At their regular January 8 council meeting, the Houston City Council discussed a citizen request to add stop signs at the intersections of Chase and Spruce and Chase and Maple. Jeri Virock, who has lived on Chase Street for 17 years, said she personally has witnessed two accidents at the intersections. According to Virock, some drivers “blow right through,” paying little … [Read more...]
Holidays With the Hidden Heroes
Thursday, December 21, many people in southeast Minnesota were wondering exactly what was going on as caravans of emergency vehicles with lights blazing went through the small towns of Hokah, Brownsville, La Crescent, Dakota, Nodine, Wilson, Money Creek, Rushford, Newburg, Mabel, Spring Grove, Eitzen, Caledonia, and Houston. In La Crescent, 18 or 19 vehicles came around the … [Read more...]
R-P’s Truth in Taxation Hearing
The yearly Truth in Taxation hearing was held at the beginning of the regular Rushford-Peterson board meeting December 18. Using the MREA template, Business Manager Toni Oian presented the proposed taxes that will be collected in 2023-2024 and used to finance the school for the 2024-2025 school year. The state continues to lag behind inflation in its funding. Funding will … [Read more...]
Trout City Brewing Reopens Under New Ownership
Operating a brewery is a brand new challenge for new owners Christa and Aaron Magnuson. The Magnusons took over Trout City Brewing in Preston, Minn., on September 18 and reopened it November 4. When the couple purchased the business, the former owners had already closed the brewery and were packing up to leave Preston. Christa left her old job in insurance behind and took … [Read more...]
Lanesboro School Sets Levy
At the Truth in Taxation hearing during the December 13 Lanesboro School Board meeting, Superintendent Matt Schultz presented tax and budget information to the public. This year the total proposed property taxes went up 2.59% to $1,101,792. The year before had seen a total of $1,074,012 which had been down 91%. Schultz pointed out that seasonal recreational property such as a … [Read more...]
Old R-P School on the Market Again
Entrepreneurs have not missed their chance – the old Rushford-Peterson School is once again available to purchase for $225,000. When the new R-P School was built in 2017, the old building consisting of the original 1906 building as well as additions completed in 1936, 1958 and 1968 was offered for sale in 2019. At that time three entities ultimately submitted bids for the old … [Read more...]
Truth in Taxation at Houston Schools
On December 7, the Houston School Board held their mandatory Truth in Taxation meeting as well as their regular board meeting. Director of Finance Gwen Rostad presented a slideshow of information before opening the floor for questions. Rostad pointed out that there are no voter approved levies in place at this time for Houston. This is unusual—most schools have levies in the … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Welcomes Walbridge as New Administrator
Mitchell Walbridge, new city administrator of Lanesboro, Minn., is a familiar face in the city. Walbridge attended Lanesboro High School, graduating in 2012. While in college, Walbridge worked as the assistant editor at the Fillmore County Journal. His focus in college was social science with an emphasis in political science. Although he received his teaching certification, he … [Read more...]
Tristan Coyle, IMRA Jr. Bull Riding Champion
Both Tristan and Wyatt Coyle are quiet, unassuming boys; upon meeting them you’d never guess their consuming passion for bull riding and saddle bronc competition. Tristan has been involved for six years, half of his whole life! A few weeks ago, Tristan won the title of IMRA (International Miniature Rodeo Association) Junior Bull Riding Champion. With that win, Tristan … [Read more...]
Chatfield Education Foundation Fundraiser
The Chatfield Education Foundation (CEF) has been working hard to prepare for their first annual fundraising event to be held December 2 between 4-10 p.m. at Joy Ridge Event Center. The event will include a freewill offering meal, both a silent and live auction, as well as five different raffles. A 50/50 campaign will be held with the profits split between the foundation and … [Read more...]
CRV’s New Website
Clerk Mary Miner shared the new City of Rushford Village’s website with the council at their November 21 meeting. Miner demonstrated the user-friendly site, noting that by using the contact us button residents could directly send an email to the staff. Citizens can also request an email whenever something new is added to the site. Councilman Travis Link commented, “It does … [Read more...]
How’s YOUR Water?
November 16 several hundred citizens came together at Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center to learn more about Fillmore County water quality. The forum featured five experts with various backgrounds, each with experience and knowledge about Fillmore County’s water. Twelve organizations collaborated to present the forum, including Friends of the Root River, Fillmore … [Read more...]
R-P School Board Approves Strategic Plan
The newly completed R-P strategic plan for 2023-2028 was presented for approval at the November 20 school board meeting. Superintendent Dr. Ben Bernard enthused, “It’s a really nice document!” Bernard said his role was as a facilitator; the plan was created by the strategic committee and surveys of the public. In total, the strategic committee met for five sessions as they … [Read more...]
Final Payment for Houston’s WWTP
City Engineer Matt Mohs and Wastewater Treatment Facility Manager John Graupman visited the November 13 meeting of the Houston, Minn., city council for several purposes. Graupman was there to request a change order to cover an accounting correction as well as the final payment order which included the remaining retainage on the completed wastewater treatment plant. The total … [Read more...]
Governor’s Deer Opener, Lanesboro 2023
Governor Tim Walz celebrated the state firearm deer opener this past weekend in the Lanesboro area. The governor’s deer opener has been held for 21 years at various locations around the state. This opener is a joint effort of the Department of Natural Resources, Explore Minnesota, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Bluffland Whitetails Association, Minnesota Conservation … [Read more...]