On September 28, Steven John Holm, 33, of LeRoy, appeared before District Court Judge Matthew J. Opat. Holm is charged with three felonies, 2nd Degree Burglary – Building Contain Pharmacy/Controlled Substance, Theft – Take/Use/Transfer Movable Property – No Consent, and 3rd Degree Burglary – Steal/Commit Felony or Gross Misdemeanor. The first two carry maximum criminal penalties of ten years in prison, $20,000 fines, or both. The last carries a penalty of five years in prison, a $10,000 fine, or both. On or about December 30, 2015, within Fillmore County, the defendant allegedly entered a building without consent and with intent to commit a crime, or entered a building without consent and committed a crime while in the building, either directly or as an accomplice, and the portion of the building entered contains a pharmacy, or other lawful business or practice, in which controlled substances are routinely held or stored, and the entry was forcible. Holm allegedly intentionally and without claim, took, used, transferred, concealed, or retained possession of moveable property of another, without the other’s consent, and with intent to deprive the owner permanently of possession of the property, and the property stolen was a controlled substance listed in schedule II, to wit; codeine. The defendant allegedly entered a building without consent, and with intent to steal property of another while in the building, or did enter a building without consent and did steal or commit a felony or gross misdemeanor while in the building, either directly or as an accomplice.
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