and stepped out to continue on his way, there lay his concubine, fallen in the doorway of the house, with her hands on the threshold. He said to her, ‘Get up; let’s go.’ But there was no answer. Then the man put her on his donkey and set out for home.”
Ephesians 5:22
“Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” –
Exodus 21: 7-8
“When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again.” –
Glenn Gerun says
GOD IS CHRISTIANITY, clear proof by Jesus “healed them all”-ascension into heaven, Saint Luke 6:19, 24:51-53, is the same for “born again” Christians.
Non else.
There are no other gods written proof by koran 9:5 kill-ambush, 4:34 beat women, 7:4 destroy, 56:36 virgin joke, 5:60, 2:65, 98:6, 7:166 call down mankind, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex,, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre is all obviously man made evil, clear proof no allah, no god in islam., doesn’t fool anyone anymore, proof islam & the koran is all lies.
Muslims invited Gerd Puin revealed koran words altered, washed layered revisions, more absolute proof there’s no such thing as allah.
NO CHANCE islam 9:5 kill-ambush, 17:16 destroy, 56:36 virgin joke, 8:67, 33:61, massacre, 5:60, 2:65, 7:166, 98:6, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex evil, is from THE HOLY CREATOR GOD, JESUS CHRIST the saviour of the world, Angel Gabriel, Abraham or Moses. “Moses wrote of me.” Saint John 5:46, “before Abraham was, I am.” 8:58 thousands of years before Jesus came from heaven to save us from hell. Thank God for Christianity which completed Judaism. “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” Saint john 14:6-9.
Glenn Gerun says
All people, all things & the universe is Christian stated by Jesus “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 proof by His miracles “healed them all”-resurrection from the dead-ascent into heaven Saint Luke 6:19, 24:51-53, eye witnessed, is the the same for believers, clear proof of the Holy source of life, everyone and everyone’s salvation is the same today and forevermore is Christian and you know it. All else is hell. Everyone will earn heaven or hell eventually. May God bless you in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, (one heart and mind). Saint Matthew 28:19.
Glenn Gerun says
Furthermore, follow the New Testament grace & proof by Christ the saviour of the world, the only religion of GOD, whom fulfilled the prophesy of the Messiah in the Old Testament. That’s why Jesus, became the lamb of God to take away the sins of the world is absolutely true & the way “FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON THAT WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM SHOULD NOT PERISH BUT HAVE EVERLASTING LIFE.” and proved it throughout the New Testament Saint John 3:16.
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims do 1400 years of evil daily & kill their own children: 16/12/14 murdered by taliban.
Children in the backseat lowered suspicion. We let it through. They parked the vehicle, the adults ran out & detonate it with the children in the back 03/07/07,
We were running for our lives, we came across many corpses both men & women & even children. Some had gunshot wounds in the head & their legs bound & their hands tied behind their backs, he said – villagers slain like insects 13/1/15.
670 million innocents massacred by Muslims so far.
The wise go past many Old Testament mistakes and follow the Love, grace & proof by Jesus Christ in the New Testament to the known future with God the Father & heaven Jesus proved “healed them all-ascent into heaven” eye witnessed overwhelming evidence of the saviour of the world or you will be sorry in hell forever & ever.
Glenn Gerun says
read the context sir, & the only way to see GOD & HEAVEN are “born again” to Christianity. Saint John 3:3-9. May GOD bless you in the name of the FATHER, SON & THE HOLY SPIRIT (one heart & mind). Hell is forever for non CHRISTIANS.
V says
Certainly, if you’re writing a book I hope you know more than this.
You have thrown some random verses on a page with no actual thought and in doing so have missed the entire message. Perhaps you haven’t taken the time to understand the message or perhaps you’re intentionally trying to mislead. Either way – Even a brief look at the Bible shows us the truth
Let’s take Psalm 137 for example – This is passage about a distraught people who’ve been brutally enslaved in Babylon and they are longing for the freedom to return home, and they are mourning the lost children and family members barbarically killed by the Babylonians.
In NO WAY are ANY Jews or Christians encouraged in ANY WAY to actually take these vengeful actions. EVEN the people enslaved at the time did NOT commit these heinous crimes, These ideas are considered sinful and against the will of God. They were an example of how desperate and sad the people had become and yet …..
Here you are …. trying to pretend that it’s something completely different? Why is that?
My guess is that you desperately need to find some type of violence in the Bible that would justify the relentless hate and murderous ideals and actions that are found in the Quran, the Hadith and the Sunnah. In my experience people who actually start to look at the sources of Islam quickly become profoundly concerned at the murderous nature of the prophet Muhammad, people are quickly disgusted by his relentless justification for the rape of the numerous sex slaves he had, his abundant profiteering as a slave master, and how he beat his own wives (Among the many other petty self-serving and deceitful actions he took).
Muhammad teaches through the example of his life, This is a foundational belief in the Islamic religion. It’s unavoidable that if the life you’re supposed to model your own life after – is the life of a mass murderer, serial rapist, wife beating slave trader – You’re probably not going to be too successful promoting peace.
So I would encourage you to study MORE, learn more about the historic life of Mohammed and ask yourself if that is really the example God wants from you?
Consider Quran 10 v 94, where Allah refers Muhammad to the scripture, and Surah 3 v3-4, and then study the revealed word of God in the Gospel, as defined by the Quran. Perhaps start with John 14: 1-6.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 4:34 beat women, crazy 5:60 apes-pigs, 2:65 apes, 7:166 apes, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:4 destroy, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacre, 9:5 kill-ambush, 65:4 pedophile children is written proof beyond dispute no allah
Levi says
Your excerpt from Judges 19:25-28 doesn’t help your point at all. There is nothing in the story that endorses how the man treats his concubine. In fact, if you read the whole book of Judges, its theme is that in that time, “everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” The point of that whole book is that great wicked things were happening because people were not following the Lord and didn’t have godly leadership.
Expert in Religions says
Christianity is in new testament not old testament. Believe Jesus you can be saved. John 3:16,17. Christianity is the only Abrahamic religion left. Judaism had existed, no Temple of God. Islam is a false religion. Allah never exist.
Glenn Gerun says
God is Jesus Christ in the flesh.
anon says
completely wrong. Islam is a religion of peace. one of the worst things you can do is kill a person. we don’t go out killing people for the name of Allah when Allah SWT has said that killing someone is a sin. you’re taking the words of the quran out of context and spreading misleading information. The bible has over 60 versions of it. it is corrupt since so many people have rewrote it. why take your chances and believe in a book that’s been corrupt(the bible) versus a book that hasn’t been changed in 1400 years? Islam is literally the only religion that makes sense and can explain for why these other religions have been created.
EM says
The different translations of the Bible all were translated off of the origional scripts, Hebrew and Greek. Many non-Christians have the belief that it is like the game of telephone where the origional statement is twisted out of context through different hearsays. Not true with Christians. But Catholics use a Bible that is not off of the origional script, and therefore it is twisted in some ways.
Mimi says
I’m a Muslim girl and I know that in Islam it is unforgivable to kill a single person or hurt them in any way. We must respect everyone regardless of their religion/skin colour. I don’t know where you found these ideas because that’s not what I’ve been taught.
Anonymous says
Thats not what you’ve been taught beacuse they dont want u to run from the islam religion. Jesus saves
km says
yea Jesus saved because he was a prophet of Islam and he was very dedicated to Islam.
Islam is the only religion that explains all other big religions cause of existence please stop trying to assume every little thing, you don’t know a single bit about us you, little child.
now stop and go eat a lollipop kid.
Glenn Gerun says
Christianity is GOD’S Love & salvation eye witnessed Saint Luke 24:51-53, “before the foundation of the world” Saint John 17:3-24,
islam/koran/allah was made to deny THE HOLY CREATOR-SAVIOUR of the world, one heart & mind & Holy Spirit, Christianity New Testament, positively seen & felt by millions, “healed them all”-died on a cross for us-resurrected -ascent into heaven, is everyone’s saviour, eye witnessed true New Testament SON CHRIST JESUS GOD THE FATHER PROOF.
That’s why Divine Christ came from heaven to save the sinners & unbelievers.
There’s definitely no other gods proof by ridiculous 65:4 pedophilia, 7:4 destroy, 17:16, 9:5 kill-ambush, 2:65, 98:6, 7:166, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre, 56:36 virgin joke is a straight path to endless fiery hell, & honestly you know it.
Glenn Gerun says
“And now, O Father. glorify thou me with thine own self, with the glory which I had thee before the world was.” Saint John 17:3-5, definitely has nothing to do with 600AD perverted islam/koran/allah 76:19, 52:24, 56:17, 38:52, 37:48, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166 apes, 2:65 apes, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 56:36 virgin joke, 78:33 full breasted companions, 9:5 kill-ambush, 33:26 terror-kill-enslave women & children, 21:95, 27:51, 47:4, 47:13, 3:151, 5:33, 10:13, 8:67, 33:61 is obviously all man made evil, proof no allah, zero god in islam, has no right to exist, null & void now & forevermore, no one will miss nor mourn, referendums & countries abolish so civilized peaceful people can live & work & solve problems at the expense of evil & wrongdoers.
All people & all the world is Christian from clear proof & facts by resurrected-ascent Jesus into heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53,EYE WITNESSED, 1 Corinthians 15:6 is GOD’S solution for us; Lord’s Prayer “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever, Amen.
Glenn Gerun says
allah is not a real thing, but a man made fabrication copied from mohamed’s paganism, proof by the koran 4:34, 65:4, 5:60, 7:4, 9:5, 98:6, 2:65, 7:166, 25:4-5, 5:33.
allah has never existed proof by the verses above.
creator God & Moses 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46, first Law says “thou shalt not have other gods” 2000 years before allah was copied from pre-islamic paganism.
Gerd Puin revealed koran words altered, proof all made by men, clear proof zero allah in islam,
Muslims know there’s zero allah 65:4 but stay because of death threats, self inflict endless fiery hell.
No chance islam 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children, 7:4 destroy, 4:34 beat women, 5:60 made of them apes & pigs is from GOD, JESUS CHRIST, Angel Gabriel, Abraham or Moses.
mohamed kept his Abdullah tribes pagan allah for money, profitable Mecca pilgimage, is the same fake god 65:4 today.
Sickening islam 65:4 pedophilia is self explanatory not from Catholic-Orthodox Christ Jesus God proof.
Muslims islam is exactly like nazi prejudice hate & murdering reverse blame.
Jews caught mohamed plagiarizing “ancient fictitious tales” trying to make a god out of his tribes stone/stars/moon idolatry god worship.
koran writers knew Jesus Christ God beautiful proof but twisted Holy Bible events with their islamic phony allah for power & control & crimes over Christian social decency, fairness, justice, law & order, equal rights & freedoms, civil life & values with a fake god excuse, is the same today.
Arabs were jealous for “a book” but koran 17:16 destroy, 33:61 massacre, 65:4 pedophilia, 9:5 kill-ambush, 5:34, 4:34 beat women, 47:4 behead slaughter, 8:67 massacre, is clear proof islam is all made by men contrary to JESUS CHRIST GOD PROOF in the New Testament “Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me” & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” perfect sense.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 76:19, 65:4 child sex, 9:5 kill-ambush, 5:60 ape-pig, 7:4, 17:16 destroy, 4:34 beat women, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacre, 78:33, 38:52, 56:36 virgin paradise sex joke is all obviously made by men, proof no allah, zero god in islam, is not a religion, has no right to exist, referendums abolish so logical people can live and work.
Anonymous says
How do u explain the raping and the massacring of Christians during the crusades and the forcing of convertion onto the African people during the colonisation of Africa and the Spanish inquisition?
Flames says
The crusades did that very thing to both Christians (that they thought were Muslims) and to Muslims who were defending the land. You’ve been deceived by the media, as well as those hate groups that develop propaganda to boost their support. Islam doesn’t want anything to do with people who plan on attacking them. Feeble minded folks don’t want to learn, they stick by emotions over logic. Use your head, do research, and stop going by what couple of people say about Islam. I could name hundreds of verses in the Bible that are far more brutal and horrifying than Islamic verses.
Glenn Gerun says
your best eternal result is follow the New Testament of Jesus Christ “Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Commandments & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” Saint Matthew 6:9-13. That’s why Christ came from heaven; to up upgrade the Holy Bible; whom predicted evil islam “They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” Saint John 16:2. Now you know Almighty knowing God is through Jesus precisely. “For the Father judgeth no man, but committed all judgment unto the Son.” is the same for everyone forevermore. Now you know how prominent Christ is in the Holy Trinity. Now Muslims leave non existent allah, “born again” to Jesus Christ’s salvation eye witnessed.
Glenn Gerun says
Would you not defend yourself from evil invaders?That’s what Israel & Ukraine do.
Would you not defend yourself from evil invaders?
That’s what the Crusades did..
Would you not defend yourself from evil invaders?
That’s what NATO Peacemaker love thy neighbor as thyself democratic justice law & order freedom countries do.
Flames says
Sorry wrong person
Ramzi Haroun says
1 Samuel 15:3
“This is what the Lord Almighty says… ‘Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”
Psalm 137:9
“Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us – he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” –
Judges 19:25-28
“So, the man took his concubine and sent her outside to them, and they raped her and abused her throughout the night, and at dawn they let her go. At daybreak the woman went back to the house where her master was staying, fell down at the door and lay there until daylight. When her master got up in the morning and opened the door of the house and stepped out to continue on his way, there lay his concubine, fallen in the doorway of the house, with her hands on the threshold. He said to her, ‘Get up; let’s go.’ But there was no answer. Then the man put her on his donkey and set out for home.”
Ephesians 5:22
“Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” –
Exodus 21: 7-8
“When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again.” –
Anon 2 says
76:19 – There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them [as beautiful as] scattered pearls.
where is the word SEX?
65:4-If you have any doubt whether your wives have reached the stage of menopause, the waiting period will be three months. This will also be the same for those who do not experience menstruation. The end of the waiting period for a pregnant woman is the delivery. God will make the affairs of one who fears Him easy.
EXPLAIN PLEASE ..a woman experiencing menopause is above the age 40 .
Glenn Gerun says
Leave the mohamedan ridiculous allah 56::36 virgin joke, 78:33 voluptuous women, 37:48 fantasy, 38:52 same nonsense, 4:33 beat women, 5:38, 5:33, 9:5 ambush, 65:4 pedophile children evilest of evil, “born again” to Catholic Love thy neighbor as thyself that’s in heaven.
km says
I don’t know why you are so dumb is it your brain or are you born stupid tbh I literely fact checked each verse and it all actually made sense you just took 5 words and made up some story about virgin paradise s*x joke. also btw you have about the same amount of rights to abolish us as a turtle lmao. and no one talks about how the bible didn’t seem to care about raping women, so you femenists, tell me which one gives more rights to women, christianity or islam, let me explain the rights islam gives to women, women have the right to reject any proposal and the women once married the women get a wedding gift of money up to 100k or 1/3of the income for as long as they are married lastly thay may divorce whenever they want to so tell me what’s better wives being slaves to husbands or women have the same athority as men, oh and btw thats not all the rights thats all the ones I know.
km, peace be upon you.
This is very good mimi says
Very true this guy is mental
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims hate the proof there’s no such thing as “merciful allah.” evident by mohamed & companions conspired to tell a lie, a god deception to keep the profitable Mecca kaaba pilgimage, knew he was an imposter but stayed for the booty & the women, a murderous terrorist group incite wrong war mongering zero spirituality, nothing divine or good, no moral value: hate incites killing & 65:4 pedophilia are all crimes against humanity, attack unarmed civilized folks evident today as well, has no right to exist in Creator-Saviour God the Father And Jesus Christ’s world “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5.
Believers of GOD baptize into CHRISTIANITY, Love & truth from real truths made true by real events seen & felt in the New Testament, fulfills them onto GUARANTEED everlasting life in heaven, clear proof by Jesus “healed them all”-ascent into heaven positively seen.
Glenn Gerun says
“Ye must be born again” Saint John 3:3-9. Non Christians self inflict endless fiery hell.
Anonymous says
He has shown you Quran 9:5. Still in denial?
Andy J. says
Could I ask where you got this information from? Because I’m bilingual, and I’ve read Quran’s multiple translations; In English, Spanish, Arabic, Hindi and Urdu. The whole thing, yet I haven’t come across anything like that, and the Quran doesn’t use markings as 9;5, 1;3 and such. I’m not muslim, yet I think its unfair that muslims are being pinned against like this. So, where are the sources?
Anonymous says
in the koran
Anon says
Have you read 9:1-4 and 9:6? Still want to ignore context?
Anonymous says
Read the koran you are responsible for your beliefs not someone else
Glenn Gerun says
I see the koran lies & crimes with the fake allah verses made by men, doesn’t fool anyone abymore: 2:65, 5:51, 5:60, 7:166, 98:6, 7:4, 17:7-17, 21:95, 25:52, 56:36 virgin joke, 8:67 massacre, 33:61, 5:33, 5:38, 9:5 kill-ambush, 65:5 pedophile child sex filthy sick godless islam.
Expert in Religions says
Moses worship Satan. Quran 20:14. Abraham worship stars, moon and sun. Quran 6:76-78. Angel Gabriel said Jesus is the Son of God, Luke 1:35 to be burnt in hell. Quran 9:30-35. Allah never exist. Satan is holy in the Quran, no sin. Non Muslims said the Quran is fairly tales book. Quran 6:25. Allah and his angels worship Adam. Quran 15:29,30. The Quran can be changed. Quran 2:106. Allah cannot create. Quran 112:3. Allah lied that he created you, but you are made by sperm and egg. Quran 2:21. And many more foolish.
izzy says
trueee these r all hateful white ppl who scan the quran for smthn to twist smh.
anonymous says
You are right . The whites think that they are the boss of the world. There are more blacks and Muslims and other people in the world. We are not that brainless to believe in their bogus talks .
Glenn Gerun says
racist hogwash.
GOD loves everyone, and created mankind equal with intelligence, & created the universe, BUT
JESUS CHRIST CAME FROM HEAVEN TO SAVE EVERYONE & is definitely the judge of everyone imminently.” For the Father judgeth no man, but committed all judgment unto the Son.”
Saint John 5:22.
Christ Jesus is very prominent in the Holy Trinity on behalf of GOD the creator, the Holy Spirit. Everyone should bow, & make the sign of the cross hearing their saviour on earth is definitely Christ.
“Go ye baptizing in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Lo I am with you always.”
Saint Matthew 28:18 are
Truths made true by the eye witnessed New Testament salvation seen.
EternalGodProof says
It’s muslims godless belief that incite evil & wrongdoing against civil people & against 1TrueGod & Jesus Christ shall be severed from the good eventually.
Glenn Gerun says
Logical you choose eternal hell or eternal heaven.
We shall all find out eminently.
Joy Carter says
Anonymous says
Jesus says to not partake in those acts. Don’t forget the amount of times that their religious views had bombed America time and then again. It’s so common we’re not even shocked to hear it anymore.
Muhammad Abdullah Shahab says
Are you serious?
Is that why you guys judging Islam?
What about Rhineland massacres?
What about Burma?
What about Iraq?
What about Afghanistan?
Ah you don’t know what happened there cause your media doesn’t shows that.
If that’s the standards of terrorism that Christians must be on top then?
And how many times have muslims bombed America?oh I see you talking about 9/11….. when 80% of the workers were off duty?
Have you ever thought how were they all in luck?
MohammedIsAPedo says
When 80% of the workers were off duty?! Is that supposed to make it right?! What about the other 20%?! What about the millions who now have mesothelioma and cancer or have already passed from it?! How dare you sit there and try to downplay and rationalize the disgusting behavior of YOUR MUSLIM BROTHERS! Now I know why you don’t eat pigs because that would be cannibalism for you!
Hotsalamibacon says
Your religion is sick the way you treat your women is disgusting and if you are t killing infidels well then you aren’t really following your religion so you should stop calling yourself Muslim
Mshab says
“And how is it that God did not in your presence present this man with the book to which you refer, even as He gave the Law to Moses, with the people looking on and the mountain smoking, so that you, too, might have certainty?’—they answer that God does as He pleases. ‘This,’ we say, ‘We know, but we are asking how the book came down to your prophet.’ Then they reply that the book came down to him while he was asleep. Then we jokingly say to them that, as long as he received the book in his sleep and did not actually sense the operation, then the popular adage applies to him (which runs: You’re spinning me dreams.) [106]” – Fount of Knowlege- Heresies, St John of Damascus 8th cent. He has much more to say..
One of the first Christians (or probably anybody) to write about Islam. 1500 years ago. I encourage everyone to read it. He had first hand knowledge living amongst them so he wasn’t relying on “misconceptions.”
Anonymous says
Yeah they are
not thinking about you but just just killing you.
Glenn Gerun says
CREATOR GOD SAVES BY JESUS CHRIST LOVE & SALVATION SEEN “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, “carried up into heaven. And they worshiped Him & returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple praising & blessing God.” 24:51-53; HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH 600 AD koran allah invented by men:
2:65 be apes,
2:191 kill-expel,
3:151 terror,
4:34 beat women,
4:89 seize-kill,
5:33 kill-crucify-hand cut off-exile
5:38 amputate hands,
5:51 prejudice,
5:60 made them apes-pigs hate,
7:4 we destroyed,
7:166 be apes hatred,
8:12 terror-behead,
8:67 massacre,
9:5 kill-beseige-ambush,
9:111 fight-kill,
9:123 fight-harsh,
10:13 destroyed,
17:7 destroy-total destruction,
17:16 we destroy,
17:17 we destroyed,
18:59 we destroyed-destruction,
19:98 we destroyed,
21:95 destroyed-to never return,
23:48 destroyed,
25:39 we destroyed-destruction,
26:139 we destroyed,
27:51 we destroyed,
33:26 terror-kill-enslave women and children,
37:48, 38:52, 78:33 sex jokes,
33:61 seized massacred,
36:31 we destroyed,
37:136 we destroyed,
38:3 we destroyed,
43:8 destroyed,
46:27 destroyed,
47:4 behead-slaughter,
47:13 we destroyed,
54:51 destroyed,
56:36 virgin joke,
65:4 not menstruated pedophile children,
98:6 worst of creature dehumanize is SELF EVIDENT man made evil, clear beyond dispute no allah, no god in islam koran written hatred-violence-murder & sex crimes has no right to exist: Historical proof: “670 million non Muslims massacred since the birth of islam”, India hindu kush genocide, Armenia Turk genocide, 80 million Balkan genocides, 2 million Sudan POOR slaughtered by Muslims, raping today, 9/11, 3/11, 7/7, Africa, Middle East, Syria, taliban, isis, boko, al-queda, al-shabab murder unarmed people with impunity, land turned into 50 godless slave holding death trap countries, illegally occupied by Muslims, Pakistan 1000 honor killings per year, 65:4 evil pedophile child sex prayed 5 X a day is criminal evidence to abolish godless islam completely so civilized people can live & work.
Glenn Gerun says
Non co-operation with evil is as much a duty as co-operation with good.” Mahatma Gandhi.
koran 9:5, 5:60, 7:4, 65:4 is evil.
Ramzi Haroun says
Thank you Joy. I am experienced in religions comparison. I wrote several books about NT and OT. I am submitting couple of bibles verses to show how the OT is harsher .:
1 Samuel 15:3
“This is what the Lord Almighty says… ‘Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”
Psalm 137:9
“Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us – he who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” –
Judges 19:25-28
“So, the man took his concubine and sent her outside to them, and they raped her and abused her throughout the night, and at dawn they let her go. At daybreak the woman went back to the house where her master was staying, fell down at the door and lay there until daylight. When her master got up in the morning and opened the door of the house and stepped out to continue on his way, there lay his concubine, fallen in the doorway of the house, with her hands on the threshold. He said to her, ‘Get up; let’s go.’ But there was no answer. Then the man put her on his donkey and set out for home.”
Ephesians 5:22
“Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord.” –
Exodus 21: 7-8
“When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again.” –
Glenn Gerun says
read the context sir. Now do you get it?
Glenn Gerun says
2:65 be apes-despised is hate,
98:6 worst of creatures is hate,
5:60 made them apes & pigs is hate,
7:166 be apes-despised is hate prayed by Muslims 5 X a day, clear proof no allah, zero god in islam, made to deny Christianity, GOD’S Love & salvation by His Divine Son, eye witnessed, “carried up into heaven. And they worshiped Him & returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple praising & blessing GOD.”
Saint Luke 24:51.
Glenn Gerun says
I see murdering by muslims daily. Read history please, “670 million massacred”
Glenn Gerun says
all i do expose the vilevil hate from the koran. I have no hate. The world sees the 5:51 hate & murdering muslims everyday, against civil people. Do the research: “670 million massacred” OR
RESEARCH: 2 million Darfur Sudan POOR slaughtered for decades on our watch, Remember Joy? or janjaweed “devils on horseback” said to Nadifa, “you can be killed or raped” is islam in a nutshell, oh ya joy, muslims burned meagre crops, huts, villages, horrid displacements, is coming to you joy, & all women, & if you don’t believe it you shall be koranic 4:34 beat to death joy, preyed 5 X a day, or muslim’s 5000 honor killing your sisters joy per year joy, OR
REASEARCH 1915 Turk muslims promised equality & freedom, backstabbed genocided 1.5 million Armenian Christians, killed the good men 1st, force marched to Syria, robbed & raped on the way, forced to pray to murdered, read about it joy, his event inspired hitler joy,
Research 1995 Israel gave up the Gaza strip for peace, backstabbed by palestine muslims rained 10s of 1000s of missles on innocent civilians for decades, minding their own business & their 1TrueGod the Creator of everyone on earth, for decades joy, koranic 33:26 terror-kill violence in Israel today joy,
RESEARCH 9/11, 3/11, 7/7 joy,
RESEARCH genocidevil putin & muslim wager invade innocent Ukraine the breadbasket of Eastern Europe with normal desire for civilized relations with Europe trade & commerce joy,
RESEARCH fraud koran 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 78:33 full breasted women delusions, 56:27 boy paradise delusions, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex islam idolatry against CHILDREN, is coming to your children joy, you know mohamed pedophiled Aisha & 33:26 murder 900 Jews & carried over his tribes star/moon god al-ilah slyly shortened to allah in his dictated 25:-4-5 falsehood koran to get away with murder & sex crimes, was obviously fooling himself, but doesn’t fool anyone anymore nor you joy carter.
There’s only 1 hope for Muslims, baptize “born again” St.John 3:3-7 to everlasting life BY THE RESURRECTED-ASCENT SON OF GOD REAL MESSIAH CHRIST JESUS ONLY WAY TO REAL GOD IN HEAVEN.,
AND do yourself a favor joy, read Holy Scripture, Saint John 16:2:: ALL KNOWING CHRIST FROM HEAVEN, predicted god deception islam/koran/allah 600 YEARS, before it was invented,
Here’s your Creator, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5, is the same to Muslims, because Holy God Genesis made all Muslims whom were corrupted against their own HOLIEST OF HOLY 1 CREATOR-SAVIOUR KJ HOLY BIBLE that we are all in & now finally saved. by the grace of GOD & CHRIST’S LOVE & MERCY SINCE 4BC. Ask “Jesus help me & show me REAL GOD & He will”
Mara Lee says
I’m sorry about what happened to your friend, but hatred IS NOT THE ANSWER. Billions of people of different religions are killed by people of ALL relgions and we all realize this has nothing to do with religion. Even when it’s being done in the name of religion, such as the KKK. Or the Bosnia genocides perpetrated by christians., or the Jews massacering millions of innocent muslims to take their land in the name of religion. Or the hindus killing thousands of muslims just because they’re muslims.
We all see these are sick people and we love and respect God enough to not blame any religion. You should be so wise and human as well.. Whether you believe in Islam or not, they ARE humans just like you. And you’re turning yourself into what you claim to hate in them: A truly evil person who wishes bad on innocent people.
Shrek Jo says
A majority of Muslims are Not TERRORISTS,……but ALMOST ALL TERRORISTS are MUSLIMS.
The political ideology of Islam is what animates its violent relationship with the West and the non-Muslim world.
Perhaps the only way for you to understand it would be to take everything you believe about fundamentalist Christianity & substitute “Islam.” Brutal, bigoted, misogynistic, Luddite and intellectually narrow — although even pre-reformation Christianity during the Crusades (a response to Muslim aggression) pales in comparison to the murderous foundations of Islam with its rape, slavery, beheadings, and forced conversions.
The Quran contains dozens of verses explicitly decreeing violence against infidels.
Progressives like to flatter themselves they are on the right side of history as if societies can only ratchet one-way in the direction of becoming more humane and advanced. If the beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper names you need to stop pretending Islamic terror has nothing to do with Islam.
Anonymous says
Majority of terrorists come from Afghanistan. There they are taught to kill people because doing so will get u in Jannah but Islam doesn’t say about anything like that. And whenever Prophet Faught it was the non Muslims who attacked and he had to save the religion. Instead of reading the hate comments read Quran your self and remmebee half truth is a lie because it’s not full. The evidences you guys are Giving is half and not full. Read the conditions. The Quran says that to not attack those who doesn’t bother you but to those you are threat to your religion. Will you not raise sword to protect your religion? At that time Islam was born newly and non Muslims attacked them to finish Islam. So what would Muslims do!? Were they to sit and watch them attack and kill there people and Islam. What would u do in that situation?
Glenn Gerun says
Read history facts online please. mohamed was tormented about God & chose his families local pagan beliefs & were in charge of the profitable kaaba rock worship. The koran was started centuries earlier because the Arabians were jealous for “a book” mohamed completed the with his cultures pagan god fables, poems, recitations awarded prizes for the best ones over centuries,, liked by the boys & important in their primitive culture, hundreds of gods, & pilgrimages & trade caravans. He denied verbal knowledge of Jesus Christ well known facts & various details with mistakes & blunders scholars admit, written in the koran clear proof no allah, no god, a mohamed made inferior book to get away with his murders, 11 wives, beat women, 65:4 pedophile Aisha child sex, his favorite wife, certainly has nothing to do with TRUE GOD & ASCENT SON CHRIST’S LOVE & SALVATION POSITIVELY EYE WITNESSED, Saint Luke 24::51-53, therefore true, for everyone forevermore “born again.” Saint John 3:3-7. KJ Holy Bible NT. That’s why Jesus came from heaven seen by 3 Arabian astrologers followed God’s star precisely to Bethlehem, the saviour of the world God in the flesh
Saint Matthew 2;1-12.
km says
I think you need brain surgery.
Glenn Gerun says
Who Loves you and saves you by His Divine Son Jesus Christ? 1TrueGod. Amen.
All else is hell.
Glenn Gerun says
Who Loves you and saves you by His Divine Son Jesus Christ? 1TrueGod. Amen.
Ralph says
Are you crazy – you have to be mentally deficient or you don’t have the news in your head. Muslims have killed more hindus than ever, dig some history and find out. The 1992 26 bomb blasts in Mumbai, or the hotel invasion in Mumbai where pakistani muslims killed over 260 people living in the Taj hotel and other moms blasts of 2016. You are one crazy woman, go back in your cave.
I will trust a serpent but not a muslim because no matter how these scums are they WILL always bite you and stab you in the back.
Glenn Gerun says
To say the least sir.
Research “670 million massacred”
Anonymous says
Hey hey hindus killing muslims lol
Muslims did everything to convert hindus into muslims study the history of India and what true is true so act like muslims are the victim
Sahil Mallik says
Doesn’t we rename those muslims a “ misguided Muslims by fake Imams” because if muslims killed hindus in Kashmir, muslims oops misguided Muslims also killed the Muslims who tried to save hindus from attacked … When the terrorist in India, Mumbai killing People’s in Railway station, Taj hotel and several places they also killed Muslims they didn’t gone to people’s and asked excuse me are you a muslim yes? Ok thank you… Are you Hindu? Yes… Good bye…No they killed Muslims too vandalised muslims house too…. But People’s didn’t looked at the Muslim dead bodies they saw Muslim Terrorist….. And if Muslims really willing to kill they would have killed you all now but Learnt Imam’s doesn’t teaches this..
Glenn Gerun says
In 1570, a Muslim historian Firistha wrote that Muslims slaughtered over 400 million Hindus bringing the population down from 600 million to 200 million at the time. (Hindu Kush) is the muslim brotherhood of Genocide.
Recently, Turkey Muslims promised freedom & equality, genocided 1 million 500 thousand Armenians, murdered the Christian men first & forced marched the women & children to Mesopotamia, raping them along the way.
You likely recall the genocide atrocities invaded Sudanese poor, burn meagre crops, & homes, still raping today.
And forced everyone to godless islam 4:34, 65:4 or murdered. Now 2000 AD, taliban slaughtering regress of half a million & counting, Syria isis, all Africa invaded by muslims yields hell on earth & endless fiery hell, unless they are struck by the light of Jesus Christianity like Saint Paul, I pray.
Fayyaz Zaman says
Thank you very much for your pure mantality. I’m a Muslim and I hope one day all of this hatred will end.
Glenn Gerun says
There’s no hatred on my part but researched facts & proofs there’s no allah, no god in islam. Use your GOD given intelligence to chose THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD JESUS CHRISTIANITY ETERNAL LIFE & everyone knows it. All else is hell.
Glenn Gerun says
CHRISTIANTY IS CLEAR PROOF OF GOD THE FATHER & HIS LOVE FOR HIS CREATION by His SON. “Born again” believers of ascent JESUS CHRIST in heaven Saint Luke 25:51-53 are believers of reality of the creator & saviour for everyone, proof eye witnessed in the New Testament.
And clear proof mohamed used his tribes pagan non existent star/moon god allah to deny GOD’S CHRISTIANITY “I am the way, the truth & the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” Saint John 14:6. Believeth not in Christ, self inflict endless fiery hell long before godless islam was predicted by Jesus, Saint John 16:2.
Glenn Gerun says
islam is ICC hate-crimes against humanity with mohamed’s tribes pagan moon god hoax allah, men wrote in a koran 98:6, 5:60, 5:51, 7:166, 2:65, 5:33 kill-crucified-hands-feet cut off from opposite sides-banished, 46:27 destroyed, 76:19, 65:4 pedophile-rape children,
Eternal God proof says
An excellent solution is abolish godless islam thereby Muslims “born again” to GOD’s Christianity Love & salvation.
Darlene Jenkins says
The irony is muslims are minding their own business raising their kids while you’re writing hate blogs against them. Wouldn’t that make you hateful and violent and muslims peaceful? This hypocritical hatred for fellow humans is so bad it’s almost funny.
Anonymous says
The irony is that you make assumptions about Muslims when there are hundreds and hundreds of Islamic sites dedicated and devoted to criticize Christians and Jews and Atheists while also being extremely hateful to anyone wanting a conversation. If you haven’t stumbled upon them then you are most probably Liberal and live under a rock
Flames says
……you’re just brainwashed as the rest of them. Freedom of speech is a thing you know? Many and many other Christian sites go out their way to criticize Islam, you’re just pathetic. I hope you’ll realize one day, and change your mind about Islam as a whole. Until you stop creating hatred for yourself, you’ll just continue to fill your head with false info all the time.
Glenn Gerun says
muslims are not minding their own business teaching their children pure lies mohamed & companions applied to the non existent pagan stars/moon idolatry allah worship in a koran 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 2:65 be apes-despised, 7:166, 98:6 call down mankind, 5:51 prejudice, 5:33 kill-crucified-hands/feet cut off-exiled, 56:36 virgin paradise sex joke, 9:5 kill-besiege-ambush, 8:12 terror-behead, 33:26 terror-kill-enslave women & children to lies, 4:34 beat women, 5:38 amputate their hands (cruelty men made), 54:51, 47:13, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 46:27, 43:8, 38:3, 37:136, 36:31 we destroyed, 33:61 massacred blatant evil, 8:67 massacre, 27:51, 26:139, 25:39 we destroyed-destruction obvious no god in islam, all islam is man made evil: 19:98, 18:59, 21:95 destroyed that they will never return, 18:59, 17:16, 10:13, 17:7, 17:17 we destroyed evil, 3:151 terror, 2:191 kill-expel proof by 50 Muslim countries destroyed unarmed civilized working good people-farmers minding their own business now occupied by Muslims ruined against their own Creator GOD & Jesus Christ the saviour of the world-one heart & mind. Now do you get it. Love is truth. Read these true facts to save your own life & your children as well. Muslims denying all these clear proofs & facts self inflict imminent endless fiery hell. The truth is love. Jesus emphasized “Love one another as I have loved you” & “Ye must be born again” to Christianity to see GOD & life everlasting in heaven. Saint John 3:3-9
Glenn Gerun says
No hate here, but true salvation for everyone forevermore is precisely & only Catholic Love thy neighbor as thyself justice law & order & truth saves all non Christians, forevermore
Michael says
Haha. I’m a Christian convert and let me tell you Islam is the only true religion. Everything you said is inaccurate and out of context. Oh shame on you calling yourself an American, oh shame on you calling yourself a true Christian, All of these religions have been corrupted and bent to fuel your interests, the holy Bible is a copy of a copy from a copy. How blind I was when I was a Christian back in my days, never once questioned it, churches always told everyone, ” accept Jesus and the moment you do, all your sins will be forgiven and the doors will open to paradise ” how foolish they were, as it’s not that simple. How foolish I was, it was Allah’s swt mercy and guidance that allowed me to see the truth. Islam is the way and has always been. There has always been the same message and that’s to worship Allah alone and Mohammad pbuh is the final messenger. It is people like you that will be humiliated to the fullest extent, the pain will be unbearable and it will increase each day. Don’t think you are clever and what your doing is worthy. If you were a true Christian you wouldn’t be on here slandering Islam, shame on you.
