What if “I do” wasn’t about taking? FamilyLife Today sends a daily marriage tip to my inbox. The subject never fails to give me pause. “I Do Every Day,” it reads, followed by whatever topic is being covered for that day. The first “I Do” I said on my wedding day in response to the long string of intense questioning about having and holding, forsaking all others, in sickness, … [Read more...]
Have you ever had a project that grew and grew? Perhaps it was a job that had to be dealt with eventually, but you just did not have the right amount of time to get to it? Does that sound familiar? I had such a job awaiting my attention. Fortunately, I had set it aside in a remote room in my house. The saying, “Out of sight, out of mind” fits the situation. My job of … [Read more...]
My 2023 marriage needs this. Does yours?
Sneaking down the creaky stairs of my old farmhouse, I popped my earbuds in for a few quiet minutes of the Family Life Today podcast before my kids were roused. I wasn’t expecting what I heard but it was exactly what my marriage needed… maybe yours does too? (I’ll share it below!) My husband and I are actually doing something new in 2023. We’re making a vision board for our … [Read more...]
My dirty Nativity
They’re still stuck in my head: “Hark the Herald Angels Sing,” “Joy to the World,” “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! Is it really over? Christmas 2022 is history and the New Year has dropped. Does that mean all we have left is ice and gloom? It might feel a bit like sailors who reach the stretch of water where they get stuck in the doldrums. There’s nothing to move … [Read more...]
One story of hope
Sending Christmas cards first appeared in 1843. By 1860, it had become a custom. Our family has sent them since our children were small. We outlined Christmas cookie cutters and let the kids color them, while we parents wrote a verse or message about the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of our Savior. We created a little newspaper format card you might enjoy. We call it … [Read more...]
Gaining some lack this Christmas
I’m experimenting on my kids.Don’t tell them that. Some of you actually know my kids, so I’m serious. What’s the experiment? For several years, I’ve been curating lack in their lives. Before you call Protective Services, don’t worry... my kids are clothed and fed. But here’s what I mean: Convenience in America has turned into quite the little beast. Somewhere along the … [Read more...]
Life in the clouds
Life in the clouds Gasp! “My water broke!” reported my wide-eyed wife. We had been looking forward to this day for 10 months, yet still the surprise took me off guard. After a quick recovery from the drop in my stomach, I got my jaw off the floor. “Alright! Yes! How are you? This is awesome!” Oh, the excitement that comes with a baby! My wife is a rock star! At 2:00 the … [Read more...]
One story of hope
We are in the midst of November. The end of autumn is a perfect point from which to look ahead to spring. The countryside reveals its period of rest and dormancy, a time when rebirth and renewal are just a few short months away. With the harvest ended, the land recovers. As it is now, we enter a season where hope takes us through the expectations of winter’s icy grip. … [Read more...]
What if we don’t FEEL thankful?
“Five weeks ago,” my husband perfectly stated, “I didn’t know or care that the human brain has a drain.” How often do we take for granted things in ignorance? Personally, I wasn’t thankful for mine - because I didn’t even realize I had one. Fast forward a few weeks, as I sat in the pediatric neurosurgery department holding my tiny baby as the specialists tried to explain … [Read more...]
A little of this, A little of that.
A tradition of gnomes The holiday season is all about traditions. Foods, decorations and hosting duties are often set in stone. My family has had to become more flexible over the years. We have one unique tradition that can be practiced any time of the year! It all started because my artist husband sold individually handcrafted ceramic figures at Nordic Fest in Decorah, … [Read more...]
Failure to notice
A couple days ago, I failed to notice something. It was a beautiful morning. The cows were milked and fed, calves were curled contentedly in their straw, and the wind was moving the trees just a little too much to be a good flying day. Before heading in for breakfast, I thought I would haul one quick load of manure. That’s where my trouble began. I hopped in the tractor, … [Read more...]
Many support Harmony’s upcoming Empty Bowls event to raise funds for area food shelf
Volunteers, restaurants and area artists are generously giving to Harmony’s upcoming Empty Bowls soup and bread dinner on Sunday, November 13. The event will take place at the Harmony Community Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Enjoy a simple meal of soup and bread, and choose a one-of-a-kind bowl created by local potters and artisans. Diners choose a bowl for the meal, which they … [Read more...]
A Goodly Heritage – A wonderful October
Again we have come through a time of year that when it is passed, brings a sense of relief and rest. The deadlines of processing foods from the garden before spoilage sets in have been reached. The fresh garden vegetables are settled on the cellar shelves, or they are at rest in the deep freeze. Now I can look forward to equally-pressing work that has been set aside while … [Read more...]
Trying to survive mom-life on empty? This recipe changed everything for me!
Mom-life is no joke; but we often don’t take it seriously. Sure, keeping little people alive is serious, but the person who holds the “mom” title is often an afterthought. For many years, I ignored my mom-nutrition, and my whole family suffered for it. I’ve learned the hard way, that there is a better way. Recovering from my first daughter’s birth nine years ago was … [Read more...]
Real Bites: Saxon Hall along The Great River Road
As travelers gaze at the beauty and wonder of Historic Bluff Country – chiseled bluffs, winding roads, deer crossing roads in angst, the peacefulness of farmscapes, and waterways pushing toward the storied Mississippi River – they may find themselves in a traffic jam in a town of less than 700 people. A Saturday night in the little town of Brownsville, Minn., attracts a crowd … [Read more...]