The newly completed R-P strategic plan for 2023-2028 was presented for approval at the November 20 school board meeting. Superintendent Dr. Ben Bernard enthused, “It’s a really nice document!” Bernard said his role was as a facilitator; the plan was created by the strategic committee and surveys of the public. In total, the strategic committee met for five sessions as they … [Read more...]
Final Payment for Houston’s WWTP
City Engineer Matt Mohs and Wastewater Treatment Facility Manager John Graupman visited the November 13 meeting of the Houston, Minn., city council for several purposes. Graupman was there to request a change order to cover an accounting correction as well as the final payment order which included the remaining retainage on the completed wastewater treatment plant. The total … [Read more...]
Governor’s Deer Opener, Lanesboro 2023
Governor Tim Walz celebrated the state firearm deer opener this past weekend in the Lanesboro area. The governor’s deer opener has been held for 21 years at various locations around the state. This opener is a joint effort of the Department of Natural Resources, Explore Minnesota, Backcountry Hunters and Anglers, Bluffland Whitetails Association, Minnesota Conservation … [Read more...]
Houston School Board Reflects on Referendum
The Houston School Board held their regular meeting on November 2 and then followed that with a study session to discuss future steps after the failed August referendum vote. Superintendent Mary Morem facilitated the study session, asking the board to answer the following questions: What were we asking for in the referendum? What did we learn from the vote? What are we going to … [Read more...]
Lanesboro School Signs Athletic Trainer Agreement
After waiting months, the Lanesboro School Board finally had an agreement with Mayo for Athletic Trainer Services to sign at their November 8 meeting. The three-year agreement carries a fee of $8,736 the first year, $8,998 (a 3% increase) the second year, and $9,268 (another 3% increase) the third year. The agreement was retroactive to August and covered the services received … [Read more...]
Prevent 22 Task Force Donates $10,000
Did you know that an average of 22 veterans commit suicide daily in the U.S.? That’s a shocking number of veterans who faithfully served our country, isn’t it? Well, Flo Litwinczuk thought so too when she learned the statistic and she and some friends decided they needed to do something about it. For 25 years Flo and her friends had been doing benefits and fundraising for … [Read more...]
R-P Varsity Bowling – #1 in State!
It’s tournament time for fall varsity sports; R-P has a team ranked first in state going into their tournaments – varsity bowling! The R-P varsity team has a team average of 199.7833 with a high game of 266. They have won 12 matches and lost zero. Their game record stands at 52 wins and eight losses. In addition, Rylan Schneider is currently the number one varsity bowler in … [Read more...]
Updated Press Box, New SPED Equipment at R-P Schools
At the regular Rushford-Peterson School Board meeting October 16, the board explored their options for snow removal on the school grounds. Last year, the school rented a skid loader from Hammell Equipment and hired a person to operate the machine. This year, Superintendent Dr. Ben Bernard suggested asking for bids as well in order to compare the costs. Bernard called the bid … [Read more...]
Lanesboro’s Strategic Plan in Action
In keeping with his promise nearly a year ago, Lanesboro Superintendent Matt Schultz continues to reference the school’s strategic plan as he reports to the school board at their monthly meetings. At the October 11 meeting, Schultz shared many details of how the school is working to follow the plan. Schultz informed the board that the school is using MTSS (multi-tiered system … [Read more...]
Houston Enrollment Numbers
Superintendent Mary Morem reported this year’s enrollment numbers to the school board at their regular meeting October 5. The elementary school pre-school to sixth grade has 201 students, down about seven from last year. The 7-12th grade high school remains steady at 231. Summit School is capped at 24 with more students on a waiting list. MNVA has a total of 1,710 students … [Read more...]
Houston Restrooms Update
Jeanne Tippery attended the October 10 Houston City Council meeting to update the council on the progress of the refurbishing of the city restrooms. Sharing before and after photos, Tippery shared that the project was completed using $3,500 of local donations. New soap dispensers like the ones at the nature center have been installed. Tippery asked for city help to paint the … [Read more...]
Career and Technical Education Exploration Day
September 21 was a sunny day with a slight breeze — the perfect day for the CTE (Career and Technical Education) Exploration Day held by Bluff Country Collaborative. For this, the third year of the CTE Exploration Day, displays from area companies were set up both inside and outside the Caledonia High School. Bluff Country Collaborative was formed in 2017 with partnerships … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Schools’ New Teachers
Lanesboro Public School welcomed five new teachers to its staff with the beginning of this school year: Alexa Horihan, Emily Goodnow, Lori Crum, Michelle Leon, and Kirsten Bakke. Alexa Horihan, originally from Houston, Minn., graduated from Houston High School, and went to college at RCTC and later WSU, Rochester. After graduating in 2020, she chose not to teach her first … [Read more...]
Houston’s New Teachers
Houston Public School located in Houston, Minn., has a total seven new members on their teaching staff this year. Because Houston no longer is a member of HVED and has chosen to provide their own services, more special education staff was needed. Danielle Bosshart joins the Houston education team as an occupational therapist; not as a teacher. She always knew she wanted … [Read more...]
Houston County Adopts 7% Levy
The Houston, Minn., County Board of Commissioners thoroughly discussed the proposed tax levy for the county at their September 26 meeting. Originally a proposed levy of 8.7% was suggested once the proposed budget for the year had been presented. Bob Burns, District 3 Commissioner, presented a list of possible changes to the board which would have resulted in a net levy of … [Read more...]