On May 1, Brandon Wayne Buss, 34 of Chatfield, appeared before District Court Judge Jeremy Clinefelter. Buss is charged with Drugs – 2nd Degree – Possess 25 Grams or More Cocaine or Methamphetamine. It is a felony with a maximum criminal penalty of 25 years in prison and/or a $500,000 fine. On or about April 28 or April 29, a state trooper performed a routine traffic stop for a vehicle with revoked plate registration. A search of the vehicle allegedly revealed two bags containing shards of a white-crystalline substance, which tested positive for methamphetamine. The total weight was 30.3 grams.
On May 12, Melinda Jean Dotray, 47 of Fountain, appeared before District Court Judge Jeremy Clinefelter. Dotray is charged with four felonies; Drugs – Store Methamphetamine Paraphernalia in the Prescence of Child or Vulnerable Adult, Drugs – Cause or Permit Child or Vulnerable Adult to Inject, Inhale, Be Exposed to Methamphetamine, Possession on a Controlled Substance, and Drugs – 5th Degree – Possess Schedule 1,2,3,4 – Not Small Amount Marijuana. The first three offenses each carry maximum criminal penalties of five years in prison and/or $10,000 fines. The 5th Degree drug charge carries a maximum criminal penalty of one year in jail and/or a $3,000 fine. On or about May 10, a search warrant was executed at a house in Fountain by Dodge and Fillmore County authorities looking for stolen items. Allegedly found in the house, in the master bedroom (open to the children that also resided there), was .06 grams of methamphetamine, hypodermic needles, and other drug paraphernalia.
On May 19, Kyle Anthony Mancuso, 45 or Fountain, appeared before District Court Judge Jeremy Clinefelter. Mancuso is charged with four felonies: Felon Convicted Crime of Violence – Firearm Violation, Drugs – Store Methamphetamine Paraphernalia in the Prescence of Child or Vulnerable Adult, Drugs – Cause or Permit Child or Vulnerable Adult to Inject, Inhale, Be Exposed to Methamphetamine, and Possession on a Controlled Substance. The firearm violation carries a maximum criminal penalty of 15 years in prison, a $30,000 fine, or both. The other three offenses each carry maximum criminal penalties of five years in prison, $10,000 fines, or both. On or about May 10, a search warrant was executed at a house in Fountain by Dodge and Fillmore County authorities looking for stolen items. Allegedly found in the house, in the master bedroom (open to the children that also resided there), was .06 grams of methamphetamine, hypodermic needles, and other drug paraphernalia. Also allegedly found was a box of 12-gauge shot-gun shells, two 20-gauge shells, a 9mm full metal jacket, and a .68 rifle cartridge. Mancuso has previously been sentenced for Criminal Sex Conduct in the Second Degree, Misdemeanor Assault, Felony Theft, and Gross Misdemeanor Theft. Mancuso is also charged with four counts of Predatory Offender – Knowingly Commits Act or Fails to Fulfill Registration Requirement. Two of those counts carry maximum criminal penalties of not less than two years in prison nor more than five. The other two carry penalties of not less than 366 days in prison nor more than five years. Mancuso allegedly had not updated his phone number, current vehicle(s), or employment on in his Predatory Offender Registration (which are violations as he is listed as a Lifetime Registrant).
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