Elementary Principal James Semmen spoke at the Lanesboro School Board meeting April 13, to explain the need for hiring an additional teacher next year. When Semmen began as principal in 2000–2001, K-6 enrollment was at 181; administration anticipates an enrollment of 247 in 2022–2023. In the past two years during COVID, there was an increase of 50 students in the elementary, from 177 to 227. Next year, the school will see an additional 20 for a total increase of 70 in three years.
One-third of Lanesboro’s students are open-enrolled from other districts. Fountain’s recent growth has added even more new students at the school.
For the school year 2022-2023, Semmen plans to have two sections of kindergarten through third grade, fourth grade will have 24 students, and fifth and sixth grade will have three teachers between the two grade levels. In addition, there will be two SPED teachers and possibly a paraprofessional added in kindergarten. Lanesboro will begin interviewing for an additional elementary teacher soon.
At the high school several teachers have been added in the last few years in response to new requirements for classes in math, science, and English from the state. The increased enrollment will not make new hires necessary at the high school. Superintendent Matt Schultz noted that since he came to Lanesboro six years ago, overall enrollment has increased from 333 to a projected 432 for this coming — almost 100 students!
When Steve Storhoff asked if the number might go up even higher, Semmen replied that the school tracks two-and-three -year-olds and it appears that will not be the case.
Teaching conference
Superintendent Schultz enthusiastically shared that preparations for a teaching conference to be held October 20, the Thursday of MEA break, were going well. The organizing team is planning sessions on mental health, engagement, classroom relationships, instructive technology, and executive functioning — this session is planned to address time and task management, memory, etc.
HSR Associates, the La Crosse architecture firm that worked on the school’s recent building project, has donated $4,000 to help run the conference. In addition, the furniture vendor used by the school has volunteered to supply needed furniture for the conference.
The conference will be open to teachers from other schools as well. Schultz said he’d been in contact with some other area superintendents who are considering offering their teachers a pass on a different workshop day if they attend this conference day which is going to be held on a planned day off.
Spring activities
Spring has gotten back to normal at Lanesboro Schools. The school play Wizards and Wands was recently presented. Spring sports are off and running with practices and initial events under their belts. The senior class trip to Washington, D.C. is due back April 14. High school students have already visited North Iowa Community College, and a group will be visiting Minnesota State College Southeast soon. The FFA banquet is coming up as well as the FFA State Convention on April 24-26.
Elementary field trips have begun. Sarah Peterson reported that ECFE held an Easter Egg Hunt with a great turnout; this had not been held the last two years.
Other business
In other business the school board:
• Heard from James Semmen that the penny wars which had a goal of $1,200, was ended early after it brought in over $3,000 to support Ukrainian refugees;
• Approved the usual early dismissal on June 1, the last day of school;
• Approved the issuance of purchase orders for 2022-2023 for standard supplies for the next school year;
• Heard the radon testing results for the school; out of 60 air check kits installed in the school, three tests were deemed untestable due to accidental moving while the other 57 were in the lowest range of 0-1.9 pCi/L;
• Learned they will be working on superintendent evaluations in May with the outcomes to be summarized at their June meeting.
The next Lanesboro School Board meeting will be held May 11 in the forum room at 7 p.m. The public is welcome to attend.
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