When Bonnie Davids traveled to the Nueva Esperanza, or New Hope school, in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, for a mission trip, the Preston native had no reason to expect that it would be any different from her previous visits. This was Davids’ seventh mission trip to the school, and she was looking forward to ministering to the students and their families again. She arrived in Honduras on Monday, March 9 with the rest of her prayer team, which included her sister Heidi Young, friend Sandy Stensland, and leaders Lester and Candy Johnson. The plan was to stay for one week and fly back home on March 16.
The week began like normal for Davids. She and the other members of the prayer team spent each day working with and praying for a different area of need in the school such as the parents, the staff, and of course, the students, who range from three years old through 12th grade. They even got to take the kids to a children’s museum, which is an unheard luxury for them. “These children are the poorest of the poor,” Davids explained. When she and the rest of the prayer team cooked and served a special dinner for the teachers as a way to honor them, many of the teachers ate very little so they could take their food home for their families. On Thursday, the group was able to do some sightseeing in Tegucigalpa at the El Picacho national park and government buildings. At that time, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. On Sunday, however, things began to change. During mission trips to the school, normally Davids would attend an English speaking church on Sunday morning with her group, but by then, the Honduran president, Juan Orlando Hernandez had imposed restrictions on going out in public.
Davids and her group were scheduled to fly out of Tegucigalpa on Monday morning, but around 9 p.m. on Sunday evening, President Hernandez announced that all borders were closing until further notice and no one could enter or leave the country by land, air, or sea. “It was like, boom, we’re not going home tomorrow,” Davids said. Instead, the next few days were spent contacting the U.S. Embassy and Minnesota Representative Jim Hagedorn. “He was instrumental with helping us connect with the right people at the U.S. Embassy at Tegucigalpa, Honduras,” Davids said. “We were very diligent every day looking on the websites to see any new notices that came out about U.S. citizens in Honduras.” They received the latest alerts and messages that helped them stay on top of information as it became available.
Since they weren’t able to go home as planned, Davids and the rest of the prayer team spent time helping to package food for the families of Nueva Esperanza students. The missionaries stationed at Nueva Esperanza, Carlos and Barbara Barahona, purchased 100-pound bags of food such as rice, beans, and sugar which were then repackaged into five- to six-pound plastic bags. The Barahonas would then take the bags to the school and call the families in one by one to distribute them. “I believe that we were there for a reason, and that extra week was so we could help pack food,” Davids said. Many Hondurans do not have refrigeration available to them and so they go to the market each day for their food. But when the strict stay at home order was put into place on March 18, they were only allowed to leave their homes once a week. “The people were really cut off,” explained Davids, adding that the Honduran people were very grateful for the food packages.
During that week, the Barahonas reached out to someone they knew from the English speaking church. He helped connect them to another member of the church who just happened to work at the U.S. Embassy in Honduras. “That’s a God thing!” Davids said. “The grace of God is how we came home.”
That Saturday, nearly a week after their original departure date, the team received a call from the U.S. Embassy informing them that they would be flying out on Sunday at 11:15 and needed to report to the Embassy by 3:45 a.m. The Barahonas also received an email with the permission needed to allow them to drive Davids and the others into Tegucigalpa, because no one was allowed on the streets anymore. The drive to the Embassy was surreal. “There were armed guards everywhere,” Davids said. When they arrived, their temperatures were taken, they were given masks and gloves to wear, and then they were packed on a bus with 30 other Americans who were also trying to get home. A second bus followed with more Americans, but when it broke down, everyone along with their luggage had to cram onto the first bus together. After a four-hour drive, they finally made it to the airport, which was deserted except for one open counter where they could check in. The plane was delayed and so another three hours were spent waiting at the airport. Thankfully, the Barahonas had packed some banana bread for the group to eat since there were no shops open for them to purchase food while they waited. When the plane finally arrived, it was an Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, plane that had just been used to fly deportees back to Honduras. “This was the first time in history that they had let U.S. citizens return on an ICE flight,” Davids explained.
The plane took off at 2:45 p.m. on Sunday and arrived in Alexandria, La., around 5:30 that evening. However, just because they were back in the United States did not mean their ordeal was over. The small airport there was overwhelmed with the nearly 100 people from the flight who all needed to change their next flights to get home. Davids, her sister, and her friend Heidi were able to schedule a flight to Atlanta and planned to fly back to Minnesota from there, but ran into more problems when four flights in a row were canceled on them. By Monday morning, they had had enough. They rented a pickup, wrapped their suitcases in garbage bags to protect them from the rain, and drove to the Fort Worth Airport in Dallas, Tex. Their flight to Minneapolis was scheduled to leave at 6:30 and they arrived with time to spare. “When we got there, there was not another soul and I was like, this is the strangest thing ever,” Davids said. When she had left the U.S. two weeks earlier, everything had been business as usual and to see things so changed in such a short amount of time was hard to comprehend. They flew to Minneapolis with about 30 other people on a 150-person airplane. By 11 that night, she was finally back in Preston. “I call my story ‘by the grace of God’ because never in history had this been done before where U.S. citizens had been allowed to arrive home on an ICE flight,” she said. She found out from friends that a picture of her on the ICE airplane had been reported on Fox News as it was a historic flight.
“I felt that God’s presence was with us, and that He would see us through,” Davids said about her time stranded in Honduras. “I had peace about the situation. During that time, the team developed a very close friendship and we were very supportive of one another.” Since she has arrived home, Davids has kept in touch with the other members of her group and with the missionaries at Nueva Esperanza. “I am talking to Carlos on a bi-weekly basis asking about the children. I’m very concerned about the children and their families having enough food to eat.”
