The Commonweal Theatre Company once again welcomes the renowned Artaria String Quartet for a two night concert series at the Commonweal Theatre in historic downtown Lanesboro. Concert dates are Wednesday, June 19 at 7:30 p.m. and Wednesday, June 26 at 7:30 p.m.
Now in its 20th season, the Stringwood Chamber Music Festival is a chamber music immersion in SE Minnesota. An extension of the performance series and educational programs of the Artaria String Quartet, Stringwood features live concerts with internationally renowned guest artists, solo and chamber music masterclasses by the guest artists and Artaria, and free public performances around the region given by young musicians from across the country.
The June 19 concert features a program that includes Beethoven Quartet Op. 18 No. 3 and Ligeti Metamorphoses Nocturnes. Concert two on June 26 will feature the Bruch Quintet in E-flat, Op. Posth. and Beethoven Quartet Op. 131 with guest violist Ivo-Jan van der Werff.
Nationally acclaimed, the Artaria String Quartet’s refined and thoughtful playing has brought them to major venues throughout the United States and Europe. The Boston Globe describes Artaria as “exquisitely balanced and sonorous” and that “their musical understanding was first-rate.” Their Shostakovich Cycle was described by the St. Paul Pioneer Press as “emotionally taut and powerful.” They have been featured on national television and public radio stations, and have appeared at top summer festivals including the Banff Centre in Canada, Festival de L’Epau in France, and the Tanglewood Music Center. Artaria has been awarded grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, Chamber Music America, the Heartland Fund and the Southeast Minnesota Arts Council. They are winners of a prestigious McKnight Fellowship for Performing Musicians.
The Artaria String Quartet, now finishing its 32nd year, continues to concertize and display an authentic enthusiasm and understanding of the string quartet genre. In the Twin Cities, Artaria directs the Artaria Chamber Music School, one of the Midwest’s premiere chamber music schools for advancing string players and the nationally renowned Saint Paul String Quartet Competition, a unique National event. Artaria also directs its summer program, Stringwood now celebrating 20 years in southeast Minnesota.
Tickets for the performances are on sale at Commonweal Theatre’s Box Office by calling (800) 657-7025 or stopping by the theatre at 208 Parkway Ave N, Lanesboro, Minn. Admission prices for the concert are $20 for adults and $15 for students (grade school through graduate school). The $15 ticket price is also offered to Commonweal Season Pass holders and members of Commonweal’s MDC. The Stringwood Chamber Music Festival is funded in part by The Minnesota State Arts Council through The Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
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