There’s a new business in town and it’s Studio OneSeven! “What kind of business is it and where did its name come from?” was a question heard often around Rushford as work progressed on the building formerly owned by Horihan Insurance last February. Keela and Tyler Hoskins are more than willing to explain the name and their new business. Keela has a business called Keelajo … [Read more...]
Caledonia City Council: subdivision and rezoning approved
The Caledonia City Council held hearings on both the subdivision and rezoning of a parcel of land at their regular May 22 meeting. The property, located at the southwest corner of the Caledonia Lumber parcel, was at the center of a request to subdivide a parcel. The buyers are planning on constructing a full service gym on the property. Public works and zoning director, … [Read more...]
Houston School to hold building referendum August 8
In a special board meeting, May 18, the Houston School Board passed a resolution calling for a special election on August 8 regarding the proposed building project for the school. The roll call vote ended 5-2 with board members Marissa Bailey, Mark Swenson, Richard Erdmann, Mimi Carlson, and Niccki Johnson voting in favor and Arlin Peterson and Josh Norlien opposed. Before … [Read more...]
Two centenarians attend Mabel’s Golden Age Dinner
Monday, May 15, found many of Mabel’s octogenarians (80-year-olds), nonagenarians (90-year-olds), and even two centenarians (100-year-olds), gathered in the Mabel Community Center. What brought them to gather there? A gold embossed invitation to once again attend the Golden Age Dinner. Anyone 80 or older was eligible to join the party and enjoy a free dinner. The two … [Read more...]
Looking back on deadly Wykoff tornado
Five tornadoes struck southeast Minnesota and neighboring Iowa and Wisconsin70 years ago on May 10, 1953. According to the National Weather Service’s website those tornadoes stand out for their strength and the length of their tracks; four were F4 and one was an F3. An F4 tornado is a violent tornado with wind speeds up to 260 mph. One of the F4 … [Read more...]
Houston Council gets ready for summer
At their May 8 meeting, the Houston City Council accepted a proposed donation of benches for the Trailhead Park. Ron Evenson presented the proposal to install a concrete pad near the bandshell which would be long enough to hold four benches with spacing. The pad would make mowing easier. The benches will be similar to the ones near the basketball courts. John Langheinrich has … [Read more...]
Houston School referendum resolution reviewed
The Houston School Board took a close look at the proposed building referendum at their May 4 meeting. Andy Fields of SiteLogiQ summarized the two questions that are being planned for the referendum. Question one will ask residents to vote yes or no on a $17.9 million project. Included in this would be safe and secure building access at both the elementary and high school. The … [Read more...]
Summer street repairs effect on Lanesboro School
Superintendent Matt Schultz and the Lanesboro School Board discussed the effects the summer street work will have, at the school at the May 10 regular board meeting. Although Kirkwood Street East past the front of the school will be completely torn up, access will be available all summer through the park road. The street will be widened to provide additional diagonal parking … [Read more...]
Rushford-Peterson recognizes state competition participants
Many R-P students joined the regular school board meeting April 17, as they were recognized for recent and upcoming state competitions. The Knowledge Bowl team had just returned from Brainerd where they placed 10th out of 15 teams. When asked what was the most memorable part of the competition, one of the members replied that last year they had missed going to state by one … [Read more...]
Houston swears in new police officer
Mayor Scott Wallace swore in new police officer Josh DeBoer at the regular Houston City Council meeting April 10. Josh’s mom LoAnn had the honor of pinning Josh’s badge on his uniform as he teased, “Don’t worry, I have my vest on!” Danica Stampka of Houston troop 531 visited the council to request and receive approval for her Eagle Scout project. Stampka shared that she … [Read more...]
Houston adds ½ student contact day May 12
At their regular April 6 board meeting, the Houston School Board approved adding a ½ student contact day back into the academic calendar for May 12. Superintendent Mary Morem asked for the ½ day because of the many snow days that had occurred this year. The school still had not fallen below the required student days, but she felt the students and staff needed the additional … [Read more...]
Lanesboro School Board discusses attendance policies
At their regular meeting April 12, the Lanesboro School Board discussed the current attendance/semester test policies of the school. In effect for many years except for a hiatus during the pandemic, the policy requires any student with more than five excused absences per semester to take semester tests in all of their classes. Students with any unexcused absences or who have a … [Read more...]
Kendall Hammell’s fight
On February 16 after a seven day hospital stay, kindergartener Kendall Hammell and her family finally found out their opponent in their upcoming fight. Kendall had been doctoring on and off for a fever for about a month. Her doctor had decided to keep her hospitalized until he could get to the root of her problem. A PET scan showed abnormalities in her bone marrow. At first, … [Read more...]
R-P Knowledge Bowl heads to state
At their regular March 20 meeting, the Rushford-Peterson School Board recognized the R-P Knowledge Bowl team for their second place win at the recent regional competition. The team consisting of Jackson Dvorak, Tel Fahrendholz, Zane Schroeder, Will Heiden and Christopher Oatman, along with their coaches Matt Myszewski and Tracy Knutson, will be heading to state competition in … [Read more...]
Houston School Board reaches consensus
At their third special workshopping session with SiteLogiQ, the Houston School Board reached a consensus on their proposed building referendum. While no vote was taken and nothing is written in stone, the board decided on an approximate cost, the projects to be included, and the question (questions) to be asked when the public vote is held. To begin the session, Andy Fields … [Read more...]