Nathaniel says
If you were a true Muslim you would accept Christianity and we could all live in peace and love.
Marwan says
We do accept Christians but on the other hand about 75% of the Christians wants us dead.
Glenn Gerun says
CHRISTIANTY IS CLEAR PROOF OF GOD THE FATHER & HIS LOVE FOR HIS CREATION by His SON. “Born again” believers of ascent JESUS CHRIST in heaven Saint Luke 25:51-53 are believers of reality of the creator & saviour for everyone, proof eye witnessed in the New Testament.
And clear proof mohamed used his tribes pagan non existent star/moon god allah to deny GOD’S CHRISTIANITY “I am the way, the truth & the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” Saint John 14:6. Believeth not in Christ, self inflict endless fiery hell long before godless islam was predicted by Jesus, Saint John 16:2.
Anonymous says
Nisa 89
Read the context or the commentary of the verse. This is talking about the hypocrites who run away from the battle of Uhud almost 300 of them, and the believers when returning home they were arguing what should be their punishment. And death penalty is the major ruling on any soldier who runs from battle even in western countries. These people might be spies
So God revealed this verse saying they have already disbelieved and they would also like the believers to be disbelievers as they did. So don’t take any one of them as a helper or protector, until they emigrate for the cause of Allah(meaning leaving the city of Madinah completely and moving to a remote place in repentance) . But if they turn back(meaning against the believers), like civil war, then seize them and kill them anywhere you find them (as in self defense)
To the contrary the Holy Quran in no way justifies murder; it unequivocally states, “Whosoever killed a person … it shall be as if he had killed all mankind” (5:32). Such acts of violence are condemned in the Quran and by the Prophet Muhammad time and time again. And if you save one person it’s as though you’ve saved the whole of humanity
Similarly in al bukhari 9/49 “Whoever killed a Mu’ahid (a person who is granted the pledge of protection by the Muslims or protected by the law) shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise though its fragrance can be smelt at a distance of forty years (of traveling).”
Also in Al bukhari 9/6871 The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The biggest of Al-Kaba’ir (the great sins) are: (1) To join others as partners in worship with Allah, (2) to murder a human being, (3) to be undutiful to one’s parents, and (4) to make a false statement,” or said, “to give a false witness.”
Graham Bryant says
You muslim nut-islam allows the killing of innocents the rape of infidel women and children and forced child marriage as young as 6 years of age and you accept this!! The Lord Gods wrath is coming for ALL islam very soon…………………………………………….
Ramsha says
Ur so uneducated
First educate urself. U clearly donno about anything. U need to get help dear
Anonymous says
Where it says to rape and kill children?
Tell me? Where is it in Qurna or in Sunnah?
Sahil Mallik says
Rape is biggest sin in Islam… Some Fake Imam’s represented it badly….if rape is done because religion taught this. Then the rape done by Hindu, Christian, Jews and others does they did this because there religion taught this???
Kayla Reese says
Michael, you are so right. Even if what he wrote was true (which it isn’t) a decent person doesn’t slander a religion. I truly feel sorry for people like him. We (christians, muslims, jews and all religions) must all fight ourselves hard to not catch this disease. We all want people to convert to our religion of choice. Hateful behavior turns people away. Who would ever want to join his religion and be like him?
Sahil Mallik says
I’m Muslims.. my closest friends are Hindu , Christian.. I or they never told eachother to convert in our religion. If they have born in different religion and believes in it let them they didn’t do something wrong by doing that… It’s same with muslims like I am I believes In my Religion let me until I do something wrong like People’s portrait all muslims which is killing Hindus I never taught and thought about killing other neither Islams allowed it
Glenn Gerun says
it’s not slander to stop godless islam 9:5 kill-ambush, 7:4 destroy (and there are 14 more specific destroy verses), 8:67 massacre, 33:61, 2:65, 5:51, 98:6, 7:166, 5:60 is not a religion but evilest of evil crimes against: GOD, JESUS CHRIST, Angel Gabriel, Moses, Abraham, Jews, justice law & order, human rights, freedoms, humanity, women, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex, the Middle East, Africa, Asia, all civilized countries, and crimes against all Muslims as well, the poor children taught evil islam, evil against peace, evil against refuge given by Christian people & countries,
Dr Edwards says
Well said. I am a Christian and believe in tolerance and forgiveness. it is times like this that I see why there are so religious conflict in the World. Evil (the Devil, Satan or whatever you want to call it) is something you let in. you allow it to guide you. I have met many Muslims in my Ph.D studies in Theology, and in the conclusion of my Ph.D thesis I wrote:
‘There is no such thing as truth. only interpretation’
My faith is private, but I practice it the way a True Christian should.
Me says
There’s no such thing as truth?
So I guess you are free to create your own truth.
Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
Proverbs 28:26
Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered.
John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Glenn Gerun says
Glorious, beautiful, eternal truth & facts of GOD’s Love in the New Testament, is through His Divine Son JESUS CHRIST the saviour of the world in unity with the HOLY SPIRIT (one heart & mind, The Holy Trinity).
“God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth” The woman saith, “I know the Messias cometh which is called Christ, when He is come He will tell us all things.” Jesus saith unto her “I that speaketh unto thee am He.” … Come see a man which told me all things that I ever did: is not this the Christ?” Saint John 4:24-29 — is the same to everyone in the world today & forevermore.
Glenn Gerun says
I see evil islam everyday, constant hate-war mongering muslim expansion in the Middle East, Africa, Nigeria, Somalia, Indonesia, Asia, refugees in Christian countries backstab unarmed civilians, like Turkey Armenia genocide, 9/11, 7/7, 3/11 murdering unarmed civilians, Jews ceded Gaza for peace backstabbed 1000s of missles, Turkey Armenia genocide, kidnapping, 2 million Sudan POOR slaughtered, burn meagre crops, homes, villages, raping today, billions of women abuse daily, 1000 honor killings annually in Pakistan, 50 countries conquered by muslims with pagan star/moon god hoax allah excuses, And if Muslims say peace is a foul lie, proof by koran 33:61, 8:67, 9:5, 17:16 etc etc. Check out koran 5:60, 98:6, 2:65, 7:166, 8:12, 5:33, 33:26, 4:34, 56:36 virgin joke, 65:4 pedophilia is clear proof islam is godless & evil. Google history facts: “670 million non Muslims massacred” since islam’s fake allah was invented. And Turkey islam inspired hitler evil. Be aware, Muslim children are corrupted to evil islam crimes daily against Christianity True God Love, proof & facts of life and heaven. St.John 17:3-5
Non co-operation with evil is as much a duty as co-operation with good.” Mahatma Gandhi.
Ralph says
Probably the reason you love muslims is being a muslim you can have 4 wives and when you die you have 72 more virgins for you, while the woman gets nada. So it is because of your lust you like islam, it can’t be anything else. The 2 inches of a woman is deeper than the BS you have said, its an abyss.
Anonymous says
Brother, watch out your thoughts please. An educated person always likes to take some real knowledge about a specific thing and then comment, not seeing whoever did whatever. Deep learning is a necessary thing nor you will unknowingly spread a lie.
Anonymous says
The Bible is definitely not a game of telephone where the origional statement is twisted out of context through many different translations. Every single Christian translation (exluding the Catholic bible, which was twisted far out of context because it was translated off of a translation) has been translated from the origional documents in the Hebrew and Greek languages.
Glenn Gerun says
islam is evilest of evil & godless we see daily. Great people stop evil & wrongdoers & abusers of women & children & anti-semites hate of Jews minding their own business & True God.
Glenn Gerun says
Can you not see Jesus Christ miracles, “healed them all” ✝️, resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed is 1TrueGod.
Anonymous says
the quran commands you to follow, believe, and accept Mohammed to believe in Allah. which means you have to submit to him and his decisions in order to follow allah. Mohammed did many questionable things, including rape, adultery, pedophilia, and other forms of sexual immorality, all mentioned in the quran. he even ordered all those who change their religion to be killed. i have not looked at the quran extensively, but im sure there are many other things you can find wrong about an illiterate caravan robber
Anonymous says
Well i hope for your sake you are right. Because there is no return from hell.
Glenn Gerun says
That’s why Jesus came from heaven & his NT guarantees heaven to “born again” Christians. “I am the way, the truth & the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” Saint John 14:6
Marwan says
Not one time did Prophet Muhammad rape. If you think he did wouldtn that mean Isaac raped a 3 year old? Christians shouldn’t be trying to prove Islam wrong because at the end of the day our only enemy is Satan. And your pushing people away when you talk about other peoples religion and slander them.
Anonymous says
maybe look at your sources in more detail next time so you have more accurate information rather than following the assumptions of those who are not educated enough to comment about Islam as a religion
Glenn Gerun says
No one in their right mind submits to a ridiculous allah 2:65 be apes, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, ridiculous 98:6 worst hate, 7:166 be apes despised, mean & nasty sex abuse 4:34 beat defenceless women, ridiculous 37:48 limiting glances fantasy, 38:52 same ridiculous nonsence, ridiculous 56:36 virgin joke, 5:38 amputate hands is cruelty ruin a person cannot survive, 5:33 cut of hands & feet from opposite sides is unspeakable crazy destroy torture a person indisputable proof allah is man made eviliest wicked hogwash, 65:4 pedophile children makes muslims run fast & far from ugly filthy islam:::::::::::: “born again” to the eye witnessed EVER LIVING HOLY CREATOR GOD & HIS DIVINE SON ASCENT JESUS CHRIST THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD, WHOM guarantees everlasting life in heaven today & forevermore.
Anonymous says
It’s amazing that you are spreading such lies for slandering Islam. You never went explained the context behind any of those verses. And in the Quran it has been explicitly stated that a person must not unjustly kill another human being, be it a person of any religion. You are a disgusting person who is taking the verses of the Quran out of context and using it to slander Islam.
John (atheist) says
Too many Muslims have killed too many people, organizations, and people in the name of Allah if that isn´t messed up what is
Anonymous says
islam is the only true religion
Anonymous says
no so untrue. Do you know someone i dont know who a random person came to mosque and killed so many muslims. MUSLIMS DON’T KILL, PEOPLE KILL MUSLIMS and this is so unfair that you are spreading false stuff about muslims when muslims are THE NICEST PEOPLE and Prophet muhammed is the nicest man ever in Islam
Ed says
Hmm, I thought that the very first commandment that God gave to Moses was there is only one God, and to love Him with all your heart, soul, and being. Jesus confirmed that when He was directly asked which commandment was most important. Both of these events took place way before Muhammed was born.
It’s a shame that what you were taught, or understand, about Jesus was incomplete. Believing in Jesus as the Son of God and the Messiah doesn’t mean that’s all that is necessary to inherit salvation.. On the contrary, it requires that one take up their personal crosses and follow Christ’s example and teaching. In other words, being a Christian should transform how you live and conduct yourself.
Oh, by the way, I believe that God, the Father (as Jesus referenced Him),, and Allah are one and the same, do you?
Glenn Gerun says
no chance allah 9:5, 56:36 virgin joke, 7:4 destroy, 2:65, 7:166, 5:51, 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 98:6 worst of creatures, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex, 33:61, 8:67 massacre is from GOD, JESUS CHRIST, Angel Gabriel, Abraham or Moses “thou shalt not have other gods, kill, & lie, 1000’s of years before allah was borrowed from mohamed’s Abdullah tribes pagan non existent idolatry atrological star-moon god worship evident in historical true facts recorded.
Glenn Gerun says
no chance allah 9:5, 56:36 virgin joke, 7:4 destroy, 2:65, 7:166, 5:51, 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 98:6 worst of creatures, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex, 33:61, 8:67 massacre is from GOD, JESUS CHRIST, Angel Gabriel, Abraham or Moses “thou shalt not have other gods, kill, & lie, 1000’s of years before allah was borrowed from mohamed’s Abdullah tribes pagan non existent idolatry atrological star-moon god worship evident in historical true facts you can verify to save your own life from endless hell.
Glenn Gerun says
read the history about mohamed: 33:26 and 65:4 pedophile Aisha child sex koran was made to get away with murder & sex crimes with his tribes pagan star/moon non existent allah used to deny GOD AND HIS DIVINE SON CHRIST THE SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD proof by JESUS “healed them all”, died on a cross for all mankind, resurrected-ascent into heaven” eye witnessed is the same for “born again” Christians. All else self inflict the endless fiery hell. We all shall find out eventually.
May Almighty God, Son Jesus & the Holy Spirit (one heart & mind) please save the rational sons & daughters whom find the light of the world: Christ’s Love “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5. New Testament. Amen. My time texting is eternal truth for life everlasting.
Anonymous says
We had constant war with each other, but now we have peace we want to stop
Ayesha Rob says
i can say the same for other religions. yes many muslims have killed but you realize the quran doesn’t condone any of that? islam is a religion of billions of people, of course there will be bad people.. there are killers in all religions, races, ethnicities etc.
Christa says
Christian here… One who has studied the bible daily and found it to almost completely contradicts the lives Christians live today….and out of curiosity and confusion their behavior led me to READ the Quran which is MUCH shorter and no where near as confusing… I have not made up my mind about anything except that GOD ALLAH are one in the same and that Jesus did Exist! Posts like these should lead true Christians away from Christianity, it’s filled with hatred and statements not backed up with proof. Christians like to pull one verse lines and call it what they want without applying the entire context. There are MANY wars in the name of GOD in the bible and history since is filled with Christians killing thousands of people for not believing? I am starting to become disgusted with the label I promote… (Christianity). Please read things in their entirety so that you can stand firm on your view with proof to back you up.
Md.Fayyaz Zaman says
Assalamualaikum Christian sister. You are right . A true Christian will never hurt others feelings by talking bad about their religion .
I’m a Muslim and I hope you shall find the correct path in the future.
Anonymous says
Uh…and Christians, Catholics, Jews, etc. haven’t killed too many people? One is too many, and how many deaths have been caused by people of all religions? It’s entirely ignorant of you to look past those deaths and only focus on the deaths caused by a single religion…let’s get our shit together, yeah?
Raj says
Muslims are the only religion that hates all other religion. They hate Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists. Well I have covered most of the world religions any ways. Islam is for the ones without a soul . Muslim man gets to marry 4 wives he gets 72 virgins even with a blown up penis magically he gets 72. Muslim women get to be the salves of men even after they die. Born to slavery and die to it as well. There is no dignity for those women. I would trust a serpent than a muslim because I know he will stab me brutally in the back, it will just be a matter of time when he will.
km says
I would enjoy debating with you so much
so uh bye MR atheist with smh bye.
Glenn Gerun says
Research “The flaming gay caliph”
Nyiko says
Which part is a lie?
Sandra Ontoga says
Nyiko, why are you allowing yourself to hate? You’re worse than the people you hate. They aren’t attacking your religion blindly or hating you when they’ve never met you. This is truly wrong! Baby please don’t let people think we are a nation of savages.
Glenn Gerun says
Delusional 81:22-25 mohamed made up 7:4, 4:34, 56:36, 78:33, 5:33, 5:38 9:5, 8:67, 33:61, 2:65, 5:60, 98:6, 65:4 islam/koran/allah completely opposite to everyone’s CREATOR GOD & HIS DIVINE SON JESUS CHRIST LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF SALVATION, positively eye witnessed & tediously documented in the kj New Testament facts of the indisputable only way to heaven.
Anonymous says
This guy talks about how Medina verses abrogates the Meccan verses, well the verses with sexual slavery 23:5 and 70:29 were revealed in Mecca so they are abrogated too, the Medina slavery verses say you have to marry them first.
Unkown says
Americans say Muslims and the religion Islam is bad because of 9/11. Well think about everything Americans did to muslims
Solaad Hannick(former muslim) says
True, but do you see Germans killing Muslims or Africans you just want a scapegoat while many Muslims are in terrorist organizations like Boko Haram so I think Islam is wack
Darlene Jenkins says
I see for the last 20+ years ONLY islamic countries being attacked by jews and christians on the grounds of fighting terrorists. Why are you allowing hatred /media indoctrinations to override history and logic? And why are you allowing yourself to hate? It is so important to be better than this for one’s self if nothing else. I truly doubt you take pride in being cruel and evil fellow offspring of Adam.
Darlene Jenkins says
.Solaad, this is speading hatred. Is this the type of human being you can take pride in being? Would you feel proud when your children to learn hatred/racism from you? I see for the last 20+ years ONLY islamic countries being attacked by jews and christians on the grounds of fighting terrorists. Why are you allowing hatred /media indoctrinations to override history and logic? And why are you allowing yourself to hate? It is so important to be better than this for one’s self if nothing else. I truly doubt you take pride in being cruel and evil.
Ari Loja says
But how is it you know that when a christian does a mass shooting s or when the US attacks innocent countries for their resources it has nothing to do with religion, but think it does when muslims do? Muslims KEEP saying what those groups do is the opposite of what Islam teaches. And btw, what about Isreal? The figures show islam is the LEAST violent of all the religions currently boka haram or no boka haram.
Marwan says
You think Islam is wack? Well what I think is your very uneducated. You think Muslims are Terrorists? Answer my question why would terrorists kill Muslims and blow up the place they pray at?
Glenn Gerun says
Ya unknown, like the refuge given & brainwashed muslims pray & teach their children 2:65 apes, 5:51 hate Christians & Jews, 56:36 virgin joke, 4:34 beat women, 65:4 pedophile children, 98:6 worst hate, 7:166 be apes despised, 9:5 ambush, 7:4 destroy, clear proof no allah, zero god in islam but muslims don’t learn that Real God is exactly Christian American “Love thy neighbor as thyself” refuge & they will be blessed by God & Jesus forevermore.
Anonymous says
Those verses have nothing to do with slavery, it talks about staying away from zina
Haider Khan says
Before we talk about you taking The Holy Quran Verses totally out of context. Let me ask you this… How did building 7 fell?
Hallubda Ognala says
You are very good at making up stories as well as insulting the religion of Islam, sorry sir, do not use the Quran in your slander. There is no Surah that commands the killing of others, because the holy Quran commands justice, and The Holy Quran, the word and will of Allah s.w.t, never ordered the killing of an unbeliever in Islam, because people have no right to take the life of a person like him. Only God can dictate to us and it is never people like us who dictate someone’s life that is why Allah never commanded to killing people, because no one can take human life, Except the one God and true God. Only God, the creator of all kinds here on earth, can decide to take human life. A Muslim can be forced to kill if it has a serious reason, such as when their country is occupied so that Christian politicians can rule so as to become a Christian conqueror. you Christians what is your reason for killing Muslims in their hometown, maybe I know why the Christian politicians want to control the town of the silent Muslims, also cause them to fight and kill for the sake of their country and religion. have you read the certification of Prophet Muhammad PBUH in the monks of Mount Sinai?
This is the certificate written by Mohammed son of ‘Abdallah, the Prophet of God, and His messenger unto all mankind, delivering both promises and threats, and having in his keeping the deposit of God unto His Creation, that men might have no plea after the coming of the Messengers. And God is mighty and wise. This he wrote unto the people of the Christian religion, and to such as profess the Christian religion in the East and West, near and far, clear-speaking and barbarous, known and unknown. He wrote it for them as a charter, and whosoever violates, alters, or transgresses the covenant that is therein, shall have violated the covenant of God, broken His promise, ridiculed his religion, and earned His curse, whether he be a sovereign or any other Moslem. If any monk or pilgrim entrench himself in mountain, valley, cave, township, level, sand or church, I shall be behind them defending them from any that shall envy them, by myself, my helpers, my people, my sect, and my followers, inasmuch as they are my subjects and the people of my covenant. And I exempt them from the vexation in victuals which is endured by the people of the Covenant in that they have to pay the tax, save so far as they themselves of their free will offer it, and there is to be no compulsion nor force employed. No Bishop is to be removed from his diocese, nor monk from his monkdom, nor ascetic from his cell, nor pilgrim from his pilgrimage, neither is any of their assembling-places or churches to be pulled down, neither shall any of the wealth of their churches be employed for the building of mosques or houses for the Moslems; and whoever doeth this shall have violated the charter of God and the charter of His Prophet; neither shall there be taken from monks, bishops, or ministers any poll-tax or fine. I shall maintain their security wheresoever they be, whether on land or sea, east, west, north, or south. They shall at all times and in all places be under my protection and within my covenant and immunity from all mischief. Likewise the hermits in the mountains and blessed places shall not have to pay land-tax nor tithe on that which they sow, nor shall a portion be taken from them seeing that it is only enough for their own mouths, nor shall they have to render assistance at harvest-time, nor shall they be forced to go out on service in time of war, neither shall more be demanded of them that pay the land-tax and the owners of property and estates and those that engage in merchandise than twelve dirhems altogether once a year. None of them shall be made to pay more than is due, neither shall they be striven with save in kindly dealing. They shall guard them under the wing of mercy by keeping off them the vexation of all mischief wherever they be and wherever they dwell. And if Christians dwell among Moslems, the Moslems shall satisfy them, and suffer them to pray in their churches, and shall not interfere in any way with the practice of their religion. And whoso violates the charter of God, and does the contrary thereof, shall be counted a rebel against His covenant and against His Apostle; further, the Moslems shall aid in repairing the Christian churches and places, which shall remain in keeping of the Christians on condition that they abide in their religion and act according to the charter. None of them shall be compelled to bear arms, for the Moslems shall protect them. And none shall violate this charter for all time, even unto the Day of Judgment and the end of the world. (qtd. Zaydan 123-124)
James carroll says
One small comment. There’s no such thing as a Christian politician.
Anonymous says
Yes there is it’s called a republican they are on the supposed side of Christianity as this narrative was given by themselves
Anonymous says
We do not believe in killing people even muslims. That is your job. We were pug on this earth to bring peace and joy. I want to ask you A question. What are “HONOR KILLINGS”? Yes you heard it…. A concept foreign to us peaceful WWWesterners. Most people here in the. U.S. or other parts of the WWWest do not even know of such horrors that exist in the mmmidle eeeast. Honor Killings are socially acceptable amongst civvillian communities and islamic government. I heard a couple of months ago in iran a poor islamic/ innocent young lady was raped by a strong islamic man. The woman got pregnant. Furthermore, the father and brother of the victim murderdered her because it brought shame to their family. The government turns a blind eye. Neighbors look the other way. This is one of thousands of examples of “justified” honor killings in the Islamic world. Barbaric and straight ticket to the world “below” teenage boys have been killed in the 100’s monthly by islamic community police. They have been murdered because of their sexualy identity. These teenagers have even been killed for other reasons rather than being straight or gay. . the islamic community police kills them for wearing regular jeans or t-shirts with art/graphics on them. Oh and Long hair and lip stick too! Whatever fits the Muslim criteria of evil just kill’m all… Such a peaceful religion and quite tge example to the rest of the world….you have to accept the realities of your people. You kill the innocent in the name of your ‘whoever’ you keep your women as abused 3rd class citizebs who cajt ecen look a man in the eye without tge fear of being murdered. Did you know that in the quaran it says that in order for a man to be convicted of rape there needs to be 4 MALE witnesses to the rape. Very peaceful and justifiable i must say…… Did you know muhammad had multiple wives ……all at once. You all sure like to keep your women in bondage and under your fists. All, or to be fair most, of terrorists come from Islamic backgrounds. All these world wide terrorist attacks are driven by muslins. Suicide bombers driving into restraints and CCChristian CCChurches. These faith driven “marters’ for iiislam kill all these innocent people, minding there own business, with the idea that they get a 1st class ticket to Heaven as their suicide bombing is completed. Think about…. There is slandering and there is factual evidence from history. Oh and by the way, we will never kill you for being muslim. However, we will pray for you and your peace/well being and hope that you will find a turning point that will lead you to the true GGGGGOD of Peace.
ralph says
You contradict your self by saying allah does not allow killing but later on you say only if it is justified ‘if your country is attacked. So when you attacked on 9/11 and when USA went for al queda you stepped up terrorist bombings all over the world. So that is justified. Palestinians attacked Israeli jews in the 72 Olympics that is justified. You are full of crap.
Abdul says
First u did not read the whole text. People can sit here all day, and say the religion isn’t peaceful and is this and that and yada yada. Although, I beg to differ because it generally is a peaceful religion – when followed correctly.
It’s the same in any religion, you can create an oppressing nature if you cherry pick the bits you want and use them like toilet paper, as and when it suits you. Unfortunately, that’s what happens and is the reality. People cherry pick religion as and when it suits them.
Since in your question, you had the tag “Islam and terrorism”. Let me throw you a few facts.
Islam and terrorism do not go together.
Because terrorism involves the killings of innocent humans. Humans which are Gods creation. Guess what, Islam (believe it or not) forbids the killings of innocent humans.
Surah Maida Ch 5 V 32 — “Whoever kills an innocent life it is as if he has killed all of humanity.”
So you really think we’re going to promote misguided idiots strapping bombs and blowing innocent people up, screaming god is the greatest? Erm, read our holy book and get back to us on that one.
All these people claiming to be muslim and doing heinous acts like this, are genuinely idiots – even they clearly don’t know what the religion promotes.
You think I’m sat here with nearly 2billion other muslims, celebrating every terrorist attack? Think again.
Every time I hear about honour killings, terrorism or any crime “in the name of religion” breaks my heart and I genuinely cry.
My religion has been here for me when no one else has. It’s supported me and guided me and no matter what, I’ll always feel this spiritual contentment that’s so rare to find. I often get annoyed and think “Are these terrorists and I, reading the same holy book?”
Of course not, and to be honest, I don’t even think they’ve ever picked up a Quran.
I can so easily cherry pick things from the bible:
“You must kill and destroy those who worship another God” Exodus :20
You see the problem?
Honour killings:
Let’s talk about honour killings because, apparently, they only come from islam.
Again, Islam doesn’t teach that and those who do honour killings will only be met with hell. They do honour killings for honour. Blood is thicker than water. Honour is thicker than blood. Honour is also thicker than religion, in some twisted minds.
These people who commit these acts, only care about their reputation and what they see fit. They don’t care about Islam. It’s so evident.
“Whoever kills a believer intentionally, their reward will be hell to abide theirein Forever, and the wrath and curse of Allah upon them, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for them”.
Forced Marriage, women’s rights and oppression:
This always gets brought up. However, this isn’t religion promoting this, I’d say it’s more a culture and honour thing.
“O you who have chosen to be graced with belief! It is not lawful for you to force a woman into marrying or holding on to them in marriage against their will”
Quran 4:19
As we can see, force marriage isn’t allowed. There are other verses from the Quran that explain that forced marriage is haram (forbidden on all grounds) but, this post is longer than expected and I appraise you, as a reader doesn’t have all day.
Women rights? Women are considered equal:
“Their Lord responded to them: “I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female – you are equal to one another.” (Qur’an, 3: 195)
However, the position of women is debated in every single religion. There’s quotes in every holy scripture that say women are equal but then at some point say men are above women. It’s debatable. I think you just have to study a religion as a believer and then make your own judgement.
Every religion’s holy scripture has violent and/or oppressing rules when cherry picked and taken out of context. Sometimes people can mistake culture and religion together and that creates nothing but a bloodbath. For everyone involved.
All these people on social media and everyday life that say islam isn’t peaceful and so on haven’t even studied or picked up the holy book themselves, just believe everything that’s fed to them.
I’m the type of man where if I see something I disagree with – I’ll say it. I say what I think, and this is what I think.
My sincerest apology if my religion offends you.
Kevin says
Exodus 20 does not in any way say to kill non believers. You might want to do actual research before commenting.
K.a.p.45 says
Well , It doesn’t change the fact that it promotes violence. Its more like a double edge sword.. their are many sects in christianity like roman catholic,orthodox, etc. And many2 more but none of these became a terror group or became a violent organisation. Some of them are even became a cult. Maybe some became violent but they are just a single grain in a bag of salt. Only ome particular religion became popupar and they shook the world for its violence and terrorism. Even if you don’t comsider them your brothers it doesn’t change the fact that what they believed came from the same source . And even not just one particular area. It’s all over the globe.
Glenn Gerun says
The Holy source of all life & everyone’s salvation forevermore is Christian, clear proof by Jesus “healed them all”-✝️-resurrected-ascent into heaven positively eye witnessed is GOD in the flesh proves the way & the truth to heaven. Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1 Corinthians 15:6.
These facts prove all non Christian beliefs before or after deny HOLY GOD SEEN IN CHRISTIANITY.
Marwan says
I agree with you. 100% brother.
Raj says
BS, no other religion talks about violence and killings than Islam, Women slavery still living in burkhas or veils. What BS
#FrogBackwardsPomegranate says
Raj, you are the one who is lacking sight. When Muslim Women wear burqas, hijabs, or veils it is usually because the are happy to be Muslim. It is because they want to say, “Hey world, I am Muslim and I am not afraid to admit it. I love being Muslim.” And BTW, Women are not slaves. In Islam Men and Women each have a role that is equally Important. A man’s job is generally to work and earn money, whereas a woman is in charge of the house and children. This does not mean women are not allowed to work.
Muslim Extremist groups are those Muslims who have gone astray. Islam is a peaceful religion and Muslims believe it is important to respect those of other religions. Just because people are Muslims, it does not mean they are violent. Has Martin Luther King Jr. taught you nothing? It is not fair to say that all Christians are bad, or that all white people are bad, so how is it fair to say all Muslims are bad? I admit that nowadays parts of the Islamic community has been led astray but that does not give permission to say all people are bad.
What about Snape in harry Potter? He did some decent stuff therefore it is not fair to say all Slytherins are evil. And black people? They may have dark skin, but that does not make them any less wonderful.
Despite religion, everyone has basic moral values like killing and stealing is wrong. Extremists are those who have forgotten those values and use Islam as their excuse. Logically speaking, Religion should mean nothing to others. My religion should mean nothing to you and yours to me. Often when we are angry, we overlook crucial aspects that may change the verdict. I can talk (or type) all I want but it does not mean anything if you are not prepared to listen and understand with a cool head. I personally know many muslims and I know this much, they are great people who are kind and understanding. They would never kill. Ever.
Anonymous says
smhhhh yall be trippin
Anonymous says
Jad says
This is the fakest shit I’ve ever read
ald says
same dude
Glenn Gerun says
2:65 be apes, despised,
5:51 prejudice,
5:60 made them apes-pigs,
98:6 worst of creatures,
7:166 repeated hatred,
is clear proof man made allah & the racist hogwash,
4:34 beat women,
65:4 pedophile children,
XG says
I would argue all religions are evil in some type of way but Islam is way scarier than them all. While some religions as Christianity are inclined towards hypocrisy, worldly prosperity and obsession with wealth, stealing from the poor, pedophilia, and finessed form of paganism, Islam is about extremism for me. I observe a sheer form of fanatism and direct obsession with the teachings that are in away direct opposite of peace. And is always about the prophet Mohamed rather than Allah. When you set out to behead someone for the prophet, where do you stand with Allah? And every time a Muslim brother does such a heinous act, other Muslims are quick to disown him. But he does precisely what the Quran commands them to do when it comes to “infidels”. Is like a mother disowning their biological son where they violate their law. Don’t get twisted. I am not religious and I have nothing against Islam. In fact, the majority of the people I respect most in my friends’ circle are Muslims. We drink alcohol and do weed together occasionally. I like how they observe their integrity. They are men of their word. But my question is, where do other Muslims find the courage to hurt others in the name of religion? That’s scary.
Common Sense says
There are an estimated 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. That’s nearly 1/4 of the world population. It’s not possible to paint that many people with a single brush.
Read a well-researched translation of the Quran, such as the one by M.A.S Abdel Haleem of Oxford University to get a real understanding of the Quranic message.
It is by and large a religion of peace and morality, encouraging Muslims to be mindful of God, humble, to give to the poor and orphans, to be good to parents, to speak kind words, among other virtues.
There are certain verses in the Quran that speak to violence, all of which are speaking in the context of a time when Muslims were being persecuted, giving the Prophet and his followers permission to fight back in self-defense.
There will always be people in the world who choose to do evil for selfish gain. Some of these people will manipulate the words of religious texts and take words out of context to achieve their own purpose.
The vast majority of Muslims are decent, hard-working, and peaceful people. Associating all Muslims with the behaviors of extremist and fringe groups is like associating all Christians with the KKK.
Rishi says
The majority of muslims may be honest, decent, upstanding,respectable, but they are like a hive of honey bees with a nest of radical hornets imbedded inside.— Only a pacifist coward psycho would leave the hive in his back yard to spare the bees…..and in this case, the bees could get rid of the hornets themselves, if they wanted to…..Instead they want us to leave the hive alone and absorb the hornet stings.
Anonymous says
When was the last time you went out and fought the KKK. Your leap in logic is stupid.
jay says
you cant paint everyone altogether. there are different types of muslims the ones that follow it completely which I promise you will be humble, kind, calm and collected and extremely respectful. there are the people that may break some rules maybe the women won’t wear a shelia (scarf) and may not pray 5 times a day; and the lowest of the low the ones that hardly do anything to the religion, the people that only have their religion written as a muslim on their passport and that’s it. no proof. the less you believe in Allah (sub7anahu wa ta3ala) the less you know about the religion, therefore the higher chance you have on not knowing the difference between right and wrong.
this article tells you about ‘Surah 4:24, 23:5, 70:29’ when the Surah tells you to believe In god, help the poor and the orphans, and to be kind to one another. it tells you to be respectful towards the married women and single women and to marry the maximum of four women only. every single Sarah that talks about slaying pagans is in the times when they would go and burn Mohammad (pbuh)’s house and attempt to kill him. clearly its all self defence. why cant we all just love one another and respect each other’s religion god dammit. this man dont know nth abt my religion hopefully you al qiyama comes soon to show him what we mean. iykyk 😉
Anonymous says
couldn’t have said it better
Glenn Gerun says
i have a couple of korans 9:5 kill-ambush, 17:16 destroy, 25:39 destroy, 5:60 ape-pig, 33:61 massacre, 8:67 massacre, 5:33 kill-crucified-hands & feet cut off-exile, 47:13, 47:4, 98:6, 2:65 ape, 7:166 ape, 5:51 prejudice, 33:26 terror-kill-enslave women & children, 56:36 virgin joke, 78:33, 38:52, 37:48, 52:24, 56:17, 76:19, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex proves islam has never had a god, doesn’t fool anyone anymore, To beat the heat, Arabians traveled at night, became keen astrologers, stars, moon, fables, is where “al-ilah-the god” came from, shortened to allah is the same non existent allah today clear proof by the koran verses above, used to deny GOD’S CHRISTIANITY. “Except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of GOD .” Saint John 3:3.
Anonymous says
yes but no because islam is based on the quran and in the quran it says kill all none beleiers where as in christianity it doesent say that anyways christianity is bs aswell
Haytham says
That made no sense,
There are an estimated 1.8 billion Muslims in the world. That’s nearly 1/4 of the world population. It’s not possible to paint that many people with a single brush.
Read a well-researched translation of the Quran, such as the one by M.A.S Abdel Haleem of Oxford University to get a real understanding of the Quranic message.
It is by and large a religion of peace and morality, encouraging Muslims to be mindful of God, humble, to give to the poor and orphans, to be good to parents, to speak kind words, among other virtues.
There are certain verses in the Quran that speak to violence, all of which are speaking in the context of a time when Muslims were being persecuted, giving the Prophet and his followers permission to fight back in self-defense.
There will always be people in the world who choose to do evil for selfish gain. Some of these people will manipulate the words of religious texts and take words out of context to achieve their own purpose.
The vast majority of Muslims are decent, hard-working, and peaceful people. Associating all Muslims with the behaviors of extremist and fringe groups is like associating all Christians with the KKK.
Anonymous says
The killing all non-believers is not a command for muslims to do. It’s a verse telling Muhammad pbuh when the muslims were being attacked. The verses have context, Just because it says it doesn’t mean it’s a command. It has stories with main ideas.
Anonymous says
thats a LIE. have you actually read the Quran. No where in the Quran does it say kill all none believers. and do you even know how to read arabic huh? so think before you comment
Glenn Gerun says
the biggest 1400 year lie is power & control freak men tried to make pagan non existent allah into a fake god clear proof by koran 37:48, 38:52, 78:33, 56:36 virgin joke, 76:19, 65:4 pedophile children, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 5:51, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166 be apes-despised, 2:65 repeated hatred incites 54:51, 47:13, 47:4, 46:27, 43:8, 38:3, 33:26, 33:61, 8:67, 26:139, 27:51, 7:4, 8:12, 9:111, 10:13, 21:95, 18:59, 17:17, 17:16, 17:7, 19:98, 23:48, 37:136, 43:8, 9:123, 9:5 crimes against Jesus Christ Ever living God proof & humanity, “For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. Saint John 3:16.
Glenn Gerun says
In 1570, a Muslim historian Firistha wrote that Muslims slaughtered over 400 million Hindus bringing the population down from 600 million to 200 million at the time. (Hindu Kush) is the muslim brotherhood of Genocide.
Recently, Turkey Muslims promised freedom & equality, genocided 1 million 500 thousand Armenians, murdered the Christian men first & forced marched the women & children to Mesopotamia, raping them along the way.
You likely recall the genocide atrocities invaded Sudanese poor, burn meagre crops, & homes, still raping today.
And forced everyone to godless islam 4:34, 65:4 or murdered. Now 2000 AD, taliban slaughtering regress of half a million & counting, Syria isis, all Africa invaded by muslims yields hell on earth & endless fiery hell, unless they are struck by the light of Jesus Christianity like Saint Paul, I pray.
