Letter about Good advice from the past... To the Editor, While earning my degree from the U of M. I enrolled in a business class. Of all the information the class had to offer the professor gave us two pieces of advice. The first was the KISS principle, “ Keep It Simple Stupid.” The second was, “when entering a business meeting leave your briefcase of emotions at the door.” … [Read more...]
Letter about Jones commentary…
Letter about Jones commentary... To the Editor, Regarding September 14, 2020, commentary: “Alinsky rules for radical activists,” I am wondering if the earlier writer actually read the original: Rules For Radicals? In her commentary she states: “He, (the author) describes in detail the 12 rules that radical activists must use to accomplish their agenda.” I refer to the … [Read more...]
A beautiful life
By Robbie Brokken Harmony, MN In spite of all the crises in our country, I have had the best summer that I’ve had in about 20 years. Because of COVID, my husband and I have mostly been working from home. I find that I take a lunch and go for a bike ride for 20 minutes a day all around Harmony where I live. I’ve been watching the “slices of life” that go on in our little town … [Read more...]
Letter about a hoax…
Letter about a hoax... To the Editor, I was a combat infantry officer in Vietnam. Anyone who would call me a sucker or a loser must be a hoax. Richard Wolfgramm Lanesboro, Minn. … [Read more...]
Alinsky rules for radical activists
By Eleanore Jones Spring Valley, MN Saul Alinsky died almost 50 years ago, but his writings influenced many of those in political control of our nation today. Obama taught students the Alinsky Principles when he was a professor at the University of Chicago Law School and even wrote about Alinsky in his books. Hillary Clinton wrote her college thesis on Alinsky’s writings. … [Read more...]
Letter about angels in blue…
Letter about angels in blue... To the Editor, There has been much press lately demeaning the police force in many places in our country. Some folks loudly express little trust in them. Here are my impressions of police officers. There have been times when I get nervous about the police. Like when one of them is sitting at the roadside checking for speed violators. I check my … [Read more...]
Letter about Sen. Miller is a follower, not a leader…
Letter about Sen. Miller is a follower, not a leader... To the Editor, Everyone deserves access to affordable health care as a human right. As a state senator, Sarah Kruger would work hard for this as she believes that proper care should never be determined by the amount of money in a person’s bank account. In contrast, incumbent Jeremy Miller followed his party and voted … [Read more...]
Letter about electing someone new…
Letter about electing someone new... To the Editor, With our economy as bad as it is now, our current senator had four chances to improve it: the regular session and three special sessions... and still no bonding bill. It would have created jobs for many people. Sure, the stock market is doing quite well, but what about the people who do not have money to invest? A lot of … [Read more...]
Letter about a return to decency…
Letter about a return to decency... To the Editor, It was over 30 years ago that I sat with our neighbor Elton Redalen at our kitchen table drinking coffee. Elton stopped by after plowing snow. I asked him who he’d plowed out and he listed several people. I knew from a previous conversation that one of those people was not one of his favorites. I said, “Elton didn’t … [Read more...]
Letter about Spring Valley intersection…
To the Editor, I see in the Spring Valley minutes of the August 31 edition of the Journal, an individual was complaining about the Highway 16 & 63 intersection in Spring Valley. This intersection is wide open in all four directions. It’s not the intersection that is the problem, it is the drivers. Like Forrest Gump would say, “You can’t fix stupid!!” Norm … [Read more...]
Letter about missing the old normal…
To the Editor, I miss the old normal but I’ll get used to it. I miss rubbing elbows with people at work. It was nice to be able to stop by someone’s cube to see if they wanted to go to the cafeteria for a cup of coffee. I miss the news. I used to read the Spring Valley Tribune for the casual entertainment of it. I could read about real people in my community. It was kind of … [Read more...]
Letter about PPP loans and political connections…
To the Editor, I see our Sen. Miller made the front page of the Minneapolis Sunday Star Tribune on August 2, 2020. That doesn’t happen very often. The reason is this: applications for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) began April 3. On that very same day his family’s Wm. Miller Scrap Iron and Metal Co. applied for and received a $200,000 forgivable loan. Sen. Miller said, … [Read more...]
Letter about needing better leadership…
To the Editor, I’m seeing Trump signs “Keep America Great.” That’s assuming he has made America great these past 3 1/2 years. I feel he’s made the office of the presidency and our country more like a disgrace. Even though we have many issues and differences, I’ve always thought our country is great. Unfortunately, Trump has sabotaged the Republican party. It seems that … [Read more...]
Letter about the strange celebration of corruption and incompetence…
To the Editor, Trump works to denigrate and create distrust of government (“deep state”), journalists, and science. Many thousands died because Trump apparently cared more for the stock market than scientists’ advice about coronavirus. The recent wind event in Iowa is a little taste of our future. There is no way to imagine the devastation in store for us and so many … [Read more...]
Reopening public schools
By George Spangler Chatfield, MN Let me start with my conclusion: With the indoor heating season almost upon us, don’t send our most precious resource, our children, back into a conventional schoolhouse this fall. Don’t allow them to be ushered into the enclosed space of a school bus twice a day. Insist that the public school curriculum should only be offered through a … [Read more...]