Chatfield Invite (Stewartville’s girls (43) topped Byron (55) and Chatfield (71) with RAACHE, PEM, BP, Kingsland, and W-K also competing. Stewie’s Norah Campbell (21:02.71) topped Gopher Charlotte Oeltjen (21:43.23) for first with Tiger Luella Jeche (21:48.85) taking third and Gopher Lexi Kivimagi (22:12.03) taking fourth. Chatfield’s Marianna Miron (19th > 24:19.78) and Arianna Dornink (20th > 24:23.72) also finished top 20 of 56 runners. Kingsland’s top runner was Kylie Meyer (22nd > 24:32.91). RAACHE’s boys (29) topped Stewartville (68) for first with Chatfield (96) taking third of seven complete teams that also included PEM, Byron, W-K, and BP. W-K’s Cole Arens (17:02.68) topped Stewie’s Josh Langseth (17:49.90) for the individual title. Chatfield’s Maddex Lanning (12th > 19:57.6), Grayson Fister (18th > 20:27.59), Aiden Johnsrud (20th > 20:41.8), and Alden Pearson (21st > 20:42.46) finished top 21 of 50 total runners)
Cross Country (10/3 & 10/5)

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