Peterson, MN
Usually, after a presidential election, there are all sorts of editorials and letters saying how terrific the newly elected president is. There is generally a list of “wonderful” things they stand for, what they plan for the future, and what they are doing.
Prior to this presidential election there were countless letters and endless editorials about the need to remove Trump from office. It’s amazing that these letters contained nothing but vague innuendo and speculative foolishness. There was virtually no concrete criticism of his policies. Discussion of specific policies was off limits, as Saul Alinsky advised. Only that he and all of his policies are bad, he lies, his hair is orange, and he must be hated. A sicker form of “logic” in politics I cannot imagine.
And now that Biden is president, where are the letters from the left telling us what a great job he is doing? Where are the letters describing how wonderful his policies are? What do we hear? Nuthin’. Crickets.
Why aren’t there any? There aren’t any because this last election was never about any of that. And the lack of supporting letters for Biden confirm it.
I’ll have to give Dems credit for winning in the only way they could have won. Taking a cue from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, they focused and fixated fanatical hatred on Trump. The election was never about issues except for isolated things of ancillary usefulness when it served the left’s purpose.
From the time Trump announced he was running for president; the Dems’ goal was to destroy him. Impeachment and all of the rest was part and parcel of that process. If they could have done so, they would have been happy to remove him from office but that wasn’t the ultimate purpose.
The ultimate purpose was to create loathing and contempt for Trump. They did everything in their power to create hatred for him. The angrier, the better.
It is highly unlikely that Adam Schiff, Maxine Waters, Nadler and a whole host of others, to include the mainstream press, believed much or maybe any of the daily nonsense they accused Trump of doing or being. Again, that wasn’t the point. The point was to continually create more and more intense hatred for Trump and his administration.
It worked. Leftist voters, ignorant as they choose to be, believed and bought it all, hook, line, and sinker. It is a dreadful shame that our election process has been reduced to nothing more than promoting hatred. It’s based just on emotion and an emotion that is one of the least attractive features of humanity. It’s also very frightening.
But oh, my goodness, if a conservative uses a four-letter word to describe Biden, that is unforgivable. After the years of abuse Trump got without so much as a whimper of slight protest from the left, one four-letter word is pretty trivial. I don’t like the word used but it wasn’t as if he had a bloody head of a mannequin that looked like Biden or anything like that.
But the Kool-Aid drinkers told us that anybody is better than Trump. That’s a remarkable assertion given that anybody would have to include some pretty nasty people similar to Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, Hitler, and mass murderer John Wayne Gacy.
Also, no one on the left asked if we were better off under Trump than we were before. Of course, we were. And now? Are we better off with Biden as president? If you say yes to that, you are simply delusional. But in the looney left world that is okay. Our nation has become that sick.
Meanwhile, are lefties happy with energy prices going up? Hurting those who can afford it the least? Poor people that they are constantly yammering about? Diesel fuel is up to $4.50 per gallon in California now.
Or perhaps you like the idea of opening our borders and letting illegal aliens flood in? You can’t care much for America and Americans if you approve of such insanity.
Gun control? Self-defense? Other issues? There are many.
There is very little hope for our country when hate rules the day.
Russ J. says
Lee Alinsky:
Biden could not even order pancakes at a Perkins without mumbling/fumbling his way through it. He probably could not even say what restaurant he is at. He is destroying the country. Maybe you should house all of the illegals, and the diseases they are bringing with them, into your own home. I DO NOT WANT THEM HERE!!!! What happened to “legal” immigration?
Teresa Will says
Spot on and thank you for writing what so many feel and believe.
Ann Kingsbury says
On January 6th the world was watching as “Trump” supporters stormed the White House. WERE YOU IN FAVOR OF THAT BEHAVIOR? Is Trump the AntiChrist and has that degree of control over you? He didn’t get re-elected because he has no moral compass, clearly a racist, self-centered, a bully, and last but not least INCOMPETENT! He couldn’t find his way out of a paper bag.
If you think for one second that he and his family didn’t benefit financially from his four years in office vs the poor/middle class of this country then you sir are delusional. As far as immigration and the border…….Everyone in this country is an immigrant with the exception of the American Indians……..get over it!
Do you really think the color of your skin moves you to the head of the line….gives you some entitlement that people of color aren’t entitled to?
God judges character…..Not skin color! Ignorance is running rampant.
Randy Bates says
Well said. Apparently the truth is too hard to take for the left.
Lee Alinsky says
You were an officer in the US military? Geeze, I hope your assignment was counting ice cubes at the North Pole. What a complete As* Ho%e you are.
Anonymous says
I think this guy has a lot of it right…??? Are we better off as a Nation now under Biden then we were with Trump…?? Prices are up on “EVERYTHING”….we aren’t any better at the border crises then before…and maybe worse. I don’t here anything about Biden defending our Nation against other Countries….he hasn’t taken a stand for much. Yes Trump was way too public….he and all POTUS should not be tweeting…it only gets them into trouble. But this guy is right….it wasn’t about Trump’s ideas…Trump’s policies…that were all wrong. The Dems were just out to get him at all costs…trying to make people hate him…trying to divide this Nation…which I still think they are doing today. We are a Nation with open arms for all people to come here…but it has to be the right way….legally!!! And once here….we don’t bow to them and if it hurts their feeling….we change and lose sight of what is right for us. We as a Nation should be a “PROUD” Nation of what we stand for and fight for. But we’ve changed to coddle the people that get their feelings hurt. I have no problem with any religion…any race….to let them worship the way they want and who they want….I respect their upbringing…their heritage. But no one has the right to tell me how to live….what to believe…by demanding they take our history away…by saying we must take down our flag…take down our statues….because it hurts their feelings. I am a “PROUD” American. I would go live in some other Country and expect them to change their ways…their beliefs….just because it hurts my feelings. Here we stand for the National Anthem…here we say the Pledge of Allegiance…here we “RESPECT” one another. So if they people that come here and try and control this….I say “GOOD BYE”…..🇺🇸