To the Editor, The old bridge at Historic Forestville will be saved. No county road is going to punch through the historic site. The bridge abutments, deck, and railings will be fixed, and the bridge reopened as a trail for horses, bikes, and pedestrians. The people in Fillmore County will not let their parks be ruined. The county engineer, who says tearing it all down is an … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about what is Fillmore County thinking?
Letter about what is Fillmore County thinking? To the Editor, What is Fillmore county thinking? Most of the wells in the county hardly pass now. This should not even be brought in our part of the county. The animal units are fair now. Don’t bring in the big corporations because that’s all you will do. Think about the younger generation for once. Bad enough they’re trying to … [Read more...]
Animal Unit Cap
By Norm Gross Spring Valley, MN I was surprised to hear that Fillmore County is looking to double the Animal Unit Cap (number of farm animals under one roof). With the current state of our environ-ment, our concern for water and air quality, a growing desire for cleaner healthier food, and our need to revitalize rural America, I hoped that we would be moving towards … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about February 16 Public Hearing…
Letter about February 16 Public Hearing... To the Editor, Please be aware that the February 16, 7 p.m., Fillmore County Planning and Zoning (P&Z) public hearing proposal is a significant change to the status quo and is likely to have some profound ripple effects for all county residents. Currently, 2,000 animal units (existing county cap) allows about 2,000 cattle or … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about please do not double maximum feedlot size in Fillmore County…
Letter about please do not double maximum feedlot size in Fillmore County... To the Editor, I’m a pastured hog farmer and my farm borders the eastern edge of Fillmore County. I was shocked to read that the Fillmore County Planning Commission is considering doubling the max size of industrial feedlots when the cap — 2,000 “animal units,” or over 6,600 finishing hogs — is … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about proposed change to maximum industrial farm size…
Letter about proposed change to maximum industrial farm size... To the Editor, It has come to my attention that our county commissioners and the Fillmore County Planning Committee will be considering doubling the maximum industrial farm size at a meeting February 16. This would mean 13,000 hogs, 2,800 dairy cows, 222,000 turkeys, and 4,000 steers. After deciding in 2018 that … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about leaving feedlot cap alone – to protect our water…
Letter about leaving feedlot cap alone - to protect our water... To the Editor, There is a move afoot to double the size of allowable feedlots in Fillmore County. The Fillmore County Planning Commission has taken it upon itself to propose that new feedlots could be permitted, or existing ones expanded, raising the current limit of 2,000 “animal units” to the outrageous size … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about no need to change Animal Unit Cap…
Letter about no need to change Animal Unit Cap... To the Editor, As a feedlot permit holder and active dairy farmer here in Fillmore County, I see no need or reason for increasing the permitted AU (animal unit) level from 2,000 to 4,000. The current level is more then adequate for 99% of our farmers. If there is a need to go above that level, talking about that need and how … [Read more...]
Food for thought
By Amy and Aaron Bishop Harmony, MN On February 16, the Fillmore County Planning Commission will consider whether or not to recommend doubling the number of animal units allowable per feedlot. Many rural residents are already plagued by water quality issues due to high nitrate concen-trations in our wells as was confirmed in a 2018 multi-year, statewide study. Just a few of … [Read more...]
One Moment, Please… We need more of you
It’s been noted quite often throughout my lifetime that if you want to get something done, give it to a busy person. Most often, I’ve heard this said while involved in volunteer organizations. It seems like those who volunteer for things have a hard time saying no. So, they keep volunteering for whatever needs to be done. These volunteers, with their time and talents, are … [Read more...]
Letter to the Editor, Letter about Air. Water. Money…
Letter about Air. Water. Money... To the Editor, Air. Water. Money. I really like drinking water that is safe and clean. I really like breathing air without putrid manure odor and feedlot dust particles. I do not want my neighbors, friends, relatives, colleagues, county citizens, grandkids, or any child to be subjected to air or water that will harm them. I do not want my … [Read more...]
Strengthening the fabric of our region
By Tim Penny President/CEO Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation At Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF) we are starting off the new year by reflecting on how we have worked to strengthen the fabric of our region over time. In part, we do this by celebrating a handful of our partners through stories in our Foundation’s annual Impact Report. In the first … [Read more...]
Violence or nonviolence
By Harvey Benson Harmony, MN No. As part of MLK week I believe it is time to recall his words when he said, “The choice today is not between violence and nonviolence. It is either nonviolence or nonexistence.” Please reflect upon these words. What has happened in the decades since he uttered these words? Have we moved closer to his thoughts? Most definitely not. Since … [Read more...]
Letter to the editor about Love one another…
To the Editor, Americans are alarmed by the violence increasing in our country. If we are to confront what is happening, we need to examine the origins of the problem. We can tighten gun laws. For 50 years the NRA has lied to us, claiming their main concern is protecting the “Second Amendment.” Actually, they are a lobby for the gun manufacturers and fight any … [Read more...]
A Legislator’s toughest job
By Lee Hamilton As Congress and many state legislatures get under way for the year, there are lots of new lawmakers out there starting to learn the ropes. It’s an exhilarating, exhausting time, and they’ll have plenty of questions about the challenges. But here’s one thing they might not even have imagined: The hardest part of their new jobs may be the most basic — casting a … [Read more...]