At the May 20 R-P School Board meeting, it was shared that four school board positions will be up for election this fall. These positions are currently held by Ken Sawle, Matt Helgemoe, Amy Woxland and Chris Grindland. Any residents interested in running for the board will need to file between July 30 and 5 p.m. August 13. Laura Hahn was appointed as assistant clerk for the … [Read more...]
M-C Considers Installing a Solar Array
MiEnergy Vice President Member Services Kent Whitcomb and Solar Connections Commercial Solar Specialist Brok Johnson met with the Mabel-Canton School Board on Tuesday, May 21 to discuss the feasibility of installing a solar array at the school. No action was taken as there are more questions that must be answered. The Minnesota Solar for Schools grant would cover up to 70% of … [Read more...]
Fish for Free
Have you been wanting to teach your kid(s) how to fish? Maybe you have been wanting to learn how to fish or introduce a friend or family member to fishing? If so, gear up and venture into the great outdoors for an enjoyable day in the picturesque bluff country. In June, all three states in bluff country offer residents the chance to fish for free. Wisconsin Don’t forget to … [Read more...]
Caledonia School Board Meetings Are Now Livestreamed
Caledonia Area Public School board members met Monday, May 20 at Caledonia Elementary School in room #162. Board member Mike Peterson called the meeting to order at 6 p.m., led with the Pledge of Allegiance, then conducted roll call. Board members present included Derek Adamson, Tim Gunn, Leigh King, Daniel Small and Spencer Yohe. Board member Melissa Marschall was absent. Also … [Read more...]
Preston to Negotiate Agreement with PHS
Members of a committee were appointed and approved to continue negotiations and to draft an agreement between the city and the Preston Historical Society (PHS) at the city council’s May 20 meeting. Committee members include City Attorney Dwight Luhmann, City Administrator Ryan Throckmorton, Mayor Kurt Reicks, Councilman Steve Hall, and PHS president Sheila Craig. At the city … [Read more...]
Houston County Reviews Pay Structures in Assessor’s Office
Following a lengthy discussion during their May 21 meeting, the Houston County Commission granted approval for the banding adjustment and pay rate modification for Assessor Lucas Onstad. The need for this adjustment arose when the county’s Personnel director, Tess Kruger, was made aware that the county’s employees in the Assessor’s office were being recruited by other … [Read more...]
Fillmore County Denies Variance from Two Dwelling Limit
One requested variance was considered at the May 16 meeting of the Board of Adjustment. Stena and Andrew Lieb, section 20 of Pilot Mound Township, requested a variance from the county’s Zoning Ordinance that limits the number of dwelling units per quarter of a quarter section in the Ag District. Section 604.02 (1) reads, “There shall be no more than a total of two dwellings per … [Read more...]
Spring Grove Senior Taylor Reinhardt Receives Service Award
At the May 20 Spring Grove School Board meeting, Student Representative Taylor Reinhardt was presented with an award for her service to the school board. “You have done an outstanding job of keeping our board informed about what’s going on. I know you have reached out to people within our student body to find out what’s going on,” praised Superintendent Rachel Udstuen. … [Read more...]
Caledonia’s Spring Cleanup Effort
The Caledonia City Council heard from Public Works/Zoning Director Casey Klug on the city’s spring cleanup efforts at the council’s May 13 regularly scheduled council meeting. Mayor DeWayne Schroeder called the meeting to order at 6 p.m. and led his colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. All five council members included Bob Klug, Amanda Ninneman, Mayor … [Read more...]
Harmony Installs Cameras to Mitigate Ongoing Vandalism
At the public forum portion of the May 14 Harmony City Council meeting, Harmony resident Ann Lyons addressed the council about her concerns with communication, saying that she feels like she’s spent much of her five years in Harmony “in the dark.” She acknowledged the city’s use of Facebook to notify residents of things, but felt that it was not the best option as the website’s … [Read more...]
Library Pursues Grant Opportunity
Library Board president, Joel Huebner, addressed the Spring Valley City Council during their May 13 meeting to share information about a grant opportunity. “We’ve been working on a grant that is due on the 15th (of May) and because the city owns the building the grant company wants you to sign off on the grant request,” Huebner explained. “What we are looking for is a grant of … [Read more...]
Fillmore and Houston County Police Reports
Caledonia Police Department Jeffery Mark Felten, 69, Caledonia, Minn., 4/21/2024, Driver Approaching Intersection Fails to Yield Right of Way, Fine $50, Total Fees $125. Joseph Arthur Palen, 80, Caledonia, Minn., 4/15/2024, Speeding (67/45), Fine $70, Total Fees $215. Chatfield Police Department Austin Jakob Lawler, 21, Chatfield, Minn., 4/11/2024, Speeding (39/30), Fine … [Read more...]
Indulge Your Senses This Summer
Picture a tranquil Midwest summer evening lounging in a lawn chair or relaxing on a blanket. As local bands blast out familiar tunes, you will find yourself swaying or dancing to their melodies. Indulge in the savory taste of a grilled bratwurst topped with mustard and sauerkraut or enjoy the crunch of fresh popped popcorn, all while sipping a refreshing cold beverage. Eight … [Read more...]
Rushford Gets Financial Report
At the May 13 meeting, the Rushford Council received and approved the comprehensive annual financial report. Kali Lentz of Smith Schafer & Associates presented the report. There were no surprises or issues with the audit. General property tax revenue stability has continued with minimal upticks over the last few years. The 2023 levy of $1,082,255 was up about $65,000 from … [Read more...]
Review of 2023 Semcac Services in Fillmore County
Semcac executive director, Jennifer Hengel, senior service director Jeff Wyant, and director of transportation Bill Spitzer addressed the commissioners at their May 14 board meeting. Semcac is a non-profit 501c3 Community Action Agency that was established in 1966 and serves Dodge, Fillmore, Freeborn, Houston, Mower, Steele and Winona Counties. Its services are directed to … [Read more...]