On August 28, Cody Mycal Garness, 28, of Canton, appeared before District Court Judge Carol M. Hanks. Among other charges, Garness is charged with Fifth Degree Drug Possession (Schedule 1,2,3,4 – Not Small Amount Marijuana), a felony with a maximum criminal sentence of five years in prison, a $10,000 fine, or both. On or about August 26, within Fillmore County, a deputy was dispatched to Preston for a domestic disturbance. Evidence (including an eye witness testimony) allegedly pointed to the defendant having thrown drugs and drug paraphernalia down a storm drain. Among those things discovered in the drain was a pipe, consistent with what is used to smoke methamphetamine, and a baggie with a crystalline substance, which later tested presumptive positive for (1.2 grams) methamphetamine. Upon searching the defendant’s car, a can of butane, a butane torch, and a small digital scale with a white powdery residue were also allegedly discovered.
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