Glenn Gerun says
what’s bs about clear evidence & reality seen, Jesus Christ “healed them all” millions seen & felt, resurrection-ascension into heaven, eye witnessed, is 1 True GOD Love & salvation positively seen & felt. Saint Luke 6:19, 24:51 is the same for Christians eventually.
Anonymous says
Mm Catholicism is what you described. True biblical Christianity is none of the above.
Anonymous says
That is very true. The bible’s greatest commandment is love, a true Christian displays love. Christians are not to judge other humans but are to respect peoples differing views all the while spreading the truth which is the Gospel. Everything you mentioned about Christianity is the exact opposite of what it really is. In the past many people made huge errors, by changing or adding to the bible (Catholicism) which is wrong, or preaching a false word which is also wrong, like false preachers that the bible repeatedly warns against. You should also know that some preachers are actually led and manipulated by the Devil. Ultimately, the only way to find the hardcore truth of Christianity is to be led by the holy spirit as you read the word which will give you insight and understanding on what it means. It is understandable if these are the kinds of so called Christians you have encountered but honestly those who really follow the word are few.
Glenn Gerun says
It is pure love to expose godless islam 4:34 beat women, 78:33, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex, 9:5 kill-ambush, 7:4 destroy, 5:51, 5:60, 2:65, 98:6, 7:166 crazy hatred, 56:36 virgin joke, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred “670 million non Muslims” since “pagan al-ilah-the idolatry god” was used by sly koran writers who like islam evil to dominate women, usrp democratic justice law & order, freedom, human rights, with the fabricated allah excuse. Now you see. Now 8 billion free thinking people know allah has never existed ever; wise
“born again” to Jesus seen truth Catholic-Orthodox Christianity of 1 God the Holy Spirit Love “before the world was.” Saint John 17:3-5
Anonymous says
Catholicism and Christianity are fake
Anonymous says
Glenn Gerun says
Where are you going not believing eye witnessed caring Jesus Christ miracles of love, “healed them all” Saint Luke 6:19, died for all mankind on a cross to take away the sins of the world, resurrected-ascent into heaven positively seen Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1Corinthians 15:6. That’s why Christ Jesus came from heaven & you dare not believe God Love, truth & facts. Beware, hell is forever & before it’s too late rise to the highest possible “born again” to the kingdom of God “before the foundation of the world.” Saint John 17:24.
Heather says
If the Muslims your with are drinking and doing weed, they are not following the religion. Both of these things are prohibited.
Anonymous says
But you cant just say that about Muslims, since more then 95% of Christians do stuff that is forbidden in their religion too. Just because some Muslims dont follow every single rule of their religion doesnt mean they are bad people. The reality is that there are people from EVERY single religion that do forbidden stuff in their religion, and from all religions, Muslims follow their religion more then any other religion.
Glenn Gerun says
827-911 Persian scholar Ibn al Rawandi called the koran LAUGHABLE 65:4 pedophile children, 37:48 limiting glances 38:52 limiting glances, 78:33 full breasted women, 56:36 virgin joke, 52:24, 56:17, 76:19, 5;60 made them apes & pigs, 98:7 worst of creatures, 2:65 be apes, 7:166 be apes is man made hatred,
incites 15 destroy verses like 7:4, 25:39, 9:5 kill-ambush, self evident proof beyond a shadow of doubt there’s no such thing as an allah nor a god in islam.
8 billion intelligent people are not confused anymore, upgrade to MOST HIGH HOLY CREATOR GOD & JESUS CHRIST IN HEAVEN “before the foundation of the world.” Saint John 17:24
Anonymous says
excuse me… love my religion is not scary. everything about this post is wrong. none of these sayings are even in any surah. trying again bitter hearted person
Tijani says
Do you know they’ve found 37 different arabic quran, which the video on YouTube,
[9:5] But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, …
Anonymous says
yes, it does say that, but keep in mind it was talking about different times. Back then, Muhammad PBUH was being persecuted by the Pagans of Mecca, so it says this because the Meccans followed him to Medinah where he fleed to. So, in their time, the Pagans were oppressors of Islam, and Islam permits fighting back people who oppress them. So thats why it says slay the Pagans wherever you find them, because back then they were openly enemies of Islam and persecutors of Muhammad PBUH.
He says
Precisely, all those organisations claiming to be Muslims are people that take words of the Q’uran out of context for their own gain and since those shameful people are the ones being mentioned on social media people start thinking that our religion is all about evil and violence.
Anonymous says
There are still things in the Quran that even us Arabs don’t know, Because even if the Quran is written in Arabic its almost like it a whole different language. These are the words of a god after all. And because we don’t understand it that much some sentences could have completely different meanings then what we think they do. And after you translate it to english it will stray from the true meaning even more.
Zack says
This was literally in response to an Arab tribe that would repeatedly make peace agreements and then violate them, murdering the Muslims.
Glenn Gerun says
Tijani, the koran 9:5 verse proves there’s no such thing as allah, clearly man made rhetoric. My my, how gullible Muslims are easy deceived with a couple of words: oft-forgiving, merciful, is clear proof how men made the islam allah deception, the islam god deception incite fight, slay, beseige, ambush, every stratagem of war, self explanatory all islam is all hate, murder, destroy, 65:4 pedophile child sex, & the 56:36 virgin joke, 7:4 destroy, 47:4 behead-slaughter is crazy backwardness, evil, nothing divine, is clear proof Not from GOD, JESUS CHRIST, Angel Gabriel, Abraham or Moses. You are intelligent, can you not see that? Research: the Holy New Testament to save yourself & everyone to Jesus Christ in heaven God proof eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1 Corinthians 15:6, “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, as Saint Paul found out in Acts Chapter 9. Everyone in the world and I will find heaven or hell imminently. That’s why Jesus Christ came from heaven, & died on a cross to save sinners like me.
Son of God says
I am Christian and I don’t know where you get those beliefs from. The lord makes it clear to love everyone no matter their actions and it makes it clear that those things that you mentioned are sins and not good. Jesus is lord
Anonymous says
Jesus is a man of Flesh… I am only Spiritual!!! I will not convert to any Phoney Religion!!! God is God!!! When I asked her if all Christians would Go to hell for Praying to a man of Flesh and an idol of Gold She said “They seek Me and that is Good!!! You are all a Bunch of Speakers!!! Stop Dealing and just pray Directly to God Herself and You will become GOD conscience!!! Otherwise just Realize You are in the Middle of an Attempted Muslim Takeover of America!!! Period!!!
Glenn Gerun says
Who is 1 True God?
Ascent Jesus Christ “Love thy neighbor as thyself”
Hate the neighbor islam 2:65, 5:51, 5:60, 98:6, 7:166, 9:5, 8:67, 47:4 behead-slaughter
Glenn Gerun says
my my, can you not see THE HOLY ORIGIN GOD THE FATHER GENESIS MADE THE WHOLE WORLD & SENT HIS DIVINE SON FROM HEAVEN “Moses wrote of me” TO SAVE mankind, healed them all” St.Luke 6:19, seen & felt by millions of the love & mercy by CHRIST JESUS,, ✝️ for the sins of the world, resurrected from the dead,-ascent into heaven, St.Luke 24:51-53, eye witnessed 1 Cor.15:6 NT truth, proof, facts of The World’s Real Messiah Saviour; & denier muslims try & tell me mohamed’s ludicrous, ridiculous allah 56:36 virgin delusions, 4:34 beat women to death, 56:17 boy paradise delusions, 98:6 hate, 5:51 hate, 78:33 women delusions, 52:24 boy delusions, 76:19 boy delusions, 33:26 terror-murder we see daily, 37:48 delusions, 38:52 delusions, 65:4 pedo islam star/moon/idolatry is a god. My my, I pray for the sinners & unbelievers not “born again” to reality.
Saint John 3:7
Anonymous says
Christianity is not about robbing people of their wealth, we are followers of Jesus Christ and He never lived such life, any man who does that in the name of pastors is only a robber and a thief,
Christ Jesus lived a perfect life of money or wealth free, many people have infiltrated this religion in hope of making money and not truly called
Based Jesus says
Mathew 19:24 “again I tell you, it is easier for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”
Expert in Religions says
The Kingdom of God is above heaven. Even prophet John the Baptist cannot enter the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is for Jesus’s Church only who have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit from Jesus with speaking in unknown tongue.
John says
My brother we Christians you muslims so much 🌹why you calling jews and Christians are the worst of creatures we believe in jesus 💯 the Bible is not corrupted
You said that .jesus is the only way to heaven He is risen and He alive
He is the way the truth and life 🌹He is the life stop 🛑 putting booms 💣in our minds God bless you
Glenn Gerun says
what ????? give me a break anon, pure nonsence anon
Yes says
You are all wrong this is wrong read the entire text. Then judge
Thank you and peace
Sk says
The interpretation way be wrong ut how many Christians and jews and pagans were put into slavery and sold by the same people you idolize? And did Muhammads general’s not per take in the rap of their conquered? And when did they stop raiding the oceans and the coast of the Mediterranean and all the way to Ireland? And ask for ransoms on an annual tax? Yes all of these things did happen. I’m not a racist or a bigot but facts are facts if the people did not convert then they would be killed. Are these lies? I don’t have any problems with any Muslim sure we are supposed to all get along we have choices we can feed the wolf that lives in chaos and we can feed the loyal wolf that looks out for family and just kills to eat the one that wins is the one you feed.
Anonymous says
I don’t want to insult you
But You are very stupid my brother you muslims believe that you are the righteous people ever I don’t believe in islam ☪️ and I will never believe in islam your quran said allah is the best of decievers that is why muslims are leaving islam
Glenn Gerun says
3:54 best deceiver, 8:30 best planner,
7:99 cunning planner
13:42 all cunning, scheming,
10:21 swifter in strategy =
clear proof koran-allah was written deception onto mohamed’s pagan star/moon idolatry “al-ilah-the evident astrological god” worship, doesn’t fool anyone anymore, is not a religion, has no right to exist at the expense of the islam/koran self evident lies & crimes against Muslims & non Muslims,
GOD THE FATHER SAVES BY JESUS CHRISTIANITY, no separation & no mystery pure Love & truth from the Holy Spirit. Saint John 4:24, 3:16., 6:27 sealed. We shall all find out imminently.
!!!!!1111! says
Like the other guy said, you are looking at the misguided and/or the fake muslims. I am not trying to argue though.
Anonymous says
That would be catholicism. There’s a difference between Christians and cathlics. Do your research before commenting.
Anonymous says
I am sorry but you are thoroughly misguided about the religion of Islam. If you are egonna hear cherry picked facts and hot garbage from the internet, then it’s your own fault. Islam is in no way an extremist religion, we have been ordered by Allah to never try and force out religion on the people of other religions. Try reading the Quran once and you’ll understand that you’re oh so wrong. Besides, if you wanna talk about extremism, what about Judaism and Christianity. You Christian’s burned most people whoadard to defy your religion on stakes. Your Bishop’s of the past were corrupted people who only ever thought of themselves. Even now in the current times, what about the killings happening in Iran and Iraq by the American army? If you wanna talk about extremism, fix yourself before lecturing others.
Glenn Gerun says
no lecture, only truth for everyone’s life unto heaven.
There’s only ONE MAN, the author of life,
There’s only ONE LAMB who is Holy enough, whose blood has the power to save,
There’s only ONE SHEPHERD with love so great He would choose to die for our gain,
There’s only ONE LORD, one saviour of the world, who’s worthy forever to reign.
Now unto eternal immortal
1 True GOD, for ever and ever.
1 Timothy 1:17 New Testament wishiing you great joy as Christians celebrate Jesus, everyone’s triumphant RISEN LORD,
Anonymous says
This post is pellucidly biased… whoever learns the teachings of Islam with an open mind knows that it does not support terrorism. Our beloved prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is considered as a paragon of kindness, patience and generosity even by the non-musIims; he lived with the Jews and christians who were not as powerful as he was but he exterminate them instead he teaches kindness and virtuous treatment to his companions and that was why many people accept islam then, I have the list of so many verses from the Bible that support terrorism to state the least, ” If any one even your own family, suggest worshipping another God, kill them.” ( Deuteronomy 13:6-10) it is also there in that same book of Deuteronomy: 13:12-15 “If you find out a city worships a different God, destroy the city and kill all of it’s inhabitants… even the animals.” still in the same book 17:2-7 “kill any one with a different religion.” I have so many of them… in fact Christianity supports terrorism more than Islam.
Anonymous says
the quran is just how the writer describes ..peaceful then onto violence and subjugation to get people to follow or pay to be protected from.islam itself .i note the scriptures you quote of violence in the bible are old testament scriptures to the jewish tribes and not the christians …contexts betrays your knowledge ….
Plangji Jacob says
I don’t blame u bcos u are ignorant Note and note again Christianity started in the new testament those storeys are of the Jews in the old testament pls tell me any verse in the news testament of the Bible that says u should kill ur fellow human or show me any verse that Jesus says kill, pls if u do I will convert to Muslim I promise
Dave says
But to the others He said in my hearing, “Go through the city after him and strike; do not let your eye have pity and do not spare.
Ezekiel 9.5
Christianity isn’t all sunshine and rainbows like they taught us it to be. That was simply one verse and I can pull out a dozen more. I’ve read the Bible with spirit and after my conversion to Islam. Trust me man you’ve been brainwashed. Read about Islam and the Quran and you’ll get answers.
Expert in Religions says
You don’t know what is you are saying. God had showed to prophet Ezekial what is happening at that city, they worshipping idol, hubal and sun. Ezekial Chapter 8. Later prophet Ezekial gathered his people to slaughter them. Ezekial chapter 9. NZ shooter killed Satan worshippers. Satan said bow down and worship to me. Matthew 4:8,9.
Glenn Gerun says
can you not see 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre is evil lies, proof no allah, proof zero god in islam.
Glenn Gerun says
I see the open muslim murders around the world directly from the koran 7:4 destroy, 17:7-17 destruction, 9:5 kill-ambush unbelievers of the 56:36 virgin joke, 78:33 full breasted women, 37:48 limiting glances, 38:52 same nonsense fantasy, 76:19 boys, 52:24 boys, 56:17 boys, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children is all obviously made by men & clear proof there’s no allah, zero god in islam, is not a religion, has no right to exist, referendums abolish so logical civilized people can live & work.
Research: “670 million massacred”
Ali Kirey says
Islam is a cultic religion and is more of an ideology of violence and anti-diversity .. No wonder its followers are barbaric because there are hundreds of verses ordering Muslims to attack, beheading, beheading, robbing, stoning and killing and rape of slaves .. Islam is not compatible with differences. , they are fit to live and live on Mars or Venus, not on planet Earth.
Randy Watkins says
You are exactly right.
Jotaro Kujo says
No there not just read the Quran yourself Randy and you will understand how this persons comment is completely out of context
Glenn Gerun says
can you not see 37:48 limiting glances, 38:52 limiting glances, 78:33 full breasted companions is man made lusts that fool Mislims of the fake allah.
You tell me what happens to Muslims after life on earth?
Jotaro Kujo says
Maybe if you actually read the the Quran with an un biased opinion you would understand that it’s not a religion of violence, and the ‘verses ordering Muslims to attack’ are completely out of context read the Quran your self without searching on google stuff like “islam violent verses”. After you read the full Quran with the translations and without your racist opinions,come back and reply to me you brain dead kid
Justin parks says
An illiterate sheepherder says he say Gabriel the Angel and he was made to read and write the Quran? I know of someone who is written in the Bible that comes like an Angel of light! Satan! It wasn’t Gabriel the Angel who spoke to this ignorant man on a mountain but Lucifer himself that comes disguised as an Angel of light! This is the book written by Satan to deceive us as he did this “prophet” Mohammed!
Rishi says
DON’T BE FOOLED By Quotes From The Quran That Freely Use Peaceful Terms To Describe Islam;—— All The SO CALLED Peaceful Verses In The Quran — Were Written By Muhammad In The Early Years When His PARA-MILITARY POLITICAL MOVEMENT Was In Danger Of Being Defeated By His Enemies..!!!!!
When Muhammad’s Power Increased So Did His vitriol And Violent Pronouncements Aimed At All Infidels And Even Non-Observant Muslims.— In Islam all subsequent verses on a topic supersede all previous verses on that topic.
Radical Muslims today, are looking to Muhammad’s later verses in the Quran as their mandate to brutally and savagely kill all who do not submit to their version of Islam as they see it in the later verses of the Quran.
How can Muslims, who claim to be moderate, claim that radical Islamists are perverting the Quran, when the Quran clearly states what is to be done to all Infidels..
Glenn Gerun says
Save your eternal soul please. Read wonderful Nahed Mahood Metwalli & buy her books please. A beautiful daughter of God. Have an eternal life only possible by Christ Jesus Love. Amen.
Glenn Gerun says
Save your eternal soul please. Read Nahed Mahood Metwalli & buy her books please, a beautiful daughter of God. Have an eternal life only possible by Christ Jesus revelation of salvation. Amen.
Muslim says
The verses you say ordering Muslims to attack are to rescue and defend the poor people from your unfairness. Robbing and slaving are prohibited in Islam Allah said: As to the thief, Male or female, cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in power-.
As for slaving, Allah prohibited that and the evidence is that in the early days if Islam, Abo Bakr Alseddeek, prophet Muhammed’s best friend, had payed a lot of money to buy the slaves from their owners and set them free. And finally as for killing, Allah said:
“whoever slays a person, unless it is for a murder or for spreading mischief in the land, it would be as if he slew all humans; and whoever saves a life, it would be as though he saved the lives of all human. Please read more about Muhamed’s life PBUH and Islam to stop ignorance.
Glenn Gerun says
i see Muslims slaughter the poor in Sudan for decades, burn meagre crops, homes & villages, 25:39 we destroyed-destruction, raping today, poor people forced to pray to a non existent star/moon idolatry god hoax allah written by man made lies and crimes against humanity, is not a religion, has no right to exist, referendums abolish to recover GOD’S hearts and minds, civil life & values at the expense of evil islam and the evil koran.
Dalyn Snell says
People are dumb, life isn’t promised tomorrow, Allah could take your life right now if he wanted.
[39:43] Allah takes away the souls of human beings at the time of their death; and during their sleep of those also that are not yet dead. And then He retains those against which He has decreed death, and sends back the others till an appointed term. In that surely are Signs for a people who reflect.
Glenn Gerun says
allah has never existed ever, proof by Gerd Puin revealed koran words altered & more absolute proof by koran 56:36 virgin joke, 65:4 pedophilia, 9:5 kill-ambush, 7:4 destroy, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre obviously made by evil men.
Billions will be shocked by Jesus Christ in heaven, “For the Father judgeth no man, but committed all judgment unto the Son” Saint John 5:22. “Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7.
Glenn Gerun says
mohamed used his tribes 600 AD pagan allah to deny Christianity, EVER LIVING GOD Love & salvation eye witnessed Saint Luke 24:51-53, “before the foundation of the world” Saint John 17:3-24.
Glenn Gerun says
what do think made isis? All Muslims pray koran 47:4 behead-slaughter, 7:4 destroy, 4:34 beat women, 52:24, 56:17, 76:19, 65:4 pedophile children, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacre, 33:26, 5:33, 9:5 kill-ambush is clear proof no allah, zero god in islam
AJ says
You are talking about ISIS. ISIS isnt muslim u dumbfk, And can u please show me evidence of this ongoing hoax about us being violent, go back to tiktok if ur gonna talk like that.
!!!!!1111! says
First of all, I am a follower of islam and I am not barbaric. Second of all, literally every muslim or open-minded non-muslim has at least seen our religion from an un-biased perspective. Third of all, you aren’t in the place to be saying that. You literally put a comma after a period.
ayy says
In the quran, i do not know the exact verse number it says ” diversity is a part of gods plan ” .
Abu says
Brother, you can learn islam more… Islam is the true religion of god, and Islam calls for peace..
Anonymous says
Islam is only about killing and raping. Islam was never a religion. It is a cult, and should be destroyed as one.
Yusuf Mitwally says
Raping, pedophilia, killing, and sexism are all banned in Islam. In the Quran, it specifically states, “One who kills one person has killed an entire nation; One who has saved another, has saved a nation” It’s not a cult. Read the Quran, and do research before typing anything you want.
Overhaul says
What about your Mohammad ..he had sex with Ayisha when Mohammad was 50 and Ayisha was 9… Pedophilie Mhd.. Mohammad had sex slaves and allowed to rape female captives..Go and read your Hadiths and Quran..And understand your cult in a better way..
exposer says
that the Prophet married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that `Aisha remained with the Prophet for nine years (i.e. till his death).
Sahih al-Bukhari 5134
yes pedophilia is banned , lying piece of shit
Anonymous says
There is only one verse in quran which shows islam is religion of peace but what about all other around 6000 verse in quran
aleen says
One verse? Did you get that number from a google search?
Jotaro Kujo says
No it’s not you brain dead racist kid, just read it for yourself before typing stupid stuff about the TRUE RELIGION
Muslim says
All religions including Christianity and Jew are true religions, but the difference that your leaders changed some words in your Bibles. They even deleted some verses. I am not offending you but that is the truth. Christianity, Islam, and Jew all command the same thing, which is worshipping Allah only. As for Isa (Jesus) Moosa (Moses) and Muhammed (Peace and prayers be upon all of them) they are all Messagers of Allah. They were sent to explain the religion. All Messagers from Adam to Isa are like one nice building, but missing a brick. Muhammad (PBUH) is that brick that completed the beautiful building.
Anonymous says
Glenn Gerun says
It’s far more hurtful not to tell the truth.
It’s right to tell all people of the world of what’s right & what’s wrong, what’s good & what’s evil.
You turn evil into good.
Good is True God through Jesus Christ ascent into heaven proof seen salvation.
Evil is all non Christian beliefs, self evident like islam 65:4 pedophilia,
98:6 worst of creatures hatred,
2:65 be apes,
7:166 apes,
5:60 made them apes & pigs hate,
9:5 kill-ambush,
7:4 we destroyed,
8:12 terror-behead,
4:34 beat women,
3:151 terror,
5:33 kill-crucified-hands-feet cut off-exiled,
33:26 terror-kill-enslave women & children,
8:67 massacre,
33:61 massacred,
47:4 behead-slaughter,
clear proof the koran allah is a man made evil fake god that has never existed ever, referendums abolish so civilized people can live & work,
Glen Gerun says
Read history facts to save yourself “born again” to Christ GOD proof of the saviour of the world.
Saint John 3-3
GOD said, “Isaac: I will establish my covenant.” Genesis 17:19. “Moses wrote of me” StJohn 5:46
Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God, the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testamemt.
“He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” St.John 14:9
Christ resurrection-ascension into heaven is True God seen salvation. Saint Luke 24:51-53.
Ascent into heaven, all knowing Jesus Christ predicted 81:22-25 mohamed’s islam god deception: 25:4-5 falsehood dictated morning & afternoon, 9:5 kill-beseige-ambush, 4:34 beat women, 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 2:65 be apes, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166 repeated hatred, 5:51, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred, 76:19, 52:24, 38:52, 37:48, 56:36 virgin joke, 33:26, 7:4, 47:4, 5:33, 65:4 pedophilia is self explanatory mohamed’s koran non existent allah inflicts hell on Muslims. Saint John 16:2.
Glenn Gerun says
GOD’S Love saves by ascent Christ eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:51-53, but denied by man made koran 7:4 destroy, 4:34 beat women, 5:60 apes & pigs, 7:166 apes, 98:6, 2:65 apes, 33:61 massacre, 8:67 massacre, 5:33, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 65:4 pedophile children with non existent allah excuses.
You should have known God proof was inevitable.
Anonymous says
God is Jesus Christ in the flesh, resurrected-ascent into heaven.
Anonymous says
Glenn Gerun says
No way koran 4:34 beat women, 65:4 pedophilia, 9:5 kill-ambush, 2:65, 5:51, 5:60, 98:6, 7:166 hate, 7:4 destroy, 25:39, 47:4, 8:12, 5:33, 76:19, 37:48, 78:33, 56:36 virgin joke, 33:61 massacre, 8:67 massacre is from God, Jesus Christ, Angel Gabriel, Abraham or Moses.
Glenn Gerun says
islam/koran is a genocidal cult with a fake allah 9:5 ambush unbelievers of 56:36 virgin joke, 78:33 voluptuous women, 4:34 beat women, 2:65 apes, 5:60 apes & pigs hate, 98:6 worst dehumanizing hate, 37:48 fantasy, 38:52 same nonsense, 7:4 destroy, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children is all obviously made by men & clear proof there’s no allah, zero god in islam,
Human says
im sorry are u muslim? Have u at least read the quran? are any of ur sources from muslims? Do u have any evidence? Guess not
Media says
Yes we do read it
Glenn Gerun says
Ibn al Rawandi a Persian scholar, 827-911, called the koran laughable 37:48 limiting glances, 38:52, 78:33 full breasted women, 76:19, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex, 2:66 be apes, 98:6 worst of creatures, 5:60 made of them apes & pigs, 7:167 be apes is all obviously mohamed’s hate & nonsense he applied rhetoric to his tribes pagan al-ilah-the god, shortened to allah, to deny GOD’S CHRISTIANITY & JUDAISM, doesn’t fool anyone anymore, especially GOD & JESUS “For the Father judgeth no man but committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
“Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims try to weasel into Abraham but God said “Isaac, I will establish my covenant” Genesis 17:19 discounts all muslim claims of a god.
Anonymous says
Hello brother/sister. Im a Muslim. Just like anyone, there are good and bad people out there, however true believers of Islam are taught honesty, loyalty, generosity, kindness and so on. The translation of Islam is peace. But as Allah (our god) said, people will try accuse us. If you do bad, you are no longer a Muslim. The Internet tries to frame us. As proof, the reason I said “brother/sister” is simply because we must treat everyone like our siblings, as equals. And when we make a mistake we pray for forgiveness. So please, don’t believe what you see always.
Anonymous says
don’t do too much chile…..
Liz says
How can you say that Islam is the “true religion of [God]”? when Orthodoxy is the legitimate church established by Jesus Christ Himself along with the Apostles in 33 A.D.
Have you read the Qur'an? says
Have you read the Qur’an?it shows you haven’t
Rick says
Sounds like an excuse…I have read and understood the quran…please…pray tell and advise us in reference what “you” refer to, and not be the usual muslim all smug and smarmy believing you are smart! No evidence means no fact. The quran is evidence against islam…not for it. Its contradiction of self is a direct reference to it being a tool to say whatever you want it too…and only a cleric can say what it effectually means. Words were given to us by god…they mean what they say. Not what one interprets on a whim. You translate languages…not meaning. A translated meaning is something used to brainwash others to your wants.
Glenn Gerun says
Read The New Testament.
Who said this?
“Be not affrightened:,Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth which was crucified: He has risen. He is not here. Behold the place where they laid him. But go your way, tell His disciplies and Peter that He goeth before you into Galilee: there ye shall see Him, as He said unto you.” Saint Mark 16:6-7. Hallelujah.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 56:36 virgin sex joke, 65:4 pedophile child sex filth, 2:65 be apes, 98:6 dehumanize,,7:166 be apes,,5:60 made them apes & pigs is nonsense hatred, incites 9:5, 54:51, 33:61, 8:67, 7:4 clear proof no god hoax allah in islam.,
Glenn Gerun says
i see koran 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 2:65 apes, 98:6 dehumanize, 7:166 repeated hatred, 9:5 kill-ambush, 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin joke, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre written proof there’s no allah in islam, obviously men made up the god in islam from mohamed’s tribes pagan stone/star/moon idolatry, is the same today.
Glenn Gerun says
i read the koran, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex, 7:4 destroy, 9:5 kill-ambush, 5:60, 33:61, 8:67, 5:33, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin joke is self explanatory beyond dispute there’s no allah, zero god in islam.
Glenn Gerun says
GOD & CHRIST “before the world was” is in unity with the Holy Spirit.
600AD allah 7:4 destroy, 65:4 pedophilia, 9:5 kill-ambush, 56:36 virgin joke, 4:34 beat women, 5:51 prejudice, 5:60, 98:6, 2:65, 98:6 dehumanize, 33:61 massacre, 8:67 is definitely NOT GOD.
Glenn Gerun says
“before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 was clearly proven by resurrected-ascent into heaven Jesus Christ, eye witnessed in the New Testament Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1 Corinthians 15:6.
Glenn Gerun says
i see the koran love & peace 8:67 massacre, 47:4 behead slaughter, 533 kill-crucified-hands & feet cut off-exiled, 2:65 apes, 5:51 prejudice, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166, 33:61 massacre, 7:4 destroy Sudan POOR, burn meagre crops & villages, Somalia, Afghanistan taliban, 4:34 beat women, Syria, 9/11, 3/11, 7/7, Turks genocide Armenia Christians, boko Nigeria today, al-shabab Mozambique today, Gaza missles today,
Glenn Gerun says
i see the islam love & peace 8:67 massacre, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 5:33 kill-crucified-hands & feet cut off from opposite sides-exiled, 2:65 apes-despised, 5:51 racism, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166 repeated hatred, 4:34 beat women, 65:4 pedophile children, 7:4 destroy, 17:16 we destroy with complete destruction 2 million Sudan POOR, burn meagre crops & homes for decades, 33:61 massacred Afghanistan, Syria, 9/11, 3/11, 7/7, al-shabab Somalia, Turks genocided 1.5 million Armenian Christians, boko Nigeria today, behead children in Mozambique today, Gaza missles today,
Anonymous says
Maybe it is another Islam.
Ed says
Islam is a violent cult.,no excuse
Anonymous says
no, it isn’t.
Rick says
Yes it is….name me one muslim country that does not have war today and for the last 100 years. ??? I will just accept you saying yes it is, on that, without you having to make a fool of yourself trying to name one! 🙂
Anonymous says
Name me any country that has not had a war in the last one hundred years be it christian, muslim or secular
jerran says
Islam is really a religion for the military ranks. Not everyday people. What is important about the Quran is what it leaves out just as much as what it does talk about. The rules for which the Quran prescribes, mostly involve warfare regarding to non-Muslims such as treaties Then there is the laws for the believer themselves. I would compare jihadist to something like the Knight’s Templar where they had their own rights. The difference is Islam was tailor-made for the military. Coincidentally, both actually shared similarities in worship. Islam is really the creation of the areligious Abbasids who wanted to make a new religion palpable to lowest denominator in order unify the empire and expand it by theological purpose; that is Allah commands believers to spread his laws and the believers are the executors of his will and their reward is bounty in this life and the hereafter. What would be called Islam initially started off as Christian heresies, likely by the Ummayads, but the Abbadis supplanted them, and created Islam as we know today.
Anonymous says
Before engaging in battle, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) instructed his soldiers:
1. Do not kill any child, any woman, or any elder or sick person. (Sunan Abu Dawud)
2. Do not practice treachery or mutilation. (Al-Muwatta)
3. Do not uproot or burn palms or cut down fruitful trees. (Al-Muwatta)
4. Do not slaughter a sheep or a cow or a camel, except for food. (Al-Muwatta)
5. If one fights his brother, [he must] avoid striking the face, for God created him in the image of Adam. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)
6. Do not kill the monks in monasteries, and do not kill those sitting in places of worship. (Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
7. Do not destroy the villages and towns, do not spoil the cultivated fields and gardens, and do not slaughter the cattle. (Sahih Bukhari; Sunan Abu Dawud)
8. Do not wish for an encounter with the enemy; pray to God to grant you security; but when you [are forced to] encounter them, exercise patience. (Sahih Muslim)
9. No one may punish with fire except the Lord of Fire. (Sunan Abu Dawud).
10. Accustom yourselves to do good if people do good, and to not do wrong even if they commit evil. (Al-Tirmidhi)
Overhaul says
And fleeing from the battle field is a crime against Satan ( Allah )..
DONOT kill kids take them as wives just like Mohammad did..Banu tribes were slaughtered by mhd
Rick says
And yet…there is no battle in history that Muslims have not burdened the world with the knowledge of not giving a rats ass for what Allah commanded……which makes the religion solely a tool for war….and after the battle…all are absolved of their crimes by clerics posturing as generals and government officials. Much like catholics kill today and confess tomorrow. This is why muslims cry “kill the infidel.” They are non believers…so it is ok. No one is born a believer…belief is what you develop as a witness….. violence, fear and helplessness caused so many to become “believers” in islam…yet never could any people be entirely converted….simply because some people believed in the truth. But think about that….Jesus even converted the romans. Without raising a sword. Allahu is not so Akbar. 🙁
Food For Thought says
FYI they don’t even cry “Kill the infidel”. You don’t even have a lot of your facts straight LOL….
Mohamedfatah says
Hey brother not all Muslims are the same because Nabi Mohammed said we shouldn’t be killing innocent people,children women. Older. And more but there’s no reason for you to hate . I am Muslim and I am joining the US Army soon. So please don’t judge we’re all the same . Thanks god bless and America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
225 says
watch some apostate prophate on utube u will get some revelations about your own religion
Glenn Gerun says
Hope, like a sunrise, shines forth with joy, because the tomb is empty and all hearts and minds know Jesus is the saviour of the world. All else self inflict hell.,
matin says
the best thing to do is to kill all muslims you see. no need to do it publicly. ok if you want to do it publicly and you don’t have any problem with it, it’s ok but you can kill all of them step by step stealthily.
they are all poisons for this planet for sure in the future and if it is a race for them that who is gonna prove the other one was wrong, so every second living next to these people is a big warning.
they all believe that someone will come on save them. they all believe that everything is for afterlife and this life is nothing but the starter. so they’re all waiting for the main course and dessert. this is when we all know that everything is in this world and even scientifically this claim is totally false. now my question from you?
how do you wanna get deal with these people?
forget human rights for one second cos human rights say we must give same service to everyone around the world, even a killer or a poisonous, unproductive person.
how do you wanna get deal with such a person for the whole of your life while you know that you are gonna live only for once and you can’t take very big risks among these people.
did you know that if they had the power like before, they all wanted to kill pornstars, lgbts and etc…. while muslims countries are one of the largest supporters of porn websites like pornhub and xvideos?
just search about it. they all know that they can’t fight with their hormones and the facts but they actually do it and yes it is unbelievable. so nothing is better than killing those rats if you see one of them. they think they all come from heaven and were sent by god (now forget that what do these terms mean exactly?)
how can a human live with a heavenly creature? lol. kill all of them and don’t let their appointment with their god gets too late. help them to see they were wrong all these years.
Joseph says
What made you hate islam bro, it”s still not late to repent.
Don says
Search up 9/11 or marathon bombing, or Surah 9:5… Jesus never said it was okay to cast violence but Muhammad permits it. It’s funny because Muslims claim they are dependents of Adam, yet they do not know they are descendentes of ah sinner therefore they think like sinners and they believe it is ok to kill ur enemy.. for god says when ur enemy strikes one cheek thou shall turn the other cheek next. Jesus is the essence of god because he was radiated with love..
Anonymous says
Yea you need to get your facts right considering your age. Your 100 brainwashed or should I say brainless. Muhammad never promoted violence stop staking Quranic verse out of context. Ur just embarrassing yourself sir
Anonymous 1 says
The Quran, chapter 9 (At-Tawba), verse 5:[51]
But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.
— translated by Abdullah Yusuf Ali
Prophet! Rouse the believers to wage war. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will subdue two hundred: if a hundred, they will subdue a thousand of the disbelievers: for these are a people without understanding.
— Quran, [Quran 8:65]
Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your disposal so that you can strike terror into the enemies of Allah and of the believers and others besides them who may be unknown to you, though Allah knows them. And remember whatever you spend for the cause of Allah shall be repaid to you. You shall not be wronged.
— Quran, [Quran 8:60]
O you who believe! when you meet those who disbelieve marching for war, then turn not your backs to them. And whoever shall turn his back to them on that day – unless he turn aside for the sake of fighting or withdraws to a company – then he, indeed, becomes deserving of Allah’s wrath, and his abode is hell; and an evil destination shall it be.
— Quran, [Quran 8:15]
Fight those who believe not in Allah or the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which has been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission and are subdued.
— Quran, [Quran 9:29]
There are many more verses. Ask and ye shall receive them.
Besides the Quran, there is the history.
After Itmam al-hujjah (clarification of religion to the addressees in its ultimate form), Jews were subdued first and had been granted amnesty because of various pacts. Those among them who violated these pacts were given the punishment of denying a Messenger of God.[60] Muhammad exiled the tribe of Banu Qaynuqa to Khyber and that of Banu Nadir to Syria.[78] the Banu Qaynuqa at Khyber was crushed by an attack at their strongholds.[78] Prior to this, Abu al-Rafi and Ka’b ibn al-Ashraf were put to death in their houses.[79][80] The tribe of Banu Qurayza was guilty of treachery and disloyalty in the battle of the Ahzab.[81] When the clouds of war dispersed and the chances of an external attack no longer remained, Muhammad laid siege around them. When no hope remained, they asked Muhammad to appoint Sa’d ibn Mua’dh as an arbitrator to decide their fate. Their request was accepted. Since, at that time, no specific punishment had been revealed in the Quran about the fate of the Jews, Sa’d ibn Mua’dh announced his verdict in accordance with the Torah. As per the Torah, the punishment in such situations was that all men should be put to death; the women and children should be made slaves and the wealth of the whole nation should be distributed among the conquerors.[82][83] In accordance with this verdict pronounced, all men were executed.[84] John Esposito writes that Muhammad’s use of warfare, in general, was alien neither to Arab custom nor to that of the Hebrew prophets, as both believed that God had sanctioned battle with the enemies of the Lord.[85]
No other incident of note took place regarding the Jews until the revelation of At-Tawba, the final judgement, was declared against them:[60]
Since their emigration from Mecca (622), the Muslims in Medina had depended not on farming or trading, but on continuous raids on Meccan caravans. When word of a particularly wealthy caravan escorted by Abū Sufyān, head of the Umayyad clan, reached Muhammad, a raiding party of about 300 Muslims, to be led by Muhammad himself, was organized. By filling the wells on the caravan route near Medina with sand, the Muslims lured Abū Sufyān’s army to battle at Badr, near Medina, in March 624. Despite the superior numbers of the Meccan forces (about 1,000 men), the Muslims scored a complete victory, and many prominent Meccans were killed. The success at Badr was recorded in the Qurʾān as a divine sanction of the new religion: “It was not you who slew them, it was God…in order that He might test the Believers by a gracious trial from Himself” (8:17).[91]
Where is the peace? These are not verses taken out of context. They are fully within their place.