Davids is thankful to Hagedorn and his assistant Julie Van Zandt for staying on top of the situation and in constant contact with her. “He (Hagedorn) was very kind and caring,” Davids said. She also credits prayer with her safe return home. “I would have to thank all the prayer warriors, all the prayers from my church family and friends, and my immediate family,” she said. “We knew that God would answer prayers.”
Davids is scheduled to return to Nueva Esperanza with her family in late July for a child sponsorship visit, but as airlines are canceling flights through the end of June, the trip is up in the air. “It’s in God’s hands,” Davids said. “We’ll pray for the best.”
COVID-19 strands missionary in Honduras

Steve Hartman says
Hello Hanna,
Below are two responses I wrote to other recent stories about Honduras. I live in Honduras during the winter for many years and see an emerging country that is doing a great job developing. The situation is still precarious based upon our American expectations, however is due more positive reports as apposed to negative.
Your article points out the obvious issue of travel during a catastrophic event, however does not report how well the Honduran administration has worked with a government that has many more hurdles than the US. There are many US government/military flights in and out of Honduras weekly and have helped move many Americans back to the US. Honduras and US also very quickly put together a plan for United Airlines to operate a few times a week. The planes are not full of Americans trying to get back to the US.
Best regards,
Hello Mr. Godbey,
Your story about Ashley Abell arrived in my google alerts today. I would like to offer a few additions that may be useful if you decide to follow up on this story.
I saw that within 3 days of the lockdown on March 15th the government had already procured enough digital thermometers to supply every grocery store, bank, and all other essential businesses. On the same day every business was already taking every persons temperature, enforcing the 4-foot rule, limited person density in every business, mandatory hand disinfecting at every business and shopping cart handles being disinfected between every use.
Honduras was able to start the lockdown when there were only 6 cases. Today there are 472 reported cases in Honduras. Most are in Puerto Cortez, the main port city. This amounts to ~ only 55 cases per million citizens. The US is currently at ~ 2,283. Even if there are issues with the testing options the numbers of known cases are probably very correct. Any actual discrepancy would still demonstrate Honduras, a very touch friendly county, has done a great job. My opinion is that it would be in the best interest of Honduras to pad the numbers higher as they would receive a greater amount of outside monetary aid.
Lockdown in Honduras is not the same as the US. I have been back in the US, in Ohio, for 19 days have not yet seen anything that resembles the ‘lock down’ like we have in Honduras. An example is that on the days that you are allowed to drive you must be wearing a mask while in your own car.
During the first week of the lockdown the borders were closed. Shortly thereafter a deal was made between United Airlines, Honduras, and the US to fly about three times a week between the two largest cities and Houston. The US embassy has an update almost every day regarding the available flights. Our military has many flights in and out of the country and often take a load of US citizens to the US. I do not believe there is any situation where a US citizen does not have multiple options to leave Honduras.
I can understand returning to the US could be confusing for an American not used to traveling in a developing country and not speaking the language. However, this kind of naive traveler would have probably immediately contacted the US Embassy and enrolled in the program that sends out notices about flights as they become available.
Embassy alert for April 6th.
“You may express interest in future flights by emailing usahonduras@state.gov”
Your video shows food being distributed. You report shows this group is paying $10 for each delivery. In addition within a few days of the lock down the government had somehow accumulated a large amount of food and created a distribution network to feed needy citizens around the country. You can see the police delivering at least some of the food this group is helping to distribute. I deliver one of these bags. I contained about 25 pounds of food. I have no knowledge of how Honduras is funding their portion of the food supplies but they should be given some, or perhaps the majority, of the accolades.
Honduras has many issues that first world Americans see as significant problems. Unfortunately, many of the issues are presented with a biased negative slant and disregard the significant improvements. Example of a report might be: Poor Hondurans are Starving, while at the same time the video shows nicely outfitted police, military, and their equivalent of FIMA, quickly locating and distributing food where necessary.
I have been spending much of the winter on the north east coast of Honduras for several years. I want to mention that my direct experience regarding my observations is from this part of the country.
I was scheduled to return to the US on March 31, and I left on my regularly scheduled flight. It was only 2/3rds full. If my personal issues had not required me to return to the US I would still be there as I feel safer there. There were many Americans that were vacationing in Honduras when this lockdown came about and needed to get back to the US. I am not aware of any US or other foreigners living in Honduras that are interested in leaving.
Best regards,
Hi Ben and the rest of the world.
My wife and I have been hanging out in Honduras for 15 years or so and have never experienced one of the news stories. You are correct, gringos do have special privileges. We currently spend every winter on the north coast near La Ceiba.
Yes, people on average are poorer than Americans and Europeans. There are gangs in the big cities just the same as any big city in the US or Europe. Both of the two biggest cities in Honduras have 2,000,000 plus people. This easily qualifies for the same living situation as every other city of its size in the world.
There are MANY flights out of Honduras to the US and probably EU. They are not every day but there are several a week. I know United airline is flying a few flight a week to Houston. All of these flights are flying partially full at a huge loss to the airlines. But they are still there for you.
I do not know of 1, not 1, foreigner that that lives in Honduras that want to leave. The country is on a very efficient lock down. The infection rate is only ~40 per million. The US on April 9th is 1,149 per million.
I returned to the US last week only because my wife’s mother is dying. As soon as I walked into a grocery here in Ohio I started to panic and only grabbed Beer before I checked out and drove home to strip in my garage and head for the shower.
Every grocery and bank in Honduras started taking temperatures, making you sanitize your hands and cleaning handles on shopping carts in between uses.
Ben, I am not a nice as you. I do blame this girl and the media. If she is so paranoid that she has to make up all these lies she should have never traveled to any other country.
Best regards,