As the year winds down, the Houston County Commission was faced with a lengthy agenda including 11 action items and one presentation at its last meeting of the month, November 28.
All five Houston County commissioners were in attendance: Chairman Dewey Severson, Eric Johnson, Robert (Bob) Burns, Bob Schuldt and Greg Myhre.
Chairman Severson promptly called the meeting to order at 9 a.m. and led his colleagues and the packed gallery in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The meeting agenda was unanimously approved after Commissioner Johnson requested that action item number 6 be removed for lack of supporting documentation, “Consider adjusting D range non-represented employee pay rates for 2024 to that of the represented pay rate adjustments of the represented D range employees for 2024, whose pay status was grandfathered subsequent to the compensation study.” The board also approved the minutes from the regular November 13 board meeting and the workgroup session meeting on November 21 as presented.
At 9:15 a.m., Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center (HVMHC) Executive Director Erik Sievers appeared before the board to explain “why” HVMHC exists. Houston County Human Services Director John Pugleasa introduced Sievers, “HVMHC has been a “solid partner for many years.” HVMHC’s focus is on the individual with Sievers explaining that they are a feeling agency. HVMHC has been serving Houston County since the 1960s. The Houston County office is located at 221 South Kingston Street in Caledonia. Sievers noted, “People are struggling more than I have seen in my 30-year career.”
The consent agenda compris-ing seven routine business items was approved unanimously without any changes. Included were the following: 1) Approve the re-placement of Manager Dan Goetzinger of the Crooked Creek Watershed District to Scott Standish. Standish’s term will expire on November 30, 2024. 2) Approve the 2024-2025 Xcel Minnesota CFL recycling contracts with Houston County. 3) Promote Ryly Patterson from Highway Maintenance Specialist B23 to probationary Highway Maintenance Specialist Senior B24, Step 7, effective December 3, 2023. 4) Accept the retirement notice of Myra Harris Johnson, Social Worker (Children Services), effective December 14, 2023, and thank Myra for her service. 5) Approve initiating a competitive search for a Social Worker for Children Services. 6) Change Theresa Gavin-Kubitz from .75 FTE to 1.0 FTE effective December 4, 2023. 7) Hire Leigh Goetzinger as a 1.0 FTE probationary Case Aide B22, step 2, effective December 11, 2023.
The Houston County Planning Committee recommended that the board approve a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Josh Dahl with six conditions that must be followed. The commissioners added biannual announced inspections to the list of conditions. The permit will allow Dahl to expand his feedlot in Yucatan Township from 342 to 534 animal units. The planning committee recommended six conditions
The Houston County Planning Commission recommended denying two Conditional Use Permit (CUP) applications for Bluff Country LLC. The corporation submitted two applications, one to place a dwelling in an ag district in La Crescent Township (North) and one application was to place a dwelling in an ag district in La Crescent Township (South). Commissioners denied both applications.
Motion by Commissioner Johnson to approve a CUP for Skyline Material LTD & Wesley Fort. The request is to do mineral extraction in an ag district in Money Creek Township. Seconded by Commissioner Burns.
In other business, the board:
• Approved a 3% increase for non-represented wage and salary in 2024.
• Adjusted the temporary/seasonal employee wage scales for seasonal workers, veterans service drivers, sheriff’s office transport officers, and dropsite workers. Employees will see a 3% increase in 2024.
• Adopted Resolution No. 23-44 Final Acceptance for SAP 028-599-083 and SAP 028-599-084, Contract #329 with Minnow Construction, Inc., for the replacement of two bridges with box culverts. The total cost was $559,531.60. Commissioner Myhre confirmed that the work looks good, and the project is completed.
• Adopted Resolution No. 23-45 Final Acceptance for CP 2022-08, contract #802 with Zenke, Inc. for the courthouse parking lot project. The total cost of the project was $325,964.12.
• Adopted Resolution No. 23-46 Resolution of Support for and Agreement to Sponsor Wilmington Township’s Pursuit of 2023 Local Road Improvement Program Funding for the Nine Oaks Subdivision Paving Project.
• Adopted Resolution No. 23-47 to approve and accept Houston County right of Way Plat No. 87 for the Reconstruction of State Aid Project 028-620-016 and authorize, execute and sign the certification statement on Right of Way Plat No. 87.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:09 a.m.
The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Houston County Commission is Tuesday, December 12 at 9 a.m. in the County Commission Board Room 222, located on the second floor in the historic county courthouse, Caledonia, or via the county conference call line (312) 626-6700 enter ID: 994-7297-7175 and password 368422. Public attendees are requested to mute their line until addressed.
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