Nowhere in the New Testament will you find something like this. The Old Testament has violent laws, but those aren’t followed by Christians. This is because Jesus’ coming fulfilled the old laws, removing the traditions but keeping the morality.
Randy Watkins says
Islam is a Satanic ideology. Unless you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior you will burn in hell.
Jotaro Kujo says
Search up the Holocaust or how the British colony en slaved,raped and killed innocent people just for money and power.back then the British were made up of Christians so are all Christians/Jews rapists and murderers? Your answer is probably no right? Then why associate Muslims with the horrendous acts of other evil ‘Muslims’? Our prophet never promoted conflict/violence before engaging in battle he said to all his soldiers that:
•They should not kill children,women or the sick elderly
•They should never wish to fight the enemy and only attack when being attacked
The list goes on you can search it your self, before you come here with biased opinions do some simple research.
Anonymous says
Hitler was an atheist.
Smd says
Just say ur Islamphobic and racist 😐
Rick says
Reality is what hates islam. Because Islam hates all that is not islam. But cant see no muslims repenting…why should we. Not happening on this watch!
Anonymous says
Glenn Gerun says
Christ is the incarnation of God, the Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament/Torah.
“He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father” Saint John 14:9.
Jesus ascent into heaven is the same for Christians; is Almighty & Holy God seen salvation. Saint Luke 24:51-53, eye witnessed, 1 Corinthians 15:6.
mohamed fooled himself, tried to get away with his koran 33:26 murders & 65:4 Aisha pedophile child sex, with his tribes pagan stone/star/moon god fake allah he delusioned & lied about Angel Gabriel obviously.
God said, “Isaac: I will establish my covenant” Genesis 17:19.
Muslims definitely have no god in islam, but have this very opportunity to be “born again” to Christianity Saint John 3:3-9.
CHRIST JESUS sees you right now, giving each eternal soul an opportunity to upgrade to life everlasting with GOD the Creator of everything. and you. “For the Father judgeth no man, but committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
Therefore everyone stops evil & denial. AND Christ Jesus said “I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.” Saint Matthew 16:19 is true.
All else is hell.
Arjun Nagpal says
For me it was 26 november attacks in mumbai when my whole family was in fear coz these jihadis were in my city with bombs and guns!
I still hate them coz yesterday our soldiers on borders were killed by those jihadis
You need to see the video of calls of families before the 9 11 attacks🙁
Anonymous says
Anonymous says
Man you dont need to respond that way just say the same thing but calmer
Rick says
In contrast of non-Muslim stance, there are two parallel camps within Muslims. One camp on the fringe has no qualms in taking a public position that Islam enjoins fighting and subduing the non-Muslims, and this is a sublime religious duty. They urge the Muslims to take up a combative struggle – armed if necessary – to resist the evil of the “infidels” (kuffar) and to facilitate Islam’s victory over others. They cite the example of the Prophet as to how under his leadership the world of the unbelievers was subdued. This is in fact more than 90% of muslims. It is more than evident when you live in a muslim country….you dumbfk! Why are you so intent to remain within a religion that is so vehemently opposed to the so called peace that you “dumbfks” say you belive in….why not just become a christian…worship same god and beliefs and not be cast into the same waters as all the evil mofos claiming to be muslim. Oh I forgot…the religion of peace would kill you for doing that….probably even your dumbfk! family. get the idea…dumbfk! 🙂
Rick says
Not all muslims are terrorists……but most al terrorists are muslims. Like I said…why be a muslim if you get so out of place about its reality…become a christian! 😛
Rick says
Reality is what hates islam. Because Islam hate all that is not islam. But cant see no muslims repenting…why should we. Not happening on this watch!
Don says
Jesus Christ said to forgive ur enemies. We must love them even if they are manipulated. They do not understand that they are sinners just like Adam, and like Adam they cannot be In heaven unless they give their life’s to Jesus Christ
Ahmed Tamer says
Waqawlihim inna qatalna almaseeha AAeesa ibna maryama rasoola Allahi wama qataloohu wama salaboohu walakin shubbiha lahum wainna allatheena ikhtalafoo feehi lafee shakkin minhu ma lahum bihi min AAilmin illa ittibaAAa alththanni wama qataloohu yaqeenan
157 An-Nisa’
That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah.;- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not-
Prophet Isa, or Jesus, we believe that he is a messager of Allah, the only Lord, and he wasn’t killed, nor was he crucified, but Allah raised Isa to Him. Moreover, we believe in Christianity and Jew but not what you have written wrongly, but the right Injeel (Bible) that Allah has given to Isa and the Tawrah (Torah) that Allah has given it to Moosa (Moses) that has been written in that there will be a prophet, after all previous prophets, who will complete all the religions that Allah created. Finally, this is for who say that Islam is “violent” you actually didn’t read the whole holy Quran to give out speech. Islam commands justice and goodness and right, and prohibites bad traditions and violence. Those verses every offender mentioned is when the non-Muslims’ hurted Muslims severely. The story began when prophet Muhammed PBUH announced his prophecy on Mecca. Some believed, and some did not. Most if non-Muslims wanted Muslims to resume praying to the stoney and woody statues so they hurt them severly and hardly, violence was everywhere in Mecca against Muslims. However, Allah told them to be patient he will defeat those who misjusticise. Eventually, they exited Mecca going to Medina, leaving their money, houses, and children in Mecca. Even thought they went far from Mecca to live in peace, Kuffar (non-believers) came after them to kill all Believers and the Prophet, and from here started the fighting an wars. For that reasons, the verses that you say they are “violent” were revealed to Muhammed PBUH. Allah was teaching them how to fight rightly. After a couple of wars, it was the reconciliation of Hudaibeya. After about a year, the Kuffar killed some Muslims who were spreading Islamic teaches to people. Thus, it was war again. In the 10th year after they left Mecca, they re-entered Mecca again but not killing for their right, but forgiving the Meccans. They were about 10 000 but without weapons, only for peace and forgiveness. Know the whole story before you write or decide because that is ignorance. If you wanna know more about the Islam’s forgiveness and serenity, read more about Islam’s history to differentiate between the right and the wrong. I wrote the most brief story of Muhammad and I hope you know the cristal clear truth.
Glenn Gerun says
Proof the koran is terrible lies & garbage, twist the Saviour of the world, JESUS CHRIST died for all, resurrected-ascent into heaven ETERNAL HOLY HOLY GOD proof.
Glenn Gerun says
Proof the koran is terrible lies & garbage, twist the Saviour of the world, JESUS CHRIST Whom died for all, resurrected-ascent into heaven is exactly ETERNAL HOLY HOLY GOD proof.
Marie says
We are all children of Adam and Eve no matter what religion so we are all sinners
Glenn Gerun says
Referendums abolish fraud 4:34 beat women to death, 56:36 virgin joke delusions, sickening 65:4 pedo islam idolatry against The HOLIEST OF HOLY Origin of all life that exists & our Divine Son Real Messiah Christ Jesus the Saviour of the whole wide world. We all shall find heaven or hell eminently.
Anonymous says
I feel sorry for you–so blinded by the media. Muslim countries do not represent Islam. A handful of extremist Muslims do not represent ordinary Muslims. It’s ironic to see your “peaceful” comment under this post.
Rick says
Its ironic that a muslim believes his own shiite, lol 😛 You are a troll. A message against islam is met by rage….a message for peace and goodwill for all is met with scepticism. You. like all muslims…are the one with trust issues and your violence is what makes you unable to live among christians…or even accept a comforting hand. You are a lost cause…to islamist and christian alike….you are brain dead…devoid of common sense when it comes to religion any more. The true brainwashed muslim. A danger to humanity…one that should be put down. 🙁
Expert in Religions says
There is true Muslims and false Muslims. True Muslims are taliban who obeying completely sharia law.
Krista says
Are you ok? Please don’t tell me you are christian because our god would never let you say things like that, our god is about loving unconditionally. What do you even mean by kill them all? Do you need help? Please make sure to check yourself. 🙂
Margaret says
Be careful for what words come out of your mouth. Jesus Christ said… And from what your heart is full of… That what will come out of your mouth. There is big difference between jihad and Muslims. Educate yourself and until u do so… Don’t call your self Christian.
Grant says
Exactly what type of medication did they put you on..!? You urgently need to be taken under a high level medical supervision again..!
What kind of society are we turning into with those mental patients roaming around..!!!
Grant says
When is your next appointment with your psychiatrist..!?
You are badly in need of a change of your medication..!!!
DJ says
Hasty generalization for Muslim , I’m not Muslims but stereotyping is no good, we based on our experiences or in what we saw but technically not all Muslims are ”Terrorist” I believe they are still humans, some of them is looking for the light in their life,
And indeed we should love our enemies because we should not overcome evil by evil but but overcome evil with good.
Anonymous says
THANK YOU!!!! I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE WELL EDUCATED. Those fools will never get it.
Glenn Gerun says
“Everyone that is of the truth, heareth to my voice.”
Saint John 18:37.
“Moses wrote of me” J5:46
GOD said, ” Isaac, I will establish my covenant.”
“I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” Saint Matthew 5:17.
“It’s in Christ that we find out who we are & what we are living for.” Ephesians 1:11-12.
“Before Abraham was, I am”
“Peter, upon this rock I will build my church and i will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven.”
Saint Matthew 16:19.
saadedeenaustrali says
Not a smart message kairfer as it will cost one of your folk to loose $$ damages !! Your destroying your own kind Lol Allahuakbar
Tom says
You would have made a great SS Nazi in Auschwitz
Marie says
You are one sick person , do you believe in God? By what wrote you have nothing but hate how can you even think about killing another human being ,, you speak with such hate , shame on you for even writing your hateful thoughts
Michelle says
This is the most ignorant article ever posted on the web.
As a Muslim, I must say that your words are vile as those of Abu Jahl. You my dear writer are an embodiment of his ignorance.
You’ve taken verses from the Quran out of context without referencing the tafsir. Unlike, the Bible, our Islamic scholars have written extensively on every single verse of the Quran. They have given us guidance in interpreting these verses so that we don’t misinterpret them as you have. We can’t go astray as you have.
As much as you’d like to portray Islam as an archaic, vigilante religion you fail at it. Speak to Rabbi Tova Singer, who praises the Quran and praises prophet Muhammad.
We believe in 1 God and in believing in his last messenger prophet Muhammad.
More people have died under the hands of Christians world wide.
Let’s name some.
George Bush Senior with Desert Storm
George Bush Junior invasion of AfghanIstan
Hitler killed Jews
Spanish Inquisition
Transatlantic Slave Trade to America
Millions upon millions died under the hand of Christianity.
I would suggest you pick up a copy of the Clear Quran with it with tafsir.
Life Maverick says
You are sadly mistaken sister.
“You’ve taken verses from the Quran out of context without referencing the tafsir. Unlike, the Bible, our Islamic scholars have written extensively on every single verse of the Quran.”
Indeed if we do look at the tasfir and the hadith, we notice very clearly that Surah 2:256 has been abrogated by the violence verse of the sword Suran 9:5.
Also, contrary to your naive opinion, the Bible has been carefully examined, line by line and verse by verse by both Jewish, Christian and secular scholars for thousands of years. If anything, the best Islamic scholars acknowledge that 20% of the Qur’an is not understandable and open to fiery debate among the Muslim scholars themselves. I recommend you not talk about the Bible if, like the vast majority of Muslims you have NO CLUE about it. Re-read carefully Surah 10:94, Surah 5:68, Surah 5:47, Surah 3:3-4. Get my point?
Adina says
Someone looking to portray Islam as violent could easily read into a Quranic text their own ideas and biases by plucking it out of context. This is called proof texting.
The same faulty method can be applied to the Bible:
“But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them- bring them here and kill them in front of me” (Luke 19:27)
Glenn Gerun says
600 YEARS before islam/koran/allah was invented everyone’s Real Messiah predicted :
:”They shall put you out of the synagogues; yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think he doeth God service.” Saint John 16:22.obvious clear proof zero god, zero allah in islam ever. AND IS OBVIOUS INDISPUTABLE PROOF OF ALMIGHTY, ALL KNOWING HOLY ORIGIN OF ALL LIFE THAT EXISTS, AND THE ALMIGHTY ALL KNOWING SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD IS GOD’S DIVINE ASCENT SON, LIVE FOREVERMORE, STATED “For the Father judgeth no man but hath committed all judgment onto the Son.” Saint john 5:22. Unbeliievers of CHRIST JESUS eye witnessed NT ALL LOVING TRUTH & FACTS OR JUDGMENT OF ALL LIFE condemed themselves long before 4BC CHRIST’S judgment into endless hell for infidels of CHRIST JESUS.. Your only hope is “born again” to the kingdom of God. Saint John 3:3-7, For your everlasting life ask “Jesus help me & He will, & He shall cast out all evil upon you. such as the slave holding wicked muslim male power & control with an obvious hoax allah mohamed made up to get away with murder & 56:36 virgin joke delusions, 65:4 pedo Aisha child sex. Can you not understand this. Now you know HOLY God & HIS SON FROM HEAVEN TO SAVE sinners & now you know 600AD islam is not a god. Now baptize “born again” to everlasting life & right, & good & joy to everyone in the world & forever will be. This is my prayer for you in the name of the Father, Son Christ Jesus & The Holy Spirit, 1 God forever & ever. Amen.
Carl says
Tafsir is a dead link.
The ayat in Sura Yunus 94 you quoted is out of context: the prophet, if in doubt of his latest revelation, to ask the Jews to confirm the revelatory narrative in the last 4 ayas. The remanant of the Gospel is found on Sura Maryam.
I challenge you to find the aya where Muslims are to believe in the previous scriptures, as there is no explicit mention of the Bible (a collection of books) in the Qur’an.
Glenn Gerun says
koran is all corruption & lies straight path to hell. The world sees snake muslims 5:51 hate & murdering daily.
Zero says
Following Islam is a sin itself,
Its prohpet was a vile criminal
Anonymous says
Yea ur brainwashed more like brain dead, do your research before making up foolish ignorant lies u should know better says
Valentine says
Muslims are heathens you do not believe in almighty God 3 the creator of all the universe leaving you believe in war and hate and you make many Americans extremely uncomfortable hiding behind your head wraps and your Arabic language please do us all a favor and go back to where you came from I have felt so much discrimination and abuse but having you people for Neighbors it’s not ignorance its truth
Marie says
How dare do speak for All Americans , you are just a hateful human being , you’re the one who believes in nothing and don’t take God’s name for your own agenda you should honor thy neighbors that’s truth.
Krista says
Hello! As a christian, i will not disagree with what you have said, and yes many many christians ate narrow minded and oblivious even though our religion is built upon love and acceptance of amything different. So what I wanted to ask you is, as someone who has never read the Quran, does Quran ever promote murder or sexual assault? The writer of the article suggests that the prophet fought in wars and raped women, but is that really true? What is the story behind this? I would love to know and hear it from someone who is Muslim themselves because I refuse to blindly accept someone’s point of view who isn’t even part of that relogion. Lastly, my aunt kept telling me that the Quran is leading people to murder and all sorts of horrible things so I would appreciate your amswer! Have a good day or night! 🙂
Anonymous says
I’m not educated enough to know a good answer to your question…. but just know to hold on to your kindness as strongly as you can. It is, I think, something that gives sight in this world.
Being good is good, I don’t know any ideology where it isn’t.
– A Muslim
Glenn Gerun says
Jesus knows because He is from heaven, “before the world was” seen by the 3 wise men & knows only GOD is good, Saint Mark 10:18 is the only true GOD the Father proven by Christ’s ascension into heaven eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:51-53, And is the only saviour of the world and the word of God, Saint John 17:3-5 “before the world was.”
Hidden says
Before engaging in battle, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) instructed his soldiers:
1. Do not kill any child, any woman, or any elder or sick person. (Sunan Abu Dawud)
2. Do not practice treachery or mutilation. (Al-Muwatta)
3. Do not uproot or burn palms or cut down fruitful trees. (Al-Muwatta)
4. Do not slaughter a sheep or a cow or a camel, except for food. (Al-Muwatta)
5. If one fights his brother, [he must] avoid striking the face, for God created him in the image of Adam. (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim)
6. Do not kill the monks in monasteries, and do not kill those sitting in places of worship. (Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal)
7. Do not destroy the villages and towns, do not spoil the cultivated fields and gardens, and do not slaughter the cattle. (Sahih Bukhari; Sunan Abu Dawud)
8. Do not wish for an encounter with the enemy; pray to God to grant you security; but when you [are forced to] encounter them, exercise patience. (Sahih Muslim)
9. No one may punish with fire except the Lord of Fire. (Sunan Abu Dawud).
10. Accustom yourselves to do good if people do good, and to not do wrong even if they commit evil. (Al-Tirmidhi)
Also tell your Aunt to read the Quran before she says another word.
Glenn Gerum says
google Muslims convert to CHRISTISNITY.
Sai Shinde says
And what about Islamic invasion in India
Anonymous says
“Islamic” invasion of India. I suspect there was little to nothing Islamic about it.
Glenn Gerun says
read history please: “670 million innocents massacred since islam was invented in 600AD.
Glenn Gerun says
Michelle, can you not see written proof, 65:4, 7:4, 5:60, 9:5, 47:4, 5:33, 56:36, 38:52, 78:33, 3:151, 98:6,
4:34, 2:65, 7:166, 5:51, 33:26, 25:39, 21:95 proves no allah, zero god in islam.
Now Michelle, enjoy GOD’S Love & salvation recorded in the sacred New Testament clear proof by the Saviour of the world Jesus Christ, the only way to heaven.
Jasmine says
this is absolutely false. I dont think you have even read the Quran yourself, have you? Just going straight to assuming every Muslim is “dangerous” all because of an incident we had NO control over? ? You can’t blame us for the actions of a few Muslims. You cant put that label on us. You have no right. Its like saying all Christians are bad because of KKK. Are they? No they are not. And the Quran is not violent whatsoever. Maybe meet with an Islamic Scholar and educate yourself. Please respect our religion and beliefs. I can tell you for a fact no where in the Holy Bible it says to disrespect other religions. Same goes for the Quran. your’e honestly a big fat Karen that probably believes every stereotype and false information, but when it comes to your people im sure you’d defend yourself. and that needs to go away asap lol. Dont come at us for our beliefs, trying to ‘hurt our feelings’ cause no honey…you got the wrong people.
Life Maverick says
I may say that I have indeed read the Qur’an, Sahih Muslim and Sahih Bukhrari and the authoritative text on sharia – The Reliance of the Traveller. Would that qualify me to state an opinion then on Islam?
We don’t blame any Muslims, the issue that Western society has is with Islam and the supremacist ideology it contains and the violent way it encourages its adherents to propagate it.
“Its like saying all Christians are bad because of KKK”. Your argument would be valid if the Gospel encouraged behavior that consistent with the behavior of the KKK. Sadly, the same cannot be true of Islam. Jihad of the heart, the mind and the tongue, beheadings, subjugation and domination of non-believers, these are all contained as teachings of the Qur’an and confirmed by the hadith and sharia. To say that the Qur’s is not violent is akin to saying that a brothel is not sexual. The brothel is the embodiment and establishment of sexual behavior just like the Qur’an embodies violence towards kafirs, or non-Muslims.
You are right about one thing – the Bible definitely says to respect other people, their faiths and their religion. Again, the same cannot be held true for Islam or your stick-wielding ‘prophet’. Islam as a supremacist ideology holds in contempt anything that does not adhere to Islam. Imagine if these verses were in the Gospel and referred to Muslims: Surah 2:171, Surah 8:55, Surah 13:17, Surah 98:6, Surah 95:5, Surah 3:32, Surah 17:18, Surah 5:51, Sahih Bukhari 103/6 2926 (and these are just a handful of hundreds of verses or hadiths). For one second, read these verses and hadiths and imagine they referred to Islam rather than Judaism or Christianity. How as a Muslim would you view the ‘Christians’, their ‘prophet’ and their ‘God’. Take a few days and think about it seriously.
Glenn Gerun says
GOD is exactly New Testament proof by resurrected-ascent into heaven JESUS CHRIST eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:51-53, “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” Saint John 14:9, 17:3-5, 1Corinthians 15:6.
There is no 600AD god 65:4 pedophilia, 4:34 beat women, 98:6, 2:65 ape, 7:166 ape, 5::60 ape, 7:4, 9:5, 5:33, 33:61, 8:67 crimes against all mankind self evident.
Anonymous says
Explain why all The terrorists are MUSLIMS !!
It could’ve been any religion, there are multiple religions but yet all the terrorists are Muslims …
Islam is a disgusting religion depravity women of equality… ( numerous International Incidents speak for itself)
Anonymous says
All terrorists aren’t Muslims. I remember a year where every terrorist attack wasn’t Muslim but a “white nationalist”, on the news.
I would also argue that Islam promotes female equality. Look at the tv – females are half naked very often – “sex sells” as they say, and namely means selling the bodies of women (I mean who cares about their minds anymore? It seems like 50% of a female’s value is her body these days…. utterly disgusting :/. Jewish, Christian, or Muslim ideology wouldn’t have things this way.)
Islam tells us to make men and women conservative, just like Christianity and Judiasm. The difference is quite small – in order for a man to be conservative, he must be covered, but it is not required for him to cover his head but it is liked for him to do so. Look up what a khufi is. A female must cover her head in order to be declared conservtive, due to differences in sexual attraction between males and females. That is all.
Krista says
Hey Jasmine! I completely agree with you that the Bible never said to disrespect and be rude to anybody, instead, our religion is built upon love and acceptance of everyone who is different, and that includes that religions of course!! So, I just wanted to ask you, what does the Quran really say? I have never read it myself so I would never believe the words of a white christian man bashing of other people’s beliefs! I would like to hear from an actual Mulsim, when the writer of this article says that the prophet fought in wars and did horrible things to women, what does it really mean? What’s the story behind it? Is it fake? I would love to hear from you and understand Islam better. I hope you have a great day or night! 🙂
Dena says
I was born into Islam and there isn’t a single thing I agree with or even like about the religion. As kids we were always told this was “gunah” (a sin) and that was “gunah” and every effing thing was “gunah.” This religion tells basically people, “This world is a lie, nothing on earth matters, it’s all about the afterlife.” Get the eff out of here with that nonsense. We are not arab muslims but as kids we were expected to read the koran in arabic, without actually learning arabic…so basically just making sounds with our mouths- really?!? And from my own personal experiences, the most disgusting behaviors I’ve ever seen have always come from muslims- disrespect (esp for women and animals), rudeness, filth, etc. The more religious a muslim is, the worse they seem to be as a human being. So when I hear about people being anti-muslim I don’t blame them one bit.
Anonymous says
“The most disgusting behaviour come from Muslims”, did you carry out a survey of some kind? How do you so casually make such a dangerous statement? All Muslims don’t have the same ideology (no, they do not share one mind), it’s really surprising to see how when a normal person does a crime he’s nothing but a criminal. But when a Muslim does something immoral, then religion comes into play and they seem to represent not only an entire religion but also the two billion people that follow that religion. You were _expected_ to read the Qur’an, but were you forced to?
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims pray koran 4:34 beat women, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children, 33:61, 8:67, 9:5, 7:4 destroy, 47:4, 5:33, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 2:65 be apes despised, 5:51 racism, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166 repeated hatred, clear proof no allah, zero god in islam by 17:16 we destroyed with complete destruction of Sudan poor for decades, 2 million genocided, burn meagre crops & homes, Afghanistan, Syria genocides, 9/11, 3/11, 7/7, Turk Muslims promised peace & equality genocided 1.5 million Armenian Christians, behead children in Mozambique today, boko attack police, schools, shops, homes today,
Shane Emmanuel says
it is surprising to know what different religions say about fighting in the name of religion. check this.
Fighting/Struggling (Jihaad) for Truth:-
GEETA 2:32, 2:37, 11:34; RIG VEDA: 1:132:4;
BIBLE: Numbers 25:17, Luke 19:27, Deuteronomy 2:33-34;
Quran 4:135. you can get full details on this link.
Anonymous says
The Geeta doesn’t talk to kill people of other religions. First you need to know about the society in Hinduism. There were kshtriyas who were called soldiers who were instructed to kill those who were the embodiment of evil. The whole purpose is winning of good over evil.
Loren says
I have read the quaran several times and have several friends who were raised muslim as well as my own theological research of religion over the past 21 years and this article is absolutely spot on. Islam is not a religion of peace but a religion of violence and genocide. The educated leaders of most arab countries know this but, continue pushing it as a way to keep their tribe in power – read Brookings Institute: Islam as statecraft: How governments use religion in foreign policy or the Washington Post: Middle East regimes are using ‘moderate’ Islam to stay in power. Additional sources are abundant in print, blog, documentary, etc… Netflix has an excellent documentary in their “Documentary” section called “Saudi Arabia Uncovered” where they explain some of the reasons the regime enforces conservative/sharia islamic law to help them stay in power. It is not a documentary for those with a weak constitution as it has undercover footage of beatings, floggings, beheading and crucifixions of prisoners. Saudi Arabia is one of the West’s closest allies……..
Additionally, there are countless surveys regarding the 1.8 Billion muslims in the world and their convictions in regards to implementing sharia law and jihad in the West and the rest of the world. The surveys range from 10%-35% in favor. Using a conservative percentage of 15% of the 1.8 billion muslims in the world, that still leaves 270,000,000 in favor of jihad and sharia law in the world. Yes, 270 Million. The entire US population is only 331 Million people.
The Old Testament has its share of violence and slavery but an evolved human understands that mankind has evolved. However, islam is dictated to the billions as a doctrine to be followed to the extreme.
Even within the tribalism bloodlust of islam, there is genocidal rage between the two dominant denominations, shia and sunni. The genocidal hate and bloodlust is abundant……..
Islam is not only a security risk to the west but also to mankind and the multiple peaceful people and religions in the world. If you doubt what I am writing, I encourage you to do the research for yourself. Do not just read and listen to what is being said, but do the research you self.
Ilyas Mirza says
Look sir, i am a Muslim but i don’t support killing of anyone, neither a true Muslim can harm or kill anyone.islam is all about justice,love, brotherhood……..
But people with radical thinking have degraded its meaning.
please do some research on your own.
Krista says
But when the writer of the article said that the prophet caused wars and dod horrible things to women, was he lying? I would like to know your opinion as an actual Muslim. What is the story behind this? Is it completely made up? Or is there a different meaning behind it? If it’s not a hustle, I would love to hear your answer.
Anonymous says
Yes he was lying trying to taking Quran and Hadith out of Context.
Anonymous says
First of all, he never caused wars, he only fought back when they attacked him. And he never did any bad things to women, he married a lot of women because at the time a lot of women were enslaved so he married them to get them out of slavery.
Glenn Gerun says
i see islam love & peace, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 4:34 beat women, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children, 7:4 destroy, 5:60 made them apes & pigs,
2:65 be apes-despised, 7:166 be apes-despised, 98:6 worst of creatures is clear proof no allah ever, behead children in Mozambique today, boko Nigeria atrocities today
SMR says
This is the most disgusting article I’ve read.
I am sorry for the level of ignorance in our society. This is the CRISIS or the modern world.
I hope help finds some of you..
johnson says
Ali Haider says
Assalmuakum brother. I do not know how to add my own comment on here but I will just reply to yours to get my message across. I am a 17 year old muslim. Who used to be a disbeliever. And you may ask why did I turn back to Islam. Let me tell you. The Quran is the most beautiful thing I have ever read and heard. I cried when I read the Quran in English. And I interpret it my way. This on the other hand is the most funniest article I have ever read. May Allah have mercy on your soul. Saying that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) beheaded Jews is just BS. Where is your evidence in this whole entire article. I will give you evidence that Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) did not do such a thing. This website explains everything. And OMG at the end of it it tells you references. Wow! Also don’t say well it could be just one man writing this. Nope! This article that I linked was made by professionals unlike you sir. Also you said the Prophet Muhammad (Peace be Upon Him) was run out of Mecca. FALSE! He had heard of a plot possibly that would harm him and he slipped out of Mecca with Abu Bakr and went to Medina. Also all of those Quran verses you said were saying something bad about Women. Two of them say and who restrain sexual passions. Let me explain what I think this means. Verse 23:1-5 it explains how a believer is successful. It says humble to his prayers 23:2 , who shun what is vain 23:3( i will explain what this means before you say something else stupid and take it out of context who do not do bad things aka haram things), who act with a sake of purity 23:4, and finally 23:5 and who restrains their sexual passion. Honestly sir I hope I offend you right now. Do you have a brain? Do you know how to read? Did you fall and hit your head? WHERE DOES IT SAY ANYTHING BAD ABOUT WOMEN? I hate people who talk bad about my religion and those who spread lies. I truly hate you. And to you it won’t matter because I am just one child. But the one true God knows about this article and I know he would be upset about this. Also let me tell you something sir. Allah literally means God. The same God for Christians, Jews, Catholics. The reason why we call him Allah is because if we add an (s) after it it would mean Gods. And polytheism is shirk. So sir please either delete this or edit it where it truly gives evidence and the right facts. Not lies that your drunk rednecks group of islamophobia friends and you came up with. May Allah forgive me and you.
Anonymous says
Yet you still say you “truly hate him”
Glenn Gerun says
Arabians used to travel
at night to beat the heat, became keen astrologers to guide their journeys, stars/moon, fables is where “the god-al-ilah”
came from, shortened to allah, is the same non existent allah today written proof by the koran 78:33, 38:52, 56:36 virgin sex joke, 4:34 beat women, 76:19, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex, 9:5, 5:60, 98:6, 2:65, 7:166, 47:4, 5:33, 8:12, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred is clear proof godless & evil men made. Furthermore, 1972 Muslims found the original koran, invited Gerd Puin revealed koran words altered, washed layered revisions, absolute proof beyond dispute no allah, zero god in islam.
Jasmine says
Ameen. These white supremacists need mad help.
David Wonders says
“….. most have not read the Quran…”. ROFL! And, pray tell, how many far Right Evangelical Christian have actually read the Bible??? LOL. Most cannot even name the four* authors of the New Testament!! Seriously – ask one and find out for yourself!! *An easy test – just your names!
David Wonders says
Four names: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Anonymous says
There are more than just four authors
James Mclane says
The New testament has OTHER writers like Paul and James and Peter,and Jude
Absolute nonsense says
So basically you got it all wrong hehe im gonna be nice, even though this is heartbreaking, these are just stories you hear. First of All, Islam is a peaceful religion. These terrorists and these people, are not muslims, if they do this stuff they are not officialy in the religion of the islam. If you ever read the quran then you will know. but apparently it doesnt even look like you touched the quran. The quran talks about all the peaceful stuff. PRophet Muhammad SAW fought wars. Is there a problem?? hes trying to spread islam, so while he was spreading islam, he asked them to go submit to islam if they say no then he fights a war with them, he takes captives, to make them learn quran. SO basically youre saying that christian wars they never took captives. and he took women, but he didnt force them, to do anything he didnt beat them, he just took them as captives, and then let them go. So you have to look deeply in the matter before saying anything this is just absolute offensive. Research before you talk. Think before you talk.
Anonymous says
Stop lying
Anonymous says
Actually that is not a lie a specially when the white European came to Africa and forced Christianity on africans and many other country before and after that. And it was not educated in to them it was forced upon them just like slavery was forced on africans.
Anonymous says
Paul made the Bible
Glenn Gerun says
Read the terrific chapter 9 in Acts about Saint Paul. Hope this happens to everyone on the planet forevermore.
post says
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are just pen names. They are not the ones who wrote those books. Thats why it says “The gospel according to …” because whoever the author was (and nobody knows) decided to remain anonymous. just saying
Glenn Gerun says
yes indeed, only for believers of reality: Jesus ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, is the same for Christians. Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1 Corinthians 15:6.
Pól Ó Cárthaigh says
He was speaking to Islam, not Christianity. Save your insights for an article that they relate to.
S, Nawaby 35 says
My friends I as a muslim do not believe in any religions especially islam and the process of circumcision still hurting me, fasting- got nothing to eat , slaughtering of million animals to feed Allah= Mohamaad. Going to Macca to gravel who ? Islam is not a practical religion for example , in Koran chapter 2 \ 245 says who is it that will offer to Allah a goodly gift , so He multiplies it to him manifold? And Allah receives and amplifies , and to Him you shall be returned. So where is Barbara Eden and the bottle ?
Anonymous says
🤣 Slaughtering to feed Allah? You are funny. Who eats that meat god your humans in need?
Anonymous says
we slaughter cows once a year (which u do everyday) to feed the poor, stop embarrassing urself and get a life.
Unknown says
He was asking Muslim people to ask Christians the four author’s she just simply questioned before anyone can ask because we don’t want to trouble anyone you all can rest well..
Glenn Gerun says
You waste your whole life without GOD’S Son Jesus Christ. Saint John 14:6.
mohamed used his tribes pagan non existent star/moon god hoax allah 9:5 kill-ambush, 65:4 pedophile children filth, 4:34, 5:60, 98:6, 2:65, 5:51, 7:166, 7:4 destroy, 5:33, 8:67, 47:4, 52:24, 76:19, 56:17, 37:48, 38:52, 78:34, 56:36 fooled himself to deny Christianity, GOD’S Love & salvation resurrection-ascent into heaven, seen. Saint Luke 24:51-53.
joe bloggs says
at least Christians don’t hi-jack planes and fly them into buildings, in the name of Jesus
Mike says
Have you considered your statement might be incorrect my Christian (I assume) brother? “If one professes to be a certain faith but he/she does not follow the tenets of that faith, then it is that person, not the religion which is held accountable”. Just as most people do not blame so called ‘Christians atrocities’ on certain so-called Christian groups like the Army of God, or the KKK (which professed to be Christians) but I’d doubt today followers of Jesus would call individuals in these groups, Christian. By the way how many Muslim people do you know?
Babja says
The wicked actions of those claiming Christianity is condone in the Bible. However, wickedness is approved by the quran. Did you know the muslim books said false prophet wore a dress? lol, so muhammad was a violent, transsexual pedophile. And this is the example of muslim?
Anonymous says
I meant condemned in the Bible.
Alexis says
No they don’t, but wiping out indigenous cultures, burning people at stake for daring to contradict the church, persecuting women, etc. in the name of Jesus is fine I guess.
Educating Idiots Since 2000 says
Seriously? You’re going to cling to things that happened hundreds of years ago instead of dealing with the truth of today? That’s faulty logic at best. At worst, you’re willing choosing to be ignorant to further a flawed world view.
What is the Christian church doing today that is persecuting women, wiping out indigenous peoples, etc.? Are you aware of the mass killings of Christians throughout the Middle East and Africa in the name of Islam?
Please educate yourself instead of regurgitating the same old, “well Christians did the crusades, blah, blah, blah…”. There is truth and reality and you’d do well to be present in both.
Glenn Gerun says
GOD’S eternal heart & mind & Holy Spirit is precisely “Love thy neighbour as thyself, 10 Commandments, & Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, clear proof by His Son Christ ascent into heaven, Saint Luke 24:51-53,, “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5 New Testament .
Anonymous says
And Muslims do, cuz if ur talking about al queda they arent muslims, maybe read the Quran and come back knowing what we allow and dont in our religon.
Jase says
The point is that the outcome of not knowing the bible and muslims not knowing the quran and accepting what their imams say has two very different outcomes
Glenn Gerun says
There is 1 sure truth, the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
Anonymous says
I think is funny to say that Muslims are wacky, all religions are stupid , anyone that entertains a set idea of what happens after you die is someone who has become governed by ignorance.
Sara says
All religions are different and we have to respect them. You cant’s say that they are stupid
Glenn Gerun says
There is only 1 religion of GOD, CHRISTIANITY which completed JUDAISM.
Ed says
I can say that you are a stupid person then
ECH says
The write suffers from a lack of knowledge
Prophet Mohammed quotes about women:
The most complete believer in faith is the best in morals, and the best among you is the best to their wives.
Observe your duty to Allah in respect to the women, and treat them well.
Verily, women are the twin halves of men.
Quran Verses about women:
And for women are rights over men similar to those of men over women.” (Qur’an, 2: 228)
Their Lord responded to them: “I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female – you are equal to one another. (Qur’an, 9: 71)
Prophet Mohammed quotes about violence:
Beware! Whoever is cruel and harsh to a non-Muslim minority, curtailing their rights, overburdening them, or stealing from them, I will complain [to God] about that person on the Day of Judgement.
Do you know what is better than charity and fasting and prayer? It is keeping peace and good relations between people, as quarrels and bad feelings destroy mankind.
