Superintendent Krin Abraham informed the Houston School Board at their meeting on February 11 that the school had been approached about the possibility of purchasing the St. Mary’s Catholic Church building. Abraham told the board that the church will be available after June 30; the church’s roof has been recently done and the kitchen and bathrooms are handicapped accessible and … [Read more...]
Rushford VFW Diamond Jubliee
The Rushford VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) organization is celebrating its diamond jubilee this year — organized in 1946, shortly after the end of WWII, the VFW has been around for 75 years. On Saturday, February 13, the members of the VFW celebrated the 75 years at their meeting held at Stumpy’s Restaurant. VFW District I Commander Dave Thul from Owatonna joined the meeting … [Read more...]
Forty years of quality hardwoods
Root River Hardwoods came from humble beginnings in 1980 when Andy Bahl’s dad Richard Bahl and his partners, Mike Merritt and Jeff Wand, purchased a sawmill in Preston, Minn. In 1988, Andy started working with millwork, supplying kiln-dried lumber to furniture and cabinet makers. His next step included purchasing a Weinig molder, the Cadillac of molders; he hired additional … [Read more...]
Houston to conduct a noise study for OHV trail
At the regular Houston City Council meeting February 8, the council revisited the proposed OHV (Off-Highway Vehicle) trail. In order to be able to proceed with the trail, the council accepted the RTP (Recreational Trails Program) grant, authorized the submission of NHIS (National Heritage Information System) data request form, and accepted and authorized the signature on EAS … [Read more...]
Hobby: Tina’s treats
A preconceived idea that some people have is that gluten free food is bland, gritty, and/or just plain unappetizing. Tina Darr can definitely prove that conception wrong! Tina shared gingersnaps, chocolate chip cookies, brownies, banana bread, lemon bars, rolled out sugar cookies, cheese cake, and coconut custard pie with me and all of them were absolutely fabulous! Tina … [Read more...]
Organization and goal setting for the SWCD
The Fillmore SWCD (Soil and Water Conservation District) met via a hybrid of in-person and Zoom on January 21, 2021. Board members, including new members Eunice Biel and Dwayne Ostrem, were sworn in and officers were elected: Travis Willford, chair; Tim Gossman, vice chair; Kathy Tesmer, secretary; and Dwayne Ostrem, treasurer. Members then were appointed to committees as … [Read more...]
Sno Pac – organic before organic was cool
Fourth generation owner, Pete Gengler has been saying this now familiar motto for over 15 years about his family’s organic business, Sno Pac, located in Caledonia, Minn. Believing that organic farming with no pesticides or chemical fertilizers was better for the health of the consumers and was better stewardship of the land, Pete’s great-grandfather, J.P. (John Peter) Gengler … [Read more...]
Supt. Abraham announces retirement
At the very end of the January 21, 2021, Houston School Board meeting, Superintendent Krin Abraham informed the board that she will be retiring in June. Abraham declared, “I love this place; I love this district, but I need to be done. I want you to be able to start looking now.” Board member Arlin Peterson, who has had a relationship with Abraham both as a fellow teacher … [Read more...]
Mill Street Fitness, a great small town fit
With a motto of “Stay active, be healthy, live longer!” Mill Street Fitness conveniently located in the Mill Street Mall near Rushford Foods is a perfect fit for the Rushford area. The fitness center is open 24 hours a day so anyone can find a time to work out that fits his or her schedule. Customers access the center using a card which tracks their use; they also sign in when … [Read more...]
Had COVID? Donate plasma!
Did you know that if you have had COVID and have been symptom free for at least fourteen days, you can donate plasma to help others with COVID? Rushford native Larry Bartelson shared his personal experience with COVID and convalescent plasma donation. Larry first felt the symptoms of COVID-19 October 30, 2020, and went to be tested for it. After isolating for several days, … [Read more...]
Rustic wood
Rich Sather has always enjoyed getting out in the woods and cutting wood. Since farming practices changed on his farm, the side hills in back of his house have been overgrown with thousands of trees that are considered “weed” trees, including box elder, buckthorn, and aromatic cedar. Originally, his plan was to merely cut down and burn all those trees; however, after seeing and … [Read more...]
Smoked meats and horseradish — yum!
Dale Brand of Rushford has an unusual “man cave.” While he has a big screen TV, a popcorn machine, and a fridge for his beer, he also has a stainless steel sausage filler, a stainless steel processing table, a dehydrator, several food/meat grinders, and some woodworking machines! In the adjoining garage, he has a pellet grill smoker and another smoker where he can adjust air … [Read more...]
Dealing with trespassers
Rushford landowner Richard Anderson is frustrated with consistent, repetitive, chronic, and increasingly more flagrant trespassing by hunters on his private property and is working to make a change in trespassing laws. After conversations with his neighbor Bob Wick who has similar concerns, and reading a letter to the editor and interview in the Outdoor News with Mark Strehlow … [Read more...]
Houston School Board organized and ready to work
The Houston School Board quickly chose its officers, calendar, committees and other official elements as they met for the first time in the new year on January 7, 2021. Officers are: Tom Stilin, chair; Mimi Carlson, vice chair; Josh Norlien, clerk; and Gene Lundak, treasurer. Meetings will remain on the first and third Thursdays of the month. Bremer Bank was again chosen as … [Read more...]
Houston citizens speak in favor of the OHV trail
As the Houston City Council began the new year with their meeting January 11, 2021, they heard from several citizens regarding the planned OHV Trail. Reacting to earlier statements made in December against the trail, John and Eileen Loken, owners of Loken’s Sawmill Inn, appeared to speak in favor of the trail. Eileen Loken commented that the number of visitors had dropped at … [Read more...]