To the Editor,
I see our Sen. Miller made the front page of the Minneapolis Sunday Star Tribune on August 2, 2020. That doesn’t happen very often. The reason is this: applications for the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) began April 3. On that very same day his family’s Wm. Miller Scrap Iron and Metal Co. applied for and received a $200,000 forgivable loan. Sen. Miller said, “I don’t think my political connections had any impact on the loan process for Miller Scrap, and I am confident the bank would say the same thing.”
All I can say is that if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. I am sure there are many small businesses in Sen. Miller’s district that desperately need a similar forgivable loan. I recommend that any business in Sen. Miller’s district contact him immediately to use his “political connections” (and he is president of the Minnesota State Senate) to help others in his district that are suffering from this pandemic.
He should represent us.
Harvey Benson
Harmony, Minn.
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