There is reward for kindness to every living thing.
The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.
Verily, Allah is mild and is fond of mildness, and He gives to the mild what He does not give to the harsh.
When two persons are together, two of them must not whisper to each other, without letting the third hear; because it would hurt him.
Kindness is a mark of faith and whoever is not kind has no faith.
The greatest Jihad is to battle your own soul. To fight the evil within yourself.
Best way to defend Islam, is to practice Islam.
When a husband and wife look at each other with love, Allah looks at both of them with mercy.
When a husband and wife look at each other with love, Allah looks at both of them with mercy.
a bier passed by Muhammad (pbuh), and he stood up; and it was said to him, “This is the bier of a Jew.” He responded, “Was it not the holder of a soul?”
When the bier of anyone passeth by thee, whether Jew, Christian, or Muslim, rise to thy feet.”
Shall I not tell you who will be forbidden from fire? It will be forbidden for every gentle, soft-hearted and kind person.
Cliz says
Just like the writer said, there are both positives and negatives, you choose the ones you want. Here are some bad ones:
Quran 4.34:
ٱلرِّجَالُ قَوَّٰمُونَ عَلَى ٱلنِّسَآءِ بِمَا فَضَّلَ ٱللَّهُ بَعْضَهُمْ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ وَبِمَآ أَنفَقُوا۟ مِنْ أَمْوَٰلِهِمْ ۚ فَٱلصَّٰلِحَٰتُ قَٰنِتَٰتٌ حَٰفِظَٰتٌ لِّلْغَيْبِ بِمَا حَفِظَ ٱللَّهُ ۚ وَٱلَّٰتِى تَخَافُونَ نُشُوزَهُنَّ فَعِظُوهُنَّ وَٱهْجُرُوهُنَّ فِى ٱلْمَضَاجِعِ وَٱضْرِبُوهُنَّ ۖ فَإِنْ أَطَعْنَكُمْ فَلَا تَبْغُوا۟ عَلَيْهِنَّ سَبِيلًا ۗ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ عَلِيًّا كَبِيرًا
Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are devoutly obedient, guarding in [the husband’s] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance – [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], strike them. But if they obey you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.
Hadith 7099:
Narrated Abu Bakra:
During the battle of Al-Jamal, Allah benefited me with a Word (I heard from the Prophet). When the Prophet heard the news that the people of the Persia had made the daughter of Khosrau their Queen (ruler), he said, “Never will succeed such a nation as makes a woman their ruler.”
Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri:
Once Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) went out to the Musalla (to offer the prayer) of `Id-al-Adha or Al-Fitr prayer. Then he passed by the women and said, “O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women).” They asked, “Why is it so, O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) ?” He replied, “You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.” The women asked, “O Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ)! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?” He said, “Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?” They replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?” The women replied in the affirmative. He said, “This is the deficiency in her religion.”
Also he said dogs, donkeys and women break your if they pass infront of a praying person.
Just like the writer says, Islam has everything in it, you choose the peaceful verses doesn’t mean everyone will
Glenn Gerun says
All islam has zero god, proof by koran billions of hate, murder & sex crimes we see everyday. Crazy 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 98:6 worst of creatures, 2:65 apes, 7:166 repeated hatred, 4:34 beat women, 65:4 pedophilia filth, 7:4 destroy, 9:5 ambush, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacre, 47:4 behead-slaughter is 100% man made evil & backwardness.
But everyone stops evil & backwardness by Divine Christ Jesus proof in the HOLIEST OF HOLY NEW TESTAMENT TRUTH & FACTS to the kingdom of 1 True GOD, & HEAVEN, eye witnessed. Saint Luke 24:51-53.
We all have one way out of hell, repent from sin, do not repeat sins & believe in the Ever Glorious God the Creator through His ascent Son Christ the saviour of the world positively seen in the New Testament. All else is hell.
Great people & countries teach GOD’S heart & mind “Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Laws “Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46 & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Saint Matthew 6:9-13.
Jesus said: “I am the light of the world … I came that they might have life.” Saint John 10:10.
“And the truth will set you free”
“How is it that ye do not understand.”
“Man thy sins are forgiven thee.”
Saint Luke 5:20.
nick says
Wow whats werid is none of those are true you provide no sources you dumbfuck
anonymous says
Because you are too lazy to search them up. When will your IQ ever surpass your age?
Glenn Gerun says
can you not see all islam denies JESUS CHRIST 1 TRUE GOD PROOF in the New Testament LOVE & salvation eye witnessed.
Zainab Niazi says
This whole article is BIASED and clearly from a hypocrite and conservative point of view. Islam is an Arabic word meaning “submission” and in the religious context means “submission to the will of God”. “Islam” is derived from the Arabic word “sal’m” which literally means peace. Secondly, The message of Islam is, “Say, we believe in God and that which was revealed unto us, and that which was revealed unto Abraham
and Ishmael and Isaac and Jacob and the tribes, and that which was revealed unto Moses and Jesus, and the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him, we have surrendered” (The Qur’an, 3:84). Islam can be traced to Adam, the first prophet of Islam. The Qur’an was however revealed in 610 AD to the Prophet Mohammad (peace be on him; PBUH).
Secondly, Islam condemns terrorism and the killing of innocent lives. The word terrorism and Islam are contradictory. One cannot be a true Muslim and terrorist at the same time. The Qur’an states, “Who so ever kills a human being…it shall be as if he has killed all mankind and who so ever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind” (The Qur’an 5:32). Suicide is also a grave sin in Islam. Only God has the right to give and take life.
I can literally pick words from the Bible and put them together. Making it seem like a religion of terror as well. I can write a whole essay on that and end with (as I use your stupid words) “The unpleasant truth is that the Bible teaches faithful Christians to be at war with Muslims until they are all subdued. That is one wacky religion.” But Habibi, I’d rather not. Wanna know why? Because the Bible is also a sacred book to the Muslim: Tawrat (Torah or the Law) revealed to Musa (Moses), the Zabur (Psalms) revealed to Dawud (David), the Injil (the Gospel) revealed to Isa (Jesus).
So imma just end of with few quotes, so your illiterate brain can actually READ the whole Qur’an or even visit a mosque and learn from an Imam. Clearly, you’re making shit up. Don’t even bother replying to me. I’m a student with a Bachelors’s degree in World History at York University and now doing my Masters. I have a lot of knowledge than you. I can say that LOUD and PROUDLY. Clearly, you’re just a goof with a high school diploma.
“O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do.”
“Whoever wrongs one with whom a covenant has been made, burdens him with more than he can bear or forcibly takes something from him, I will be his adversary on the Day of Judgment,” as narrated by Sawfan Ibn Sulaim through a number of the Companions’ children [30 narrators according to the version of Ibn Zangawiyah and al-Baihaqi] who directly narrated from their fathers. [Recorded by Abu Dawud in his Sunan, Ibn Zangawiyah in Al-Amwal and al-Baihaqi in As-Sunan Al-Kubra]
“And if they incline to peace, then incline to it [also] and rely upon Allah. Indeed, it is He who is the Hearing, the Knowing.”
“Indeed, those who have believed [in Prophet Muhammad] and those [before Him] who were Jews or Sabeans or Christians – those [among them] who believed in Allah and the Last Day and did righteousness – no fear will there be concerning them, nor will they grieve.”
“[w]hoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.”
Thank you for wasting your time writing this whole biased and opinionated article Mr. Flip Huggenvik. Clearly, you’re not smart at doing research.
Pradip lndia says
Wonderful, the only thing l could say about all this is, the people who have learnt the real so called peaceful islam should take efforts to teach other muslim who have learnt islam in wrong way, because there are majority of them who interpret this peaceful teachings as violance.
Cliz says
Absolute babble. The author never spoke of christianity, yet to resort to whatabout-ism. All religions are medieval ideas, so ofcourse all are quite pro-slavery and violent, gender inequal and homophobic.
Quran 4:89:
They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.
Quran 2:216:
“Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.”
Quran 9:5:
“So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captive and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush, then if they repent and keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate, leave their way free to them.”
Quran 9:123:
“O you who believe! fight those of the unbelievers who are near to you and let them find in you hardness.”
Quran 25:52:
“Therefore listen not to the Unbelievers, but strive against them with the utmost strenuousness with it.”
Quran 47:35:
“Be not weary and faint-hearted, crying for peace, when ye should be uppermost (Shakir: “have the upper hand”) for Allah is with you,”
Quran 48:22:
Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard (ruthless) against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves”
And these are just a few, the violent verses quite outnumber the ‘peaceful’ ones, and add the hadith, and it can become a bloodbath. Like the author pointed out, he was quite ‘tolerant’ at the start, with peaceful verses, but overwrote’em all when he gained power at medina, you should read the Quran with context.
Proud ExMuslim says
Lol, your quote is totally wrong and out of context.
“Who so ever kills a human being…it shall be as if he has killed all mankind and who so ever saves the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind”
The above quote is an instruction to Jews – people of the book and is not directed towards Muslims.
Apologists such as yourself like to pick and choose it to pretend you have good intentions…
Funny how you never fully quote 5:32 because then it would be clear that God is addressing Jews, not Muslims:
The real quote is;
“That is why We ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever takes a life—unless as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land—it will be as if they killed all of humanity; and whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.”
Let’s dig a little deeper into this evil cult now, shall we?
Islam is full of violence.
* Quran (9:29) – “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”
* Sahih Muslim (19:4294) – “If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah’s help and fight them”
* Ishaq 956 & 962 – “He who withholds the Jizya is an enemy of Allah and His apostle.”
* Quran (4:89) – “They wish that you reject Faith, as they have rejected (Faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another). So take not Auliya’ (protectors or friends) from them, till they emigrate in the Way of Allah (to Muhammad). But if they turn back (from Islam), take (hold) of them and kill them wherever you find them, and take neither Auliya’ (protectors or friends) nor helpers from them.”
* Quran (9:11-12) – “But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then are they your brethren in religion. We detail Our revelations for a people who have knowledge. And if they break their pledges after their treaty (hath been made with you) and assail your religion, then fight the heads of disbelief – Lo! they have no binding oaths – in order that they may desist.”
* Sahih Bukhari (52:260) – “…The Prophet said, ‘If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.’ ”
* Sahih Bukhari (84:57) – [In the words of] “Allah’s Apostle, ‘Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'”
* Sahih Bukhari (89:271) – A man who embraces Islam, then reverts to Judaism is to be killed according to “the verdict of Allah and his apostle.”
* Sahih Bukhari (84:64-65) – “Allah’s Apostle: ‘During the last days there will appear some young foolish people who will say the best words but their faith will not go beyond their throats (i.e. they will have no faith) and will go out from (leave) their religion as an arrow goes out of the game. So, wherever you find them, kill them, for whoever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.'”
This keeps going on for quite a while so i will go ahead and move on
* Quran (33:50) – “O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee”
* Quran (23:5-6) – “..who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess…”
* Quran (4:24) – “And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess.”
* Quran (2:178) – “O ye who believe! Retaliation is prescribed for you in the matter of the murdered; the freeman for the freeman, and the slave for the slave, and the female for the female.”
**forced conversion into islam**
* Quran (8:38-39) – “Say to those who have disbelieved, if they cease (from disbelief) their past will be forgiven… And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism: i.e. worshipping others besides Allah) and the religion (worship) will all be for Allah Alone [in the whole of the world ]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allah), then certainly, Allah is All-Seer of what they do.”
* Quran (9:29) – “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.”
* Quran (9:5) “But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them…”
* Quran (2:193) – “And fight them until fitna is no more, and religion be only for Allah. But if they desist, then let there be no hostility except against wrong-doers.”
* Quran (33:36) – “It is not fitting for a Believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision.”
* Quran (18:26) – “Allah… makes none to share in His Decision and His Rule”
* Quran (45:21) – “What! Do those who seek after evil ways think that We shall hold them equal with those who believe and do righteous deeds,- that equal will be their life and their death? Ill is the judgment that they make.”
* Quran (5:44) – “Whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed is among the disbelievers.”
* Quran (4:141) – “…And never will Allah grant to the unbelievers a way (to triumphs) over the believers.”
* Quran (63:8) – “…might (power) belongs to Allah and to His messenger and to the believers;”
* Quran (5:49) – “So judge between them by that which Allah hath revealed, and follow not their desires, but beware of them lest they seduce thee from some part of that which Allah hath revealed unto thee”
* Quran (12:40) – “…Allah hath sent down no authority: the command is for none but Allah…”
* Quran (7:80-84) – “…For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds…. And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)”
* Quran (7:81) – “Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you?”
* Quran (26:165-166) – “Of all the creatures in the world, will ye approach males, “And leave those whom Allah has created for you to be your mates? Nay, ye are a people transgressing”
* Quran (4:16) – “If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone”
* Abu Dawud (4462) – The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.”
* Abu Dawud (4448) – “If a man who is not married is seized committing sodomy, he will be stoned to death.”
* Sahih Bukhari (72:774) – “The Prophet cursed effeminate men (those men who are in the similitude (assume the manners of women) and those women who assume the manners of men, and he said, ‘Turn them out of your houses .’ The Prophet turned out such-and-such man, and ‘Umar turned out such-and-such woman.”
* al-Tirmidhi, Sunan 1:152 – [Muhammad said] “Whoever is found conducting himself in the manner of the people of Lot, kill the doer and the receiver.”
* Quran (5:33) – “The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides…”
* Quran (8:12) – “Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instill terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their fingertips off them.”
* Quran (24:2) – “The woman and the man guilty of adultery or fornication,- flog each of them with a hundred stripes: Let not compassion move you.”
* Sahih Bukhari (52:261) – “[Muhammad] had their hands and feet cut off. Then he ordered for nails which were heated and passed over their eyes, and whey were left in the Harra (i.e. rocky land in Medina). They asked for water, and nobody provided them with water till they died.”
* Sahih Bukhari (11:626) – “The Prophet said, ‘No prayer is harder for the hypocrites than the Fajr and the ‘Isha’ prayers and if they knew the reward for these prayers at their respective times, they would certainly present themselves (in the mosques) even if they had to crawl.’ The Prophet added, ‘Certainly I decided to order the Mu’adh-dhin (call-maker) to pronounce Iqama and order a man to lead the prayer and then take a fire flame to burn all those who had not left their houses so far for the prayer along with their houses.'”
**womens rights and their worth**
* Quran (4:11) – (Inheritance) “The male shall have the equal of the portion of two females”
* Quran (2:228) – “and the men are a degree above them [women]”
* Quran (2:223) – “Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will…”
* Sahih Bukhari (6:301) – “[Muhammad] said, ‘Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?’ They replied in the affirmative. He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her intelligence.'”
* Sahih Bukhari (6:301) – continued – “[Muhammad said] ‘Isn’t it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?’ The women replied in the affirmative. He said, ‘This is the deficiency in her religion.'”
* Sahih Muslim (4:1039) – “A’isha said [to Muhammad]: ‘You have made us equal to the dogs and the asses'”
* Sahih Bukhari (62:81) – “The Prophet said: “‘The stipulations most entitled to be abided by are those with which you are given the right to enjoy the (women’s) private parts.'”
* Quran (5:6) – “And if ye are unclean, purify yourselves. And if ye are sick or on a journey, or one of you cometh from the closet, or ye have had contact with women, and ye find not water, then go to clean, high ground and rub your faces and your hands with some of it”
Credits to u/sleevs on reddit.
Lovaaa says
Islam is a Pissful religion who support terrorism and kill non Muslims for fun . Nice! 😂
Anonymous says
Ya Allah, please guide Lovaaa.
Glenn Gerun says
there is no allah. Arabians traveled at night, became keen astrologers, stars, moon, fables is where “al-ilah-the god” came from, shortened to allah, is the same non existent allah today, proof by koran 65:4, 9:5, 5:51, 5:60, 98:6, 7:166, 2:65 repeated hatred, 7:4 destroy, 8:67 massacre, 33:61, massacred, 5:33, 9:5 kill-ambush clearly man made a god deception to get away with murder & sex crimes with impunity, & deny Christianity God proof “before the foundation of the world” Saint John 17:3-24.
JP says
It is interesting you blame the author of this article to be biased and a hypocrite.
And then you quote ““[w]hoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land – it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.”
Have you even read the verse? I ask because you only quote half of the verse
“That is why We ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever takes a life—unless as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land—it will be as if they killed all of humanity; and whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.1 ˹Although˺ Our messengers already came to them with clear proofs, many of them still transgressed afterwards through the land. ”
So this a verse for Jews. Not for muslims.
The verse for muslims is 5:33
Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and spread mischief in the land is death, crucifixion, cutting off their hands and feet on opposite sides, or exile from the land. This ˹penalty˺ is a disgrace for them in this world, and they will suffer a tremendous punishment in the Hereafter.
Ibn Kathir explains what “Wage war” and “mischief in the land” means (
`Wage war’ mentioned here means, oppose and contradict, and it includes disbelief, blocking roads and spreading fear in the fairways. Mischief in the land refers to various types of evil.”
So CONTRADICTING MUSLIMS is sufficient ground for the punishment described in 5:33
Who is now the hypocrite? Or the ignoramus?
The Author? Ibn Kathir? or You?
Arson says
So boring you’re. From fruits I know the tree. So clear are the fruits of Islam and very clear it’s the tree. Violence
Glenn Gerun says
It’s all about God’S Love & Jesus Christ is the clear proof & the way to GOD & HEAVEN.
Z says
I have WHY questions to muslims
WHY do you always think western people must be Christian? Well, THEY ARE NOT!! Do you think the Charlie Hebdo cartoonist are Christian? Many of western people don’t have any particular religion.. Yes there are a lot of churches in Europe but it doesn’t mean that European must be Christian. Christmas is just a festival. They don’t celebrate the birth of Jesus.
That’s the fact that in Quran there are sword verses and that’s the fact as well there are Islam terrorist around the world because they believe they are practising the Quran. Now, have you ever heard Christian terrorist? I don’t think so. I agree that massacre in Christchurch NZ is totally unacceptable. But do you think he did that based on verses in Bible? It is not. He just hate Muslim. So stop comparing Quran and Bible.
WHY there is slogan Islam is Peace? I have never heard any slogan Christian or Buddhist or Jews is Peace.. Peace is created by practising not slogan…so prove it please
For those who doesn’t like the freedom of expression in western world, well just leave the country. Nobody force you to live there.
Glenn Gerun says
The universe & everyone is CHRISTIAN “before the foundation of the world”, Saint John 17:3-24., proof by CHRIST JESUS ASCENT INTO HEAVEN GOD LOVE & SALVATION EYE WITNESSED Saint Luke 24:51-53.
Meener says
I always find it interesting how people are so shocked and offended when religions talk about killing or fighting or defending. If this is a real revaluation from our creator should it not give guidance on what to do in defense of Gods message? Two thousand years of humanity after Jesus and have we not had a need for war? Have we not had a need for punishment? Is there no crime? Is there no evil? How can a message survive if those who are meant to spread it die? “Beheaded jews?” Is that really mentioned without mentioning their role in the betrayal of the Muslims? Multiple times? They agreed to be a safe neutral state but instead betrayed their word and plotted against the Muslims. It didn’t matter if they were Jews or Christians or Hindus…what mattered were their actions.
I encourage everyone to review the guidance on violence during war from their own religions, if they even exist. I guarantee the religion with the most fair and logical rules and guidelines will be Islam.
anonymous says
The exact opposite, in fact. When typing “world’s most violent religions” in the address bar, the top results are entirely about Islam. This view you champion is ridiculous and despicable.
Anonymous says
A religion that kills in the name of faith should not exist… Keep your religion to your self, it’s sounds to me like Mohammed got chased out of town and wanted payback, first he nice untill he got ran out now he evil, it sounds like personal gain to me, open your eyes, piecefull at first then after he ran out of town then it’s kill the infidels… The people in that town must have bullied him to much now there trying to take over the world
krishna murari says
islam is a religion which is a highly intolerant religion. koran’s alternate verse is directed towards annihilation of non muslims,which it calls is most expansionist spread on the brute force of the sword..
at several places in the kuran muslims are told to force jehad on non muslims,polytheists &idolaters,these non muslims are to be put to swords or are to be thrown in burning .fire
they are promised a place in paradise where there is a garden for them with fruits and fragrant flowers. a stream of cold waters flows beneath them.beautiful young damsels dressed in satin clothes are there for their enjoyment.
talibanis promise 70 young girls(hurs) to induct new jehadis to jehads.these girls they will get when they die in jehad and they go to paradise.on earth rhey give them talbani girls for enjoyment and to be thrown away after enjoyment.
women are like cattle in islam.muslims can marry as many as 4 women and can keep as many concubines as they desire.they can throw away their wife by saying talaq 3 times.the meher is never paid because koran enjoins women to shun demand for payment of meher. muslim husbands are not reqd to pay alimony to their divorced wives.
paigambar mohd had 13 of them was his daughter in law,koran allows muslims to have sex with their dhaughter in lawhe had nothing in his character making him worshippable,he was a debauch.he was a mad warrior fighting for spread of islam.he had first wars with his own relatives.did nothing for the good of society or mankind.
muslims treat their women as substandard human beings,the worth of a woman in islam is half of that of man.
recently indian sunni muslim personal law board said women did not have any intelligence and are not fit to decide womens issue.
when muslim issues are discussed on indian television, the bearded illmannered maulanas openly abuse the women panelists & even physically assault them.
islam is an obdurant religion,is not amenable to destroys local culture.muslims in india use umbrellas when it rains in saudi arabia.urdu is a very good but a dying language.who killed urdu ? muslims killed it by associating it with islam. otherwise urdu was rhe language of punjab.itwas the language of hindus,sikhs, christians and every punjabi. in the past punjabi hindus read gita,ramayan & mahabharat not in sanskrit but in urdu.
urdu is older than hindi.when muslims linked urdu to their religion, hindus discarded urdu and supported hindi. overwhelmingly more hindus were speaking urdu than muslims,so when hindus left urdu,irreparable damage was done to in hindi states of india even muslims have left urdu and are learning hindi instead.
not that everything in islam is black.islam is having some attributes which are not there in any other religion.
islam forbids dishonesty,drinking,gambling which noother religion does. mussalman means some body having mussalam iman that is solid or rocklike honesty.
all religions are having many outdated traits.they need reforms, as the author rightly says,Christians are the leaders in reforms.just because they are educated.
z says
4 19 in the Quran literally disproves this whole article.
And by the way, I can take the bible out of context too and make it seem like a violent religion as well, please read the whole Quran instead of picking an choosing to make a religion look bad.
anonymous says
It does not in any way. “O believers! It is not permissible for you to inherit women against their will1 or mistreat them to make them return some of the dowry ˹as a ransom for divorce˺—unless they are found guilty of adultery.2 Treat them fairly. If you happen to dislike them, you may hate something which Allah turns into a great blessing.”
This refers to the treatment of women. It has nothing to do with violence. Any religion that orders its followers to kill those who leave it does not deserve praise or reconciliation of any sort.
hi says
You say this, but you ignore that the Spanish FORCED the Native American to join Christianity. You say this but you ignore that Vlad the Impaler brutally murdered Muslims. You say this, but you completely ignore the Christcurch terrorist who killed hundreds of Muslims. You see, everyone, this article was na example of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy fills our world. Please, sir, do your research BEFORE posting these lies.
Common senss says
Does that violence have anything to do with the scripture though? These are messed up people though the bible doesn’t command to do these acts. The ChristChurch terrorist killed around 50 innocent lives, terrible, but not hundreds. So are you then going to ignore Muslim suicide bombers weeks after who killed over 300 worshipers in church. The media didn’t cover that did they.
hello says
For sure forcing someone to join a religion is worse than killing them until they join your religion! For sure brutally impaling an invading army is completely immoral!
Yes, the Christchurch terrorist was an absolute piece of trash and deserves punishment even I can’t imagine. But where’s the hypocrisy in calling this out? Muslim beheadings of non-Muslims happened before the Spanish conquest era and happen after it. Vlad the Impaler was defending his country from an invading army. You also mentioned Spain but forgot about the fact that Spain was invaded and ravaged by Muslims for centuries until they finally lost the war in 1492
Anonymous says
I feel sorry for all those who died because they chose another faith. But God gave us the right to choose our own path, choose our own religion. God never forced ya to be this religion, that religion.
Dotset says
What happen if we read Quran let me tell you finally they well beg to convert into islam
Glenn Gerun says
research “670 million non Muslims massacred since the birth of islam” or Muslims murder in Africa, or Syria, or 9/11-7/7-3/11, or Muslims genocided 1.5 million Armenian Christians, & Muslims are exactly the same as nazi hatred & murder against innocent Jews
Evangelist Bryant says
Read and prove this saying wrong, Surah 5:51
Rashmin says
Read your Bible properly my brother in humanity:
Luke 19:27
But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’”
2 Chronicles 15:12-13
And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.
Leviticus 20:27
“A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.”
Deuteronomy 17:12
“The man who acts presumptuously by not obeying the priest who stands to minister there before the Lord your God, or the judge, that man shall die. So you shall purge the evil from Israel”.
A lot more in the Bible…..
Jenkins is a professor at Penn State University and author of two books dealing with the issue: the recently published Jesus Wars, and Dark Passages, which has not been published but is already drawing controversy:
Violence in the Quran, he and others say, is largely a defense against attack.
“By the standards of the time, which is the 7th century A.D., the laws of war that are laid down by the Quran are actually reasonably humane,” he says.
“Then we turn to the Bible, and we actually find something that is for many people a real surprise. There is a specific kind of warfare laid down in the Bible which we can only call genocide.”
Your understanding of Islam is very limited like many people out there, their hatred of truth and the belief of one of God blinds them from understanding their existence, so when they try to challenge Islam they lack the insight knowledge, therefore, they try to bring out of context arguments for deviation so they can justify their wrongdoing.
If you are an honest and intelligent human being with a sound mind searching for the truth, then read the Holy Quran properly and compare it to your Bible either Catholic Bible or Protestant or new version, old version or king james version or any other version of the Bible you can get your hands on it, see which ones make sense to your life.
when you finish doing your research come back with real arguments.
Try to use your brain don’t rely on Fox News for education.
Salaam Peace.
Bruh says
Most of Verses u mentioned were out of context so shut up
John says
The verses of the bible you show are not practiced nowadays. They are intended for the old testament times when God asked his people to practice according to all His commandments about ceremonial law, health law, social laws etc. So nearly all Christians don’t practice in this age.
And a newtestamet verse you show is not actual Christ’s order – that is the thing in the story Jesus said.
So Christians do not commit terrorism with the Bible verses just as Muslims do with their Quran verses.
Anonymous says
God is Jesus in the flesh.
M.A. says
Most of what you listed was the punishment for Jews who commited sins worthy of death.
The God of the bible actually told his people to KILL EVERYONE that was left alive in the lands they were sent into to conquer. It also describes repeatedly that more died by acts of God (hailstorms, plague,famine,floods,earthquakes) than by the swords of the Jews. This is because God went ahead of them by about a week before the army followed. The scriptures say those people were “set apart for destruction” by God because of the very sins you pointed out along with others. He told them DO NOT SPARE ANY OF THEM IF YOU DO THEY WILL CORRUPT YOU WITH THEIR WAYS. It would be hypocritical to condemn an entire people to death for those sins and let Jews live if they commited them. Those scriptures are proof God is no respector of persons, what was worthy of death for the inhabitants of those lands was also worthy of death for a Jew as well.
The fact is the scriptures repeatedly say those other people that were intergrated into the Jewish community (against Gods warning) continued to worship their gods, built alters, sacrificed to them and enticed Jews to do the same and corrupted them, they were not required nor did they covert to Judaism.
The fact is God only began offering gentiles a chance to convert after Jesus came, until then a person followed the gods of their fathers.
This conversion is NEVER forced, in fact it is a drawing to the spirit of God. In short it is a DESIRE to come to God, you can not make someone love God. You can force someone to do everything scriptures say and yet they can hate God in their heart and the God of the bible knows the heart of man and desires their love along with obedience….not just obedience. This is why Jesus never forced conversion, he said those who will hear/see will hear/see and he NEVER said to kill or enslave those who don’t convert, their fate was left to judgement day.
The clear differences in how your god thinks compared to the God of the bible makes it all to clear they are not the same being not a misunderstanding.
In fact the koran and the hadiths make it clear they are enemies.
The God of the bible says in 1Timothy 6:14-16 Jesus is ‘KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS’ The allah of the koran hates that very king. In fact he says the most vilest name in his sight is the king of kings. The most wretched person in his sight on the day of judgement and target of all his wrath is the person who is called ‘the king of kings’.
I will point out allah said ‘person’ not persons or people called king of kings, thus only ONE person holds that name.
Never has their been nor will there every be anyone else who will be called King of Kings except Jesus, he has that title it is litterally written on his thigh and the armies of heaven follow him in Revelations 19: 11-16. The rider that is the king of kings is NAMED ‘the word of God’ so allah hates the word of God.
Jess says
Your literally quoting the Old Testament the old covenant that Jesus did away with when we commanded us to love your neighbors as yourself. You don’t even know anything about being a follower of Christ. It’s NOT a religion but a personal relationship with God.
Abdelhalim says
It is really funny to read that.
Me says
My Dear Mighty Muslima,
There is a difference between old and new testaments. Jesus came to fulfill the law. Jesus is the new covenant.
The scripture in Luke is a parable that Jesus was speaking to his disciples. Do you know what’s a parable?
Dont rely on muslims to teach you anything.
Anika says
You are quoting verses in the Bible where death is condoned. But I don’t see Christians out killing people- as we often see with Muslims.
There are Muslims who murder- who do follow these instructions in the Quran to kill. This is why the author has penned this article. So quoting another religion’s idiotic doctrine to kill isn’t really solving anything. It is only pointing out more foolishness and darkness of humanity, in yet another religion. It’s all so heartbreaking. It points out where we’ve lost our way, missing the entire point of the preciousness of why we are here.
☦️ says
Hello idiot. Christians don’t follow Old Testament ceremonial laws of punishment. You should be familiar with the general concept since abrogation is such a core part of your religion. As for Luke 19:27, if you actually read the chapter instead of parroting it from others, you would know that it is a parable about the last judgement, not a command for everyday Christians AT ALL. 2 Chronicles 15:12-13 is referring to a group of people that made a covenant with God and imposed on THEMSELVES death if they themselves broke it. Don’t think you can just get away with misinterpreting scripture and not get called out on it.
Z says
Lol well said, maybe he should’ve used his brain to research a bit instead of sounding like a fool.
Z says
Lol well said, maybe he should’ve used his brain to research a bit instead of sounding like a fool.
Daniel says
Two wrongs, repeated, do not make a right, ever.
Glenn Gerun says
“Love thy neighbor as thysrlf, 10 Commandments “Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46, & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” is Creator God the Father, Son Christ Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit one heart & mind “before the world was.” Saint John 17:3-5; has nothing to do with islam 9:5 ambush, 65:4 pedophilia, 7:4 destroy, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 2:65 apes, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166 repeated hatred, 56:36 virgin joke, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred, proves no allah.
z says
4 19 in the Quran literally disproves this whole article.
And by the way, I can take the bible out of context too and make it seem like a violent religion as well, please read the whole Quran instead of picking an choosing to make a religion look bad.
Me says
The problem is there is so many contradictions in it that muslims can literally choose the verses that make it look the best and apostates can choose the rest of the verses that make it look bad.
Anika says
Who is it taking the Quran of context?
It seems that it is some Muslims themselves who are taking versus out of context. It is those who are murdering people. That’s why response articles like this are written in the first place. No one is out there insulting Muslims for no reason at all, it is a response to Muslims who murder. And it is the Muslims who murder who sight the Quran.
Glenn Gerun says
Evangelist Bryant says
Can anyone show faith without work? Absolutely no! Why Muslim can’t prove their religion is none violent by preaching and teaching it. Not one day, even those who comment here can tell it to people in their community, around the world even on social media that violence is wrong according to our faith.
Rashmin says
Read your Bible properly without waffle:
Luke 19:27
But as for these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slaughter them before me.’”
2 Chronicles 15:12-13
And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them.
Leviticus 20:27
“A man or a woman who is a medium or a necromancer shall surely be put to death. They shall be stoned with stones; their blood shall be upon them.”
Deuteronomy 17:12
The man who acts presumptuously by not obeying the priest who stands to minister there before the Lord your God, or the judge, that man shall die. So you shall purge the evil from Israel.
A lot more in the Bible…..
Your understanding of Islam is very limited like many people out there, their hatred of truth and the belief of one of God blinds them from understanding their existence, so when they try to challenge Islam they lack the insight knowledge, therefore, they try to bring out of context arguments for deviation so they can justify their wrongdoing.
If you are an honest and intelligent human being with a sound mind searching for the truth, then read the Holy Quran properly and compare it to your Bible either Catholic Bible or Protestant or new version, old version or king james version or any other version of the Bible you can get your hands on it, see which ones make sense to your life.
when you finish doing your research come back with real arguments.
Try to use your brain don’t rely on Fox News for education.
Salaam Peace.
Arson says
So boring you’re. From fruits I know the tree. So clear are the fruits of Islam and very clear it’s the tree. Violence Christians follow the New Testament
Glenn Gerun says
mohamed kept his Abdullah tribe pagan allah for money, profitable Mecca pilgimage, is the same fake god 65:4 today
Glenn Gerun says
This is for Rashmin & everyone in the world salvation.
Saint Luke 24:51-53
“and carried up into heaven. And they worshipped Him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And were continually in the temple praising and blessing God.”
Ever Living Almighty Creator Holy God the Father was clearly proven by Jesus Christ the saviour of the world …
But 600 years later infidel mohamed borrowed his Abdullah tribes Arab flavored non existent pagan star/moon idols to get away with his murders, 11 wives & 65:4 Aisha pedophile sex crimes is why islam was made, doesn’t fool anyone anymore. Now you see.
Furthermore, Jesus predicted islam …
“They shall put you out of the synogogues: yea, the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.”
Saint John 16:2.
AND CLEAR PROOF 1 TRUE GOD IS JESUS CHRIST IN THE FLESH; resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed. Amen.
Abeer says
So you guys come to our country’s with your military while pointing a gun on us and say right to our face why your religion is not peaceful let us kill you play with you but please don’t make a sound we have a headache . Let us recruit people that play the role of fighting us and say opps they called themselves isis wait isis come here let us give you some weapons That only a military from a powerful country Would have and please don’t forget to say allah akbar when you kill because if you do we will give you an oscar . Let me tell you something we will fight who fights us and let be because it seems you guys don’t get it anymore.
Suleiman says
Im telling u don’t know the follow of quran and u re liar
Abdul Muid says
im a muslim and the amount of bs in this just went over my head.
Do you know what comes before this verse?
It says : Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not trangress limits for Allah loves not the transgressors. (Quran 2:190)
In the earlier verse it is very clearly stated to fight only those who attacks first.
Then Allah says : And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers. (Quran 2:191)
Now,do you know what verses come after this?
Okay. I’ll let you know.
It says : And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. (Quran 2:192)
Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah and [until] worship is [acknowledged to be] for Allah . But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors. (Quran 2:193)
This is one of the verses which Islamophobes use against us to prove that we are violent, when in fact Allah orders us not to fight unless attacked. And even then if they stop, we are to discontinue fighting.
please do complete research before posting BS
Jake says
Yes because there are alot of christian and jewish terrorists these days 😕
Alex says
Because “Muslim terrorists” get paid. Mist things they do is forbidden in Islam.
Babja says
That’s a lie. islam is of satan. In the quran allah deceived the Christians. And allah other name is the deceiver. In the Bible satan is called the great deceiver.
Win says
Christians before they become terrorist in my country Kenya they first convert into Muslim I always wonder why,,,but what I know is God is not in religion but He is in us all,and He loves us the same
Glenn Gerun says
Jesus Christ is the saviour of the world and clear proof of the Creator God Love of His world “before the world was.”
Saint John 17:3-5, Hallelujah,
jj says
That depends would you consider the repeated ousting of democratically elected leaders terrorism? Keep in mind this is what has largely allowed fundamentalists to grab power.
idk says
The KKK is a terrorist group isn’t it? Does that mean all Christians are terrorists, no. I shouldn’t receive hate for practicing my religion the same way as other religions shouldn’t. In my 13 years of living I’ve had my hijab pulled off, called many vulgar things, and even some violence for being a muslim yet we are always labeled the violent ones. Based on my experiences would it be right for me to hate all Christians, no. I have common sense and realize everyone has a mind of their own and their actions are a result of it, not their faith.
Dan Atatakai says
Well stated! So many people take the claims of radical people who have twisted meanings without realizing that their assumption of meanings does not mean what they think.
The “Infidel” of which the Qur’an mentions to “kill” is the invader of one’s lands, who would rape, pillage, and murder people in their homes. It had nothing to do with anyone who is not Muslim.
Is there not also the passage that says something to the effect of:
“To harm a single person is equivalent to harming all of humanity. To help a single person is the same as helping all of humanity.”?
Amazing how many people do not decide to include that in their claims of hatred.
Lordez says
I doupt, the hands of muslims are not clean and the worst part about islams the hide many of their doctrine.
Anika says
Well said! Please then, tell this to the other people in the religion of Islam. It seems there’s a misunderstanding and so people who are not Muslim are being killed.
When Westerners or Christians write responses, it is not because they are looking for someone to randomly insult. It seems to me they are responding because some Muslims are murdering people. If the verses are so very clear, why is there a misunderstanding among some people who follow Mohammed?
