At the April 25 Fillmore Central School Board meeting, Superintendent Heath Olstad informed the board that he, along with the budget committee and several other individuals, had met with representatives from the district’s consulting firm, Baker Tilly, to discuss a potential building bond/levy. Due to rising costs across the board, operating costs have increased for the district. There is also a plan to build an addition at the high school site for a vocational learning area which may need a bonding request for funding. The school board will need to decide if they want to move ahead with revoking and replacing the current 10-year levy which is set to expire in 2026. If they do, then it will be voted on during the November election. Board member Sue Sikkink asked if a representative from Baker Tilly could attend one of the public meetings so that anyone interested could learn more about what took place at the budget meeting. Superintendent Olstad said that wouldn’t be a problem. He will send out all of the charts from Baker Tilly to the rest of the school board members and tentatively add the matter as an action item to the May agenda.
A statewide tornado drill took place on April 20 during which the students participated at school that day. Field trips are in the process of being planned out and will take place for grades K-6 during May. The fourth grade wax museum will take place on May 5, and the 6th graders will complete their DARE graduation on May 3. The fall sports sign-ups have been opened along with registration for Summer Strength and Agility Training.
Micki Breitsprecher’s Community Education Board report noted that planning has begun for Summer SAC. There are several positions open at the One Block at a Time daycare as well as in the SAC program. Both programs have recently received grant funding and more grant applications are in the works. The annual Easter Egg Hunt had 85 children in attendance in Preston and 135 in Harmony.
Resignations from SPED paraprofessional Brittany Payne and daycare aide Natalie Atwood were accepted. The contracts of non-tenured teachers Connie Lindstrom and Aaron Breitenfeld were terminated. Daron Omar and Shelby Ristau’s maternity leaves were approved, and Kelly Doherty was hired as an aide in the daycare. Chris Mensink was hired as the head football coach, Andrew Pederson as the assistant coach, Andy Todd as the JV coach, David Broadwater as the ninth grade coach, Ty Sloan as the eighth grade coach, and Brady Ristau as the seventh grade coach. Kurt Bockover, Aaron Janssen, and Gary Sloan were hired as the volunteer assistants. Travis Malley was hired as the head volleyball coach and Samantha Bratland as the JV coach. Tara Corson was hired as
the Cheer coach.
A contract with Teachers on Call was approved. The district will transition from using Frontline for absence management technology services to using Teachers on Call. Frontline’s software will still be used. An agreement with Infinitec for the 2023-2024 school year for staff development videos was approved as was the ‘23-’24 contract with eLume for a school psychologist.
A transfer of $64.50 was made to the milk assistance fund. The quarterly donations in the amount of $72,523.72 were accepted with thanks from the board.
An open enrollment request was approved.
It is a requirement each year of the Minnesota Department of Education that the school board designate an identified official with authority to authorize user access to MDE secure websites. The board approvedSuperintendent Olstad as the designee.
A request from the teachers’ association to begin the negotiations process for the next master agreement was approved.
The next Fillmore Central school board meeting will be held on May 23 at 6:30 p.m. in the high school meeting room.
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