Each year the DNR selects one ATV safety instructor as Safety Instructor of the Year; this year, they have chosen Mike Halvorson of Rushford from over 1,000 safety instructors in the 70 ATV clubs across the state. Bluff Country ATV Club president Allen Kirchhof said of Halvorson’s award, “an award truly deserved because of his tireless effort and dedication to what we are … [Read more...]
Rushford Public Library celebrates 100 years
On Thursday, May 25, the Rushford Public Library celebrated its 100th year anniversary in the D.J. Tew Memorial Building. The celebration took place just outside the building located 101 North Mill Street in Rushford, Minn. The event was put together by library director, Beth Nelson and library board members Sonja Cook, M. Kate Welti, Marcella Hosch, Daniel Munson, Jim … [Read more...]
Fravel arrested and charged with murder
On Wednesday, June 7, 2023, there was a new development in the case of Madeline (Maddi) Kingsbury’s disappearance. Adam Taylor Fravel, age 29, was booked in the Winona County Jail at 7:12 p.m. on June 7, 2023, charged with Murder - 2nd Degree - With Intent - Not Premeditated. During a press conference at 1 p.m. on Thursday, June 8, 2023, Winona Police Chief Tom Williams … [Read more...]
Preston historic campus and riverfront master plan
By Janette Dragvold Visitors of the root river trailhead and historic campus in Preston have been greeted by the renovated elevator, box car, caboose and rail display since the early 2000s. Though the Preston Historical Society is still hoping to complete the elevator renovation by adding back on the remaining components – a scale house, a bagging house, the bagging shed and a … [Read more...]
Studio OneSeven opens its doors in Rushford
There’s a new business in town and it’s Studio OneSeven! “What kind of business is it and where did its name come from?” was a question heard often around Rushford as work progressed on the building formerly owned by Horihan Insurance last February. Keela and Tyler Hoskins are more than willing to explain the name and their new business. Keela has a business called Keelajo … [Read more...]
Spring Grove City Council focuses on Trollskogen Park
A pump track and mountain bike trail (non-motorized) will soon be available at Trollskogen Park where the ash and walnut trees had been taken down. “There’s a want for it!” council member Rohland commented. No money was asked to be contributed to the inclusion of the pump track and trail, however, since such is located on park land, council approval is needed. … [Read more...]
Two centenarians attend Mabel’s Golden Age Dinner
Monday, May 15, found many of Mabel’s octogenarians (80-year-olds), nonagenarians (90-year-olds), and even two centenarians (100-year-olds), gathered in the Mabel Community Center. What brought them to gather there? A gold embossed invitation to once again attend the Golden Age Dinner. Anyone 80 or older was eligible to join the party and enjoy a free dinner. The two … [Read more...]
Looking back on deadly Wykoff tornado
Five tornadoes struck southeast Minnesota and neighboring Iowa and Wisconsin70 years ago on May 10, 1953. According to the National Weather Service’s website www.weather.gov/arx/may1053 those tornadoes stand out for their strength and the length of their tracks; four were F4 and one was an F3. An F4 tornado is a violent tornado with wind speeds up to 260 mph. One of the F4 … [Read more...]
Brownsville residents address city council about Bluffview Manor
A number of concerned Brownsville residents attended the May 3 Brownsville City Council meeting in response to a motion to explore the idea of selling Bluffview Manor due to costs of property maintenance, passed at the regular April council meeting. One Bluffview Manor resident stated, “We’re very concerned about the thought of even selling it.” (“It’ being Bluffview Manor.) … [Read more...]
Unanswered questions at Pine View Rehabilitation and Senior Living
The community of Caledonia reeled in disbelief after the Pine View Rehabilitation and Senior Living closed at the end of last year. The town was left with unanswered questions, residents without a home, and employees without jobs. Founder/CEO Nathan Hertzel, of the nursing home management company Nava Healthcare, was quoted on January 16, 2023, as saying that the facility was … [Read more...]
Area farmers learn to celebrate culture, family during Mexico trip
Local dairy farmers recently had the unique opportunity, though Puentes/Bridges, to see life from a new perspective as they traveled to Mexico to meet with their employees’ families and immerse themselves in the culture. On Monday, April 17, the Preston Lions hosted farmers Michael Johnson of Fountain, Cole Hoscheit of Caledonia and Puentes/Bridges President Mercedes Falk to … [Read more...]
Tri-county area searches for Madeline Kingsbury
Like a story we all watch on Dateline, 48 Hours or a host of other shows on TV that always seem to take place far away from home, so distant, except this time it is all too real for the family and friends of 26-year-old Madeline Kingsbury of Winona, Minn., who disappeared on March 31, 2023. Kingsbury, the mother of two children, a five-year-old daughter and a two-year-old son, … [Read more...]
Kendall Hammell’s fight
On February 16 after a seven day hospital stay, kindergartener Kendall Hammell and her family finally found out their opponent in their upcoming fight. Kendall had been doctoring on and off for a fever for about a month. Her doctor had decided to keep her hospitalized until he could get to the root of her problem. A PET scan showed abnormalities in her bone marrow. At first, … [Read more...]
2023 Volunteer of the Year Spring Grove Fire Chief receives award of excellence from Journal readers
Spring Grove must have something pretty special. Over the past 12 months, they’ve earned three awards of excellence with the help of Journal readers. The 2022 Teacher of the Year was Stacey Schultz, an elementary school teacher for Spring Grove. In January 2023, we recognized Jerry and Nancy Kraus, owners of Kraus Oil, as the 2022 Business Persons of the Year. Today, we … [Read more...]
Fillmore Central student second in nation with Voice of Democracy essay
“I never thought it would one day be heard by national judges instead of just my English teacher,” Fillmore Central junior Siri Corson said about her essay for the Voice of Democracy audio essay program held by the VFW each year. Thinking that not much would come of it, she didn’t even bother telling her parents that she had entered. They found out when they received a call in … [Read more...]