Proud ExMuslim says
Funny how they never fully properly quote 5:32 because then it would be clear that God is addressing Jews, not Muslims:
> That is why We ordained for the Children of Israel that whoever takes a life—unless as a punishment for murder or mischief in the land—it will be as if they killed all of humanity; and whoever saves a life, it will be as if they saved all of humanity.
Anonymous says
they didnt kill thousands of byzantians and capture citys and burn stuff tho
Glenn Gerun says
GOD & Moses 10 Commandments said “Thou shalt not have other gods” 2000 years before islam was invented.
Who said this, “Moses wrote of me.” Saint John 5:46; Thousands of years before Jesus Christ came from heaven.
Saint John 17:3-5.
Now you see!
hi says
I agree! I have been thinking about this for a long time. Another thing I have noticed is that when a Muslim does something bad, the media over exaggerates it. If a Christian, Jew, or Hindu does something bad, nothing is mentioned.
Glenn Gerun says
i see Muslims are starting to get it & eventually convert to their Creator & Saviour Jesus Catholic-Orthodox GOD seen in the New Testament, self evident, “born again” to everlasting life in heaven.
Abdelhalim says
Bush Tony Blair killed 2 millions peoples on the name of God
Syncrow says
Well that is quite the cherry picking approach way of reading those verses if you read them and only see that you should only kill when attacked. Here, I’ll highlight the sections you decided to skip over:
“It says : Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you but do not trangress limits for Allah loves not the transgressors. (Quran 2:190)” The limits invoked include killing non-Muslims.
“Then Allah says : And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing.” It says to kill them whenever you overtake them first. The later passage is when the enemy has overtaken you. Not to mention it only says you shouldn’t fight them in at al-Masjid and al- Haram.
Muhammed Was A Peado. says
There is nothing that makes a sane person wince than human beings who indiviual minds have been completely obliterated and indoctrinated into a cult ideology and they rant and rave and have no rational objectivity or sense.
The more pressure you put on Muslims with argument and critical analysis the more insane most of them get, the more emotional they get, the more cognitive dissonance between was has been shovelled into their heads in the religion echo chamber of fanatical Muslims they’ve been surrounded by all their lives and people outside of that who criticise it. A killer rage is the end result in many situations where they are in the majority and can do so with impugnity, like in Pakistan or somewhere devoutly fundamentalist. Even in countries where they are a minority and they’ll be inprisoned many reach that level. Because it is pure fanaticism wrapped up in an ideology or pure totalitarian, created by a peadophilic maniac with a messiah complex..
Most of the ‘BS went over your head’? No, you mean you do what all brainwashed people do, you ignore everything you don’t want to acknowledge and pick those bits you think you can reason away.
If they fight you, then kill them. Not take them as prisoners, but simply kill all of them. Not trying to sue for peace with diplomacy, self-control, tolerance, but kill them.
And yet, ”oh, no, you try to say Islam is violent. This is lie from Islamophobe. You know not real Islam. Go and read the Qu’ran properly my brothers’.
Absolute nutters. In truth, your religion and it’s spread in the West, the most advanced society ever, which went through it’s own dark period of religious fanaticism and all the violence, intolerance, irrationality, murder that entails, only to go through a scientific revolution that freed people from having to adhere to religion on fear of being put to death for being a heretic if they dared question religion.
We discovered how things really worked. And when we did, the primitive, ridiculous ways that books like the Koran told its ignorant, illiterate, credulous early audience and which has been swallowed since, and those in the Bible and other man made books, were made to look pathetic and just the same magical thinking as believing in father Christmas or fairies.
Here’s a list of the absurdities in the Quran. But you guys will convince yourself and lie to yourself about anything, because to even doubt Islam for a second makes you freak out.
Anonymous says
But I wonder why a full God would encourage to kill. I mean am a Christian and u will say oh ok the Old Testament God killed, yes He did and that was to fulfill his promises. But when u come to the New Testament everything changes. God does not permit such violence and that’s the God I would like to follow. In fact he warns us of the troubles to come for the sake of the gospel and never at once did he ever say kill whoever does not blv. Bse Faith is a personnel choice.
Anon says
The bible says turn the other cheek and forgive not fight. The Bible says violence begats violence. Whereas, as you have just stated, the quoran says kill people who attack you. Very different view of peace there eh.
Glenn Gerun says
“And it came to pass, that, as the people pressed upon him to hear the word of God, he stood by the lake of Gennesaret, And saw two ships standing by the lake: but the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets. And he entered into one of the ships, which was Simon’s, and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land. And he sat down, and taught the people out of the ship. Now when he had left speaking, he said unto Simon, Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net. And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus knees, saying, Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord. For he was astonished, and all that were with him, at the draught of fishes which they had taken. And so was also James, and John, the sons of Zebedee, which were partners with Simon. And Jesus said unto Simon, Fear not; from henceforth thou shalt catch men. And when they had brought their ships to land, they forsook all, and followed him. And it came to pass, when he was in a certain city, behold a man full of leprosy: who seeing Jesus fell on his face, and besought him, saying Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean. And he put his hand, and touched him saying, I will: be thou clean. And immediately the leprosy departed from him.” Saint Luke 5:1-13 IS THE SAME FOR EVERYONE “born again” to Saint Peter, Vatican, Rome.
Rashmin says
Hi Everyone,
My brother in humanity Flip Huggenvik the writer, I really feel sorry for him, he is either ignorant of Islam or he just wants to divert people from knowing the true Islam, I challenge him to show me a verse in the Holy Quran that force non-Muslims to accept Islam, Islam is a religion that does not need intermediator between God and his servant, if you force someone to accept Islam you turn them into hypocrites, they become faithless, and God (Allah) does not like the hypocrites.
In the Holy Quran, Chapter 1 Verse 256 of (Al-Baqar) God Said:
“There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong”.
And in another verse Chapter 16 Verse 125 (An-Nahl):
“Invite (all) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious: for thy Lord knoweth best, who have strayed from His Path, and who receive
And many other verses in the Holy Quran Allah (God) instruct the Muslims to call to Islam with wisdom and good manners, and I invite everyone to read the Holy Quraan with an open mind to see for themselves.
In relation to the ignorant about Islam Flip Huggenvik who seeking fame, please read the Holy Quran properly if you are a genuine human being seeking the truth, but if you are a liar and manipulating person you won’t be able to fool everyone.
Finally, I don’t know if you believe in Christianity, Judaism or anything else you know & I know that Almighty Allah (God) will judge us all. Salaam Peace.
Jiniya amin says
Thank you for this comemnt. I almsot cried when i read this article about our religion because its totally not true. Islam doesn’t tell us to do such stuff. Infact allah told us that those who inflicts violence and abuse against the innocents including the non muslims will have the worst place in hell. This was for the terrorists. Our religion forbids us to harm any living thing. Even a plant. And not to use violence unless its for self defence and even islam says to spare your enemy in war if rhe enemy asks for it. Islam doesnt claim people like the extremists. Also apparently Muhammad pbuh established the mecca with the jews so he didnt kill them. Im so happy that ypu made this comemnt. Rhank you and have a nice day. Stay safe too :))
Jiniya amin says
And also sorry for all the typos.
John Gleeson says
”Our religion forbids us to harm any living thing.”
Have you ever watched a stoning? A beheading? Have you ever seen people get their hands cut off for being a thief?
”Our religion forbids us to harm any living thing. Even a plant. And not to use violence unless it is for self-defence?”
This is beyond words. It’s shows you how insane brainwashing is and what is does to people.
In the same paragraph you claim your forbidden from harming anyone. And yet, in the next say it’s cool to kill people in self-defense.
It’s scary. Nearly 2 billion people believe this lunacy. The ramblings of a influencial, charismatic, powerful man with severe psychological issues and a messiah complex who rambled so much contridictory crap over the years depending on his whims at the time, and some how managed to create a following of fanatics and sycophants to hang on every word and lionise him and take him and his mad, delusional claims to be true.
If a man came along in 2020 in a Western country and made the same claims, he’d be institutionalized, or would be given pariah status, like David Icke.
Shane says
Read the Quran again buddy
It is clear how to gain Paradise
It is clear to those that wish to have it
The only ways are to wage Jihad which is not a struggle .
To promote Islam and Sharia in a non Sharia land .
Nothing in History has killed Or Raped more Women than Islam .
It is clear that the Sword Verses teach the violence and to be a Martyr .
It is also clear by Muhammad lying to us .
He says a true Prophet cannot lie
It is not possible
But yet he says Jesus a man mentioned much more than him in the Quran is a true Prophet but not the Son of God as Jesus claimed ?
Which way did Muhammad lie to us ?
Rashmin says
Hi Shane,
Your vague comment did give NO proofs from the Holy Quran, bring forth a verse from the Holy Quran that allow any true Muslim to transgress and force any other human being regardless of their faith to accept Islam.
Firstly, It is clear that you did not understand my previous comment, here to you again “ Islam is a religion that does not need intermediator between God and his servant if you FORCE someone to accept Islam you turn him or her into a hypocrite, he or she becomes faithless, and God (Allah) does not like the hypocrites.” And whoever transgresses and force another human being to accept Islam, he or she commits a very serious sin.
Allah (God) says in the Holy Quran:
Chapter 2 Verse 256 (Al Baqara)
“ There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Heareth and knoweth all things.’’
Chapter 29 verse 46 (Al Ankabut)
“And do not argue with the People of the Scripture except in a way that is best, except for those who commit injustice among them, and say, “We believe in that which has been revealed to us and revealed to you. And our God and your God is one; and we are Muslims [in submission] to Him.”
To enter paradise you must fulfil what Allah (God) commands you, but you falsely assumed forcing people to accept Islam gets you to paradise, that’s why many of Christians and Jews lived with Muslims side by side throughout the centuries in peace and respect of each other’s faith. Read the following verse, Allah (God) said in the Holy Quran:
Chapter 4 Verse 124 (An-Nisa)
“And whoever does righteous deeds, whether male or female, -and have faith, they will enter Paradise and will not be wronged, and not the least injustice will be done to them.’’
Read what Allah (God) said about Muhammed(PBUH)
Chapter 10 Verse 41 (Yunus)
“And if they deny you, [O Muhammad], then say, “For me are my deeds, and for you are your deeds. You are disassociated from what I do, and I am disassociated from what you do.”
Allah (God) knows well that they will be many people like you who will deny the truth, reject and slander the last prophet (PBUH) but they will only fool and mislead people like them, read what Allah (God) said in the Holy Quran.
Chapter 6 Verse 34 (Al-An’am)
“And certainly were messengers denied before you, but they were patient over [the effects of] denial, and they were harmed until Our victory came to them. And none can alter the words of Allah. And there has certainly come to you some information about the [previous] messengers.’’
Jesus (PUH) worshipped on God and he was denied by the Jews , Moses called for the worship of one God and he was denied by pharaoh and his people, Jacob, Isaac, Ibrahim(Abraham) and many other prophets and messengers peace & blessing of God upon them all were rejected, denied and belied by their people because they called for the worship of one God, so Allah(God) told Muhammed(PBUH) that many of your people and many of the people will come after them will deny your messge and slander you until the end of time because you call them to the worship one God, read what Allah (God) said:
Chapter 24 Verse 54 (An-Nur)
Say, “Obey Allah and obey the Messenger; but if you turn away – then upon him is only that [duty] with which he has been charged, and upon you is that with which you have been charged. And if you obey him, you will be [rightly] guided. And there is not upon the Messenger except the [responsibility for] clear notification.”
Finally, I will leave you to read and to ponder what Allah (God) said in this chapter in the Holy Quran.
Chapter 109
1. Say, “O disbelievers.
2. I do not worship what you worship.
3. Nor do you worship what I worship.
4. Nor do I serve what you serve.
5. Nor do you serve what I serve.
6. You have your way, and I have my way.”
It’s your life Shane, you decide what you want to believe or what you want to take or deny, for sure you and I one day will die and meet our creator who will judge between all of us, Salaam Peace.
Justo says
I don’t like the way Muslims treat the woman.
In some countries it is way to strict on the woman. Can’t even drive! Married off when still to young.
Genitalia operations.
Making them wear certain clothing.
It’s not right, surpression.
My should these humans just because they are female be treated so poorly.
The day any Muslim woman can swim toppless or in a bikini at the beach just because SHE feels like is want true respect is about. Stop bullying the woman.
Johnny says
You need to calm down and get a grip. You’re reactions are typically emotive and the response of someone brainwashed to believe something is perfect.
Somehow Muhammad had that ‘IT factor’ that Hitler had, where he could totally convince those around of his view point to the point that they’re worshipped him and followed him blindly.
What you are doing machine gunning all these quotes from a book that is abjectly ridiculous to normal people, as if those things are facts, rather than nonsense statement that you need to indoctrinated into and believe without real proof are true, is simply cherry picking and selective bias.
Logical fallacies that do no prove your point. They show your personal interpretation of a very select versus out of many, many thousands of contradictory ones.
You thinking doing the wall ‘o text thing and just spamming as many as possible will prove your point.
For many Muslims, spreading the religion is paramount. It’s encouraged. Yes there are versus which say you can’t for people or compel them against their will.
But many other versus that are taken that way, because of the history of Islam shows Muslims doing that. There was outrage in Pakistan recently about a law that sought to outlaw forced conversions, which it was claimed by fundamentalists was ‘anti-Islamic’.
You don’t have any self-awareness or objectivity, and just have your conception of Islam, which your follow devoutly, because you seriously believe in this day and age, the brainwashing that says one day you’re going to be in front of the headmaster and asked to explain your life choices and will either go to heaven for eternity or be burnt in hell. But you can avoid all that by just submitting your mind and giving it away completely to follow whatever Muhammad asserted to be while claiming he channeling God himself.
It so utterly childish and foolish. Only those of us free from religion indoctrination could ever grasp what a massive con it is. Children are forgiven for believing if they are a good little boy or girl Santa will come to their house on Christmas and deliver all the things they want, because they are children and innocent.
But for adults to still believe this whole thing was set up so a perverse male superbeing could decide who to let live in heaven and who to burn to death for eternity is psychotic.
It’s the most pathetic manifestation of human stupidity, gullibility and derangement you can get.
It’s pathetically paranoid, subservient, squirming, ingratiating, cowardly to live your live conforming to a truly warped sense of morals concocted by a lunatic who took fancy to a 6 year old and sexually molested her at 9, who condones polygamy, mass murder, maiming, stoning, domestic violence, genital mutilation and peadophilia, just in the most fawning, submissive, lickspittle manner, and in the most selfish and self-serving way you can possibly get, just to get in his good books and be granted ‘eternal paradise’.
It’s insane. And I’m shit scared there are nearly billion people who believe that and are spreading like wild-fire in the West, because they are going to make what we see throughout the Islamic world, more and more prominent in the West.
God's most faithful says
Nicely stated, now the prophet or disciple of Jesus who is called John has said:
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”.
Now, this is God who has truly created the world, allowed sin by Adam and Eve and all their descendants, then saves the entire planet by his own blood to forgive our sin…
Try reading the teachings of Jesus within the New Testaments please for your sake and the sake of your children, and children’s children…
NOTE: Old testament describes the Law of God, the New Testament is the love of God!
Glenn Gerun says
Glenn Gerun says
Amen, but it’s a sad eternal result for non Christians. Prayers for all the living in the world.
Glenn Gerun says
i see sly koran writers knew sex would sell, fabricated 56:36 virgin joke, 37:48 limiting glances, 78:33 full breasted companions, 4:3 sex-2, 3, 4, 38:52 repeated nonsense, 2:25, 3:15, 4:57 purified spouses, 52:24, 56:17, 76:19 young boys, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children with a pagan stone & star/moon god hoax allah men made, self evident
Hamza says
The “Sword verse” were revealed for those polytheists who broke their treaty.
“This is a declaration of] disassociation, from Allah and His Messenger, to those with whom you had made a treaty among the polytheists”(9:1)
“Excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they have not been deficient toward you in anything or supported anyone against you;”(9:4)
“And if any one of the polytheists seeks your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah . Then deliver him to his place of safety.”(9:6)
“How can there be for the polytheists a treaty in the sight of Allah and with His Messenger, except for those with whom you made a treaty at al-Masjid al-Haram?”(9:7)
“Would you not fight a people who broke their oaths and determined to expel the Messenger, and they had begun [the attack upon] you the first time?”(9:13)
Do you know what’s funny?
Qur’an 9:5 doesn’t even have the word sword in it ,here are some verses which do have the sword:
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.”(Mathew 10:34)
Adam says
Oh buddy buddy buddy read whole thing Mathew 10:34-38 34 “Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 For I have come to turn
“‘a man against his father,
a daughter against her mother,
a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law—
36 a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’
37 “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it. Now that´s make this clear these verse doesn´t say in this This passage is not a prooftext for Jesus as a warrior or the Christian use of violence, as Jesus’s use of sword in this passage is clearly metaphoric– he even goes on to explain what he meant. He explains that he’s not talking about a sword that kills, but a sword that causes division in relationships. (This same metaphor using sword to indicate division is also used in Hebrews 4:12.) Plus, if Jesus was speaking of literal, physical violence he would have contradicted his own teachings earlier in Matthew. So, metaphor is where this passage is at not in literal. God bless you and have a great day or night.
Furkan says
why are you using bible verses? I have zero problems with christians and I have respect for them but if you claim my religion is wrong, may God guide you. Peace
Anonymous says
Jesus is in Quran over 50 times and Muhammad SAW IS ONLY 4 what is wrong with u
Carlos says
You always say that. I have read the Quran and more hadiths than most Muslims to know that Muslims kill innocent civilians because the Quran, the hadiths, the Sira of Ishaq, the tafsirs of Ibn Kathir are all filled with hatred, violence, calls to kill against non-Muslims. What you don’t have in a Quran is a single text that tells Muslims to love and live in peace with non-Muslims. But lots like these:
9:5 When the sacred months are over, KILL the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.
4:89 But if they turn renegades, seize them and KILL them wherever you find them.
2:191 And KILL them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing.
9:111 Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they KILL and are KILLED.
4:91……..So if they do not withdraw from you or offer you peace or restrain their hands, then seize them and KILL them wherever you overtake them.
47:4 So when you meet those who disbelieve [in battle], strike [their] necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds, and either [confer] favor afterwards or ransom [them] until the war lays down its burdens…..
9:29. Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.
9:73 O Prophet, fight against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination.
9:123. O you who believe! fight the unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you: and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.
8:65. O Messenger! rouse the Believers to the fight. If there are twenty amongst you, patient and persevering, they will vanquish two hundred: if a hundred, they will vanquish a thousand of the Unbelievers: for these are a people without understanding.
8:12. Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): “I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them.”
2:216. Fighting is prescribed for you, and you dislike it. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and you know not.
Glenn Gerun says
proof zero allah
your blind says
First of all you are blinded by media and second of all read the quran it has nothing to do with this.
Glenn Gerun says
in the koran 8:12, 8:67, 33:26, 9:111, 9:123, 10:13, 17:7, 17:16-17, 18:59, 21:95, 19:98, 23:48, 25:39, 25:52, 26:139, 27:51, 33:61, 36:31, 37:136, 38:3, 43:8, 46:27, 47:4, 25:4-5 falsehood dictated to him morning & afternoon, 81:22-25 is the word of a devil, 56:36 virgin paradise sex joke, 78:33 full breasted companions, 37:48 limiting glances, 38:52, 76:19 boys, 56:17 boys, 52:24 boys, 4:34 beat women, 5:60, 98:6, 2:65, 7:166, 2:191, 3:151, 4:89, 5:33, 7:4, 47:13, 54:51, 65:4 not menstruated pedophilia filth was applied to mohamed’s tribes pagan “the god-al-ilah” shortened to allah is the same non existent allah today, self evident, which inflicts the endless fiery hell on Muslims.
“And Jesus went forth and saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion toward them, and he healed their sick.” Saint Matthew 14:14
Glenn Gerun says
Read history proof & read the whole koran proves mohamed tried to get away with his 2:65, 5:60, 98:6, 7:166 hate, violence, 33:26 murders, & 65:4 pedophile Aisha, easy to see there’s no allah, zero god in islam: 81:22-25 & 25:4-5 & you know it.
Anonymous says
thank you cuz this writer is wrong muslims are peaceful cuz nabi muhammad had never been violent he did no dare to kill anyone accept if the per son break a promisse or a treaty accept treaty of hudaibiyah will be excecuted and woman will be taken as slaves
Journey says
By most conservative counts, the Quran contains over 100 passages that call Muslims to take up arms against unbelievers in the name of Allah.
“Kill them [unbelievers] wherever you find them… And fight them until there is no more unbelief and worship is for Allah alone” (Quran 2:191-193).
“Strike off their heads and strike from them every fingertip” (Quran 8:12).
“Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties; in exchange for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they slay and are slain” (Quran 9:111).
“Truly Allah loves those who fight in His cause in battle array…” (Quran 61:4)
“The Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah” (Sahih Muslim 1:33).
The word translated “fight” in many of the verses above is the infamous word jihad, which loosely means “struggle.” And while it’s true that “jihad” can sometimes refer to the “inner struggle” of a faithful Muslim against sin, it’s plain that an “inner struggle” is not the meaning of passages that call for the removing of heads and fingers from every infidel. Indeed, virtually every major Muslim jurist (specialists of Islamic law) have for centuries understood that jihad was an inherently militaristic term.
Therefore, when Muslim terrorists take up the call to arms in the name of Allah, they are fulfilling the Quran, not opposing it.
Rashmin says
Firstly you need to do your research properly before bringing out of context argument, Here the verses below with a brief explanation.
You mentioned these verses:
1) Quran 2:191-193
2) Quran 8:12
3) Quran 9:111
4) Quran 61:4
You should have read them properly so you might understand why Allah (SWT) (God) ordained them.
Chapter 2 Verses 2:190 to 194 (Al-Baqarah)
“Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.”
The above verse is self-explanatory, meaning in other word self-defense and don’t transgress. Keep reading until Verse 194.
Chapter 8 Verse 12 (Al-Anfal)
“[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, “I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip.”
Read it properly again so you will get to know why Allah (God) orders the believers to defend themselves and fight without fear.
This verse refers to the Badr battle, where about 300 Muslims were facing about a thousand heavily armed Meccan soldiers.
This verse, and help from angels by Allah’s permission, were meant to give confidence to the badly outnumbered Muslims to fight against the Meccan army. The Muslims won this battle.
Chapter 9 Verse 111 (At-Tawbah)
“Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah, so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.”
A brief explanation of the above verse:
You should note it well at the outset that, in reality, this transaction is not in regard to the actual selling of the life and possessions of the servant to Allah in the literal sense, for Allah is in fact the real Owner of man’s life and possessions.
Allah alone has the right of ownership because He is the Creator of man and of everything he possesses and uses. Therefore there is no question at all of selling and buying in the worldly sense; for man possesses nothing of his own to sell, and Allah has no need to buy anything because everything already belongs to Him.
However, there is one thing which has entirely been entrusted to man by Allah, that is, the freedom of will and the freedom of choice, and the transaction concerns that thing.
Of course, it is true that this freedom does not make any change in the real position of man with regard to the right of ownership to his own life and his possessions. They belong to Allah Who has delegated to him only the authority to use or abuse these things as he wills, without any coercion or compulsion from Him.
This means that man has been given the freedom to acknowledge or not to acknowledge that Allah is the owner of his life and property.
Chapter 61 Verse 4 (As-saf)
“Indeed, Allah loves those who fight in His cause in a row as though they are a [single] structure joined firmly.”
As I have explained many times before, to fight in God’s way, does not involve the killing of the innocent. These passages always exhort people to fight tyranny, oppression and persecution.
These verses below show the beauty of what ‘Fight in His (God’s) way’ mean
Quran 2:190 “ Fight in the way of God those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. God does not like transgressors.”
Quran 2:246 “Would you perhaps refrain from fighting if fighting was prescribed for you?” They said, “And why should we not fight in the cause of Allah when we have been driven out from our homes and from our children?” But when fighting was prescribed for them, they turned away, except for a few of them. And Allah is Knowing of the wrongdoers.”
Quran 4:75 And what is [the matter] with you that you fight not in the cause of God and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, “Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?”
Terrorists are also killing many Muslims and the majority of people killed by terrorists are Muslims and in Muslim countries, so to your understanding, God is telling terrorists to kill the Muslims as well!!!
Your understanding of Islam is very limited like many people out there, their hatred of truth and the belief of one of God blinds them from understanding their existence, so when they try to challenge Islam they lack the insight knowledge so they try to bring out of context arguments for deviation so they can justify their wrongdoing.
You should know that many Jews and Christians lived in Muslim countries for over thousands of years, they have never been FORCED to accept Islam nor their places of worship destroyed and many of their buildings still standing up to know. Salaam Peace
John says
Do you seriously think your rebuttals would endear people to your appalling set of beliefs?
You have no idea what they infer. Or what sort of character you think they portray of the person you’ve been brainwashed from ancestor to ancestor down thousands of years to believe is the figure behind this beautiful universe.
There is no joy, freedom, individuality, joy in your religion.
You’ve just shown how the figment of imagination that you worship and obnoxious claim is the creator of everyone, how bigoted and murderous he is towards the other 5 billion plus people on this planet.
Even in the much beloved ‘context’ argument that Allah was speaking specifically to groups at that time and not to everyone throughout the rest of time henceforth, you’ve painted the picture of a vindictive, deranged, diaboligically evil psychopath who supposedly created all these people, but it only favouring a certain kind of people who just so happen to blindly follow every word Muhammad said. How convenient.
The greatest insult of Islam is it’s total ignorance of other groups, and it’s complete solipsism and self-absorbsion, it’s refusal to integrate and it’s focus in seeing themselves as special and apart from everyone else. This in group/outgroup think,
All you’re doing with these crackpot ramblings is showing that a god supposedly favours Muslims so much that, he’s on there side when they are ”attacked”, and that just being Muslim, they are allowed to kill people who attack them and be favoured.
No matter if a group attacks them out of self-defense, or to fend off tyranny or invasion. It doesn’t matter. You’re nutjob cult and the supposed creator would side with the Muslims and give them free reign to chop the heads of and remove the finger tips from their enemies.
Or, maybe he really did only mean that it’s ok for them to kill people who attack them, only for that group of Muslims around in his time, and it doesn’t apply today.
But that is nonsense, because the Koran is supposed to apply to everyone for all time, so this BS about certain verses only being able to be able to be understood in the context of the time is false.
You are taught you are a special group, that means more than other human beings, the disbelievers who god sees as worthy of being terrorised in their hearts and worthy of being beheaded and having their fingertips cut off. Not just fight persecution and tyranny like for like, in self defense.
You’re crazy. The verse goes well beyond defending yourself in a kill or be killed. It shows that god is psychopathically vengeful, proscribes a very barbaric, painful, evil, over the top way of killing his own creations.
You telling me you can only defend yourself when underattack by cutting other people’s heads off and all their finger tips?
The messages are clear. That God favours Muslims, and if they beleive they are under attack, then just on the very basis of being a Muslim, they are justified in inflicting a very specific, horrific, inhumane form of self-defense.
In fact that are commanded to do so and act in the most heinous, cruel despicable way, and told they are perfectly entitled to do because they are more special than other people.
You have no idea that your brainwashed, and YOU do not understand the implications or understand your religion fully. It’s not other people with the problem, or are ‘don’t understand the Koran’ and that their god is ‘loving, peaceful, and merciful’.
He’s more diabolical and violent than any psychopathic that has ever lived on planet earth.
That horrific, backwards death cult is an affront to humanity.
Glenn Gerun says
To beat the heat Arabian desert dwellers traveled at night, became keen astrologers to guide their journeys, stars/moon, fables is where “al-ilah-the god” came from, shortened to allah, is the same non existent allah today, clear proof by koran 2:191 kill-expel, 9:5, 7:4, 17:16, 2:65 apes, 5:51 prejudice, 98:6 worst of creatures dehumanize, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 3:151, 4:34 beat women, 5:33 kill-crucified-hands/feet cut off-exiled, 7:166 be apes-despised, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred, 10:13 destroyed, 17:7 total destruction, 17:17 we destroyed, 18:59, 19:98, 21:95 destroyed that they will never return, 23:48, 25:39, 26:139, 27:51, 36:31 we destroyed, 37:136, 38:3, 43:8, 46:27, 47:13 we destroyed, 54:51 destroyed, 56:36 virgin sex joke, 76:19, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children filth proves beyond dispute there’s no such thing as allah, all man made evil to get away with hate, murder & sex crimes with a pagan idolatry god excuse, doesn’t fool anyone anymore.
Issa says
Terrorists are also killing many Muslims and the majority of people killed by terrorists are Muslims and in Muslim countries, so to your level of understanding Allah (God) is telling terrorists to kill the Muslims as well in order to get to paradise !!!
Your understanding of Islam is very limited like many people out there, their hatred of truth and the belief of one of God blinds them from understanding their existence, so when they try to challenge Islam they lack the insight knowledge, therefore, they try to bring out of context arguments for deviation so they can justify their wrongdoing.
You should know that many Jews and Christians lived in Muslim countries for over thousand years, they have never been FORCED to accept Islam nor their places of worship destroyed and many of their religious buildings still standing up to now.
Me says
Then my friend, maybe you need to speak to those piece of shit Jihaadi’s because it seems they all dont know what most merciful allah meant….you know, since they are still beheading people when most merciful allah is totally against it?
You talk alot of garbage. I will never allow a Muslim to teach me the quran.
Glenn Gerun says
“And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God & Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. And now, O Father, glorify thou me with thine own self with the glory which I had with thee before the world was.” Saint John 17:3-5
there is no allah clear proof by 1972, Gerd Puin revealed the koran was altered, washed layered revisions.
there is no allah clear proof by koran 9:5 kill-ambush, 4:34 beat women, 2:65, 7:166, 98:6, 5:60 made of the apes-pigs hatred, 7:4 destroy, 5::33 kill-crucified-hands & feet cut off from opposite sides-exiled, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 33:61, 8:67 massacre, 65:4 pedophile children, clear proof allah was used by mohamed to get away with his 33:26 murders & pedophile Aisha, doesn’t fool anyone anymore.
GOD IS CHRISTIANITY & JUDAISM denied by Muslims. Soooo, where are you going?
Glenn Gerun says
there is definitely no such thing as allah, clear proof by koran 65:4, 7:4, 5:60, 4:34, 9:5, 5:33, 98:6, 33:61, self evident no god in islam but made by men to get away with murder & sex crimes doesn’t fool anyone anymore.
Glenn Gerun says
a pagan allah 4:34 beat women, 65:4 pedophilia,,7:4, 9:5, 56:36, 5:33, 47:4 was used to deny God & His Divine Son Christ Jesus “healed them all”, resurrection-ascension into heaven, Saint Luke 6:19, 24:51, eye witnessed, is the same for Christian believers.
Glenn Gerun says
infidel mohamed borrowed his Abdullah tribes Arab flavored star-moon idolatry worship to get away with murder, 11 wives, 65:4 Aisha pedophile child sex is why islam was made.
600 years earlier, Jesus Christ predicted islam:
“They shall put you out of the synagogues: yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service.” Saint John 16:2 …
is 1 True God proof for the fortunate readers here.
Glenn Gerun says
koran 2:65 apes HATE, 5:60 made them apes & pigs is ridiculous & HATRED, 7:166 apes HATE, 98:6 worst HATE, 7:4 we destroyed HATE MURDER, 9:5 kill-beseige-ambush is crazy HATE/MURDER, 4:34 beat defenceless women, 38:52, 78:33, 56:36 VIRGIN JOKE, 8:67 massacre HATE, 33:61 massacred HATE is clear proof all man made EVIL & clear proof allah has never existed ever.
Vj says
Why, where ever Muslims goes it create chaos? Why they cannot be criticized? If say something bad about their prophet why they killing people? Why these people hates cartoons? Why they are not criticizing terrorists by the name Islam? If Jihadi hides some where why Muslims are not exposing them? Why they are not seriously critizing killing of Christians or other religion? Why they are not fighting against in Muslim terror and religious freedom on Muslim countries? Why they take over others churches and not even serious about critizing who did this? Why they kill innocent people all over world? Answer is simple their religion teaches these are right things to do. If you are serious about you Muslims teach your Muslim community this first about peace and take effort for it, I never know any organization among Muslim who teaches hate and killing is wrong by name of Allah, you silent that means you agree. Give Christians back Hagia Sophia and fight for it. Go to Pakistan , Nigeria etc and tell your Muslim community what your are doing is wrong by killing Christians show some initiatives, Educate your Muslim community killing Christian or other no believers are bad thing by your prophet. Instead of crying the whole world Islamophobiac. Come on show some initiatives and work hard for that killing is wrong by the name of your religion. Sure you will not do this or take it as challenge. Atleast create youtube chanel and say as per your book and believe killing humanbeings is wrong, keep saying this until this ends and your Muslim community understand this,Tell them you have to love your Christian fellows and other religions. Also educate your community weapon training of kids under 16 is bad, come on do it rather than saying everyone hates us. Show some initiatives and hardwork who killing by name of Islam. Allow relgious freedom in Saudi and other countries, fight for it like fighting here in West, Show us what ever you Muslim argued is you mean it.Start from Saudi and fight for religious freedom.
Anonymous says
Hypocrisy is strong on this one, I ask You, what is that your army is doing in Afghanistan?
Anonymous says
Yes, the middle eastern countries were minding their own business, when America suddenly went and BOMBED THOSE COUNTRIES, and yet America calls this FREEDOM??? What type of mentality is this?
anon says
Well the nations make us fight each other. Atheism is a bigger evil to some extent.
But look at it this way. Jesus Christ lived and died a sacrifice. He’s the example for how to live. To avoid all sins. But if we don’t think we can do it and we know we can’t. We can just believe in him even unto death and harrassment and he promises to take us with him and rule the earth under the law in the next life.
It was clear he said flesh and blood can’t inherit it. We all gotta die. No wars between anyone is gonna change those facts. We all sinned so we all are gonna die one day. Anyone who tells himself otherwise is living in delusion. As if they haven’t seen death of their relatives or anyone else.
Islam sorry to say doesn’t have this sort of story. It may promote some of the same values. And thus. Those who do peace. Might get a lesser judgment in the next life. But God is waiting for those of darker complexion to wake up to his son. And until that happens. The earth will continue to decline. But fear not. The scriptures tell of a great awakening in the last days that will happen.
But first the evil must come.
After the whites, Esau, the muslims. Will be the “last kingdom”. to eventually rule (Satan wants to rule from biblical Israel Euphrates to egypt) Under the antichrist rule. But God will awaken his elect. And as many as will be converted in the world. Will be tried and made white. Amen.
Glenn Gerun says
it’s called justified consequences from hate-war mongering Muslims to annilate Jews from Israel in 1967, or 9/11, 3/11, 7/11 murder by Muslims, or 1915 Turk Muslims promised freedom & equality genocided 1.5 million Armenian Christians, or thousands missiles rained on Israel after Gaza was ceded for peace, or godless taliban violent regress 7:4 destroy civilized civilians in Afghanistan, or hate-war mongering Iraq, Iran directly from the godless koran 2:65, 5:60, 17:16, 98:6, 7:166, 9:5, 47:4, 33:61, 8:67, 54:51, 25:39, 10:13
Glenn Gerun says
9/11, 3/11, 7/7 was justifiably avenged by Americans.
Glenn Gerun says
Allied peacemakers in Afghanistan are justified consequences for 9/11. now for justice law & order, equal rights & freedom education civil life for all people.
137 says
My friend, you have raised a lot of important issues, and this is correct and good. But these are questions that are being played by the Western media. They are nothing but biased organized aggression and hatred.
Like any Muslim, I have nothing against the Christianity or any other religion. We are forbidden to show hatred.
Now ask yourself the following questions:
1. have You ever heard or seen a Muslim speak ill of, criticize, draw caricatures of Christians or about Jesus (peace be upon him)? (take a look at the network you’ll see only Christians negative comments like this Flip Huggenvik’s article).
2. Which religion Representatives exterminated millions of indigenous people in South and North America?
3. Which religion Representatives initiated first and second World Wars and organized the hugest genocide?
4. Do you even understand the meaning of the word “crusade”? In this context, the word campaign should be understood as – the Christians are going to kill. (for comparison, there is no such expression in relation to other religions). Here also it is necessary to remind that during the Crusades the Christian world slaughtered all Muslims and Jews. And when the Muslims recaptured Jerusalem, they released the surrendered Christians in peace.
5. Where is the LOVE of Christians’ world which always say Christianity is religion of love. Where is your love? It’s sad, but I see only Christians hatred for everything they don’t understand. Your actions do not actually conform with your words.
6. You will see in the Network what Christian representatives write about Allah. A lot of swear words. Allah is this, Allah is that, etc. They write about Allah, even though they don’t know that there are a lot of Christians among the Arabs. And Christian Arabs use the word “Allah ” instead of “God”. It’s the same word. Just for your information, Arab Christians become Christian more earlier than Europe people.
(Sorry, if there are many mistakes. I’m not English speaker. This article translated with support Autotransaltor).
let’s respect each other whoever we are.
Ars says
My friend, you have raised a lot of important issues, and this is correct and good. But these are questions that are being played by the Western media. They are nothing but biased organized aggression and hatred.
Like any Muslim, I have nothing against the Christianity or any other religion. We are forbidden to show hatred.
Now ask yourself the following questions:
1. have You ever heard or seen a Muslim speak ill of, criticize, draw caricatures of Christians or about Jesus (peace be upon him)? (take a look at the network you’ll see only Christians negative comments like this Flip Huggenvik’s article).
