The Houston City Council wasted little time as they looked at a draft resolution to exit from the OHV Trail project at their first regular meeting on January 9. Councilman Cody Mathers, council representative on the OHV Exit Committee, presented all the original documents regarding the OHV trail as well as the resolution. Since there was no clear direction from the council … [Read more...]
R-P School levy increased by 5.13%
Rushford-Peterson’s business manager, Toni Oian, presented a PowerPoint detailing the requirements and information about R-P’s budget for the truth in taxation meeting at the R-P School Board meeting December 19. While revenues for the general, community service, and debt service remained fairly stable, the food service fund decreased by 31.64% due to the COVID funding for the … [Read more...]
Focus on budget and levy at Lanesboro School Board
The regular December 14 meeting of Lanesboro School Board began with SmithSchafer’s presentation of a summary of the 2021-2022 audit. The audit was “clean”; it showed an average daily membership (adm) of 412 students in 2022. This was up from an average of 350 several years ago. The levy has been staying about the same, but expenditures rose with the addition of four regular … [Read more...]
Houston Council approves police camera purchase
The Houston City Council accepted a proposal for the purchase of a camera system for the new community center/police headquarters at their regular meeting December 12. The setup will include a fully wireless system with our cameras on the outside of the building as well as two cameras inside. The package will cost $3,504.93 and will provide the needed security for the … [Read more...]
Taxes high in Valley High
At the Truth in Taxation meeting held December 1, the same night as the regular December Houston School Board meeting, several property owners from Valley High attended to voice their concerns about their increased taxes. Valley High is considered its own little community consisting of about 45 homes. Around half of the residents are retired and on fixed incomes. Within the … [Read more...]
Open doors, open to ideas
On a blustery, snowy November evening, buildings in downtown Rushford had their doors open for visitors in the Open Doors, a Tour of Business Opportunities, event. From 5:30-8 p.m., November 17, interested parties could tour the entire buildings including the “behind the scenes” areas of 10 available businesses and buildings. Open Doors was the brainchild of Jen Hengel of the … [Read more...]
Rushford-Peterson audit shares good news
CPA Kali Lentz from Smith Schafer reported on the recent 2021-2022 audit to the Rushford-Peterson School Board at their regular meeting November 21. The audit showed a $150,000 increase in property tax levy from the year before with total revenue up from $11,115,285 to $11,764,540. The food service fund showed a $116,000 surplus with a balance of $222,559 at the end of the … [Read more...]
Houston examines budget for street renovations
After being sworn in, the Houston council canvassed the recent election results in a short special meeting prior to their regular meeting November 14. With a total of 382 in-person voters and additional mail-in and early voters, Scott Wallace was elected as the new mayor, and Zeb Bauman and Steve Westby were elected to the council. The new council members will join the council … [Read more...]
B & B’s Fremont Store lives on
Once again the Fremont Store has reopened after a recent remodel and update. Minnesota’s oldest continuously-run grocery store was built by Luther Rice in 1856, two years before Minnesota became a state. It was originally located at a nearby settlement called Neoca, but a few years later the entire building was moved to its current location. Rice named the store in honor of … [Read more...]
New perspectives on Houston School Board
The Houston School Board was joined by two new student members at their regular November 3 meeting. Priya Kingsley and Ashtyn Meyer will be representing the Houston students on the school board. Both girls noted their goal was to share the student perspective while on the board. They quickly acknowledged they had little previous knowledge of the board and how it works. … [Read more...]
Groundbreaking for new Penz Automotive Building
Saturday, November 5, was indeed a groundbreaking day in Spring Valley for Penz Automotive Group. Penz has owned the Spring Valley Chevrolet Buick in Spring Valley for about a year and is currently leasing the building they are using. Groundbreaking was held at a new location at 1100 N. Broadway Street on the northside of Spring Valley just off of Highway 63, for the brand new … [Read more...]
Lanesboro Teacher Conference a success
Superintendent Matt Schultz proclaimed the teacher conference held by the school over the MEA break a success as he reported to the Lanesboro School Board at their regular meeting November 9. A total of 80 teachers (38 of which were Lanesboro teachers) attended the conference which consisted of a keynote speaker at both the beginning and end of the day, as well as two break out … [Read more...]
Kingsland new teachers
Kingsland School welcomes seven new teachers this school year. Each shared a little about themselves so you can get to know them. Collin Boekhoff is the new 4th grade teacher at Kingsland Schools. Boekhoff says he was drawn to a teaching career because he wanted to make an impact on children. He shared he has always enjoyed spending time with children and wanted to find … [Read more...]
R-P needs community involvement
At their regular monthly meeting on October 17, the Rushford-Peterson School Board heard that the school still needs substitute paraprofessionals, kitchen staff, and teachers as well as bus drivers. While regular bus routes are filled, the school and Bernard Bus Service struggle to cover extra transportation for sports and activities. All training and testing for new drivers … [Read more...]
First Lanesboro education conference
The Lanesboro School Board heard final details on the first ever Lanesboro education conference at their regular school board meeting October 12. The conference will take place Thursday, October 20, and will consist of a keynote speaker, two different breakout sessions, and a closing speaker. There will be five different topics to choose from for the breakout sessions including … [Read more...]