Public Health Director Jessica Erickson requested Fillmore County Board approval for health safety purchases at the board’s January 25 meeting.
Erickson explained, because the purchases each cost more than $5,000, she needed state approval for the purchases which she has secured.
The board approved the purchase of a freezer ($7,909) and the installation of additional units to power it (about $2,000). The freezer and installation costs will be covered with COVID grants.
Approval was given to install four automatic door openers costing a total of $14,674 to be paid for with a COVID grant. Four bathrooms in the Fillmore County office building will each get an automatic door opener.
Later this day there is a meeting of the Fillmore-Houston Community Health Board which have shared programs.
County Engineer Ron Gregg said there were two bids for a bridge replacement project in Jordan Township. The low bid from Minnowa Construction was accepted in the amount of $147,900. The engineer’s estimate for the project was $156,342.
A bid in the amount of $1,613,437.89 from Rochester Sand & Gravel (only bid) was accepted for two surface reconditioning projects under one contract. The project will include about a three mile stretch on CSAH 3 from TH 63 to CSAH 1 and about a two mile stretch on CSAH 39 from TH 63 west to the Mower County line. The engineer’s estimate for this project was $1,508,066.10. Gregg explained the difference would have only been about $10,000 had he used the most recent bituminous hot mix pricing.
Other business in brief
•The Fillmore County Journal was designated as the legal paper for 2022. It will publish 2022 legal notices, the 2021 delinquent tax list, and the 2021 financial statement.
•Approval was given to provide a letter of support to Workforce Development, Inc. for the Good Jobs Challenge grant application. Funding in the amount of $500 million to organizations across the country will be made available by Economic Development Administration as part of the American Rescue Plan.
•David Kiehne, county recorder, presented his Recording Compliance report for 2021. In 2021 a total of 5,911 documents were recorded. There were 187 property splits. Recordings were made in time to meet state statute requirements and were in compliance. The board accepted the report.
A list of expenditures to be paid from the Recorder Allocated and Unallocated accounts for 2022 were approved as recommended by the Technology/Land Records/GIS committee.
•Appropriations for 2022 and payments to budgeted agencies were approved. Root River Trails $2,000, Southeast Minnesota EMS $5,000, Southern Minnesota Tourism Association $1,056.10, Southeast Minnesota Initiative Fund $2,000, and SEMCAC $6,000 were approved for a total of $16,056 in appropriations. Payments to budgeted agencies included $251,809 to SELCO, $46,800 to the Historical Society, $750 for Memorial Day, $37,000 to the Ag Society, and $222,000 to Soil & Water Conservation District.
•Approval was given to advertise for requests for proposals (RFP) for auditing services. This is generally done for three years; this year it is for three years with an option to list a price for a fourth and fifth year. County Administrator Bobbie Hillery explained the longer period will lend consistency to the process.
•The Technology Committee recommended, and the board approved, the lowest bid from Marco to lease copy machines for a five-year period at a total cost of about $950 per month. This included an additional machine for the Zoning Department for this period. The cost for all machines will be at a significantly lower cost per month than the current contract.
•Brad Hoiness was appointed as District 3 representative to the DFO Task Force.
•A wage adjustment (a little less than $1 increase) for Sarah Swanson, child protection social worker, to Grade 12/Step 4 was approved due to her experience. Commissioner Marc Prestby voted no.
Approval was given for the following 2022/2023 contracts with Fillmore County Social Services: Transportation contract with Semcac, Targeted Case Management contract with Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center (eastern half of county), Targeted Case Management contract with Zumbro Valley Health (western half of county), Crisis Management contract with Zumbro Valley Health, and Family Engagement Strategies contract with Families First Rochester.
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