2. Which religion Representatives exterminated millions of indigenous people in South and North America?
3. Which religion Representatives initiated first and second World Wars and organized the hugest genocide?
4. Do you even understand the meaning of the word “crusade”? In this context, the word campaign should be understood as – the Christians are going to kill. (for comparison, there is no such expression in relation to other religions). Here also it is necessary to remind that during the Crusades the Christian world slaughtered all Muslims and Jews. And when the Muslims recaptured Jerusalem, they released the surrendered Christians in peace.
5. Where is the LOVE of Christians’ world which always say Christianity is religion of love. Where is your love? It’s sad, but I see only Christians hatred for everything they don’t understand. Your actions do not actually conform with your words.
6. You will see in the Network what Christian representatives write about Allah. A lot of swear words. Allah is this, Allah is that, etc. They write about Allah, even though they don’t know that there are a lot of Christians among the Arabs. And Christian Arabs use the word “Allah ” instead of “God”. It’s the same word. Just for your information, Arab Christians become Christian more earlier than Europe people.
(Sorry, if there are many mistakes. I’m not English speaker. This article translated with support Autotransaltor).
let’s respect each other whoever we are.
Glenn Gerun says
islam 56:36 virgin joke proof no god in islam
Glenn Gerun says
No one respects evil.
islam is EVILEST OF EVIL koran 2:65 apes HATE, 5:60 made them apes & pigs HATE, 7:166 apes HATE, 98:6 worst HATE PRAYED 5 X a day. clear proof no allah, zero god in islam.
Zidan says
Most of the people like you who are full of hatred can’t sleep without pills, their ignorant disturb their mind, and from your comment above, you sound like you have been on overdose !!!
When you get your mind back, start by doing proper research DON’T rely on fox news for information.
Try and read the Holy Quran and see if you can bring a valid point, don’t be a waffler.
Salaam (Peace)
Habiba says
Fake it’s not true,changing in meaning will not change the truth
Cette Fille says
Why doesn’t everyone keep their religious beliefs between them and their god?
A says
The dude who wrote this article didn’t even read Quran himself 🙂 ask him what does the first line of the first page says.
B says
😂😂😂😂😂 I was laughing reading what he wrote
Glenn Gerun says
There are no other religions in the world because there are no other gods ever
Shashank says
Its true islam is not religion but a cult and mohhamad is first child rapist and sex addict who rape woman when ever he want and loot innocent people property including there family and play a game of bloodshed on name of islam to kill who dont believes them amd know he is fraud and maniac man. Worlds is more peaceful before and after islam. Islam is ⚫ stain on humanity which only spread violence and hatred on all over the world qnd produced animal like jiadi who enemy of humanity like mohhamad the devil .
Anonymous says
May allah change your mind and discover yourself the truth
Anonymous says
Every time Muslim kill innocent people and when world ask then they said Islam is peaceful religion but they never asked about Islam they ask about what you done in the name of Islam like isi and lots of country like percia Muslim kill them and undertaken the country in the nam of Islam
Anonymous says
If your going to try and dis a religion at least use proper grammar.
John says
how are you going to criticize the grammar and use the wrong “you’re” lol
Anonymous says
Glenn Gerun says
There is no such thing as allah proof by koran 65:4 pedophilia, 4:34, 5:60, 9:5, 8:67, 56:36 virgin joke. mohamed used his tribes pagan non existent astrology moon god hoax allah to deny Christianity, true GOD Love & salvation, proof by His Divine Son “healed them all-died on a cross to take away our sin-resurrected-ascent into heaven” positively seen, Saint Luke 6:19, 24;51-53 New Testament of Everlasting Life for believers of reality.
Eventually we all shall find out that Christ “is the way, the truth & the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” Saint John 14:6. Beware hell is forever.
Glenn Gerun says
the koran is fiction made by men, very inferior, 4:34 beat women, 98:6, 5:60, 5:51, 7:166, 2:65 hate, 33:26, 33:61, 9:5, 7:4 murder & sex crimes 65:4 evil we see everyday, contrary to Christian Love & truth, GOD’S Love & salvation eye witnessed, in the New Testament only way to life everlasting. Saint Luke 24:51, 1 Cor. 15:6.
It’s amazing there are any Muslims believing islam evil.
Glenn Gerun says
81:22-25 mohamed fooled himself to get away with his 33:26 murder & 65:4 pedophile Aisha with his tribes pagan god instead of repenting from his sin. Logical Muslims do not fool themselves with mohamed’s non existent hoax allah 37:48, 38:52, 78:33, 56:36, but upgrade to Jesus Christ God proof seen in the Holiest of Holy New Testament Love & salvation.
Glenn Gerun says
allah has never existed ever. You are praying to nothing. koran 2:65 apes HATE,, 7:4 destroy HATE, 5:60 made them apes & pigs is HATRED, 7:166 apes HATE, 9:5 kill-ambush IS HATE & MURDER, 98:6 worst HATE, 8:67 massacre HATE, 33:61 massacred HATE & MURDER is definitely no god, but man made EVIL.
Abbasi says
We can just say, may Almighty Allah guid you to the right path, and give you sense of thought, so that you can sèe the truth, and may Allah forgive you, what you are talking without knowing the truth.
Anonymous says
if we don’t know the truth ,just educate us because from what we understand violence has because a part of your religion which is not really a good thing.
Anonymous says
Sure, hopefully I help you out. Islam is a religion of peace. The word of Islam does mean ‘to submit’ but not to corrupt rulers. To God. In the Quran there are many, many ayaats saying to befriend others, be kind, do not steal, fair treatment (an eye for an eye), do not fight, etc. There are also many Ayaat talking about violence. But these are in self defence. If you don’t belive me, then go read the Quran yoruself. People who use these Ayaats as evidence normally put the number, so go see the translation of the full ayah, the ayah before it, and the ayah after it. Then you will get a way better idea of what the message is. When you say Muhammad (peace be upon him and his pure family) is ‘first child rapist and sex addict who rape woman when ever he want and loot innocent people property including there family and play a game of bloodshed on name of islam to kill who dont believes them’, where are you getting this information from? When did Muhammad ever rape a woman? When did he ever rape a child and was a sex addict? Where are your sources? If you are talking about Aisha, let me explain. There are many ahadith regarding Aisha as 6 or 9, playing with her dolls or on the swings. Her parents must have been fine with it, no? Also, marriage is permissable right after the age of puberty. People go through puberty at different times, and we are talking about 1400 years ago. But anyway, I believe that Aisha was indeed not 6 or 9. There are books on the life of her elder sister which states that she was 10 years older than Aisha and was 27 during Hijrah. Aisha’s marriage took place on the 2nd of Hijrah, so that would mean that she was 19 when she got married. And you say that he raped women? He didn’t even physically fight. He was all about equal rights. He says that No arab is better than a non arab, and no non arab is better than an arab. No white person is better than a black person and no black person is better than a white. He treated his wives with the utmost respect. He says that Jannah is under the feet of your mother, not your father. There is a hadith where someone asked who is the first person I obey after Allah. The prophet replied, “Your mother’. He asked who next? ‘Your mother’ ‘who next?’ ‘Your mother’ who next? ‘your father’. The man asked why give the mother 3 rights over the father (this is paraphrasing). He replied because your mother went throguh all the pain of giving birth to you, raising you, nursing you, etc. He gives the utmost respect to women. If you are saying that women are discriminated in Islam cuz they have to cover themselves, that is not discrimination. Because of that, they have way more privilages then men do. They have to cover up because if they show their true natural beauty, men will get attracted to them a lot. That is why underage sex happens in the west so much. The girls don’t cover up they’re beauty. They can only show it to Mahram people ie her brothers, her fatehrs, her husband, and her sons. She can only show her body to her husband. This is modesty, not imprisonment. And you say that he loots people’s stuff. No. When Ali (as), his cousin, killed Amr ibn Abde Wudd in the Battle of Khandaq, his sister came to avenge him. But when he say that Amr’s armour was still on his body, he realized that Ali was a noble man. Like i said, the Prophet didn’t fight. Plus he never forced anyone to become Muslims. His greatest enemy, Abu Sufyan, tried to kill him countless times. Did the Propeht seek revenge? Did the Prophet order his death? No! When the Prophet visited the town of Taif and the kids and the people pelted stones and rotten fruit at him, the angels came down and asked if they should destroy the city, but the Prophet said no. And you say this man was a rapist and a sex addict who looted innocent people? The wars against the Quraysh started after the boycott when the Muslims were sent to Shibe Abi Talib and when they went to Madinah. The Quraysh broke the peace treaty and killed Muslims still in Makkah. If you are just gonna say ‘well why didn’t they go to Madinah with Muhammad’ then the asnwer is because 1) it was there home and 2) They had to go there for their Hajj. The Battles of Badr, Uhud, Khaybar, and Khandaq were all self defense. The Quraysh had called for the Jews to attack Muhammad and promised them gold, so Muhammad had to fight back. He fought against the Meccans and went to Khaybar because it was a tactical point. Ali won it for him and the Prophet gave it to his daughter as a gift. It had very fertile soil and was high in elevation so it made a lot of money. The conquest of Mecca was for peace and the only people who were killed were those stood out and fought. He sent a message saying if you do not want to get hurt, stay in your houses. And you call this man a man of violence? When you say the world was more peaceful before Muhammad, you call burying your daughters alive peace? You call stealing peace? You call pointless quarels peace? Please, think. God has given you intellect instead of others of His creation for a reason; please use it. Jihad is fighting in the way of Allah, and those who do terrorist acts and claim that it is Jihad is a fraud. The Prophet said that being kind is one of the best forms of Jihaud. Jihaud doens’t mean go kill innocent people. It means sacrificing yourself for Allah. Dying in the way of Allah. How is being killed the same thing as killing? I hope you consider this and rethink your thoughts. May Allah guide you. Also please read this. It took a lot of time and effort and if you don’t, that proves that you are just blindly following what Western social media says. That means you are stubborn and do not listen to proof. Thank you.
Innallaha wa Malaikatu Yasalluna Alan Nabi. Ya Ayuhalladhina Aamanu Sallu Alayhi wa Sallimu Tasleema [33:56]
maryam z says
mashallah, this is is beautifully worded.
however I would like to correct the part where you said women in islam cover so as not to be harrased. from my understanding hijab is a way of life both muslim men and women are expected to practice. it is a modest way of behavior with the opposite sex that includes lowered gazes from both sides as well as proper dress from both sides. the reason men and women are instructed to cover their sexuality and be modest is so people judge them for their character rather then their physical appeareance.
i would also like to add that no matter how well we explain our religion to certain people, some will never learn because they are predujiced and god has closed their mind. we can only pray for them.
Anonymous says
If Muslim have more respect to women 3 times more than man, so why Women in Saudi Arabia has to fight too long for just to have a law that they can drive… Just a law to drive it takes hundred of years… and that is the way you respect women in Islam!!
Tiger says
this was a perfect reply.. I would like to get acquainted with you as you seem to be a very knowledgeable person. Please dm me on the.lonely_tiger on Instagram if you ever see this.
Ed says
Is raping of sex slave captives an act of self defense.Tell that to the marines
Thulani Makhaye says
Whom can you believe between your prophet and Paul in the New Testament. Paul was chosen by God to preach the saving gospel of grace/Jesus Christ. (Acts 9: 15-16)The bible says in verse 20, “Immediately he preached the Christ in the Synagogues, that He is the Son of God. Apostle Paul was taken to heaven, was taught the words of the gospel ( see 2 Corinthians 12: 2). In Galatians 1: 6-9 Apostle Paul was speaking to gentile belivers in Galatia who had believed the gospel of grace but had then turned to Judaism. He told them that there is only one gospel. He even curses himself or any person or angel who would come up with a different gospel. Islam or any other religion falls into this category of a different gospel. It is as if Apostle Paul foreknew that Islam would be given by an angel. In 2 Corinthians 11: 4 the Apostle Paul says, “And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. How do you trust the quran when Muhammad was given the word by an angel. God never entrust His religion to angels. He spoke directly to Adam and Eve when He warned them not to eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He came down and spoke directly to Moses when He gave him the Torah. Jesus came down, preached the gospel and taught His disciples the gospel. The angels were only used by God to convey messages, but not to give or preach His word. How do you believe the words of a prophet to whom Satan cast his words upon his toungue (Qur’an 53: 19-22. THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY WAY TO BE RECONCILED WITH GOD AND BE A CANDIDATE OF HEAVEN. BELIEVE IN THE CHRISTIAN JESUS, NOT THE ISLAMIC JESUS AND BE SAVED.
Tiger says
and do u believe in gospel? Do u follow its teachings? Certainly not. I guess u must be having lots of music and doing club stuff, drinking partying and having sex? All the Christians have transformed themselves in. this culture and yet they call themselves Christians.. Shame on you. First go and follow your religion, u will come across thousands of verses which says about Muhammad pbuh and Islam.
colby says
God loves you repent and ask for forgiveness. Islam is not peaceful as we know about what happend on this day (9/11) also what we see in afganistan.
sk says
do you know how many afghans are dying because of your people, and how many soldiers have admitted to killing innocent people and not actually killing terrorists? Also fyi 9/11 was an inside job and isis just call themselves muslim but they are not since they don’t follow anything that the quran says!
Kwame says
You are mistaken my friend. ISIS is more muslim than you any other set of persons claiming to be muslims. ISIS has remained faithful to the commands of the false prophet Muhammad.
Glenn Gerun says
truth: koran 56:36 virgin sex joke proves no allah, zero god in islam,
how can anyone stand evilest of evil 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children in the koran, self evident allah is a man made fake god which inflicts endless fiery hell on Muslims.
Glenn Gerun says
i see written godless proof in the koran 7:4 destroy, 9:5 kill-ambush, 5:60, 98:6, 7:166, 2:65, 3:151, 4:89,,5:33, 5:38, 8:12 terror-behead, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacre, 33:26 terror-kill-enslave women & children, 9:111 fight-kill, 9:123 fight-harsh, 17:7 destroy-total destruction, 17:16, 17:17, 18:59, 5:51, 21:95 destroyed that they will never return, 19:98, 23:48, 25:52, 26:139, 27:51, 36:31, 37:136, 25:4-5, 81:22-25, 38:3, 43:8 destroy, 46:27 destroyed, 47:13 we destroyed, 54:51 is all violence & crimes with the fake allah excuse, clear proof no spirituality, nothing divine, no moral value, doesn’t fool anyone anymore, is not a religion, has no right to exist in Creator-Saviour God the Father & Jesus Christ’s world “before the world was” St. John 17:3-5.
sane says
The only smart statement you made here is “Islam is not a religion”. It’s a way of living. It’s too clear that you have zero knowledge in Islam because you were taught that way. You were taught to act harshly by saying that Islam is harsh. Loot innocent people’s property? Ha, that’s funny. We were taught to spread knowledge of Islam. Not force anyone. Nobody raped anyone and we do not wish to call them Muslim if what you’ve mentioned is done by people. I would’ve silently walked past you if you were a learned men in what you speak of. First of all, you just classified and discriminated people on the basis of religion. Go see a psychiatrist. I don’t mean to offend but if you want to be offended, I have no problem. But you’re the real devil here.
Ajit Kumar says
What a joke. Mohammed kills the men, and then says he will protect the women by taking them as concubines. He demonized and villifi d everyone who didn’t follow submit to him. All Muslims do the same like you even today. If someone does not agree to you and praise Allah or Mohammed, then he is bad, and vil, does not understand, is stupid ,is motivated etc etc. First University for wom n was by Muslims, and what a joke.
Muslims and the First Caliphs destroyed every monastery and place of learning unless they submitted to Islam. Khuraizimi is a Persian who converted to Islam and he himself calls numbers as Hindu but you mendacious people say it is an Arabic Invention. Same lies and lies. Say it to your own Mullahs. I am Indian and we have suffered enough, no more being nice to see evil cultists like you all. Go live in your 50 Muslim countries and flourish why you wanna come to our lands and then teach us to live. Go back , your religion is yours , so go there and live. Leave us in peace you evil cretins.
Anonymous says
As you said you are from india then it is clear that your mind is controlled by environment and I am damn sure that you watch news channels and socila media a lot , well thats not you fault thats the fault of your mentality the only work you believe in is listening without understanding terrorism has no religion its true.
As you said here that go back to your countries so man tell me in that countries too the same shit is happening that fake jihad so, whts the fault of Muslims here ? Still I prefer you to read good novels and GK instead of catching someone’s religion , but man personally I prefer you to ignore this religious fights here I tried I succeed and I am living a great life , i replied you coz you are an Indian and me too try this it will help.
I am not writing my name here coz after that you will focus on what religion does this name belongs.
Jai hind
Glenn Gerun says
islam controls Muslims with fear & death.
But Christianity frees all & gives everlasting life through Jesus only. Saint John 14:6.
Anonymous says
Yeah you want to call Islam evil, I’m an Indian who was born Hindu and is now athiest. Talk about every war the Hindu religion waged in the scriptures and wage to this day. Everything in India is controlled so that you are brainwashed to think this way. Modi and the BJP go against the constitution of India and so are you. You don’t want to allow secularism. if Mohammed is bad, then Hindu gods are 100X worse for killing, raping and doing all that shit. Do your research before you type shit. Tell me about the caste system again and how Modi wants to force Tamils to learn Hindi, a language that objectively has no good and wants to lessen our English learning? So that we can speak like all the Hindi speaking people and can’t even get a job in another country because we don’t know English well. If Muslims are so evil, are you going to call Dr. Abdul Kalam evil? Objectively both religions are peaceful but the only reason why Islamic terrorism started to happen around the world is because of the US seizing their countries. If this wasn’t the case, you’d only be calling Pakistanis bad. Hinduism has no reason to be voilent but is ultra voilent and how can you talk about Rape without talking about the rape capital which is India? There are only 6% Christians and 14% Muslims so tell me how it is the rape captial of the world? Read the laws of Manu and you will come to see the discrimination people faced under Hinduism.
Mallu Mahesh says
You are wrong. Hindus never fight anybody in the name of religion. Hindus were always divided its the first time in the History of Modern India Hindus are getting United the reason is islamic terrorism and looting of public funds and reservations by Muslims in the name of religion. And yes India has high rape numbers and also India is Highly populous country. The rate of sexual crime is way low compared to other developed countries also just to inform some facts about 65 % of the crimes against women and children are done by Muslims. I’m not saying all muslims are raping kafirs in India im just saying that even with a population of 22% the crime done by muslims in India are more than 60%. We are proud of our Current Hindu Government and no one is capable of stopping a Hindu. It was muslims who killng Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Christians in Indian subcontinent. Indian people and Jews know Islam than anybody else. Islam is the religion of crimes and criminals we dont consider Muhammed as a prophet he is just a tribal King. Each and every chapters of Quran is filled with crimes and Killing. No thanks bro.
Jai Mother India
Anonymous says
Please show me where and when we force you to become muslim. Muslims believe in god and if you dont accept that, then thats fine you do you. And please show me solid evidence that proves all your points. PLEASE
Adnan igal says
Al qaeda and ISIS use it as somewhat of a lawyer they say its for allah, if u ever read the Quran it states that muslims can only fight in *SELF DEFENCE* these groups pickup unknowing muslims that just converted and say what their doing is good.
s says
stop lying lol theres no proof of this, you never read the quran you dont know how to speak arabic
Anonymous says
Facts, who knows how the English version has been translated and by who? It could be by someone who doesn’t want good for Muslims.
Exmuslim says
Bro dont teach us Quran and Islam me and my family escaped from Iraq, islam has done nothing good for our country my grandfather have said to me when i was a kid that Iraq was soo much beautiful before islam came into our soil iraq and syria was like a same country he traveled everywhere people was free happy. we had many jewish and christian neighbor we were living happily islam destroyed the basic fundamentals of our country. Thats what islam do everywhere next will be Turkey.Official English version of quran is translated by Saudi Arabia and Its true that Islam tell to kill kafirs and kill a women who have sex outside mariage by stonning her.
Rashmin says
I really feel sorry for you Shashank, you must be very depressed in hearing the word Islam and Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), and I can see that your level of education is very low and limited,
and based on your comment Fox News is the source of your knowledge.
Your hatred of Islam and the last prophet of God(PBUH) won’t change people’s mind, try to be a bit educated and knowledgeable and bring forth a real proof to back your comment so people may follow you not donkeys.
Islam and Mohammed (PBUH) changed the life of billions of people from darkness into light, from the worship of many false Gods into the worship of real one God, and liberating people from submitting to another human being like themselves into the submission of the Creator Allah (God) of all humans.
Read the Holy Quran properly. Salaam (Peace)
Glenn Gerun says
can you not see ridiculous koran lies:
37:48 limiting glances,
38:52 limiting glances,
76:19 boys,
52:24 boys,
56:17 boys,
78:33 full breasted women, clear proof mohamed made up his fake god allah, doesn’t fool anyone anymore, especially God the Father, Son Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit in heaven. Saint Luke 24:51-53, positively seen Love & salvation one heart & mind, forever and ever.
“For the Father judgeth no man, but committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
“Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.”
Saint Luke 12:7.
Glenn Gerun says
600AD islam is a denier cult of Eternal GOD Love and salvation resurrection-ascension seen, Saint Luke 24:51-53 in His Divine Son the Messiah Christ “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, & everyone shall get Jesus judgment eventually. “For the Father judgeth no man, but committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22. “Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7.
Dianekjy08 says
OMG ! I was about to vomit after reading this . How dare you disgrace the prophet? I hope you ” ALLAH ” ENLIGHTEN YOUR MIND . Because that was too much . Really its too much .
Give some respect , if you do wanna know about islam then READ THE QURAN i promise it will change your perception about islam after reading the holy book .please lets be fair here.
I swear i got goosebumps after reading this. Its like im reading a devil comment…
Kwame says
The false prophet Muhammad was a peodophile, an adulterer, a liar, a slave trader and a murderer. He is disgraced by his own actions. It is clear you do not know anything about your own so called prophet.
Glenn Gerun says
can you not see the koran hate:
2:65 be apes, despised,
5:51 prejudice,
5:60 made them apes & pigs,
7:166 repeated hatred,
98:6 worst of creatures is all hate crimes against mankind & against Christ TRUE GOD proof, & clear proof islam is godless.
Glenn Gerun says
here’s the koran 81:22-25, 25:4-5 in it’s entirety, proof no allah.
Jake haul says
I can say with complete confidence that the knowledge you posses about Islam is all through media. If you want to really know Islam, media is sure as hell the place where you will find truth. I do not want to argue with you any further and waste both of our times, your belief is yours and my belief is mine. Have a good day.
qawiya says
let me tell you something all this you are saying is because of the hatre d you have for the religion if not so you didn’t choose the good things we have in the quran and there is nowhere in the quran that God say we should kill unnecessarily unlike you who believe in three gods and stop condemning our peaceful religion
Anonymous says
Poison tastes good with sugar!
MIKE Guzman says
Your suger comment makes no sense. Gk back to school please.
Anonymous says
Islam was founded on blood sacrifices and still continues to shed innocent blood
Al- Malik says
Islam is a peaceful religion we love peace but when we feel ignorance around us and people take life as a joke we say to our selves Allah gave life to halogens , all us humans do is joke , worry bout money and things that don’t mean shit , as a Muslim we kill if necessary. Some Muslim play with the Islamic culture and make the rest of us look bad. The Christians not so post to eat pork and the Jews , it say in the holy bible and Quran , thy should not eat the devilish animal for I have cast satan demons in them over the mountain , so if people so call believe in god/Allah why do we do the things we do.
Al-Malik says
We so post to believe in the unseen just to show our strengths , we not just living to live. When Muhammad went to medina Allah told him destroy all of satan/devil people and , why do we try to impress one another, why did s blacks get out in slavery and released because of the guilt that the white man have.
Cemil says
Alhamdulillah 🙏
Jr says
Mohammed was a nobody, he was a human acting on his own will.. God didn’t know this man… and no one can come to the father except through Jesus… want to know one red flag.. God said in his commandments, thou shall not Kill.. just that one thing, is when I heard in Quran, if I had heard that.. I would have walked out of that religion.. use your head… You really think God said it was ok to kill.. and Mohammed who claimed that God came to him and told him that.. come on now… that guy was insane. Stop following the religion Islam.. And accept Jesus christ as your true lord and savior… if you find a Christian church… join them.. they will lead you to the truth.
ewjnfnfnffaf says
if you keep believing off news articles and dont read the direct translations then you shouldnt be typing false stuff, and theres a reason why 1/4th of the human race are muslims, if islam was truly violent then there wont be 2b muslims
mcl says
Really, Christianity is full of lies too, i was Christian for 29 years, Moses and David killed, jesus called a women a dog in the Bible, Trinity is not mentioned in the Bible.
Anonymous says
first of all ur not a Muslim so what you say doesnt mean shit. Second of all the people Mohammed killed tried to kill him and his people first. Third, jesus yea he is our savior but he isnt a god so he cant do shit. Secondly Christianity and Islam have a LOT of the same beliefs you dumbass. So if u are saying Islam is bad then you are saying Christianity is bad. And no prophet came forward since his death, he also ate poisonous food but didnt die untill he spread the message of god so please explain that to me, God doesnt want people to kill, but back then muslims were tortured, raped, and killed so what did you want them to do, and it wasnt just them that killed people of other religions killed the same if not more,and also the Quran and scientific facts that werent discovered until centuries later so PLEASE explain that.
Arif says
A person who marries Nine year old is a pedophile.
DH says
What do you think a typical life expectancy of a human being was around that time? Try to read about the historical facts about customs of marriages around that time (eg: time during Jesus/Isa(as)) if you have problem with religious texts. Or just keep on hating. Everyone has their reasons.
Anonymous says
A person who marries a 19 year old is not a pedophile. Go read the history books instead of resaying everything that your Islamophobic friends say. They don’t know anythign either. Read the biography of Aisha’s elder sister. She was 10 years older than Aisha and was 27 during Hijrah. AIsha’s wedding was on the 2 of Hijrah. So your saying that 27-10+2 is 9? Nice maths.
Anonymous says
Then why all the terrorist are muslims who kill people in the name of Jihad,and I have read in Quran its written to kill the kafira nobody can deny that…so why are u?
Anonymous says
Hey genius. Let’s search the word terrorist. a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. Serial killers are terrorist. Mass shooters are terrorist. SCHOOL shooters are terrorist. Theyre not commonly Muslim, my friend, they’re everything but. And you might wanna do some research on the verses you give before making irrelevant remarks.
Anonymous says
what he stated is qiute wrong and yes anybody can be terrorist but i think what he meant is tht they have become popular in the world as so.
I'm done says
The question is: why all the terrorists that kill people in Europe in the name of Allah are Muslims???
Glenn Gerun says
can you not see the lies, & destruction daily from mohamed’s evil: 4:34 beat women,
65:4 pedophiliia, 2:191 kill-expel,
3:151 terror,
7:4 we destroyed, 5:38 amputate hands,
8:67 massacre,
33:61 massacred,
8:12 terror-behead,
33:26 terror-enslave women & children,
9:111 fight-kill,
9:123 fight-harsh,
10:13 destroyed,
17:7, 17:16, 17:17, 18:59, 19:98, 21:95, 23:48, 25:39, 25:52, 26:139, 27:51, 9:5, 36:31, 37:136, 38:3, 43:8, 46:27, 47:4, 47:13, 54:51: destroyed applied to his fake allah.
Sane says
You have read the Quran? I shall ask, how much incredible knowledge do you have in arabic language to confidently say such rubbish?
All the so-called terrorist may be Muslims but all Muslims are not terrorists. It would be funny tho if I crawled through this screen and shot you for making that comment.
There are thousand of other religion people who kill and murder, but no, the world will only call Muslims terrorists because of some pathetic stereotypes. Come on friend, why would you be so immature to criticize religions when there are better stuff for you to do? I only intended to correct you on your wrong ideas. It’s not only that it’s wrong. But it hurts when you say like that. Please do understand.
Glenn Gerun says
There is nothing better than teaching Jesus way, the truth & the life to heaven, eye witnessed salvation, “healed them all”-resurrection-ascension into heaven, is the same for Christians.
Anonymous says
We are/ most of society is in jihad right now.
We are fighting for rights, to end injustice, to end racism, to end cruelty.
We have been in jihad for centuries.
And war is a whole other subject – many hands are stained with killing people.
People are cruel and do cruel acts that are Preists, Catholics, Jewish, Baptist, and evening Muslims.
But until you have learn the trueness of character how they should or how the are to act.
One day you will realize people give things a bad name but they will call themselves Christian, people of the book, Hebrews, Muslims yet their character is someone who is wicked.
Elaine says
Jesus said that it not what goes into the body that matters but what comes out of it. The herd of pigs the demons were cast into ran down the hillside and into a lake. They were drowned. Eating pork does not mean we’re eating demons. You cannot be offended by what people say and think you’re doing the right thing by insulting them back. As a Christian, I was taught to turn the other cheek. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, God is love. Amen
Peace islam says
Hmmm. I think jesus peoples rewrite the bible and then you guys just like ok this is the truth hahahah i belive this hahahahah dude no please join islam its the best way of life
Anonymous says
Are u going to relate christians eating pork and muslims killing people for a so called reason to be under same catogory?u cant argue about this by just pointing out that.well if u want to convince us just tell us the validations u get to kill people beacuse i do not see any,afterall who are we to take other peoples lives.God created life and only God can take it back.Everything beside tht is sin.
Anonymous says
What was Christianity founded on? How many people were slained and forced to believe in Christianity? Land that was taken over by those claiming of good, but was so evil they stole land and claimed as their own.
Beware of the self-righteous who acts as though his garment has no stains, yet history shows the blood stains.
Back in those days many were married off young. My grandmother was married off when she was 12-13 years old.
But clearly those speaking within this text live in a bubble of denial and deceit.
And for your clarity
Islam –
does mean submission, but it not submission unto to man it is unto the will of God.
One who Submit’s. Is one one who belief is monotheistic as Abraham /Ibrahim alayhi wa Sallam. Being 1 God, and only he should be worshipped, not the his creation.
The character of a Muslim
1. Truthfulness 33:79, 8:119
2. Sincerity 39:2, 61:3,107:4-6
3. Unselfishness
“You cannot attain righteousness unless you spend (in charity) out of those things which you love 3:91
@They (the true believers) give food, out of love for Allah (God), to the poor, the orphan and the slave, saying :” We feed you only for the pleasure of Allah- we desire from you neither reward nor thanks 77:7-9
4. Humility
“ Do not turn your face away from people in contempt, not ago about in the land exultingly.” 31:18
I could go on but this is enough.
There are extremist in everything just as your accusation of Muslims and Islam.
Fix your hearts, we are all brothers and sisters. As we all came from Adam and Eve bloodline. It’s is so easy to be hateful- but such a better reward in being kind.
May God forgive us for our shortcomings, may he forgive those that inflict pain and hate on others. In the end we all will face our judgement and who can escape the judgement of the Most High – He is the knower and the seer of all things.
... says
All terrorists might be muslims but all muslims are not terrorists. In islam, to kill a man is like killing the whole mankind and to save a man is like saving the whole mankind. Islam is peaceful. Do not blame it for some misguided muslims. Read the Qur’an then you will understand. May Allah guide you to the right path.
Anonymous says
Islam was founded on blood sacrifices and still continues to shed innocent blood
sane says
Founded on blood sacrifices? Still sheds blood? You are not aware of the truth, yet you make senseless statements. Every religious person would say anything to protect their religion, even speak rudely of other religions. It’s not nice. If you’re matured enough, you would understand. Just becuse you heard such terrible things from someone doesn’t mean you have to actually believe it whole heartedly. Not just people who claim themselves to be muslims but there are many people from many other religion killing, and causing sin and nobody seems to take that into account because of course, the whole world is focusing on ‘bad islam’. First of all, you classify and discriminate people on the basis of religion. Go see a psychiatrist.
Tony says
The mind works in two ways, of which ,the most important is what we call the intuitive mind. What goes in to it, cannot be changed.. Ideas are put into the minds of children before they grow up. Religion is the most important venom injected in to their minds. There is no escape. I don’t find any scope for arguments.Those who believe in any kind of crap, will keep on justifying it, knowing very well that they are not right.Communists and Hitler also did the same.
Can I ask something? How many of you chose this religion you are trying to defend, after growing up, on your free will and after knowing about other religions too? Probably none !!
Anonymous says
You told to read surah 23 and 70 of Quran. But I could not find any violence there. Yes there are violent verses in Surah 9. But except Surah nine I could not find violence in any Surah of Quran. So it would be better if you provide names of the Surahs of Quran which you claim to be violent
NameNomo says
I am a Muslim and I can assure you … That there is no violence in quarane … It’s true that the word ” Islam ” means surrender but that’s not the whole definition — it means surrender to god … Which itself means believe in god … We’re all brothers after all and … Christianit religion is the same as Islam religion except , you believe that Jesus is the son of god … While we don’t . but bro ! … After all — it doesn’t matter which religion are you from … The main thing is to believe in god . cuz clearly nothing can create itself without resources or energy … , and we’re not terrorists … These are just some fake racist information ☺ !! . ( “TBH I’m not that religious but I know these stuff cuz I’ve read the quarane once “)
bright says
If you say that, the two religions are serving one god, you are playing yourself, if u dont believe that Jesus is the son of God, what you just need say is that, islam is the way, but your nor believing it is like you are saying that, you are bold enough to face God’s judgement.
you dont need any lawyer to solicit for you dat you can claim yourself of non guilty ones.
mcl says
well where does it say in the Bible jesus accepted worship as him alone, Jesus didn’t even know the hour.
mcl says
Adam claim to be the son of God in luke, Abraham and David claim to be the son of God, u serious
Nazar says
Mark 10:18
“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone.
In this verse, Jesus (pbuh) makes a clear, obvious distinction between himself and God.
Al-Malik says
This is what I’m talking bout the things that I was reading on this page is ignorance , y’all sit here and try to Islam is a non peaceful religion not knowing Christians was made up this why allah told Muhammad to destroy the non religious , the blacks was the first Jews we are the original this why the white man hates , and I’m not preaching I’m speaking facts.
jdd says
and that verse that guy commented about surah 4:24, 23:5, 70:29 i searched up and this is what came up:
وَالْمُحْصَنَاتُ مِنَ النِّسَاءِ إِلَّا مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُكُمْ ۖ كِتَابَ اللَّهِ عَلَيْكُمْ ۚ وَأُحِلَّ لَكُم مَّا وَرَاءَ ذَٰلِكُمْ أَن تَبْتَغُوا بِأَمْوَالِكُم مُّحْصِنِينَ غَيْرَ مُسَافِحِينَ ۚ فَمَا اسْتَمْتَعْتُم بِهِ مِنْهُنَّ فَآتُوهُنَّ أُجُورَهُنَّ فَرِيضَةً ۚ وَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْكُمْ فِيمَا تَرَاضَيْتُم بِهِ مِن بَعْدِ الْفَرِيضَةِ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ كَانَ عَلِيمًا حَكِيمًا – 4:24
And [also prohibited to you are all] married women except those your right hands possess. [This is] the decree of Allah upon you. And lawful to you are [all others] beyond these, [provided] that you seek them [in marriage] with [gifts from] your property, desiring chastity, not unlawful sexual intercourse. So for whatever you enjoy [of marriage] from them, give them their due compensation as an obligation. And there is no blame upon you for what you mutually agree to beyond the obligation. Indeed, Allah is ever Knowing and Wise.
so basically this dude lied lmao
Sarah says
What a load of dog crap. I am not even Muslim and I know that article is completely and historically inaccurate. How do you even have a writing job?
Anonymous says
It is true. I read it myself
Sheela says
« You mean this verse:
“And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.” (Al Quran 9:5)
! OK, so here is what I need to inform you about this verse. First, to understand a Quranic verse, you need also to be acquainted with the Arabic history of the time when Islam came. This verse was revealed unto Prophet PBUH while the Islamic followers were engaged in the Battle of Tabuk. The battle was fought as a retaliation against the buildup attack on the city of Madinah by Byzantine Empire in the year 629.
It was also one of the first successful expansions of Islam in what is supposed to become a series of capturing major Arabian cities. Now, coming to the central aspect of the verse. The verse orders Muslims to fight those idolaters (and also those hypocrites who are the enemy within) when the sacred month is passed because fighting in a holy month is not allowed.
The Byzentiniam force consists of many Arabian allies in those regions that were pagan or either some people of the book as well (Christian, Jews) who are fighting alongside the forces of King Heraclius of Rome to demolish growing Muslim influence in Arabia. So, God ordered Muslims to fight those people so that Muslims may not be outdone and be killed or their tribe eliminated along with the prophet. The fight was a defensive one.
Now, in the last focus of this ayah, God also orders Muslims that if among the enemy, anyone who repents and eliminate the intention to assault Muslims, and better if they pray and give zakah (charity to poor), then the Muslims are not allowed to have any evil intentions against them as well and or find means to fight them at all. God is without a doubt merciful and loves forgiveness.
You can read more on this Battle and the time of the revelation on these links:
Battle of Tabouk
9. Surah At Taubah (The Repentance) (This link is more fruitful since it gives full historical background and reasons as to why the surah revealed and what events unfolded it »
Shaik says
Thanks Sheela. Your explanation was perfect.
This writer is just writing and spreading hate and distrust.
Always find the actual and truthful source and educate yourself. Like Sheela said, read the whole story and not pick and choose.
