Photo by Charlene Corson Selbee
Houston County Deputy Calvin Nagle was recognized at the June 26 Houston County commission meeting for performing life-saving measures at the scene of an accident involving a motorcycle and truck.
Nagle responded from Spring Grove to an accident involving a motorcycle and truck at the intersection of Highway 44 and Houston County Road 4 on May 23. Houston County Sheriff Brian Swedberg proudly explained, “With quick action he started first aid and CPR on the gentleman. Once the ambulance got there, they transported the victim to the airport where he was lifted to Gundersen Health System-La Crosse. After that the meds got ahold on us and said that through Calvin’s quick action, he most likely saved Mr. Peterson’s life. I am very proud of Calvin, and I do think he deserves a life-saving award.”
Nagle received a life-saving plaque from Sheriff Swedberg. The plaque says, “In recognition of your courageous and lifesaving actions at the scene of a motor vehicle crash on May 23, 2023, in Spring Grove, Minn. You are a prime example of the pride we take in our profession and the selfless acts that our men and women make to help others.”
Present at the presentation were two of Mark Ronald Peterson’s children, Mark Jr., and Daron Peterson. On behalf of the family, Mark Jr. thanked Nagle. “We lost dad last week last week… but there were some decisions that had to be made in the meantime and we made the best decisions that we could and he ultimately passed but we gave dad at the end the option to make his decisions for his own. Without Calvin’s lifesaving efforts that day we wouldn’t have ever got to have that closure for our family. We got some time to talk to him because of what he did. We really appreciate it.”
All five commissioners in attendance this day: Chairperson Dewey Severson, Eric Johnson, Robert (Bob) Burns, Bob Schuldt, and Greg Myhre.
Chairperson Severson called the regularly scheduled meeting to order at 9 a.m. and led his colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. The board approved the meeting agenda and the minutes from the June 13 regularly scheduled commission meeting and the June 20 workgroup session.
The consent agenda was approved with one unanimous motion: Accepted Donna Trehus’ resignation from the elected office of the Houston County Auditor Treasurer effective August 2, 2023. Trehus was thanked for her service to the county; amended the hire date for probationary Sheriff’s Deputy, Storm Davis from June 25 to July 3, 2023; accepted the resignation of Amy Gehrke, Lead Dispatcher/Jailer/Programmer, effective July 23, 2023, and approved initiating a search to fill her position. Sheriff Swedberg thanked Gehrke and mentioned that she is going back to school to obtain a full-time position in law enforcement.
In other business, the board:
•Approved an Interim Use Permit (IUP) for Mathy Construction. The permit allows Mathy to operate a temporary bituminous plant in Spring Grove Township until the end of the year. The company is involved with the Caledonia city street project and is doing work for the county.
•Renewed the two-year Regional Administrative Agency Cooperative Agreement Fraud Prevention Investigation Program contract. It was noted that it is routine and there are no big changes.
•Approved the 2023 budget amendments to accurately reflect various revenues and expenditures including 2023 payroll adjustments. The updated budget is used as a base for the 2024 budget and must be provided to the auditors.
•Adjourned the meeting at 9:53 a.m.
The next regularly scheduled Houston County Commission meeting is Tuesday, July 11 at 9 a.m. in the County Commission Board Room 222, located on the second floor in the historic county courthouse, Caledonia, or via the county conference call line (312) 626-6700 enter ID: 994-7297-7175 and password 368422. Public attendees are requested to mute their line until addressed.
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