Mayor DeWayne (Tank) Schroeder called the regularly scheduled meeting of the Caledonia City Council to order at 6 p.m. on Monday, August 26. Council meetings are held in the city hall council chambers.
Mayor Schroeder led his colleagues and the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Members present included Bob Klug, Amanda Ninneman, Mayor Schroeder, David Fitzpatrick and Ryan Stenzel.
The council unanimously approved the minutes from August 12, regularly scheduled city council meeting.
Klug made a motion, seconded by Fitzpatrick, to approve the consent agenda, including paying the bills and granting a temporary liquor license for the Touchdown Club for an event in October. The motion was unanimously approved.
Caledonia resident Kathryn Lamb expressed her appreciation to City Clerk/Administrator Jake Dickson and Councilmember Fitzpatrick for arranging the entrepreneur event, noting that though the crowd was not large it was “worth the time” to attend. “The people that presented, the format, Allison, everything was very professional, very positive,” Lamb added.
Public Works/Zoning Director Casey Klug reported that they finished painting and striping the pickleball court last Monday. After over two years, the court opened Wednesday morning, August 21, and is being used a lot. However, Klug added that the court has already been vandalized, with black skid marks on the surface demonstrating a lack of respect for the area. City staff have been working on signage and solutions to prevent future damage to the property. Klug also provided an update on each department’s recent activities, including trimming and cutting down trees that needed to be removed, asphalt patching, repairing catch basins, working on the departments’ 2025 budgets, painting some hydrants, and the water line survey results have been submitted. He concluded by stating, “Mowing lawns and growing grass. Just the everyday stuff.” Klug also mentioned that work at the wastewater treatment plant has been slow.
Clerk/Administrator Jake Dickson reported that they are “pulling together the budget” and he would like to schedule one council meeting to discuss a five-year budget.
In new business, the board tabled the purchase of a rescue truck to replace rescue truck No. 1430 until the September 9 council meeting, which would allow time for the rural fire district to meet and make a decision, and give the city time to figure out how to finance the truck, whether through a grant or a loan. Caledonia Fire Department representatives, Fire Chief Kevin Jacobson and Ben Loging confirmed that the quote is valid until September 12. Dickson said that at the annual meeting of the city of Caledonia and the rural fire district, the fire department was directed to obtain quotes for the purchase of a fire truck to replace No. 1430. Jacobson and Loging explained the process they went through to obtain quotes and have decided on a new custom designed truck from Osceola, Wis. Loging explained that this truck is designed to benefit the department now and into the future would be a better option than a used truck over 10 years old, which would not fit in the station or would cost $500,000. The company that would be building the truck is located in Osceola.
The new truck, specifically designed for Caledonia’s needs and built for the future, will have an International all-wheel drive chassis and would be a 2025 model with a pump on it.
The cost of the new truck is $641,403. with a down payment of $140,600 leaving a balance of $500,803 to split between the city and the rural fire district. Both entities are responsible for $250,401.50 each.
The council approved the purchase of Axon cameras for the squad cars.
The council reviewed the overtime reports for the pay period August 5-18.
In old business, the board approved the installation of a no-parking sign for Thursday mornings behind Semcac, as requested by volunteers Bob and Marla Burns at the August 12 council meeting. The installation is contingent upon Semcac covering the total cost of $500 for materials and labor.
The next regular council meeting is scheduled for Monday. September 9, at 6 p.m.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:33 p.m.
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