On October 18, Zachary Thomas Stahnke, 20, of Wykoff, appeared before District Court Judge Matthew J. Opat. Stahnke is charged with Criminal Sex Conduct – 3rd Degree – Victim 13 to 15 – Actor Greater than 24 Months Older, a felony with maximum criminal penalty of 15 years in prison, a $30,000 fine, or both. On or about July 19, within Fillmore County, the defendant allegedly engaged in consensual sexual intercourse (penetration) with a 13-year-old girl, and the defendant was more than 24 months older at the time. He was 20.
On October 18, Slade Garnett Buchanon, 18, of Rochester, appeared before District Court Judge Matthew J. Opat. Buchanon is charged with four Criminal Sex Conduct felonies; 3rd and 4th Degree – Force or Coercion, 3rd and 4th Degree – Victim Mental Impair/Helpless. The 3rd Degree offenses carry maximum criminal penalties of 15 years in prison, $30,000 fines, or both. The 4th Degree offenses carry maximum criminal penalties of 10 years in prison, $20,000 fines, or both. On or about August 19, within the city of Spring Valley, the defendant allegedly, forcefully or via coercion, engaged in sexual penetration with the victim, who was mentally impaired, mentally incapacitated, and/or physically helpless at the time.
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