Abby Hopp, member of the Root River Rabbits 4-H Club, has lived and loved 4-H since early childhood, and now that passion is taking her to the National Dairy Judging Competition.
“This year I exhibited a Holstein-Grade Senior 2-year-old at the MN State Fair for 4-H. I also took a Holstein-Grade Winter Calf, Holstein-Grade Winter Yearling, and a market barrow to the Minnesota State Fair for FFA,” states Hopp.
She also had the chance to compete in the Minnesota Dairy Judging Competition, where she placed eleventh overall and was selected to judge with three other individuals on the Minnesota Composite Team. This team is composed of the top four individuals not already on a team.
The team will travel to Louisville, Ky., November 4-7, 2016 to compete at the National Dairy Judging Competition. The competition is November 6, with the Awards Ceremony to be held November 7.
Hopp, daughter of Doug and Heather Hopp of Chatfield, Minn., joined 4-H at five-years-old when she was in kindergarten.
“I have been very active in many aspects of the 4-H organization” states Abby. “Beginning at the club level, I served as club secretary, treasurer, and president, as well as took part in many community service projects,” she says.
But, that was only the beginning for this eager young woman, as she notes, “I took this to the next level and have served the Fillmore County 4-H Federation as vice president, secretary and treasurer,” which was a very educational experience.
“I have been active in the dairy project, showing at the county and state levels for many years. I was active on the dairy judging and dairy quiz bowl teams,” and adds, “I have also shown swine at the county and state levels and brought countless non-livestock projects to the county and state fairs,” where she was able to showcase her talents.
Her knowledge was expanded further, as Hopp states, “I was also active in the County Ambassadors, and on the Food Stand, Jr. Fairboard, Fundraiser, Executive, Auction, Extension, Dairy PDC, and the Constitutional By-Laws Committees at the county level,” which gave her an education and experiences that she will carry with her for a lifetime.
Hopp graduated from Chatfield High School in 2016, and also graduated from Rochester Community and Technical College (PSEO) this year. She is currently a freshman at South Dakota State University in Brookings, S. Dak., with a double major in Dairy Production and Agricultural Education, Leadership with minors in Animal Science and Speech and Communications.
When asked how she likes college, Hopp stated, “I love college so far. I get the opportunity to learn more about something I am very passionate about and make some incredible connections along the way,” and undoubtedly many new friendships, also.
Her favorite project during her time in 4-H was the dairy project, as Hopp says, “Growing up on a dairy farm, I grew up with a strong passion for dairy. Being active in 4-H allowed me to take that passion to the next level. I was able to show many different cows at many different shows,” with each one giving educational benefits as well as great memories.
Hopp was also able to do quite a bit of traveling as she states, “I participated in countless judging competitions, including the National Dairy Expo Judging Contest and the National Judging Contest in Louisville, Ky. I also had the opportunity to attend National Dairy Conference and the International Dairy Judging Competition in Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales,” which was the opportunity of a lifetime.
Hopp says, “4-H is an incredible organization that allows youth to grow in something they have such a strong passion for. In my case, I grew in agriculture and leadership. 4-H has allowed me to step out of my comfort zone, take leadership, expand my knowledge, and discover my true passion,” which some people never find.
“I will greatly miss these opportunities as well as the friendships I have gained along the way. I cannot wait for the day my kids are old enough to join this incredible organization, 4-H,” notes Hopp.
“I have gained so much knowledge from the dairy industry and I am very thankful for these experiences,” states Hopp.
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