The Whalan City Council met on May 14, 2018, and spent much of the meeting discussing city projects, including work to be done on streets and alleys.
Prior to the meeting Johnny Halvorson was sworn in as council member, filling the seat left vacant by Wyatt Berekvam. Halvorson will fill the seat for the remaining nine months of the term.
Present at the meeting were Mayor Marlys Tuftin and council members Kim Berekvam, Everett Johnson, Owen Lewis, and Johnny Halvorson and City Clerk Lolly Melander.
The minutes from the April 9, 2018, council meeting were read by Melander. With no additions or corrections requested, a motion was made by Berekvam with a second by Johnson, to accept the minutes as read. Motion carried.
Melander presented the Treasurer’s Report and Bills Due to the council. No additions or corrections were requested. Motion by Halvorson, second by Lewis, to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Bills Due as read. Motion carried.
Visitor comments
Lanny Landsverk with city maintenance reported that he has the water fountain up and running after some minor repair.
Wes Harding with Root River Trail Towns reported to the council on the pancake breakfast. The Whalan Root River Trail Towns Committee served 162 meals. A check in the amount of $1,330.70 was presented to the Whalan City Council from the Root River Trail Towns committee, which will be put towards the new roof on the city hall building. Harding thanked all of the volunteers who helped make the day such a success and those who made cash or in-kind contributions.
Old Business
The Zoning Board met on May 14, 2018, for the board’s workshop. The Zoning Board will be reviewing the ordinance book in the coming months. The board compiled a list of four separate topics they would like to look at this year, including setbacks, trees, farm animals and exotic animals in town and outdoor burners. The Zoning Board will report their findings to the council. The Zoning Board will next meet June 11, 2018, at 4 p.m. prior to the June council meeting. The Zoning Board includes Larry Johnson, Marlys Tuftin, Lanny Landsverk, Ernie Johnson and Lolly Melander.
The Spring Clean-up drive around was cancelled and will be re-scheduled.
The urinal in the city hall has been fixed and is now in working order.
New Business
Motion by Johnson, second by Halvorson, to approve a donation of $400.00 to the Stand Still Parade. Motion carried.
Motion by Lewis, second by Johnson, to have gravel placed on the roads in the necessary areas in town.
Motion by Lewis, second by Berekvam, to have the limbs removed on trees that are in the way of power lines. Motion carried.
Motion by Halvorson, second by Lewis, to compensate Ryan Vitse in the amount of $50.00 for work performed putting the snow plow on the city truck prior to the late spring heavy snowfall.
Motion by Lewis, second by Berekvam, to replace current outdoor water faucets with new improved faucets. Motion carried.
Mayor Tuftin received a phone call from Advanced Disposal stating that Fillmore County’s trash and recyclables are now hauled to Winneshiek County, Iowa, after coming to the Resource Recycling Center in Preston, Minn. They have been getting a lot of cardboard boxes in the regular trash and the haulers will now be fined for that as all cardboard and boxboard has to go in the recyclables. If the haulers continue to receive these, large fines the cost will eventually be passed on to customers. Please be vigilant about placing cardboard and boxboard in your recyclables.
Motion by Johnson, second by Lewis, to adjourn. Motion carried.
The next Whalan City Council meeting will be held on June 11, 2018 at 5 p.m. at the Whalan City Hall. The public is encouraged to attend.
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