As the Whalan City Council met on Monday, August 13, 2018, not only was the agenda full, but also the room, as there were several visitors.
All council members were present, including Mayor Marlys Tuftin, Kim Berekvam, Everett Johnson, Owen Lewis, Johnny Halvorson and City Clerk Lolly Melander.
First on the agenda was a meet and greet with John DeGeorge, who is running for Fillmore County Sheriff. DeGeorge addressed the council, explaining that he has been attending council meetings to “get out and talk to people and understand their concerns” as residents of Fillmore County.
DeGeorge has worked for the Fillmore County Sheriff’s office for 21 years, starting in 1997 as a deputy/dispatcher/jailer. In 2000 he was promoted to investigator and assigned to the Southeast Minnesota Narcotics and Gang Task Force where he spent five years working undercover. In 2005 he was promoted to Patrol Sergeant and in 2008 he was promoted to Captain and Lead Investigator which is the position he currently holds in the Fillmore County Sheriff’s Department.
Among other subjects, DeGeorge spoke about a program he would like to begin called the Fillmore County Crime Prevention Program where at least once quarterly a different crime prevention topic is identified and discussed.
DeGeorge answered several questions by council members at the meeting before he finished addressing the council.
Next up was Thomas Trehus, who is running for the Minnesota House of Representatives in District 28B. Trehus explained that one of the reasons he is running for the legislature is because of the disconnect between the state and the local units of government.
Trehus discussed healthcare, and the disproportionate cost in this area of the state specifically. He talked about investing in new healthcare plans and opening up the MinnesotaCare program so others can buy into the program, which has three percent overhead costs, giving this area of the state another option.
Trehus explained that he wants to open a line of communication with the residents of the district and spent several minutes answering questions by council members.
Melander read the minutes from the July 9, 2018, regular council meeting. With no additions or corrections requested, they were accepted as read.
The Treasurer’s Report and Bill’s Due were explained by Melander. These were also approved as read.
Visitor’s comments
Wes Harding, with the Whalan committee of the Root River Trail Towns, presented information to the council on Taste of the Trail. Taste of the Trail will be held in Whalan on Saturday, September 8.
City Maintenance employee Lanny Landsverk informed the council that he will be donating his trailer to the city. The council thanked him for his generosity.
Landsverk notified the council that the lawn mower needs new blades.
Old Business
Approved was a request to change the location of a shed to be built on the Canfield property. A building permit was approved by the council last month.
The council reviewed the work list they have created. Potholes in town have been fixed. A couple drainage issues need to be looked into further. Trees will be removed or trimmed in town this fall if deemed in the way of power lines.
New Business
The council was given the 2019 projected budget to review.
Two power line poles need repair as one is slanted and the lines are drooping and the other has lines that are too taut. Motion by Lewis, second by Johnson, to have the poles repaired. Motion carried.
Mayor Tuftin congratulated Representative Greg Davids, as he has been selected for recognition by the League of Minnesota Cities for his actions and leadership.
Approval was given to return $30 that was paid to the city for use of the gazebo. The city does not charge for the use of the gazebo. Motion carried.
Motion by Johnson, second by Halvorson, to adjourn. Motion carried.
The next regularly scheduled Whalan City Council meeting will be held on September 10, 2018, at 5 p.m. at the city hall.
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