Photo by Barb Jeffers
After requesting information about disaster preparedness from Fillmore County Emergency Management and the Lanesboro Fire Department, the Whalan City Council received reports from representatives of both organizations during the April 12, 2021, council meeting.
Present at the regularly scheduled Whalan City Council meeting were Mayor Marlys Tuftin, council members Tanya Cook, Owen Lewis, Thore Johnson and Kim Berekvam, along with City Clerk Michele Peterson.
The agenda was approved with two items added under miscellaneous.
Minutes and treasurer’s report of the regularly scheduled March 8, 2021 meeting were approved.
Resolution 2021-5 to authorize the transfer of $125,000 from the electric fund to the general fund was approved.
Visitors comments
Don Kullot, Fillmore County Emergency Management Director, explained the disaster preparedness plan for Fillmore County. He reported that the county has a Hazard Mitigation Plan that is reviewed every five years by municipalities and townships that have signed off on it. The Hazard Mitigation Plan is due to be reviewed in 2022. This plan is on the county website for anyone who may be interested.
Due to an ambulance call, Deane Benson, Lanesboro Ambulance director, was unable to attend the meeting. The council reported that Benson had checked the AEDs and gave recommendations for any service needed.
Rob Wagner, with the Lanesboro Fire Department, was in attendance to explain the Fire Department Disaster Preparedness Plan. Wagner explained that they attend training and run drills to be prepared. Three-fourths of the crew have completed swift water rescue training and are planning to attend the training again. Approximately half of the crew are trained storm spotters. The council and the fire department will further discuss a possible drill in Whalan this summer.
City Attorney O’Koren attended the council meeting via Zoom. O’Koren notified the council that if a crime is committed in town, the city is technically responsible for the prosecution of that crime. Many high level crimes would automatically go through Fillmore County, but lower level crime prosecution would fall to the city.
The city has two options for prosecution. One option would be to have Manion O’Koren Law Firm handle all prosecutorial matters, being charged at their hourly rate, or the city could choose to contract with the Fillmore County Attorney’s Office to handle prosecutions. The council will take the matter under consideration and discuss it again at the May council meeting.
Continued business
The list of business licenses in Whalan were approved as written.
The committee that was formed to make recommendations on the lodging tax will meet in April to discuss the options the city may have and bring forth further information to the council at the June 2021 council meeting.
The council approved to continue to suspend late fees on electric accounts through June due to COVID.
Electrical repairs dating back to October 2018 were discussed. An electrical repair in the amount of $1,609.52 was incurred during a thunderstorm when a tree branch fell and damaged two homes. In the middle of the emergency the city called and requested repairs and subsequently paid the bill, with plans of recouping the funds later.
After investigation it was determined only one property of the two property owners should be liable for the bill. After numerous attempts to collect the funds, the city council has decided to let the matter go instead of incurring further attorney and court fees. Council members explained that it is “a lesson learned” and homeowners will be billed directly in the future.
The council approved to end pursuing collection on the electrical repairs due to the damage done during a thunderstorm.
New business
The discussion on the DNR Agreement was tabled until next month.
Title 9 of the Ordinance Book was reviewed. A few changes will be made by Peterson and it will be presented at the May 2021 council meeting for approval.
Other business
The city mower is in good working order and will not be replaced at this time.
The council approved to giving city employee Randy Berekvam the authority to purchase a new weed trimmer in the amount of (up to) $250.
The new banners have arrived. During the city rounds on April 24 at 10 a.m., the council will decide exactly where the banners will be placed.
The next Whalan City Council meeting will be held on Monday, May 10 at 5 p.m. The council meeting will be held in person at the city hall and will also be available through Zoom. For further information visit the City of Whalan website at www.cityofwhalan.weebly.com.
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