Mabel-Canton’s School Board held a regular meeting on July 28, via remote technology, due to coronavirus prevention guidelines. The meeting lasted nearly three hours, with a large portion of that devoted to the topic of the school’s plans for sending a bond referendum to voters in November. Sue Peterson, representing School Perceptions, addressed the board to summarize … [Read more...]
Fillmore Central adds mask statement to student handbooks
At the July 28 Fillmore Central School Board meeting, the board reviewed and approved the K-6, 7-12, Faculty, Paraprofessionals, and Coaches handbooks. With the mask order from Governor Walz in effect, Superintendent Heath Olstad recommended adding a statement to the student handbooks requiring that students wear appropriate face coverings at school. Other additions included a … [Read more...]
College News
Spring 2020 Graduation List • Iowa State University: Steven Rein, Lanesboro, BS, Software Engineering, Cum Laude; Madeline Snyder, Lanesboro, BS, Agricultural Business, Cum Laude • Lake Area Tech: Alexis Melander, Lanesboro, Agriculture • Minnesota State College Southeast: Stefan Escobar, Houston, Certificate, Automotive Technology Foundation; Lorenz Buchanan, Rushford, … [Read more...]
Spring Grove’s new city administrator, Julie Amundson
Spring Grove eliminated the position of city administrator in January 2013 and briefly had an administrator for four months at the end of 2018 and the first two months of 2019. The city took action to hire Fillmore County resident, Julie Amundson on February 18. Spring Grove’s new city clerk/administrator started on April 13 after two false starts due to COVID-19. Julie … [Read more...]
Spring Grove Public Schools student awards
Academic and Club Awards • FFA Star Greenhand - Ty Cleven, Xander Lewis • FFA Star Chapter - Elizabeth Garcia-Holty • Almore Mathsen Choral Award - Elizabeth Garcia-Holty • National School Choral Award - Lillian Hutchins • Louis Armstrong Jazz Award - Carter Bratland • John Philip Sousa Award - Amelia Solum • International Thespian Society Award - Ryan Carten, … [Read more...]
What will the first day of school look like in Spring Grove?
The Spring Grove Public Schools Board, including administration and the business manager, met in person on Monday, July 20, 2020, at 7 p.m. in the media center while adhering to the governor’s guidelines for capacity (10 people total). The public and media attended remotely through Google Meet. Board members Aaron Solum, Stephanie Jaster, Rhan Flatin, Kelly Rohland, and … [Read more...]
R-P Schools goal: In-person school, done safely
By Wanda Hanson When the Rushford-Peterson School Board met Monday, July 20, two community members addressed the board during the public comments portion of the meeting. Leandra Duneman politely requested, “I ask you to find the safest way possible to educate our students in person. I don’t want anyone to babysit my kids — they need an education.” Concerned about older … [Read more...]
Still lots of questions for Houston School Board
By Wanda Hanson The Houston School Board started off its July 16, 2020, meeting with this simple observation by Superintendent Kim Abraham as she updated the board on the COVID-19 situation. Abraham had attended a news conference that day, but many questions will be waiting to be answered until after Governor Walz’s presentation scheduled for July 27. In their in person … [Read more...]
Kingsland preps for possible return to school
The Kingsland School Board held a regular meeting on July 20, via remote technology means, due to current social distancing guidelines. Board members were in attendance included Jackie Horsman, Tiffany Mundfrom, Noella Lund, Maranda Emig, and Kyle Rader. Natasha Howard was absent. Also participating were Superintendent Jim Hecimovich, Building & Grounds Director Jason … [Read more...]
Kingsland concerned over County 1 safety delays
The Kingsland School Board held a “work session” meeting on July 6, via remote technology means, due to current social distancing guidelines. All board members were in attendance (Jackie Horsman, Tiffany Mundfrom, Noella Lund, Natasha Howard, Maranda Emig, and Kyle Rader), as well as Superintendent Jim Hecimovich and Principal Scott Klavetter. During these “work sessions,” … [Read more...]
July 1, the first day of work for Spring Grove’s new K-12 principal, Luke Kjelland
Luke Kjelland, the new K-12 principal at Spring Grove Public Schools, arrived at school Wednesday, July 1, for his first day as the new K-12 Principal with a wide smile on his face. So who is Luke Kjelland? With the last name Kjelland, it is no surprise to Spring Grove residents that Kjelland is 75% Norwegian. Kjelland grew up in Coon Valley, Wis., and is a graduate of Westby … [Read more...]
Lanesboro School Board emphasizes flexibility for 2020-2021 school year
The Lanesboro School Board met on June 18 via teleconference and discussed the guidelines for the upcoming school year. The state department has asked districts to make plans for three different models, which include in-person learning, distance learning, or hybrid learning, in which students would spend part of their time at the school and the other part distance learning from … [Read more...]
COVID-19 the center of Houston’s school board meeting
By Wanda Hanson COVID-19 took the spotlight at the Houston School Board meeting June 19 as the members of the board used technology to meet virtually. Using Zoom and YouTube applications, the board heard updates about the progression of plans for next school year. Since Governor Walz had had a recent news conference, Superintendent Abraham was able to give more details on next … [Read more...]
Fillmore Central Board discusses options for upcoming school year
At the June 23 Fillmore Central School Board meeting, which was held via teleconference, Principal Heath Olstad updated the board members on the plans for the 2020-21 school year. “We’re looking at multiple scenarios for the upcoming year,” he said, adding, “that a committee will be formed to help make decisions.” The state department has given schools three possibilities to … [Read more...]
Rushford-Peterson begins reopening process, adopts COVID plan
It’s been a rough few months for R-P students and staff, as the school year was modified to crisis distance learning and facilities closed to in-person instruction for the coronavirus pandemic. While district administrator Jon Thompson previously praised the state for giving districts eight days to switch gears, unknowns remain as the district attempts to follow new and … [Read more...]