Anonymous says
Katwi h kya lodi
Anonymous says
Your right
mcl says
way to go sheela, just too many Islamophobic people on here, Ale hamdu Lilla
Thankful :) says
Hey oh my gosh thank you so much for clarifying this Sheela I was doing some research for article on the history of terrorism in my country and I was looking for something that wasn’t inherently racist but I couldn’t find anything.
I’m not gonna lie I was starting to believe this myself until I read your comment on this and I’m SO THANKFUL for it oh my goshhhh thank you so so so much I’m happy that there’s an explanation for this so I don’t need to put out rasict BS into the minds of my readers
Brian says
Oh really? So if I tell you I’m muslim and everything this article says is true, what then? Which by the way, it is. If you want to really know the truth, read the Quran and the Hadith yourself. Til then, try and listen to the people who’ve left the religion because of the violence, subjugation of women, terrorism, hatred , etc. They’re threatened to be killed everyday for leaving the religion, yet they do it because they know it’s the right thing to do.
Anonymous says
Islam was founded on blood sacrifices and still continues to shed innocent blood
just shut up says
You can say what you want, but Muslims stick to our religion unlike so many other people in the world.
Glenn Gerun says
there’s no god in islam proven by the koran 65:4 pedophile children, 10:13 we destroyed, 56:36 virgin joke, 33:61 massacre, 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 2:65 be apes, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166 repeated hatred, 5:51, 9:5 kill-ambush, 8:67 massacre is all obviously man made evil, is not a religion, has no right to exist no one would miss nor mourn, referendums abolish so logical people can live & work in the name of Christ Jesus on earth unto everlasting life in heaven.
hi says
Thank you, Sarah. May God bless you.
Zoe says
Unfortunately, none of this article is based on fact, but a mix of hate-filled opinion and fabrication; all an attempt no doubt to spread division, hate, and fear. I hope people will be intelligent enough to learn for themselves from real sources, not the spewing of some racist extremist. Read the Quran, and see how every single verse begins with ‘In the Name of God, The Most MERCIFUL, the Most COMPASSIONATE.’ And how it says that all life is sacred, that God loves the just and forbids fighting those who are not fighting you. Read about the life of Muhammad (peace upon him) and how he implemented the first written constitution to promise freedom of religion to Jews and Christians, how he forgave those who killed his family when he had the opportunity for revenge or even justice; and how he was concerned even for the life and wellbeing of the animals and plants. Read history, about how Muslim protected Jews in the Spanish Inquisition, how Christians and Jews lived safely and thrived under Muslim rule for over 800 years in Spain, and how the First Nation to recognize the USA as a State was the Muslim nation of Morocco. Learn and don’t give way to ignorance.
Tina says
If you said islam is a peaceful religion. Why muslims can not believe what they want. There are 14 countries in the world where apostates has to obtain permission to convert out of islam and spend thousand and thousand of dollars to file the case in Sharia Court. Is it right? And has to go rehab etc.
Please explain Zoe. Thank you.
A Jas says
If believers of islam are adherents of war/terror, how is gentleman, the world still lives in peace. Hitler & his followers believed in race superiority and annihilated the jews. But german still want to be have peace. Your bigotry , born out of islamaphobia, cannot seek reason , logic and only try defile a faith. Better continue to nourish your anti islamic concept with more self created imaginary stories.
Ramadan Rahim says
Why don’t you reply directly? In the Hadith an authenticated statement of the prophet is to kill the apostate, …. or not?
Also, do you support the Charlie Hebdo killers: or are you in favour of Charlie Hebdo’s freedom to publish what they want?
Why does the Koran ask men to beat women with sticks if they are disobedient. Is this not violence? Is Surah 9:5 not violence?
Why do muslims attack and murder Christians on grounds of blasphemy in Muslim countries. Is that not violence?
Just calling others bigots and not responding honestly shows that you are trying to hide something, unfortunately it is extremely clear to all. Please answer all questions clearly,
Brian says
Hey there are some good replies in the comment section. Right on man!
Glenn Gerun says
600AD islam/koran/allah was made to deny GOD’S proof, Christianity “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-5, clarifies the Holiest of Holy Most High source of all life, everyone & salvation proven by The Divine Son of God who resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, Saint Luke 24:51-53, 1 Corinthians 15:6 clear proof beyond dispute for “born again” believers.
“Go ye therefore & teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, & the Holy Spirit: lo I am with you always.” Saint Matthew 28:18-19.
“because I live, ye shall live also.” Saint John 14:19. Hallelujah Catholic-Orthodox Christianity, one GOD forever and ever. And we all shall find out eventually.
Where are you going?
ISLAM says
…no one is replying to you, you realize that. If you want to hate on us, at least be considerate enough to hate in small sentences. Why would anyone bother to read a whole ESSAY abt YOU and your OPINIONS
Anonymous says
Not true. I read it myself from my husbands Koran and hadith. Yes they were commanded so.
bright says
answer what Bryan said
Greg says
Quran taught muslim how to excused their act, by pointing finger, blaming other..
It is in quran, not personnal.
A. Jab says
Have u ever read Quran. Don’t try to live in an imaginary and harted world without knowing facts.
Anonymous says
I read it myself in holy Koran and in noble koran.
Anonymous says
Lol its taken out pf context. I c do the same with the bible.
Mohammed peace e upon himx fled to madina as the Christians or jews took over. He DIDNT want to fight. Him and his companions struggled and avoid fighting. So to conquer makkah this was revealed to him. HOWEVER. HE COULD NOT KILL WOMEN. CHILDREN.ELDERLY. Only the men in the fight. IF THEY STOP FIGHTING YOU MUST ALSO Stop. So please dont take things out of context. There is no were in the quran that allows killing like that. Jesus was not sacrificed ad god has no partner associated with him. There is no one in the heavens and or in existence that returns to him nothing but as a slave and servent. May he guide you to the straight path
bright says
How does God treats us?
Like a SLAVE or like CHILDREN
Elaine says
So you tell us how this article is incorrect and then tell us the Christian Bible and all Christian beliefs are wrong! Jesus is the Son of God, He died for our sins. The Christian Gospels come from men who spent time with Jesus, who saw His works and his death. I understand you correcting the blatant lies within this article but you lost your argument when your fact checking turned on Christian beliefs
hi says
Please explain what the Trinity is, then.
Glenn Gerun says
“Go ye baptizing in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, lo, I am with you always.” Saint Matthew 28:18
“Moses wrote of me.”
Saint John 5:46.
“I and my Father are one” Saint John 10:30
“For the Father judgeth no man, but committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
The Trinity is Eternal Almighty concrete highest morals-law-miracles-“healed them all-proof”-one only Holy truth crucified- resurrected-ascent into heaven salvation positively seen. Saint Luke 24:51-53, is the same for Christians.
“He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father.” Saint John 14:9.
All else is hell.
Mike Leke says
One only has to look at history to understand. Just look at any culture, where Islam is 3% or more of the total population. Even at numbers that low, the Muhammadans start to demand Halal meals in public schools. They insist on being able to cover the heads of women. And, they start using the courts in an effort to spread Sharia. The countries that allow the unchecked spread of Islam, will ether submit to it, or will have to fight them, because they are commanded to take over. Even though this fact is written in their “holy book”, they deny the fact (al taqiyya deception). Then they call you an “Islamophobe” and try to destroy you. Muslims are okay in very small numbers. Muhammadans, on the other hand, are filthy back stabbing Allah lovers, who want to kill you. Islam has no place in the western world.
Jeffrey Erding says
After reading and re-reading all the negative comments about Mr. Huggenvik’s commentary, I noticed a pattern; no one offered specific information that refuted or corrected his positions or assertions.
Most readers, myself included, are not particularly well versed in our understanding of Islam. I found Mr. Huggenvik’s article to be well written and specific. If others find errors and omissions in the commentary, it would be proper to point those out in an equally informative and orderly way. Calling names, pointing out allegations of past Christian and American transgressions, and condemning him as Islamophobic is not a particularly effective method of rebuttal. Until someone submits a factual and well researched rebuttal, all the negative comments look like ” The truth hurts, don’t it!”
Perhaps Mr. Wojcik could find the time to write a rebuttal when he is not advocating for traffic clogging bike lanes and voting himself a 100% plus pay raise for
” serving” on the Rochester City Council.
Mr Shahid Aziz says
If this paper would like to publish an article on the teachings of Islam we would welcome a request from the editor.
Handsome Jack says
the entire Tootsi Fruitsi Ice Cream con?
Jean-luc says
Je vois dans les commentaires les fameux hypocrites qui essaient de défendre l’islam dont ils sont savant. Notons qu’ils sont ignorants des recherches de nombreux spécialistes dénonçant cette blague religieuse appelée islam. Ils sont également ignorants de ce qu’est la foi chrétienne dont il est fort probable qu’elle fut exposée et proposée à Mahomet qui la refusa et à ce sujet (rejet de l’Évangile de Jésus-Christ) son histoire est édifiante.
Dés que cette secte en eut le pouvoir ils se livrèrent à la colonisation par le terrorisme, massacres, pillages et esclavage.
Mahomet à pompé dans l’Évangile de Jésus-Christ (yeshoua) et les autres écrits Juifs… Ainsi le Coran contient un peu de lumière. Suffisamment pour permettre aux musulmans de s’orienter vers YHWH qui n’est pas Allah et de s’ouvrir à la révélation chrétienne.
Sam Crofton says
All the jihadis in the comment section are trying to justify the killings and torture just as the Quran states. They have no counter point. Today Christianity, Hinduism are reformed according to modern norms. But Allah prohibits any modernisation of Quran. And thus, the brains of the muslims ae outdated and rusted!
Kirito Uchiha says
Dude I don’t understand why, but you guys actually are spitting nonsense. Like, you really should just get some actual facts and maybe even read some translated parts of the Quran before talking. It’s so dumb how people just blabber nonsense before getting proper info. This is coming from an actual Muslim.
Sane says
Can you specify the modernisation in Christianity and Hinduism? Islam is a way of living and that way of living has fit us perfectly just the way it did long ago. Why do you call us outdated and rusted as many scientific researches have proven so many things of Islam to be true and also it was Muslims who found many ways and things that the world’s following right now. Do not be so immature and waste your time in debating false statements about something you’re not completely aware of. Instead you could always ask and seek knowledge of various religions. this is just a request as it really hurts to be criticized even without doing no wrong.
MIKIMOTO Jaggi says
Over centuries there is too much horror in the actions of some Muslims- enough that to keep on repeating ‘Islam is religion of peace’ would not make it a religion I’d OEACE. The actions of Muslims will eventually determine how peace it is. Constantly repeating would not and it is not working.
The world does understand that it hearts peaceful Muslims when such articles are published. The author quoted from Islamic books, he did not make it up and not cherry picked.
Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore (UK) says
Yes I agree with you. Muslims should show this in practice. It is just dropping atom bombs on Japan, chemical warfare in Vietnam which is still causing deformed births, the merciless bombing of Iraq etc does not further the US claim to be the peacemakers and peacekeepers of the world.
Handsome Jack says
can you be any more vague than ‘the bombing of Iraq’? You do realize the US is sent in to settle skirmishes between rival Sunni and Shia fighting over oil pipelines, right? Mooslums have a long history of stealing Western advancements, such as the Suez canal.
Shahid Aziz says
There were no Sunni and Shia riots when the US attacked Iraq to destroy the WMDs (Weapons of Mass Deception). Would Iraqis have a right to bomb a US city if their are riots between some communities? As for the Suez, it was built on Muslim land occupied by force and Muslims took it back.
Handsome Jack says
I see a Mohammedan is displaying his ignorance of understanding history – accusing the author of cherry picking, while doing the exact same thing, except ignoring how slavery is a part of Islam from its start even to current time. The Americas were discovered because of the Islamic Ottoman blockade of the Silk Road.
Then there’s the dhimmi below him. The author of this article is correct.
Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore (UK) says
Slavery is not a part of Islam. Although, there were slaves kept by Muslims. However, the difference was that a slave could rise and become the leader of a country and that is why India had a ‘dynasty of slaves’. It has taken until now for the US to elect an African American as the President. Just because Muslims do something it does not make it a part of Islam. Again, Dhimmis are people who have a specific contract with a Muslim state to protect them in return for payment to the treasury rather than go out and fight with the army.
Perhaps you should mention KKK, killing of the Jews and Muslims in Spain, dropping atom bombs on countries when you compare these things.
Handsome Jack says
wait, what does a half black Barack Obama have to do with anything? Last I checked, Mohammed called blacks “Raisinheads:. Slavery very much is a part of Islam, there are many verses in the Quran allowing fornication with slaves. Dhimmi is also a term for any non-mooslum foolish enough to buy into and help propogate the cancer of Islam.
The KKK? You’re really grasping for straws now. The KKK came about after the slaves were freed and were people trying to run off Africans who – newly freed – were resorting to stealing and raping – See the Voodoo Uprisings. And who captured and sold those slaves? Ah mooslums. Islamic Ottoman Empire enslaved Greece for 400 years, twice as lon gas slavery existed in the US. And really? You’re going to bring up the atomic bomb that was used to END a war that the JAPANESE STARTED WITH PEARL HARBOR? Do you not understand that the death toll would have been even higher had a land war continued?
You mooslums really lack a connection to reality.
Shahid Aziz says
And I guess the African Americans were honoured in the US. There was no murder of native Americans and stealing their land. Quote where the Holy Quran says fornication is allowed with slaves. In fact, a large number of early Muslims were from Africa and it was an African King who gave Muslims sanctuary. The first ‘finance minister’ of Islam was an African slave. I’m glad you corrected me to show how much KKK loved African Americans and burned them alive to save them from the miseries of this world. Ottomans were the people who sent ships to Spain to rescue Jews being burnt alive by Christians. They also resettled these Jews in Palestine. How do you know how many people would have died if the US hadn’t dropped atomic bombs on Japan? I suppose defoliating the jungles with chemical weapons still killing babies also saved lives.
SLAY says
Wait, your a muslim! Only a mooslum should reply to this uneducated random person who probably stole someones phone on the street. Go back to your hole ‘handsome jack’ or should I say your beanstalk?
Sane says
That statement of Mohammed calling blacks raisinheads was not true. You presently classified and discriminated people on the basis of two things- religion and skin colour. Real mature eh?
bright says
Just pray to God give you a full knowledge and understanding,
Question: “Why believe in Jesus?”
Answer: There are countless reasons to believe in Jesus. Many of us start on our journey of faith because we need something that Jesus can give us. We need help, hope, healing, or joy. Our lives are falling apart, and we want answers, solutions. But there’s one critical reason to believe in Jesus that underlies all others, and that is to bring us into right relationship with God. Reconciliation with God is the remedy for all that’s wrong with us and the resolution for everything we need.
Why did Jesus come to earth? Why did He die on the cross? He came and did all that He did to bring us into a relationship with God the Father: “For God was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, no longer counting people’s sins against them” (2 Corinthians 5:19, NLT).
Mending our broken relationship with God is the primary point of Christian salvation. The Bible says that all of us have a problem—it’s called sin (Romans 3:23; 1 John 1:8). Because we are born into this world as sinners (Psalm 51:5), we are separated from God and on a path that leads to eternal destruction.
But God loves us and wants to be in relationship with us. He wants to save us from destruction and give us everlasting life: “God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him” ( 1 John 4:9, NLT).
Jesus’ death on the cross paid the full price for our sin: “He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins but the sins of all the world” (1 John 2:2). Jesus satisfied the debt we owed and took the punishment we deserved (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 1:18–19; 1 Peter 2:24; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Galatians 3:13; Romans 6:23). When Christ rose from the dead, He conquered death for us (Revelation 1:18; Hebrews 2:14; John 3:16). We don’t have to die, because Christ died for us.
The only way to be forgiven of sin and restored to God is to repent and believe in Jesus (Acts 2:38; 17:30; Mark 1:4; Luke 13:3). Jesus is the only way to the Father (1 Timothy 2:5). In John 14:6–7, Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well.”
God longs to connect with us in an intimate friendship. When we believe in Jesus, we become children of God: “But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God” (John 1:12, ESV). When we believe in Jesus, we receive access to God’s holy presence to comfort, protect, lead, and guide us (Ephesians 2: 13, 18; 3:11–12; Hebrews 4:16). He teaches us and speaks to us through His Word (Psalm 119:105) and enables us to live for Him by the power of His Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 2:10–13; John 14:26).
When we believe in Jesus, we receive the greatest gift of all—the salvation of our soul (1 Peter 1:8–9). And this gift is free. We can’t do anything to earn it. We don’t deserve it, but He gives it to us anyway: “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it” (Ephesians 2:8–9, NLT).
Believing in Jesus opens up our hearts to experience a love like no other—the kind of love that is willing to sacrifice and die for us (John 10:11; Romans 5:8). God’s love is the strongest and most profound loves ever known, and nothing will ever separate us from it (Romans 8:35–39).
Believing in Jesus and having a relationship with God sets us free from our old life of guilt, shame, and sin (John 8:36; Romans 8:2). Only through Christ can we experience the satisfaction our souls long for: “For he satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things” (Psalm 107:9, ESV).
When we enter into a right relationship with God through faith in Jesus Christ, we learn who we were created to be and discover the true purpose of our lives: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10, ESV; see also Philippians 3:8–10).
Glenn Gerun says
Excellent Bright, correct, true facts, warm, spiritual truth good for everyone in the world, logical 10 Laws, proper thinking & moral education yields civil life & values onto eternal salvation with GOD, JESUS CHRIST & THE HOLY SPIRIT. Thank you, for confirming Holy God & Christ the saviour, Whom Both dearly Love the world, & the discerning return back obeying “Love thy neighbour as thy self” & The Lord’s Prayer, eye witnessed mutuals in Christianity.
We appreciate the preaching, Dude, but just understand that before you go round bashing religions, research them first
#postsmarterslaybetter says
….does anyone even understand what she’s saying half the time?? She’s everywere. No offense, but your replies r all boring. Post less ‘snorefest’ material (:
Glenn Gerun says
Saint Luke 24:51-53 ascent into heaven Jesus Christ proved beyond dispute “I am the way, the truth & the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” Saint John 14:6.
“I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” Saint John 11:25.
Glenn Gerun says
all Muslims are enslaved to islam apostasy death threats,
all Muslims pray to a fake allah 65:4 pedophile children is nuts.
all Muslims pray allah 56;36 virgin jokes, 78:33, 38:52, 76:19.
all Muslims pray godless koran 7:4 destroy: 17:16, 25:39, 47:4,
all Muslims pray allah 9:5, 4:34 beat women, pray hate: 7:166, 98:6, 5:60, 2:65, 5:51 prejudice,
with a non existent allah excuse.
Arabs traveled at night to beat the heat, became keen astrologers to guide their journeys, stars, moon, fables & recitations is where “the god-al-ilah came from, shortened to allah is the same fake god today, clear proof by the koran verses above.
Hijab Is My Hair says
Mohammad-an, what in the world is that? We follow the footsteps of all our Prophets, But we worship the One & Only Allah!
Glenn Gerun says
There is no such thing as allah. Read the comments above & don’t waste your whole life on a non existent moon god in islam
Koolmuslin says
Since the author took all the efforts to dimonize the 1/3 of Earth inhabitants, I would kindly direct him to study how the largest Muslim majority countries were subdu under the threat of death and ( insert few acts of the crusaders here) to convert.
Islam is not the problem, people are the problems. In every religion,
there is always a group that read and act upon information differently that the mass. After all, if Muslims were so evil and are” required” to kill non Muslims, how come we don’t hear that in news?
Stop scaring people and learn to talk and accept our fellow human being. Peace to all
Handsome Jack says
I guess chronology isn’t your strong spot. The Crusades came AFTER centuries of Islamic invasion and oppression of Spain, Greece, Italy, Byzantium, etc. Also, you’ve conflated “fight” with “kill”. They don’t literally mean the same thing.
“Stop scaring people and learn to talk and accept our fellow human being.”
Sounds like Mohammed / Allah needs to take your advice!
Quran 4:56 – “Indeed, those who disbelieve in Our verses – We will drive them into a Fire. Every time their skins are roasted through We will replace them with other skins so they may taste the punishment. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted in Might and Wise.”
So you were saying about ‘Islam not being the problem’?
Shahid Aziz says
It was the Christians who attacked Arabia at the dawn of Islam to extinguish the religion of Islam at its start which started the initial fighting which continued for many centuries. What Allah says He will do is up to him. The verse is about the next life not this. What about the Christian teaching that unless you believe in the blood of Christ you’ll burn in hell. Please show me the weapons of mass deception/destruction that US told the world that Iraq had.
bright says
where does the terrorist comes from?
From christiandom part?
#eaturwords says
Maybe, but media’s too scared to show that right?? Or do you know everything bright?
bright says
Its part of law
Right to religion,
in arab country, there is no any right to religion
Go and ask, whosoever announce any religion that contradict to muslim will be killed
Glenn Gerun says
The author is trying to save your life
Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore (UK) says
My organisation will be happy to provide a detailed article about Islam to the paper. I hope the editorial staff will contact us so that we may build bridges between different religions and communities rather than allow the actions of a few criminals to generate hatred. In the meantime, I wish all our Christian friends a Merry Christmas and pray that Allah keeps all human beings, regardless of their religion, sect, caste, creed, colour or nationality safe and may everyone have a very happy and prosperous 2020 – Amin.
Handsome Jack says
except you’re peddling the Ahmadiyya version of Islam, deemed heretical by 99% of the global mooslums; and even more insulting to Christians since you believe Christ / Ahmad finally ended his cryosleep, returned to earth, didn’t bring about Judgement Day, missed out on preventing WW1 by about a decade, and died of dysentery.
Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore (UK) says
We say what is written in the Holy Quran and taught by the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s). What matters is what the Holy Quran says and how the Holy Prophet interpreted it. I don’t know what your last sentence means. It appears to be complete jibberish.
Hijab Is My Hair says
Handsome Jack your everywhere bro, chill out.
Glenn Gerun says
GOD said, “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear him.” Saint Matthew 3:17, 17:5,
Saint Mark 1:11, 9:7.
koran 65:4, 7:4, 9:5, 33:61, 8:67, 2:65, 5:60, 98:6, 7:166 proves there’s no god in islam, obviously made by power & control freaks to deny GOD’S Christianity “Love thy neighbor as thyself, 10 Laws (Moses wrote of me” Saint John 5:46 & the Lord’s Prayer thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Rochester City Councilman Michael Wojcik says
I just wanted to state my support of my Muslim friends & neighbors and opposition to Islamophobia. Minnesotans should be better than this.
Handsome Jack says
but… why do you accept kafirphobia, christophobia, jewphobia, zoroastriophobia, paganphobia and pedophilia just to avoid being called an islamophobe?
Handsome Jack says
omg, Minnesotans deserve better than you that’s for sure. Just checked out your twitter, and you fit in with the rest of the twits there. Your IQ is so ridiculously low that you can’t differentiate ‘Nationalists whose skin color happens to be white’ with ‘White supremacists’. You purposefully and stupidly, like a programmed CNN robot, call them ‘White Nationalists’ projecting YOUR racism onto people who are ‘white Nationalists’. Of course you’re going to read that sentence stupidly and think there’s no difference in a higher case W (which indicates part of a formal title) and a lower case w (which indicates simply an adjective). You’re a dhimmi. No wonder Minnesotastan has become a mooslum enclave.
#eaturwords says
“Your IQ is so ridiculously low” did you see that pop up on the screen when you took your IQ test, Jack?
Ahmadiyya Anjuman Ishaat Islam Lahore (UK) says
I sympathise with the author of this article for the loss of his friend. I am also saddened that the actions of a few criminals have made him bitter and made him hate Islam. There are those in the Islamic world who follow the doctrine described in the article but there are others, like this organisation the Ahmadiyya Association for the Propagation of Islam, who reject it and who have fought against it. This fight to restore the spirit of Islam was started by an Indian saint and sage by the name Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who ‘fought’ hard to take Islam back to pristine purity. For example, he exploded the Doctrine of Abrogation and showed all Quranic verses still apply and none are abrogated. I have used the word ‘fight’ here but Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad did not wage a war rather he fought with the pen. We have to learn to see the context in which words are used to understand the message properly. I could argue that Jesus said to turn the other cheek but Christians have never done that and abrogated the concept of forgiveness.
Unfortunately, the author cherry-picks and takes things out of context. For example, he talks about the battles the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s) had to fight. But these were fought on the outskirts of Medina, where the Prophet lived. If Muhammad (peace be upon him) was an aggressor why would these battles be in his city and not that of his opponents?
People tend to use religious and other texts to gain an advantage for themselves. The US constitution says all men are equal but at the same time Americans had slaves and the native Americans were shamefully treated. If that the fault of the US constitution or the Founding Fathers?
bright says
what of teblic
Mark Gruben says
While I realize that people have a right to express their opinions, and that a newspaper has a right to publish those opinions, I found this letter to be despicable. This writer offers assertions, posing as facts, adding opinion, misinterpretation, and conjecture, with the result being a truth that is neither true nor very truthful. But it does beg the question – what was his purpose in writing it? More to the point, what was the Journal’s purpose in publishing it? Was it to raise suspicions about Muslims? To create fear? To serve as a warning? Why this, and why now? Or did the Journal simply hope to generate controversy by presenting a dubious narrative, for reasons of its own, reasons it chooses not to reveal? I believe the community is owed an explanation. Accordingly, in the interest of journalistic fairness and integrity, I strongly urge the Journal to seek out the truth – not a partial truth, nor a purported truth – but the full truth, built from facts, and then present that truth to its readership. To do so would serve to fulfill its obligation and its mission to the community: that of a newspaper which is both responsible and responsive, one that endeavors toward a more engaged, enlightened, and informed citizenry. Thank you.
Anonymous says
Over a period of time all human beings born on this earth die. Religions are created by human beings. Good human beings have created good part of religion. Any religion which emphasises on killing others or deriving pleasure at cost of others, is created by selfish people. In due course nature or so called God will take control and teach lessons. Just take good advises from all religious scriptures and ignore the selfish ones. Thou shall be happy.
Peace says
Well said. I follow Islam and sometimes u get confused and scared from all the comments about Islam, And you made me understand everything clearly. Thank you so much you are very smart and understanding person.
Glenn Gerun says
Understand reality: JESUS CHRIST came from heaven, New Testament 3 wise astrologers came from the East & followed the Nativity star to Bethlehem, worshiped the saviour of the world, proof by Divine miracles & “healed them all” millions seen & felt, (whole counties) crucifixion seen, (great earthquake centurians seen & felt Christ’s resurrection from the dead said “Truly this was the Son of God” the lamb of God took away the sin of the world the Old Testament law did not do until Christ came, was “carried up into heaven” with grace & truth “He that hath seen me hath seen the Father” Saint John 14:9, whom built The Catholic-Orthodox church in 3 days, “Peter, upon this rock I will build my church; and I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven” Saint Matthew 16:18, will never change ever.
Muslims will leave non existent allah 65:4, 56:36, 4:34, 2:65, 5:60, 7:166, 98:6, “born again” to Jesus salvation, positively seen facts of God the Father & the Holy Spirit, no mystery forever & ever.
Glenn Gerun says
Happiness is knowing the only way to Holy God the Creator & heaven is by Son Jesus Christ whom resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed in the New Testament indisputable truth; “healed them all.” Saint Luke 6:19, 24:51-53, 1Corinthians 15:6, will never change ever.
“All power is given unto me in heaven & earth.” Saint Matthew 28:18. Hallelujah, Hallelujah,
“I am the resurrection & the life, he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”
Saint John 11:25.
There are no other gods & we shall find out imminently. Christ is the saviour of the world, said, “For the Father judgeth no man, but committed all judgment unto the Son.” Saint John 5:22.
“Even the very hairs of your head are all numbered.” Saint Luke 12:7
the truth says
I will tell your the truth they want people t hate Muslims because they want more oil you see if people hate Muslims they will want to join the army and fight them and what are they fighting for not freedom not protecting their country but for oil the you see the government is controlling the media and tricking us into thinking Muslims are evil in fact if you read the Quran it has nothing to do with evil the media brainwashes you to think all Muslims are bad not all Muslims are great but they are all not bad and if you do enough research you will find out some shocking stuff..
Rishi says
All Muslims Are Not Terrorists and Many Muslims Are Peaceful;—— BUT Then Again,….”SO WERE MOST OF THE Germans..!!!!” There Were “MILLIONS Of PEACEFUL GERMANS TOO,”…….But….”Did That Stop The Nazis From Destroying Majority Of The WORLD..??”………OBVIOUSLY NOT..!!
Fact Is, ‘Muslims Are Only Peaceful While Under An Islamic controlled Dictatorship,’…….BUT Can Be Whipped Up To A Screaming Lather On Any Pretense Of Their Cult Being Wronged.
The Belief In Islam Is Like A Tank Of Gasoline. —— It Looks Innocuous, Until It Meets The Fire. For A Moderate’ Muslim To Become A Murderous Jihadist, All It Takes Is A Spark Of Faith.!!
Well, Reality Sucks When You Try To Sell A False Premise.
Navin says
Noowhere in the quran does it acctuarly say that you sould kill innocent people.
Glenn Gerun says
Navin & all the world easily see koran written proof 98:6, 2:65, 3:151, 2:191 kill-expel, 4:89 seize-kill, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 47:13, 5:33,
5:60, 37:136, 7:4 we destroyed, 8:12
terror-behead, 8:67 massacre, 9:5 kill-ambush, 33:26, 9:111, 10:13, 17:7, 17:16, 17:17, 18:59, 19:98, 21:95, 23:48, 25:39 we destroyed destruction, clear proof there’s no such thing as allah & clearly says to kill innocent people with the non existent god in islam made by men, doesn’t fool anyone anymore.
God is Christ in the flesh, & the word of God, positively seen, crucified resurrected Jesus “carried up into heaven” Saint Luke 24:51, 1 Cor.15:6. eye witnessed by 500 normal people like you & me. All people of the world are saved by these overwhelming proofs revealed by Almighty Glorious Holy God the Creator & saviour Jesus Christ, no separation & no mystery New Testament.
And the New Testament is clear proof there are no other gods, except those made by infidels of Jesus Christ God proof.
Adrian says
Are you serious? Just read chapter 9.
Glenn Gerun says
Wrong, Muslims hate all non Muslims from the godless islam, 2:65 be apes hate, 5:60 apes nonsense, 5:51 prejudice, 98:6 worst of creatures dehumanizing hate, 7:166 be apes hatred, Arabia 65:4 pedophile children is rampant, 4:34 beat women is totally an inferior power & control freak cult written in a koran with an obvious fake allah from mohamed’s tribes paganism is the same today, contrary to GOD’S Christianity Love thy neighbor as thyself salvation.
Anna says
Mark Gruben… need to learn to separate hate speech and hating on people with describing a religion correctly according to their own writings.
What he said was not wrong and if you had studied Islam even the slightest you would see this. Most Muslims are told the good side of Islam and really believe it’s a peaceful religion. They are kept from dark reality that muslims in every country are persecuting, and killing Christians and even their own because they are following their religion properly. Just look atmthe apostasy laws and the percentage of Muslims today who believe apostates should be killed! No other religion acts or thinks like this anywhere in the world.
Glenn Gerun says
islam is not a religion, it’s ICC crimes against humanity with a pagan star-moon god hoax allah exuse.,
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims found the original koran, invited Gerd Puin revealed koran words were altered, washed layered revisions proof beyond dispute no god hoax allah in islam, is not a religion, written proof by the man made koran 4:34 beat women, 56:36 virgin joke, 9:5 kill-ambush, 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 7:4 destroy, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166 be apes, 2:65 repeated hatred, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile child sex, 33:61, 8:67 massacre evil, we see everyday, are hate-war mongering crimes against Creator God the Father, Divine Christianity the new & everlasting testament covenant eye witnessed Jesus miracles, “healed them all”-“carried up into heaven” eye witnessed salvation, is the same for Christian believers & Jews which have God as well.
All else is godless which self inflict hell.
“Ye must be born again” to Christianity, Saint John 3:3-9, to see the kingdom of God & avoid hell.
Glenn Gerun says
Read history: 827-911 Persian scholar Ibn al Rawandi called the koran laughable man made nonsense merciful allah 78:33, 65:4 not menstrated pedophile children, 37:48, 38:52, 56:36 virgin joke, 5:60 made of them apes-pigs, 2:65 be apes, 7:166 repeated nonsense, 98:6 worst of creatures hatred,
Glenn Gerun says
How backwards can you get praying koran 2:65 be apes, 5:60 made them apes-pigs, 98:6 worst of creatures, 5:51 prejudice, 7:166 repeated hatred, 65:4 not menstruated pedophile children, 9:5 kill-ambush, 7:4 destroy, 33:26 terror-kill-enslave women & children, 56:36 virgin joke, 8:67 massacre, 33:61 massacred proves no allah, no god in islam, self inflict hell, has no right to exist, referendums abolish so civilized logical people can live & work.
Glenn Gerun says
The only way to life everlasting with GOD IN HEAVEN IS BY JESUS CHRIST, truths made true by real events eye witnessed, no mystery, will never change ever.
God said, “Isaac: I will establish my covenant.” Genesis 17:19.
Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I am.”
“Moses wrote of me.” – long before Jesus came from heaven to show us the way, the truth & the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” is everyone’s savior beyond dispute, self evident.
And Jesus predicted islam, Saint John 16:2.
Youaresuchanidiot says
Please keep spreading false and hateful information if that’s what makes you feel like you are worth something. You know nothing about Islam and you slander it.
Abdul says
You don’t have a religion let alone talk about what Islam says. It’s Christians and Jews that send their soldiers into Muslim lands and destroy their homes. Over 1,000 years of Christian and Jewish history has shown us what type of characteristics you folks have.
Glenn Gerun says
i see koran writings, 65:4 pedophilia, 5:60 made them spes & pigs hatred, 2:65 be apes, 98:6 worst of creatures, 5:51 prejudice, 7:166 be apes repeated hatred, 9;5 kill-ambush, 33:61 massacre, 8:67 massacred, 47:4 behead-slaughter, 56:36 virgin joke, 78:33 full breasted women, clear proof made by men godless islam, is definitely not a religion, has no right to exist.
Islam Believer says
You still have no solid evidence Islam is all that. Give me actual proof, and we’ll see!
Glenn Gerun says
Muslims pray koran 5:60 made them apes & pigs, 2:65 apes, 98:6 worst of creatures, 7:166 repeated hatred, 9:5 ambush, 7:4 destroy, 33:61 massacred, 8:67 massacre, 37:48, 38:52, 78:33, 76:19, 65:4 pedophile child sex, 56:36 virgin joke is written concrete evidence no allah, zero god in islam.
Please read March 1/2021 for indisputable evidence zero god in islam.
1972 Muslims invited Gerd Puin revealed koran words altered, proves no allah, copied from mohamed’s tribes star/moon god idolatry worship, is the same today.
Adrian says
“Most Muslims are told the good side of Islam and really believe it’s a peaceful religion.” But the fact is that it also has a “bad side” (And by your comment you are obviously aware of this) which is an endemic part of the philosophy and some will follow this, but these will still be “good” Muslims as they are following the instructions of Muhammad.
alam says
total trash. no reference, no source.
Fisherman says
I live in a place with about 98% muslim population all of which are Sounis (sorry about the spelling) none of them read the quran and they yell things that they don’t understand. I have kids giving me death threats unless I convert, these are things they got from their parents. Islam is the out of hand catholic army’s fake religion based on a drugged up dude who ended up in hell. Islam is not peaceful, does anyone remember the airplanes? I don’t even need to give context.
Yyy says
you should fully research before you comment if it was a “fake” religion then why is it the most rapidly growing one. And also it is also said that “”Whoever killed a Mu’ahid (a person who is granted the pledge of protection by the Muslims) shall not smell the fragrance of Paradise though its fragrance can be smelt at a distance of forty years (of traveling).”
Petri Hakamaa says
I, agree. We have not seen such things coming in christianity in modern time. Islam is a shit clan eastern religion that came from a in the influence of drugs muhammed.
Anonymous says
Glenn Gerun says
To say the least
Glenn Gerun says
Jesus came from heaven to save sinners & unbelievers “I am the way, the truth & the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.” Saint John 14:6; “healed them all-resurrected-ascent into heaven, eye witnessed, is the same for Christians. Saint Luke 6:19, 24:51-53, Corinthians 15:6.
Petri says
Actually Jesus came from his mother as a virgin birth, with no touch from her husband Josef, so Jesus is a normal human being.
Petri says
Islam is not a “good religion” christianity is and was before islam, this come from Jesus and his preaches is because Jesus says that we should love each other! In christianity we say that Jesus is our saviour, and he is if we believe in Him!
ISLAM says
ur so wrong
Glenn Gerun says
“Ye must be born again” Saint John 3:3-7,
#eaturwords says
What, are you saying we’re uneducated, because we’re not American? because we’re not white? You think your better, don’t you? You think your smarter?
Well guess what? I hate to break it to you, but there are plenty of bad christians in the world too. Guess you don’t know the ‘dark side’ of your religion, huh, Anna? I’ve read, understood, and memorized quran. I’m not an imam, a scholar or anything like that. In fact, I’m a child. Tell me, do you know any kid christians who memorized your holy book? Do they even follow it?
Answer that, then talk
Glenn Gerun says
GOD & SON CHRIST JESUS LOVE US & SAVE US “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-24 & Genesis & Provers 8:22-36
Glenn Gerun says
GOD & CHRIST JESUS LOVE US & SAVE US “before the world was” Saint John 17:3-24 & Genesis & Provers 8:22-36